Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The ltoguo I(ior Fruit & Produce
association, with htdjtinrtors at
Medford, has just uoinpleti'it itH sixth
consecutive season ns u eu-oporutivo
deciduous fruitgrowers' organization.
Jn thnt period it has acquired five
different packing iind warehouses nt
five widely separated points in the
Hoguc river district, each packing
house being located on a railroad
and Inning its own sidetrack. The
last of these houses was acquired
three years tifjo.
In the early history of the associa
tion it packed the fniiti of the grow
ers nt all of these five warehouses,
having crews working at all of them
at the same time. In addition to this,
it supervised the Hacking for fifteen
or twenty of the larger grower., who
conducted their own packing houses
for their own fruits. This imposed
on the association management an
almost impossible that of su
pervising and inspecting nil of these
jiacks so thoroughlv as to insuro
standardization and careful handling
at all times.
"Wo did our best," said General
Manager S. V. Heckwith, with em
phatic sincerity, "but we were not
satisfied with the lesiilts. A bad
feature of this method was apparent
in the handling of the early pears,
such as Hartletts and Howells. Wo
found it physically impossible to
clean up all of the packing houses
cver,y night. Therefore, even the
packed Hartletts would of necessity
lie around for twenty-four hours or
longer before being loaded into an
iced car. In spito of our host efforts
this would occur once or twice in a
sun so n.
Cold Slot-ago Facilities
"In the spring of l(ll; wo built in
Jledfoid a cold-storago wnrehouo
with a capacity approximately of
fully cars' of real rofriKcration and
sixty cars of dry storage. In JAM
we hegnn to realize the possibilities
of the nuto truck ns an assembler of
fruit. Wo tried this out in a small
way during that season. The experi
ment was so successful that we laid
our plans in the winter of lDH-lfj
for complete centralization of pack
ing at our cold-storage plant. We
transformed the second story into an
ideal packing room, where wo could,
when necessary, operate a oiew of
1(11) packers. The fruit was unload
ed from the I nick into a conveyor at
one cud of the building and this cur
ried it to the second story, on tho
floor of which it was distributed for
packing. We made eaily negotiations
with all of the available I nicks in
the district to haul the groweis' fruit
at a regular tariff.
"We concentrated at our cold-storage
plant all of our packing supplies.
We offered to pack for the growers,
furnishing all labor and materials,
for the sum of J,"i cents per box for
pears and '2&l cents per box for np
pies, plus whatever the auto haul
infill be. Our largosl truck has a
capacity of 'J.'O packing boxes of
loose fruit. We have hauled ciop-.
of pears and apples in some in
stances a distance of fourteen miles.
The bruising of the fniit was negli
gible. A good auto truck loaded to
capacity ride as easily as u yaUOO
touring car.
Ci-mv Constantly lliisy
"Our opoiution. begun tin year
the tirst week in Aiitiit with Hait
lelt )cai, and were kepi up uoiitimi
uifcly until 'November LI. at which
date our packing was completed. Tho
hauling of Unrtlott and Howell pears
picked in extremely hot weather was
all done at night and the trait "as
delivered at our central house dunng
the cool hour between 10 oVIoek in
tho owning and 11 in the morning, if
coiled there by n night ciew whoso
duty it was to segieate it uceordiug
to the iouirs' namck, check up cam
fully the number of boxes icceived,
(dace in each box u card bearing tho
inline of tho glower, and stack it in
flout of the packing table for the
next du,'s opeiitrioilh. The packing
eww fnmv at 8 o'clook and in every
Instance cleaned up all pf the iruit
nit beforo them for thai dnv. As
sn&n as the fniit wiifc packed it was
Iflbolod and sent 'downstair bv grav.
ity ojjhor into icon onr or our cool
room, wheic n rould ho held toi two
wtokk, if advuNble, under ) -
ditiuii. With later variolic ot pen-,,
MHil hjis the iitH't'ssitv fur night '
kitlHK -" icMimed. Itftouah w
found it cutiviwunl to continue to
haul i night much a inj.iblt.
