Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    PA'frfi NINE
Freckles and His Friends
By Blosser
Auto Supplies
are operating the, largest, oldest
and best equipped 'plabtln tfee Pa
cific, ridrthweBt. Use our'aprlsga
when others rail.1 Sold unfler guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Ore.
i-clSr-- oV; ff-." , -tf 3 IPS cMSk. 2
y-'sssr :Fe-- - ix'kzT . -r-.." , is. , r...ojp vjmzw
s-C -SV J.-T-Vr .7" tf. jtj S --r w ' r ' tt. .rSfB -- "W.
jn - : r : . -x mxsemp -
TJ10 doi'Moiis of Oivgon'n supemd
court on tin Sunday dosing law
would seem to lio merely in confirm
ntinii of ii decision rendered here over
thirty years ago, e-ta1lisliiii n prece
dent which' the supremo triliiinnl him
tardily recognized. At. thnt time
ficVcn jnroi'4, good men tried and
(rue, Kworn to uphold the dignity1 and
majesty of the Jaw as administered in
just ice's court, rendered a verdict
tliht the Sunday dosing law was till
eoiislilulionnl. Consequently the su
preme court's action was merely
confirmatory and oxtra-jibKeirtl.
Kvch old residents don't seem 1o ic
member whether it wns CJlief Justice
Kl l)e Pen It or Associate Justice J.
S. Ktiltiiuks who provided at this
mi'innmhlc trial, but a decision to this
effect was rendered,' just the same,
from which there is" supposed to b no
nppenl. (See Exodus, 120 :fl.)
0. J. Stono has sold his fine tpsf
delicti property on North Main ft reel,
including about an acre of land, to
A. A. Mnrske, engineer in the employ
of the Southern Pacific, who 'iiib
been stationed nfc Honibrook f)r
somo time past, hut is anxious to re
turn to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Stone
will move to Portland. Possession
given in January. Sale made by
Hodgson & Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Stone, ns guests
of Mr. and Mrs. I); If. Hanleb'irg,
motored to Med ford on Tuesday eve
ning mid fittendcd n dancing party at
the Xa'.. a pleasing fimJ'.on in line
with major c'lterlainmentH m that en
terprising t'tWII.
, Miss Myrltn Ainswoith, trained
nurse, reently of Klr.irnlli Fall, .w
rived here on Wednesday to cure for
M. (I. i.twr.iec, a h. mil1 nutinil,
who has Ivn eritiea lv ill for .some
weeks past His cnnd'.'int! improved
ti such nn extent that o removal to
( aliforniii .v. s'mado p.iibte, and on
Tlmrsdnv Mr and Mi. I.mvivwc
niul Miss .'iMvnrth left for San
l-'rancisco, ht.m whio'i city thu jour
ney south w.m-os may 'js extended.
J. I). Stewart of Multnonuih, near
lWtlnnd, employe of the Oregon
Klcetric railway, who shot a burglar
in the net of robbing-that station last
Tuesday morning, was a former resi
dent here, tho son of Levi Stewart.
The burglar victim was shot thrco
times mid is in a serious condition
iu a Portland hospital.
Mrs. Elizabeth Vnn Sant returned
this week from San FrniiciM-o ami a
visit with relatives in the family of
William Sehauniloffel at Sacramento.
Masonic hall is now equipped with
a Western t'nion clock, after the pat
tern of tho latest improved synchron
ized movements, adjured to heat,
cold, moisture and dry condition
muIi as prevail in a parched town. It
wn the gilt or Hillah Temple, Mystic
Shrincrs, to the Masonic bodies, mid
was installed on Tuesday by L. M.
Stephens of Portland, inPmber of thr
WV-tcrn I'uioii's corps of electrical
experts. This installation makes
about a score of these unrivalled
timepieces placed in different pir,s
of town.
Hariinrd & Murjdiv of MediWi
have Icascil the storerooms in the
Pcil block in this eitv, formerly oc
cupied as n harness shop, ns n woro
rooiu for display of the Dodge ear,
mid lor this specific purposo the
rooms are being extensively remodel
ed and enlarged.
What might be termed suhstiin'fiii
Christmas presents were tho threi
cash prizes of W, $3 and f2 whie.i
were awarded high school girls in a
letter-writing contest recently closed.
Their numo. am Mildred Mlli.o'i,
Mary Mathcs and Mvrtle He Carlow.
A coincidence is that each one , I
their given nams , begins with M.
