PXOE TEST UftEDFORD MTTTTJ TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, PRECOX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER H TDI5 OBREGON DELAYS ENTRY 10 JUAREZ AWAITING OS t, EL rASO, Tex., Dec. 2-J. Silvcitrc -. Terrains, former bccretnry of stnto L4' or Cliiluinhua imtlcr tho Villa pov- rnnncnt. wns in nomiiinl olmrgc of territory recently surrendered to the 1o fncto Mcilcnn f-ovcrninenl by Villn followers today. He succeeded Colo nel Flnrfano Pnllzn ns commnndcr at .lunrer. when Pnliia iled across tlin border after a demonstration by sol diers Inst nisht when they failed lo reeoivc their wages in silver and vcie offered currency of the do facto gov ernment instead. TerrntflR is the third former Villn lender to assume churgo at Juarez within twenty-four hours, General Manuel Ochoa having crossed to Kl I'uso yesterday when friends of Fidel Aviln, fonner governor, nnd Qenernl Vietorinno Avila, who ho had arrest ed, threatened reprisals. Juarez was quiet. Qenernl Alvaro Ohregon, military chief of the de fncto government, remained in Kl Vniio, awaiting, it yviw said, tho or rivnl of ndditionnl forces beforo en tering Mexico at this jioiitt. Nothing concerning Urn movements ot uenerni lYimctaco Villa was known here Oqorgfl Cf Carothers, representing the Ameiicnn state department, made reprcrientnlion9 to flenernl Oltregon concerning American employes of the Hearst ranch, who arc said to bo prisoner of tho Villn forccK there. IIo is upd,cwtood to have uiged thnt a military force be sent from Chihua hua City to effect their release. HAM GIVEN AT ANDERSON SCHOOL OR CAR PRICES T DROPPING STEADILY AS r- CARS IMPROVE Tho steady downward trend in the prices of popular mulccs of automo biles has been a feature which virtu ally every motorist has commented on this season. That this drop has not been accompanied by any fulling off in quality of the cars lias been estab lished beyond question by tho satis factory vny in which the new models have performed for their owners all over the country. Generally the 101(1 cnrJ nie in looks and ubility tlio su periors of the rflieicnt models which featured Inst senson. Prominent in the list of moderate priced ear reductions this yenr is the Maxwell, which lust seuson produced a revolutionary quantity of $700 touring cars. This yenr the company has reduced tho list price to ."pOjD nnd lias mndo this figure cover a car .completely equipped with electric lighlu, elcetno starter, demountable rims, one-man iyw top, sjiecdoinctor and dash-adjusting caiiiurctor, as well as over-size (ires. The new Jfaxwells, declares "Pay as You Hide" Power of tho Powell Auto Co., locnl Maxwell distributors, have' aliYndy eclipsed thn feats of the fonner model which was itself u champion mountain climber and a most efficient typo of nutomobile. Long trips have been recorded in which owners averaged better than 30 miles to it gallon of gasoline and 1000 miles or more to tho nunri of lubricating oil. The car is better fin ished and larger than last year. COURT HOUS E NEW Reported by Jackion Cooaty Ab tract Co., ilith and Mr IU. Tho fallowing program was glvvn by Ihrt Anderson Creek school of West Talent, Thursday evening: Song, Jlnglo Hells, school. Violin nolo, Mies Oortruclo Shoults, accompanied by Miss King. Hccitailon, A Wish, Mnrlon Motlln. limitation, Tho llent Day, Jnmeii IllnRliaiii. ' Hccllntlon, I Wonder, lllchnrd To- in. Hong, Crndln Hymn, Kmcstlno l'lury. School noug, Waddling Thru tho Snow. ' - Itecltutlon, A Possibility, Milan IlurnvtU DlaloRiio, Walling Up for Santa C'lutiB, Ohio and Mildred Urlntow. Js'owapupcr, Ulvlno l'lury" and Pearl Stump. y) Recitation, Krnentlno Flury. Itecltutlon, Snnfu Claua and tho Motuo, Mottle Tur'per, Song