Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    iZm&itoiratmmymiiBmm v. wt&nmsmatmvw&x
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:-:;. efptexffiKvctssniitmmmmMmmiimti junHttm
Elks' memorial services were held
in their temple Sunday nftenioon, tho
occasion being fittingly observed. The
address was by Supremo Judge Henry
L. Henson of, member of
Klnimith Fillip lodge. The eulogy,
"Our Absent lirothers.," was delivered
by J. lv. Chonte, Jr. "Thniintopsis,1'
ns recited by C. U. Wolf, was n lit
ernry gem. Musical accompaniments
were by Mr. C. 11. Wolf, Mrs. J. H.
Provost, Professor McMurrny und A.
1.. Strickland. Dev. P. IC. Hammond
delivered both the invocation und
benediction, uhile for n postlude the
nudience joined in the doxology. Ou'
the neetologicnl roll the lia.nes ot 34
appear since the lodae was instituted,
three of whom Arthur S. Hubbard,
Willnim J.'Oowlniid and Henry J.
Clarl: have passed nwny within the
past year.
For ratings us observer, Corporal
Lee Porter and Private If. 0. Putter
field have passed examinations, also
Serjeant Donald M. Spencer us gun
eoiniunnder in the count artillery ser
vice. All are members of tho local
First company.
Miss Hue Sine Dowell of Iown
Falls, la., visited .Air. and Mrs. W.
II. Day last Saturday. She repre
sents the New York Mi'trnjmlitnn
company, n musical attraction which
appeared heie several years ago ami
was on her way from Seattle to Stin
llillnh Templo of Mystic Shriners
elected the following officors last Fri
dny evening: ('. W. Kims, potentate.;
W. K. Xewcombc, chief rnhban; (leo.
T. Collins of Medford, assistant rab
Iiiiii; Thou. Dunford, high Driest) antl
prophet II. C. Sparr, oriental guide;
C. II. Vaupelj treasurer; W. II. Me
Nnir, recorder. Delegates lb tho im
perial council at Buffalo next Julv,
T. K. Ilultun and W. II. MeXnir. In
stnllation of the newly elect will oc
cur in January. In the meantime the
local temple is making preparations
for an elaborate ceremonial here on
New Yenr'n tiny.
'irrigation features weio nt high
tide last Thursday night nnd a good
shnrc of Friday. Jupiter Pluvius was
chairman of tho committee on precip
itation. The wind Thursday night
blew hot air from the oast and re
minded one thnt tho equinox was ar
ranging a readjustment meteorolog
ically. The otficinl downpour was
over an inch. As n result, plows aro
scurrying hither and you, making up
vfur lost time.
As a result of too much nirgun tur
ret iirnetiec, Artro Swin);l'( sun of
Frank Swindle, received a dumdum
pelot iti th( fnfc Inst Saturday, dan
gerously near tho left eye. The lad
is I) years old. lfo was taken to the
hospital for treatment. The shot is
supposed to have come from n near
line of trenches on Hush street, pio
t eel inc a masked bnttery when- Hoy
Scouth hove been maneuvering in
light .'itillery tactics extensively of
It. P. Campbell has bold his fine
residence property, corner Mnuanitn
nnd Almond streets, to Dr. F. II.
Johnson, dental practitioner, taking
ill part exchange the doctor's home,
corner Hush and High, the balance in
cash. This is a $7000 deal effected
through the Allen & Phipps agency.
The "Arendo Press" is a new job
printing concern, conducted along
amnteiir lines at 272 Harrison street,
with the installation of type and ma
chinery in priwito resilience, sur
roundings. Tom Williamson of Medford, n for
mer deputy in the county otfices, was
in town on business the last of the
Manly Cherrv nnd wife arc home
from the MeOoud lumbering district
for the winter season.
Amouir recent change of habitat,
Milton F. flivcir has moved into town
from his ranch in the Cove neighbor
hood anil is occnp.ving the fioodyenr
house on Church street. The Tyrrell
family, I nun linker county, me nc
iiip.ving the I'hipps tenement in the
Noli Hill district. Andy Payne hns
moved from Mountain avenue to the
Stanlev house ou Pioneer sheet. Ow
ing to the -sale of the It. P. Campbell
lfhidence, Charley Hast, vulcnnierat
the Park garage, will move into the
Judge Calkins' house on I.nurel street.
Among hospital and other untients,
Pohtmaster Kaiser and C. C. Weiscn
hurger are recovering rapidly, the
former having been up and around
to n limited extent. The condition of
M. 0. Lawrence of Hucklioni lodge,
u hospital patient, icmniiis criticnl.
