iipy1",' "vwr?wm pin Hi "f.'i'imlPP "riT ! i Tiiii'ililllir--j I tffP rjrcrfv '; rftr 1AGK SIA. !J . ;. , .. : aircoFOrU) mail Titrmjtfrc, otdfoud. , okfion, "Friday, lyrccEMBTCT? 17. inir. iant CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN EVENING DRESS TONIGHT AT THE PAGE iin Rtf- m i1 81 y &s -) - Nv JJ v: VsUj WWW tWPfil v-' h v . I f : 1 1 ' ! 1 1 It ' LONDON', Pec. 17.Mrs. Herbert II. Aflnuftlt. wife of tho premier, np-! 1 poured as plnlntltf In chancery rotirt'cornor of Sixth street and Central J louay, uaniniiiiinK " "rum m nr Ktriiln tho Ulobb from the publication . , t , ll .. ,... , ,. Mn I of nl16R0d llbola. Mrs. AsqulUt's at torney said: "For a wholo fortnight borore tho Issue of thin writ Mrs. Asqulth hn been dollbcrntoly pursued In tho de fendants' newspapers with nccusa tlous of disloyalty nnd association with Gorman prsoners nt DoiiiilngUm Hall. She has boon doscrlbod nil a traitor and a dlHfirnco to her sox and attacked In most opprobrloUB tonus. Thoso attacks wore systematically nnd malevolently maintained nnd were only BUBpondod aftor tho writ had been Issued." Tho attorney opposed the Globe's request for a postponement urnlnR that tho court do not doprlvo tho plaintiff of tills opportunity to clear herself publicly. "Tho persecution of Mrs. Asqulth lias been roIiik on neatly a wholo 5 car," ho Bald. "It Iicriui last sprint? In nnother nowspnpor which tho de fendant would ay was of u lower elnss than tho Globe. That papor had to apologize publicly and nt Mr. As qulth'fl request, pay 100 pounds ster ling to tho Hod Cross fund. Some people who dlssouilnntod theso Ilhols through tho Globe sent Bhoavos of letters to the plaintiff and imputa tions against her wore mado In social circles. Tho matter hnM now come to a head In n form whore the defend ant!) can bo brought to account and mndo to kIvo their reasons for tho ac cusations." Mm. AHijuith'H eouiihol pointed oul Hint tln HtnteinentH in iieMitni were not mndo nj,ralnht IiIm client liy iimiii', liii t nj,inst the "wife of n cabinet jninihter." Tliero wits HulTieieut evi dence, he continued, to nhov Hint JIr. Ah(ii!lh was the person inferred to. Moreover, ho witl n eonl'csMon luttl been obtained front one of the liattieH to "those i;rosn libels wliicli uro cnluulnled to slinko confideiicu in tluv iiiliiiiuiHlriitioii." The del'euilnul having itntlcrlukon io refrain from publishing unythiu iiffi'i'tlntf the case, tlie court allowed the mnltcr to ntnnd ncr until Tues day. JJefoio tlic ciinc wiik utljuiiiucd tin1 pluintiff's ullnniev said .Mrs. Auillt lmd inn tie u ileum under oath of (lie btntei'icnln couceiiiunr lu-r, BANANA TRUST I'llll.ADl'.Ll'HIA, Dee. IT. .IuiU Thouipsoii in the let loin I dmtrict (unit todnv overruled u motio.i to (ImiiI'i the nit of tlie ltlnofioliU Steniiisbip Co., Ltd., I'uiled Fruit cotnpiinv ugiiiust (lie lor $Ki,UII0,- (HID damayiM. The stnmnHluii cunmiiy, ill the hands of u receiver, Is omit rolled l the fruit oniirorti. The receUer tor the Itluct'iclri cihhmhi Hiuiticd tliut the tiuit eomNiny coudiM-toil the uf-lnii- of tile htMuwliip cint)ntn in such milliner iim to cmuho h lo of .'i.tUKi.miU in itM banana WitineH, uml lie asked triple iIhiiiho under the Sherman uuli-tnist law. The receiver ullccd tin fruit cotn )miu'm object iu miuiujr tliu business nt the Mlneflelda ooHoern wm to se cure lor itsdf h monopoly