Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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CMr. nml jrrs. John M. Itoot of Med.
ford nro registered at Hotrl Ilenson,
Special Christmas dinner at llio
Johnson Cafo, J 2 to 1. Prlco COc.
M. Purdln, Lawyer, Hoom -IOC M.
P. &' II. IJltlK.
"W. 0. McDonald rotitrnoil yoslor
doy from nhiiMndss visit In Portland.
Ho reportH tho rain and wlndB In tho
coast districts unusual.
The Sugar Howl wishes to nn
nniinco that 2731 guolwps ivoro Jnado
on tho Mb cane. Tho correct weight
i 21 pounilN 2 ounce, and won by
Sam Uateman and Mrs. A. J. Wright.
Each guessed 24 lbs. and 2A ounce
nud tlioy will dlvldo the nine.
257o off on Kodaks at Woston'a
Caniora Shop.
Oeorgo Outes, who In ntlondlng (he
Oregon university ut Eiikoiiii, emne
home to enjoy tho holiday turkey
with dad and mother, Mr. and .Mr.
C. K. Ontos.
' Xmns ending at Tho.Shailn.
Opt It at Do Voo's.
Harl lteynolds' Inclination as a
collector of dry goods lioxos, barrels
and things linn boon so marked of
late as to suggost Inquiry as to what
It all meant. Tho explanation Is that
he will removo to Aiiaconda, Mon
tann, on tho first of the year Jo ac
cept nn engagement with tho Wells
Kargo company In that city. Earl
has mnny frlunds hero who rogrot
that ho Is going away, hut who are
glad, nevertheless, that ho has ob
tained a gpod billet with good people.
Weston Camorn Shop for tlrat clan
Kodnk finishing and Kodak supplies
Thoro will be one dollvory of V. 8.
mall from the Medford postofflee
Christmas morning.
Tho host dnuco of all at tho Nat
Xmas night, Saturdny, Doc. 2Mh. and
Now Year's night, Saturday, January
1st. That aaiuo big eight plcro or
chestra. Bleating and bowling uftor
noon and evonlng. 2.1(5
Chns. M. Polk, of St. I.ouls, Is a
business visitor In Medford today.
Smoke King Spitz and Pnntola, two
host Cc cigars on market. tf
Kresh frultB at I)e Voo's.
Mrs. A. U. Wright apd Samuel
Uatoman won tho , big -slick of candy
on display In tho show window of tho
Sugar Howl candy store, hnvlug made
tho Bamo guosa 2-1 potipdn two and
n half ounces. Tho "enno" weigh
udf2J pounds two oiincwu
AM tho latest sheet ulunlc at Cc per
copy. Music not carried In stock
will bo ordered for you at Halo's
Piano Houso.
All tho lntest sheet music at tic per
copy. Music not carried In stock will
bo ordered for you at Halo's Piano
UxorclsPA at tho municipal Christ
tuna troo In tho pnrk will hoglu
promptly at 7 o'clock thin evening-
(let your Xmas candy at He Voo's
.Mltw Allco Palmer, who graduated
from tho San Jnso Normal last week
returned homo Wodnotulny. She hits
accepted a position ns toucher in one
of tho Ashland schools.
Kodaks make useful Xmas pres
ents. Wocton is offering them at
2B off.
(Iur Schrninklt, who has been en
gaged In mining work in tho Appta
gato country for MNornl month, ro
turnod yetorday for a protracted
vlnlt to this city. He said ho heard
tho knliw whs sffllctwl with selle
gewohontmiendunK and concluded
taht, If that tort or ailment ! In tha
air, lie'd bettor come home.
Mr. Loach, Aliilo-fiupimrt llaroloy
surgical corset. 3JM N. llsrtlott, '
W. 1. Vawter Is rHrtd as having
luutttHl a better night mid U rastln
more comfortably this mornlui.
Hrah roasted peanuts at D Voo's
llutta Palls Wood yard Phone IS
or 128. Wood all kinds. tUT
The dftjMttou team from th Ore
von university, represent lug the Y.
W. 0. A. and the Y. M. 0. A., IH
ldM a miles service by the various
young people's aocltitlos of this vU
at tho PrbyttrlHH ehureli Suuday
ovoniug at 6 o'rUvrk. A tt dress,
touts ad alasr music will constitute
the program. After this mwotlng the
ttwim Will go la Juiknouvlll at 8
o'tlock to hold alwllar meetings In
that elty
All tae latoat ht tnuaJc at te par
cwy. MNglc not eurrUM in a(ok
will tw ordered lor yon at Hale'a
I'Un Uawe.
Uftkerr goods at lie Va's.