Piofessor Ining K. Vining deliver
ed the iiddiCHs at the memorial ser
vices held b Medford Elks, and not
It, L. Vining, as announced by ut
side papers,
George Crews is home fioin his
tpinrtz mining proposition in Douglas
county, 20 miles from Hostiburg,
known nc the Continental mine. He is
enthusiastic over developments and
plans to ittuin after the approaching
D. J. Ciistlenian, who fonneily
managed tho Dreamland Hustler, is
now in the employ of Gibbs & Hill of
Xew York City, and is engaged in
olectntyinsr h 7fi-uiilo tiontmut on tho
Norfolk & Wlom railroad (ut of
Nlnefield, y. Va.
.Mr. Hiiuimh MeOcu roturmtd Sat-
Freckles and His
,.;JS2 l S(?METUlr4Jfe3-i '"' f VER PA DID NT K' l ?VESS W t
iMF Mwo4&-' mIJpdctiits V PA KNOWS .:
: ' (: ' : UFOPI 1 1 .UlWti. MAKE bRblltia : ;!. IMODE'N VFD; I
m Jm . .; y -:Js! j ; JTU' right aay,: ' - N i-
... ' I
urdny from n isit with friends? nt
Grants Pass.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hichmnn, froin their
newly netpiiivd ranch property in tho
Kvans creek section, are visiting ut
the home of K. J. Edwards.
EtiL'iiiei'i' Frank Dean nnd wife re
turned home Ironi San FmncNco nnd
other jHimts in i tuiiomin msi m
tiny night.
J. W. Hicks died Sunday aftentoon
nt his residence on Oarlield street,
lifter nrotractcd illness, ngt;d nbout
70 yenrs. He was a civil war veteran
und commander of the. local (1. A. It.
organization, Hurnside Post, Xo. 'Jo.
Miss Hnth Campbell of Medford
was tho guest of Mirs Naomi Wilson
during the Thanksgiving bolulnys.
Leonard Woodford of Medford was
the dinner guest of Joe Wilson Fri
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. X. Campbell nero
all-day guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. L.
T. Wilson Sunday.
Iist Wilnesdnv night n dance, was
given nt tho Odd Fellows hell, nil
present having a line time.
A mustiuemde jwny will be given
ut the Odd Fellows hull Xew Year's
Joe. Kcrbv nnd A. A. Willey gave
n dance ut the Xouumc ranch last
Saturday night.
Mr. Carter of Eugene Is visiting his
son, O. It. Carter, of this town.
Mrs. Schoultu of Medford vihitcd
tho Anderson creek school Wodnos-
The Ladies' Aid society of tho
Methodist church held nfanc" work
sale and served a chicken supuer laH
Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith cnteitained
James Drown and family on ThuuLs-
giving day.
Miss Susie King m u new student
in our eighth grade.
Mis Alta Scott entertained Her-
nico Finley und Wiunificd lteynolds
over Thunksgiving.
Jtrs. Hcsselgriivo h niece from Cen
tral Point has been visiting her this
past week.
A dramatic club from Phoenix is
to put on "Miss Molly" in the high
school uuilitorium Snturdnv evening.
Mrs. H. C. High is enjoying n VH)'
from her brothel, Mr. Evans, of Cali
A surprise party was given Marion
Trvcr Sntnidnv evening at his honie.
It was enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Ada Standard left for the San
Francisco fair Thursday and Miss
Moore of Ahsland is substituting for
her in the Talent school.
Miss Hemice Finley gave a party
last Friday night in honor of her
brother, who is going to leave soon.
flames were played anil candy pulled.
Everyone had a splendid time.
A surprise pnrtv'was gien for Mil
dred Ward Inst Satuidny evening.
Although the crowd vns smnll, every
one onjoyed the evening.
A isiient-tcnelierv club was organ
iwd in the Anderson creek school
district Wednesday afternoon. Tho
first meeting will be held Januarv 1-1
The Anderson creek school gavo a
Thanksgiving entertainment Wednes
day afternoon. The program consist
ed of recitations and songs, after
which licht refreshments; were serv
ed. Supervisor A. II. Chuso gave an
interesting talk to the parents.
Mr. and Mr. C. Wi Holdridgo en
tertaincd the following people nt
dinner TlinnkNgiving day: Mr. nnd
Mr. F. A. IJccd, Mrs. Ella Holdridge,
F. L. Holdndge and family, Mr. ami
Mis. D. C. Hurley, Mr. ami Mis. W.
