Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MlfiDKOttD, OHLWON, SATl'lUlAY, DKC'KMUElt 18. 1913
l:.1 ".I-
By Blosser
: w
Freckles and His Friends
... i. ! .,, i.t.HT'"ifi.-rw ,.,,,,.. K i . ,,.,-, . ... , ! i ii i.rrr'.rr'ivv'V'Tr?":"''7rr.T?M.''r:1'1: .'.Trvi'r.'V'.'r'. .'ArT:.f:ir-9tTrrrfTrtrTfmwjnni - . li
l) I -i::: "- Zr-ImPV -i ' V&iWtfWW& W lWtt- MP cum? I if, s?Ifi$"vvZxrv:M ;' !:: & :v:::: '. ';? 'frr5'- tf 'i : f f Suk ! :' :::'?. ' MICK H5RE .
:;:;:;!! & A VgcS JUST WWt' I ? ( ' W 1 m$T W '- fc ' '&L r A H0LE ,N 3f-
k v
One week from nt'Xt Monday Mod
ford will capitulate unconditionally
(o tho extraordinary forces of tlio ed
ucational institutions of tlio state,
who will assemble in this city at tluit
time for tln fifteenth aiitiitnl session
of the State Teachers' association,
this bciiiir its first assemblage in any
ilistrii't in tlio statu sduth of Eugene.
Jt promises to bo tlio most important
convention of the educational forces
of the state ever held, judging by the
number and significance of subjects
to bo handled b that bod" while iu
Session hero.
In conjunction with the tishombhigo
of this association will occur the an
nual tenchon.' institute for .Jackson
and Josephine counties. These or
ganizations nromiso an aggregate
membership for the oonvontion of be
tween -100 and ."Oil. Among ' those
who will participate in its work will
he some of the most eminent instruc
tors in the west. Some of these edu
cators have a nation-wide reputation
for their aggressive work in behalf
of advanced instruction in all of the
schools and school grades.
County School Superintendent J.
Percy Wells and Professor V. Meldo
Hillis, superintendent of the .Med ford
flchools, are making arrangements,
through committees already appoint
ed and nt work, and by much per
sonal effort, to complete the program
for the reception of this body of
teachers. The committee on selec
tion of the placef for holding the con
vention is not able yet to report.
The teachers of Jackson and .Jos
ephine counties arc required by law
to attend this convention, since it
takes the place of the regular nnnual
teachers' institute. They will receive
pny for the time thus employed. A
full attendance of the teachers of
these two counties is anticipated. It
will enable them to enjoy the benefit
of the work of tlio state convention
without extra expense on their part.
e .... -. .
At the Churches
(.South Oukdale Ave.)
First uiasa Sunday nt S:0() a. m.
Sorond innss at 10:00 a. in.
K onlng services at 7:30 p. m.
Xiiuis Kntcrtuliinit'iit
At Klrat Christian church, Mod
ford, Oregon, Hoc. L'0, 111 15, at 7:30
p. m. Program will be selections
from the orchestra. Speeches by the
little folks who always gladden our
hearts. Coma and you will feel
young again.
laeksoiu Hlo Pivsbytorlnn
Morning worship with sermon at
1 1 o'clock. Subject, "Tlio Mission of
Solo, selected, MIbb Ciiotchcri Puhl.
Evening worship with sermon at
7:30 o'clork. Subject, "Somo of
Mfi-'s Influence uud Kntliiislasms."
rfijLVwvj v 'nap JiHBB I
M. in puiplo, irn tho o "who with
faithful reul. .r.t bru h tluir teeth
twice dad', fo I t lc ,ii( t'uin prop
orl anil .iM-rl nu.iiiH in ,j ni.'ii
iior that will rmlK clean them.
The eoiuuiiin fault i of holdiivg tho
liruhli thut tiw lirintloc. brush
rM tlti Ivyii with u mo
tiiMi. While this Miflre itr lit olomib
tile iirfc of thf tooUt tout-hid by
tiw bnish, the lmtltt iu wot H mtu
the tiny oivwolrWi htud (wrtifltw
that fun 4uvh4.
