Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln Tonight ami Tuesdny.
Mnv. ffl.S, Mill, lit, Pr. .41
forty-fifth Tear.
Dully Tenth War.
NO. 226
Wlthdrawlnn Troops lmartially
From Danger o( Contact With
Either Belligerents Doiran and
Glevoeli Evacuated Flanklnn
Movements Possible.
- --
MKKLIN, Decs. 13 (by wire-
loss to Siiyvillc). Tlio r'reneh
mill Hritish have been entirely ""
expelled from Mnoodoninn tcr-
ritory, it is officially nnnoiinc-
imI today by (Ionium nnny head- ""
ipinilors, tlio advancing nnny
" under (Jenoral Todoroff occtt-
"" pyinjr Doinm and Givegli. It is ""
"" declared tlint two Hritish divis.
" ions wero ncnrly wiped out chir- ""
" ing tlie advance. ""
LONDON, Dec. 13. Tlio nctunl
withdrawal of tho Check nnny from
the path of tho allied forees which
are retreating on S,uloniki s s"''l t
have been effected. A Ileutor tele
gram filed in Athens yesterday snys:
"As a result of tho agreement be
tween tho Greek general stuff and the
allied generals tho division of the
Greek nnny which hns been stationed
lit liitngnzn, has been withdrawn to
Serres, about fifty miles northeast of
Saloniki. The zone between Saloniki
and Dnirnu has been left freo for
inovemontH of tho allied troops.
"Tho allied military authorities
took over a portion of tho customs
limine at Suhuiiki today."
' !
.Maintaining Neutrality
LONDON, Dee. 13. The difficult
of fort of Greece to maintain neutral
ity in the face of tho allied retreat on
Saloniki mul the pursuit of Hulgnr
ians and Germane continues to ho the
chief matter of interest at the en
tente capital. The latest decision
of Greece, according to Athens dis
patches, is to withdrnw all consider
able bodies of her troop impartially
from danger of contact with entente
troops in Saloniki and the Germanic
allies on the northern rrout, leaving
only small groups of soldiers for
police purposes. Whatever tlio Ju
ture holds for Greece, her effort to
clear her position toward the bellig
erents seemingly dispones of any
idea that tho allied jorces on Gieek
territory aro to occupy a prepare!
position with anything in tho nature
of Greek support. Tho Greek nnny at
Saloniki is to be reduced immediately
in numbers to assure liberty of ne
tiou to the entente troops there. At
the snmo time Greek soldier along
the rnilroml will bo withdrawn to
avoid complication whenever Ger
mans, Auirinns or Hulgnriiins enter
Gieek territory.
Doli-an Kvncuntcd
So far as known, the hard-fought
attacks on tho Hritish in Macedonia
thus far have been delivered entirely
by Itulgarians without German us
bihtniico. A dispatch to tho Times
says tho Hulgnriinis left more than
8(100 dead or wounded on tho field
after two uaniilU on the British line.
The Saloniki correspondent of
Mentor's Telegram company in a ilK
pntch dated Sunday relative to tho
fighting in southeastern Serbia
"The evacuation of )oirou and
(Continued on page six)
PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 1.1 One
hundred and fifty union meat cul
ture went on strike here today. Many
patrons of downtown shops wero un
able to make eurlv morning pur
cltase. Several mrkU have tele
graphed ( other cities for mm.
The strikera ask for a tea-hour
day. Work U begin at 7 u. m. llerr
tofon tli' have worked ten mid 11
half boui. (m-iiiii itiir at i .10 u. m.
Th NMfit itii-r-. cli.l.ire Unit tin-
aijika n- "I mil nt tl-
failni "i ii ' I'l"' i - t iho-t n
ruaaiitte i i-.i- i. J--, u m
.llorttT in I III. r III f urrr Ih'M
I.hI i , mu i i! 1 1 it u i - if .In I. 1 1
tl.. I .ill -r i u i I m ! .lit In I .it in it
Mobilization of American Securities
Held by Englishmen Announced
Five Year Five Per Cent Deben
tures the Payment Purpose Is to
Liquidate Indebtedness Abroad.