H. Walterson.
Kev, and Mrs. M. C. Heed were en
tertaincd Thnnksciving at the homo
of E. E. Foss.
Mrs. EII.I Cook .uid Mrs. Harrv
Luy spent a few hours in Mcdlord
W. It. Coleman was a recent Jack
sonville called.
Mrs. Chutltw l.olm and Mimi
Frances Ash of Medford spout Thurs
day nftenioon with friends living
Henry Hoef, who recently returned
from servico in the navy, left for
Portland Tliiirsdiiy evening to visit
his sisters. '
Mrs. A. I. Ecke'sou nnr. daughter
returned to Portland Friday evening,
vvheru they will icsidn this winter.
Mrs. T. W. Fulton arrived from
Yrekn, Cnl., Sunday, and s n guest
at tho home of lior mint, Mrs.- IT. (lul.
lup. '
M.r. and Mrs. 0. J. Shafer ur rn
cciviug eoiigrntulntions on the birth
of a, tluughter who arrived last Mon
day, tho 'JOth.
Miss Ekrou Gall has entered tho
Sacred Heart hospital, where she will
take n course in 'nursing.
Miss Lulu Williams, who has been
confined to her room for n number of
weeka, is able to be out nguin.
Mm. Lewis I'lrich entertained Inst
Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs.
C. 0. Pcrriu, who is en route from
San Francisco to Chicugo. The nft
crnoon was spent with canlii, follow
ed by n two-course luncheon. The la
dies invited to meet Mrs. Pcrriu in
cluded Mrs. H. E. Golden, M. F.
J. Fitik, Mrs. If. Luy, Mrs. John Dun
nington, Mx. F. E. Smith, Mrs. Guy
Harper, Mrs. H. M. Cd'isi Mrs. J.
Heter, Mrs. A. I. Eekelson, Misses
Leila Prim and Ethel Dick and Eliza
beth Hluckford, Mrs. Smith, Mis. 0.
C. King mid Mrs. Ittmil Gregory of
The funeral of, Mrs. Canio H.
Leavenworth, who died at ltdlnnls,
Cul., was held in Jacksonville Thurs
day morning.
Mr. and Mis. Charles Nunun und
daughter relumed from threo weeks'
frip to California Saturday, wheic
they visitejl relatives and took in the
Miss Miiuiio Irelnnd of Grants Pas,"?
xpent u few hours in town Thursday.
Miss Ireland is one of the applicants
for the postoffice ut that place.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hueklev were
in from Huch Thursday.
A very enjovable evening was spent
at thu home of .Mrs. J. Deter on Wed
nesday, whim she entertained with
four tables of cauls, Delicious re
freshments weie served nt tho close
of the evening to tho following
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Haner, Dr.
nnd Ma. D. E. Golden, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Luv, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pick, Mr.
and Mr I. Lewis I'lrich. Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Xuiinn, Mr. ami Mrs. It. M. Col
lins, Mrs, August Singlcr nnd Cm ley
Hnrrv Dnnlw nnd T. C. Gainc re
turned from Medford Thursday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Edward Linvillo nnd
llinl Johnston hnvc gone to Sum's
creek to spend n month.
Miss Edna Whitley of Portland and
sister wero the guests of their broth
er, Day, and family this week.
Miss Euln Houston hat, spent the
last ten (lavs at the Puiinmn fair at
San Francisco, Cnl.
Chris Herginnn bus been ou the sick
.list this week.
Mrs, George Fry is having tpiile a
serious time with her hand. She speut
this week in Eagle Point to he near
the doctor.
Friday night was n stormy night,
hut novnrtholoss the Deeeo cieek box
social lonlizcd .'J8.70 from tho sale
of the boxes and everyone had a good
Miss Min Hnun.ih is vihiting friend,
on Tiail circk.
Peter Hct. and Edward Foster
wttie Eagle Point visitors Saturday.
E. E. Ash ictiinied from Ccntinl
Point Thmvdny,
.Mr. und Mrs. Schiivler Hammond
spent Thanksgiving in the valley.
Mr Mnloon, from east ot the moun
tain, Is vlstln .' Morgan und fnin-
MIm Hdythrt Creeile rotuni. .1 'rm
Owiitral Point Tuesila to her sohool
.Miw Yuri It lli' rtiturneil to chool
Saturday. She hns been visiting her
Mrs. flmnmcrvlllo nnd family mov
ed to Medford, whore they exnnct to
spend tho winter.
