PAGE TWO MED1WRD MAIL TRII)lT&K MEDFORD. OKIMON, .MONDAY, nKCKMUKW (i, 1!)15 i! . A LOCAL AND 'PERSONAL Tho National Guard association wlli hold nn lmportnnt meollnu In Fortlaml on noeoinlier 29, to which nil of tho officers ot tho cornpnnlos of this ntato have been invited. Trans portation -with Pullman com for U will bo provided froo to thoso who nttend. Thbso who will attend from Seventh company thin olty, nro Captain A. J, Vnnco, First Lloutonnnt Klinec T. Foa and Hocond Lieutenant ilnlbort S. DoncI, Olympla Flour $1.50; I'rldo of Wnldo Hlllfl 1.30. h. II. Drown, nt ItURS Mill. 22fi Tho city council will meet In res ulnr Bosslon tomorrow ovcnliifr. Dno of tho special fenturcn of hunlneoH It will connlder nt that tlnin will bo a resolution amending tho charter rcBlstrntlon law, practically ropoal Intf tho cumhcrHotiio juovIhIoiih under which reKlntratlon Ih done at thin time, HuhntllulInK therefor what may bo termed a permanent record of rnK miration, ro-ronminitloii iioiiik re quired only when tho volor iiiovuh from one ward to another. Fresh roasted peanuts at Do Voo'n, Mr, and Mr.i. Denham and Ron, of "Walla Wnlla, WnHlilnrcton, on their return front thn exposition at Han Franclpco, stbpppcd oven day In IIiIh city to look about tho v.illpy-, makltiK hendquarterH at the Hotel Holland. Forwjiteh worn ttiat HatlHflrtfl, Johnson tho Jeweler. , 220 K. 'M. Welch, proinluentjy Identified-with tho ItoKiin Hlv3r jUanal rompnny'H work at thin tliinipcnino down Jrom Talent yostonlay, 4jJ De iVoo doll vara the; QmUlfui to 'ou ovorv day for 7fic nirtonlhA Toippornry ropalrM worojjnhtlp on tho city's telophnno lino exicndlnK up tho clty'H vyntor pipeline h dUtanco of 30 miles on Saturday by City IJIoc trlclan lilninau, who nindo tho trip In good tlmo by auto, notwlthstnnd Ing tho bad condition of tho road. It wan feared that the high wind of yesterday might have again disorder ed tho service, but it Is found to ho nil right today. Mrs. Leach, Abdo-Hupporl Ilarcloy Biirdcal corset. 320 X. Uartlott. Tho Seventh company' Ooimt Ar tillery, will participate In tho Hank cm trophy mutch on Wednesday morning nt tlQ local rango, Under the rules ot competition In this com pany, tho members making tho high est score at tho practice on Sunday, December C, will roprosoiit the Sev enth company In tho Hankers' trophy mulch, A "Pacific Cedar Chost" for Xmns. An Ideal gift. Pollco Judgo Gay fined two drunk thls morning $5 each. One of them pnld and the other wll1 work out tho price of tho penalty. Gates solln Ford cars, $200 down and $25 n month. 239 Auto drivers nro again causing tho pollco department much nnnoyancu and Inviting dnugeroun trouhlo by their carelessness In tho matter of neulectliiK their auto lights at night "v-troti" collision- may bo tho ro quit of this wanton carolowsncWK at any time. Thor'o Is a local ordinance requiring automobllo people to "light up" nt the proper time, when on tho stroots and highways after dark. Chief Illttson and his patrolmen will hereafter that this law Ih onforc od. Iluv Modfard tnnnu candy at tho ShnM. Adjutant General WhUo and Cap tain 1U- V Collins, tho latter of tho UnlteiLStatos army, will officially In spect tho local company and Its ar mory on Wednesday evnuiug. Slok iiobs will bo. tho only exctpio for nun nttenduueo. Unllernut hrend nt Do Vrm'n A peculiar Incident Is noted In tho measurement of Thomas McDonald, held to tho grand Jury recently for compllolt) In (ho theft of the Ldhud nutomoblle. He was measured three times In the buiunu of Iduntltleattou at Los Angehw and found, In each Initnuce to nioAHiire Just nIx feet In height, not oven a fraction of n mis take haUng heun made In prmious nonuremout. He Is tun only one among the innrw than HOOD men measured In that uurumi who l ox actly slc font tall. Try ont of thoso big Ice cold fi cent milkshakes nt Do Voo'n. Hum K lllohardson, Jr., rwoHth' of Now York, but now n touilst ovor the Pnolflc coaut country lu iititwt of a plsue for jmrmiuiout location, ar rived In Mwlforil last otnlnn aud will roinulu In th's elty mid vletnlty for two wokn or more Mr. Itlchnnl oii oaniH ia tua 1'miimium own) and was on the can I ut the tlmo of tho roMnt bttf Ult nt Uie Onlbrn out, whore tholr attwuiatitp w tUUUltMl sovttrnl dttt u thnt hwhimhI The mowNMMW wjloyl ihelr oMfnnwl VbHUng Mi In Phomiiih nt laoklim glioiit to Utliiuus and nJoing Ih gtjHHtM sourr Tim ctBr hh )py kat. Mr RiinariUoit say. vtliU yiyj' wttrf thT not tUuUMUUftg ih JNWfl of tli.