Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 27, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Haiti Tonight nml Tuesday.
Max. !); Mln. 'M.S.
-orty-flfth Tear.
Dally Tenth Tear.
NO. 237
French Steamer Vllle de la Clotat
Victim of Submarine In Mediterran
ean No Warning Given Many
Other Losses Reported In Renewal
of Submarine Activity.
1'AltIS, Dec. 27. Tho Trench
steamer Ville do In Ciotat, with pn
hcngers on lionnl, wns torpedoed
without warning and sunk in the
Mediterranean by n mibiiiurinu on
December 21, tlio minisry of maiinc
annonneed today. Jlost of thu pns
tongors and homo members of tho
ciow liavo been recited. Soveiity-ninc
members of tho crew perished.
Tho Yillo do Iitl Ciotat was one of
tho largest steamships mink leecntly
in tlio Mediterranean. Her grosw
tonnngo was 0378. Shu wan -187 feet
lonir and GO feet licnin. Sho was
built at La Ciotat, France, in 1802
and was owned by tlio iro-sngcrio
Maritiinos of Mur.oilleln. Sho was
last repoi ted on her arrival at Saigon,
Indo-Chinn, on December 1, on a
voyage fiom Yokohama to Marseille.
Seventy-Nino Drowned
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. So-only-nine
persons wero drowned in
the destruction of tho French liner
Villa do la Ciotat, the American con
Mil at Malta rcpoitcd today to the
state dopnitmont. No Americans
vein aboard. The ship, ho reports,
was- toipcdocd without warning at
30 :!." o'clock on December 21 and
Mink in fifteen miniilos.
Tlio statement follows;
"The steamer Yillo do la Ciotat was
torpedoed and sunk on the 'Jlth in
the Mediterranean by an enemy sub
marine without warning. A majority
of the passongorn and crew weic
picked up by an KnglUli steamer. Do
tails huvo nyt been leeeived."
Tho American consul reported fur
ther that tho rescued wero picked up
by n Mom, liner after they had been
in small ImuiIh two hour. Tho tor
jicdocd ship, the consul rcpoitcd, was
on her way from .Japan, China and
Hawaii to Marseilles. The lost in
cluded ono unman, a fiivtt-olass piiH
scuger, n btownrdosH and two clul-
j" .'
....-i.-1nr.7",ISTWWli,-- ,...-
ix jt n ai if -vi jvsw
I'ortiiilt of King Peter of Serbia from Ills IjiIc-I riiologntli
Oilier Siilimailno Losses
LONDON', lieo. 27. The loUD-ton
tiili-li stoainor Yeddo, fiom Cal
cutta, November 21, for Uonton and
Now Yoik, lias boon sunk, llor ciew
was saved.
LONDON, Dec. 27. The Ilnti-h
steamship Dudley luih been tank and
the steamer Umbla beached at tho
mouth of tho Thnnios with fire for
waid. Tlio vessel' crows wero saved.
LONDON, Doc. 27. Sinking f tho
llclgian stoumor Ministro llcuinaort is
announced. Tho crew loft tho steam
er in boats, two of which aio hum
in?. Tho HutiMi steamer Cottinghnm of
(Continued on Last Page)
WSllIS'C,TOV. Dec 27 Tho
tenth rato In tho United States among
babies of mothers who work outside
their lionies far oxcoods tho Infant
mortality whoro mother U not so em
plood. This is brought out In tho annual
report today of tho federal children's
buroati conducting an inquiry Into the
portal and economic causes ow liable'
deaths. The roport shows an average
Infant death rato of 131 out of every
1000 babies in a steel making and
oal mining town, as against a rate
of st out of every 1000 in a residen
tial suburb. An even greater con
trast is found btwM the moat oan
gested sections and tk eholaMt red-
dwBtUI MKttoK IB MCS) ( llMM tW
LONDON, Dec. 27. Conflicting ic
poits continue to loach London from
tho scene of tho near eastern cam
paign. Statement, from sonic sources
make it appear that the Teutonic al
lien arc piopiiring steadily for an of
fcnsio movement, in conjunction with
the lliilgariaus and Turk. Other
advices, however, aio that tho Uul-
giuinns tear to attack, lost they be
caught between two fires in the stiip
of territory from tho Suloniki-Doiran
to tho Salomki-Oievgli railroads-.
