Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 17, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    i "T WPM '
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Tonight. Saturday IUJh.
Mat. lit, Mln. m, Pro. .14
i "
forty-fifth Tear.
Daily Tenth Year.
Cabinet Considers Reply lo American
Protest Another Note to Go For
ward at Once, More Insistent Still
In Demands, But Not Precluding
Further Correspondence.
WASHINGTON', Dec. 17. Tho of
ficial text of Austrla'fl reply (o tho
American nolo on tho Ancona, pro
posing further communications on tho
subject nml Bpeclflc allegations upon
which tho American charges arc has
ed, Is virtually Identical with tho un
official text cabled to tho United
States yesterday from London.
Slight changes canned ly differ
ences in translation exist, but tho
meaning, in its general sense, is the
After President Wilson and tho
cabinet had considered tho reply to
day It was authoritatively learned
that no decision had been reached as
to tho naturo of tho second noto
which tho United States will send to
Austria-Hungary. It Is certain, how
ovor, that this nolo will go forward
almost immediately.
Next Noto Insistent
Tho next noto, it is believed will
be moro insistent In Its demands than
tho first, It will not, however, prc
rludo further diplomatic correspon
dence between tho two governments
should Austro-Hungary persist in tho
course she apparently has determin
ed to pursue. Tho United States was
represented as desiring to afford
Austria-Hungary every opportunity
to continue diplomatic relations with
this country.
Tho moaning of tho Austrian roply,
Mr. Lansing said, which appeared to
be sdmowhat vaguo in tho unofficial
version, was clear In tho translation
of tho original text. Tho vagueness,
tho secretary thought, had been duo
to tho translation of tho unofficial
version. This version, ho thought It
equally plain had been written by
Homcono who had perused tho note.
It was perfectly clear In tho noto, tho
secretary addod, that nono of tho
American demands woro acceded to.
Further than this Mr. Lansing
would not discuss tho reply.
Another KxrhuiiKo of Notes
Diplomatic relations, although in
dangor of being broken off, nro not
v likely to bo discontinued, at leaRt bo
fore there hns beno another exchange
of not ob with Vienna nam! so tho
crisis may bo said not to bo In Its
final stages. Another noto setting
out why tho United Stales cannot ar
eopt Austria's reply will go forward
before (he situation takes on a moro
settled nspoct.
Meanwhile there are somo hints of
informal negotiations which might
smooth out tho troubled situation.
Tho frequent calls of llaron Kwodl
nuk, tho Austrian charge, at tho stato
department, gives moro color to dis
cussion along that lino and thoso who
expect that at tho end of tho difficul
ties will bo adjusted count on tho
influence of Horlln to counsed Vienna
to avoid a break. How much ground
there Is for such an expectation is
not disclosed by thoso who entertain
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Action
on resolution proposing Investigation
of British Interferences with neu
tral shipping and attacks on ships
carrylug American citizens, was In
definitely deferred today by tho sen
ate foreign resolutions committee
Consideration of tho ponding Nlca
raguau, Columbian and Haltion trea
ties was postponod until after tho
Tho sonato public lands committee
today decided to bogln work on tho
water power bill on January 5.
LONDON. Ike. 17. -The German
tro! boat llwu h. kmt wrwked
oh tin llml of !MiirittiMl, in the
Haiti Ma, M"tiniinir to n diptrh to
tie Kxi-hnByr Tr4rfi coMpN)
fnm C'MH-nhuf. Tli- Imm) ut
m tii 1 lli-nii. .ii i.liiiii- uiri ! lUil
OU llii -Ii 'ii, ' i i!l-'.'( U .nl'l-
Thirty Thousand Troops at Avlona,
Key to Adriatic Starting Point
for Operations Upon a Large Scale
Auysslnlans to Aid Allies in De
fending Egypt From Attack.
PAK1S, Dec. 17. The Milan eor
respondent of tho Journal says that
it is estimated there nro HO.OOO Ital
ian troops ut Avlona, Albania. While
tho Avlona position is linnlly favor
nhlo Jor nn offensivo movement, he
says, tho expedition may be regarded
as the stnrting point of operations on
a largo scale.
