'' i Din nnwii mi'lJl.31TT3 'tWlHlljWHMMMMtlLM , , ,'i, fi-t HP isvll WMWflWwWWM PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAID TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 3.015 mumKLMmwri'3-,t-,wmwAim it MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPKNDRNT NEWSPAPER rUKLIBIIED KVEIIT AFTERNOON EXCEPT HUNDAY BY TIIH MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Offlco Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North Fir street; telephone) 7G. The Democratic Times, Thn Med ford Mall. The Medford Trbunc. The Houth ern Oregonnn, Tlio Ashland Trbunc. BOSBCBIPTION RATE! One year, by mal .. .S.OO One month, by mnl !......... .SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Phoenix, Jacksonville and Central Point ....... .BO Saturday only, by mall, per year 2 00 Weekly, per year........ 1 60 Jflctal Paper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of Jncktioit County. Entered as second-clans matter at Medford, Oregon, under tlio act of March 3, 1SVH. Sworn Circulation for 1914, 2088. Full leased wire Associated Press dls yatchef. E, Bubcrlbor falling to rccelro pnpors promptly, pbono Clrcu- 4 latloa Mananor at 2G0-R, HONG KONG KOLUM China lloyVf Almnuno Saturday Well known day. Clonic liflorc Sunday and follow Kllday. lAllaBainco will rain ijoiiio placo nnd snow odder placo. Sclnp In .Mex ico. Kalnor nllaeamco soro bout soma thing. Fiulur atlop on way lionio and Ming Btrango umbrella. Slomobody hllntminco lllc nrtlclo on iJalltons. Llttlo Wllllo steal Blugnr Hum bird cago. Cook quit jlob. "Will bo dlnrk tonight when sun go down. Fllco of meat go up. Good day for boubo. Sun nlla naiiico shlno If no cloudy, l'llco of gasollno go up, bang! Oood day for young hoy to Hto lovo lottor. Lucky dlay for blacksmiths and enmp blooks. Kino thought for lleday: Honesty makeo hlost poverty. What 1h u Man lo l)o? Sir: I am a failure. I havo four daughtorB. Ma and I struggled flvo years to get rid of tho oldest girls. Wo safely got 'cm married off nnd moved Into a smnllor cottago. Ono hubby turned out N. (J. nnd dauchtor comes back to tho o. h, Daughter Iso. two has Just sprung n dlvorco cortiricnto oa us nnd Is back homo ngnln. Wo'ro Just whoro wo stnrlcd only nioro so. Fleming. Sly daughter Graco spends lots of money; thcreforo olio's not a saving Graco. H. ). Married men: rirst ho sure your right then, ask your wife. Vo hco by tho papers that Dr. Marvol 3. Lingo llvos In Newark, Maryland. (Undoubtedly ho's n good talker.) Today' llelliluger Simeon Kord, tho famous nulhor nnd nftor dinner spoakor says, In Bpcnklng of tho luto J. IMorpont Mor Mer gan: "Wo loam from Mr. Morgau'ti Jlfo thut grout wealth dooH not al ways bring happlnoHH. Mo know al ready that poverty doesn't nlwajs bring ImpplnesH. "What on earth, then In a chap to do?" HU'Hu'h llnignln tViunlor Us tholramp who goos to wink n deserter from tho army of won't works? "What you say In n letter goos If j on put a stamp on It and don't for get to put It In tho mall box. Our Otin Cln Minus IIIiiIn StyllHh waist, designed an a gift for n girl friend. Inoxpomtlvo nnd decidedly appropriate ITALIAN STEAMER PORTO SAID REPORTED SUNK OFF EGYPT i i LONDON, Poo. 1(1. Tho Italian rdcumor 1'orlo Said has been bunk, it U nniiouiiced hero. i Tlio l'oito Sniil was -lib feet Ion, nnd hud u gro8 tonnage of MII7 According to tho latest record of he movements she soiled from denim. November 17 for Alexandria. RUSSIAN WARSHIP DESTROYS BUILDING FLYING OLD GLOR i . i. IJKItLlN, Don. 17 (hy wirolowj I fiuyvillo). Tho elmrgo that HiiMiu vnrsliip several montlih ugo d htroyod a building filing the Ainuil on n flag is made in nn official pub lication of tho Tiirhioh government, tho Overruns Ne agency Hiiuuuuuud today. i .'AUSTRIANS CAPTURE MONTENEGRIN TOWN IJKIthIK, ). 