Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Mtor- wUlk JuisaaraaaaijBajaaaKBBsjBjjMaMsjajMMBfjjjaMinafjfjfjajiB uiaww maiiiwiwPMiwaaiiuywii'ii'iiii m.vmwj-uimmw'Lr-trKscwrr.- - '.
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HfE i ' '-
i t. .--., 1 1 1 1 1
Mr. nntl Mrs. Oco. Hubbard and
son Ernost left Wednesday for Ur
bana, ill., going by way of Sau Fran
cisco. Tlicy Imd buuu visiting rela
tives In Medford.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak nuppllcs.
Tho Parent-Teachers association of
tlio high school will hold an Import
ant mooting tomorrow (Friday nf
tqrnoon. at tho high school at 3
o'clock. The principal subject for
discussion will be "Lnnguago-Mlndod
nnd Ilnnd-Mlnded Chlldron." A good
nttendanco Is desired. Tho subject
Is one of unusual Interest and will bo
open for gonornl dlsoiiBsIon.
noglnnlng tomorrow ovory specta
tor at the Page theatoro will hold his
sides when he scon the next gcnultio
Kssanay Charllo Chaplin comedy "A
Night In tho Show."
Mrs. Frank Anderson of Honolulu
Is visiting In this city thin week.
Knitting "basket for children's
g(tn. Handicraft Shop.
It. M. Horn, of Portland, Is a Mud
ford visitor today.
Closing out salo Jowclry next P. O.
WII Kelly, of Central Point. Is
tunoij tho out of town visitors In this
city today.
All tho latest shoot music at Cc per
copy. Music not carried In stock
will bo ordered for you at Ilalo'e
Piano IIouso.
Mrs. i. h. Hamilton, of iliilllmure,
Mil., Is a city visitor today.
lleglnnlng tomorrow ovory specta
tor at tho Page theater will hold Ills
sldos'whoti he hcoh the next genuine
Kssanny Charllo Chaplin comedy "A
Night In tho Show."
Prosecuting Attornoy K, K. Kolly,
of (IiIh city, Hill loave this evening
for Salem to attend a mooting of tho
district attorneys from nil over tho
Htato, together with the governor, to
consider lu all ItH phases tho now pro
hibition law and Its ouforcomont, be
ginning with 1010.
Insist on SJmkist ornugos at pro
re rs. 31
(1. I). Oram, of Drew, came In yos
torday ovonlng for a visit of two or
Ihroo days In tho valley metropolis.
For .watch worx mat satisfies,
Johnson tho Jeweler. 220
William McPhco nnd wife, of Port
laud, aro vlsltom In this city and vi
cinity this week.
Closing out sulc of jowclry next P.
I). P. (ill)Bon, Southern Pacific
operator of Salem, this state, Ih visit
ing with his sister and brother-in-law,
Mrs, nnd Mr. M. M. Ahrens.
When bettor insurance Is sold
Holiuos Tho Inauranco Man will sell
Mm. Kdunrd Perry, mother of Mrs.
S. M. Ilurbert, this city, Is roported
as bolng at the point of death.
What would bo appreciated more
for Christmas than 2 tickets to Mar
gnrgt Illlngton.
11. A. Winters, of Albany, this
slato, Is visiting this city and other
points In tho valley this week.
Chocolato creams, caramots, chips,
peanuts, etc., only 30c a lb. .it Do
Vnn, .
Herbert Tjvlll, or Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Is visiting various points
of Interest commercially In this val
ley this week.
Hitlf prloe on Teak wood novoltlos.
llumllcrnit Shop.
Hunker II. P. l'olilnnd. of Ashland,
is a Medford visitor today.
Closing out sale of Jewelry next p.
