Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 23, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    p WilH
a;..gMMM ---). A
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Tho Southern Pacific freight depot
will bo closed on Christmas
day. Tho ticket office, however, la
never cloBod.
2GS& off on Kodalco at Weston'fl
Camera Shop.
Samuel Storey, tho soil man for
tho O're'gori-Utnli &ugnr company,
vent to'drnnta Pnss'tlila morning on
.business. Ho will return this even
ing. Oot It nt Do Voo's'
Don Cumoron loft today for Waldo,
wlicro he Is Interested in "mines and
Weston Camera Snop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Will 0. Stool has boon promoted
from tho superlntendoncy to the bu
porvlsorshlp of tho Crater Lake park.
Tho best danco of all at tho Nat
Xiiins night, Saturday, Doc. 2&tli. and
Now Year's night, Saturday, January
1st. That samn big eight plcco or
chestra. Skating and bowling after
noon and evening. 23G
rOwlng to tho resignation of tho
postmaster at Ileaglo, thin county,
Inspectors will hold examination of
applicants for that offko appoint
ment. Sinoko King Spitz and Pantcla, two
host 5c clgarn on markot. tf
Inspiring music will bo hoard at
both services of tho Methodist Upls-
rnpal church on Sunday. At the
morning servleo tho vented choir will
sing "Tho Messago of Christmas,"
by Vincent, nnd Oeo. Androwa will
lng for tho offortorj' "The Crucifix,"
by Knurc. At tho evonlng service
tho choir will ronder tho sacrod can
tata, 'ITho Story of nothlohom," by
Win, It. Sponcor. All nrc most cor
dially wolcomc.
"Fresh fruits nt Ho Voo's.
Train "1C" nt r.:20 last evening
was heavily ladon with Christmas
matter, both mall and oxpross. Thoro
were thrco extra baggago earH for
that purposo alone. Tho additional
parcel post packages going north
,fllled jirncMcnlly ono car "solid." Tho
."WollH-Kargo pxpresa matters filled
another car "solid," besides much ad
ditional matter. The Christmas mall
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred L. Polouzo of
Eaglo Point were Mcdford visitors' cranking his uulo yesterday, met with
from this point vaa fully twlco as
great .ns.tliat of las,t year. I.IIiowIho
tho oxpross company's matter was
fully twlro tho bulk of Inst onr.
All tho lntcst Hhi'Ct music at Gc per
copy. Music not carded In stock
will bo ordered for you nt Halo's
Pliino House.
Yet another pleasing evening In
aloro for you at tho Cold Hill Pavilion
hnll, whora. your, frlondn will greet
;you nUUfo Chrlslinnft ove. danco. 2 3 ft
Tho pessimist -with tho chronic
groan ought to find a warning In tho
All tho latost shoot music at Gc per
ropy. Music not carried In stock will
bo nrdorod for you nt Halo's Piano
Mr. and Mrs. 13. V. Cartor of Ash
land wero among thoso who wltneaa
ed tho I'orbcs'Ilobortson performance
Woduosdny evonlng.
(lot your Xiuas candy at Do Voo's
Tho- condition of w. I. Vnwter U
reported uh muiih Improved tndny
Kodaks uiiiHo useful Xmas pres
ents.- Wmioii is offering tliuui nt
25 off.
I". W. Stroots, former ittunngor of
tho .Medford Commercial club, now
proprietor of the Hotel Oxford,
Omnia Paw, wan a Medford visitor
Ilo there where? At Oold Hill
for tho CUirlntmns ove. dnneo. ggg
t. T. lltirKtMfi. former resident of
Modfurd, and atlll n orchard owner,
now of San Francisco, la ren owing
old acquaintances In tho valley, Imv
lug arrived fur an emended vlalt Wed-
Mm. l.oaelt, A bdo -Support llarcley
tmrglral eni-sat. 3jG N. Itartlott. '
II. 11. Trgiwon, tho ltacle Point ap-
plo kins, has returned from a fort-
night's Mtl at Portland.
l'toah roasted peanuts ut D Voa's
. Alox Itoaboruugh, tif Oakland, aae-
rctnry of the CMllfflrnla-Oraann Puw.
or Co.. returned (a Son Kraurlseo
Tliuraday aftwr a threa days' visit In
tho vulluy.
