Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Ttnlu or Snow Tuesday.
Mnv. B2.5, .Mill. 20.B, IT. Tr.
forty-fifth Tear,
Oalty Tenlh Tftr,
Forces at Anzac Cove and Salva Bay
Regions of Peninsula Successfully
Taken Away Long Expected Of
fensive by Germans in Flanders Be
gun Saturday With Repulse.
LONDON Dec. 20 Tlio British
troops at thu Stilvn mid Anzno dis
tricts T llio Gitllipuli iin1nsiilu lmvc
been withdrawn.
Tho following official statement
was issued here leduy:
"All the troops nt Sttvla nnd An
zac, together with their mini and
store., have been successfully trans
ferred with insignificant casualties
to another sphere of operations."
The Suvln Bay nnd Anzac Cove
positions arc on tlio north coast of
Onllipoli peninsula. Anzac Cove is
about -sixteen miles from thu tip.
Suvln is five miles farther on.
No Details Clvcn
As no mention is made in the Brit
ish announcement of the allied posi
tion in thu Scddul Bahr position at
the tip of the peninsula, it is not clear
whether tlio withdrawal of troops in
dicates a decision to abandon the ef
fort lo force the Dardanelles or
means merely n readjustment of the
allied forces.
There have been no previous hints
of such a move, although the question
had been raised in F.nglnnd whether,
in view of the fniltne of the allies to
make appreciable headway at thu
Dardanelles mid the urgent need for
additional troops at Salouiki, the
Jlaidanelles forces would bo with
drawn. ' Two official TurkiMi com
munications received today spoke of
heavy firing from land and 'sea by
the allies, but mentioned no move
ments out of thu ordinary, although
this bombardment may huo been
conducted to cover the withdrawal.
Destination I'liKiiown
Tlio war offieo statement leaves
thu public lo draw its own conclus
ion'' as to the destination of these
Australasian and I'nitcd Kingdom
forces which must be well over 100,
(100 strong. It is widely conjectured,
however, that any southward sweep
of tlio Teutonic or Bulgarian nnnicn
in the Balkans, whether the north,
wefct or oast, will iooner or lalor come
in contact with them, nnd that tin
transfer is connected with a deter
mination nu the part of thu entente
powers not to remain on the defens
ive in the noar eastern theater of war
longer than is requisite to nstiiro the
succeis of u lorwiud march.
.Mnccstoulu or Kg)pt
There nio two fields of operations
in thu near cast to which British
trooM withdrawn from thu Gullipoli
peninsula might be forwarded -Mnoedoniu
and JJgypt.
London looks for an attack on the
nllied positions nt Salouiki. There is
no official information ns to the
jitinibor of French mid British troops
in Greece, which lias been estimated
recently at about 200,000. Germany,
Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey have
nt their disposal several times that
number of men, uud it may bo assum
ed that cery effort will lie made to
uonceutrato a considerable allied
force on the Salouiki buc. This
Greek port is within easy bailing dis
tance of tho Gallipnli peninsula.
Achieved No Success
If recent unofficial reports con-
(Continued on pago three)
CHICAGO, Dr.-. Jt. -The steamer
I!atlDt, which KMiiiinnd m 1 1 if
CkieHgo river July 21, i-Niiiuir the
Iwm of S12 live-, mum Mlti to the lib
Hoi aavnl incm' ihIuv lr $-ltl,Mi(i.
AHrti'u will be luude in her hull
U nuU her Muiwuithy, nnd hIm will
k mtd -i n.'i'' ' ? 4iji.
Tfc v I "M t mmH-tr th'
(knlnu' rluittia of ill cutiiiun vthlrh
ruiM'J her.