Without insisting' that the letleix,
which nunibVi isl .VI, should bo con
fined t 'xeiiisiv(. boosting 'feat.ircs,
it whs implied that they should deal
with Ashlnm in general, and tn i-u-ticuhir
as a desirable place in which
U lie. Other essentials were. '-oNo
required. A ra(ige of 300 words was.
the limit, and a further requiromejit
wns thnt the letters mint banues ao).
utilly writ tf mil 'mflllell .To frimiU
maraev-:' i -i I -.-. v : jsr'sr. -' " .--swioiiMiin vMMv-cr-v i ' y ia jm",-
NlK5!Ky I' T - - II -T -- I .. "r " k'vAVIiVaHBH: i JH 7. "'r'N B. , II IMfO B'
outside the state. A committee of
five representing the Comnvrcial
club, high school, Civic Improvement
club mid its auxiliary, passed upon
the merits of the productions, the
girls winning out in each hm-Mics
over the boys.
W. W. Dunn left on Wednesday for
(lis home in' San Diego, being accom
panied as far as San I'Vaneisco by
II. C. Sparr.
Carroll Wagner of Kugcne and
Miss Hessie Wagner, who is teaching
at Myrtle Creek, are home for n holi
day visit with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Wagner. Carroll attends
the state university mid is nsistnnt
in chemistry at that institution.
Owing to the holiday rush, tho
lilks hnve been compelled to add an
other Christmas tree for the bcm-fil
of the little folks who will enjoy their
mntiueo at the Viniug, the age limit
being 8. In the evening those under
13 will participate. The registration
approaches the 1000 mark.
. Christmas events galore are the or
der of the day. The churches uni
versally will celebrate the great an
niversary. In addition to trees and
programs, there will be extra music
in several of the congregations, not
ably the Presbyterian and Metho
dist. The Cmnpfire club of the high
school held a Christmas tree iu the
Mrs. P. A. Kelson of Alameda, Cal.,
is making a holiday visit with her
parents, Mr. mid Mrs. E. M. Miller,
residing on Granite street.
Joe Hurt, manager of the local Ice
& Storage Co., returned from Port
land on Tuesday, much improved, af
ter an oeration in the city hospitul.
Charles T. Jones, who died at
Vreka, December J8, wns a native of
Jackson county, aged -18 years, llur
ial wns at Little Shasta. He leaves
a wife and two sons.
Instead of exhibiting holiday deco
rations, one of the big windows iu
Shoudy's cigar store is boarded up
pending repairs. A detached wheel
from a Hrush car owned by lloyd &
Pofloy of Medio nl brushed up against
tho plate glass with run-amuck ef
fects last Tuesday. Owners of both
building mid car are negotiating over
extent of the damage.
John W. Wells of Illy, Klamath
county, old-timo resident here, who
is an oxtensive rancher of the Klam
ath .section mid winters in Ashland,
has purchased of M. C. Dressier the
latter's fine residence at the corner
of flrcshnm and Ilargndiuo streets.
Wells already has possession. Sale
was made through the Heaver agency.
A holiday vacation spell extending
from one to two weeks, which the
Western Union is introducing among
its employes, will go into effect hero
at mi early, date. Manager New
combe, Operators Tracy, Hiiidmmi
and Ountner, and Messenger Ivan
O'Doitnghuo nre local beneficiaries of
the corporation's vacation schedule.
Another new departure is thnt night
letters may be filed up to 2 a. in.
instead of a midnight limit as form
Xels Kriekson mid Jack Mnttern
worked a literal Santa Clans stunt
when they recently plowed their way
on snowshoes from the Highland
mine, iu Siskiyou county, to the near
est railrond station iu order to take
passage for Ashland, where they will
remain during a good portion of the
winter season.
At Salem, Dec. 27, will occur the
marriage of John Volpe, the Postal
Telegraph's local electrician, and
Miss Kiinico I.emmen of the capital
city, who was formerly employed at
Orants Pass as telegraphess. At
homo in Ashlnnd alter January 1o,
Annie KnUtzer, who has been stav
ing jn Grants Pass the last month,
has returned home.
George Kohlhagnu, tho Iloseburg
butcher, shipped a carload of beef
cattle from his feed yards recently.
MiW Agec of Steamboat is doing
business in Grautt Pass,
A ton-pound boy onme to tho home
of Mr. mid Mrs. Worth, who 'live In
the Valley Pride creamery, last Tues
day. Mitchcl & Dceson nre in the Apple
gate country buying cnttje.