Ilutto PalU Wao4 yam Phone 41
or m. Wod all kinds. n't
Wilson Maniliall. tho talented
joung Journalist, la spamllng the httl-
Idaya In Medford with his parent
Hh will ro-onter the atale university
tho firat of the yar.
-Southern Oregon will attend the
Qlirlstmus ove. dame nt the (ioUl Hill
l'uviloln hail Krlda evening 135
aJtnlpIt II MK'urdx returned from
Portland Werinada to spend the
holidays with hi parents
All tho latest saaat innate at Se uer
ropy. Muale not rnrrted in stock
will bo ordered far yon nt lliila's
Piano House.
Tho primary department of the
Proahj'torluii Sunda sebool will give
tl0r Christum cantata Friday after
noon nt S ojcjgnk The subject of
tho cnntiitu la "Lutle Joy Olve' "
Hvorypno is llivltod to ilila Interest
llig mid onlortaliiiiig nn !
You can get most at oh i si
Do Voe a most any old n r
Thursday to meet, their son, Hobort,
who has returned from college In Cnl.
For watch worx that satisfies,
Johnson tho Jowclcr. 220
"W. A. Garrett nnd Charlos Garrett
of tho Griffin creek district charged
with killing nnd using deer in trap
ping operations appeared bofore n
JubUco of tho pcaco in the Applegate
Wednesday nnd plead guilty. Thoy
wero fined 2G, tho minimum under
tho lnw. Local authorities woro on
donvoring to find out whether tho
flno had been remitted or not. If so
now chargos will bo brought ngalnst
tho Onrrctt's.
$1000 to loan on Improved ranch,
Holmes, tho Insurance Man.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hnmlltou of
North Ccntrnl avenue left Wednes
day for Seattle where they will spend
f'liristiiinH with tholr daughter, Mrs.
i: n Id McCullough.
When better insurance Is sold
Holmes Tho Insurance Man will soil
Mrs. II. F. Mulkoy nnd children
will leave Saturdav to Join Mr. Mul
koy In Portland whom they will make
tholr future home.
Wanted, 200 layjng hens nt once,
White Leghorns nnd Ithodo Island
Ileds; writo what you have and how
many. Wrlto mo nt Jacksonville.
Anton Zorto. 237
Miss Luclle Marshnll who has been
touching nt Klamath Falls, returned
homo to spend the Christmas holidays
with hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. G, K.
Marshall of South Oakdale avonuc.
Miss Marshall has been substituting
nt the high school for tho past few
days for Miss Davis who was obllgod
to return to hor homo In Portland on
account of Illness.
Ilnlcory goods at Do Voo'a.
Miss Mabel Meara who ban boon
toachlng in tho Klamath Falls kcIiooI,
accompanied by hor mother, Mrs. K.
J. Moars, nro guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Mcnrs on
South Newtown, for tho Christmas
McIIrldo carries the largost and fin
est Hue of homo-mado candles In
Medford. 23C
Mrs. M. .1. Pllcher of Wellen, Ore.,
who has brun visiting friends In
Medford, returned to her homo Wed
nesday, Soo Dave Wood nbout that flra In
luranco policy. Office Mall Tribune
Mrs. Carroll H. McMillan who has
licon visiting ut tho homo of Mrs. Jap
Andrews, left Tuesday for hor homo
In Pnindnua, Calif.
Sweet apple elder at Do Voo's.