It. I). Mills and mother loft Tues
day for Ban Francisco, whero Ihoy
expect to spend n few days visiting
the fair. Mrs. Mills will return to
lior home In Michigan. Mr. Mills
will return homo by way of Klamath
Mr. Allen has, been up helping to
fix up to mo of tho broken telephone
(leo. Darker nnd wife went to
Eagle Point this week. Mrs. Darker
had tho mtHfortmio to run a needle
In her foot.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Jnclmon havo
rented tho liousn of J. Hughes nnd
wbh seen moving yesterdny.
Elmer Heap has rented a houso and
lias been busy doing carpenter woik.
What time ho bns not been walking
tho streotH betweon Ills 1ioub und
Abbottt's to get orders. We all havo
been wondering what It ill means.
Harvey Murphy enmo up from Med
ford in his auto Thursday nnd re
turned Friday.
Tho lltterary Boclcty mot Friday eve.
Had a good nttendanco and u Reed
program. Several wero nude mem
bers that evening.
It has just been beard that Mr. J.
Cook died Friday evening at G:30.
Huve. not board particulars.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
traet Co., Sixth and Fir BU.
Ittutl Estate, Tnuibfeix
Mrs. Dora Frees to Qustav Gil
bert, lot IC bile 2 Gray's
add. Medford ..$10.00
Ceo. It. Dudley to Elmor O.
iKnuffninn, lot B blk t I.nurel
Hurst add. Medford 10,00
United States to John Laden,
pt. 22-34-1W Vntont
W. H. Slugler, sborlff, to Ken
neth a Wjckofr, pt. 3C-2W.
sheriff deed 17,998.97
James II. Cronemlller to Chas.
II. Dasyt), lot 1 blk -1 Jack
sonvileo 10, Q0
Josso L. necklay to K, O. Ar
gravcH, lots 3 and t blk 53
Central Point 10.00
Walter Dixon to Grace Dixon,
lota 3 und blk G3 Central
Point 10.00
Frederick II. Johnson et ux to
Richard P. Campbell, lot In
Ashlund 10.00
Richard Campbell to Frederick
H. Johnson, lot In Ashland 10.00
K, II. Cunningham to Lincoln
Gray, bind In .18lV 10.00
J. G. Snlvely to E. J. Rtownrt,
land In 37-1 W 1.00
Hello Nlckell vs. Jesso W. WHuon
et nl, order of default.
Seymour H. Hell vs. J. F. Deddy
et al, demurrer.
A. K. Dixon vs. Tho Gold Hill Co.
Itogtin River Co., vs. Geo. II. Dug
gett ot al, order.
Lola M. OlmHtead vs, Myron Olm
'xtoad, divorce
H. N. Lofland vs, Halo's Piano
Houho, Judgment.
Kloience Semh vs. Albert K. Sems,
return of summons,
W. It. Monro vs. It. IC. Goodnough,
defutilt, judgment.
Hs(ati of James K. Deader, peti
tion to appoint appraisers.
In re: adoption of Uiura Steward,
Dorothy Stewurd, tifflilutlt, petition.
I'rlctwi rma ly neinor
EGGS - ir.c.
HI TIED- Dniry, n2'jc.
HONEY PJo per lb.
CIDED 2oo.
PODK $&6e,
DEEP flllo.
1JACQN-Hj18e. ;fc. I
Siiii-ii MV DAD AN' ME? I.
'ykNoweveisVTHiNG- :,:!j::;:;:'
,..Y Vl N TH WORLD, J .;i.::
I - Wg PQ f.
HAM 10c.
HrTTED-Wholesnlo, UOe.
HOGS Alive, -I to Tic. ,
STEEDS Alive, 409An.
COWS Alive, 4olVaC
VEAL JJiessed. 810f.
Live Poultry
HENS Lnrge, ovnr 4 lbs., lie;
under 4 lbs. ,flt)o; old roosters, tie;
slags, 0c; spring, Pic.
DUCKS Fat, 8c.
TUDKEYS - 13 to lfiV, nccordim; to
Hay ana Grain
(Huying Prices.)
WHEAT 81 o bushel.
OATS $25 ton.
HAY Alfnlfti, $E1 ton; gioln, $12.
HAD LEY While, $2(1.