- wini.M- iMira UocNtirui iiur ut tmgtmvi jm1 u lljjtlMnt'd !'" m 0r4t, vHk yiylJ).r- t it .f '. M tit )tti t UtAU'If Hru Ol Leo Davenport, a business man and mining engineer of Portland, who camo to Medford to nttend to it few collections todny, will return to his home offiro this evening, having met with no dolay or embarrassment lu tho matter of tho collections. Mr Davenport Is much Interested in tho Roguo rlvor valley personally and to some extent commercially. It was tho company with which ho Is Identi fied that mippllod tho gravel for Mod ford Btrcet paving. He ownn farm land In thin a Iclnlty nnd tho need of Irrigation for tho ontlro vat ley. Transportation, also, Is onw of tho Insistent needs of tho producers, ho illscovors. He Is pleased with the promise of a beot sugar factory In the valley and dec! tiros that ho finds no farming and fruit dtttrlct lu tie stato with greater promise or early buslnotM revival thnn tho Itoguo river country. Olympla Flour $l.R0; Pride of Waldo Hills l-30. L. II, Drown, at Ituss Mill. 22f Sam Wright, of HIllHhoro, who owns a farm lu that neighborhood, Is a visitor In this city nnd valley thin week, having come In last evening. Ho Is famlllnr with tho cllmnto of Southern Oregon nnd In looking about with n view to becoming interested here. Innuro your auto In the Alllanco ngalnst theft, flro. C. Y. Tongwnld. Geo, if. Pnxlon, of Centrnlla, Washington, Is a visitor lu this city nnd tho vnlloy generally thin week. Ho Is a stockman of boiiio nolo ft Wostom Washington. Special prices on engraved cards for a few days, either from old plato or with now plate. Medford Printing Co. "TWIN BEDS" AT ATHE PAGE THEATER THURSDAY NIGHT Mr II said that they hod a plenty of good wliolcsomo food. While I wns In the city I also met another of the old Jnckson county citizens, Mrs. Llzr Carton neo Lizzy Molgamot. She Is living out In the region of Sandy. I also met a stran ger who recognized mo, he having stopped at the Sunnsyslde Borne time ago nnd he was so glad to see me j he Introduced rnc to n friend, anked J where I Htopped and proposed that we I tako In the city together, but I wan most too old to bite at that kind of bait, I Wo are having all kinds of weather up here. It has rained I think every day since I left homo, not all the time but there has not beon twenty four bourn at a time but what we ' have had some rain nnd n part of the ittuwi ohjvi uuu uiiuuutsii liiv iiivi muni- eter doen not register very cold still tho air is so chilly that a Southern Oregonlnn wants heavy clothing and n good fire, hut the people up hero don't heem to notice the cold or wet. I am enclosing a clipping from the Oregon C'ltj Enterprise that I think contains komo good suggestions on the subject of school system and If ou think best would like to have ou publish It for the benefit of some of the Jackson couuty people. J&SlE 'dj f.S-W1- "Twiii' HucIh' haw hem iitmiumo i i leelntcd bj the uewp.iper eiiln- t lie tin eleimei-t nnd luiinie-l tnro' the 13. L Gore will loave for Portland Ainenenu Mmj?o !' known -nee tonight with two carloads of hogn for tho Portland Packing company, Hen Iiur.) Wood htmiM thnt Mra ln surnnro policy, Ofic- Mull Trlbun TJIde .Mrs. II. r. Hughos, tho wlfo ot tho had check man now awaiting tho ac tion of tho grand Jury, will not bo de tained here In her husband's