Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    P?f T"7 (jjfijHV ff p-v - 7"T'T-
ff&iil'V" Si fl',Hj
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' Ilcnry Dnucr returned ycntorday
from ii sotaowliat extended trip to
Salem, Corvnllla and KuRrno. Al
though ho saw somo Interesting coun
try during his pcrlgrlnatloti, lio snyn
ho is satisfied to remain in Hoguo
liver valley.
Weston Caraora Snop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Hon Mayer, who halls from tho
Ashland district, says ho is nt last a
booster for Irrigation. This year ho
raised two and thmo quarter bushels
of corn nnd six nnd n half bushels of
potatoes on a tract of six ncrou on
which bo says ho worked "his head
off -to mako a crop, believing that
Iiq bad discovered I). M. Ijwo'h se
cret; but ho confosscH ho hadn't dis
covered any secret equal In virtue to
irrigation of soil on which ho inny
hppo to ralso vegetation for his house
hold nnd plgpon.
Closing out Bnlo Jowolry next I. O.
Mm. J. I). llolmoH returned yester
day ovenlng from u visit of two weeks
with a slBtor, Mrs. Hnynos, of Yrokn.
, AU tho latest sheet music at Be per
copy. Music not carried in stock
will bo ordered for you at Halo's
Piano Houno.
Miss Allco Kreumnn, of drants
Pass, who has been attending bor
mother during the tatter's recent 111
noss In this city, returned homo yes
lerd.iy etciilm.
Insist on Ktiukist oranitcs at pro
ccrs. ,l 1
Mrs. II. h. Dnruulllo lias rnlurned
to her home at (S rants Pass after a
slt with Medford relatives.
For watrli worn that tmflsflos,
Jnbunon tho Jeweler. 220
Mr. and Mrs. Krt Swindon have re
turned from a visit to relatives at
Orants Pass.
Closing out salo of Jowolry. next P.
A. A. I'lynn returned from (IrantH
I'hm Friday.
When butter insurance ! sold
Holmes Tho Jnaurancn Msn will anil
A Christmas Cantata will ho given
at tho town of Itoguo Itlver Tues
day ovenlng, Dec. 21, to ralso funds
for a public Chrlstmns treo nnd chil
dren's colehratlon to bo held in tho
opora housu Christmas uo,
Chocnlato creams, caramels, chips,
peanuts, etc.. only 30c a lb. nt Do
Doputy Warden Sam Sandry re
ports liberating another dnren pair of
Hob Wlilto quail In Hvans creek dis
trict. Closing out salo of Jowolry next P.
Says tho Itoguo Hlver Argus: "Wo
nro In need of jiotutoori and If somo
of those who owo us on subscription
will bring us In a sack full wo will
gladly gto thuui credit for tho same."
Ordor your Christmas ruudles
early, Wo will mako thorn for you.
Mellrldn & Co. 2.12
Tho Hoguo ltlvor Communlt) elub
has boon formed at Hoguo Hlver with
H N. Hutler, presldunt and II. (1.
Harding socretnry.
See Dave Wood nnout that flr In
urnnco policy. Office Mall Trlhnno
Mrs. Frnnk I.ongwlll of Medford Is
visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. lieu
Thompson on the ApploKtilo. Hlio will
remain over Christmas.
Closlug out salo of Jowolry noU P.
Jnqksoii county is furnishing the
material for a now wire footbrldgo
over tho Applegate at the rooky point
below tho school house. The f minors
of tliu nnlghbnihood are contributing
the labor.
Dlsplny of fancy Xiuns rakon nnd
candlos In Mcllrldo's 'windows Satur
day well worth seolng.
County Conimlfwlonor Frank II.
Muddun has mtiirunl from a week's
buslucxM trip to iSeattle.
Phono 100 for Hall Taxi Co. Coun
try sen loo only Hwsouabto rates;
largo comfortable oars.