Da roil Dorian, Austm-IIti
I'AltIS, Dec. 'J0.-"It is slated that
the German answer to the Cheek pro
test upon the iucstiou of thu entry
of Bulpiiians into Greek territory
was handed in at noon Saturday,"
says the Athens uoricspoudent of tho
"Germany, it is understood, de
clared that notwithstanding thu mili
tary nccesMlv which reijiiiretl the
pursuit of the ictrcntuiK entente al
lies, the imperial government, taking
note of the popular Greek sentiment,
had ordered the immedinto halt of the
"The concentration of Aiinlro-Ocr-innn
fon'Cf, for tin invasion is said to
bo under way. When Ibis concentra
tion has been completed u definite
decision will be taken. Thus the ques
tion has not been settled by the re
ply, but in official circle optimism
reigns. The Austro-Gerninn forces
nre estimated at about 120,000, with
much heavy artillery. It is said they
will be entirely reudy next Thurs
day." TO
SAX KRAXCISCO, Dec. 20.- Sur
geon J. S. Boggc of the I'liitcd
States public heulth scrice wax ap
pointed today executive ofticcr to
lead a campaign against what was
termed a "plaguu of rubies," origin
ating in coyotes and now said to be
menacing people and slock on the
adjoining border of California, Ore
gnu, nnd XcviuIh nnd in southwestern
Surgeon Boggtw was fcclauted by n
conference of members of tho boards
of health of the stale cnnconied,
cattlemen and officials of tho Unit
ed Stntoi puhlio health survieu Hiid
the United States forest nun ice.
Xo sjiocifio method of conducting
the cauip(igii wa sdopluil, but a fur
ther eotiferonue on the ttubjts.'t will
bo held later.
Coyotes which showed uvuiptoHis
of rabies were imported to have bit
ten adults a ltd childin, cautiog
.chtMtU to be ebisftl in two diMrw-t
iu ralifumui. lluay cuttle, it wa
xaid, were lullen and the tear wa
exprel dial a "ilagu iii.iia'-td
the bid i- "
Kfti,'' ii )( will tt ti' .lin.t
u. g .,!;, . t ii, chaie of fjk "' . i.n
aUiit Ja'M', ! fa -U JJ.iJ.
tion wilh Kub-cotiiuiittftra triiiu the
alult'a ulU'i'U'd.
i HpBSb i
I PS nS Vs I
I ' I V '
.bbK a.Xr bbbbbbww
.iibbbbK V 4l .bbbbbbbbMk.
.bbbbbbbbbbLH r HrHBI s
.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK r IjHRH
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB r abMIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbB
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH
s LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHHbbbIbbbbbbbbbbH
bbbbbbbbbbbIbbb: BBBteaBBBBBaHHlRllBBBBH
ngni'lnti Foreign .IlinMcr
WASIIINOTOX, Dec. 20. The new
American note to Austrln-Ilungary
regarding the sinking of tho Italian
HtcnniHliln Aiicuna was understood to
bo on Its way to Vienna today.
Tho communication Is snld to havo
been cabled last night to Ambassador
Penfleld for proBentallon to tho Vien
na foreign office, it Is expected to
reach him by Wednesday night.
Tlio now note Is understood to bo
a loltorntlon of tho original Ameri
can demands and to bint that It Is
tho lant word of tho United States.
A reply Is expected within ten days.
Sucretury l.annliig announced that
tho text of tho second Ancona note
would bo given out for publication
uoxt Wednosday afternoon.
Secretary Lansing announced today
that tho second nolo to Austria on
the sinking of tho steamship Ancona
had gono forward yesterday and
should reach Vienna tomorrow night.
While Mr. Lansing cavo no Intima
tion of Its contents, tlio noto is un
derstood to bo a virtual reiteration of
the original demands wfth tho Impli
cation that it Is tho rolled States'
last words on tho subject.
Tim note is about (100 words long
and although charaetenred by those
acquainted with its wording, ns linn
in tone, il is said to be somewhat less
sharp than Hie firt nolo iu thu tenor
iof its demands. It is based squarely,
according to thexe ofticials, on lhe
Austrian ndmiriilt's own version of
the Ancona sinking, and while refer
ence is made to American ictims und
suriors, the rclerciwc is said to he
more incidental than 'pecihe.
WASHINGTON', Dec. 20. -The
IhiltCjl Stales Iu protc-ted to Great
Britain against uitcricrcuce with par
cel post shipments between this coun
try and Sweden, Secretary Lansing
announced today.