DAWSON, Y. T Dec. 0. With tho
freezing solid of tho Yukon river yes
terday, the wlntur highway to tho
railroad terminus at White Horso
wns established. Threo horse-drawn
stages are operated each way. To
ward spring there will bo dally ser
vice. Tho annual Noithwest Mount
ed I'ollco expedition, currying mull
for tho Htcfanssoii explorers, whalers
nnd traders will leuvo hero Just after
ChrlstmaH. At Fort Mcl'herson tho
party will moot another body ot mini
bringing mall from Herscholl Island
and other points ou tho Arctic. Let
ters from Stofansson and bis men are
expected to be In this mail.
Notice Is hereby given that John
Ilrownlce and George D. Corey doing
n grocery business under tho firm
name of llrownleo nnd Corey, nt 327
East Main street, Medford, Oregon,
hnvo dissolved partnership, John
Ilrownlce being now the solu owner
of salt! business. The affairs ot said
partnership hnvo been placed in tho
hands of tho undcudgncd for adjust
ment, and all parties having accounts
with suid firm aro n-qucsted to comu
forward piomptly for settlement In
order that Its business may bn wound
Dated November 13th, 1915.
232 Knst Main Street, City.
Ono cent per word per Issuo.
Blx Insertions for price ot tiro.
Fifty cents per line per month
without change.
Hf T Jf Jt ffc (Jl W T fc ill i y p Jf
foii m:.T nou.sKH
FOD DENT--Modorn furnished hoiiBo
keeping rooms, closo In; gns and
wood stoves. 231 East 9th. 23!)
FOR "DENT Well furnlshodTinodorn
bungalow. 422 South Luurel.
FOD DENT Col. Sargent's placo on
Oalululo avenue. Inqulro ot If. H,
Njcor Doy 11. Peebles, 225
stenographer; have had 3 ears of
flee experience; can furnish refer
enres, Address Doy V. Potter,
Jlox 142, or Phono :ir,K-J, Ashluud.
L . ' . ' J
80 acres ou the Applegate, with
komo stock and Irrigation, f 4900 00,
Another there of 160 acres, stock, Ir
rigation and buildings, $7500 and
many other lanchcs priced right,
A good one near Pendleton, irrigat
ed and water right paid, IK7 acres at
$100.00; will take In good little place
In exchaiiKO.
A tow furnished nnd soma unfur
nished houses for lent.
lloom 10, JarkjMin County I tonic llltbr.
Take the right step now; pleasant,
profitable work not overdone; few
months learning; positions guarun
teed; write for references und partic
ulars. Portland Watchmaking, t'n
graving und Optical School, 218 Com.
monwenlth Hldg,, Oth and Aukeny,
Portland, Oregon.
ir y' '
. Is' ::$ :,i-!' iCi' " !' r'i ! nwr' ONE" OFiiH
, :..-":-i'll;fi.8:. ;. ." WM'TMiriG? my i
' VZZ0
WitiH,.,,, -
FOII SALE Vf VlrrTgatcdnrdcn
soil, berries, fruit, nlfalfn, a flnn
residence, $5000, terms. Clark
Realty Co., 20J'hlpp9 Uldg.
roil 8AMV WTBntOOK
FOD 8ALK Ono registered Duroo
Jersey brood sow, otio boar, flvo
gilts, ready for service, nine wean
lings. All cholcu stock, will be
sold cheap. 11. W. Davidson, Cen
tral Point. 22 J
FOD SALB-rNlnety good sound Dttm
boullct ewes bred to high grade
black fuco bucks. Rosenberg Hros.,
Central Point. Tel, Slxxxl.
FOR SALE Cow, bungy. chickens,
lic.y, corn, bicycle, burrow, cultlva.
tor. G, Allder, Doss Ijine. 224
FOR BALE Jersey cow nnd 1 Jer
sey heifer, 18 months old; cow 3
yrs. old. Address 425 Mnnrunltn
St., North Riverside. 22f,
FOD SALE Jersey cow giving 4 gul.
5.4 milk; also youn Durham bull
cult Junes Dros,, Capitol Hill.
Phono 370. 221
FOR SALE Grain hay nnd sceso.
Phono 591-J2.
FOR SALE DrcSitod hogs, corn fed;
baled alfalfa und grain hay; beard
less barley seed. Phono 201-H3
FOD SALE SmalL olght percent
mortgages on ranches near Agato
ami Englo Point. Address llox
521 Medford, Oro.
FOR SALE Good second liund Tbor
electric washing machine Phono
570-11, or call 240 S. Rlversldo.
FOR SALE Havo cockerels bred by
last year's Spokano winner, $2.00
nnd up. Eruest Wohb, Central
Point. 222
FOR SALE Good piano;-will tnko
part cash, balance In live stock? P.