Barton Kelly of 81 Paul. Mlnne
HU, arrived iu Medford tale morulas,
and will rmualn till Monday. "I
tipei Chrslimas day la Medford ten
years Mo." aald Mr Kelly (hla laorn-
lug. "and 1 was delicate with the
vlalt. I am a lad to he able to atop
hare aaulaer Chrlatwaa. I am asm
Htf out to remain a month mil uei
mcv, inrlag hteh lime I will enjoy
all of tho charming entertain meat
your mountains and their natural
wonders inn afford If one who In
Hungrr for n n trntlen."
rhrisuit trky itnnor ate, Ca
(Iiiinm r.mi if to . Mnslr rrant ti
until : fit
Chief Hlttson says that, while he
is sending out Christmas presents, ho
would llko to bo permitted to send a
packago to J. Austin Hooper, tho
"gentleman hold-up" follow who so
cleverly allpped out of Southern Oro
gon nnd refuses to come back.
You can get most any old thing at
Do Voo's most nny old time.
Do Voo sells postage stnmps.
I.ouIb 0. Oentner, tho county ento
mologist is visiting during tho yulo
tlde season with friends nud relatives
In Portland.
Por wntch worn tnat satisfies,
Johnson tho Jowolor. 220
Whllo C. C. Cate, the now JHikson
county pathologist, was visiting Ash
land a few days ago, Albert Jackson,
of that city, gnve him a few samples
of persimmons grown on n three year
old tree which he obtained from tho
department of nxrloulture at Wash
ington, I). (5. These specimens were
tho largt'st and finest appearing per
simmons ever shown in this section.
Onn of them woighed H grams, or
nearly two thirds or a pound. It was
luscious anil of delicious flavor. Mr.
Johnson did not know tho name of
the variety of persimmon it Is, but
Mr. Cato will oscortaln and have
something to any about producing
them commercially In this valley.
Tlioy are a dollclous and wholesome
fruit and ought to be produced In suf
ficient abundance for home consump
tion, at least, i
$1000 to loan on improved ranch,
Holmes, the Insurance Man.
When bettor insurance li sold
Holmes The Insurance Man will sell
I. u grippe prevails In this valley to
some extent, but, Judging fiom the
reports that ronio from the Wlttum
ette vnlloy, we aro rreatly favored
In that respect so far thin winter
At Eugene on Monday .'ti'O student
were absent from schoolH of that city
on account of It. Tho schools wore,
thoroforo, closed until tho epidemic
Wanted, 200 lny.'ng hens at once.
Whlto Leghorna nud llhndo Island
Hods; write whnt you have and how
many. Wrlto mo nt Jacksonville.
Anton Zorto. 2.17
Mcllrldo carries tho largest and fin
ost lino of homo-mndo caudles In
Medford. 2!1C
J. II. Drlscoll, chief deputy game
warden for Southern Oregon, with
hoad(uarierH at Ashland, Iiiih return
ed from tho convention of delegates
from Hportmeu'H lengues of this slate
who assembled nt Portland recently
to consider our stalo game I awe nhd
tho proposal or new legislation on
(lint line. Mr. Drlscoll 1s a Medford
visitor today.
See lliivo Wood aioiit that fire In
uraucn policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
Sweet apple elder at Do Voo'n.
li. P. Pelernnu, of the Applognlo
country, came to town a few days ago
and, remembering Hint the now year
will ushor iu a long dry spell for Ore
gon, proceeded lo put away a farewell
cargo. Under the Inspiration of tho
lag lie undertook to cuptuio nnd ap
propriate the Wonder store, but was
finally compelled to retreat, only to
open u verbal fire of shrapnel on the
Alro cogiur store. Ilefore Hie latter
had capitulated, Chief Hlttson picked
up the belligerent nnd stowed hint
away In tho "cooler." He was fined
In the police court this morning for
cresting so much ilihturhance and
waa Judicially enjoined not to repeat
his fusa If he had any desire to enjoy
the day of Christmas out of doors.
Plorce, the Klortst, will have an ex
ceptionally good lino of Christmas
potted nnd out flowers. Order now.
Our candle are always nice and
fresh. Wo make them. Mcllrldo &
Co. !30
Miss Harriet Wight, of Portland,
Is the isuast of Miss Margaret English,
and will remain through the Christ
mas holidays.
(let your milk, cream, butter, eggs
slid buttermilk at De Vow's.
Dro. A. It. nnd t.ouiso Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stownrt build-
in K". XS6 Put Main St.
"Hurtmuuiib Wellerkupf" Is the
name of Al IIwhImk'h now prospect
near drauts Puss Al U in Medford
today on a shopping tour, u.lth a
strong tendeauy to stock up along the
suun ttiUe of Trout street He ssys
he named his now mine that iiupro
itouncaiiU ord o nnbod) could find
All kinds of chocolates, 30 cents
per pound at l)e Vow's
A "Paelfle Cedar Chost" for Xmns.