Tho central powois still nio nego
tiating with (lieecc. An interview
wiih Premier Skoiilnudis (forecasts
failure of tho cffoits to pi event an
invasion of (ircciun .Macedonia. It U
ostimated that if an invasion is un
dertaken the Alliens government will
devote its offoits toward obtaining
guarantees of the evacuation ol
Oieok territory imniediutolj following,
the completion of military operation.
Along tho western front Pari 10
ports successful nrtillory Notions by
the French in the Champagne, W'oovre
and Yosgo. Dcrliu sa.s operation
arcrostrielod by ineohsnnt rain.
Tlio Dritisli public is looking for
ward with keen interest to toda'
cabinet meeting. It is o.pootcd that
the cabinet will consider tho report
of the call of Dcihv in lognrd to
his enlistment plan, with epeoial uf
ereneo to tho eifect of tins ienirt
on the question whether military ser
vice s-h.ill be conipuNon.
Ml A I
Monarch Without a Throne Arrives at
Orandisi on Italian Cruiser Seri
ously III for Months, Is Broken
Man Prince Regent in Command
of Army, King Fighting as Private.
MUXDISI, Italy, Dec. 23, via Paris,
Dec. 27. King I'ctor of Serbia has
nrrlvod hero on hoard an Itallnn
cruiser. Tho sovereign had refused
resolutely until now to leave his army
and it was only at tho urgent cnticaty
of his son, the nrlnco regent, that ho
at lnst agreed to go Into exile.
Tho prlnco pointed out to his father
Hint it would bo bottor for him to pre
scrvo his strength so ho would bo
nblo after his health hnd been restor
ed, to return to his country nt tho
bond of n ro-orgnnUod army.
A Home dispatch Dec. 2G said
King I'ctor had accepted Italy'a offer
of a pnlnco for his use nt Cnscrta,
near Naples. Tho king has hron se
riously ill for months but frequently
wns on tho firing lino with tho Sor
blan troops boforo they wero over
whelmed by Austro-Gormaus and Ilul
gars. i
Yojngo n Hough Ono
1'AItIS, Dec. 27. "King Peter of
Sorbin was brought from Durazzo to
Avlonn on nn Italian orulnor," snjs
tho Journal's Avlonn correspondent.
"Tho voyago was n rough ono and tho
king had to bo carried nshoro in an
army chnlr.
"An automobllo carried the mon
arch to a socludod Inn whoro I call
ed upon him and wns shown into tho
poorly furnlshod room ho.occuplod.
Ills clear eyes, what dopths of blttor
iicsh did they conceal! Ills features,
hollowed by Buffering, what Immonso
weariness did they botruy! That sor
rowful countennnco was tho opltomo
of tho wholo tragic epoch.
Is No IHigcr King
"Tho physJclan who Interpreted for
mo told mo that upon his arrival tho
king asked tho prico of tho room and
added that ho had no gold to pay for
it. 'I am no longer king,' ho said.
'I am only Ocnoral Tootnnl (this
nnmo which will shelter tho king's
incognito during his exile is that of
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. To free
.the United States army from its do-
pendenco for nitrates for tho ninnu
facturo of explosives, Hrijjadior Ocn
oral Cio.ier, chief of the ordnance, in
his nnniuil roport today says tho gov
ernment, if nocosiwiry, should develop
tho olectrioal processes of taking nit
rogen from tho nir.
