h PSGE SIX. BEDFORD wait: tribune, mbdford, oreoon, Wednesday, December 29, 1015 SM TEACHERS ELEGT CARLETON PAN-AMERICANS FAVOR ARBITRATION AS PRESIDENT Salem Man Executive of Combined Organization Briscoe p Ashland Vice-President Percy Wells on Executlvo Committee Resolutions Adopted This Afternoon. ,1'nrstinnt lo tho report of tho nom inations committee this morning, tho following officcra of tho new Oregon Stnto Tcnchera' nssociution wore chosen; PrcrtiuVnt, K. P. Cnrlton, nt.siHtnnt 6ln.ro Hiipcrintundcnt, Bnlcm. "Vice-president, George A. llriscoo, principnl AhIiIhiuI high school. . Kxccutive committee Miss V. Ortehil(l, Pnrtlnntl; Siierinten(U'nt 0. ,L Klliott, Snlcm; I'rofcHHor H. 1"). riholdon, U. of ().; .Superintendent J. i'crcv ellK, JnekKon oounty. Committco on credeiitinl Clinir. inn n, ProfeKHor E. I). HcshIit of 0. -A. C; Supcrintctiileiit J. 0. Hcmcl, Astorin ; Superintendent F. ). Hnmlin, ItoHtbutv; County Superintendent C. P. Honnoy, Tim Dulles; Mm. M. H. Sukcrson, Salem; W. T. Foster, pres ident of Heed college; Miss Hea H. Parrot, Oregon Xonmil. Complcto aiicln liiitxim Delrgiitoh Jo the Oregon Btutc TeneherH1 convention, now in session in tills city, Imvii prnetieully com pleted tlio work of that body nB n t-epnrnto business entity known as tho west em division of the association. Uhey entered upon tho tusk this morning with ndditiouiil rest, tlltir jnirjxiso being to close the somewhat Htreiinoiis hnlf-week's work in time to depart for their Mivcriil homes to Jiight. The convention lias reitlly perform ed n deal of work in .Ilia three days of its session. I.iltlo lime lins been piven lo wghthecing, joyriding and Focinl fiinetloiiH. One .of tho chief purposes of tho session wtis to mcrgo the two divisions into one stato or ganization, with u dufinito pliieo of nssemhhiBo in future, and, with tho combined htrongth of tho two former bodies, to enter upon a broader field oi work with n (renter degree of de. termination to tiocnmplibh icniiIIh by Jiioderiiiiu'iig tlieir metliods mid over Inking tlio ediicntiouiil procession Kenerally. ToiIuj'h Progrum 10:00 to l'.':00 HeporU of com initlees and Iiiimuchh soshion; ad dress, "Tlie University mid Art Kdu cation in the Hlnlo," Dr. II. D. Hliel don, Kiigenc; address, "Tlio Oregon Agriciilliinil College mid Art Educa tion in tho .State," Professor Fflrloy Mcl.outh, Corvnllis; address, "Tho Kcliool-Hoom," Allen II. Enlon. En- p'ne; address, "Tho School flrouiids," E. T. Slische, Poitlund. Diseussion. J. .10 to ,I:.I0, reports of committees aim iMihinesh session. On December 27, 'J8 and 20 there will be held an exhibition of work dono in the Port land public schools in the industrial nrt department under the direction of Mns Ehthcr Wuost. 10:00 Uiihiiiess meeting 11:00, address, "Some IMuisos of Hurul School SuM'rision," F, A. (loldou, Mipenisor in Coos county; 1 ::iu, nd dn'hs, "Accredited It urn I High Scliools ami Standard Itural High Schools,' Superintendent J. A. Churchill, Snlcm. 10:00- Address, "Capitalinn- the Pupils' Lewuio Time," P. h, (',,,. hell, hugeiie; 11:00, address, "The School Ktniioiiment in Jtelntiou tti the Jlfiilth and ProKTiw), of School Chi. lrvu," Dr. II. DcDiifch, IJugcno; 3;;i0, nddicHs, 'Tiuiiiinii.Pncifio Ex position," Siipennteudent E. F. Curl Ion, Salem ; 2;II0 (combined with ad nilecd section), 10:00 -Addicts, II. s. Pitman. Moninoiith; 11:00, mliWt; 1 jlto, ad dress, Dr. II. D. Sheldon, Eugene; 2:30 (sections combined with ad vanced section ). 