LONDON", Dee. 13. Tho Iliitish
government has decided to purchase
American securities, paying for them
in five-year f per cent exchequer
bonds. Tho chancellor of the e.
chetpier, Reginald MoKennn, made
this nunouueemeut in the house of
commons today. lie said the govern
ment was willing to buy such Ameri
can dollar securities as went suitable
at tho middle American price of pay
without brokerage or commission.
Mr. McKennn assured the house of
commons nothing would bo done to
harass tho American market in con
nection with tho mobilization of
American securities or to injure
American financial interests here. He
believed there was available n suffic
ient amount of securities to maintain
exchange with New York.
Estimates of tlio amount of Amer
ican ami Canadian securities held in
this country varied, ho continued,
from three to four hundred million
dollars to as high as seven or eight
hundred million. This was the chan
cellor's reply to a request that ho
take steps to put an end to rumors
that n compulsory loan might be nec
accept ueposiis
In explaining the plnu for mobil
ization of American securities, Mr.
.MelCeuun said that in case individual
boldum -wero tumble, to sell them the
treasury would accept their holdings
on deposit for two years. The lender
would receive tho interest accruing
plus one-half of 1 per cent.
The treasury would retain the right
to sell securities thus deposited, un
der certain contiupcucios, tho chan
cellor continued, paying tho middle
New York price- of the day and nn
additional 2' j nur cent on the value
thus calculated.
In presenting his plan for mobiliza
tion of American soeiiiitic Mr. Mc
ICenua began with a reference to the
increase in British liabilities in the
United States.
"The most inveterate pessimist
would not dispute our capacity to
meet these obligations provided nur
assets wero mndo liquid and wo were
given time," ho continued. "Wo have
immenso resource.
Italiiiirc on Wrong Slilo
"Despite the largo amounts which
aro being earned bv shipping and tho
large amounts paid in dividends and
interest these sums are insufficient
to restore the balance of trade which
is now against us. In order to moot
our liabilities in tho United States wo
aro obliged to go outsjdo tho ordi
nary course of trade,"
The chancellor said the government
had gone over the ground fully and
believed tho securities available would
be sufficient to meet all liabilities and
givo the needed support to tho cv
change mnrkct n long ns the war
WASHINGTON'. Hue. in.- Kmiui,
Marion Cockrell, former United
State-, senutor Jroui Missouri, died
here tuduy.
Infinnitioa of old nfe resulting in
snrioii. illuM ilui-iiif thn iiat Ittii
week canted death. Ho wus M
yean old.
Mr. CM'krcll, a democrat, wmil
fivn iterate iu th t'uitinl SLittd.. sen
ate. 'Jit day ha Uft the Menute he
waa appotNUd a menaei of the in
terstate pwnmerce coaunnwHMi by
niemlx-i until r.-nur 31. )0ln. In,
Mil rili. I'tll. I... m.iM aniMiiiiidl I ml l
id Stall - i iiiiiiiu--ioAar Iu adin-t tin
liouiiil.irv 1,'tuiin Tesas a&'l Nc
M. v..
lJriB H ! U.r ilr. I .rnilril
a a niuti-il.'i.ili :imi nt I hit, ii
iii ti"iii .ii.i iii !.. dru' hIii i j in i 1 1
Hi l."i ... . m i.-iur., M".
"Time Has Come to Stop Bloodshed
and Save Civilization From An
archy and Ruin" Resolution Con
demned Wilson's Policy Voted
Down as Unpatriotic.
ON DOAKI) OSCAR II, by wircloHft,
via tho Steamshlit Noordnm, Dec. U.