Ocorgo mid iDick I Toff man were
doing Xnins shopping in Medford this
Wagner, from Steamboat, is out
getting supplies for the winter.
Tho Layton family motored to
Medford Inst Monday.
John W. Dinghnm of Thompson
crock took a load, of tut keys to Med
ford for tho holidays.
Coby Osseuburgo of ltuch wns do
ing business in the Murphy country
Owing to a few Jwd places in tlu:
rnnd the mail carrier between .lad.
Fouville and Applegate will hove to
abandon his ear and go back tp u'iig
Kdtviu Taylor nnd Chester Kubli
wore in the Provolt country looking
after cattle of Into.
K, J. IJrown and sons, Harry Orr,
with J. C. Grubb, made a business
trip to Medford on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who hnve
been living on Thompson creek the
past two years, left for Portland to
stay indefinitely.
, Helen Men wns a visitor iu this
school Monday.
Trappers nre quite numerous
around Applegate and somo are hav
ing good luck.
William Head made a business trip
to Jacksonville the beginning of thi
Oortmdo Mco has been quite, ill
with Theumntism near her heart. Wo
nre hoping she will return to school
Quito a few young peoplo from
here are intending to take in the
masque ball at Murphv Now Year's.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. IT. Lewis left on
train 15 Wednesday for their homo
In Missouri for a six weeks visit.
Miss Frances Davidson, John Cow
ley, James Vestal, Mclvln Hllestcnd,
Zed Doris arrived Wednesday from
the O. A. C. to spend tho holidnys
with homo folks here.
Kloronco Mooro nnd family enmo
from Hilt, California, Thursdny
morning to spend Christmas.
Jlcnry Hlloy left Thursday morn
ing for Portland nnd other northern
Miss Agnca Dunlop Is upending tho
yuletlde vacation with hor parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dnnlap. Miss Ag
nes Is attending the university nt Eu
gene, i
Mr. rind Mrs. J. D. Jlrophy nro
spending tho holidays with Mrs. Dm
phy's pnrontB, Mr. and Mrs. J. It.
Miss Cecil and Kdlth Creed nro
spondlng tho Christmas vacation with
their mother, Mrs. Ida Creed.
Misses IVrn nnd Sndlo Ileohe nro
visiting their sister nt Salem, Oro
t?on. There will bn a bnskot ball gamo
hero Saturday night nt tho Y. M. C.
A. between tho U, of O. Y. M. C. A.
boys nnd the Control Point Athletic
club. This is tho first basket ball
gamo of tho season nnd promises
to ho very woll played.
Miss Wlcdenecht," tho' language,
teacher In tho local high school Is
spending the vacation porlod with rel
atives In Portland. '
. Y'. ii. Stanley, principal of jltp locql
school Is visiting lis parents at Cot
tago Grove.
Mrs. Duggan of tT.e Sams valley
dstrlct was shopplns hore recently.
Miss Wlnnlo Mason 1b visiting Mr.
nnd Mrs. Fred Hesselgrovo at Talent
this week.
Norman Cage, of neagle, whs trans
acting business In our city the last
of tho week.
Mrs. Kd Kelley and daughter MUs
Jesule and little sons, left for their
future homo In Cottage Orovo Sun
day morning. Mr. nnd, Mrs. Kelley
have many frlcncjs )"rn who wish
thorn success In their now bo-e.
Itoy llobb has returned from a
visit to San Francisco and Oakland.
Mrs. J, p. Sgnrs and son Itobert
- - - - ! i - .... ..... . , in.. . n.... , i .BHvMHanHMBBaaiBaBWwMaM'
and Jnme.i, wcro Medford visitors
Judge Charles II. Gay of Medford
was among old friends here Tuesday.
"Will Kolloy left Tuesday morning
for Cottage drove.
Mrs. L. Downing who linn been vis
iting her son Will, and family, on tho
Apnlognto for somo weeks, returned
to her home hero Inst week.
Dr. Hnllllo of Phoenix wns a busi
ness visitor hero first of Inst week,
LONDON', Dec. 24. Tho Times'
Snlontkl correspondent reports a plt
loun condition nmong the poor Inhab
itants of Monnstlr toliowtng tho stop
page' of tlieAmorlcnn distribution of
flour owing to tho seizure or the Rod
Cross stores. He says thnt deaths
already have occurrtd and nro oc
curring dully among tho Musselman
population from starvation bocnu&c
of tho famine. Thousands of persons
nro without bread or any prospect of
obtaining It.