Thr right Mr to bm-h the teeth
'&;? ' '! ij--v,, ': I wc -: r':i:::g. yrr :;H-i::':l VL v2! xMiir'f $19 -I t ' b 7 ?i:lr--ffi' m71 1( i
Young Pcoplu's ilevotwnal meeting
at U:4fi. Kloyd .loties, leader.
lis .MollKHlM
(Cor. 10th and Ivy)
' Sunday mcIiooI 1Q a. in.
Preaching 11 a. in.
Preaching 7:30 p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. in.
You aro conllnlly Invited to at
tend these services.
J. K. IUIADMSY, Pastor.
Services at 11 u. in, anil 7:30 p.
Snbbttth school at 10 a. m.
Primary Snblmth r.chool nt 10 a.
m. Kindergarten 11 n, m,
Y. P. S. C. E. nt C:30 p. m. Sub
ject, "How tlio Prophecy of the An
gels Chrlstniaa Song May Come Truo"
Leader, Ksthor Wnrncr.
Prayer mooting Thursday 7:30 p.
.liicksonvlllo Methodist
Sunday school 10 a. m., t. O. Can
dill, superintendent.
Prcnchlng scrvlco 11 a. in. Ser
mon by Itcv. L. !'. Delknap, Monroe,
ICp worth I.eaguo C:30 p. in,, Mrs.
Candlll, leader.
Preaching servlco 7:30 p. m. Sub
ject "A Young Man's Safety."
At tlio evening service musical se
lections will bo given by Professor
and Mrs. Ashcraft. Fo promise you
something good. Come. You won't
bo disappointed.
It. A. HUTCHINSON, Pastor.
First Church of ClirlsVSclcntlst
Ilranch of the Mother Church, the
First Church of Christ, Scientist, In
Iloston, Mass.
Sunday servlco at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Is the Universe, Including Man,
Kvolved by Atomic Force."
Wednesday evening meetings, at
which testimonies of Christian
Sclonco healing aro given, 7:. 10. All
aro cordially Invited.
Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. All
under the ago of 20 are wolcoinc.
Reading room 1n church edifice,
212 No. Oakdale, open from 1:30 to
1:30 dally except SuudayH and holi
days. HnptlM.
The llvo church with the cordial
Morning servlco 1 1 o'clock, Sub
ject, "Tlio Two Lives of tho llollev
or," Rev. Wesley J Smith.
Evening sorvlce 7 30 o'clock. This
i. hown m tho n(oonipaning pi'
tiu , T'r hrii-h is held with the
lit, ,(.( -. upright. In this wa the hack
i" the teeth anil all oioii-c urc
I reached and a the hntla in this
, poxilwm give Hioro itMintnncu tho dirt
it. hotter RorHneil oil. Lven to roach
Mho 1 ImeV teeth in the bsok of tho
mMith the brush xhould bo hold with
hrintloM Hmirht, sbuwu in the lowpr
Uml Cm (1iritiM wnU r hr
Ul of klt4. 'wt hud thwui
by bu.MUjj uud boo.tiinf.
will be n musical program by the
Hazelrlgg orchestra. All am cor
dially invited to these services.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
1. Y. P. U. 0:30 p. in.
First .Methodist ltulsrouil
The Sunday school hour Is 0:4C.
There are claflsoa for all ages with In
teresting teachers,
Public worship at 1 1 a. m, and
7:30 p. nn The pastor preaches nt
both, services. The public Is cordially
Invited 'to attend aud will be made
The KpwortU. League meets at G:1C
a most helpful and Interesting
meeting for all young people.
There will bo special music at both
services appropriate to the day.
Strangers are made welcome.
DU. J. C. IIOLL1NS, Pastor.
Ookdnlo Avenue Methodist
Sunday school promptly at 10 a.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. by Rev. S. M. Check, presiding el
der. His subject nt 11 a. m. will bo
"Truth and Liberty."
The quarterly conference will bo
held this evening at 7 o'clock in the
Rev. Cheek Is an able minister of
the gospel and nil members and
friends of this church should avail
themselves of the opportunity to hear
Strangers aro welcome,
H, M. DRANHAM, Pastor.