Ah ideal gift.
A special convention will be held
at the state college, IkIiuIiik Jsii
usr :i. and continuing Ue ila. at
si whltii strong effort mill he made
lo federate the xhiie aruiise and the
farmers' union of Oregon.
Special prirot on eugrawsl cards,
new and from Md plates tar a tow
days at the Modfnrd Printing Co.
We make a apeciatty of cleaning
party gowns. Prepare tor Xmas.
Hanlorlum ?:ui
llenn l'ason. of Port Klsnuiii. Is
s Medford visitor Ihu week. Mrs
lason s 111 lata Mm here Oil even
tag nnd (key will ruiala for s wrek
more. It tna lu tnat Mr fasou
will ssjftfhide la locate in tut vnlir
Nov Knos hjnta just from New
Totk nt Otateat for Duds. n
Ontoa am poml . lo down
ami ti& a mania. tit
The public library will not open
Christmas day.
Don't wait. Do It now. What
havo you? Clothes cloancd for XmnB.
Pantorlutn. 23C
Special for Xmas week: Popped
corn per gallon 12c; frosh rnuntcd
peanuts por Hi. 1214 c, nt The Pop
pory. 2.1fi
The si ores of Medford appear to
have been very llttlo annoyed by
shoplifters this wcok. That dofty
flngered gentry never has troubled
(he merchants of this city much, hut
less this senson than usual..
Christmas dinner filic. The Shas
ta. 2II0
Harllett's taxidermist nnd fur bus.
InosM for sale Como In nnd talk It
over with Ilartlett. 318 East Main
stroot. 230
The supreme court hao decided
Hint a schoolma'ani shall not lose her
position as teacher on account of be
ing married during hnr term. Wheth
er or not tills decision may interest
any of the Medford women leachem
remains, to bo scon.
Carpentering nnd n'nop work, all
kinds. C. E. Collins, .11 N. Ilartlett.
Ilartlett Is selling out furs nt a
greet sacrifice. 3 IS East Main street.
Hamilton J. llnckwlth, of Doa
Moines, lown, is enjoying the holiday
season with friends In this valley.
Hox candy for Xmns. Tho Shasta.
Columbia records at Palmers.
Harrlman Trigg, recently from
England, la enjoying u visit with
friends In this valley. Ho will re
main a month or so.
J. O. (Jerking, tho best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Mwnys rollablo. Negatives mado any
there, timo or placo. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-.T.
Good dry wood J1.C0 per tier on
around. H. P. Montgomery, G19 S,
Itlversldo 221
done Hartmaii, of Ashland, Is In
tho city today.
Have your old ntiit fixed up for
Xmas. Pantorlum. 230
Not many knights of the sample
case have appeared In Medford this
week. ChrlBtmns at home, no doubt.
Insure your auto in the Alliance
against theft, fire. C. Y. Tongwald.
Henry Mnltoon, of Craya Harbor,
Washington, Is enjoying n visit at
Medford and other points In the val
ley for a mouth or so.
Plfteen sots ladles' furs, absolutely
at cost. Pick them out whllo tho
picking Is good. 3 IS East Main
Btreet. 230
Ceo. T, Mcrrywell, of Eugene, this
stnte, Is visiting with relatives In this
vicinity during tho holiday season.
SCHAXTOX, IM., IVr. '21- The
xecoud xcctioii ol lite Delaware,
KaekuHiHtnu & Western mM'nger
train No. !, which won rammed near
Delaware !ut IiihI night by Hie third
hccliou nl' Hie same train, cuiimiik the
death of two H'ivi.n- ami injuries to
live other, leached thi city early to
day hearing the victim, who were
taken In local lioupitnl. It i believ
ed all will recover. The killed were
linth colored.
A hlmiper lluit wnn wrecked wu
the oul.s unoili'ii cur in the train ami
the occupiinlH of Ihin chi were the
K. .M. Kiue, iH'iieiiil MtiK-iiilciidenl
or the ltckawaiinu, diice lh Itl.uue
I'm Ihe uecideiit on the i'ii,iiir ol'
xeclioii three, who, nccoitliiiy to Mr.
Kiue, ran mi toipiHlotw and lighted
t'uNU wiitl ali.ii pilled u I'ltigniiiu
and autiiitiMtie sigiml Ihot were in
(M'licct working order and et ugain-t
New school nt Mulino has bocn
LONDON. Dec 2 1 - The celebra
tion of England second Christmas
of the war is being devoted mainly to
the soldldrs. Several thousand of
them have) come from tho front on
leave. Thoei men, with the large
forces In the home camps and tho
thousands In hospitals, aro being en
tortnlned nt dinners, concepts nnd
theaters. ' In every town of the Unit
fid Kingdom there Is some celebra
tion for soldl and sailors.
