Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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. ft'
MKUKonu rniNTiNa co.
Office Mnlt Trlliuno JlillMlnff, 25-27-59
North l'lr street, telephone 75.
Tlic Dotnocrntle Times, Tlio Mnlroril
Mnll, Tho Medford Trliiuip, Tlio Houtli
ern Orcgouau, Tlia Ashland Trlmno.
nunscnii'Tioif rates
Ono yenr. by nial P-.M.... $5.00
Ono month, by mnll co
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Mcilfortl, Phoenix, JnukHnnvllla
nml Central Point M .CO
flatnrtlay only, by mnll, pr year .. 2.o)
Weekly, per yeur...
.'iflclnl Paper of the City of Medford.
Official Paper of Jnrknon County.
Entered nn Rfnmnl.-fllnNN (imllnf nl
Medford, Oregon, undur tlio act of March
3, 187.
Bworn Circulation for 19H, 2888.
Pull IcoBod wlro Associated Press dis
patches. 3nji$
Subscribers falling to receive
papers promptly, phono Clrcu-
latlon ManaGor at 250-H.
Just bought n now lamp nml It
nmokos. What nliall I ilo? Ilotty.
(Tlurn It out -loo young to smolk?.)
A slcgo gun In an Instrument usoil
for tlio purpoHO of nltorlng innpn
J. .1.
A Ill-ami Noiv (loir .loko?
First CaddyOnco my fatlior Hliot
n wild lynx. It had eyes aH big as
golf balls.
Second Caddy J.Maybo It wna a
golf lynx.
Tlio Only Ono
Tho ladloH try to catch tho oyo
With hats and drohsim now;
Tho college lad Ih Just nu bad,
And airs IiIh fashions, (no.
Uut aflor all, In Mprlng or fall,
This truth romalnoth Kill,
Tho soldier boy's tho only guy
That'll all dressed up lo kill.
Jas. M. Morion, In JuiIko.
Tixltij'h llollilugci
According to Olis Thomas, tho fa
iiioiih jdayrlght, u uohlo KiikIIhIi limit
enmo over to Now York with a must
cal rovuo last winter. bringing with
him his prize bull pup. Ilo entered
a store on lower lliondwuy ami nskod
for "puppy blsoulla."
"Kuro," camo back tho olork, "aro
von going 'uni hero or tnl,o
'om IlUllU?"
Wilfred oilt frames plotuio for
thu grille art toio In -Vqw York
Stella's Ibiigalu CtiuiitiT
Six email ohlldrou con mako fur
nlluro look antique quicker than a
dealer. i
Uglit Crop Only Might Ilo i:H' I.1
Yostorday I InotruntQil Mary, tho
new cook, to plant some bulbs In tho
new flowor pots. Sho did. Only,
they wore of tho electric light va
riety C. II.
lllriliiK UN I'liikels
First Crook- Seo that folia? lie's
a millionaire am) I Just hook hands
with hi in I
Second Crook If ou did ou
iutit have done It luelde Ills pocket.
lluffalo, N. V.. l)o. 0. A bag
gageman wan atgiarlHK under m
tnjiik at tho West Shore It It uta
tlou horn tody. "U careful," I
said, "I wouldn't hnvo you drop that
trunk for nlno dollars." "All right,"
answered the parlor, holding out his
right baud, "A dollar In time might
a4vo nlno."
The Mix ThI, the I1em Wnlk, Hie
Tin I U Triii, lli lfWi Wilk and
Now I lie llir Phiu'
'lleforo AjG ,"'1'
Judgo I'rlsonur, Tin a little
pleaso repeat last aaultmeo.
jriiioiior TJirog moutlm. lr.
hi rttf I i ArWM
HIOXRY FORI) is fiisl putting IhiiihcII' beyond flic pale
of respectability. I le impudently and recklessly flies
in ilie face of the desires of the overlords of plutocracy.
They have marked him for destruction. Willi all his mil
lions he will find billions nun
human philanthropy and plays I lie game according to the
rules laid down by Vandcrbill, (Sould and Fiske and per
fected by .Morgan and liockefeller.
Henry .Kord'.s fii'st step in crime was when lie under
took to pay his employes a living wage. Such action on
his part has produced discontent among laborers through
out the country. They will
unreasonable demand lor living wages and shorter hours.
Such things upset business.