F. M Wade, a butiNttw man of Th
comu, Washington, U (mjo)lug a
Joum lu this clt j and tho Mill) mm
erally for a few iIm)
Special for Xiiihh week oIim1
corn per gallon I2i frwih nmtol
poauuts pur lb UM,e, at Th Pop
pery. tit
A. S. Mjun, of Kimono. Is dolux
business and diking n r-iirMiry gUiieo
of the situation In Medford UmJ.
J, O. Gcrklng the best ail nround
photographer In southoru Oregon.
Always reliable. Nonatlros made any.
where, tlmo or place Studio i'iS
Mln Si. Punqe 3)0-1
Oliarlos Wlnterwiute of 1'ortlsml.
Is ii business visitor in Medford to
da .
Hot lunation at tb l'oi'i'wo XSS
J. J. C. Harbor, of ICugtur traw
aozted busiiuNHi In thin m und vi
cinity yosterduy and t(M4
Fresh roasted peanuts at Do Ves'i.
Kdltqr How el of tlio.UiNiue Hlver
Courier, iuhllnfcd at jtogue Hir,
this eountj-, lraiufiilJ hujiiMM in
thin ally toiiux. .
Oood dry wood J 16$ yej Her en
ground. U, & iflJilgaiEsy! 6H .
Htvortujo. W
. ' , i i I I ' ' -M
Payne Whltnoy In tho leisure class.
She has little tlmo to wnsto lu
splto of her great wealth. Sho Is
known us tho "girl who woiks" aud
has won her mark as u sculptress.
Several pieces of her work were
on dlsplny at tho San Francisco fair,
notable among them being her
"Fountain of HI Dorado." Her work
is done at her stddlo on long Island
whore her himbund has un extensive
Left to ngltl Mine. Ho ikn Sc
Fonljind JNniilhJjJ,oeliiu'r,een'lar
liwiinmer. iiilernnliotml ne.iei' tu'wie.i te of nii'lnpestli, Hiinnr; llemy
v to Mr. Ford nnd to Hie entire pen ejieIition. , .
Snnta Claus apeparcd llko a spec
ter on the main business streets of
tho city today clad in holiday ut
tlro and dlstilbutlug a few remind
ers of tho great day soon to come;
but ho was swallowed up in tho
throng at tho storos and lost to view,
much to tho disappointment of the
voungsters who had found delight In
following him and enjoying his boun
ty. Dolled linm nod bacon at DoVoo's
II. 0. nice, of Stockton, Califor
nia, enjoyed n few daya' visit In this
part of tho valley this weok.
Special prices on engraved cards,
now nnd from old plates tor n few
daya at tho Medford Printing Co.
Henry T. Lincoln, accompanied by
his (laughter, Miss P. II, Lincoln, of
Portland, visited Medford today and
mny remain during the first part of
tho week.
A "Pnclflc Codar Chest" for Xmas.
An Idoal gift.
C. F. Adams, a business map of
Spokane, Washington, Is sojourning
In Medford and lclnlty fur a tow
noddy's Jewelry Store will be open
evenings from till dalo until Christ
mas. 2:ii;
Hon Mitchell, of Portland, Is linns
acting business in this city today.
Hutto Falls Wood ard Phono -tS
or 223. Wood all kinds. 2T7
.Mr. and Mrs. O. 11 Itiddle, of Port
land nro registered ut the Hotel Nash
Do Voe buys beer bottles
I,. C. Applegate, or Hold Mill, Is a
busluiHW visitor In Medford today.
Tho funeral of Mr. Itarhiiel X
l)nl(i) toda was held at Contra I Point
this afternoon, Instead of Kiiglo Point,
as published. K. I,. Daley and his
brother Itlehard, uopliows of the do
ceased, attended fioiu this city. It.
I,. Daley is an emploe of tho War
ner, Wortmnn & floro nmpaiiy.
Dressed Dolls for the Kiddles nt
Handicraft Shop.
O. Parker, a local laundry dilver.
was fined $r, lu the police coin I this
morning for Ignoring tho led I In lit
of the Southern Pselflc fliiKiiiun at
the Main street crowing last night.