The country now is dependent for
nitrates upon tho Chilean fields,
which might be cut off in timo of war
mil u store of sodium nitrate piled ; ft noworflll famlIy of TJrnna to whcll
uji ukuiiwi ttuoiieu emergency would
not last any uonsiderablo time. More
liberal handling of contracts with pri
ato munitions plants i urged to in
uro an adequate souico of supply in
tmio of need. The general says that
tho bureau's inquiries as to tho pros
out capacity of the plants and tho
willingness of the manufaetiirora to
eo-opcrato in safoguaiding tho nn
tion'ri war sources have biought snt
isfactorv results, but fitithur stes
aru iiecMHNiy.
Study of lesson of tho Kiiropcan
war, the report say, has shown tho
nooosaity of increasing tho range of
heavy and light guns and of prodd
ing more machine guns.
Kssad Pasha belongs.) I glvo no
more orders. It Is tlio crown prlnco
who commnnds. For tho future I am
nothing In tho govornmont. A sol
dier, I havo only to obey.'
"And tho army, jour majesty?" I
" 'Tho soldlors aro dropping from
htingor and weariness. AVo must feeil
thoin and thon after a few wooks
rost we shall see.'
"What aro your own plans, slro?"
"'I want to go to Snlonlkl to soo
my mlnlstor of wnr. If this Is pos
sible I shall nrrango .something. I
havo got to llvo to soo vlrtory for
my peoplo and tho triumph of our
i Just cause' "
Col. i:. M. Ilouso of Toxils and New YoiU; IkIow Hoiisoniul tho 1'roslilcnt
Officers Installed at Juarez Govcr
nor of Lower California Turns Over
His Organization Villa, Rodriguez
and Veltia Left With Few
Kli PASO, Toxns, Doc. 27. Con
trol of tho civil govornmont of Junroz
by tho Moxlcnn do facto govornmont
began today with tho installation of
officials, Inspection of nrchlvos and
establishment of official bank ac
counts. Tho mustering out of Villa
soldiers also began,
Joso Cantu, brother of Covornor
Cantu of Lower California salil today
Governor Cantu turned over hla cn
tiro organization to tho govornmont
Gonerals Villa, Hodrlguoz und Me
dina uro tho only known leudcrs in
arms In Chihuahua stnlo against tho
do fncto govornmont of Moxico, ac
cording to General Obrogou today.
Ho said Itodrlguo' men, deserting In
wostorn Chlhuuhua, aro en route to
Junroz, haMng surrendered, and Mo
dlua Voltia's mon aro nlso coming in.
N'ono of tho gonomls, doclnrod out
laws jostorday, havo more than a cor
poral's guard of ndhorouU with them,
according to Obrogon,
MCSKOGKi:. Dec 27 The police
arrested today throe voutig white men
and charged thorn with loading a
mob last night which tried to break
into tho Jail and lynch William Green
and Mathlaa Foreman, negroee, who
are charged with bavins; killed Sam
Nwtl, a patrolman.
A BUtnbr of NefroM wr disarm
ed, cjulet prtfalltxt ami although Co
Y of th aUU wllilU wu hM redy
tor duty, thare appgrtMtlr wm UUt
ebiuBM litat tho tfM wooW h
iiMdod. ,
'I In- iliul..ji . , w,,. Hindi in tin li i lil Mi id
(Ktedjiiii- ,n i
lhy im M MMM"., mmfUm Urn hi MMl w( f ItM
lrt vl lh country.