17, im London -At tinny hendipinrtei tlio niumirwuent was inndo today thut tho Aiutlru Hungarian truojui which mo tutttdUMf Jlonlonegro have onplurod UjoJojhjIju on, tho Lim river, about twenty mil jvcM gf the Serbian border, TO PREVENT WAR M: EYER LONDON", the introduced a resolution authorizing an attempt at mediation in the European setting forth principles upon which he believes a perma nent peace can be established. Instead of huge armaments to enforce treaty agree ments and the findings of international arbitration trib unals, Mr. London proposes an international commercial boycott by the combined nations against the offending nation and a referendum by the people of the countries af fected as to whether there shall be war or peace. In behalf oi these proposals, lie will devote his energies during the present session. It is an undeniable fact that commercialism is the un derlying cause of all wars. This has been the case since civilization began. A close analysis of causes shows that, even the religious wars had commercial greed as a base. The acquisition of territory is useful only to extend mar kets. Commerce is international, particularly modern com merce. Each nation produces what it is fitted to produce best and sells it to the other nations in exchange for oilier products. This has gone so far under modern conditions that countries like Great Britain no longer attempt to pro duce foodstuffs, but sells their manufactures to other na tions in exchange for food. Many nations produce only raw materials which other nations utilize in manufactures, and international exchango is essential to tho life of the people. Hence no possiblo weapon could be devised more effective than a severing of commercial relations with tho world. Concerning this feature, Mr. Meyer says: Tho present war proves tho strength of thlH weapon. Tho most of fcctlvo force of tlio allies has been tho embargo thoy havo been nblo to en force against Germany's commerce if tho allies win It will bo becauso of this commercial boycott. Commercialism Is so Intensely International that to conflno n coun try's co in in or co within her own boundaries would bo tho Bovcrost punish ment possible. Democracy in international affairs would result in abolition of war. 1 f the people were given a voice, instead of kings and autocrats, there would be no wars for wars are J ought by the people, who huiut ine puiusiinicni. Concerning (he preparedness program, Mr. Meyer says: All tho present hysteria as to our need for a larger army nnd navy nil our fear of Invasion and conquest Is tho result of abnormal, distorted vision produced by tho h'uropoan holocaust. That war Is turning all of us back toward animalism. Stories of men slaughtered hy thousands, of atrocities, suffering and hardship that normally would mnko our blood run cold, wo now accept as nothing out of tho ordinary. And so wo stnrt about arming oursolvcs to tako part In tho samo sort of business. Fighting nnd war and slaughter wo havo como to think of as a normal condition. Wo havo been progressing backward. Let us faco about nnd get our snno Ideals back again. Properly mobilized, tho forces of pence can crush absolutely tho forces of war. FIFTY MILLIONS LOST A PRACTICAL farmer and prospective investor in the valley estimates that the lack of an irrigation system has cost tho Rogue River valley a loss of $50,000,000 during tho years sinco the building of tho railroad. The loss is not oxaggoratcd indeed, probably under estimated. "With irrigation the annual output would be many times greater, much more varied. Lot us figure tho loss for a single voar, even on the acreage under cultivation, without anv intensified farm ing, using present slipshod and unscientific methods of cultivation. Take the year 3915, for instance. Were the valley irrigated, the fruit shipments would Imvc totalled between 12000 and JIOOO cars, conservativelv estimated. This would havo meant from $2,000,000 to $:i,000,000 brought into tho valley. Instead, the output was :100 cars, bringing in $300,000, a loss of two million dollars on one crop in one year. All oilier mips were shy grain, hay, potatoes, beans, vegetables not enough produced for local needs. The shortage is reflected in the livestock and other industries, in creamery and cannery output. The loss totals at least another million. 