We hao 70 different kinds of
chocolates, our own make, for you to
choose from for your Xmas boxes.
Mellrlde .1 Co. 83S
Allen Jox'e, a oiiuk man living
lu the vicinity of this city, Is tie
qualutod with the lnd who paw nod
tho gold watches of a Kimono Jeweler
In this cltv somo dns ago and was
later apprehended lu Kugoue while
attempting to rob a house there
Wlion Chler IlltUon found the Jew
elry hawked heie, the enthral thler
hud osoauod, going back to his home
In Kugene. Young Jiiie here suv
the Hugeiiti bo is owe or the niont
sctlve voiing burglars.ln the Wlltani
Ut vslloy Mini was rapldl.v coucIiiiik
it iiiuubor ot other bo)s or bis aue in
the erliuluKl busluess.
Smoke Klug SplU and Pautela. two
'est Sr rUtars on tuurkot tf
Mink Helen C Itosv. ot Vrek.i, 1
visiting fileuds In tills clt) and will
remain durlug tbtt hullilios.
New slid nubb Christ uitu i.iuU at
lUiulliiatt Shop.
Ferecstkior Qenluer proiiiises Mid
ford a white Clulstmss Should H
couie all right, we ur to i,'iiumh' 1 r
Hut he told uu so. tthould It r.ul
1st It be known that the weutlur it
port comes from t'orllund hiiw h
SuMklst orunie ure tho swetet
A sold medal oratorical toint
win held at ft. Slsrk's halt Frida)
ittgnl ante llrown received the
ni4l, wnich him presented b Hr
iteeufo wits nnyraprlnte remtrks n
lntertln( ndUMwe rttl the eoa
testanU. A wiintenl nrrtw was
also rMtr!.
ctoslM wi Ml 1 JNNjtflr tmt P
Mrs. T. O. Power, Mrs. Porter Xeff
und Mrs. K. It, Seeley entortnlned tho
teachers of tho Washington school
aud Mis. Ilovious, tho president of
tho circle, last Saturday evening at
Mrs. Sooly's josldence with a delight
fully rendered program of niuslc and
reading, during which Mrs. Campbell
rendered three violin solos that woro
highly nrtlstlc and greatly appreciat
ed by all. After the program, rofrosh
nients were served and tho evening
wni thereafter spon In enjoynblo so
cial converse.
Tho largest and finest stock or
Everything good In Diamonds, Jew
elry and Sllvorwnro ever show lu Med
rord nt Martin J. noddy's.
Mrs I.oach, Abdo-Supyort Hnrcloy
surgical corset. 32C N.'Hartlett. '
The Itoguo ltlvor Vulloy University
club will hold Its annual Jinks to
night, during which It will present
tho serlo-mlrth-produclng inreo, "In
tho Trenches." The usual features
ot entertainment lu addition to the
play will be rendeied.
Pohlsan galleries novelty goods nt
Handicraft Shop.
Drs. A. It. nnd t.oulsi Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stowart build
ing. 23C Fast Main St.
Frnnk Owen, tho tlmbormnn, has
returned from an extended trip to
the oast.
All tho latest sheet music nt tic per
copy. Music not carried In stock
will bo orderod tor you nt Halo'a
Piano llouso.
Hutternut bread nt Dn Von's
Thurmau Howdon, n lumberman
from Ptiget Sound, his homo being lu
Kvorelt, Washington, Is 11 visitor In
tills city and other vullo points this
Cnrpentorlng and snop work, nil
kinds. C. K. Collins, 31 X. Hartlott.
The committee appointed lo effcut
a preliminary organisation or the
Taxpayers' league or this county pro
sntod Its report to a meeting ot
tlioo who will constitute Its initial
membership at the llnran hull this
afternoon. Tho itieellua will puss 011
the lepoit and perfm i the ii niiinxnt
organisation. PiohiWiohi taxpayers
troin many parts of the iouut are lu
What would be appreciated more
for Christmas than two tickets to
Tr iiiu or thou tilg Ico cold 6 cent
niltksbakes nt De Voo's.