A resolution condemning President
Wilson's proparcilness policy brought
a protest from prominent members of
Henry Ford's peace party last night
when It was presented for ndontion
Tlio resolution was drawn up by tho
Rev. .Tonkin .Jones and tho Rev. Clius.
V. Asked and others woh asked that
It by signed by nil members of tho
pnrty ns their platform.
More than a dozen mouthers Includ
ing 9. S. McCluro of New York, nnd
Judgo Hon II. Llndscy of Denver, re
fused to fllgn on tho ground that tho
resolution was unpatriotic. Soino of
them ovon threatened' to leavo tho
pnrty after It reached Kuropo It tho
platform wero put through. Its sup
porters said tho opponents of the
resolution failed to understand tho
spirit of Mr. Ford's Invitation.
Appeal to Killers
An appeal to tho rulers of Kuropo
waB Rent out by wireless today ad
dressed Individually to each reign
ing monarch, reading:
"Sir: Wo como In this tlmo of
trouble not to add to your burden but
to help lift thorn, not to consider
which nations nro most to blnmo for
tho disaster that hns befallen Kuropo,
hut to end tho strife, not to Intrudo
ourselves upon your national llfo and
untlonnl ideals but to bring an ear
nest deslro to lironden them and a
heartfelt wish to aid In lightening
"Tho lovo of country for which
every day tons of thousands of llvos
nro sacrificed Is the same iu cvory
Innd. Your nation llko tho pooplo of
nil tho other bolllgeront countries is
fighting for Its national existence
and Its host' untlonnl traditions and
so tlioro can hn no Irroconsllablo dlf
foroncoR. Such common Ideals sure
ty must afford n basis upon which to
establish u magnanimous and honor-
ubln poaco.
Tlmo to Stop llliMHlslirxl
"Tho tlmo hns como to stop tho
bloodshed, to wave tho people from
further slaughter nnd tho civiliza
tion of tho world from nnnrchy nnd
ruin. Has not war been tried enough
in aixtoon months of fighting? Is it
not proven that war cannot solvo tho
problem, hut that It leads only to loss
nnd nilBery Must lives bo crushed
and wiVofl nnd mothers boroaved be
fore wo recognize thnt Kuropo Is
bluodlng to donth and that tho griev
ous wound must bo staunched?
"Wo neutrals aro nbout to join in
a conforenco which shall without do
lay frnmo and submit simultaneously
to you nnd all tho other belligerent
nations proposal! as a basis for a dis
cussion leading to tho final so til o
mont, therefore wo do onrneatly en
treat you and tho rulers of all the
other warring nations to decluro an
Immodlato tritco. Let tho nrmlos
stand -whoro thoy are. Then let tho
negotiations procood so that tho sol
diers may bo dolivorod from nnnthor
bitter wlutor Id tho tronchos nnd sont
back to tholr.lnbors nnd tholr fire
sides. As thoro Is no other way. to
ond tho war except by mediation nnd
discussion, why waste one morn pro
clous human life? For tho sako of
humanity. HKNHY FOKI)."
WASHIN(iT(i. Ii.-.-. 1 1. More
eouflii'tiug diwti'lie-. about tilt) at
tiu'k ou tka Auwricau tank leaiaer
I'ommunipaw reiK-h! tlm talw k-
purlment Wiuy. One omUhJ today at
Malta -iul the ( ilniiiillllMIW llutl JUst
n. ii ImI Alt-kitlidri.i und tliut "thf
i a -ii. 1 1 1 ii tU I"' ri-"'rtd Inter."
A' oilier tHiluiioliiiidiiulfcl that ta
n i uiaSiSn (J)ereiubr 3 ual I
tMHfl 'lnpStTnil 3" llllldi'llllt'lld kUil
ni.inii. . YHffAHB fll I'. il Ini la-t Hr!l
m l-.i i. ! the lu hi. . .itni d uuil
.'. Aiaudria.
Kuril member of Hie Foul jieace party, now on llielr way to Kuropc,
wears n button on whlili Is printed this design.