The orHniilsatlou In ohm-ae of ar
rangement for tho Municipal Tree
met at tlio library laat uialiL Front
tho roporla of tlio different commit
tees the iuO,vpiuent has mot with the
hearty xnppoit of the rltUeus and
satisfactory nrogreaa Is being made in
ll department. Tho Utile clilldiou
aro busily employed lu the schools
wouvfug pnpur chains aud ornaments
to Im used fur decorating- the big elty
Irao, Special arrangements with
Santa Clans, who will bo hero lu per
son, to niovide each and everynno of
IUd XU0U grammar school children
with Christmas goodies, have bsen
wutjo. The tree will be located uear
the library, the oxerrlaea beginning
at an onrly hour Christum eve.
Onler your Chrletmas candle
onrly. Wn will make them for ou.
Mellrldo & Co. 3I
In addition to tho accident and
atckneae boneflt plan, a well as neu
sinning employee- who hare been in
tho service over twenty year, which
has beeu lu effect fur three ara.
the Western I'nion Telegraph com
pany now uniiouuvsertertlvo with the
your IIMI omplos of the company
who have 1imii Ih the service for
mote than two years will receive two
weeks varutton ou full pay. Those
uho huve uaon ia the atrvte fur more
than on aar ud ls than h ara
wjll rocIve uue wMk'a vacation on
lull iinjp. Tho conpaity'a iuaufrs
uro also Incu3l lu th above vm
Hon plan.
wugoji load of twrkays at tua
inii)c inaj-kirt SatutiJair, UeaMBw
ik (01115, gad goi g llva ooo (or
.1UHS, I
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Webster, of
Arbwath, accompanied by their son,
aro registered at the Hotel Medford
for a day or two.'
What would bo appreciated piorc
for Xmns than 2 tickets to Forbes
Robertson. '
See Dave Wood about that lira In
surance policy. Office Mall Tribuno
C. C. Kroner, a business man of
Portland, Is a visitor lu Medford to
day. Closing out sale of Jewelry next P.
Phono 100 for Hall Taxi Co. Coun
try service only. Reasonable rates;
large comfortable cars.
Robert A. Noil, of Ashland, accotii'
panld by Mrs. Nell nnd her sister,
Miss Anna Hargrove, a milliner of
that city, are visitors in Medford this
Orange days Friday nnd Saturdny
at J on os'. 229
J. O. Corking, tno best nil around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives made any
where, tlmo or plnco. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-.1.
Dr. F. A. Hall, a prominent den
tist of Ashlnud, Is attending the den
tists' convention this afternoon In
this city.
Frosh ronsted peanuts at Do Voo's.
Special prices on cngrnvd cardr.
new nnd from eld plates, tor a few
days at tho Medford Printing Co,
Andrew Drew, a business innn of
Walla Walla, Wash., Is looking about
tho Rogue river valley this week on
a 1)tislnesH errand,
A "Pacific Cedar Chest" for Xmns.
All ideal gift.
Wo havo 70 different kinds of
chocolates, our own make, for you to
cliooso from for your Xmns boxes.
Mellrldo &. Co. 232
Mrs Hampton C. Monrs, of llutto
Falls, Montana, Ih vlHltlng with
frlnnds lu this vicinity for a week.
J'roducors Fruit Co., nro selling
somo largo sized Kxra Fancy Yollow
Nowtowns. A box wllj make a very
suitable gift. 231
!eorgo Travers, of Tacoma, Wash
ington, one or the first mining moil
to explore the Olympic range or
mountains for gold by u systematic
search, Ih a visitor In tho southern
Oregon country this month. Mr.
Travers Is In Medford today, but snys
ho has been making his headquarters
wherever ho hangs up his hat. After
a holiday visit nt his Tacoma home,
ho will return for nn Indefinite stay.
1Mb apparent interest In the moiiii
talnn in this vicinity suggests that
he Is looking for a gold mine.
All tho latest sheet music nt fie per
copy. Music not carried In stock will
bo ordered for you at Hale's Piano
Closing out wile of Jewelry next P.
Kmersoii Rich, of fit nuts Pam, Is
doing husluoriH In Medford today. Mr.