Mr. Lausiiuf said that (he Swudiah
minister had complained to the stale
dewrtiHOtit that parcel pout ship
Wiul ttf bad been held up by British
warship on the high sens.
Betide filing a protect, the state
departmeut has nkrd Great Britain
for an K4nation, Sir. Luuaing said.
Name Date for Gifts to Poland
WAfHJNUTO.V. IK. -. -Ah ex
MUtivo iiroelawatlcm designating
laauarr 1, llll.'aa a day far maklag
'.uutrilwtloaa for lhe relief of the
trlikOH Inhabitants of Poland, wat
ianued toUu) from the white houio.
Accused Conspirator Makes State
ment to Authorities Koenig Had
Agents All Over Country and Re
ported Directly to Captain Von
Papen, Recalled Attache.
XKW YOIMC. Dec. 'JO. Kredericl.
Sfetzlcr, held with others in connec
tion with alleged plots in this country
to embarrass the allies by hindering
the inaniifacturu or destroying muni
tions, made a full statement to the
federal authorities today concerning
the nllcgcd activities of, Paul Koenig
of thu Hamburg-American line.
Koenig, he said, had twenty-five
ngents in New York alone uud re
ported the results of his activities to
dipt nut on rnpen, the Gennait mili
tary nttachc. According to Mctzlcr,
Koenig's netivitiea through agents ex
tended to Quebec, Burlington, Vt.;
Boston nnd Portland, Me. His activ
ities in this city, Mctzlcr charged,
further brought into his possession,
among other things, secret reports
made by attaches of the Mussina em
bassy on thu result of lesls of speed
boats in Long Island sound.
Stole tlio PaiH'rs
These, Melzler Rtiid, Koenig got
through Frederick Schlcindl of the
"Nationnl City bnnk, now under ar
rest. Mctzlcr charged flatly that it was
Koenig who sent George Fnuhs to de
stroy tho Welland cautil, but Fuchs,
ho snid, reported, after visiting the
canal, that its destruction could not
bo accomplished nt that time.
Tho authorities havo cidence
which they bcliew connects Koenig
with tho fire on tho Atlantic trans
port liner Minnehaha, though where
this evidence was obtained they did
not state. After making his confes
sion Mctzlcr was returned to jail.
Sampel Gompers, president of tho
American Federation of Labor, was
prepared to testify this nfturnoon be
fore tho grand jury m regard to tho
activities of Lilian's National Peace
Srblclndl Arraigned
Frederick Schlcindl, tho Xalionnl
City bunk clerk, who was arrested
Saturday charged with purloitt'.ig pa
pers nnd memoranda from the bank
for the uso of thu Gurman go em
inent through agents here, wits rc
nrraigncd today lad'oro a police mag
istrate. He demanded legal ndic
and hi bail was reduced from $12 "5.-
000 to .ff000, mid a further examina
tion s-ol for December 21.
'the complainant is Harry T. ,To
hniiHcn, insistent cashier of the Nat
tinnal City bank. Ho submitted an
affidavit stating that on August 18,
111 l.r), Schlcindl purloined a cable
gram from tho Bumpio Beige, via
London, requesting thu National City
bank to communicate with tho Hud
son Trust company, concerning a
guaranty for the shipment of .1,000,
000 rifles nt .fill each.
0. R. & N. TRAFFIC
BAKLIl, Or., Dec 20. Oregon -Washington
Itailroud & XiiMgation
trains were from twelve to eighteen
hours behind schedule today an a re
sult of a snow blockade between
Toloeot and Tuiou, west of here.
The snowfall was reported to be the
hoHvicMt for December in the lust
twenty-five years.
Trains weie stalled all night in
drifts several feet deep, but the liue
was 0iiiud today with the aid of
snow uJows. FauM-ager train Ko. IS,
due here from Portland at 30:10
o'el(Mk, was not cxMitel to reach
here bsfuro this afuruooju Piumhw
ger traia Ko. 17, dus in Portland at
7 o'clock, is still lier aud Mill not
reach Porllaud mid tunirri. The
nt-r urc frunu.