More than l.."en,0i)0 packages hate
been sent to soldiers on tile contl
lieut. Six special tralna nnd four
channel boats have been employed for
tho last week to carry tho army malls.
Tho railway stations of London nro
crowded with soldiers, many of them
Just fiom the trenchers nnd covered
with mud. They carry Prussian hel
mets, rifles and knapsacks, shells
and other souvenirs of battle. Com-
mltteoH of men and women meet theso
men, feed them nud help them on
their way In to the provinces,
Even the (iermatu prisoners in Eng
land are preparing for elaborate cel
ebrations Christmas. At Dounlngtnn
Hall, tho place of confinement of a
majority of the officers, so many
packages are bolng received from
(iermnny that tho vlllago postofflco
him been compelled to enlarge Its
staff. Tho Oermnn officers have made
lnrge purohases of turkeys, gee e,
wines nnd beers. The Herman civil
ians Interned In Alexandria palace In
London nro having concerts nnd
theatrical performances.
Kli PASO. Tow, Dec. 21. Colonel
ti: i:,.. i':n . ....(...... ,: :..! ....,'
iiiHiiiiii inn. iiHiuu j iiiiiiii'iiii jim in
ut Juarez oi the Villa revolution was
still in jail at noun today in delimit
of $10,(111(1 bond.. Villa wus returned
lo Kl Piimi la-l night I rum San An
tonio, where ho wu urrc-ded on u
(ruin cm u ehutye hrouuht hv Victor
,('itriiMfJ. Ciiruino ullejictis Villn had
(riven him a. worthless ddeiik for ."?l(i,
00(). '
A tiumlier of oilier law suit
tisVaiimt Villa have been filed. Manuel
(Elian of Diiiitfliis, Ari., Iirought ac
tion lo recover $:ti,(IU(l, iilleifinir n
herd of lii cattle hud hcen driven to
.Inure, nud xlaughlcrcd, tin money
for their ale going to Villa u fiscal
ngeut. llilN of muIc filed with the
coiinly recoidcr show Villa hcl'ore
his departure Vedne-dny olil u large
ntilomobile for $1, dmmond rinir nud
oilier jewelrj, lhnl,-l'our piece iu
nil, for 1().
POIt SALE Jersey cow chenp, calf
by side. Palmer Piano Place, near
P. O.
WANTED (lot your radiator tight
ened and fixed up llko now again
by an export; work guaranteed;
price very reasonable. Hox 1). It.,
care Mall Tribune. 230
KOU SALE A Mots; riiimliout, thor
oughly overhauled, Jl.'ir.; flno con
dition. Address Hox II, Mall Tri
bune. 230
The Wonder
Merry Christmas
to One and All
is the wish of
Marsh & Bennett'
i ft
We wish A Merry Christmas
to all of our friends
and patrons
MAY all good things be yours, and may
your fondest wishes be realized dur- u-
ing this happy holiday time.
WE thank you for your patronage aur- R
ing the past year, and through cour-
tesy and good service hope to merit your continued
patronage and friendly interest.
one an
d all-
imr llwi hiiul visir. Vs.. r
Wp siiicorcly hopo to merit your con- $fmg&v
Yv wish to convey oiu sincere ffrati- &$J
e for your generous iiafronage dur- (it
linued lVieiKlly inttMvst imtl conrideiice rf
in our fair and honest front men! toward jbr' wtr
Nri.sliing you a lei'ry Christmas and (lie Hap
pies! of Now Years,
Hello! Santa Claus
IT ihoi'o is nnv i)roducl of human skill which more
lavishly contributes !o ei'i'ieiency and comfort than a
properly iirescribed lens, accurately jjositmned, it
has yet to he discovered by the multitude of imper
fect vision. Xo more useful gift could he conceived
than a pair of
Por the highest grade, most intelligent Optical
Service See
jrecU'oi'd, Oro.
Blumauer andHoch
Take pleasure in informing all dealers and
the public that fhey have been .sucressful
in securing (he agency for flic "WON I) I'll ?
r' f "
And will be prepared to supply all dealers
and the trade generally, either from slock
in Portland or in carload lots direct from
San Diego (o all points in Oregon, Idaho
and Southern nud Knsleru "Washington,
promptly and on short notice.
"I10PSKI," according to the foremost
Academy of Ferment ology in America, is
positively the best .Mnlf nnd Hop Hover
age, containing less than one-half of one
por cent of alcohol yet produced, and is
unanimously pronounced a boor substitute
of incomparable merit, nnd, thoroforo, (he
most successful seller yet placed on fho
11'Q your orders SOW. Phono ou.wj'ite
'SB '
tor samples. " vy
Blumauer and Hach
U).--K)7 Twelfth Street,
Al Min 211 Hume A-UHM