- nt llll IVtlll-N U
Y ' into which
ilil.l ill M .nl ll -IliiH
luttiivU iar arc bi-inif oull' ' , i .
t 4a Mwiy war
DALLAS, Te., Dec. 27. Receiv
ership for tho Tt'MiB & 1'aeifio Hail
road eoui)aiiy wag asked in a peti
tion filed heto today by tho llaukorh'
Tniht eoinpany of Xew York through
their local attorneys. Default in
payment of iutorott on bond in al
leged. Hearing wau sot for January
Attorneys for tho railroad nerved
notice that they would contest tho re
coivonship. Tlio petition, which up
plilon nlso to tho now OrloniiK Hail
road company, a Tea & Pacific
properly, alleges default on iuterosl
and piinoipal of $1 1,000,000 second
mortgage bonds JNauod originally in
1888 for $25,000,000 mid siiico 10
duced. Tho complaint alleges divotxion of
funds after tho payment of all oper
ating ovpciwea of thu road mid auks
11 full rcoouiitmg of fund o.xpoiidod,
a division of aucoiiiits in tho com
plniiiaut'rt favor, a foiouloauro and
sale of nil piopcrliett mentioned under
thu second mortgage, fiom which
they want iHyinent of their fuudn.
(leoive ,1. O011I1I it chainiiaii of the
To.mih it I'aeilie, which openiloH un
der fodeial cliuiter. The road wax
constructed in tho seventies and its
main line extends from New Orionim
to I'l 'ao. Official of tho road
hero said the filing of the suit was 11
complete stirpriie to them.
Nino Texas railroads alieail.v aio in
romiivond)lMi as follews:
lisaouri, Kansns & Texan; St.
Louis iV San rinncUco; Tinnly &
I Ira ww Yalley; Missouri, Oklahoma &
flulf; International & (treat North
ern; San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf,
Kansas City, Momco & Orient; I'ort
Worth & Itio Uriuide, and dull' Coant
10 P
Steamer Yasaka Marti Torpedoed and
Sunk in Mediterranean Without No
ticeNo Attempt Escape Ono
American Reported Aboard.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Ameri
can Consul Drlstol at Port S.ild
cabled today that no warning wna
glvon the Jupauoso liner Yasnka Ma
ru boforo sho wns torpedoed and
sunk In tho Mediterranean last Tues
day by n Hiibmnriuo of nn uncstahllsh
oil nationality. Tho liner, ho added,
made no attempt to cscapo. No flag
was visible
Tho consul's dispatch, which cntno
In roaponso to Secretary Lanslng'tt
cnli for roports on tho dlsnstor, wnH
tho first offlolnl information on tho
Incident which piobably -will bo tho
suhjoot of further diplomatic corrcs
poudonco with tho Teutonic powers.
Today's roport said tho submarine
was not soon until nftor tho liner had
lion torpodood and that then only her
periscope was visible Tho general
assumption Is that tho submarine
must havo been Gorman or Austrian.
Tho Yasnku Marti is gcuerally re
garded by officials and dlplomata
hoio as surrounded with wldo possi
bilities. It has boon suggested that
Japan might answer tho challcngo
to her shipping by a wldo participa
tion In tho wnr, ovon to tho extent
of taking part In tlio operations In
According to a statement made to
tho'Japauoso dlot by tho finance min
ister, thbro was nn board the Yasaka
.Marti gold to tho value of 1,000,000
eu $500.o0ii )
JfYACK, X. V., Dc. 27. Will
CWary, fortwr town idfik or lUv-
iWlMW, Mtuittl of the murder of
I 'i young son-in-law, Kugu U. Kw-
M, ahant year ago, was acoUnwd
Jy t" t."t Imii Ums thw yun.
Mi Mr in ! lb. ut u ,iii mi,! t. ,ur
lit il.lll J. I 1.J11 11 I.-.l
of forjrry a ftw U Ufa,
ICL I'AHO. Tixas. Doc. 27.--Geu-oral
Vlctorlano Huorta, former pro
visional president of Moslco, hold for
violation of neutrality laws of tho
L'uttwi 8Uta, la sertously III and
wm removed today from his prison
nt Part HUM to tho rosldonco of hU
wH. Ilia guards ruturned with him,
The Mtr at lita illnoss Is not stat
ed itMstly ltvtus roportod ho had
rarrl frww a ucrveuu lllueis,