Mr. Ford's last effort caps the climax. 7usl at the time
our noble plundercrats are making billions in supplying
the warring nations in Kurope, he wants to stop the fight
and cut off the income of our I'el low-citizens who arc furn
ishing the war material.
A e view as a criminal one who woulrt snatch a crust of
bread from a hungry man. Hut consider what Jlenry Ford
is doing grabbing millions from our Morgans, Rockefel
lers, l)u Pouts and Schwabs. And who is hungrier than
tlieyr A starving man would reluse to eat a morsel ol
bread soaked in human blood, but our plunder-boys are so
famished that every day they take in their yawning maw a
million or two soaked and steeped in the warm blood of
the lion-hearted youth of .Europe, driven into a senseless
war by the plunderbunds of that continent.
Jl.enry Ford may well beware. He is going lo Europe
lo carry a message of peace. "Wall street does not want
peace. Lombard street does not want peace. The finan
ciers ol Uerlin, I'aris and
want pence, hven some ol the ministers ol the gospel in
this country say the killing must go on till one side is
killed off.
So why should Jlenry Ford interfere' lie stands con
demned. He receives a, thousand columns a day of sneers,
meant to burn and sear, from the pages of our great news
papers that always stand up for the rights of the masses
of the people of this country to live in silent, uncomplain
ing poverty, and lo burial in a pauper's grave.
JJul there is another phase of his efforts that makes
thoughtful men awake in the night and shudder in agoniz
ing fear. Suppose Henry Ford succeeds and ends the
high-toned sport the gentlemen of lOurope are now find
ing as gloriously entertaining as some of our gent leiiien are
finding interestingly profitable? It mav mean the cud
of glory wading through slaughter to a throne. It, may
mean the end of commercial supremacy steaming through
a sea of human blood to find a market for its wares, mois
tened with the tears and .spoiled with the blood drops of
the soldiers of industry.
II may mean the end of the rule of emperors, kings,
classes, politicians and millionaires. If may mean the end
of monkey dinners and starvihg children. It may mean
the end of hell and the beginning of heaven.
No wonder some cry, "Crucify him! .Crucify him!"
and follow his ship of peace with curses instead of prayers.
I wish lo thamc (he different
Teacher-Careuta anHoclatloiiH, and my
many friends for working In my be
half to have mo appointed as member
of tho school board, but an wo may,
on account of my wife's health, leave
the elty In tho vory near future, I
have, therefore, decided to withdraw
my name as a candidate for thu above
honor, and honor It Is.
Wo lonvo Monday for Cortland,
and may bo gone several weeks, ilo
poudluK upon health and weather
1)11. .1. I.AWItUNCIC HI Mj.
WASHINGTON. Dec 0. -The fight
to commit senate democrats to a clo
ture rule, which began Immediatelv
after tho ship purchase bill was fili
bustered to death in tho senate h(
the last session, practical); was
abandoned by tho champions at to
day's meeting of tue democratle cau
cus, although It was agieed that a
uou-partlsau effort should ha mudo
during tho session to correct utilise
that have made endless filibusters a
matter of frequent i(Hctlco.
It was declared lo be I he sense of
the caucus that rcMslon of tin rules
E HH fKHsBuausHftv vIILh?
Il -" i".3 -. .3fc - -- m m ffnsiis ! sjhslil I TT allVsf
hist him. unless he sheds his
all soon be putting forth the1
retrourad and Koine do not
should not he apartlsan question nml
that tho whole subject bo roforred to
tho rules committee. A resolution to
that effect will bo Introduced at the
upeulng ot congross Monday and tho
Vn I m committee of which Senator
Overman Is chairman will endeavor
to got tho cooperation of lepubllcan
members In recasting tho methods of
senate procedure. Senator Owen,
chnlrmun of tho special committee
which submitted a cloture rule to tho
caucus, withdrew tho committee ro
port today after several days of spir
ited discussion of tlio threatening
subject. Tho stop dispelled tho pos
sibility of a fight on tho floor of the
senate Monday which might have de
layed organisation of tho senate for
many days and preventing delivery
of President Wilson's address on
Tiiesdio as plannod.
WASIIlNC.TONDeo. Q. Hxtroiuq
simplicity will he observed at tho
w odd In c of President Wilson and
Mrs. Norman Rail, which tho Whlto
House announced today will bo sol-
emnliod Docomber IS, two weeks
from today at tho homo ot Mrs.