of the lmutinu iinpoitiiiK bitwiiiei lifted State-. ill the E PAlllS, DtH. 17. llhc nntliiiiici)l of (loueiiil Kir DoiiilMM Hair h 11m ihli conuftandttr in chief iu ihvc of J'iyJtl MHrltal Sir Jnbu Kreiiali, u en(Jrlv ueiMietwl in Frauett, wlieie it lias made a wivnt ituprewannt. Tho ltniM I anaulwntw in e.ptai ot )ogret nt tli tloaiture of KieJd Mm hold French ninl la- particular cm ptlRMJH uu hu -iTnit"- .luring the ti Ug tUWs uf tlif oiN-c hi, iieriud n( tin- TU uwaatHi ert ) '' liOJJ. Uutl I'VUI M.iixi'.ui !' hjltUieuilwl bv one ol liu luiwl a ' Jtlk, VPkotA Mcrlt ti H'HsJ Im li0lUHd, with tli li'M"" ttmt it tirtMc to be ' i" ')' tMum. SEEKS MONOPOLY FRANC PLEA M M LEADER ncuwrnl Uu i"1 " i iu v)o i"1 coiiMtaiil rK" ii i ' oujHmmi Ik wii aillt the 1 " i. i rl i id ijiuiitci. win" i(i Mttm i- ivfHvMl mm '..i' ' Homebody must have hton In n happy frnme of lulnil to do vol op tho OhrlstlUUB ItHMHr Idea to UlU OJttfltll exemplified In the Olnpltir nl I ho Calliollc ladles bntaur hIiow nl the venue. It momblr a county fair without the livestock exhibit. As ono outers nt thf enndv liooth, pann ing tho fancy work booth, hears tho call of tho country store further down, sei the oxclfpinenl ovar the nlKKer bnhlog In front, catehos thu strnlns of sweet music somowheio and Is ruKnlnd with appetising; odors that come from tho lunoli loom In the balcony, the thought that one Is golni? down tho plko and scurrylng nloiiK tho zone nt a bin exposition Is irresistible. You'll suruly he solred with an oaKcr deslrtt to sou It all, eat nnd drink lomn of It and --well, tho charming girls and matrons who at tend thn booths will hnvo to protect themselves us best they can In the mad rush to seo tho fun, buy some of It and outbid the most nideut patron of tho country sloro. Tho music tonlKht will bo special for you, Rontle reader. Miss Oorald Ino Thloss and Miss IIosh llryan will sine- Saturday nlRht all thn pretty kIiIh iu town will be there (nnd that means a big crowd) and Judgo Kelly, Jutlgo Ton Voile and A, U. Hoscn bniini will nnnounce to n brenthlcss public, rltfht out In the multitude thn nnmo of the most bftfliillful girl pres ent, who's the next and then tho third best. No young woman can bo tho prottlcst girl there If alio Isn't present. In thn confuscion, n mob will empty tho country store of Its Inst penny'H worth of gooda, no mnt ter what It costs. That will end the trouble for this year. s IIO.MII, Dec 17. Dcl.iiN just an nounced cont'd niiur the siukliiK of Ihc Ilaliiiii Iruiixptiil I mheilo uml Hie 1 1 til tint desttiiyer Intrcpidn in the Ad riatic sen loocntly show that lite de stioyer was blown up bv u llimtiu mine when slie rushed In the ihm'iio of Ihc Nlcuuier when the liiller lintl Mtritck a nunc and wax itboiil In k down. The cuplaiu mill ctcw of tlie Viii bcilo icuiiinieil .ilniitiil then' chm until the ln-t iiiomeut. SHREVEPORT RATE 1 IIOl'STON, Tcss, Dec 17. l'ov-! in' of t!.o Inter st.ttc commerce com- man birth, has littou defeiited. Thu iiiIsmIoii to intiko liitra-slate as well lord chief Justice, Huron ItoaditiK, as Inter state rates Is expected to who has had the matter under ad underKo u test tu u licurliiK on the ; vlsetueiit since amuiei tits' v,to coit Khrtvepnrt rate cane opened horo to-' eluded a month ago, delivered his day b) Henry C Hall of thu com-1 JuilKiuent totltt). lie deelareil Sli