Vtm Christ Inn Clmrch
(0th and Oakdale)
Tho church with u living mossngo
for'ull, to which you are cordially In
vltod. Morning berinun 10: IS; Xmas
greeting, "Hohold 1 Hrlng You Cood
Tidings of Oroat Joy, Which shall bn
to All People."
Sunday school at 9:45. This ought
to be a splendid service In keeping
with the spirit of tho soason.
C. H. society at 0::t0 p. m. Venl,
vltll. vicl.
Sunday evening Instead of preach
ing wo will liuvo Xmas program by
children and choir, Tho orchestra wilt
furnish speclnl music. Regius prompt
ly at 7:30. You aro expected. Stran
gers welcome.
HARRY K. TPCKKR, Minister.
Koy Hebh, editor of tin Central
Point Herald, is enjoying a much
needed rest iu San Francisco nnd
Mrs. Fred Hossoluravo nnd little
daughter of Talent have been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . h. Al
exander, nnd other relatives this
Ed lu'llcy has accepted n position
at Cottauo Grove and Mrs. Kelley nnd
the girls nnd hoys will join tliom lit
once and will make that city their
permanent home. Mr. A I ford has
succeeded Mr, JvoJIcy as manager of
the Hotel Central.
J. K. Higginbotham of Flounce
Rock was it huMiioss visitor hero this
C. R. Monro and daughter, Cecil, of
Lake Creek hao been visiting with
friends and relative, in our city the
past week.
Tho eighth grade entertninnient ot
the lneil school wn a groat succohS
in every respect, both socially and
financially. Professor Davis tm mali
nger and director and Mr. Mulkoy ns
musical director and Mis Hsthel
Paukcy as pianist arc all duo much
piaiM. Tho largo audience coitniul'
appreciated Iheir ctforts.
Tho school of this city closed Fri
dny for tho Christmas holidays and
will open Jnnuary ;t, lfllti. A .orv
interesting program was iven h
each room aud all tho kiiuIoh from
the find U tho seventh had uil.V
lighted lroc uud candy uud other
tuothkomu swritU wiito paused around
to tho delight of tho Hipil.
Tho man' t'nunu i f Glenn Nrbr
Hciwa iiU will riffrot tw !' .if hii
dvHth at tlio htNuo of hU iiMeh.-: i i
YuwhiN, 'CuuMtlM-, H(HnniWr J .
Glenn w u ( untrttl Point bo uud
Bjient most of his years hero. He
was n talented young man and gave
much promise us u writer.
Vernon .Mngrudor left for Horn
brook the first of last week and re
turned hero tho last of the week.
Frank lvelloy mndo u business trip
to Itoguo Hiver Snturday evening mitl
retunied Sundnv nfternoou.
lr. Onrdnor hart returned to Cen
tral Point to spend tho Christians
holidays with his children, after
which ho will return to the Soldiers'
homo nt Hosehurg.
Mr. Tuomy left for tho Soldiers'
home at Hosehurg Monday morning,
where ho will spend the winter.
Hussell Thombruo tnmle n business
trip to Gold Hill Monday morning.
Glen Owens and John Klliott, who
have been nwuy on a mining trip in
the Applegtito country, retunied
Monday evening for n load of pro
vision9 nnd returned WVdnesdny.
Mrs. A. II. EurIp of Oakland, Or.,
and daughter, of Klamath Falls, who
have been visiting Mrs. George Ross,
retunied home Thursday evening.
George Hessclgrnvo returned
Thursday evening after visiting n
short timo with his Hon, Fred, at Tal
ent. Mrs. Simmons of the Modoc, is is
iting Mrs. I'. J. Hickru.
Mrs. Charles Skvmmn of Trail has
been visiting her daughter for some
A. J. Potts of Davifi station wan
transacting business hero Fridny.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Childern nt
North Phoenix-are isifing Mrs. Chil
dors' parents, Mr. and Mix. 1. C. Wil-
A I' nlr lrpiisIUoii
The manufacturers of Morltol
Rheumatism Powders have so much
confidence In this preparation that
they authorize us to sell them to you
on n positive guarantee to give you
relief in all cases of Rheumatism
or refund your money. This Is cer
tainly a fair proposition. Let us show
them to you. Prices ROc aud $1.00.