Papers Signed Between Cnrrnnzn De
Facto Government and Revolution
ists, Elimlnatlnii Villa and Trans
ferrlnu Troops and Territory Occu
pied-Officers Quit Finhtinn.
F.Ji PASO, Tex., Dec. 20. An
agreement wuh reached and papers
were being signed nt noon " today
whereby the Villa faction in northern
Mexico concludes peace terms with
lhe dc facto government of Mexico.
The conference was held between
Mexican Consul Garcia and former
lieutenants of General Francisco Villa
at the consulate in HI Paso.
General Villa is reported iu .lunrcz.
The signing of lhe peace agreement
eliminates him from Mexican affairs.
The agreement for the transfer of
the 800 Villa troops and all Villa ter
ritory to thu dc facto government
was .signed by a delegation of Vill
ista officers and generals composed
of Silvestro Turrazas, secretary of
statu of Chihuahua; General Manuel
Bupda, General Boberto Union, Gen
eral Ysnbcl Itobles, General Flavlano
l'ali.a Colonel Kdunrdo Audalo, for
Villa, and Andreas Garcia for thu do
facto government of Mexico.
The Villa brothers were not in
cluded iu the agreement. It was be
lieved bv those uttendiuc the confer
ence that the Villas may crows to the
American side, (heir status to bo de
termined later.
A chief for the territory surrender
ed to the Cnrrauzu government is to
bu selecled by tho Cnrrnnzn govern
ment. General Villa with -100 men left
Chihuahua Sunday, according to in
formation reaching thu Villa generals
iu conference here. It is believed by
the generals hero ho may have repu
diated (he agreement to surrender
which thev had made with him.
LONDON', Dec. 'JO. I'romicr As
quith declined to bo drawn info any
discussion of the subject of peace (his
aftenionu in the house of commons.
Sir William Pollard Byles, member
for North Ilalford, suggested that re
cent debates in thu reichstng indi
cated a disposition to transfer the i
sues of the war from (he batdelield
to the council chamber. Ho was anx
ious to know whether the government
could see it way clear to wmjgost any
form of respoiiHe (o that disiiosition.
The premier iutiumled that the
government's position was unchanged
on the mailer of peace,
SALKSr, Or., Dec. 2n. Ho viewing
banking uondilion in the slate in hn
annual repot t made puhliu loduy,
State Superintendent ot Hanks S. (1.
Sargent declares that there has been
a considerable increase in htiim ih
all utrts of Oregon and thai business
men aro optimistic as to the filiate.
"Itaaking ooudilions in Oregon at
this time are quite satisfaetory," he
says. "There seeitw (o bu a gsMuml
feeliag of eoofhlsnee in alt lines of
business throiigbiHit the stats mid
lro-HM'U for the euuiiug jear ure
r t-kcyurugini;
ffn sM N?
(ciicral Francisco Villa .
WASHINGTON', Dec. 20. Secre
tary of tho Interior Lauo bus recom
mended to congress an appropriation
of 1 100,000 Tor furthor rond work In
Crntor Lakn National park. Tho po
sition of tho secretary ot tho Inter
ior Ih understooil to bo bnHod to con
siderable extont on tho reconimondn
tloim by bis nsHlHlnut, Stophon Ma
ther, who vlsltod tho Crater Lnko Na
tional park Inst summer, mid tho per
hlstcnt woilc of Will (2. Slc'l, iMiik
Biiporlntnniluiit. Tho largor propor
tion of tho amount, If appropriated,
will bo spent Iu surfacing and oiling
of roniln In tho purl;.
A roport shows that money appro
priated for this yoar for roads la
Crator Lake National park was spent,
$I9.CG1 on thu rim roud; SIG.ISO
on tlio Fort Klamath road; $2GGl
on tho I'lnnacluR road, and $4901 on
tho Medford road. Tho rocomnionda
tlon of tho socrotary of the lutorlor
Includoa $12,225 fur administrative
purposes, Including salarlos, which la
$1225 more than was appropriated
lust yoar.