H. J. Knlscr, postmaster nt Ash
land, came down to Mudford this af-
I teruoon lo attend the Taxpayers'
league meeting. He In looking bel
ter than ever and sus ho feeln no
discomforts from his tecent star per
formance. In n tragic effort or one or
his clerks to kill him.
Xmas boxes, red and white nnd
biirf, nil sizes and shapes. Medford
1 Hook Store.
Gates soils Ford cars, 200 down
and $25 a month. 230
Mr, nnd Mrs. Kd Anderson, of
Phoenix, nro transacting business In
this city this afternoon.
Insuro your auto In tho Alllanco
agnlnst thert, Hre. C. Y. Tongwnld.
Huy MeiUord iiinn candy at the
James Owens, of Hrownsboro. Is In
tho city this afternoon nttondlng tho
meeting of the Taxpayers' league.
Do Voo delivers tho Orcgonlan to
von ovory day for 75c a month
K. .1. Knser, I,. A Xell, Denton
llowors, J. W. McCoy, Frnnk Swingle,
C. II. Lambkin, Otto McMlchael, H.
M. Harney nnd Hurt It. Oreor nro
among thosu who are attending tho
Taxpayers' loaguo this afternoon In
this city from Ashland and vlclntt).
Most men appreciate office applian
ces for Xiiioh. Wo kuovv every of
Hco lu tho city so well wo can help
you select something. Medford Hook
Alt the Intost sheet music at Cc per
copy. Music not carried in stock will
bo ordored for you nt Halo's Piano
Mrs. Kubll and daughter Kdlth are
Mudford visitors todii) from Jack
sonville, The Sugar Howl has sold most or
that ton or candy thoy advertised tor
10c a lb last Saturday and nro busy
day and night making more. Xot In
the combine. 231
Pierce, the Florist, will have an ex
ceptionally good line or Christmas
potted and cut flaw-tint. Order now.
James T. (iilnnock, state water
commissioner, l a Medford visitor lo
il from tfalem.
Producers Fruit Co., nro selling
some large slsed F.xtrn Fancy Yellow
Now tow ns. A box will mako a very
suitable gift. 231
Hot Tamnlos at tho Shasta.
Mrs. Whltnev Is one nt four chil
dren or the late Cornelius Yuiuler
hilt. What would be appreciated more
tor Christmas than two tickets to
Margaret llllngton.
Home made tarry at Do Voo's.
l-HfcurftN1 jllflHk
tjsjsj; f-.e.--,
' 1 1 1 11 1 . 1 1 m
Hiding from N'ew York to San
Francisco lu tho private car Wan-ileiei-
paving 32,00u a ear as In
tome tax diweu't place Mrs Hum
l:i, PASO, Tex., lice. 19. -The
household jjooils of Qcnci-nl Villa nnd
In brothel-, Ilipohto, fititineinl agent
of the Villa government nt Jitiiic.
we re brought across the border I ere
toduy. The offieeis' qbniteK in
Juuivz were reported dismantle J ninl
ttoop trnins nre suid lo ho pro-vd-itie;
to rhiliUnhuii Oit.
CATANIA',! Sle'lJy, Dec, IR.-r-Motint
Ktna is conshlerably active again nnd
Is emitting red hot lava, which,
streaming along tho sides of the
mountain and melting tho snow, pro
duces a wonderful effect,, especially
at night. In addition glowing cin
ders nnd smoke form nn umbrella
shaped cloud above tho volcano.
Look! Look!
1 at the-
Dollar Window
on everything in the
A pllo romodr that Is entirely tllf
fcrent from anything else, used both
externally nnd Internally, acting on
tho blood as well ns tho disease, a
remedy without a superior. It is
Merttol Pllo Remedy, mado and guar
anteed by tho American Drug and
Press Association. Prlco $1.00
Agents, Hnsklns Drug Storo. Adv.