1 1 ere, then, is a loss of three million dollars in one year. Hut the loss is really much greater, because with irrigation there would be intensified fanning, much greater acreage farmed, many more fanners, more livestock and poult rv, larger creameries, larger canneries, all of which wouhl create more industries. The loss to the valley from lack of irrigation is incal culable. It is the one great need, and until water is sup plied there will be no established property values, no nmr IceJ for property, no real prosperity. AS IT APPEARS TO YOUTH Editorials Written hy Pupils of the Metlfortl High School.) Why Ito a lV.vlnilt Jur than it wit IhiI year at thn limit hy a wtda mania. Wo can oito two oau whoro ln Xutudur l.u.i. IIO Of 1013 UMtf NUnMMMl the X. vewlittr liukineu of 1. ' Mrtt told hy the jkropmtor of one imn that bin XotoatUr buuu-b of mi;, turiNUbf uu November buiiuk r 101 1 hy jtitt $1000, nud the pivpri tor of miotber firm i bi m- crM fur th mubo month l iTiut At 11 who!, JlWford haa Wtir pn- mu tar ft bntitw futura than it iiu had for to r. The pivufut hit of vU-ilric luw that only socialist in congress, has war hy the United States and also have to pay the bills and is rapidly heme; laid is afferding: em plojment to it erew of men, nnd the biigar beet faetorv and tho ruUine; of nuns buoiiiii open up tlio now year with a boom. Ko why be u pessimist when it is o much better for tho fount rv if you lire an optimist Tho winter weather promue to put it suffioient umouut of moisturo into tho ground for n pood fruit crop; nnd together with .the other enterprises of tho valley, 11MU is sure to bo it prosperous ,enr tor overdone. (luUtiiwi- fliWtig Mont men dread to seo Christmas npproneh. Wondorwhj? Tim, verj fact kcems to me to irnv. Hint nn,,.. thmir in wrong somewhere. The dread t heeuusc it menu. Im-t mg JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER tady AksUtaut 1H S. IIAIITI.KTT I'liomw 91. 47 uml 17-J'J AuiItuIniirvS'nlrt Coroner around to scrape up tho extra money for ClnislmnH shopping-. Tho cliasc of tlio "almighty dollar" lias tiHimlly tired them so much Hint it is impos sible for them to enjoy thoroughly .tlio liolidny season. And, too, often just because "dad doesn't euro nny- thing about Christmas," n tie, u pair of Bocks nnfl n eouplo of handker chiefs often suffice for him. IIo snvs, "it's foolishness," mid that ho "docs not cure n sunt) about it," but just tho- sumo it hurts (o be tho only one who is slighted. Mother with her new necklace, daughter with n rich set of furs nnd everything n heart could wish for; and dad, witli a gaudy tie nnd n "two-hit" handkerchief, just because "ho really doesn't euro." This lis surely enough ground for a onm- piugu for a saner Christmas. A true Christmas spirit is o.tprch'cd when we buy u simple, useful nnd appreci ated gift for those whom wo really love, from the money which has meant sacrifices to us in order that wo might save it. Ict us stop some 'times in tho midst of doing our Christmas shopping early and think of dad, thn ono who says "lie doesn't enro a bit." When tho Americnn neoplc hnvo succeeded in conquering their Christ ,mns manias they will huve Hindu a lung stride toward u happier nation. Y PAHIS, Dee. 17. "Wo mll be very much iibtonMicd if the Amciicau Kovenimcnt doqs not reply to tho Austrian note by simply instructing Ambassador Penfield to nsk for his1 passjioits and by hnndinc; his pass ports lo tho Austrian chiuc,o ut WuHliuiplon," snys tho Figaro. "Austna's anbwer is a barely dis Riiiscd refusal. Tlio only satisfao tion Austn'a tiives tho United Stales is thut she did not keep the United States waiting for it. President Wil son's long utility bus its limits nnd tho dismissal of tho Austrian ohnrgo at Washington nnd tho recall of Am bassador Pcuficld will show this is not it question of a fit of energy, hut n curcfully thought-out resolution." FORCED 10 RETREAT PARIS, I)rc.