10:00 Address, "ProjecU in Oral OF ALL DISPUTES WASIirVOTOK, Dec. 29. Arbltra. tlon of all dlflputcs between the American nations wns tho keynote of practically nil tho nddrcBKCB at to day's session of tlio Pan-American scientific congroHB. Economic aspects of the War woro dlsciiKsed lioforo tlio American eco nomic association meeting In connec tion with tho Pan-Amcrlcnn con gress. Tho money cost of tho war to July 31 this year, cxcluslvo of capital ized valuo of human llfo, Vas esti mated by speakers nt 37,C9fi,74l,- 000. Should tho war continue, nt thp end of the second year, noxt Au gust, It would reach $80,000,000, 000. At tho end of the second year, the probablo human loss was estimated to bo 12,000,000 JIvcb. Tho capital ized value of theso loBt workers was placed at 135,190,000,000. LEAP YEAR IS HERE AND BEAUTIFUL HEIRESS MAY PICK YOU AS HUSBAND RUSSANSLOSERSN BUKOWINA BATTLE IJEItLlNj Dee. 20, tin London. Tho Czernowitz (Uukowinn) corre spondent of tho Tugcbliitt sends the follewing: "Tho Itiissinns have made eight at tacks ngniiint tho Austrians on the Hessnrnhian border since Chrihtmns night. Dcspilo a tremendous cxik-ii- dituro of ammuuitiou and incii, the nltneking forces have not yet suc ceeded in breaking through the lines. Every time, the weakened columns of tho Itusriinim succeeded in reaching tho Aiistro-IIuiigiiiiiins they were re pulsed. Tho Itussiaus maintained a Kun fire for twenty-five hours, which wns nudihlo in Czernowitz." rfKI Jiffcr .m'.m FOR IRRIGATION ' Wm DISTRICTS WANTED gMF , NITRATES MADE FROM AIR POT WON MARKET KiiKlihli," Hnu II. Parrott. .Mon. mouth; 11:00, address, President J. Jl. Aitkennan, .Monniouth; 1 dIO, ml lrm,i,, "Some New Moenu'iitt. in Civ ie Teaching," 'Dr. j. D. Sheldon, Kugonoj 2n10 (bectionn combined), iidmiiiislrative talk, SuiHiriiiloinleiit J. P. Wells, Mudford. 0:00 Mjuic, 0:1 A, "Switjeiland. JU aovernment, It .Military SytoHi." ii ijlustrated Iwture, Profewwr l.Adenok Horehtold. Orison Agiieul turnl oollegu; 3:J0, imiimc; 3:10, ".Uoral Ediiontion in the Ugfct ul Kvolutioii," Thoiuuh M llallwt, Pk. D. 1Q:00-Addro, 'Tli New llih hcliool touro l bliul," huiMnulti tlent J, A. Cinireliill, HhIdiii, buiuh meeting; 11:011, mldio, I'mUuur Jrwng Viiuuir. New Wrk; 1 u0, h1 ilrcstf, "A Club fur Stdionl Mu," i. Jl. Jlowiumi, KlMiuath Fall". 10.00 Addie-. "Indu. trial U-.-k t thy i'utr," bupcnijltudeut L. I i Cnrlcton, Salem; 11:00, "Tho New Course of Study"; diseussion led by Professor Frank II. Shepherd; 1 :.'l6, "The Dost Methods of Handling .Man- mil Trniiiliig in the Hum I Schools",; discussion led by Superintendent .1. Percy Wells, .Jackson county, E. It. I'otorsoii, .1. It. Wardrip, Hobeit Peachy; 2:15, "Vocational Import ance of Manual Training," Professor 11. C. Hrandon, Corvallis, 10:00 Story telling, class demon stration, Miss Emily DcVore; U;00, number work, second grade, class demonstration, Illauch No IT Couode; 1 :30, language work, first and second grades, Mrs. Hose (lay, Phoenix; 2:110 (section combined with adinuced section). 