tulaalou. Iteprcseutatlvea of all mil- Kditar and Sir Earnest, sm naturaiUcd roads opcrattnK In Texas, of traffic ' MrltUh subjects bad all the rltshtt anil bureauM of a dosou cities east of tho llraxus rivar and or the t-lt of Sluevc port. I.a , are present. IpiSSTto A New Method ( Mr Mrs. Nevada Briggs, the baking expert, says: 'Titer tajut unt vray laMiaVe yourrukeM ti IhkIi nnd ivcnly -givti Ikiim ttm tu riM ImFum a vruat i frm ami th twttrr h' SIUIiniihI by i'iviknj " ' Ifumnun niui.KirtolinK urolUtove, Hutu yournvaa utivn ym put. til rut. in nuil kwp tit" Hohm kiw until tho cat. Iim ittMiMnl In bulk; thoa inersiuMi thu beat unit! It U vvwily Imitvnwl bU Hl r'wnd t.i th iiraasure of tb Ann or. If iitlnga rMl tr wovd raagv, lj thu urea Joarupvn ualtl tk eV m la; tki'n turn on (ha ilrafta.an.l by tbt lime tho oven it ut tukmtr tH)ierutur, tho cwko will lmu inuKi uWv ltljr " For rich, inoiht.fwitherycnkosMrs. Brifl:jralvajRjvcoininon(ls nz K Baking Powder lr8ifi?fi f 's "u Rctinjr and sustnins tho raise. pIjg tin around in thf Plw ,U(,MI,'" wtlnut r'i.' J CUKt IHII. Tt oir favorila rak wxt time with K C Bihing 1'owt.rr and aw much bijhr il will n.- Mm . it ju-t aayuii mxuKiiu, with this tatitv uiiaii"t nt l.i.k " JHiwtWr Wliil K C is Im rxptiwiv than Uv ..hi ui. iiiiunt liukiii i.twit.'nt. it lias fVfn greater IfaVAiiin, lreiiiti aisl it i guarantee.! pur and hwaithful. Try a can and be conolnced i1' $Sgg "A NlRht in tho Show," Is fouiulod on tho well known ICnKllsli Music Hall skotrh, "A Night Iu a Music Hall,' 'and introduces Chaplin via two characters. Ho Is very much the ridiculous ninifnbout-towii, nrraVed I nnnat fitting dross suit nnd human sized shoos, who goes to a vaude ville allow and bothers ovoryono In cluding tho orchestra. Desldes he witnesses tho performance from the gallery as a bum, not ns tho usual Chaplin hum, but much bummlcr thnn usual. Prospers in Spite of Merchant's Boycott To lite I'Miter: Jltty J lake n few niche of ,our valuable space. 1 started the Stujmr Howl on April 17 with 'JU ccitU in capital and n little nunc, nlwiiya milking absolutely piiiu canities nnd Helling nt n fair, lcKitimate ptnlll, tit - leniliiiK Io my oun buninetis and working duy nnd nijliL to f?e ostul) HhIiciI. 1 tun tlie .Modl'oid Candy company for two nnd one-hulf ,etirs uml got nlmost cuottgli buNineN iu .Medfonl to pay my grocciy bill, mid so hud to tiiit. And now 1 inn iu the retail husiuesM, nnd beeuuse I am uliwt and Xellin the liUHJuesH Ihc mi'ielmnlM me plunuiu and chcuiini Io put mc in the rooks. II ooI;h like it hurts some id' (bene iiiomsIiiicKh j ec it lie wire count to Medford, nnd still limy limp tin patrnnuo liome uicichaiits. Votiis ery 1 1 illy, i:. C. SlldJ.MAN. (Advciltscnieiit.l SEAT IN COUNCIL LONDON. Dec. 17. -The attempt to deprive Sir UiIkhc 8Hyer nnd Sir Hdward CmmhI of metiibtiralilp In the privy council on account of their dor. privllcKcs of Urlttsh-iioin xnhtfti. uml tltcri'fore uei entitled to in ineiiilieiM of the prlvv totllltil of Baking Cakes own or tin aint'mvr. olso any dnngwr of uuku tlu My tho mail ortlots that have been pouring In at tho box o.'nre the fml wouk anil tho enthusiasm shown anion our local people. Margatet III ItiKlon and I'tirbsS-ttoheitnon appear unco hero Tuesday and Wetfnosday nlKhts iitomlses to ft in history and publlolty for MedfOrU theatrlonlly, as this great event bv being watched with kenn Intsrest hy peoplo of thu theatrical world. Medford at one tlfrtp had tins repu tation of lining th, best ono night ntnntl on the coast and after Wednes day nlghl, It will again tarry off hon ors In Its rcifiontllhg to two great stars in two consecutive nights. AD WOLGAST FIGHTS Ni:V YOIIK', I )(. 