Rlrh avors that the Grants Pans pen.
plo have been promised tho sugar
factory and expert to get It. He ro-
fiiHPd to dtscusH the quoHtlnu or acio-
Oatoa sells Ford cars, $200 down
and $25 a mouth. 239
Mrs. I.oaeh, Ahdo-Euppnrt Ilnroloy
surgical rorsut, 32U N. Ilartlett.
P. I). YVoudt, or Roioburg, Is n
Medford visitor today and oxpresoN
a doslro to prolong hla visit until tho
drat of tho ear.
Mall orders for Xmaa goods left
to our selection will have tho ery
host of cure. Medford Hook Store.
Insiiro your auto In tho Alliance,
against theft, flro. C. Y. Tougwnld.
Henry T. Morwlth. of Redding,
California. Is looking over our agri
cultural district this week.
Carpentering and suop work, all
kind a. C. K. Collins, 31 N. Ilartlett.
Hot Tnmnlos at tho Shasta.
Tlio dentists or Southern Oragou
harf asktMiihled lu runvoutluu at the
Hotel Medford this afternoon to dis
cuss subjects profvsaluHHl. technical
and Hthieul. Quite a iinmbfr of (lit
guardians of melius and imlaora ar
In Mtttfiulanee fioni Urants Paaa aud
Jouea' has spoclal prices ou oranges
I'rlilw) aud Suturda). Phono 235.
I havo taken some Vlrtrnhu aud
Columbia talking machine lu x
obauge for The Now Kdikou Dlanioud
Disc Phonographs and am In a ihj
sltlou to give people aeuiti bargalna.
l'almer Piano Hon, IT N. Ceutral.
uar Poat Offlc. U3
Tho case against (larvln nnd 1'vl
lett, of THlent. for smashing up the
wagon and physiognomy of Prank
Sehoutto nn the pavement of Pueifto
lilg)wa Saturday evening, during a
rttcklesti uhiil ttaej wre enjoying In
t Corblu sniomotille, has beeu t
tied autlsUrlorll to Hie cowttluiulng
witness and Hie uto aud tho oont
plaint against i hem dismissal In Jtu
lliw Taylor court.
Tltare U nothfug our wife would
appreciate more fur Xmns than one
of those handsome potted plants.
Pierce, the KlorLt. hat them. Store
Diamond Pnsrmao. t30
lluttornut bread at U VaeS,
The W. C T. I, will meet with
Mrs A. c. (iodlove, 31.'. Hart lett
street, Frl4a afiernoon nt 3 30. A
aoclal Imur fnllaulna ih liiall
Cgndlaa n4 mail glMdeg. all col
ors and slm. Medferd Hook Store.
SsSKMslBfiiHVSBDlMhtHsaSkJRn '
'nHDUuiBiHmSBBBjBjgK ? Kra Jt2JKnL,aBiiiHgrJl f
Margaret Illlngton, lovod by mul
titudes and who appeared here lu
"Within tho I. aw," will bo scon at
tho Page In her latost success, "Tho
Me," Tuesday, Doeeinbor 2J. Of the
many Miiccoasfiil plnya producod )iy
this brilliant actrcas none has been
more so than her latost production,
"Tho Me," which wns written for hor
by tho distinguished Kngllsh play
u right, .Henry Arthur Jones, and
Tho tomperatuie this morning our
l was 2G, tho lowest It has bocti this
season, so far.
Now glfta tor boys, blrdhouses.
Handicraft Shop.
Dill Pankoy, of Central Point, Is lu
tho city todny.
Drs. A. R. am! l.ouiso Hedges, chl
roprnctlc physicians, Stownrt build
ing, 235 Fast Main St.
Kb Kberley and llnrry l.ane weie
Joy-rldlng about the valley toiliiv.
llutto Falls Wood Yard, Phono 4H
or 223. Wood nil kinds. 22!)
D. 1.. McNalr aud wire fame from
their Griffin creek homo today to do
a little Christmas shopping.