LONDON, Dee. 17. With affairs
in Greece assuming n quieter charac
ter, there lias been a partial defleo
tion of interest in European capitals
to the Italian plans regarding Al
bania. The general belief seems lo bo that
the operations in this new theater of
war would bo on a grand scale. The
Italians, in strength, nro already
safely nshoro nt Avlona as well ns
at eertaiu new points of strategic im
noitanee. IteorgiinlziiiB Sorb Army
For years Avlonn hns been regard
ed by Italy nml Austria nlike ns the
key to the Adriatic, nml it is n max
im in central Kuropo that whoever
commands Avlona conimnnds tho Ad
riatic. Avlona 1ms for several months
been occupied by a light force of Ital
ians for polieo purposes.
Italy is expected to contribute
greatly to tho reorganization of tho
Serbian tinny, which is now concen
trating in Albania, where its ranks
are being reformed nml supplies land
ed bv the allies during tho pust fort
night distributed.
Stubborn fighting continues be
tween Hie Serbians and tho Hulgnr
iaus along the Drill river in Albania.
CiIvccp l'reo of Forces
III Greece the assurances which the
Greek government receives Hint its
territory will remain for the present
free of military forces has produced
relief and optimism, and it is believ
ed by many that tho central powers
and their nllies propose to leave the
entente powers in status pio at Sal
oniki. Tho F.iiglMi mess, however, ques
tions (lie sincerity of the Bulgarian
giianinteet, to Greece.
A telegram from the southern front
reports heavy snow storms. Similar
troubles are being met with on the
Hussion front.
Full detail of an attempled Tureo
fie ni inn coupe in I'cmia show that the
plot failed by tho narrowest margin.
Russians hau now occupied tho
town of Itamadaii nml the campaign
is proceeding actively in this district.
.lsliilans to Aid
PARIS,' Dee. 17. Lid! Jeassu, tho
young emperor of Abyssinia, is so
favorably disposed toward tho en
tente nllies that he not only resisted
efforts of German agents to induce
him to nbrognte treaties with Great
Hritnin, Italy and Franco last year,
but offered 200,000 soldiers to be
used by tho allies as their military
necessities deninndcd, nccirdmg to
Pierro Alypo- a member of the col
onial committee of the chamber of
jr. Alype made this assertion in
ennneelion with tho resolution now
before the colonial committee Hint the
French government, in accord with
the allies of Franco, seok immedi
ately means of securing the co-operation
of Abyssinian troops under u
guarantee of the independence of that
With regard to this proposition, it
(Continued on page threo)
081.l.n, X V . Vec 17 "Worth
Toolo) of Athfcun. N Y , and Ladftlj?
Marquiirdt of Klnicstou, N. Y., mur
4rM, err put to death Uy lctrlc
ity at Wk Mm vrlMN tMly. Tool
ey murdered John HaHtuhck at
thrnii In t er Marquardt killed
Mr- Nrlllt t'aull.i of Klt)tuU
A ft yWr v hm
m ft ' sjKXJv mr., s . jsWm
fin - IMic
is :- ? "?- '''aflsgaessv-
, immg&j .z ?k, Atmtm
m&j m&:L."wwj, s& . B-iKf,
W&mmfmrvt&??J4 rZxm
$h .
aiioy'ro nflor IhuiloLs, tho
inuiiltltnis gKs through.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 37. Next
year's winter wheat crop was esti
mated today by department of agri
culture ut about f) 10,000,000 bushels.
That would bo J 15,000,000 bushels
less than the winter wheat harvest
this season, but approximately 300,-
000,000 bushels moro than the aver
age of tho five years, 1000- HI I II.
Winter wheat conditions on De
cember 1 was 87.7 ier cent of nor
mal, compared with 88-H on Decem
ber 1 Inst year, 1)7.2 in 1013 mid 90.8
tho ten-year average.