10:00 Address, "The Home Econ- omies Teueher; A Social Factor in School Community," Miss Mabel E. .Hears, Klamath Fall; 11:00, mi dress, "Tho Class Peried: Science and Art Itccitalion and Eaboraton," Miss (llmiys Peiin, Orauts Pass. I .10. address, "Co-ivlatiou of Home Kcon omies and Other School Ilranchcs of Sliuly,' Miss (iertnido T. Ilooth, .M.d ford, 10:00 -Address, "The Hcqimv incuts for lligli School Standardiza lion as Outlined for the Present With Suggestions lor Others," ,, A. Churchill, Salem; U:0i), addles-, "Moral Education," O. M. Elliott, Sn Icm. Disoussiiiii opened by I, II, Warner, The Dalles; 1 :.'I0, 'nddicss, "The Two Group Plan," William Par l.er, Portland. Joint session with the Eiiulisb Council of English Teachers. ::i(i t :i:no, 'Hero Tales of the Noilh," Dr. Edward Thorstenberg; "Correlating Lttiu With EiiKliih." Miss Lenin II, Mills; "The Direct .Method," Dr. Ar thur P. McKinluy; topic for discus, sion, "Dow May We Enliven and Vilify Caesar' Ualhc War!"; "The Value of Iteseandi for Latin Teach- ors, ' Frederick S. Dunn. I::i0 lo -liOO-l-Ot'fieiHl ieport iroiu uregou iiiktitiitieiis: (a) Oar newest MciticiciuctitK; (),) Our nearest prospects; (e) Our turgor aiiihitions. 2 Hound-table disisis.ieiiN: (Ui ,p. proved modes of larger en-operation i or Oregon instil utiin of (uglier ed uoation; (It) The list of pres.ing itu problems in liuylier eduenlion. )i eussiiMi of the items thereof m ordir, Kntsl in each eum- by au diiieHtc. continued by hh ojh (. tlieti pt motetl by all; buiuch itc(iii, eld (ion of offievrs. 1 :M0 to : rfW lUeetiou of of fiewr U..!.. MU.u.k, II .1 l I'v., iirrmi I'lWWii IH IIS' TeaeliMKt f Oeiwml &," . J. Hwk, AhUiid . discunsiuM, ProtVsMr L P. Ciilninn. MiuiinoMiH' )Mpr, "SUW-lnii- tor i ,ir I onrra- llrtM Allioli, I at- ( itoui .1 lli v I...rliMr. f td. Sl.if. I.,lti. li ..mi,,. i ,t Jl"' " i- i . I'm. I. - ,i V l Siuilli. jb.iu'fiu . .hi 1 1,, i, , nii, .,! , Ml Ilul(j," huirniiifulrnt Kil W Olllllllllk. illllllll.Mik ill-. ,!..!,. I.. Nil M Mill. ,, , ,,H ,,. ,,, , ( ll' I PORTLAND, Or. Dec. 29.-Stnn-dardlzatlon of Irrigation bonds for their more ready marketing through tho adoption of uniform Irrigation district laws by tho statca wns ad vocated by Ii. M. Illco of Soattle, In nn address before tlio Oregon Irri gation congress hero today. Among tho speakers nt tho morning session woro Judgo Carroll It. Graves of Seattle and Atlornoy Cicuoral CJeorgo M. Ilrown of Orogon, both of whom dealt with tho legal phases of irriga tion luws. Chlof Interest today was centered In tho campaign for tho election of offlcors tomorrow. J. IJrower of Portland was considered tho leading candidate for president. Tho ro-elcc tlon of Fred W. Wnllaco of Ttiinalo ns secretary, was believed certain. K. F. IIoiimoii, of Taromn, presi dent of tho Washington Irrlgutlon- InHlltute which meets at North Yok Imn January 10, Invited tho attend ance or Oregon IrrlgutlonUts nud ad vocoted elosor co-operation between tho two stntos. NEW YOKE, Dec. 'JO.- Nitric acid, obtained by extracting nitrogen from the air, will be put on tho market next Saturdny, according to a state ment today by Jnntcs 11. Duke, one of the officers of the company owning the proce5. This announcement follows close upon n recommendation of Urigndier Ocnernl William Crazier, chief of ordnance of the United Stntes nnny, who in his minimi report urged that tho nation take steps to ho independ ent of the Chilean beds for the nit rates ucd in making gunpowder. Mr. Duke's company expects to turn nut four tons of nitric acid n dav from its works at Great Falls, S. C. The chemical