WASIIIN'CiTON', D. i'. l..-Hnron
Kricli Zweidmek, of the Aus
trian embassy, had a i-unfcrciico with
Secretary Lansing today at his own
request. When it was over Heeietnry
Lansing said the general subject of
tho Ancona ense hud been discussed
nud declined to uiimwi- any ipmstious
i i
WASHINGTON', Dee. LLI'tirthor
notion by tho United Stntna govern
ment on its demand on AiiEtrin-Hun-gary
ns vet forth in n couiuiiiuientiou
regarding the stinking of thtt Itulinn
liner Anconii, tho text of which wns
ptihlihhed today, now real with the
Austrian government.
'i'lic note clearly indicate that n
break in the diplomatic ralalioua be
tween tho two count ri will follow
fuiluro of the Autro-lli!nyAriau gov
ernment to redress tlio nut of the
submit Hue couimHinlcr, whieli ant de
clared to be illegal uud iinlBfenible.
A week lit most pi nimbly rlll be given
Austriu-Hiiugary to .o-ewlu to the
American dcinaiiiN.
SALON I KL (Irene, Dws. I.I, u
Ioiidoii. Tlia iiesuiHir lJOiiiiiui
assorts that llulyariau trooisi aiv
preparing to cross the Ortwk 1'mntier
and that Oreek tnsips mo moving
toward the threatened point, aptur
I'litly with the obci-t of dUpuling a
Itlll.ll l.lll lll.lrilt.
Wrillli.Tn ).., It -Tin- kii
preiuo mart today In Id uuioiiklltil
tlonal the law of l'.ti:', under which
tt Is unlawful to import luovlna pic
ture films of prise fltfliU (or public
caikMinn. Th rfwUloa waa au
a.utfi;d in 9 :qU arisies orer the ex
i tuition at NVwark, . J , of a film of
the Wlllttiil lobii on tight at Ma
WASIIINTiTON', Dec. 13. San
Francisco's campaign for tho Ilopub-
llrnu natlounl convention showed nur
prising strength today.
It was understood that In enso St.
Louis Insioa hope of getting tho con
vnntlou Mho will throw her votes to
tho 1'nclflo const city.
Philadelphia Is cousldorod vlrtunlly
out of tho rnco for tho convention.
Chicago still Is n routondor but thoro
la opposition to that city because it
was tho sceno of tho 11)12 split.
Stiutlmont hognu to develop in tho
commltteo today In favor of holding
tho republican convention before tho
domncrata most to choose tholr pros
lileutlal candidate. Tho democrat'
e roiivunllon will IiokIii In St. Louis
Juno 1 1. Tho commlttoo will uioet
In formal soaslou hero tomorrow to
decide tho tlmo and place for hold
ing the republican convention.
Mamhsra who want an oarly con
vention favor having tint party got
all tho political advantaao it can by
holding the first convention. Thoio
who favor a duto after tho democrat
ic convention favor adopting u lino of
attack after tua democrats Iiavu nam
ed their CHiidldatos.
S. A. Perkins, of Washington, was
elected chairman of tho commlttoo on
calls which frames the notice for tho
convention. The committee and tho
republican leaders In the senate and
hoiike met late today to consider tho
reduced representation from south
ern state.
A majority of the committee wns
aald to fuvor holding the convention
early in June.
WAKMINOTON. Dee. VI. -Com-iuli.irv
mihtarv traimnu' i"r Aaieri
'aiis between VJi mul -A vcar idd i
troMad iu a bill inlnalui ed toduy
by Knator Chauiberiuiu f the wa
ute aiilitary eoyi iM.. The bill i
a iiiodifioali'n ! tin- vi - ii.m.
S.-i.Mlut I lMMtiMtltM Urn" lllli'UUC
cd In doc imt cxiiret the bill to u-,
ImI lir Iii In 1 1 -. ilii'u-.-ioii will lie ul
i il ' , ,il ii .
