Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    fflEDFonn srarn tribwe, ansmronifr okettox eoitua.y, EGTCExmEE s-f, aois
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lhjL L
Medford's first huinlcinal Xmas
tree will 1)0 dedicated this evening
Xmas eve. and tlio exercises will bo
Kin promptly at 7 o'clock. Tlio treo
Is In readiness and makes an inspir
ing Bight In Us majestic beauty, blaz
ing with lights and Its many bright
ornaments, tho latter made by the
school children and Mr. Roscoo John
son, under whoso nblo management
It has been brought to tho present
stato of perfectndss. With tho magic
lighting of tho tree tho children In
two columns led by Mr. and Mrs.
Hil Andrews and others of Medford's
loading slngors, headed by two splen
did cornotists, theso columns will
march from tho Presbyterian church
nud Washington school respectively,
Hinging "Holy Night, Silent Night."
Tho tcachora will accompany their
grades to t'ho' treo. Hev. Tuckor of
the Christian church' will mako tho
opening prayer and dedicate tho tree.
Tho song, "Hark, Hark; tho Horald
Angels Sing," will bo given by tho
singers; then "Pratso nod From
"Whom All Dlesslngs Flow," by tho
enllro assemblage. Roy, Rollins of
tho First JL E. church will deliver
tho closing prayer and tho children
will march to tho steps of tho library
where President Gates and Secretary
I.atta of tho commercial club and
niaybo old Snnta Clans himself (It ho
can ho persuaded to remain with us
long enough) will glvo oranges nnd
candy canes. Tho library will ho
open and worm and thoso desiring to
do so may avail themselves or tho
wt'lcomu always accorded by tho li
brarian and her assistants who will
greet you with nn nbundanco of
Xmas cheer and good will on this oc
casion. nA very delightful program followed
by a Christmas treo marked tho clos
ing of tho Oak Grove school, on tho
Jacksonvlllo road, for tho Christmas
holidays. Tlio evening's entertain
ment was In chargo of Miss Lucllo
Ruder and Raymond Powell, both
teachers of tho school. A reading
was given by Miss Mario Scoly, with a
piano accompaniment by Miss Nana
Soely, followed by a. Christmas can
tata "Christmas Spirit" by tho school
children. Tlio cantnta was given un
der tho nblo direction -of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Stroud, and Miss I.enoro God
lovo played tho occompanlmont. After
the program candles, nuts, fruit, etc.,
wore distributed among tho children.
Remembrances which wero mado by
tho pupils during school hours wcro
also exchanged. Tho evening was
very much enjoyed by tho children
n well as tho grown-ups, nnd all
ween very grateful to Miss Itader and
Mr. Powell for tho pleasuro of tho
'Monday evening an informal danc
lug party was given nt tho Seventh
Company armory for tho pleasuro of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. I.obo who leave
soon for Kansas City. Thoso present
woro Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lebo, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch, Mr. and Mrs.
Sain Hlcliardson, Mr. and Mrs. Wini
fred Ilulloy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc
Keo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. E. Johnson,
Mr and Mrs. A. II. Cunningham, Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Hubbard, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Chlldcrs, Mr. and Mrs.
Crowson of Ashland, Mr. nnd Mrs. G.
('. Murphy of Ashland, Mr. nnd Mrs,
0. C. Murphy of Ashland, Misses
Frances Ash, Lois Estes, Flora Welsh,
Vivian Chlldcrs, Marlon Huntloy of
Ashland, Elmer Foss, David Rosen
borg, Frank Farrell, Allon Hopkins,
A, S. Rosenbnum and G. F. Moore.
Miss Mabcl'Mears, who has been
teaching In tho Klamath Falls schools
ncocmpanled by her mother, Mrs. K.
J Mears, aro guests at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mears on South
Newtown tor tho Christmas holidays.
i ...
Mr, Clifford Mitchell of San Fran
clsch. who has been attending tho
UnivWsity, returned home with Geo.
GatesVand will be a guest at tho Gates
homo lurit)s the Christmas holidays.
Miss Lonora Vance, who has been
nttendipg school at Berkeley return
ed homo Sunday to spend tho holi
days wth her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
A, J. Vunce of South Oakdule.
' ...
Mrs. ".I'ljilfrcd Taylor left Saturday
for an extended trip In tho cast. Sho
will spend the Christmas holidays
with her sister, Mrs. Arnold Scudder
at San piego en route.
Mr and Mr. AlvJn Courtney, who
have l)-n guests at tho home of Dr.
nnd Mrs. W. If. Scoly, laft Saturday
for mi nxteuded trip through south
ern California.