Exclusive Agency, HnskltiH Drug
Store, Adv.
Reported by JncKson County Ah
tract Co Hlith and Ftr Ht
IC'tds & Ilolbrook vs. Ends &.
Holmes et al., judgment on l'uroclos
uro of tax lien.
Lillio F. Fiiney vs. W. Aitlmr Fnr-
rcy, finding of fact nnd conclusion
ol law.
G. M. Slocuni vs. Matt Kulosch,
Seymour II. Roll vs. J. F. Roddy ot
it. v, order overruling demurrer.
J. W. Waloh vs. W. M. Itnndles es.
tnte et nl., affidavit nnd order ot
niililioiilifiii of suimnnns.
W. It. MeLcod s. Portland Dnvel.
opment Co,, order of publication of
John W. Cox vs. The Oakdale Land
InvnMtnont Co., return of summons.
Roguo River Fruit & Produce Co.
vs. R. H, Zimmerman, uttswor.
II. N. Loflaud vs. Males Piano
House, notice.
Rank of Maudalona vs. Minnie A.
MoKeo, order ovcrniling ditmurrcr.
( harlos ZinimenRiin vs. V, CI. Math
ison, to foreclose chattel mortgage.
V'stnto of Parker Field, iictition
nnd order for discharge of adminis.
Estate of Florence A. Palmer, or
der appointing npinuiscrs.
Ektato of ClirUhna Orohnid, in
entory mid nuoraisenient.
."J -. J.' !'
iNTEItl'ltllAX AUTO Clt CO.
Loavo Medford dally oxecpt Sun
day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
at R a. in.. 11.30 a. in., 1 15, 2:80,
3:45 and 6 15 j in. Also on Sat
urday at 11: IS p. m. Sundays leave
at 10 a. m., 4 p. m. and 9:30 p. in.
Leave Ashland for Medford dally
ex6t Sunday Ml 9 a m., 11:50, J: 30,
3:10, 44J and l n. nt. Sunduy
! leave Ashluwt at f a, m., l:a. 5:10
aud 1i 30 p in
Estate of Anno Poo. notition nnd
order for sale of personal property.
Ill-ill Estate TinnsfcrH
E. L. Miller ot al to James G.
Mott, laud iu twp. HG-M-
2V. .fl ,2a0
F. E. Merrick, trustee, to Eliz
abeth Stewart ot nl, lot -I,
Stewait Acres .. 1
Elizabeth Stcwnrt et al to 1L A.
Johnson, lot 4, Stewart
Acres .
FOR RENT Central Point hotel,
furnished; good proposlton to
right parties. See or call Frank
11. Ray, Phono 42. 234
-T..1.JTTS i .t- , r-
FO R RENT-Coionol" SargetiCiTreT
idence on Oakdale ave., telephone
owner at Jacksonville, or Inquire
of II. P. Nye or Roy 1). Peebles at
Medford. 253
FOR RENT Well furnished C-room
bungalow vory reasonable to deslr
ablo tenant. 422 8. Lnurol St.
FOR RENT Modern furnlshod houso
hooping rooms, closo In; rks and
wood stoves. 234 EasiHh. 238
LOTS 15 each; $1 dovvnT$l month
no Interest; guaranteed cleured
and level; healthful and fast grow.
Ing community; tlno for homo or
Investment. Write for particulars
Ilox 71. Rochester, Wn. 211 1
roit ivthniirttTm(Tb'
FOR SALE Tcanfof mules." weight
000 lbs. each. 0 year olds, $225. O.
C. IJoggB.
FQR SALE Hampshire boar; regis
red; six mouths old, $15.00.
Phono S-F2. 237
FOR SALE Sniairgr.iln fed hogs
delivered dressed for He a pound,
11. E. Nealon, Central Point, Phono
'OR BALE Nino nhotes at a bar
gain. Phono G&1-J2,
Phono 403-R2.
cow and calf.