For Mount Hauler park $81,000 Is
asked, of which $11,000 Is for sal
aries aud $10,250 fur eight mlloa of
road lu Carbon river district.
PAHIS, Dec. 20. DelaiU of the
narrow escape from death recently of
tho king and ipteen of Ilelgiiuu when
German aviators threw bombs on the
fishing village where thu royal cou
ple now reside are printed today by
the Petit Journal.
Thu king and nucon wero coming
nut of church from mass with the
rot of the congregation, says thu
corrcsMiudent, when six German
aeroplane appeared, flying low. Ap
parently they were coining from Os
tein!. The king at once told the peo
ple to scatter ami take shelter, but
tho aeropluneH approached so rapidly
that few hud time to cowplv with hi
instructions before the machines were
over tho village. Two bombs fell
noar the kiug and uueen, but thoy
Were not hit by the filing fragments.
The wirrtspoitdeot eeiitiimss:
"T)us is the fifth raid which has
bosti absolutely unjustified, as thu
village u absolutely uuforlifiud mid is
nihubited ouly bi luhunuvu."
Final Arrangements Made for Mexi
can Leader to Enter United States
Will Be Given Immunity From
Prosecution as Political Refugee
Will Abandon' Fight.
KL PASO, Tex., Dec. 20. Final
nrningcincnls for General Francisco
Villa to enter tho United Stales, end
ng his participation in jroxienn af
fairs, wero to ho mndo here nt noon,
according to information from au
thentic sources. Preparations to this
end wero begun upon receipt of Sec
retary Lansing's decision tltnt Villa
would bo accorded usylum as a polit
ical refugee.
WASHINGTON', Doc. 20. Stn(o
dcpiirlment officials havo decided
Hint General Villa will rccoivo tho
asylum accorded a s)liticnl refugee,
should ho enter tho United Stntoi.
This decision was sent Inst night to
General Funslon bv tho wnr depart
ment for transmission to Villa or hid
Immunity From Arrest
Slnto dcpnrlmcnt ngonts had re
ported that allpgcd intermediaries hnt
requested. Villa's immunity from me
rest, saying Hint if this was given
they believed Villa would abandon his
fight against Cnrrnnzn nnd rctiro to
private life in tho United States.
Tho stalo dopnrlment docs not con
ceal its dosiro to havo Villa eliminat
ed. Without him tho revolution iu
tho north will certainly fall, official
believe. Tho intermediaries also said
that tho plan was for tho retirement
from the field of thu entire Villa
Much interest is displayed by of
ficinls hero as lo whether Villa will
accept tho promise of immunity as u
political refugee. Such immunity
would not protect him from prosecu
tion within tho United States on
chnrgos of mi ordinar- character.
Slight Trump Up Charge
Tho government has nothing; on
which a ohnrgo will bo brought
itgninst Villa, hut it is said that local
officials at K Paso havo information
concerning alleged irregularities In
uattlo deals iu which Villa was in
volved aud that (his might bo mndo
(he basis of prosecution.
Secretary Laniiig announced (hat
Villa had tho right to enter tho Unit
ed Stales ami would bo given tho
'iiine facilities of doing so as any
oilier loreigncr.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Dec. 20.
.Mrs, Margaret Koehno was shot and
seriously injured by A. F Lnwreuco
today near Monill, oloso to tho Cali.
fornin. boundary, according to word
received hero by telephone. Law.
ronco then barricaded himself iu Jus
houso. A posso has gono after him,
Lawroncu was tried horo last Fri
day on mi ai-hon charge. Tho jury
disagreed. Today's shooting is naiil
to have bcon nn outgrowth of (ho
trial. A feud between tho twb fam
ilies has existed for somo time. Tha
poso whieh left horo expected Law
reneo (o roit nrrcr.
"" I pwmhs.
Denmark Bars Ford Meetings
CHKISTIANiA, Dec. 20. Iicnrv
Ford hns roooived information that
ho will bo prohibited from holding
mgctiiujs iu Copenhagen, it was
loomed today, llo will go tliore, how
ever, to seleut tho dolegntos to no
company his poiu-o party to Thu
m on
v, ''