South Carollnnn Snys Dryan Is
Simply Obsessed, While Roosevelt
Roars Like a Veritable Bull of
Bashan Navy Should Come First,
and Opposcrs Branded ns Dicmy.
WASHINGTON', Dec. 1H. Declar
ing William J. Hrynu ns "simply oil
scessed," uud Theodore llooicvclt hb
"the ginnt in Mollier Goose," Clmir
iiiiiii Tillman of tho naval eommitteo
adilressed the senate loday on nn
tional defense nnd assailed what ho
characterized as the greed of private
mnuufneturers of war muteruils.
Senator Tilhnun ttnheld Secretary
Daniels' mliuiiiist ration of the navy
department uud churaclcrizcd ns
"simply outrageous' .-rities of tho
department, numbering among them
former Sccretnry Moyor.
''The tpicstiou of prepnredness re
quires grnvo coiisideration nnd
pronuit netion," said Senutor TUI
nuiii. "There nro all sorts of opin
ions nnd ndvico from nil ipmrlers
good, bad and not only unwise, but
unthinkable of adopt ion except by
wild men from Hornco.
".Mr. llryan, tho evangelist of
peaoo nl any price, is bitterly oppos
ed to any and all increase. He seems
to he simply ohscosscd on this sub
ject, uud has Inst his usual poise.
Kx-President lloosovolt, on the other
hand, who snorts nud roars lileo a
veritable bull of Hnshiin, poses us the
god of war and o.lnmors for a very
largo standing nnny uud great re
serves, Ho reminds one of the giant
in ".Mother (loese:
" M-V, fi, fo, film,
I smell tho blood of a German man.
lie ho nlivo or ho ho dead,
I'll grind his bonus to mnho my
bread. '"
The senutor said ho realized (he
necessity lor n grout urniy, but thnt
the navy, "our firat lino of defense,"
should come first.
"Tho country ought to regard as a
public oiiemy nny senutor or member
of congress who tries to delay or
thwart this purpose," Sonntor Till
niaii declared.
"Wo huvo nu minor trust now,"
ho continued, "just us wo hnvo hud
nil along, and it ia doing business at
tho sumo old stands -llethlchcm,
Carnegie, .Midvale.
Mojcr Indlclisl Keif
"Tho critics of tho navy depart
ment, under Secrotnry Daniels, hnvo
been unusually active nud outrai'o
ous in their work, not hesitating to
oven ninko false statements," said
tho sonntor, "Tho one man particu
larly active iu this criticism has been
hia immediute predecessor, Mr.
Moyor, who seems to bo uucousoiotia
of tho iact thnt in indicting the navy
lis ho has under Secretary Daniels,
ho, iu truth, ia indicting himself and
his republican predecessors iu tho
navy department.
"The congress hns appropriated
enough money, but il has boon sipiau
dered, misappropriated or spent un
wisely.'' Concluding, Senutor Tillman made
n. plea for prompt notion on his ar
mor plato bill.
"Nothing hut brazon effrontery uud
unbridled greed aided by official cor
ruption in Washington can delay the
puagc of this hill, and I hope that
it will become law inside of Unity
du," he Mini.
PORTLAND, Or., Dee. U.- That
Dr. M. It. Maivclliis cit health oi -fieer,
wu derelict iu Iiin duty in hi
can of u lHr who died iu this cilj
last October and that lie wade false
statements iu regard to the case,
were tlie accusation made here to
day bv Dr. D. N'. Kolierg. -retary
of the stute Lou id nl lealili, Uiiue
the cilv eouucil, winch -I art .! an ni
Vaalivatliili Hit" (lie mill unit uitinli ot
the I'urllai ( llr.iltll hull ail. lilt T.