Tfsu tht1 HiiMbcr of ill- i-ivw vai
led aerurdinu lu la aawuni oi fruit
t be ia-kid and wa in i-Nstiauoii
tHra tram tk ff week in Au
gmii Mrtil K'ovattHr II Tba -rw
direeied and iu wait ineiweled by
kmi iMr- Tfc iwirn
tpil aaadtt-il did aut puwkaM
Mi m hoc r a iai &
f fnnt , ! kiiuM wberi- i-trrv
urli'!- ( m,ti-riul b (; end
Freckles and His
! ST
. - n It.
::w.::;:;:: .. J.
rti- l-y-.v;i- I
w.- .u-'-
fsa ttHtJ syjtrif J
ajrtC- rrZ.
exactly what, if any, our waste was.
Fortunately for us, pcthaps, the crop
this year was a light oiic( permitting
us to work out our experiment under
conditions which did not ptoduce trc
jaendous crowding. We made no vital
mistakes, but gained an experience of
n full season's work and can ensilv
avoid the few suiul. mistakes made
in next year's operations, while we
will be enabled to improve the gen
eral method in ninny minor details.
Improvement Wry .Mntkcil
"The improvement in the physical
handling of tho fniit and of keeping
it in perfect temperatures, and the
improvement in grading ami general
standardization of pae.k and tho me
chanical excellence ol it, have been
very marked. One large foreign
buyer, after inspecting our methods
and our packed fruits, characterized
tho paok ni the best he had seen.
"We are peciiliuily fortunate in our
district in having very good roads,
m tho muiij, and comparatively easy
hauls. Our association is especially
fortunate in hnving ctild-storago fa
cilities available immediately utter
the fruit is packed.
"The possibilities of this systcin
seem to mo to be very far-teaching.
Our district and I behove I should
include every district in the northwest
must come, sooner or later to co
operative use of our wustc material.
With all of our culls or otherwise un
packablc fruit collected in one place,
the day is not far distant when Ave
will be able to install as an adjunct
to our packing nnd cold-storago plant
an up-to-date cannciy and apple
juico fnotory. This vvijl soho tho
great problem of whnl to do with our
culls. While we all hope that tho
time will spon come when the pcr
centngo of culls shall be reduced to
a negligible quantity, we all know full
well that there will never be u year
when u largo fresh-fruit packing
plant, suoh as ours is bound to be,
will not have an abundance of waste
material that can he turned advnn
tngcoubly into some by-product.
I'luu Obviously Superior
"In conclusion, observed .Manager
Heckwith, "let me say that central
ization of packing has, in in.v opinion,
eomo to stay; that it will do more,
especially in connection with cold
storago facilities, toward the proper
handling of our fruits nnd the pioper
slmulunluation of our pack and im
proved deliveries in all of the markets
of the world than any tingle plan or
idea that has eer been tried out bv
the deciduous fruit growers of the
The .Muil-Trihuno will add that this
centralization idea and plan are oris
iiml with Munngor Heckwith and that
all of the progressiw iuiitgrowers
and truit packer-, and xluppeis of the
northwest aie watching its develop
ment with profound mtcir-t.
The Star theater, where the be-t
plctirok are shown will add another
Kroat flint Hervlce. (or tho approval
of tho Mod ford public. Tho Mutual
Master plctuios ns thoy are known,
will he tho new Filduy program at
the Star beginning Friday of tha
week. Manager Sharlts Ib very proud
to ofior his patrons the best that
money can buy HI- motto is to glvo
you hotter pictures for 18 money.
Whj not patronize the Star nnd
bo among the crowd dail Adv.
PA It IS. I(. lb. h u reported
frota Ituair ilit Kiuk Peter of Serbw,
drivMi Iron, hi ciatrv fcr ia Tu
Um iaiaiia, will lake ftftngi ta ilal.