Mrs. Jehn Ilarnoburg was hostess
to UioAVodiKHHlay AHCtton Rrldge
CI nh at her home on West Tenth
. tret i Wednesday afternoon.
The Rupromo social event oC tho
year will bo stngod Monday night
when tlio alumni annual Christinas
ball takes nlnco nt tho Nntntorium.
The largo hall will be used for tho
occasion, tho music being supplied by
nn nucmented orehestrn. of five.
pieces. Tho decorating committee is
working diligently in nn endenvor to
produco nn effect in Xmus decora
tions which will surpass nil previous
efforts. In fact, each nnd every
member of nil committees m ohnrgo
is strivinc to make this nnniinl ball
tho really big socinl event of tho sen-
son, iho invitation list comprises nil
alumni, high school nnd college stu
dents, tho faculty nnd n limited num
ber of outsiders. Tho following pat
ronesses will ho in tho reoeiviiKT line:
Mrs. M. L. Alford, Mrs. W. II. (lore,
Mrs. 11. F. Anile, Mrs. A. .1. Vnncc,
Mrs. Jj. 11. Hrown, Mrs. S. S. Smith,
Mrs. K. R. Pickel, Mrs. T. J. William
son, Mrs. Win. Uudge, Mrs. P. K. Merrick.
The "Comrndeiio" will uive nn in-
fonnnl dancing party nt tho nnnory
on Thursday evening, December 30.
Tho nffnlr will be in the fnrm of n
holiday hop, tho invitation list in-
ciuuinf t no niuinn, collego nnd high
school students nnd n few outsiders.
A clever scheme- of decoration will
transform tho dnnco floor into n
hugo bower of l.olidnv croons for thi.i
occasion. As usual, tho spacious club
rooms. llU'llldlllL' ladies' tint-liim. lid.
Hard nnd smokiiur rooms, will liu
placed ut tho disposal of tho guests.
"t'optur' dnnco musio will bo ren
dered by nn excellent orchestra,
winch will inoludo a banjo!
This being tho first "Comrndorin"
affair to which outsiders linvo been
invited, no pains will bo spared in nn
endenvor to insure tho nlensnro of
overj- guest present. All indications
point townrd n most cnjoyuhlo even
ing. Tho list of patronesses will bo
nnnounccd at nn onrlv date.
. . '.
Miss Reth Stewart entertained tho
Girls Sowing. club nt her homo on
North Onkdalo nvenuo Monday own
ing. Tho house wbb decorated with
Christmas colors and greenery, and
needlework, conversation and phono
graph music wero enjoyed after which
a dainty luncheon was served. A
Christmas treo nnd Santa Claus wero
used for tho centerplcco in tho tablo
decorations. Thoso present woro tho
Misses Florence and Allco Johnson,
Verna and Zoo Griffin, Doth Ulnck
ford and Doth Stownrt.
Mr. Park Daily and Miss Mary
Frances Martin of Eaglo Point wero
united In marriago last Saturday af
ternoon at 4 oclock by Rov. Harry E.
Tucker. A few relatives and intl
mnto friends wero presont. Tho
bridegroom Is a nephew of Prof.
Dally, principal of tho Washington
school. Mr. and Mrs. Dally will mako
their homo at Euglo Point, whero
they havo many friends who wish
them n happy llfo. i
Open house will ha held at tho
Conner homo nt Jacksonvlllo Christ
mas night, at which tlmo dancing,
cards, and other diversions will bo
enjoyed. Miss Jcunesso Ilutler, Her
bert Alford and Charles Hcnselman
will furnish tho muslo for tho even
ing. Thero will bo a Christmas treo
nnd comic Christmas favors will ho
distributed to the gueBts. Invitations
have been issued to a number of tho
Colony club and neighborhood ranch-
... d
Mrs. Chas. Connor and daughter,
Miss Dorothy Conner, entertained
with a dinner and theatre party to
seo Forbes-Robertson in tho Passing
of tho Third Floor Hack, at tho Page
thcatro Wednesday evening for tho
following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Lin
coln McCormlck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Preston of San Francisco, Doudlnot
Conner, Leonard Carpenter and Mrs.
Harold J. Iteckott of London, Eng
land. Miss Allco Palmer who graduated
from the San Joso Normal school last
week, returned homo Thursday. Sho
visited relatives at llerkeley and Dix
on before returning. Miss Marlon
Palmer, who is also attending the San
Joso Normal, will spend tho Christ
mas hoIldu)B with relatives ut llerke
ley. ...