"It Is fenred Hint tho hunger of
Mbnastlr" nays tho correspondent, "Is
only an inflnltesmnl fraction of tho
still unrovented suffering afflicting
tho mnsn of tho Sorbtnn people."
Notlco Is hereby given that tho fol
lowing Is n full and correct copy of
tho title and text of n certain Act of
Municipal legislation Amending tho
Charter of the City of Medrord, Ore
gon, to be submitted to the Icgnl
voters of said city for their adoption
or rejection nt tho nnnual election
to be held In nnd for said city on tho
11th dity bf January, 1010, together
with Om numbers and rorm In which
tho ballot title thereof will bo print
ed on tho official ballot,
.Dated December 22nd, 191ft.
(Signed) KLMKR T. FOSS,
Recorder of tho City of Medford, Oro-
A proposed amendment to tho
Charter of the City of Medford, Ore
gon, to authorize nnd empower tho
city council of the City of Medford to
borrow money on the faith of said
city for tho construction of an addi
tion to tho present city hall and for
such purpose to Issuo warrants nnd
bonds nnd sell the samo for tho solo
purpose of obtaining tho necessary
funds to pay for tho same.
Tho people of tho city of Medford
do ordain as follews:
Section 1. That tho Charter of tho
City of Medford bo and tho samo hero,
by Is amended by adding thereto tho
following section.
Section 72-b. Tho City Council,
undor tho power vested In It by tho
City Charter, und especially Section
72 of said Charter, Is hereby author
ized and 'empowered, In addition to
all wnrrnnts and bonds authorized
to lie issued by said section 72 to bor.
row money on tho faith of said City
and for thnt purposo to Issuo wnr
rnnts and bonds In tho manner pro
vided by Section 72 of this Chnrter
for the solo purposo of obtaining the
necessary funds to construct nn addi
tion to tho City Hall on property ud
jncent nnd belonging to the. city at
tho corner of Front and Sixth streets
In said City. Hut tho totnl amount
of tho Indebtedness incurred and tho
bonds Issued pursuant to this sec
tion shall not exceed $8,500,
Tho following Is the form In which
said measure will appear upon tho
Annunl City Klcctlon, January
Uth, 1010.
Mark between number and answer
voted for.
iK,in iKtni I87:t ihiwi tno:j dm 5 r
Real Estato rises quickly In value with good times, Prosperity Is
coming. It has not struck Real Estato yet. Real Estate Is generally tho
last to feel prosperity. It must feel It In a short time. Then It will
Jump In value,
How many will have the foresight to take advantage of the present
depression and the low prices of Real Estate.
Wo bellevo that an opportunity for Investment, for speculation and
monoy-maklng Is offered In lots In the "SUMMIT AVENUE HEIGHTS
ADDITION" at $55 each on u cttah payment of $5 down and $5 per
month. No city assessments.
For location of the "SUMMIT AVENUE HEIGHTS ADDITION" see
Map tn our window or call at office.
102 West Main Strtmt Phono 799
Submitted by Resolution
City Council.
Charter Amendment vote "Yes"
or '"No."
"Chnrtor amendment, adding Sec
tion 72b to said Charter, enabling
and authorizing tho City Council to
Issue bonds and borrow money on
tho faith and credit of tho city t
build an addition to tho City Hall,
tho cost of tho same not to exceed
tho sum of ?8,ii00."
402 Yes.
403 No.
ron iu:N"r-TTOTJ8K8
uphono 720-.M. 241
FOR HUNT Colonel Sargent's res
idence on Onkdale nvo., telephone
owner nt Jacksonville, or lnquird
of II, H. Nye or Roy It. Peebles nt
Medford. 2f
FOR RDNT Modcni furnished house
keeping rooms, closo In; gns and
wood stoves. 234 Hast 9th. 2.13
FOR RRNT Well furnished 5-roorrt
bungalow very rensonnblo to desir
able tcuant. 422 S. I.aurol St.
ron SAiA hiyks-took
FOR SALK Klght months old heifer.
i')iqitqn;-ua, . . 241
FOR 8ALK Young mule, cheap. In
quire 939 X. Centrul nvoniio. 237
FOR SALE XIn corn fed shotes nt
a bargain; also gecso. Phono
FOR SALE Team of mules, weight
900 lbs. each, U year olds, $225. O.