A Raft dupalcb to ta Maiw ay
tlw kuttf a Mrcrd Italy' ultr of
tha fwltM-a al I'aMtla. aaat Kaplan,
abnh i n Im-ink iifuirad lr In
' ' MH t?i?:!'l,:Sl
ilM.'X . . .
-v. . fiSS sjty.w tl
rur:rssrss.-K' ...w
. " i . - w tr u.'ii
iSSiRK- . i
r .hi.
t ir-J
k " J
g?s? !'t -
The public library has lately le
ceived a shipment of -ditto documents
including the follewing:
Orcuon UIuo Hook, UHo-HMG.
Itulcs and regulations o'f tic des
ert land board, ucrtainjng to tho re
clamation of lands ncccpt,e(K under
the parey act, and operating and
maintaining Tumolo project.
Insurance commissioner, seventh
annual report, rcnort on foreign mar
Ju'ts for Oregon fniit and laws gov
erning importations, Constitution of
the btate of Qieiron, laws and general
information relating to weights and
measures, Oregon motor vehicle law,
dicstof labor laws, statu industrial
accident commission, first annual re
port; suggested course in Hiblo study
for pupils outside of school, state
board of health lepoit, state tnx com
mission repot t, water resources of
the snto of Otegon, cnnstiuctton of
tho Tumnlo project, statute-, and con
stitution relating to elections, consti
tution and statutes relating to roads,
highways, bridges and ferries; laws
relating to assessment and taxation,
uniform classification of accounts
for electric, tiiH nnd water utilities.
Oregon Agricultural College, repoit
I of experimental work. Part 1, tillage
and cropping methods; pari 1!, fa nn
management problems.
lteport to desert land board on cen
tral Oregon project, Oregon fish nnd
game laws; stato of Oregon, estimate
of expenditures 1015-11110.
On Hducatioual subjects; Hoys' and
gills' industrial clubs, Parent-Touchers'
associations, school laws, rurul
school exhibit Pnunma-Paeifio Inter
national exposition; standardization
of rural sohoolb, reading circle coursu
for teachers, circular of certification.
There is a great deal of material of
interest in these namphlets nnd they
may be consulted at any time. For
the pronent, thoy will be kept together
on display.
Mrs. Peyton end si.ah daughter re
turned leccntly Irom a four months'
isit with Mrs. PevtonV mother at
Illnonungton, III. Thev also Msited
for a time with relatives in Knitniis.
Mis .Maigerv Kiskpic sH'iit ji
week at home on account of illness.
Mrs. Churtrnw has returned In her
homo at Doibv and Mrs. John Uigin
hothani is now staying with Mrs. T.
II. iliginbotham, who ha, not yet ic
covered from her sicknes.
There was a "hard times" dunce nt
Piospcot, Deceiubor IM. Hovurnl from
this iinltv and below licit attended
and l'epoit a mem- time.
I.uciu Kmcaid is now deputy mail
carrier on this route.
Mrs. Nye ami Mrs, (Jieen huo
gouo to Mcdtord.
Miss Potter, teacher ot I.auiel
liurst school, and pupils, Hazel Hits,
worth, Poatl and Paul Peyton, viilwl
Friday with the Flounce Koek nchool,
taking dinner with Mrs. .Myrtle Daw
on, Pert Xiikim made n trip In tho al
ley last week.
Mn Hrlvn Walker wont to the vu.
ley Saturdnv.
Tho cntnrtuiuiueut u$. Pqyton jliool
houhc wu very enjoyablp, as wt tho
fine, big dinnor. 'The teacher ami
pupiK of MighlaiuU bchnol Htleudcd
and bv thoir aiswtancc contributed
largely to the sucuonH of the prog taw.
tSwMirn! of the "loul talent" were
willed uKn unnxpoatodlv and n
spoHdeil tiuWy. for wKieh tb laditt
nt the W. C. T. I', wu to Ibaak
Hoy Vaagfcaa a Hnu
tnp t Madtord ial wi.