Miss Davis who has been teaching
at tho high school has been obliged
to give up her work on account of
Dinette, and retumod to her home In
Portland last weok. Mum Marshall,
of Klamath Palls, has lioen substitut
ing for her the lust fow days,
Mr. Carroll S. McMillan, who has
been visiting at the koine of Mrs. Jap
Andrews, left Tuosday for her home
In I'usadtuia, California.
A very cnjoynWo pupils recital
wns given by Mrs. Alice If. S. Howell
nnd Edward C. Hoot nt their studio in
tho Oaniett-Corcy building, Mondny
evening. The following; program was
rendered :
Overture, "Poet and Peasant"
(Suppo), orchestra class; Cantata
Petite, Mrs. Itowcll; violin, Hope
Rowcll, and voices with orchestra nc
eompnnimcnt. First nnd second
grade work for piano nnd violin; pt
nno class, Harold Fink, Lorniuc
Stoltz, Ireno Ends, Hester Wnkcficld,
Kuth Stockman, Bonnie Trowbridge;
violin class, Keith Cole, Marvel Will
iams, Vntighun Qunokeubiish. Man
dolin duet (Woidt), Frederick Mears
and llopo Howell; banjo nnd guitar
duet (Anon), Fay nnd Hay Fryrenr;
operntio selection "11 Trovntoro"
(Verdi), A nnd 11 orchestra classes;
pinno solo, "At Evening" (Wlielplcy),
Edith Onrrison; violin solo, "Spring
Song" (Mendelssohn), Julion Dnrrett;
pinno solo, wultx (Andcliff), Carl
Qunokeiibiifdi; violin solo, gavotte
(Pialal. William Ilillis; piano olo,
mnzurka, "Nadin" (Waehs), John
Neff; violin solo, "Cavatina" (Haff),
Heiboit Williams; marches (a) "One
Ping for All" (Hollinson), "Palm
llrrinehes." Members of erchestra:
Riley Davis, Iticlinrd Stockain, How
ard Raymond, Julion Ilorrett, Vnugh
nn Qunekenbusli, Marvel Williams,
ITopo Howell, Keith Cole, .Inincs Fran
cis, John Xeff, James lllnck. (
Tho publio library invitci il
friends to n vesper concert of Christ
mas musio on Sundny afternoon be
tween f and tf: "Ailesto Fidelos,"
band and chorus; "It Cnmo lljxm the
ridnight Clear," chorus; Handel's
"Messiah," Hallelujah chonis, band;
"Why Do the Nntions?" solo, Arthur
Middleton; "0, Thou Divine Evening
Star" (Tnniihnuser), cello solo; "El
egio" (Massenet), solo by Helen
Stnnloy; "Songs of tho Chimes," with
contralto solo; "One Pine Day He'll
Como Again," from "Madame lltitter-
fly," solo by Emmy Dcstinu; Rnrcn
rollo from "Tho Tales of Horfninn,"
orchestra; duet from Verdi h "Trav
tata" (Alice Vrrlet and Quido Cicco
lini) ; "lonutc Doon," contralto solo
by Christine Jlillcr; "Silent Night,"
trio; ".Meditation Prom Thais," violin
solo bv Albert. Spalding; "0 Little
Town of Hothlehom, chorus; UnnuerH
"Largo," orchestra.
Tho librarj is nblo to give this by
courtesy of Miss Laoy nnd tho Pal
mer Pinno Co.
The Ladies' Aid society held their
monthly "home-coming ' cdnosdny
afternoon at tho M. E. church. In
tho report for the first throo months
of this conference year tho Indies
have turned into tho general treasury
$'JI!(1.81. Tho resignation of Mrs.
McNnry ns president nnd Mrs. Arns
piger as vice-president wns nccepted
with regTOt from those present. Mrs.
R. C. Minonr as president nnd Mrs.
Hnlcnm for vice-president woro
unanimously elected to fill tho places.
Tho program in charge of the Loyalty
circle: Piano duet, Mrs. Van Scoy and
Mrs. C. A. Meeker; rending, Mrs.
Hoffman; solo, Mrs. Potties; piano
solo, Mrs. Campbell. Tho Oakdulo
circle havo chargo in January.
A pretty wedding took plaeo on
Wednesday, December 15th, at 11:30
a. m. at tho homo of tho brldo's par
ents in Eaglo Point, when Miss NovaU
Taylor and William A. Holman wcro
united in marriago, Rev. L. T. Sim
mons officiating.
The brldo woro a whlto taffeta
gown and carried a shower bonuct of
whlto carnations. Sho was attended
by her sister, Mrs. Ray Harnlsh nnd
Miss Mary Holman. Tho groom's at
tendants woro his brother, Guy Hoi
man and Ray Harnlsh,
After tho ceremony a dinner was
sborved to about twenty guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Holman spent a few
days In Medford before going to
their homo at Lake Creek,
Miss Margaret Ireno Smith nrrived
homo from 0. A. C. Wednesday morn
ing to spend tho holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith.