will be produced on a much larger scale if the great prob lem of getting wntcr-powcr cheap enough can be solved. The work will very likely bo enrried on in Cnnada by the Quebec Development Co., Ltd., of which Mr. Duke is tho president. Tliis company has been acquiring ex tensive wntcrpowcr rights in tho neighborhood of Lake St. John and will have works on tho Sogucnny river. - --- Hopes Women Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Clatt Ing of hot water each morn helps ut look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. THOMPSON Ilolrc.is ulio picked liumlilo liiislmmls In 11)15. Teft, Miss Mario Hasch, lio married Driimiiioud Jones, who MorkcU In an englno 1Innt; renter, Miss Catherine llnt-kcr, $ilO,()0O,HIO orphan who picked out How ard Spaiildlug .lr. an employee of tlio plant of her Into father for a hus band, and right, Miss Eugenia Kelly, liclrtvss to a million, who clopcl ulth Al Davis, n professional dancer. CAUGHT IN THE ICE DEHLIN,- Dec. J0, Ma London. -Itcports from Copenhagen say that more than 100 ships chiefly Ameri- eiin, JJntish and crouch, huvo been caught in the ice in tlio White sea have to spejid the winter AT and will there. PAKIS, Dee. 'JO.- "Italian troops which disembarked at Avlonn, Al bania, have reached tlio vicinity of tho iioithern frontier of Eiiirus in some places, according to reports Iroin voyagers urriviiig from Snnti E UPON BALLOT CHICAGO, Dec. 10. William Hale Thompson, mayor of Chicago, today requested the .secretary of stale of Nebraska to withdraw his nnmc from tho nrcsidcntial primary ballot in Ne braska. Mayor Thompson said that ho had been informed that u petition had been filed nt Lincoln requesting that his nnmc go on the republican prim nry ballot as a candidate for the presidential nomination. ' "I hereby notify you that I decline the nomination made by this petition or similar jietitions mid request that my name shall not be placed upon the Hannv. bright, alert -vigorous and vivacious a good cloar sktn; u nat ural, rony complexion and frocdom from Illness nro assured only by; clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and llkowlso every man could rcallzo tho wonders of tho morning lnslilo bath, what a gratifying cuango would tako placo. i Instead of tho thousands of sickly, nnaomlc-lookhig men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complex ions; instead of tho multitudes of "norvo wrecks," "rundown.)," "brain fags" and pessimists wo should boo a vlrllo, optimistic throng of rosy; cheeked pcoplo overywhero. An lnsldo bath Is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of llmcutono phosphato In It to waBh from tho stomach, liver, kid noys and ten yards of bowels tho pre vious day's Indlgcstlblo waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening tho entiro nlimcntary 'canal before putting nioro food Into tho stomach. Thoso subject to sick hendacho, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and partlculnry thoso who have a pallid, sallow comploxlon and who aro constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound ol llmcstono phoBphato at tho drug store which will cost but a trlllo but Is sufficient to demonstrnto tho quick and rcmarkablo chango in both health and appcarnnco awaiting thoso who practlco Internal sanitation. Wo must remember that lnsldo clonnllncsa It moro Important than outsldo, bo catiBO tho skin docs not absorb Impur Ulna in nn.lt ntnlnnin lit,. Iilnnil white I tho pores in tho thirty fcot of bowclt in. Bargains in ROSES Qiiaranta," says the Athens corrc-1 ballot for the primary election," read spondent of the Hnvas agency. the mayor's letter. 