I'naa Oordoa aad lar, Mi
CUra. Mnuday at Ur. Vaugk-
ilt. HHar-o Md,ii.' "I mm.
f iaiMliaa to lb .aina U- . . '.
a4 mH baft i. Madfiwd Kuw1im
Nr H'tllit- rfn, ill,, t.,.,',i,
r:$z&- sf
'f s&
and Winnie. Walker accompanied Mr,
Willits to attend teachers' institute.
Mr. Willits brought his wife on horse-
I buck to IJeelor's, whero hq joiiei
Mr. Vctmson mid thu gjrlJ in the cn'r.
.lamc,s Schnffer spent the day
Wednesday with Mr. ,I)avson and
family and Friday wjth I$eiofs nnd
Messrs. Nelson Nye and .Jop
Phfpps are hauling hay tljcse days.
Mr, and JJrs. Dawson and dames
Vinson spent .Monday at It. 13. l!ev-
Mr. and .Mrs. Peyton') nnincs nre
now added to the sick list. Hoth have
colds on ihe lungs.
A bad cold seems to be ptevalcnt
in the neighborhood n present.
Mr, nqd Mrs. James Grieve, nnd
son cnine home Sunday after a. visit
to the P. P. I. K. apd other Califomin
points. They vrere picsent nt tho
last day of the exposition n,nd said
there was an immense crowd, lots of
excitement and spcctnculnr fireworks.
Mr. and Mrs. Joint Grieve, the
other members of the partv. will ar
rive home Tuesday.
Last winter Miss Mabel Hnpson
lost a prized ring in tho pumico road
above Ilitrinbothum's, nnd recently
she found it again, not much worse
for its summer dust bath.
(Mrs I.tKzl'o Stnncllff of Phoenix has
boon confined to her bod tho past ten
days with sciatic rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. J. l). Henry nnd inm
lly spent Sunday -with Mrs. llonr,"!
father, I It. Frldegar of Medford.
Jnmim McDonald of North Talent
was n pleasant caller nt tho homo of
Mr. ittid Mm. Noah Chandler Sunday.
(Jeorge Koburts of Kern Valley was
Phoenix-Talent visitor Monday.
Mrs. M. It oiso of Phoenix Is visiting
hrr duughtt'r, Mm. C. Onto of .Mod
ford, who recently canm back to the
valley from l.a Grande, Oregon,
Mrs. Thompson, nee Kdlth Fish,
visited her parents, Mr. and .Mm.
Thco. Fish tho last of the week, re
turning homo Sunday.
C. Carey Iibh hay for sale at his
placo on tho Pacific highway. Ad.
Ituy Cormaii Is nblo to bo about
again, having ridden lu tho Intcrur
bun cur to .Med foul last week.
Tho ground in so cry that water
turned Into tho big ditch sinks Into
the ground long before It reaches the
crossing of tho Pacific highway; and
Andomon cioek Ik still dry, something
that nowr been known at tills
time of tho year.
Mia. W. S. Stancllff, Mrs J. K.
Roberts, Mlns l.ulla Roberts, Mm. Joo
Under and a number of other ladles
from this pait of IMon Precinct worn
In attondanco at tho linen shower
given Mltm Mabel Taylor last Sat
urday at tho homo of Mrs, O. A.
Moro of Talent.
Rfjiorted by Jackaon Couuty At
tract Co.. Sixth and Ftr HU.
Medford National Uank vr Clinton
Toxtor, numinous.
State of Oregon vh John O Dowd,
trans, Justice court Medford.
L. L'ndermeyor v. David II Palm
er, afftdavlta.
JoNopii .Martin vs. O S Kpiiorsou
and Auna D. KppQmon. kutt to declare
a depl a morinago and fonxloM
Johu W Cox vs. The Oukdalo Land
Inv. Co , ot al. aotlon tot monov
Wm. Murrav va. Addlo Murra),
'ten: UMto
Leave Wwlford daily rxropt Hun
d.y fr Akbland. Talent und Pboonlx
at S a. hi 11. tO a m.. I 15. 2 30.