Ityo was sown this fall on H.O.'S,
f000 acres, a decrease of .1.0 per cent
from tho revised estimated area sown
.in tho full of 3011.
Ityo condition on December 1 was per cent of normal, compared
with On.O on December I Inst year,
,05.3 in 30K1 and 0:W tho ten-year
In announcing lis first report on
wintor wheat aud rye tho department
made this statement :
"'flio acreage sown to winter wheat
this autumn is estimated at .'-'."iti,-000
neroH, which compares with l'
021,000 acres sown n year ago, .'17,
128,000 two years ago and an aver
ago yearly acreage of .TJ,088,00()
ucres in the preceding jears.
"Tho reduction fro;n Hie unusiinlly
largo nereago of last year is duo
partly to unfavorable weather for
seeding, tangled condition of corn on
land which otherwise would have been
sown to wht'nt, some fear of tho Hes
sian fly and to large supplies of
wheat on hand.
"Generally the southen states and
the Itocky mountain states further in
creased their acrenge, hut the princi
pal winter wheat states decreased
largely their acreoge."
LONDON, Dec. 17 Announce
ment was made by the foreign offlco
tonight that tho steamship Oscar II
having on board the Ford peaco par
ty, has beeu permitted to proceod on
her voyage to ChrlHtianla.
Tho foreign offlco understands tho
steamship sailed from Kirkwall Into
which port It was taken by tho llrlt
lull authorities. Guarantors were re
ceived that certain parts of the steam
ship's oargo must he roturnod to Kng
land. The eoptuln of tho Oscar II hot
glvon a kond to return to Mnglaud
the part of the cargo in question
which has boon declar! contraband.
Henry FanI ma do an urgent r
quart that the atoautaklp bo allowed
to precitod. Ho tokl tho lirlUsh au
thorities b bellevftd he eoulil arrange
pea If ieruiltted to Visit neutral
? . . I
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S ecixtnrjof tlio Nay, with tlirtMit.s
CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Three city
pfficinls today were found guilty hv
tho special trial hoard investigating
alleged inoffioiency and wastefulness
of city employes. They are:
Walter G. Ixiiuinger, superintendent
of streets; Thonjug-i. Dooley, general
foreman of asphalt repairs; James H.
Lavelle, general foreman of street
After formal charges had been fil
ed against I hem and thev had been
suspended pending a hearing, Leiiiiu
gcr, Dooley mid Iivcllo tendered
their resignations which the municipal
authorities refused lo accept,
HF.HLIN, Dee. 17.- Today's oftic
ia) statement follews:
"Western theater of tho war:
Southeast of AnncntiercB n small
Jlritish division yesterday pouctratcd
one of our trenches by a surprise at
tack, but retreated under our fire.
Further south a similar attempt was
frustrated. The hazy weather has
limited engagements
"Kastern theater: Army group of
Field Mnriiliftl Von Hcndenbiirg: Hus
sion attacks- between La ken Narocr.
and Miadutiol broke down during the
"Balkan (healer: ltjolopoljo has
been captured by u btonu attack.
.Moro than 700 prisoner were
WASHINGTON, Dec. 37.- Senate:
Met nt noon,
Took up tho houso resolution ex
tending Die cincrcciicv revenue net
one year.
I'hilippines committee continued
hearings on the s-lf-go eminent bill.
Senator Shafroth introduced u bill
for universal disHnnamuut through
international trihiiuul.
The Works bill tor development of
water holes in the California desert
and the Sterling lull for (HO-Hcni
Ntock-rniaiiiK houicsteadii were ie
porUsl favorably.
Senator Week introduced u bill for
regulation of itiMirauuo uompAtiifs.
Met at noon.
Itcproaoiitative Itucbiiniiii failed to
apHr before judioitiry commute) to
uht4tntiate his impiMuiiHiotit
charges against 1'uited States Attor
ney Marlull.
I'UsMtfd MMtute hill MIltHOrixiug C4HI-
truetioii of a rudroHil hnla across
tho Allhmy livtr at Oil City, la.