FOR SALE Team, weight about
.1300 pounds. Phono 315. if
FOR SALE Cheap, 18 horses. Vln
eon's bam, N. Riverside Avo. 21.1
FOR SALE-857-lt.
A I fill fu hay,
FOR SALE Electric heater, 3 klUo
watt. Address XVZ, care Alco. 231
FOR SALE Forty two conbTof dry
plno wood. Iuqulro of Roy II.
Peebles. 23!)
FOR SALE imported alfalfa need,
'llox 74, .Mall Tribune. 23 1
FOR SALE -Genuine mahogany rec
ord cabinet; brand new, worth $35,
will soil for $ 1 9. I'ac. .Furn. &
Fixture Factory.
Phono C07-R2.
FOR SALE One niun tops for Ford
cars nt tho Tont and Top Factory,
100 N. Front St. 215
FOR SALE Am leaving town, wish
to dispone of number of household
articles; elcctrla rango, heating
stovo; largo leather and mahogany
rockor; hod and springs, and other
thliiRs; can hco thorn Monday and
Tuesday. Phono :tR3-j, Mrs. far
roll McMlllon at 202 South Orange
TOR SALE Utile Club seed wheat;
team good work horses. James
Campbell, Phono 311-R. 230
loy straw.
Hurley; also haled bar
Phone 732-J2. 255
FOR SALE Corn rationed ranch tur
kes, I fie llvo welsht delivered.
Phono 14-F22. 232
SO, acres on the Applegate, with
lomo stock nnd Irrigation, $4)100.00.
Another there of 160 acres, stock, Ir
rigation and buildings, $7500 and
many other ranches priced right.
A good one near Pendleton, irrigat
ed aud water right paid, 187 acres at
$100.0(1; will take In good little place
In oxuhance.
A fow furnished and some unfur
nished boiisoii for rent.
Room 1(1, Jaikitoii County Hank Ulilif.
SALESMEN Capable specially man
for Oregon; staple lino on new and
exceptional terms; vacancy now;
attractive commission contract for
191C; J35 weekly for expenses.
Miles F. lllxler Co., 2211-51 Carlln
llldg., Cleveland, O.
HELP " WANTED MnrrTed man on
farm. Phono R-13W after 7 p. in.
WANTED Competent man and wlfo
wishes employment on stock or
dnlry farm; Tioitld consider well
managed orchard work; salary ac
cording to satisfaction given. Pox
WF. Mull Tribune. 231
WANTED Ml.M.rrrt.l.rtMWI'H
WANTED Furnished
home, with
Pox C4, Mull
heat, for 0 mouths.
WANTED Alberta land In sxchanco
for property hor. Clark Realty
Co. "
WANTED Women lot ub help you
make money selling guaranteed
hosiery to wenr; full or part time:
big profits; experience unneces
sary. Address, International Mills.
Dox 122, Norrlstown, Pa.
WANTED To purchase Irrleatod
ranch; prefer location In district
north and cast of Medford; place
must bo Irrigated or under propos
ed extension ot Irrigation ditch;
price must be reusonablo; clva
price and boat terms, also section,
township and rango In replying.
Address P. O. Ilox 207, Medford,
Oregon. 233
FOR TRADE-One team mure, two
milch cows, for team young horses,
weight not less than 1200 lbs. M.
Mai-shall, Central Point. 23G
FOR EXCHANGE Clear, Improved
Medford property $5000, for equi
ty In good acreage, Wanted, mod
ern bungalow for spot cash. Must
bo bargain. Clark Realty Co., 200
Philips Ring.
FOlt EXCHANGE I 'am In" a posl
tlon to nrraugo for trades for Cal
ifornia property, olther city or
county, In exchange for Roguo
river property. Address for pros
river property. Address L. 11.
Houston, 117 Jay St. 232
TAKEN UP Stray holfor, crotim
color, one year old; crop off loft
oar; upper bit In right. Owner
may have snino by paying ml and
feed. S. Walsh, Jacksonville, Ore.
gon. 231
LOST About two weeks ago. Eng
lish Setter pup, white and brown,
very spotted nose and head; lib
eral reward for return to 225 So.