S,tl. and 0 15 p. in. Mm oh H4t
ardar at 11 lip. w. Xauday lsv
al It a. M , i p. in. and 9: 30 p. m
I.av A but m! tor Mf-dterd dally
aaaapt tuadaf at 3 a. in . 11:10, I 10,
:l, lit gad Silt p. m. Haaday
lattva AUat at t a n,Mi,U
aad l" "i p w
H.lil I I I I 11
fT----Jr. - X - r-s i.a .
' r-' -I vvw i tca;
':.; rr'rr"'""'CTl UME ENOUGH !;
i:-V r- " l J V .1..,-. , n '3-,
- L ," .-JV. , riUCACT '
ts&i-ysri ,v- -
summons; affidavit tor pub. of sum-
K. II. Porter vs. Rose 12. Lour,
mutinied niiBwor; stipulation.
W. H. Walker vs. Hog. Rlv. Farm
Pro. Co., ot al, cost bill,
Article of Incorporation of Cnsa
Loin a Orchards.
Articles ot Incorporation ot Pom
padour Mineral Springs Co.
Guardianship ot Daniel Whotntonc,
an Insane person, ordor appointing
lCstnto of Florence. A. Palmer, or
der appointing administrator.
Kstale of Louisa Powell, bond of
and oath administrator.
Guardianship of Nina M. Harris,
ct ul, motion for ordor confirming
sale of real property.
Kstate of R. V. Uenll, luveutory
and nppralEement.
Real Kstuto TrniLsfcj-s
John I). Ojwell ot tix to B. T.
Morrs, lot 36 and N half ot
lot 30 Fnlrvlow sub. dlv. of
S. Chlldct-n Kast. add. Med
ford J10.00
Mcldrum C. McDonald ct ttx to
Chnrloii P. Duck, lapd lu
Cottage Home add Medford 300.00
Kmogeno Charley to Sarah J.
Messier, pt. 10-36-1K COO. 00
W. R. Coleman et ux to Hank
of Jacksonville, lot C 34-3 R
2W Q C D 1.00
Some houses havo wings for Pvo
seen many a housti fly.
Not Ira of Bnlo of I'ei-Muuil Pixorty
by AiIiulnMrnlilv
Notlco Is hereby given thnt pur
suant to nu ordor of tho county court
of Jneksou County, Oregon, made and
entered on tho IStli day of Novem
ber, 1 1 1 r. , in the mutter of the estate
of Ceorge F Merrfnian, deceased, tho
undersigned administratrix of said
estate, will, from nnd ntter tho date
ot this notice, proceed to sell, at pri
vate solo, the following described per
sonal property, belonging to tho on
tato of tleorgo F. Mcrrlman, deceased,
Tho business, good will, stock on
hand and tools pf trade of tho black
smithing business heretofore conduct
ed by tho deceased on Rlvorsldo uvo
nuo South lu tho city ot Medford,
Terms of Hale: Cash In hand or on
approved security, such us will bo ap
proved by tho said county court, tho
salo to ho subject to thu confirma
tion and approval of mild court.
If desired thu tools nnd stock will
bo sold In separate lots,
Dated, November IK. 1015.
Administratrix of the Kstato of Ceo,
F, Morrlnian, Doccascd.
von iuisrnavHvs
FORrTsnT- t;oiol"JSarRonVH'"roa
idonco on Oakdale uvo., telephone
owner nt Jacksonville, or Inquire
of II. II. Nye or Roy II. Peobles at
Medford. 253
FOR RKNT Well furnished C-room
bungalow very reasonable to desir
able tenant. 4 22 8. Laurel St.