A. T. Lundgren, mining man and
ono of the pioneers in tho ltluo Ledge
district, Is In tho city for a day or
two, renewing acquaintance WUi the
multitude nnd Inoldontnlly offarlng a
friendly nod to good old Santa Clans.
Mr. Lundgren says tho weather in
the llluo Lodge country Is fine bet
ter than down In the valley In tho
matter of sunshlno. No snow has fall
en to remain up thoro yet and thlugs
generally appear to be In excolloni
Pierce, tho Florist, will have an ex
ceptionally good lino of Christians
potted nnd out flowers. Ordor now.
1'ncle Hilly Willis, the pioneer bun-
ter nnd trapper who for fifty years
has lived In the hills and mountalna
surrounding the Itogtie river vnlloy,
fenrlAH sand Industrious In his favor
ite employment, Is dead. Ho has
many times thrilled Interested spec
tators with his tnloa or ndvouturo
with the wild beauts or tho forostn
and the howling, whirling, florrnl)
shrieking storme or the higher alti
tudes ot the mountains or Southern
Oronou. A nnrnrtlvo of I'nole Hllly's
lire and experience for hair a ceu
tur in the wilde or tho rugged hills
of Southern Oregon and Northern Cal
ifornia would make a volume or gioat
Interest to thoe who love the life of
ths wlldtu-Heea. He died at Talent.
Our candlo.s are always nice and
rreah. We make them. Mcllrlde ft
Co. tu
Arthur Furrv, of PIkmuIv. retum
ml to hie bouie )eatrd) evonlng af
ter day or eiTHHdt In this elty, not
fnriettlHg In his trHHtieaa of bus
tueaa the fact tbMt iturda) will
bring another Chrletiua or expec
tancy. Qet oiir milk, ereani. butter, ega
aud buttermilk at De Vue'a.
About 10 members or Medford
lodge No. S3, I. O. O. K., attended
Initiatory work of the Taleut lodge
No mat Talent laat night.
Holeproof Guaranteed Hoee for
Men and Women at Daniels for DuU
only. ti.'.
Kev. Paul Rand)-, of JaokaoaviUe.
returned gome late vesterAay even
ing after a da of Cbi Ivtniai ahopplug
In tnra city
Dre. A. It. and teniae Hedged, cat
ronraetlc ph)4clan.i, Stowart build
ing, tii ltaat Main Sit
l. M Alnaworth. of Klamalli Kails.
u a Mearom vtsitor this week
All kinds of eboroUte, ju reata
par ponnd at De Voe'e '
No hoh baa yet been reeeUed
from the nromoiora ot ike Oregon
I'Ub Unajar Co., who were to deride
on Tuesday tbe Icx-anon of Mi Orraon
A Pacific Co, ir rips ,r s,
Samuel Sloroy, tho soil man, while
a painful accident which loft Its mark
on his cheek. The crank slipped and
ho lurched forward v.-olcntly, strik
ing his cheekbone against tho radia
tor, causing a severe brulso and
Do Voe dellvors the Oreponlan to
you overy day for 7ic n month.
An nuto collision Inst night on
West Main stret Is reported, tho par
ticipants being Dr. G. D. Donn of Cen
tral Point nnd Mrs. Jones of tho
Jonos' Cash Grocery. No complaints
have been lodged. Nobody was go-
rlously hurt.
Spcclnl prices on engrave cards,
now and from eld jilatos tor a few'
daya nt tho Mcdrord Printing Co.
As W- K. Crows was crossing West
Mill nslreot on Oakdale avonuo last
night In his automobile, an unrecog
nized driver of another car ran Into
him, broadside, nnd smashed up tho
former's car considerably. No ono
was hurt. Tho reckless driver, going
down Main street, hurried away.
We make a specialty of cleaning
pnrty gowns. Proparo for Xmas.
Pantorliim. 23(5
George W. Kroy and son of Upper
Hutto Creek nro spending tho week
In Medford.
De Voe sells postage stamps.