-17.Tho following official .Montenegrin fommuuieatioii was received hero teday: "At dawn of December 11 tho Aus triuiiH directed n general attack ut nil our portions in tho Snnjnk. At nightfall our advance guard troops had to retire north of Clmliovie and Hielo. In tho direction of Ipek-lto-rai tho enemy, after several days' fighting, succeeded in occupying Ko zai. "Along other fronts there was in fantrv firing." Corn Lintpersl Use' "Gels-It" and Smile! Corns Como night OCT, Clean and Quick I You Needn't limp, or Iius With Your Corns Any More I What'n Uio um of spoiling ft rooil tlmo for yourself by limping around with rtcrco curnsT It h ono of thn railed thl n km in tho world, now, to t;et rid of them. "dots-It" doca It "Hot Corn Com Right Off, CLn At Vti,U., It Utiac 'CiU-IU"; tho new wny. ThatS why "flels-U" li Ikicokio tlio corn remrUy of Amcrln, tho lilgnpst ulUiipt corn remedy in tho world, preferred 'r mllllouj. lo 7011 reiiiember thnt too -eating raIvo you tried, thnt Micky tape, that toe liundllliK ImudnKe. tlio kourIiik you'vn done with kntea, raxora nnd HcUsorn? Well now, forKct thoin nil. No mom tuslnif. no uioro pnlu. Vbennver you no ulinple, ensy '(lets.It.,, tho corn I doomed, kith, tin is every cnlluf. nrt or bunion, Neer cut corm or calliues, it tunbea them grow thnt much (inter uml lnerene tho Unnitfr of bliKHl imiI.oii. NoouttliiK 1 neeenry liy tuliiit (lots-It " Uo it tonight nnd end your corny exlJtene. ..., , . ilet It- is told by all (lruBBlt. 3uo a bottle, or aent. direct by L IywrenciAC'o.,Ohlcotfo. ' SAN FRANCISCO Corner Cury and Joti Sti. HOTEL KENSINGTON "A kUl l IUIlt., (Vnlrallr 'o.a' I wlthm lhetw nl lolS li-ln.l. l4 iUlinr n.tMita roiHWM ith lain Jleuti!ulljr h rnulied, (H direct nt Ihw to lh VXIJITIOX IKS MtNtrna Kll't. Men Uvr tl il ciwcrtlo bulUlBf. miU M I W-50 rfijr Vrom Y rrr or lit UV 'ISIVKKiM H l " Pr' T w nt mr iktiivw ER All ONLY IS CLAMPED QKSf ON MEXICO CITY GALVESTON, Texas, Dec. 17 Tho ealo ot alcoholic liquors In Mexico City has been forbidden for ninety days by a decree issued yesterday by tho governor of tho district, accord ing to advices reaching the Mexican consulate hero today. Tho decreo was a measure taken to prevent tbo spread of typhus In tho capital. It Is also reported that Qovornor Alvarodo of tho stato of Yucatnn, lins Issued a decreo permanently forbid ding tho sale of liquors In that state. Tho dispatch adds that foreign lino Insurance companies who havo fail ed to comply with tho order which re quires detailed reports to tho govern ment of their business, havo been no tified to comply with tho order nt ouco or their' business will bo sus pended. F 10 NKW YOKIC, Dec. 17. Forty thor oughbred horses constituting ono ot tho largest Importations of racing clock to this country In ten years, arrived today from England and Franco on board tho steamer Minne haha. In tho lot are sixteen horses from Clnrcnco MacKay'a Normandy stock farm. Others are consigned to II. P. Whitney, Francis It. Hitchcock, W. It. Coo and to Arthur B. Han cock of Paris, Kentucky. Tho nrrlval of Wrack, a sir year old stallion by Itobort Lo Dlablo Samphiro by Isinglass, Is regarded by horsemen ns tho first step toward an importnnt development of racing nnd breeding conditions In this coun try. 'Wrack will bo placod on n stock farm In Kentucky. 10 WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Henry Prnthcr Fletcher, now nmbassndor to Chile, was nominated by Presi dent Wilson for ambassador to Mex ico. Kllsco Orrcndondo already has been appointed Mexican ambassador to tho United States nnn Mr. Fletch er's nomination today restores dip lomatic relations between tho two countries, broken oft moio than two cars ago. The Page NOW A Night in the Show Genuine Essanay Chaplin Comedy Featuring CHARLIE CHAPLIN It's uproarious because it's a burlesque of something ve all abhor and duly do. The Print of the Nail .Modern polities is the subject of this three-act Selig drama. Canimated Nooz Pictorial Live news of the day shown in an Essanay picture. Tfin Doaa 1 I1C I age Mcdford's Leading Theater SKLAVYN & COMPANY 1'rcacnt MAnCJAKUT ILLINGTON "A Great Actresa In a great play," N Y. Herald. THE LIE "Insplrfliig, reverberating triumph " Amy Loillo In Chicago News, Hr HKXIIY AHTlint JONKS Ono jcar at tlio Hart In Theater, Xow Ymk Clly. XHV YOUK OAST AX1 moni'OTio.v. Mail Ordor Now ; Seal oh Sta Ubmitow. l'rieaa. Ut 14 raw Igwor fiser .; laal 4 IJ.M; balaany. ltt F