(lot Jones' prices ou oranges ho
fore buying. 229
Rogue Rlvor Kiicampmuul No. 30,
I. O. O. P., held a regular session
last night nnd conferred th myal
purple degree ou u class of four can
didates. Sixty patriarchs attended
from Ashland, Hold Hill and Jnekson
vlllo. After tho Initiation and soaaluu
of huslnoaa hud been concluded a
buiKiuet was served and greatly en
Joyed by all In attendance.
Order our holly wreaths now
from Pierre, the Florist. Real lCng-1
Halt holly. Phone 371. 330 I
Mra. K. K. Thompson, of (Irants '
Pass. Is visiting In this city today. I
The Sugar Howl has sold moat of
(hat ton itf rand) they advertised for 1
10e a lb last Saturday and are bimx
day and night making more. Not lu
the combine. 2H1
Mra. IC. It. Mauley came In fiom
the farm homo for a brief visit thisj
afternoon. i
Cloud dry wood $1.50 per tier on!
ground. R. K. Montgomery, G19 S.
Riverside. 281 i
Mr. and Mra. A. Throckmorton, of
Kuril, are enjo.iing a week-end visit
with thvlr daughter, Mrs. William
Hamuli of the Hunker Hill orchard.
Da Yoe delivers the Oregonlan to
you every day for ."c a month
A. F Uapp, the Wells Fargo route
agent for this district is visiting the
agencies wf lioulberu Oregon this
Howe made tafry at D YqQ'n.
J. K Cleiunioua came in from hla
farm south of the ill) last evening tu
enJo the eniampmeul and the ban
quet of the No. 30. I .0 O. F.
Hay Medford nco sandy at the
If vacn sneeze la a compUtlut, there
Is a g(td UnrJ of fuas being made
over the prevalent lu grippe lu this
clnlty this week.
Sunk 1st oranges are the aeetoat.
Jamea Hall, of Trail, was a Med
ford visitor Wednesday.
Hwwt fall to vlalt the Catholic
ladles basear tonight.
Otto Urandl. (revoligg agent of the
I'nlou Pacific, spent Thursday tn
Smoke King Spits aud Pantela, two
beat lc elgara or market, tf
Miss Grace Hopkins of Cold Hill
tailed lu .Medford Thorada.
Try ou of tho ttlg tee cold S cent
luiiKeuakes at Ue vea'g. . I
K V. Itiuaell, ot Medford, ha been
transferred to llranU Pasa by the
Southern Pailfir
Holled ham and ttaeou at DeBe'?'
C II. Johuson of Falrview, ta a
MHrord vlaitor
The time of sour life at the Tata-
nlln lunar tunlaht.
Walter b'tiing of Klamath Falls
opegl Wednesday la Medford.
All the latest sheet mueic ei It per
copy. Jingle not carried atock
l ha ardered for yon at Htle'a
Plaao House.
I.. I. Fal. of - y. le g FOR
recent Medford arrival. I s.7-K
wiilch she produced early last season
at tho Harris theatre, New York city,
where It ran practically an entire
year. In tliu principal part Miss
Illlngton won golden opinion from
every ono by her consummnto artistry
by hor tcchultiuc and the Intelligence
she brought to tho trying role. Tho
supporting company Is tho same as
wns with hor during Hie Now York
Fred Link, of Yroka, has been
spending a few das lu the viillc.
Do Voo buys beer bottles.
. S. Haines, of Albany, recently
lilted In .Mod ford.
h M)HK, Her. Jli. Warren 1).
C li. -o, u Unit lord attorney, tctitied
toda 4i t I lie New lliuen hearing Hint
Fi' 1). notibitix, former genernl
f.oiii'-i.'l ol the New lluveii, mnile n
personal prolft of ulmo'it .fr"00.000
o .t it triiiiiactioiun which the go
trnnuMt charged lie cngineercil in be
half ot the road.