C. llogno.
FOR SALE Hanipshlro benr: regis
tered; six mouths old, $lf.00.
Phono 8-F2. 237
FOR SALE Small grain fed hogs
delivered dressed for 80 a pound.
R. E. Neulon, Central Point, Phono
FOR SALE Team, weight
1500 pounds. Phono 315.
FOR SALE Cheap, 18 horses. Vin
son's barn, N. Rlversldo Avo. 248
WANTED Experienced girl for gon
crat .housework. Address Mrs. J.
D. Arens, Eagln Point, Oregon, ftox
110. 236
FOR SALE Large building, suitable
for gurngo automobile paint shop
or storo, on pavement: also Iioiiho,
lot 75x200. Ceo. F, Dyer, owner.
Medford, Oregon. 23G
r. . 'ii.i ' ',
FOR SALE Or oxchnugo 32a of first
class Improved laud; will consider
ono half payment of city properly.
Wullaco Wood, Medford. 241
FOR SALE Cleared and plowed 5n;
new bungalow with fireplace;
chickens, fruit trees, etc.; adjoin
ing towuslte; must sell at $875;
worth $1500; $500 cash; Wrlto
owner, W, A. Perkins, Rochester,
Wash. 230
FOR SALE Going nwny. A fine lr
rlgated farm, water all paid for,
15 acres signed to sugar beets;
could put In 40 acres another year;
all stock machinery, 80 cords wood,
GOO boxes apples. lnqulro F. IC. J.,
Mall Tribune. 238
FOR SALE Cheap, twenty acres of
approved beet laud; can nil be Ir
rigated; fivo miles from Central
Point and about two miles from a
railroad station. For particulars
address R. F. I). Xo. 2, Hox 82,
Centrul Point, Oro. 239
1KNH 1MI!)
Ug Jfc
FOR RENT Two-room furnished
house, nicely located, C. A, Do
FOR SALE A-l delivery car, elec
tric lighted and coinpleto equip
ment, cheap for quick sale. Hox
C5, Mali Trlbuno. 237
FOR SALE For tho noxt thirty days
wo will deliver you onn dozen
choice, nssorted rose bushvs, In
good condition, for II, with or
dot. Portlnud Rose Nursery, Lents,
Oregon. 23S
FOR SALE Thlrty-fivo good, sound
Rnmbouilet owes bred to high
nrndo black face bucks. Roscnburg
Uros., Central Point. Tot. Slxxxl.
FOR SALE Wvll bred Rnrrcd Rock
Cockrcls for beading pens, new
ready. $2 each. Phone 3-F-z. J. B
(Webster, Phsenlx, Ore.
FOR SALE Porge, anvil, nutomobUo
IooIb; repair parts for two-cylinder
Rco cars. FIno lloston Musical cor
net. Geo. F. Dyer, 1114 North Cen
tral avc. 23G
FOR SALE Alfnlfa
FOR SALE Forty two cords of dry
plno wood. ' lnqulro of Roy II,
Peebles. 239
FOR SALE Ono man tops for Ford
cars at the Tent nnd Top Factory,
ion x. Front St. 245
FOR SALE LUtlo Club seod wheat;
team good work hbrscs. James
Campbell, Phone 311-R. 23G
FOR SALE llarley; also baled bar
ley straw. Phono 732-J2. 255
WANTED Women let us help you
inukii money selling guaranteed
hosiery to wear; foil or part time;
big profits; experience unneces
sary. Address, International Mills,
hox 122, xorrlutown, Pa. .
FOR EXCHANGE I nm In a posi
tion in arrange for trades for Cal
ifornia properly, either city or
c'oifntry, In exchange for Rome
rlvor proporty. Address L, H.
Houstor,, 417 Jny St. 236
FOR TRADE Ono team mules, two
milch cows, for tean young hones,
weight not less than 1200 lbs. M.
Marsiiall, Central Point. 230
WANTED Woman between 40 and
55 whom It may concern. I have a
good homo and hetel: would liko to
correspond with yen. II. F. Mc-
Leary, Siskiyou, Oregon. 211
ACT QUICK Auiomobllo gasoline
going up; sell gaso-tonlc; equals
gnsollno tit :to 11 gallon; eliminates
cnrbQii; dollar an hour profit; sales
guuranteed. Whlto Mfg. Co. Dept.