(Islt here Tho arrangements vir
tually have been completed.
The president will havo no host
man at tho wedding and Mrs. (lull
will not formally select a mnld of
honor, although one of her ulsters,
irobuhl Miss llertha (lolling of tills
cllj will escort her during the core-mom
T i 1 -"'
Mi-. .M, K. Tiigvm-t, lioltlltij; her
It's unusual for a happy young
wife of 21 to adopt a daughter ot
20, but Mrs. Marshall 10. TaRgart of
Chicago, though she has a chubby
boy baby of two yoars old, baa taken
a "daughter" or 20 under her mater
nal care.
Although It was not tho stock but
a newspaper iid that brought this
"great big !:b" to tho Taggrtrt"
family, tho young mother declares
XKW YORK, Dee. (I.- Fie oihli
liouul indictments weie returned to
iluy uguiiiNt Robert I'u.v, Walter
Seholz, Mux llreilung, Dr. lleibert
Kicnxle, IJngleheft llronk!iort anil
I'aul Dnrehe, All were clmrgeil with
eon.-pinu'.v to muiiinit murder, to
eommit iisMn,iilt-vitli deatlly wenponH
nml to ilextroy -.ships. I'levimi-. in-
ilictmeiilH iigmubt- them merely
(limbed them with uttempting to tle
slrnv Khip.
LONDON, Dec. C Tlio llrlllsb.
Oermaii and Turkish accounts of tho
recent fighting In Mesopotamia while
containing minor disparities respect
ing the casualtloa and character ot
the retreat on tho Tigris, dourly
establish the fact that without fur
therr relnforcemonts, to equal tho
overpowering odds against which
thoy havo been struggling tho llrltlsh
troops under (lenoral Townshond,
havo lilt lo prospect of continuing the
march to llagdad, which city appear
ed a few wool; a tigo to bo almost
wltlilu tholr grasp.
Having advanced during October
find November through the desert of
Irak to the vary environments ot
Uagdad, the llrltlsh roico U now re
tiring upon Kut-Kl-Amara, eighty
miles southeast of Ctuslphon, tho
sceno of the imttlo fought In tho lat
ter part of November In which tho
llrltlsh troops met their first serious
Thu position, therofore, of General
Towushoud's force Is much the saino
iih In Sepleuibor nftor the battle of
Kut-ltl-Aiuura. According to a re
cent account largo Turkish roinforco
moots, supplementing tho forces
which already outnuiubeictl tho llrlt
lsh four to ono, wore flung against
tho llrltlsh Hoops retiring down tho
Tigris, and made a British stand out
of the quotitlon,
I'AUIS, Dr.'. C 'Further imrtlcu
lars of the sluKIng of tho French
steamship Aigorhiu, on Noomber T
show that Do vossel vuk torpedoed
without warning y a submarine fly
ing the AuHiisn tlugr." the Home cor
respondent 01 the Journal telegraphs.
' The submarine also (Irt'd shells, one
of which killd the captain.
"Tho crew lowered bust, one of
them picked up (ho captain's body,
hut this boat wan then attackod and
sunk by the submarine."
No previous report has Ueju re
ceived of the ilnklni of the Algerian,
ut a London dispatch of Nov. 39,
irobabl reforrlng to tho aaitie inci
dent, said the French steaiuahlii Al
serlan had hN nt to tkn ttottoiu.
The AlrterUn was of 1711 tons groM
.! Hilil f...i inuir aud wu hullt In
I l-l anit oua In .Mnrfttltlt.
I hi by, and her adopted iIihikIiU'i-.
she hna true motherly lovo for her
grown-up daughter.' "I was nlwnys
loncHomo when Mr. Tnggart mado
business trips out of tho city," says
tho mother of tho 20-year-oJd, daugh
ter. "I wanted u chum. 009 enn't
hire a chum, so nfterlilnktng tho
matter over I decldcTm "ailopt a
grown-up 'daughter.' 'J aUvertlscd In
tho newspapers Imd I got'u Jewel of a
girl who will bo- may daughtor and
my chum."