Hobbins' t-erviees, Cline Miid, were
utilized m the transfer of properties
of the Metropolitan Stenmsliip com
pany, the old Cluirle Morse con
cern, to the lute Governor .John V.
Hill of Maine, ami which ulso in
volved the transfer to the Purine
eon-t of the xtcnnisliip IlHrvtird nnd
The government charge that it wu
the purpie of KobbiiM to get the-e
two boats out of the way for the
benefit of the New Hnven. Uobbins,
it wns indicated by his counsel today,
went into the tritusnctiuiix purely for
per-onal prolit.
Clinse Miid he neled us IfoIiliinV
ugeut in the tiaiisuctioiis. '
WASHINGTON, Dee. Hi. Senate;
Met ut noon.
Alliance I'oininillee iitilliori'.eil fn
voruble report on the war tux exten
sion le-olution.
Met at noon.
lixteiiMon id' euiergenoy revenue
law debated.
Ways and inonn eomniHJeo repub
licans filed report on the emergeiu
revenue bill, dimming tlml the new
tnriff instead of war condition eniise
trcusury ileffbit.
Tuilitinry committee heanl sulfiai
Militniv, ronds nnd oilier house
committees met to organize for the
sixty-lotirth congress.
AMIANY, N Y.Dec 10 -Antonio
Ponton, the Porto Rlcan student con
victed of tliti innrder of Ilosslo Kro
mor, a school teacher ot Sohenectn
dymust dio In the electrlr cliulr at
Slnc; SJng prison next week, tlov
ernor Whltninn nnnoun'cd t day Hint
ho woulii not interfere
Porto Kltniis luue pleaded l(n vain
for a replte, In order to h'-n that
the man Ih probnblv Insane,
WASHINGTON', Dec 10 Safe nr '
rival at Algiers last Monday or the
American tank steamer Coniniunlpaw,
variously repot toil attacked by a sub
marine, sunk, and snfe, was reported
to the state department today by the
American consul at that port.
(aTaBTam v EbTbbTbu u ( BTaTaTaral H
LbB &73? Hf J- LBB
bTAbbV fy") aaal jiZJ1 kaaU 1
LONDON, Dec lb. A me-snge to
the F.xelinngc Telegrnpli company
from Aiiisteiiliuu iiotes n tologntui
received fiom Viennii ih nuyiug the
feeling tlietc i- that the (-'niled States
will ask forjlie recnll of the Aiislnan
embniwy, utJtlH Auslrian note on ifie
Ancoim ouiii is eonehed in mieli terms
tlml sni'li ri" step is eonsideieil tin-uvoiilnlili).
"l i.s mi id tlml the note was Mill
iiiitteil to the (Junnaii niitlmsMidor
lieforo its presentation to Amlian
dor Penfield." kujs tho news agency
diswteh, "mill tlmt l)r. Duuibu, the
riwiilled iimliHeHdor to the I'nitcd
States, took a hand in limiting the
The mi -.ige add- ctciisic
oriniis m')CIII in i I . i ' - iditurml-
in leim.i n wsp,iit'i mi I In- note.
ftnrnnimnnnTftsirnlS '
fllll I II In I I rillll I flfi n tm I (
I II II I I Inl I 1111111 II II I nl m Inatll V Prpnarnil In n ! flH " i
nrh NAr k Avriis - :; ..,., i;;,,;B,;r
j I 1 L lJ J I 1 U I Ullllllill IIV!'
The thud ine!'i..; oi the
Oregon Sportsmen's league will he
held in Portland next Suiidnv ami
Mumlny, Deeembcr 10 nnd 20.
On Siindny fly nnd bait ousting
evenls uud pigeon hools will he held.
.Many piu- have been offered for
efi'icieniv b' I'oitlund mercliuntn,
who are iiiiei-iieil in guine proteelion.
On Mondnv the nnntinl liusiness
ineeling of the league will be held,
which will be concluded with the elec
tion of ollicers lor UHO. In the evc
niiifr u reindeer biuupict will lie given
in the Coinmereinl chili dining room-..