17. Tlie injurv sulferctl bv Ad VIgii-t iu liis bout willt Frank Whitney nl Atlanta lust Tuesday night is not' so serious ns to pi event his futht willt Loach t'ros Itcre tniuulif. To innl.o sine tliete would be no cMticellution of tliu bout ut Hie ln-t motuciit, ii pli.VHiciuu ex umiucd Woliin't nnd tiudiiiK that he ha- oidv n cut on the lorcliend, jntU' liim it clcitti bill of health. 40,000 PRISONERS E MA!lKMU,KS, FniiMC Dee. 17. Seven bu.idrcil nnd t il I HulKitucu, (Icimait mid Aiwtrn-lliinmiriaii olti cci, taken prisunor In the Serbs, uml 10,01111 soldicrn ctiptuietl in Setbin, nrrivetl here ditritnr tlio niyitt on tin ir way t n concentration 'amp. ACCUSE AMBASSADOR OF TAX DODGING IMCIIMOM). Vn Dec 17. .Insepli 1). Willuid, Aiucrictiii .imba'itilor to Spnin, if. ehnntcd in roMirt tiled willt Ihc stale auditor l aeeoiiiitr. liy Hie cvnniiner of record ol I'lince William enunh, wilji 'i'tiiiK nmtlted intnni;il'lc properly A'jd'od ut iM,.i71, 0011 I mm Ins tnjc rcfinut., 'flic iimttci will he IhoukIiI up boYorc Hut eiicint court. I III ... I.I.MF . GET IT F1RST-N0I LAST When a cold pi ip jour .system it is convincing pioof th..t jourconilition is weakened- rtnuiul r that It iv risky indeed to simply tiif-t jourshenth to throw it on". Ik-i aiio nej;Ieued elds have brought nu no serious siikncss than any other one tiring, while weak cnincathartitsandstitnulatingsyrups nre often depirsMnj; and dangerous. 'J'he one Iwst trtwtmetit for nay colli --tlieont;ooirvn i died on when othet.s (nil, is the Mnciful liloodaourisliinent in Scott's Kmulsiiii, which feeds tlie very .sontces ttf InMidy strength to .sup press the present oll and generate sticngth to thwatt further sickness. Get Scott's lirst, not List and insist on the genuine iK iy.s free from al eohol and iiiiniiini i rugs, HottS. IW ir iH nfieM N J H-U ?iS ':-:.::. iVfi new oductjj"! movs !l : ; Wtw Wa m a ra H i ty tTvh v " t "i VON DE' M. lLEN BROS Kli l'AItt.S, Dee. 17.--Tho nrrlval at Athens yostertlny of A. Nikolilch, president of tliu Serbian national as sembly, .M. Trlfotuovltch, former pre mier, several former cabinet moni tion anil a nunthor of mouthers ot tho Sorbin nnssoinbly Is roport'-d by tho Ilavas correspondent at the Oreek Serbian ftssombly Is reported by the .tifffrlttm of tholr people during tho retreat of the army before the In vaders were Indescribable. LONDON, Dec. 17. It senilis to be generally taken for.Kranied that dur ing the soven weeks when tho re cruiting plan of the earl of Derby was In operation an abrogate of two million men enlisted, of whom over a nunrtor of a million made direct onllstments for immediate service. )EOW- Flake Sodas Crackers as they ought to be Don't let anbthcr day go by without trying those delicious crack ers. In gcncr?ns 10c and "5c packnrics also in built Something New Sntwflakc Sodnn In n Tin box. Price 50c. The lion is most useful. See It nt your itcnlcr's. I TACIJ TACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY rOUTLANO, onucoN Tyrkeys Wanted I want ''O''0 iioiiiiiIh