0- Hox 725, Phono 538-L. 221
FOR SALE Stock beets nnd carrots
G.Oftjpcr ton, F. L. Caton, Cen
tra) .Point, D. F. D. No. 2, Phono
29x3. 232
WANTED MimrtnjrvKOUa
NVAXrEir TO" "lii fENT iTy ""couplo
ivlthout chlldrou, a small furnish
ed house with large ard. Adtlress
with lowest rent, llox 77, .Mall
Tribune. 220
WA NTED Cull apples nt Rog"uo
River Canning Co.
WANTED To purchnBO Irrigated
ranch; prcfor location In district
north and east of Medford; place
must be Irrigated or under propos
ed extension of Irrigation ditch;
pi Ire nuiHt bo luasonablo; glvo
price and best terms, also section,
township und range In replying.
Address I. O. llox 207, Medford.
Oregon, 233
PERSONAL Hen Sholders, write
Oliver your nddress at once; Im
portant. 219 Front St. San Fran
(toco. 225
FOR IJXCIIANGE Improved ranch
nenr Rosohuig, Oregon, 120 acres
to exrhungo. J M. Jildd, Rosehurg
Oregon. 385
Will trado for cow, bogs or feed.
Ernest Webb, Cential Point. 222
FolTiixCHANoT:" I nni ln"a posN
Hon to nrraiiRO for trades for Cal
ifornia property, cither city or
county, In exchango for Roguo
river property. Address for pres
river property Address L, H.
Houston, 117 Juy St. 232
Decauss my stock, m irudo Is to
have optioned, at tho lowest etih
prlco the best buy In this county.
I havo been on tne ground look
ing out for you for tho past five
years. Neurly overydny I have in
vestigated some "good thing." I have
eliminated everything excopt those
deals which I am convlncod will se
cure tne satisfied customer.
In a fow hours tlmo I can give you
tho benefit of this research. It Is in;
business to show you over tho county
and Introduce you to the possibilities
and opportunities here. Bee Med
ford tint and
ioa Vtt maIu Hu-t
By Blosser ,
Auto Supplies
nre operating tho largest, oldest
nnd best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Ore.
OEO. W. CHERRY Attorney., and
Notary, Doom 9, Jackson County
Hank Dulldlng, entrunco N. Cen
tral, Medford, Ore,
Attorncys-nt-Lnw, Rooms 8 and
9, Medford National Hank bldg.
Coroy bldg.
O, M. RODERTB Lawyer.
Medford National Duuk Bulldtns.
Gamett-Corey Uldg., ulto
Medford, Oro. Phono 8 GO.
Collections nnd Reports
collected some accounts 14 yearn
old. Wo know bow to get the
money. Tho Uuuock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' Uldg., 210 B. Main st.
Engineer nod Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINOS Snglncor and
contractor, 404 M. F. & It. Uldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Garbage
aARflAGE Got youV premise
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbugo wagons for
good service Phono 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
401, Oarnett-Corey bldg. Fred Al
ton Halght, piano; Mrs. Florence
Halllduy Halght, voico. Phone
Physlcluiii nnd Surg co na
DR?"r "a,1" CARLOW, DR. "EVA
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathto
physlcluns, 410-417 Garnctt-Coroy
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
28 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Gnruett-Corey
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J, EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
eur, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tlflcally tooted and glasses sup
plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S. P,
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phono 507,
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, oftlco 30, rest
donco 724-J. Oftlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
P'jyslclans and surgoons. Office
309-310-311, M. F. & H. bldg.
Phones, rcsldcnco 814-J2. o trice
clun and surgeon. Oftlco Pain
block, oppostto Nash hotel, llama
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. Q. HEINE, M. D, Eye. Ear,
Noso und Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions rolleved by
properly fitted glasses. Cross oyes
Btrulghtened. Office 22H E Matn
t.j phone 303. Conmiltatlou froe.
Prlutcn and rubllslicrs
ncn ixjuippea prlutlng oftlco x
tout hern Oregon; book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North,
Fir ot.
Public Stenographer
M, ? BinVAitils Steographw
and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-410
Garuetl-Corey building, Office
phono 709-J, resldenco phone
Phor, room 29, Jackson County
Hank Hldg. Dictation taken any
placo any tlmo by tbo only Stono
typo operator in Southern Ore. ON
iii'U puuno tin, itec. sti-.i.
Office 4? North Front at. Phone
315, Prices tight. Service guar
t i"sV1 .aiiJfc ) i !Ka all