RENCH DEPUTIES VOIE CREDIT ASKEO PARIS, Dee. 17. In the course of his demand today in tho chamber of deputies that tho chamber grant three months' credit on the budget ac count, Alexandre Itibot, Trench min ister of finance, stated that the sub scription to tho recent French na tional loan from London nlono was GOO.OOO.OOO francs (.11!0,000,000). At another point in his speech M. Ribot Btnted that whilo the war ex penditure nt tho beginning of the conflict wus 1,500,000,000 francs'per month, it wus now 2,100,000,000 francs. Tho chamber by n vote of G04 to 1 voted the credits asked on account of tho first semester of 1010. "At tho beginning ot hostilities," said M. Ulbot, financial considera tions took a secondary place. Wo did not think the war would last seven teen months nnd now no ono can fore seo when It will end." During tho discussion Deputy Jules Rocho said tho war already had cost Franco 2G, 000000,000 francs (5, 200,000,000) and her enemies -17,- 000,000,000 francs. Kuropo ns a whole, ho said, had exponded 101,- 000,000,000 francs. ATLANTA. 2K In. hlh 'WHITBY. Vi In. blh AUROW COLLARS t UZ3c..lt C.ll. N.Wi, A C.. !. M.t.n Gold Medal ORATORICAL CONTEST at ST. MARK'S HALL TONIGHT at 8 o'clock promptly PRICES ... 10c and 15c MEDFORD 'S LEADING Motion Picture Theater Tuesday December 21 SCHOOL TEACHER Anaemic, Ittm-dowii, Xorvoun How She llccoveml There arc so many cases llfco this right hero In Medford that wo aro publishing this Interesting letter with tho hope that some of our custo mers will try VInol nnd got tho samo happy result that MIsb Baez did. Key West, Fla. "I am a tcachcr and becamo anaemic, nervous, run down, no energy or dcslro to do any. tiling, I could not ulcop nnd had that languid, nervous fooling thnt mado mo a burden to myself. I had taken various tonics without benefit I heard ot'vlnol nnd tried It Soon I had a good appetite, could sleop all night nnd It built me up so I havo tho ambition to do any hind of work." Mary Ij.Uncz, Key West, Fla. ' Tho reason Vlnol was so successful In this enso is becauso it Is a consti tutional romody that goes to tho scat of trouble. Tho peptonnto of Iron con tained In VInol enriches and revital izes tho blood, whilo tho strengthen ing, tissue-building properties of tho extractives ot coda' livers and beer peptono aid In building up tho tired, overworked, ru down systom. Mod ford Pliarm . Adv. Our Prices J4-oal. Tea Garden Gyrup.... I gal. Tea Garden Syrup 5-lb. can Karo Syrup . . 10-lb. con Karo Syrup. Crystal White Soap, doz .50c ,85c .33c .63c .45c -5c 3 cakes 5c Sweetheart Soap. Star Naptha Washinn Powder, 25c size . 19c Citrus Washlnu Powder, 25c size..20c Gloss Starch, 2 pkgs 15c Cornstarch, 2 pkgs. ! 15c Spring Clothes Pins, doz 05c Large Moll Toilet Paper 05c Royal Baking Powder, lb 43c K. C. Baking Powder, 25c slzc20c I lb. Hcrsey's Cocoa 29c Vi lb. Hcrseys Baking Chocolatcl9c Ground Chocolate, lb. .30c Vi lb. Upton's Tea , I lb. Upton's Tea ..,. 50c Bulk Tea, per lb. Japan Rice, per lb .33c .63c 37c -6jC Head Rice, per lb.. 8C Macaroni, per lb Bulk Cocoanut, per lb. Bulk Crackers, per lb.. Holly Milk, 2 cans -6Kc 20c -9c J5c ...70c Ycloban Milk, doz. 3 nkns. Crackers and Cookies. 10c size 25c Soft Shell Walnuts, 2 lbs 35c Cornmcal, sack 30c Rolled Oats, sack 35c 2 10c sacks Salt 15c 2 25c sacks Salt 35c Lemons, doz. 20c Oranges, doz. 25c Comb Honey 12c 3 boxes Matches 10c Codfish, lb. . lie Shrimp, can lie Canned Peas, doz. $1.05 Canned Sugar Corn, doz. $1.05 Best Creamery Butter, lb ..30c NO CREDIT NO DELIVERY JACKSON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. Gut Price Grocers 33 North Grape Street Good Business In homo management dictates prac tlcal and economical Christinas pur cluiHes this year. "'o would miggost a fow Kiicka of 4Mt. Pitt" High Patent Flour ".Superior" (irahant ir Whole Wheat I Hour, as a wlso buy at this tlmo. All of these brands nro manufactured by j THE CENTRAL I POINT MILLS j They nro cold on their merits J Ask Your (iroii'f For Them .Union Feed and Livery Stable FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Iiivmido Phone 150 Gaunyaw&BostWick J'l'opijftors