by primaries, Where Do All tho Daisies CoT limitation, A Stitch In Time, Mil dred Orlstow, ' Itecltutlon, Father's Xmas Dox, Pearl Stump. Christmas acrostics. t I Song, Uooby, Itecltutlon. U reedy Hilly Green, HI yliifl Flury. KiMltatlon, Tho Dead Tussy Cut, Italph Lunt, IteclUtlon, Vnllta Ilurnett. Dialogue, Six Little Ksklmoi. Mediation, Annto and Willie's Prayer, Josephine Flury. Dluloguu and song,, Tho Dancing llenrs. Vocal duet, Klvlnn and Josephlno Flury, Poail Stump and Miss Shoults, Dialogue, The Xmas Sprlto. Pantonine, My Faith Looks Up to Thee, Pearl Stump, Klvlne and Jos ephlno Flury, Violin solo, Angel Serenade, Mtss Shoutls, Tableaux. Snot Onus song, and arrival of Santa Claim, Circuit II, M. McKnrlaml vs. Henry Hum phrey, et Al, order confirming sale. Col.-Oregon Power Co. vs. II. O. Honnoy, sheriff's return of service. A. L. Carter vs. Irene (iuriln, et al, return of summons. Geo. W. Kcnnurd vs. Kmmn J. Walker, confirmation of salo. Stato of Oregon vs, Frank Murphy, It, W. Smith, transcript J. O. Alert ford (list. Hrst Nat. Hank of Ashland vs. C. L. Cunningham, It. L. Hurdle, action at law to iccovcr money. lYoltatn l.'ilntd of J. 1). Parker, order set ting nsldo real property; leport ot ad. mlntstiator. Hen) IXnlo Tnnisforji W. A. Messncr et ux to Mia. I Clara Hell Snvarly, lots on Jftckson St., Medford 10.00 II. 8. Wobb, et ux to Currlo C. Curnuhan, lot In hlk 11 Mod ford, q C I) John Column Hayes to Hutler & Thompson Co., lots In White's Add, Ashland Charllo C. Garfield to C. H. Garfield, land Jn 1 0-37-1 W 10.00 5.00 10.00 The Night Noi?e PRESIDENT 0 XMAS GIF T STONGHT HOT PPni.N'GS, V.i., Dee '21 All rbrihtmus pieeiits addietned to Prvsident Wilton here pushed tod.i into the $ufo keeping of hi wile, to bo withheld by Iter until tonight, when tho package will be opouoil. The lmokages nddtwV'1 to J,Ps "',0 wojo taken in charge bj the prow- dent . Among tho prcjaident'i. gilt, me two from hts grundchildren, Lllen WiUon AlcAdoo nnd Francis Wootlrow Mire. Whether tho piVpidciitaud hm vilv will parttciputvjn tho Christina cole bwtiop to bo given tonight in the ho tel wnw the chief topic dwcitskcd to day in Hot Springs. (Pen Ijimpmnn in Gold Hill News.) Theio vns a heion that Hew by nlht, nnd 'waughl" and "akl" said she; she lit on a snag at candle light and cried her cry of a soul bedight with weeds bv the sounding sea, Over the surge n swaying gleam of mmuo shin'a lights went by the gtvuUbinl roused as a man from divam, and voiced her eerio crv, There slept u tramp, 'neath the faded goivc, who woke in it tenoiod sweat for tho crv rung out as a graveless oone that alks the wet tiiuuN yet. Theiv was a heion that Hew by night, whose note was a strangled nciviimi the boulders bliilvd as u mate in fright, when red und wolid with roaring light the stable windows gleam. Illue was the bud, and plum ed ns she who Ming by Kgypt'u strewn -- her cry smoto back from lir to sea as madmen writhe in dieiun, There slept n child, in the hontmnuV hut, who woke with u I'oorvd slnrt s nl a lix-oni liihs kiing low to hut cold dread Iroiu that wee Heart, Thete was a heion that Hew by night, and "ivhurIi!" unit "awk" .she cried", xlio lit on a snag ut candle light, when far and cold and spirit bright, the star-1 oik walked o'erheud. Her ory mug back thtoiigh u thoiio and cmu to h mnrgc of reedy nuh it (.mote the night with namelotis l'eaiti, and died in feat fill luuli. The tramn fled oa thmuiih the shatd nud klmdo whilo terror ttod bin traok but low nud dear ang tho liMom maid who blesod the boutmau'b shack. With Medford trade u Medford uudo. "tvl SAFE AND STRONG . $"' A 9 'i Vt, j. . Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OREGON V J'. ' Submits a few facts and figures to show its Present SOLIDITY AND STRENGTH Loans, Bonds and Securities $422,246.85 Capital, Surplus and Profits 1 38,708. 1 2 Deposits. .... 483,538.73 Cash and Exchange on Hand 21 9,032.3 1 Cash Borrowed - - - NONE Cash Reserve 43 Per Cent of Deposits C; We extend our hearty Xiiras Greetings and Thanks to all our true and tried'Old Friends, and-invite Ne'W k Friends and Depositors to deal with a Bank that is r i t , FIRM , AS A ROCK ,H and yhich always renders 10ty Per Cent of . Faithful bervice WM. H. GORE iJur ;: President .'-", JOHN S. ORTII Cashier Our Prices Vi-gal. Tea Garden Syrup 50c I gal. Tea Garden Syrup 85c 5-lu. can Karo Syrup 33c 10-lb. can Karo Syrup 63c Crystal White Soap, doz 45c ? nnioc Rn :wAp.theart Soao 5c Star Naptha Washing Powder, 25c size .19c Citrus Washing Powder, 25c slze..20c Gloss Starch, 2 pkgs. 5o Cornstarch, 2 pkgs 15c Spring Clothes Pins, doz 05c Large Roll Toilet Paper 05c Rnu.il Rnklnn Pnwder. lb .. 43o IIVMI IIIH -- M K. C. Baking Powder, Z5c size-w I lb. Hersey's Cocoa 29o ij lb. Herseys Baking Chocolate J 9c Ground Chocolate, lb. 30c i. Ih. Linton's Tea 33c ' " . . ' o- wc ,.37c .6J4c .- 8c -6KC 20c 9c !5c ,..70c I Ih. Linton's Tea .. 50c Bulk Tea, per lb... Japan Rice, per lb Head Rice, per lb Macaroni, per lb. .. Bulk Cocoanut, per lb Bulk Crackers, per lb Holly Milk, 2 cans Yeloban Milk, doz 3 nkas. Crackers and Cookies, 10c size 35c Soft Shell Walnuts, 2 lbs., 35c . auc 35c 15c 35c Cornmeal. sack Rolled Oats, sack 2 1 0c sacks Salt. . 2 25c sacks Salt. Lemons, doz. Oranges, doz. Comb Honey 'A boxes Matches Codfish, lb. Shrimp, can W J Merry Christmas to Everybody WATERS' Paint and Wall Paper Store After January First 1916 Write at once for our new free catalog in which are plainly listed and priced the best nnd best known quality brands of liquors. You will und this method of buying by mail trom-wholesaler-to-con umer most economical ana satisiactory. All order will be filled in exact conformity with tho new law. now inu law buccis you in hi appnea. tion it et forth concicly in our catalog. Wo suarantee our coodi and prompt acrvice. We cannot advertiM alter January in. therelore vriu be unable to communicate witn you unlet you Get your, name on oiirjnaiIii$ list now Write for our prScei on OLD TAYLOR, yellow label, bottled in bond. You will be turprited. JULIUS LEVIN COMPANY ffi!&ffl5Z Lai (Ml Y,1.o!mJ Liquor DaUrt Vul 4 dicqo II aa'Aam LOR 111 VLW .20c .....25c I2d JOc Jlc .lie Canned Peas. doz. Canned Sugar Corn, doz $1.05 .$1.05 Best Creamery Butter, lb 30c NO CREDIT NO DELIVERY JACKSON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. Cut Price Grocers 33 North Grape Street Another GREAT BIG DINNER At Hotel Medford Christmas 5 to 9 P.M. One Dollar Reserve votir seats for NKNV YEAR'S EVE And once more Live the Life Bargains in ROSES 200 Three-year-old Caroline Testout Hoses for sulo at a bargain The finest roses In Medford from tho best rose IiciIro In the city. Tho Carolina Testout Is a perpet ual bloomer, large pink rosea and tho best hedge or street rose for thin clhnato. Pierce, the Florist The IDEAL XMAS GIFT Ts something useful and or namental. A CEDAR CHEST IS SUCH, or most anything in the furniture line- a Rocker, Pedestal, Smoking Set, ete. Our special for this Christ mas is our $8.50 Pacific Ce dar Chest for $7.00. Come in and let us show you our line. Descriptive circulars for out of town peoplo free for tho asking. PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY iiXSkZ. '"'Wi''".' "" . . ..,,, ,, , prnm itu. e.Uflly 1,t,htoi. Ut SUIIT OUTSIDE ROOMS 5o 5tqr Xl aW cucnu B.lUiit. Rates ," BAY ME fl,M ,Sl4iABAYTWOrERS0IS htm rerrT tl o, (Ut t vuiiVEim n$ "y (it r umm) C"V ' ut mwi the it. i