1. . i. ...... . i.. t, .
I'l'iciucn iioiii nn roii nini uuii
clubs uud gnine iiiideolixe i-ucni-
tions in the -Into will he in uttcud
ouee. .iany mutter- ot inteie-t to
sportsmen will be taken rp uud ilis.
eiis-cil nt the meeting of the lengiie,
which will be held in tin- Inou-riii!
Fobs Are Popular
with n greater number of men today,
than ever before.
Our line will furnish you with
something out ot the ordinary in u
rob wh not select yours fiom It?
See our Hrncelet Watches.
Martin J. Reddy
thk .mwKiasn
House or QunllU"
. , , etilit attention to inall
Kn.llj I'rrpnrrd In n Pcit Mln
iilc. C'hrnp lint t'nrinintril
Some people ore constantly aniavcd
from one year's end to the other with a
pcrsielcntlircincliiul rough, which is ultol
ly uninvcsonrv. Here is n homo-imule
rctni'd.v that getn right at tin cause and
will muke you wonder wlint Ijcciiiiio of it,
Oct24 ounces Pinex (fit) cents worth I
froinnny drugglKt, pour into n pint bottle ' rf jl im jl
and till the bottle with plain grumilatcd ChriStETaS F-'SSGniS
sugar sxrup. Start taking it nt once ' s-,tJ saiHUttB B. .V-OUUfcO
vtrnuuaiiv nut sunn ou will nut ice the
phlegm thin out mid then ditappcar al
together, thus emliiig a cough that uu
never thought would end. It also hwidoin
tjie drv. lienrM or tight cough and IichIh
ine in iHiiumiiion in a painliil conuii witli
rciufirkiililc ranlditv. Onlinarv
are ifiiiiuered b i r ' I Hut or less.
ir W.
MKNA. Ark., Dec Hi. Soiithhound
po-scngci i rin No. 1. iu the Kuu
mis t'it Soiilhgrii ruilwav, was held
up between ICnaletou mul Acorn,
-mull station near here, earlx todax,
In three lohhpii.. The bandit-, blew
oK'ii (be -ale in the expre er. The
loot. Meconium to riiilroiid otio'ial-.
eoli-i-ted ol tour 1'CL'l-tclcil pin-kiue
of -mall xrliie. The in euuei- wi i
not mole-ted.
llrndford I.. Morser and Grace K.
Nelson weio united lu inarrnlgo by
Rev. W. F. Shields of tho Presbyter
Ian church at s p. in., Wednosdny,
Dec. 13th, at tho manse. Mr. and
Mrs. Morser aro both of Mcdrord's
young people, and here they oxpoct to
mnko thulr homo. Thoy begin llto
together with hope and courngo, and
with the host wishes or all who know
I hem. Several or tholr frlondu wit
nessed tin ceremony.
.uthiug ln-tter f;r lirouchitiK,
i-uucns nun oroni'iiiHi HHiiiiiin.
'Jhifc Pinvv and Sugar Syrun mixture
iiiakes n full pint enough to hint a
family n long time at n ciwt of onlv ."il
centn. .Keeps perfectly ami tastes picas
ant. hnsilv picpared. lull directions
with Pinex.
Pinex is n special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guiiiiieol, and Is fniuoiH
the world over for Its ease, certainty aud
promptness in overcoming I'aii coughs, '
chest and throat colds.
Oct the genuine. Ask your druggist
for "2 Mr ounces I'inev," and do nrt accept
aintbiiiL' else. A guarantee of absolute
satisfaction, or money promptlv refunded, .
tfivs xvith this preparation. The Pinex !