FOR RKNT Modcn. furnished house
keeping rooms, closo in; gas and
wood stoves. 23 4 Hast 0th. 238
FOR SALK- Jorscy
Phono 403-R2.
cow and calf.
FOR SALKTcam, weight about
1500 pounds. Phono 315. tt
FOR BALK Cheap. 18 lioreg7Vn
son'ft bam, N. Rlvorsldo Ave. 2 8
Oocause my iioct. ia irudo Is to
bavo optlonod at tho lowest csib
prlco tho best buy In this county.
I bare been on tun ground look
ing out for you for the past fire
years. Noarly oreryday I bars In
restlcated tome "good thing." I barn
eliminated erorytbing except thorn
deals which I am convinced will -ouro
Hi's satisfied cutomor.
In a fow hours tlmu I can Klvu you
thu benefit of Hill reseated. It Is tny
batlanis to show you orur tho county
and Introdneo you to tbn posilbllltles
and opportaulilcs here. H Mid
ford first and
ioa wm( mih mtvi
i i T TTa "- X
sy . - t-tS3;isivSt!-
,-.i-.-,s :j. ..i
-. i . . . . v
FOirSALK--Kicctrlc heater. 3 klllo
watt. Address XYZ, care Alco. 231
FOR SALK Ilolglnti hares, targe nnd
small; live Cc per lb. Model Oro
very. Phono 895. 229
FOR SALK Forty two cords of dry
pluo wood. Inquire ot Roy II.
Peebles, 239
FOR SALK Imported alfalfa seed,
'.llox 74, Mall Tribune. 234
FOR SALK Laying hens nnd pullets
nt 919 W. Utlt. 229
FOR SALK Genuine mahogany rec
ord cabinet; brand now, worth $35,
will sell for 19. Pac. Furn. &
Fixture Factory.
FOR SALE Com. Phono G97-R2,
FOR SALK flood gas rango, with
oven, 510 IC. Main St. 220
FOR SALK One man tops for Ford
cars nt tho Tontnnd'Top 'Fnctory,
100 N. Frotjt St. ' ' '"240
WANTED iHMlfttrtiliANKOim
WANTKD Fiirnlohrd home, with
heat, tor C months, llox tH, Mnlj
Tribune. 234
WANTKD To buy, s few good year
old heifers. Phono 1111 H. 229
WANTKD Prlvnto lady wants piano
for nbout four months. Send par
ticular!) to llox 197, Jacksonville.
WANTKD Alberta land In exchango
for property hero. Clark Realty
WANTKD TO RKNT Ilungftlow or
coltago on pavement, April or May
possession; must bo strlrtly mod
ern; state location und price, llox
T, Mali Tribune.
WANTKD Women lot us help you
imiko money selling guaranteed
hosiery to weur; full or purt tlmo;
big profits, experience unneces
sary. Address, International Mills,
llox 122, Norrjstpwn, Ph.
WANTKD To "iiurchuso "Irrigated
ranch; prefor location In district
north and east of Medford; placo
must be trrlgntod or under propos
ed extension of Irrigation ditch;
prlco must bo reasonable; give
price and best tonnu, nlso section,
township and rango In replying.
Address P. O. llox 207, Medford,
Oregon. 233
FOit i:xciiA.(ii:
FOR KXCHANOK Clear. Improved
Medford property ?0000, for equi
ty In good acreage. AVunted, mod
ern buugulow for spot cash. Must
bo bargain. Clark Realty Co., 200
Phlpps Iliac
FOR KXCHANOK I am In n posi
tion to arrango for trades for Cal
ifornia property, ethor city or
county, in oxchango for Roguo
rlvor proporty. Address for pros
rlvor property. Address L, It.