Riverside. 233
FOR I.OAN--I have $1000 to loan
on good farm security at 8 percent.
llox 11, Mall Tribune. 231
ACrQPICKTitniohiTo gnsollno
going up; sell gaso-toulc; equals
gasoline at 3c u gallon; eliminates
carbon; dollar an hour profit;
sales guaranteed. White .Mfg. Co.
Dopt. 10, Cincinnati, O.
HUtilNKHH iirilttCTtlUY
Offlco 42 North Front at. Phon
315. Prices right. Servlco guai
an teed
Because my Btoct. in trado Is to
have optioned at tho lowost cash
price the best buy In this county.
I have been on tne ground look
ing out for you for thv past flva
years. Nearly evoryday I hare In
vestigated some "good thing." I have
eliminated everything except those
deals which I am convinced will te
nure mti satisfied customers.
In a few hours time I can give you
the honoflt of this research. It la my
business to show you over the county
aud Introduce you to tho possibilities
and opportunities here, ttaa Med-
fard first and
UK Wot MAln tttrt
Auto Supplies
nrr oporatlug tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee 26 North Fiftoontti St.,
Portland, Ore.
GEO, W. CHERRY Attornoy.. aad
Notary, Room 0, Jackson County
Dank Uulldlng, ontranco N. Cen
tral, Medford, Ore.
Attorneys-at-lvw, Rooms 8 and
0, Medford National Dank bl-lg.
A. E. REAME8, LAWYER Garnott
Coroy bldg.
O. M. ROIJERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Building
Gnrnett-Coroy llldg., ulte 810
Medford, Ore. Phone 85G.
Collections ami Report
colloctod some accounts 14 years
old. W know how to get tha
money. The Iluuock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Ha
Jklnn' llldg., 216 B. Main at
Engineer Anil Contractor
FRED N. CUMM1NQB Onctneer aad
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bide
8urv6y9 eatlmatoli, Irrigation
draluosa, orchard and land Im
provement. Garbage
OAROAGE Get your pramtaM
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbago wagons for
good eervlco, Phono 274-L. F,
V. Allen,
Instruction Iu Miulo
401. flnrnotf.(!nrov Mitir KVa1 Al.
ton Ilalght. piano Mrs, Floroncn
Halllday Halght, voice. Phona
l'hyklclnus nnil Snrgeona
Dlt?"Fr"(C cAltLOW, DR. "EVA
MAINS CARIX)W Osteopathic
physicians, 410-417 Oarnctt-Corey
bldg., phone 1036-L. Resldenca
26 South Laurel at.
DR. V. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
phyclclan, 303 Garnott-Corey
bdlldlng. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon, Practlco limited to eye,
car, nono and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested nnd glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P,
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phono 607.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and
Burgeon Phones, offlco 30, resi
dence 724-J, Office hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
P'jyslclons and surgeons. Office
309-310-311, M. F. & II, bldg.
Phones, residence 814-J2, office
clan and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposito Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J,
T. G. HEINE, M. D. Eyo, Ear..
Nose and Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly fitted glasses, Cross eyes
stralgbtenod. Office 228 E. Main
st, phono 303. Consultation free
Homeopathic Physician, Surgeon,
228 East Main St., Medford, Ore
gon. Office phone 142, residence
phone 732112. Office hours 1 to
4 p. iu,
Jua..fcowam-1'J - . ... i:.i.. .J ,v ,i.i,',hm
Printers and Publishers
best equipped printing office la
southern Oregon; book binding-,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc, Portland prices. 27 North
Fir at.
Public Stenographer
tt, t! EmVATtnX sTeor.Tphar
and Multlgrapblns, Rooms 409-410
Garnott-Corey hulldlng, Otfle
phone 70&-J, resldenca phone
pher, room 2U. Jocknon County
Hank Uldg. Dictation taken any
pluce any timo by the only Steae
typo oporatnr In Skmthern Ore. Of.
flee phono 515, Kcu. 273-J.