Co., It. Uumic, Ind. i
(ieorge I,. Croft mul .Mi l.oueile
to. of Trail. Or., were united m niiir
riage at Methodi-t ehuii-li South par
sonage Tuesday, December l.'i, Ilil.'i,
at :t::l(l p. m. I). M. Uraulmm, pastor
of the Oakdale Atomic Methodl-t
church . peri ormed the civmoio
I ne-e xouD'j pi riplc I, ixc t
Wl-lu - il b. II v (IUJ)ll-
Postngo stamps nt r.e. Voo's.
rm. J3I-jFOCAL
I .I i
Sr V,'ei
rnnTO t . --' tw
Stmt tin- Chii-tiuiis nul't iw
plcn-e the whole tnuiilx. Xotlnng'
better than
Doll'i torgct Velvet lee lleain III
your ('hri-ioiit- menu. Y m.ike an
tliiug ton want.
l'ie-li Kgg, AlUk uud ('renin til -!wis.
i White Velvet lee Cream Co.
l'HONK isl. j.".' 1 AST MAIN
Best V
t A wine of onthuiam -ccms
have come over the high sihool No
one seeum to know what started it
but ul agree that lt' here. It conu
every eur about when basket ball'
season opena, and this e,ir it I?
siroiigei man vvor.
Now that the Jinx is brokeu with
Ashland every one is auloiis and de-
termlned to help defeat the (irwnitc
Cltv in imskat ua) as well us root
ball. Kvernue (a coming out to p!a
baalvtt hall, nut bajnuse thoy are
dead sure they can make the team,
but beruiike, they think It win help
build up a team. Coach Klum said
that the mora material out for a
tam. the sharper the competition
for positions, the bet tar the team.
1 The school kas the areatem con
fidence in the vttiuh. mainl) because
he was tuirumtttal In aatiaf.xiug one
or Its greatest daalraa-- to defeat Ash
land ou their own grouud.
The piuspact for the gtrl' team
seem to i.,- ekoelltmt ith (lv or
elx lettei glrla back, we ar eaiwc-
... -
jtull.x iuinlaat. All in all have
enough eoikuafasm ta get rws or
three faclorlea and eathiaiaain
make the scaoal.
i mmtsw
l aBEi JWrv 2CTfV-.
to W3yaWHi'v. 7f1
"A Shlno In WB Ql
EvoryDnop" SLJB
uet a csn toJay from ia37frp
Voiir hardwjro or Kro- II l73j!H'u
CrtVHflllr. frl'irUHIItfl
- .. n.m.T L..1M
Cf Dh' ' -ftR n MiW
uLmn ii . r sm ha u - tii aj "r
vi w v- ay i
V-v-'M V
lenses give him the two visions
he requires in n one-piece lens.
They nro truly wonderful
j bifociils with no lines of sepnra-
i Hon unit no cemented pieces.
Come in and see them.
I law tin old folks' "Jnssrs
duplicated l).v nie in tliese
wonderful leiiM's.
Fancy Metal Eyeglass Cases,
Eyeglass Chains and Reels,
land Solid Gold Frames and
Mountings also make most
useful presents.
I lied ai'tuu-acN in tetiny;
or fittim; if I do it.
Over tho a Co.
Medford, Ore.
i JR
$.2) per sa k, ind feiy
sack 4iitianti'(Hl. 1.."0 i'n
tcii-barrcl lots.
Madi- Im tlt-
Capitol Ciiy Mills
.Salem, Orison,
(L'qivi sclt'ctod'wlieal.
sl'dAI?, s7.(K).
too uvrii to russiHV,
8AI.K -Alfalfa hay.
IDe to U.00
Plain or sold edge nation, o
and correeenrenee cards.
iicdPrttt Bceks&tok
Is now the i.atnoial watiliwmd Wi'iiina i'v eirs
we expett to he an arm.x of at-oi.t a nulliou and t lialt
men Out iuvi will lie uieail lm-i ased. Hoa about i't 'eusi '
MOHII.IK VOIK IOKY IK ooit voir d..'.l.. - in
tlitx ii.inV an. I win Mill lie Imiliiing up an arun uf pre
parednet? anln.-t hard times" accident and ill health.