200 Tnroe-ycar-old Caroline Testout Roses for salo at a bargain Tho finest roses In Mcdford from tho best rose hodgo In tho city. Tho Caroline Testout Ib a perpet ual bloomer, largo pink rosea and tho best hodgo or street roao for this cllmato. Pierce, the Florist VAUDEVILLE ACT AT STAR THEATER The Star thonlte nianiigor lias ar ranged to give one act of tho regular H. and C Miudovlllo program today ami tomorrow. This Is tho same net plnod ut tho KmproM in Portland nud Kouttlo. This attraction will bo Wakenmn A Wood, in their own original novel ty act entitled, The Moolmnlrul Doll and tho Hebrew Clout." or "What U It, Man or Doll " llosldes tho doll Illusion, mouoloRiies and some very clever pluuo plaMnu by Wakomiii. All thin In addition to the regular pictures, uhleli lv theinselvos are worth the pilie of sdmlkMon. Outing Gowns 50 Women's Heavy Outing Flannel Gowns, extra wide and long, $1 val ues, on sale Thursday, '7Q ' each yC Jtl asms TLeWoraan's Store CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. 0. Outing Flannel 1000 yards extra heavy Outing Flan nel in white and colors, values up to 15c, sale price, 1 A yard IOC Half Price Sale in Suit Department :i OUR YOUNP WOMEN are so ofu u snl.jei t M lu .ukuhe arc languid, pile ami ji. r.ou-, Ui.sw thcirl'lcHHlistbiiuriiiMiihi unt. lh i arc nt rcalU m. k .nu bcMt ite to t.m ' plain, but they l.u k th it ambinon ji.1 ivacitylikhisih,iil.iithiight. The) (lonotneclilrng- butihnitfctlthotonic ' ih1 nouruhinent in St mt's KnmUum ' that nuke litlwr lilaod, Alls hollow ! rhksuppir.'itnetvuuutcMnilc taUithtotrvngth. NtwriUinwntal.we inaktsbluulan(lHcftt'klunulionithi' , ' iXMcenti.,ied HtNirikhimnt, flM (low vim ,, .ii, ..Jiu w OftuH'o. 1( Hn-tb. r ,., , u, j,w u (rail, p..lc , W km, jjutf lui Scott' (or otic ' month 4iid c the U iicnmiif. It U ,, ' Mh.hs.. uk, null) rtn.tr. A. .! MlliMitt.t, ' , N ,( 35 Suits at Half Price $15 Winter Suits now $ 7.50 $20 Winter Suits now 10.00 $25 Winter Suits now 12.50 $30 Winter Suits now ,15.00 $40 Winter Suits now 20.00 75 Coats at Half Price $10 Winter Coats now $ 5.00 $15 Winter Coats $18 Winter Coats $25 Winter Coats $30 Winter Coats now now now now 7.50 9.00 12.50 15.00 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED EXPRESS OR MAIL PREPAID . First Showing of New Spring Dress Goods JUST RECEIVED Our first shipment of new Dress Goodsbeautiful new checks, plaids and stripes, also cXys;nyeardv"v!s ? plain . 59c up to $2.69 Big Reduction on All Tailored Skirts THE CELEBRATED KORRECT LINE ah $o SKirts now . , , AU $8 Skirts now . . AU $10 Skirts now . . AU $12 Skirts now . . S4.98 S5.98 S6.98 S8.98 20 per cent OFF ON ALL FUR MUFFS AND SCARFS Great Sale of Hand Bags I Great Sale of Underwear Women's and Children's fleece-lined vests and pants, all sizes, values from . . 25c 50 brand new all-leather Hand Bags, very stylish shapes, up to $2 values, now. 2 1 1Q each . $1.17 50 beautiful new style all-leather Hand Bags, fancy linings, up to $4 values, now (fr 1 HO each . tpl.VO 35c up to 75c each, clean-up price. The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Pri ice