of prime fan cy stork, dr.v pit hed Turkeys, bends, feet and wing feathers left on, on train left In nnd empty crops, If pos sible, these to weigh fiom 12 to 1." poiintls each. Thlu birds not waul ed, nor urn Ihc etra heavy Toms that weigh from IU to 20 pounds ami oer, especially If they are obi- Kor prime fat birds 1 can uty 1c a pound il rent ed Live Turkojs 15c, all to bo iu the condition as above stated. All inferior birds t ejected. Oeose lie, I'lck'tl oal. No live birds wantod. I'Iicm' io be tlollxorwl ut the Wohtor litml Warehouse, nonrb opposttu t'oiumeielul club building. Will bo .In receiving Sutttrduv, ISth, Phono 1 1 during work hours or 7-Tj evon Iiiks, or a tltl reus. C. C. PAUL itein: i .Mrni-oiti) What s "Best Valley" ASK ULRIOH & RYAN. cyC t Hii'i . " iinimii f-- I ri's FLOUR. 1 U") jk r s.ifk, and cvvvy s.it I. uai.uitci'd. !.")() in tip kmvl lots. Mad- )i tin Capitol City Mills Salciti. Oivjjoii, aSl'UAlt..tW, !v 3 " OfMt 'iStrel Ciit .? ': W - WrniT .A v3i;k: J.trTH.r- ? 1 yw m m J' CHRISTMAS CffAER FURS Ladies' Furs Misses' Furs Children's Furs FIRST-CLASS FURS ' ul ttwiKiMiabto Pi Icon Nothing Nicer for Christmas ptusents F. W. Bartlett itlH ICast .'Main St. THE LIFE WORTH WHILE Is the Life Devoted to Service Medford Commercial College 'p....;,,.. r,.,,,,., i.w.,,i.. !,. i.Mw;,. ;,.,,, u, .,.,.:.... ;,, r. .,.,., ,..,.,.;..! 1 Itlllin .1 IMIII I 7H- IIM I'll I II IV'lll lllMHT III Vyl'IIUHl'l I III I Jjil'e. Day and Kvenin Sessions. Ml' North (Irape Street i.i '-"- : Li HI PREPAREDNESS I- nou the nit'i't il uutihwcrd Within u fi-w c.ira wc ipc t to 1 1 a . t an urtu of about a million anil a halt men Our nnw . Ill ho greatly Imreasttl. How about ouv pciHounl ilefcnsi ? MOHII.I.I-; YOL'lt JIOVIIV. Deposit your dollars In this bank m.il . on ill In' litiildirg ni an arnt of pre parcilnin hkuPui hard tines", accident and Ill-health. 1 OVCn SZVt'ARS UNDER CNf MANAGE ME NT ffaWRM H2D2i'.&iKQ?:x t't.xffca,nrac-tirranigacucc Notice to Voters to Register The law requires that cwry elector who desirer. to vote at the annual cit, election to he held in and. Tor the Cit of Bedford "on Tuesday, .January 11th, 191(1, must register, regardless of any other or for mer registration. The registration hoard will, therefore, sit in the council room at the city hall, corner Front and Sixth streets, from one until seven o'clock p. in. every day, except Sunday, for five days more, including tocfay. Kvery voter in each ward should make it a point to come early so as to avoid the usual rush the last few days. There is no other time or place to register. No witnesses are required fortius registration. Do not bother tlie members of the hottrd with quewtions as to why this registration is necessary, -ctt The law requires it and the eity official have i:n tt her alternative. However, n proposed amendiweut to tlio eity eli.u'ter to Im voted ou at the coiuiutf election will, if .mried, do away with this continual botiiorsanio reg'Ktration. liaiac. Dweuiix-r 13ttt, 101U. IMKRT.TOSS. City Htcopdur. Vv && rIU ? ?ta: V.,J m i' ihZ&i ; )W r ADDS TO Sf. WESTON'S Camera Shop 20S East Main Street, iWcdl'ord The Only Mxclnsive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon NTogativ;s Alade any time or place by appointment. Phone 1-17-.T AVe'll do the rest E. D. WESTON, Prop. IB E.i't't r'l.mt I) lyiVgsyiittprty at JU ;w