Kplsodo IS of the new serial opens
the way for much that Is interesting
If follow. -
"Tho 1'allure," prcsenta tho first
attempt by llcrunndcg.nud l'onto to
gain possession of thojietlow packet
and the map of i.ost'le, whero a
rich mineral deposit Is supposed to
.loo Welch, lnlengue with them, In
a clumsy effort to ilea tlfjS imckpt,
sets fire to tho house, when vc nro
treated to a fire acenti.or toBlder
trblo Hiuclaeuljir.,effQot. Annette re
turning to tiro' house to roscuo (he
packet has fallen unconscious mnld
tho smoke nml tho debris, whou sho
Is rescued by tho brute man and car
ried to MrsUerdlu on tho grounds
of tho hoifsPi In spite ot tho efforts
of lloruandot and l'onto to lire vent
his doing so.
Tho Interost of tho now serial car
a av inivivni ui tliu tiun evi Itl
rlos woll, and will Jteshown
Monday and Tuesday at tho i;ai
4 as,
Missch Kedd.x, lliirn. nnd Heine
.111c new ituileut. iu the cprc-.sion
A week froiiiHJ!iiudw.v the public
hpuukiiig elilss will debate the sub
ject, "Keiolved, That Ilie goeiiuuent
should own aud control all riiilrouils
in the United Stale." Mr. Nord
wick, Mr. Dell nml Miss Davis on the
affirmative; Wain Forlie- and Miss
Heine on the nognthe, Mr. Simmons
aetiug its ehuiiiuniii judges to be
ehoi'ii Inter.
Mr. Wnlu and MnJais ,ne new
stmleiils in the pubtiv, speaking tie
purtmeut. &r
The niemheiv ot tlnSulerprctutioii
class have begun win's 011 a coined,
ill one net, "A Suffragette llaby,"
under the direction of Mr. Homoiis.
An informal recital will soon lhe
given by the musio department. "1liPl
Miss Chirk, Lovreiice, llaignive,
llrowu ami Dean enrolled this wcel;
in phy.icnl lruinjh?work.
The Jacksyijvijlu Ulee club, under
the direelioii Swindler, is cu
thiisiastie oet their work aud are
making uood iiuie. A eouccit
will be givon pi the near lutuie.
MiKseii Sui and Dodge were ab
sent liiuii class woik 011 Tucsdav.
Mr, Drown has ivecutlvcni oiled
in the hiilie-.' altirnomiJls.-i1!i phxs
leiil ti.iining. jpt ap1'"
A new cliis 111 phsTc.il4Jt'u1iire has
been arranged. Ui unit on -S.Umda.
nf'lci noons 10 nuTjJf ll'C denuuid from
till ell I Id ITU l'l the ulildc-i.
l.nd) Assistant
l'linnes M. 17 anil I T-l Ti
Ambulance oreo Cormier
I'ount.N Juilj;e Ton Vclle rctuineil
Momlny from Hun IVaneisco, where
he witnecil the elosuif.' exercises of
the I'nniiuiii-l'ncilie exposition, lie
"The exposition was benntiful be
yond compare, u veritable ilrenm city.
The exhiblls were most complete.
Xearly half 11 million people J."8,000
lo be exael witnwwoil the cltmiinr
exercises, nml the aveuiici weie
densely packed with huinanitv as fur
us the eye eoulil .see. I never naw
mid never cxi)eet to see ngilin such n
panorama a the exposition presented
during its closing hours. Its classic
outlines were illumined with myriads
of lights, its many Htutely lowers
fnirly scintillated us scores of flash
lights Imthcd them in rainbow hues.
Overhead hurst countless rochets ami
brilliant pyrotechnics-, while far above
Art Smith in his illumined airship
wrote "finis" neross the sky.
"Jackson counly was well repre
sented. Its displays were not equal
ed by those from nny other section.
1'rnctienlly n third of the Oregon ex
hibits wete from Jackson county. The
only moving pictures worth looking at
were those from here. Jackson coun
ly won -l."i out of u total of 11!)
a wards in the horticultural luiildine;.
The WIIIH) thai the eounlv bus ex
pended on account of its display at
the exposition is considered by nil u
uouil investment nml n much better
shewing: wns. miide than tunny i'o
tions ninde with ten times the amount
of money.
"The fruit displays nro beiiij sent
,lo San Francisco hospitals. The
oilier display., are being boxed up
for shipment, home. Some of them
will he used for 11 pcrmuncut state
display at I'm Hand."