New Knox lints just from New
York nt Daniels for Duds. 225
II. K. Train, or Lake county, with
headquarters at Lakevlow most or tho
time, lelt for homo last ovonlug, af
ter a week's visit hero with former
Lake county neighbors.
Uvoryono says Daniels for Duds
hns tho best Christmas neckwear In
Mcdrord. 22G
Don't wait. Do It now. What
hnvo you? Clothes cleaned for Xmnn.
Pnntorlum. 23G
Professor Glddtngs Smith, of lied
Illufr, California, musician or somo
nolo In Northern California, loft for
his homo this morning, nfter several
days or touring about Jackson coun
Special ror Xmas week: Popped
corn por gnllon 12c; rresh roasted
peanuts per lb. 12 &c, nt Tho Pop-
Pory. 230
All barber shops will clone Christ
inas and Now Year days nt 1 1 a. m.,
but will romnln open on tho Frldny
evenings preceding until 9 p. in. 23G
II. N. Carlton, or Itoseburg, enmo
to .Mcdrord this morning to visit with
his daughter, Mrs. Allison, during tho
holidays. Mr. Carlton formerly lived
In this valley aud yet expresses a do
elded proforonco for It an a placo of
Xmas radios ut The Shasta,
Wallace Woods was In from his
south JncKsouvllIo ranch Thursday,
Gates sells Ford cart, 200 down
and $25 a month. 239
Kxcluslvo ngency for Llkly Guaran
teed Luggage at Daniels for Duds.
Howard Jacobs and wiro, or Al
bany, this state, nro Medford visitors
Ilurtlott'R taxidermist aud fur bus.
Inoee ror sale. Come In and talk It
over with llartlett. SIS Kast Main
st root. 23t!
First showing ot 191(1 Knox hats at
Daniels tor Duds, Knox agency. 225
Kd. Wilkinson, or this city, will
leave this evonlng ror Seattle on n
business trip.
Carpentering nnd snop work, nil
kinds. C. 1C. Collins, 31 X. llartlett.
Itnrtlutt Is selling nut turn at a
great sacrifice. 31 S Kast Main street.
K. M. Wllfou, (bo Hccnuutunt who
Is expeitlng the city records. In mak
ing good progresa. Ills wort, will
cover tho period from iu l. mil,
to January 1. 101 tt.
lluy your orange of June. 2.H
llo candy ror Xmas. Tho Slmtta
The registration or voter In thl
city was closed yesterday. A total
of 1203 voter registered, which Is
S7u short or last oar's registration
and over looo short of the registra
tion of the year before all of whlih
show unpopulor popular elections
are lu Medford In off-years.
Columbia record at Palmers
F K Deuel has gone to Southern
California and oliewitre on a leisure
ly tour of rest and pleasure
J. O. Corking, trio best nil around
photographer In southorn Orogon.
Alwayg reliable. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or plsco. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 3S0-T.
Ivan Terrell and .Mr. Trrrrll are
M-itnu with the fniniU of Joint Ter
it'll mill itht-r liiiiuU in thi-. n
during the batata v .
Italph Cowgill for many enry en
gineer in charge of construction for
teh ltogiic lUvor Canal Co., has re
signed his position with tho com
pany. Qood dry wood $1.50 por tier on
ground. Tt. F. Montgomery, G19 8."
Riverside. " 221
W. W. Harmon, chler onglneor or
the Twohy Dros., railroad rrom
Grants Pans toward the coast, will
sever his connection with the com
pany on January 1.
Have your old suit Nxod up ror
Xmas. Pnntorlum. 20G
Chris Natwlck, contractor or tho
Pacific hlghwa, spent Thursday In
Insure your auto in tho Alliance
agnlnst theft, fire. C. Y. Tengwald.