Young Alan, Young Woman, in Dollars and Cents to a
Jhisiiicss Man i Arc , oil worth all you should lip .' 1 1' not,
join our classes in Day or Night School and make yourself
worth more.
Medford Commercial College
"The School of Best Results"
J3. I. VAN fllLDKK, College IJuilding,
F K. Van (lilder, lrineipals. 'M Xtn-tli (Jrape Street.
Good Business
In Jionio.inanagcnicnt dictates prac
tical and economical Christinas pur
chases this year. Wo would suggest
a few sacks ot
"Mt. Pitt"
High Patent Flour
"Superior" (irnham or Whole Wheat
I'loiir, mi a wise buy at this tlmo. All
ot these brands nro manufactured by
Thoy nro sold on their merits
,1; Your Oroeer !-'or Them
What the Ford ear will do is amply
proved by its daily use in the hands of
more than 000,000 owners. So sim
ple to understand that every Ford
owrer knows his ear like a book he
111115 it and cares for it himself. Built
of tho best materials, powerful and
efficient, it saves money in operation
and maintenance and comes at a
verv low price. Runabout $H90:
Touring Oar $M0: Town Car $010. f.
o. b. Detroit. On sale at
MVtrft-VMlknaW -,
Ts something useful and or
namental. A CEDAR
CHEST IS SUCH, or most
anything in the furniture
line a Rocker, Pedestal,
Smoking Set, etc.
Our special for this Christ
mas is our ,S.o0 Pacific Ce
dar Chest for $7.00.
Come in and let us show you
our line.
Descriptive circulars for out
of town people free for the
rili ViiBh
tmj?ssWb gffy
plainly jfw
After January
rirst 1916
Write at once for our new free cntnlor! in which nre
listed and priced the best and best known quality
brands of liquors. You will find this method
of buying by mail from-wholesaler-to-con-
oumer moct economical and satistactory.
All orders will be filled in exact conformity with tho
new law. How thi liw nlfccts you in its applies,
lion is set forth concisely In our catalog. We
guarantee our goods anil n prompt service. We
cannot advertise alter January 1st, tnerciore win
be unable to communicate wilU you unless you
Gel your name on
our mailing list now
i Write for our price on OLD TAYLOR, yellow label, bottled in
bond. You will be turnriiou.
T OLD Will
ItfS. vt MM
1 fHA! i
UiiiiI wliolcasl Liquor DcilaiWtil ol Chicso
I (Wl k(
III' 1-liK U4--U lU.l.ll lll- III, ill t'
U'liiiil tit lilt' I mini Ntntv -en. ilr
b lUKutM-mlh or., mIio-i iti-
lialst KsniMtor l'i'Uitifli' Itinn
tur li (!(. its i it. Tin- Milium
itltun tbua tuiU-,1 iu it vtltui- to,
IMHwh tit ArtuWMia MimUir lur
Ntoma Ik u iniu1um ktl ui Ibf
Im( VvHgmm.
Of the .several hazards incident to owning and operating an automobile, that of injury 'to persons is the
No out' wishes to deny a just obligation to an injured person, but thoro exists a tolorably general assump
tion that, in ease of accident, the ear was to blame,
The feeling of remoteness, as to accidents happening to ourselves, is a common one, although in direct con
tradiction to the accepted meaning of the word, and we suggest to the ear owner that he get in touch with our
ofl'h-e and
beforehand. After the accident it is too late to buy protection.
The com of Automobile Liability Insurance is based upon the A. L. A. M. horsepower rating of the ear in
sured and the usual policy limits are .$.")0(X) for injury to one person aud $10,()(X) for injuries to nioro than ono
person in one aciident.
Ve solicit an in estimation of our contracts and we assure you that our expediency in loss payments is a very
tangible retistm for giving us Miitr patronage. '
Ttk'plione O.N K-TWQ.Tl Hi ICK.
JuMirniieij Anv Kind
Sjiortn IJuilding
" 1