Ueewaii, wbo was discharged reeently
bv Dr. Murnellus from the ioition of
i luff miuruulai ollucr, made suui-
Secretary of Navy Would Have Gov
ernment Manufacture Powder, Ar
mor Plate, Torpedoes, War Vessels
and Munitions tn Order to Save
Exploitation by Trust.
WASHINGTON, Dec. .13. Manu
facture, bv tho government itself of
powder, nnnor plnte, torpedoes, wnr
vessels and munitions of war, in or
der to prevent tho government from
being exploited of enormous nmounts
iu privuto profit by tho steel trust
nud tho nnnor ting, is tho outstand
ing recommendation iu tlio report of
Secretary of tho Xnvy Joscphus l)nu
ids mndo to tho president toduy.
Thnt tho greatly increased building
program recommended for tho next
fivo venrs should bo Inrgcly carried
out by tho department is Daniels'
Hound Public Policy
"Kxpcrionco hns demonstrated," ho
snys, "that it has been sound public
policy for tho government to bo nblo
to mutiufnctiiro smokeless powder. A
few years ago tho government paid 80
cents n pound to tho privuto compnny
from which it purchased its supply
(tho l)u Pout powder trust) . . .
At tho first session of tho sixty-thinl
congress I recommended nn nppropri
ntion to add tn tho plant nt tho naval
proving ground, tho appropriation to
lie largo enough to enable tho navy to
manufacture nil tho powder for its
ordinary needs. This year tho prod
uct wan ncnrly '1,000,000 pounds.
Congress mndo tho appropriation and
tlio nnvy will oon bo innnufneturing
iu its own plant nt Indian Head nil
tho powder it needs at u cost of 'Jf
cents per pound instead of the 511
cents il has been paying to private
manufacturers. Tlio cobt of mnnu
fuoturing in our own plant has stead
ily decreased. If tho .'1,081,078
pounds manufactured had been pur
chased, it would hnvo cost, nt C:
emits per pound, $'J,11'J,0!)8.31. In
nsmtich as tho notiiul cost to tho
nnvy was 'J.") cents, tho cost was
.fOOOJM.nO, or $l,llfi,7D:i.Bt losB
than tho prico charged by tho private
tnuntifucturcrs. This wiving is fur
oiio your only."
Armor I'lato Factory
Tho secretary ronows his rccom
mciidntioii for a government armor
pinto fuctory another effort in tho
quarter century fight to eliminate tho
private profit graft from nnnor con
tracts. "It has been demonstrated
beyond controversy," finys Mr. Dan
iels, "thnt tho prices charged by tho
nrmor-plnto plants hnvo no reference
tn competition nud little reference to
tho cost of production ... It is
estimated thnt if our government
should establish a plant with tho enp
ucity of 10,000 tons, armor plato
oouhl bo manufactured nt .02.70 per
ton, or a fuctory with L'0,000 tons
capacity at .f'JUO per ton. Tho prico
charged tho govorumont for the last
nnnor pluto purchased was $125 per
ton, nnd tho prico iu 1013 wns .flol
on contract let March 3, 11)13, nud
fl-IO per ton on contract let Novem
ber 17, 1013, nnd in 1012 $420 pur
ton. This shows that u very largo
saving ciiii ho effected if tho congress
makes an appropriation m nccord-
nnco with my recommendntion for tho
orocciou of nn nnuor-plato plant."
Project llo Factory
Soerolarv Daniels assorts that if
nu nnnor plato plant had been built
(Contlnuod ou pago six)
IT 1. 1 NO, Dee. 13. -Tho Chinese
cabinet went to tlio pnhioo in n body
today to eongratiilato President Yiiitn
Shi ICni on liis forthcoming accession
to the throne.
The iirtwideut said condolonccs
should he in order, ns ho had
assumed the gruvost responsibilities
l or himself ami hi uimily. Ho ilis-
iximgwl an idea of celebrating tho
ro-eatablialunent of tho monarchy,
laitan's attitude is now tho subject
of the greatest peuulntiou at Poking.