Chnrles Young and Scoly Hall hnvo
formed a partnership lo ontor the
automobile business the first of the
yenr. A garago wJII bo built by re
modeling somo ol the Front atrcot
proporty soon to bo vncntcd. Tho
agency lor the Clicvrolot car which
Is descrlbod as the "automobile sen
sation or tho year," has been secured
Hot lunches nt tho Popnory, 235
County Pntliologlst C. C. Cato held
an official meeting nt his offices this
morning with Horticultural Commis
sioner A. C. Allen nnd nil of tho
county fruit Inspectors, outlining
tholr campaign In this county for
the scaBon nnd especially Tor tho next
month or so. Matters or moment
wero discussed nnd a program arrang-
nd ror a strenuous season or practical
work, or which a roller report will
later bo glvon.
Firteon sets lndlos' furs, absolutely
at cost. Pick them out whllo the
picking Is good. 3 IS Kast Main
street. 23G
Mr". K. (1. Dow in HiuYmi! Hie
holidays with Mr. mitt Mr. . 1
Dodge of tills oily.
George Vilu, it tuilent ut the 0. A.
C, is spending- the holidays with his
parent, on their ranch iicui- thiH city,
l'rofeitsor F. L. Kent, reineentinR
the department of turm statistics nnd
crop conditions generally- of the
t'uiled Slnlos iigrieultiiral tlepart
nieiil, left Inst cwnitu; niter u brief
uITieinl visit to litis county.
Kd Cnrleton tif Taljle Hock wns
uitionir lltos'e who ntlendetl Hie
Forljes-Holicrtrfon iirodtietion nt the
Page Wednesday evening.
A stylish Four . $750
A sensational Eight $950
f. o. b. Factory
and a wonderful exchange proposition
ite. - - 4mMiMpMMtsBe .
Backache," nhcumalisiriand .Dropsy,
Kidney, DladJcr and Uric Acid troublo.1
bring mliry to many. V'h"n tho klilnoy
nre weak ordlwanxf. these natural (liter
do not cleanse tho blood sulllclcntly, and
uir poiMins a ro currieu 10 an paru oi mo
Itody. Thero follow depression, acho.1
nnd pains, hcavlnoi8, tlrowilnei. Irrita
bility, hoadachcit, cliilllncsi and rheu
matism. In sorao people them aro sharp
Wi In tho back and loins. dUtrcviin
bladder dlordors.nnd somctlmoi olBtln
nte dropsy. Tho urlo acid sonietluiM
rerras Into gravel or kidney stones. When
tho uric acid allecte tho muvlivi and
joints, It caumH lumbago, rhoumatUm,
gem or sciatica. ThU Is tho tlmo to try
During dlgMtlon uric acid Is aluortxxl
Into tho system from moat oaten, and
oven Irom bomo vegetables. The jioor
kidneys get tlpxl and backncho Utgln.
ThU Is a good tlmo to take "AnurleV
tho new discovery of Dr. Pierce for Kid
ney troublu and llackachn. Neglected
kidney trouble U rosponsiblo for many
aoatbs, and liwuranco Company examin
ing doctors always tet tho water ot an
rj'pllcant lie'iire n, jKillcy will bo Nsued.
Unvc you over fet aside a Ixittlo or water
rr twenty-four IioumV A heavy scil
ment or settling sometimes Indicate.' kid
ney trouble. Tho truo nature nnd char
acter of dliM it, eipeol'illy thoso of the
l.klneys nnd urinary orgam, can often
U. determined by a careful chemical an
alysis ami mlt-rtvcoplcal examination
this I done bv export chemists of tho
Medical SialTnf tbo lnvalltU Dotal. 1(
you wlh to know your condition send a
sainplo of your water to Doctor Pierce's
Invalid' Hotel, lluffalo, N. Y., and do
mrlU your ymptom. It will Ui ex
nnilnul without any expense to ou, and
lkvlor Pierce or Ills Sttttr Of AasHtillK
rhytlclauii will Inform you truthfully.