Judge Ton Vclle icpoitcd tluil it
wiih impossible lo secure any of the
stnliinry from the fair, ns nil of the
work is in plaster nml already goin1;
lo pieces. The works of inurblo or
bronze nre privately owned. Some nro
for sale, hut most ineicly loaned for
the occasion. The exposition direc
tors were willimr Unit one of the Mer
maid fountain, designed bv Arthur
Putnam, should go to Mcdf'ord, hut
they nre of plnslcr, like the balance,
2" . 1 .11.
jiuuMicgiuimi'r 10 (usimcL'iaie.
lies! for l.iiec ami llowels, Had
llttNith, Had Colds, Sour Slomach
Oet a in-cent box
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, bond and nose clogged mi
with a cold always trace this to tor
pid liver; delayed, fermoutlng food in
tho bowels or sour, gassy stomnch.
Poisonous mnttor clogged In tho
Intestine, Instead of being cast out
of tho systom Is ro-obsorbod Into the
blood. When this poison roaches the
delicate brain tissue It ciiueos conges
tion nnd (hat dull, throbbing, sicken
ing headache.
CasearetH Immediately cleanse tho
stomach, romovo the font, undigest
ed food and foul gases, take the ex
cess bllo from tho liver nnd carry out
nil the constipated waste matter and
poisons In tho bowels.
A Cascarot tonight will surely
straighten 5011 out by morning They
work while you sleep a 10-cent box
from )Qtir druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet, breath right,
complexion ros, and your liver and
bowels regular for months. -Adv.
faHtRFrHr--J-'rZ-cftowi CO?
John Barrymore
strong five-part
I'uiamount masterpiece
wi'.uli is guaranteed to please every
one li ou liv.e good, clean comedy
be ure ou soe Mr. HarrMiiore today,
who is thj highest salaried artist In
his Hue of profesion.
TOMOKKOW-Francis X. Hush man
So llnilly Man Could Not I.le Down
Ouivd by Vlnol
Kor years nml jenrs wo havo been
telling tho people of Medford that
Vlnol Is a wonderful remedy for
bronchial troubles. Hero Is posltlvo
Tllden, 111. "For five years I suf
fered with bronchial nBthma. In, tho
winter tlmo I was obliged to sit In a
Morris chnlr all night, an I could
not Ho down, owing to that dreadful
choking sensation. I tried nearly
every known remedy, but nothing
gavo 1110 any rollof until ono day I
met tho station ngont at WIIIIsvlllo,
111., and ho said ho had suffered for
years, but had been cured by Vlnol.
I nt once commonced to take It, and
tho result Is my cough Is gone, my
nppctitc has Improved, nml I can Ilo
down nnd sleep all night, nnd my ex
perience leads me to bcllevo that Vln
ol Is a certnln remedy for bronchlnl
nBthma." John H. Condcll, Tlldon,
The rensort that cough syrups f till
In such cases Is becauso thoy nro pal
liative only, while Vlnol removes tho
cnuso, bolng a constitutional rem
edy In which are combined the heal
ing elements of fresh cod livers, to
gether with tonic Iron nnd beef pep
tone. It strengthens nnd rovltnllzos
the entire system nnd assists naturo
to expel tho dlRenso. For salo at
Medford Pharmacy. Adv.
VMM TIIKATIIlt Ono Oala Night,
Thursday, Dec. Sltli. Selwjn & Co. pre
sents the Irresistible Inugh festlvul
urvny enouejv
to make a
Direct from 07 weeks roaring lnugh
ter at Fulton thenler, X. Y. Sensible
prices lower floor Sl-fl r0, balcony
."i0, ".", 1 Seats on salo tomorrow.
Mnll Orders .Vow
Motlaii Picture Theater
Dally Matluco 2 p. m. Kvenlng 7 p, m.
1'rlccs: Mntlnco G-lOc. Kvo. G-lO-lTio
Neal of the Navy
A clever storj b. Win. Hamilton
Osborne, a cast of undoubted merit,
and through nil, that timely atmos
phere of patriotism and deop salt
water that keeps one Interested.
The LandXAdventure
.l-acts featuring F.dwlu Karl
Cupid's Bath
JCssanaj l-.ict Comedy
UnionF eedand
Livery Stable
112 South Uivorside
PIkuic 130
Camera Shop
208 foist .Myiii Sireot,
The Only Kxt-lusivo
("iiiDiuerciiil LMiotoi-rnphi'i'S
in Southern Oregon
Kogntivos rade any time or
jlace hy aiipuiuluiont.
Phono 1-I7-.F
"We'll do the rest
E, D, WESTON, Prop.