Houston, 117 Juy St. 232
FOUND illobollnk bracelet. Owner
can havn sumo by Inquiring at Mall
Tribune and paing for ud 220
TAKK.NDi-Stroy heFfor, croam
color, ono year old; crop off loft
oar; upper bit In right. Owner
may have samo by paying ad nnd
feed. S. Walsh, Jacksonville, Ore
gon. 231
TAKKN UP Stray horse, brown
pony, weight ubout 900 lbs., brand
ed (III loft hip. Ceo. Hilton, Pa
cific highway on road to Contra 1
Point. 220
Offlco 42 North Front t. Phon
315. Prices right. Sorvtco guar
! '-l-UJ,l.
80 acres on tho Applegate, with
sonio stock and Irrigation, 11900,00.
Another thero of 1C0 acros, stock, Ir
rigation und buildings. I7S00 and
many other ranches prleod right.
A good on i. nrar Poadlaton, irrigat
ed and wator right paid. 1S7 aero at
$100.00, will take in aooil llttlo plase
in nxf-hanse.
A fw furnished sad msme unfur
NUhd bouiei far real.
Room III, JaikMin County lUnk IHdu.
-...j. J vv . . -fc. - I
. 1 aHHHIBlr
By Blosser
s ' i
' v I ..
-jrr2va cac
Auto Suppiu-s
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant in tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others ful. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oro.
QEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy.. and
.Notary, Room 9, Jackson County
Unnk Ilulldlng, cntranco N. Cen
tral, Medford, Oro,
Attorn6ys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Dank bldg.
Coroy bldg.
G. M. RODERTfl Lawyer.
Medford National Bank Building.
Garnott-Coroy Hide, ulto 310
Medford, Oro. Phone 800.
Collections nnd Ilcportn
collected sonio accounts 14 year
old. We know, how to got tba
money. The Uunock Mereantlla
Agency, lpc, Itoo;ns 1, 2. 3, Haa
klns' Dldg., 210 E. Main. st.
Engineer and Contractor
Phliii' K CuliudTNlaSinlneoTa
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Uldg.
Surveys,, tstlmntes, Irrlgattoa
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. - ' '
OARI1AGK Got your promise
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbnga wagons for
good service Phono 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
a-a.itf. j. ,q, . . ;.,. a
Iii'truction In Music
401, Garnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al
ton Hatght, piano; Mrs. Florenca
Halllday Holsbt, voice. Phone
Pliytlclnns nnd Surgeons
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
pbyslclnns, 41G-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
2C South Laurel st.
Dlt. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
physician, 303 Garnett-Cotey
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice llmltod to eye,
car, nouo and throat. Eyos scion
tlflcally tosted nnd Kinases sup
plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S, P.
It. It. Co. Offlcos M. V. & II. Co.
bldg., opposito P. O. Phono 007.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician nnd
surgeon Phones, offlco 3G, resi
dence 724-J, Offlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to C.
Physicians and surgeons. Oftlcs
309-310-311, M. F. fc II. bldg.
Phones, resldenco S14-JS, office
clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. G. HEINE, M. D. Eye, Ear,
Nobo and Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly fitted glasses. Cross oyea
straightened. Offlco 238 E. Mnln
st phono 303, Consultation tree.
Homofpathlc Physician, Surgeon,
228 East Main St.; Medford," Ore
gon Office phono. 142, residence
Phono 72-U2. Office -hours 1 to
i v- m-
y iw"-i awi j-yj-r- ' jt j t'.i' ',, lil'rL j; ','', j' ;,; f
Printers nnd Publishers
MKdToRD PRINTING " CO., has "the
best equipped printing office la
southern Orogou; book binding,
loo.o leaf ledgers, bllUng systems,
cte. Portland prices:' "2 7 Norta
Fir at.
Public Htritograplirr
M. T. UDWARDS. Steograpber
and MultlBrapblng, Rooms '409-419
fiarnctt-Corey building. Office
ybourt 709-J, resldenco phone
kef, uwtu 19. Jkson County
Uank TjJdg. ntfUllon taken any
piap aljr Hcma by Hie only flteno
iVfm oporaior la AmHioni Oro Of
(lee aftnrto i, ((e. JTJJ ,