Hero is tlu answer to your problem, "Shall L bin a Four or an Eight?" Got tho
stylish, distinctive Briscoe Four a bigger, roomier, more powerful car than I ho
popular model of a year ago. Drive the Four a month. If you want to exchange,
simply pay the difference in price, the small charge of installation, and you'll have
the opoeh-ma Icing Briseoo Eight.
It has TM-inoh whoolbaso, roomy 5-passonger body, Q. D. rims and :J2-inch Ajax
tires, 3S h. p. motor with -bearing crankshaft, cani'hvor springs, comi) oloc
trical equipment, one-man top, electric horn, gasoline gauge.
Efficient 8-Cylinder Lubrication
The motor has overhead valves. Eight cylinders and upper half of erankcaso in
single casting, insuring perfect piston travel and bearing alignment. Valve tap
pets adjustable. Pressure-feed lubrication.
AVo ask you to come in and look at this car and lake a ride, whether you're a
prospective buyer or present owner of a car. Jf you are in the market, place an
order now and get early delivery.
A. W. Walker Auto Go. .
At'Valley Oarage.
J8N. JIollv
IlMil all aumt yourclf, your system,
llth IMllttl!
Sond to l)r. V. M. Pierce, lluftalo, N. Y,
jihylulogy, nn.itomy, hygtent simple
Louie cure, eto., In tho'Commott
juuiicai Auviitr." a booK ot i(h iwuims.
'.4 .. ,.,. ,, ,!,, , H-H'U, I, Illicit,, 4. . .,
thrco illiuta or tblrtv nntn In ouu-cent
sumps for a UotU-bouinl copy.
:!The Shasta
The New 32-Four
KOU VUK Thirt-five good, sound
KanitiouHat eweu bred to high
grade black facs bucks Koaanburg
Bros I'antral Point. Tel Jlml.
r6n KAU5 Ymiug muW. shMpTln
quire 9i N. Central anua. 337
FOR SALX W tht nsat thlrty7as
wlU dUvr yon eg dsea
cholet), naorts4 r bushaa, In
n4l oanditton. for l, with or
dar. Portland Ros Nnrtwy. Lnts.
Orwsoa. 3SS
KOH 8AI.B -A-l delhary ear. alar
tru lighted n.l oiuid'iv etjutp
n flii i 'lea '.t i i tic o
i v t . ;
Bon Bons
Salted Almonds
Shelled Pecans
Xmas Candies
high grade and
low price
' Fani'j boxes packed
to your order
Ice Cream Sherbet
$1050 f.o.b. Factory
All the well-known Kissel qualities are present in (his latest product of the
Kissul factory, plus certain refinements of construction and finish that more
than justify its title of "The High Kfficiency r'our." It 1ms a 1 Ifi-jnrli wheel
base and is perfectly proportioned, it's roomy, graceful, finished- oxcopjioual
in appearance and endurance.
This ;2Four chassis conies iiIno with (he new fnur-piissenger roadster bodv,
a specially built model that's chock-full of style, utility and superior material.
J t is listed at $1130.
Hear in mind that the Kissel Kar is not an "assemblage "it's a manufac
tured ear native to the Kissel factory, every part built in right there, whatever
the model built-in according to the Kissel standard of perfect construction
and distinctive appearance.
The ALL-YKAK Car whose detachable top arrangement gives vou an
open ear when it's warm and a closed car when it's chilly, interchangeable
within half an hour is an excellent new feature. Its latest development is the
ALL-YEAR Coupe, a Detachable Coupe Top mounted on the Roadster model
of the new 02- Pour.
Varying in size from one-half to six (on . If in the market for a truck, see me
before buying.
Cariiiflcl In stook, guaranteed to run oUOO miles. These tires are among the best
on tho uMU'kot, as any user of an Ajax will tell you. Try them your yourself.
Big stock of Auto Supplies and Oils, yrffi-i
A. W. Walker Auto Co.
Vallry ( i,t nt :;
IS X. llollv
An if ' gift