Public lalidi 'UUiHUlte Im'UUH i-oii--ul.r.itiuh
n .ih-. rittiiiii lull- wlm li
I.ii.mI nt Hi. ii In.' lit nt la-t 'iiili
Hinp v r vt r ". r-i i. ii.-- ..twt
swi? miasm 0G2:rv'ii ' zmz-
mx Mrarti' i JLm i j vxj vMiw r' x 111 h ?ki?v
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ymmymt. a
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,v -Bj3agp ni
of vduit will lioppcn if the plan for government mnnufnctitro of govonimcnt
NKW VOIHC, Dec. 17. Kxports
valued at $188,0:107185, by far tho
largest volume ever shipped from nn
American port during u single mouth,
left New York harbor during Novem
ber. The November figures' exceed those
for October, which were themselves n
record by moro than .fl'2,000,000.
Customs officials were surprised
lo learn that during November the
impoits nt this port woro .fl)7,(Ifi(ll
815, about .WJ.OOO.OOO greater than
the October imports. However, n
portion of the imports were in the
"free goods" class, and notwitli
stniiding the volume duties for No
vember wero loss than for October,
with imports of $75,01)0,000.
An overwhelming proportion of the
total c.orls went to Great Hritnin,
France or Russia, iillhoiigh tho sta
tistics show that South American
trade mado a material iiieieaso dur
ing Hie month.
Munitions, iron nml steel products
and foodstuffs were tho chief items
exported. Import figures for the last
three months show increnses of
iihout 300 per cent ncr tho figures
for the same months in 301 1,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 37.-A defic
iency appropriation of $2,000,000,
which Secretary Lane sas is needed
at tho earliest possible moment to
enable the continuance of construc
tion of tho Alaskan railroad, was
asked of congress today by Secretary
LONDON, Dec. 37.- The lielgian
relief committee' steamer Leveupool,
from New York for Hottonlnm, has
been beached on tho Kiiglish coast in
a aiuking condition us a result of
striking a mine.
NI5W YOUK, Dec. 17 Tho relief
stoamur I.ovanpool which struck a
mine In tho Hnnllsh channel, curried
a mlxod oargo of foodstuffs for tho
Belgians valuml ut 1 1,100,000. It
was fully insurod.
WASHINGTON, Dec 17.-Itepre-Mutative
Itueliaiian did not appear
bufure the houaa judioiury eouuuitte
today to aubstautiatt) hw ittipuaeh
MMMt chantc againat I'uitwl Stattw
Attoruev Marnhull of New York, uml
thi' eiHiilliittre Will KWf linn aieithwr
n linll Hill' ildi I l.i. l,"lll i.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 37. Heavy
ruins lost night nml today succeeded
tho sleet storm which fell yesterday
throughout this section of the Ohio
valley, with tho result Hint iilmost ev
ery small stream within a radius of
fifty miles from hero is at flood tide.
Itcporls from central Kentucky
likewise indicated flood danger.
A thirty-foot rise in tho Kentucky
rier ut Jackson, ICy., was reported.
AH mountain streams in Kentucky
lire said to bo rising rapidly and fur
ther rains will endanger many small
i i i
LOl'ISVILLK, Ky., Dec. 17. One
of the heuviest rains in years has
fallen over Kentucky within tho last
3(1 hours, swelling small streams nml
flooding lowluuds, hut, reports indi
cate, resulting ns yet in comparative
ly little damage.
At Louisville the weather bureau
reports n rainfall of l.M inches dur
ing the 21 hours ending at 7 a. in. to
MKItlDIAN, Miss , Dec. 17. A tor
nado nwopt through alios, about 25
miles north of hero today, killing
two negro women and seriously In
juring Boverul other persons, accord
ing to reports received hero.
Several buildings wero blown down
In Olios and tho vicinity. WIro com
munication with tho storm section
was cut off.
A report from Lnudordale, 12 in lien
north, stated that many houses In
Cullum, Kemper county, woro domol
Ishod and several persons injured,
The storm alHO swept through cen
tral Alabama.