Sho wns accompanied by n friend,
Reanmont Do Losh, of Aberdeen,
Wash., who in also a student at
0. A. C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. floorgo E. Johnston
nnd children, of West Tenth street,
loft Thursday for Portland, whore
they will spend Christmns with Mrs.
Johnston's nnrents. They will nlo
isit relatives at Seattle and Evorott
during the holidays.
The Epworth League of the Meth
odist .church will give a social nt the
church N'ew Year's eve. A good pro
gram is being prepared and mi on
joynblo time is promikod to nil who
. .
ylfH Mnliol Gould, who has boon
attending 0. A. C, relumed home on
Wcdiiosdity to spend the Chrihtnias
holidays with her iMrmits, Mr. mid
Mm. W. P. (Iimlil .if North Court
Mlts Lucllo Marshall who has boon
teavhlng at Klamath Falls returnod
home to spend tho holidays with hor
parents. Mr nnd Mrs. G. E. Marshall
or souiu uaxuaie.
Miss Mary Gillies, secretary of tho
Y. W. C. A. of Eugene, nnd Miss
Louisa Allen, who is n junior nt the
stato university, nro guests of Miss
Ruth Nye nt hor home on East Main
iMlss Inn Cochran, who has been
attending tho California Stato Normal
school at San Joso, arrived Tuesday
to spend tho Christmas holidays with
her parents.
. .
Mr. and Mrs. I: L. Hamilton of
North Central left Wednesday for So
attlo where they will spond Christmas
with their daughter, Mrs. Enid Mc
Mrs. Wnldron, who hns boon visit
ing with hor daughter, Mrs. W. Kei-
zur, of North llontty street, returned
to her home in Portland Pridav.
Mrs. E. P. Guthrie will entertain
with n children's parly and Christ
mas tree nt hor home near Jackson
ville this evening.
A Christmas tree, was given for the
children of tlio'rjtyiat tho Hotel Med
ford this afternoon bv tlio Indies of
the Colony ftltift.?
.i .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dndo Ten it t of
Grand Porks, "N. i)., nro guest of
Mrs. Ten-ill's mother, Mrs. Anna E.
Davis. JJT:
Mrs. II. Slovoivnud dnughor, Mrs.
P. If. Pollingorinyo returned homo
from a visit in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Wren Crows of Al
bany nie guests of W. E. Crews of
South OakdaUO
Apropos of tho work being done by
the Drama league, Porbes-llobertsou
said recently i ''I regard tho Drama
league as u groat, institution, an in
stitution destined to become one of
the greatest factors in the drama
world of today. J he league has al
ready done a wonderful work; it will
do much nioro in tho future, and I
consider its work n groat power in
tho theatrical world, both for the the
aters and the nublie."
Wo aro iirfWmed by tho national
office of tho Drama league that the
Canadian government has officially
given the Drama. League center of
Oltnwn, Can., a beautiful now home
in the Victoria national museum. The
press in writing ofn houso-wnniiing
which was given n Mmrl limn ago by
the members of the-center, snys: "It
wius peculiarly rtw'uifionnt miioo it
was tho l'in-t time in Canada that the
government litis done anything for the
national theater movement by furn
ishing tho Drama league with n new
homo in the Victoria national mus
eum." A pllo remedy tnnt Is entirely dif
ferent from anything clso, used both
externally and internally, acting on
tho blood ns well ns tho dlscaso, a
remedy without a superior. It is
Merltol Pllo Remedy, mado and guar
anteed by tho American Drug and
Press Association. Prlco $1.00.
Agents, Hasklns Drug Sloro. Adv.
aiir,. .
J V'V?PKr fC 7 '
WEEM lOttfvS1
Be sure to
use your
coupon pub
lished in last
Tuesdays issue.
Take it to your
Grocer and get
a bottle of
Tomorrow is
the Last Day
After that you mutt pay for
Merit Vanilla. It's too good
to be given away.
To You
Whoever You Are
Wherever You Are
A Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
it mii X2 y&X
mv p y
To our Patrons, and to those who are to become; "
our Patrons, we offer
Long Experience
' Strict Management
Burglar Proof Vaults, Protected by Electricity
Able Service s
Sound Advice
Net Wealth of Our Stockholders
Over One Million Dollars
President. Cashier Assistant Cashier
The old wish and the best wish
Friends and Patrons
Vm ' ' '
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Jackson County
t '
i ""? ,