10, Cincinnati, O. 230
Because my stocx m trade Is to
hare optlonod at tho lowest cash
price the best buy In this county.
I have been on tne ground look
ing out tor you for tht. past live
years. Nearly everyday I hare In
vestigated some "good thing." I hare
eliminated everything except those
deals which I am convinced will se
cure me satisfied customers.
In a tew houra time I can give you
the benefit of this research, it Is my
business to show you over the county
and Introduce you to the possibilities
aad opportunities here. See Med
ford first and
tom WM Uam 9nMt
Leave Medford dally except Sun
day for Ashland, Talent and Phoonlx
at 8 a. nt., 11:50 a, m., 1:15, 2:30,
3:45 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Sat
urday nt It: 15 p. m. Sundays leave
at 10 a, m., 4 p. m. and 9:30 p. m.
Leave 'Ashland for Medford dally
except Sunday at 9 a. 111., 12:50, 2:30,
3:30, 4:45 and (DIB p. 111. Sunday
leave Ashland at 9 n, in., 1:00, 5:00
innd'lU30'p. m.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney., sad
.Notary, Room 9, Jackson Comity
Dank llulldlng, entrance X. Cen
tral, .Mcuioru, ure.
Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Bank bldg.
A, E. REAMES, LAWYER-aarnettw
Corey bld. .-$
O. M. R0DERT8 Lawyer.
Medford Xattonal Bank Building.
Dentist ' "'
Garnctt-Coro Bldg., nlta Sit
Mcdforu, Ore. Fhbno 850.
Collections nnd Deports
collected eorco accounts 14 yean
old. Wo know bow to get the
money. Tho Buttock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has-'
klnB' Bldg., 21G E, Main t. . '
' ' '
Engineer and Contractor
FRED Nl CUMMINasSnglnoer aia
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg.
Surveys,, .estimates, Irrigation
.drainage, orphard and land im
provement. .
nr 1)1 nn 1
OARDAaE Get .your jirtfrjUM
cieancu up tor tne summer, call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service. Phone -274-L. 'V,
V. Allen.
Instruction In Music
N ii
401, aarnott-Corey bldg. Fred Al
ton HatgUt. piano; Mrs. Florence
Halllday llalgbt, volco. Pbon
. Physicians and Surgeons
b. " F. G." "CAULOW,1" DhrBVA
MAIX8 CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41C-417 Oornett-Corey
bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence
26 'South Laurel' st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
physician, 303 Garnett-Cory
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
snrceon. Practice limited to ey
oar, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses' sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for B.P.
R. R. Co. Offloe M, F. ft H, C.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 87.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phonos, office 36,- resi
dence 724-J, Offico hours, 10 f
IS, 2 to C.
cian and aurgeon. Office Palaa
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
T. G. HEINE, M. D. Eye. 8ar.
Noso and Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly flttod rUaes. Cross eyei
straightened. Offico 228 E." Mala
St., phone 303. Consultation Tree.
Homoepathlc Physician, Surgeon,
228 East Main St., Medford Ore
gon. Office phono 14 C. residence
phono 732-R2. Offico hours jl to
4 p. in. 1
Printers an Publisher
licit equipped printing office In
Eouthorn Oregon; book"b!ndlng,
looso leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st. '
Public Stenographer
hi. T?1"1" EDWAR DS," BteoRrapher
and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-419
Garnntt-Corey building. Office
phone 709-J, residence phone
pher, room 29, Jackson County
Bank Bldg, Dictation taken any.
place any tlmo by tho only Stono
type oporator In Southern Ore, Of
fice phone G15, Rec. 27C-J.
Sewing Machines
SALE OR RENT Somo used ma
chines nlso for sale. Bnldwln pi
anos for salo, from factory to you.
direct C. A. Chapman, at Medford
Furniture nnd .Hardware Btoro.
Residence 375 So, Central. Phono
Offico 42 Xorth Front st. Phone
315. Prices right. Service guar
anteed. NEW TODAY
80 acres on the Applegate, with
somo stock and Irrigation, $4900,00.
Another there of lGO acres, stock, Ir
rigation and buildings, $7500 and
many other ranches priced right. '
A good one near Pendleton, irrigat
ed and water right paid, 187 acres at
$100.00; will take In good little place ,
In exchange. '.,
A few furnished and some unfur-
nlshcd houses for rent. ' ' -
HoohTIO, Jackson County Btuik Bite.