Tho dumage In Montgomery Is es
timated ut $JO,000 but no lives woro
LONDON, Dee. 17 Tho chancel
lor of the exrhiwjuHr, Iteginnld Mc
Kenan, authorises the statement that
then Is no truth In the report that
ho la llsely to be appointed vlowroy
of India.
"Thtt sUUmoHt la the morning pa
pers Is tho first I huv heard of It."
lie said.
NO. 230
Final Mcetlnn Bclnrj Held to Complete
Details Federals Buy New York
Nationals, Chicago Cubs and St.
Louis Browns Ward of Brooklyn
to Retire.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Harney
Droyfuss, owner of thu Pittsburg Na
tionals, returned today from his con
furcuco with tho American lengud
magnates nt Chicago nml declared
there will not only ho penco between
organized nml independent baseball
interests, but that "it will he tho best
kind of pence."
Droyfuss wns in a jovial mood
when ho reached tho hotel whoro tho
National lenguo magnates uro hold
ing their meeting.
"I went, I saw, I conquered. In
other words, I accomplished every
thing I nltcniptcd toward ponce. TJio
best kind of pence is coming."
Tho Americnn lenguo men arrived
shortly nftcr 10 o'clock.
ItejMirteil Compromise
At tho National lenguo meeting
during tho forenoon tho magnates
heard Dreyfuss' report of his trip to
Chicago nml agreed to meet American
lenguo representatives and all par
ties interested in tho pence proposals
ut 2 p. m.
Itumnrs which seemed well defined
give tho following tcntntive outline of.
developments should the baseball war
bo ended.
Sinclair of tho Fedcrnls will buy a
big block in tho Now York Nationals
and will bo elected to tho board of di
rectors; Woeghmnn oC tho Chicago
Fedcrnls will buy a controlling inter
est in tho Chicago Cubs; Hall and
Stifel will buy tho St. Louis Drowns
AVanI to Itotiro
Further, it was snid, George V.
Ward of Drooklyn will retire from
baseball nnd his Drooklyn park may
bo taken over by tho International
league. President Gilmoro of tho
Federals, it was snid, will bo elected
president of tho Chicago Cubs and
will bo groomed with a view to his ul
timately succeeding Tuner ns head of
tho National league.
On behalf of tho Nnlionnl lenguo,
tho following penco committee was
appeinted: Messrs. Toner, Hempstead,
Herrmann, Dreyfuss and Gnffney.
Shortly nftcr .'I o'clock tho orgnn
zed faction, including representatives
of tho American, National nml vari
ous oilier minor leagues, went into
.session for a preliminary discussion
of pcuco tonus.
At 4:25 tho Federals' committee,
composed of Mossi-fl. Gilmoro, Weegh
iiiuu, Sinoluir, Carroll and Itnsiii, ar
rived at the hotel whoro the organized
officinls wero in session, nnd it was
announced Hint ns soon ns tho pre
liminary confcreiieo wns concluded
the real jM-ace conference would bu
WASHINGTON, Doc. 17. A reso
lution providing for Investigation oC
tho Plilllpplno government and con
ditions In tho nrchlpolriKO was Intro
duced In tho houso today by Itopro
sontatlvo Miller who recently visited
tho Islands.
Tho resolution says tho Philippine
government Is demoralized and In
competent. Representative Sabatb of
Illinois Introduced a joint resolution
for neutralization of tho Philippine!!
In which It Is proposed that all Inter
ested marltlmo powers givo guaran
tee of tho Islands "perpetual neutral
isation under their protection,"
HO.MK, in Paris, Dec. 17. A cor
respondent of the Idoa Nnzionalo tel
egrti4w from tho front that one of
the famous Krupp 42-oentiiuetcr guim
wHa brought from Germany recently
and plsesd ill position before Ro
verto. Tho gun wns fired fifteen
tiuiH without doing any damage, he
says, and then tho Italians located it
and demolished it with a few well
placed shuts.