case lu Fohrunry. Nothing was found In Prosecuting Attornoy Kelly's Investi gation of tho matter nor In that of tho Inquiry of tho chief of police to Identify her with the commission of tho offenses with which her husband Is chnrged aud to which ho pleads guilty, Ho sayn ho wishes Ills sen tence could bo Imposed now, that ho might begin to servo It n't once. TIo will mnko no defense, fib snyH. Special pricon on engraved enrde, new and from old udntes. tor a toW doyn at the Medford Printing Co. Itussoll Shepherd, n hog man of California, in tho Stockton district, has been looking about Itoguo rlvor vnlloy during tho past sovoral dajs. Moot your friends at Atwood'a Uox Hall alley, Phono 13-1. tf Tho Oiegon Society of Sonn of tho' inorlcan Uevolutlon wJH present to h ih .Mme,' wim ii iiimi (mile irom Martinet Mn,t's pen, nini its nn-ien-liliou here ih (irluiu to piove one of the ili'liulits ot tli M'ar. Till. tmi'M Sl(il lula linallwinnil lis ' proposed litinquet nnd social gather ing to Monday evening, Decembor 13, nt which lime It will ho prepared to enjoy a happy aud Interesting nssetn blago nnd program. Dolled hnm and uacon nt DaVoo'n Carpentering nnd snop work, nil kinds. C. K. Collins, 31 N. Uartlott. 23S The foothill ran go Isn't gi owing giou as rapidly as It would under EAGLB POM UAGLEIS A (' UOAUU Sliico I wrote the last tlmo thero has Leen some changes In our thriv ing ltttlo town thnt liuo not been mentlonod In the Mail Tribune. Slnco I loft homo Gaddls & Dixon, the Page fence men, have had their man go nut to ICaglo Point nnd tight normal conditions. The drouth more. en up tho auspi-iulou hrldgo ncross than decimated the grnaa bladoH aud probably destroyed some of tho roots of tho tufts (if bunchgritss so palata ble and nourishing to stool. A nor- thu ejrcu.ll court of Jncloij.nunt at H)i rienslon on DocoitdW l,tJj'lfwri at 10 a. nl. an American fltyTo 1ft? iisau in coiineciiou wiin tue natural ization proceedings lu this county hereafter. It. It. llooknian or Jack sonville will mnko tho presentation of the flag to tho court. iivgiiuir oxaminiiiiuu lor applicants for state teacheis' certificates will ho hold Wednesday. Dee. IB, at the office or tho county superintendent at Jacksonville, Will Fieeinuii, of Myitln Crook, Is a lsltor In this city aud valley this week. All tho latest sheet music at So per copy. Muslo not carried In stook will bo ordered for you n't Halo's Piano House. Virgil McKulty, of Phoenix, did busluoaH In Medford yuitorilay and today " When better insurance l sold Holmes The Insurance MKn will noil ll C. J. Smith a liusliiMn mau of PortlHiul, is attondlug to IiuhIiioks lu tlie mi I ley metropolis today. Chooolate creams, cnrainols, chips, peanuts, etc., only 30c n lb. nt Do Voo's. C. It. J nine and wire, or Klgln, this state, art) lsltors nmong friends in this city today. All tho latent sheet music nt So por copy. Music not cnrrled lu stock will bo ordered for joti nt Hale's Piano House. L M. Miller, nrcouipunled by Mrs Miller, Oil mo In fioin McCloud, Cul- Ifornla, eateriluy and will remain a few da, looking about thn vallo). Something now. Pononul, onisrnv ed Xmns greeting cards. Seo the Hue at Medford Printing Co. Turn Klyiiii, the nlMtrie store pro prietor on Wont Main street, has had a flax (minted for dlaila on lite au tomobile durlna a praituaed btulneas tup to ('AtlfuruU It rtHuls "Cret cent city or Must " TUIa OetUrNtton, paslttve m It la. doean't menu that Tom wtll be busted tf he rau't get to ('reaceut (Ml); rather It means that he'll get there If the perform hn" hreak hlw. Therefore. It la log- Iral t mnlly wot winter, however, will start Ltliem anew again. Seo the Medford Printing Co. for engraved calling nml business cards for Xiiim presents. Special prices for ton dn s. All tho lntoat ahat music at Sc per copy. 'Music not caulwl In stook will Itutte creek Just below the Sunny side hotel and tho town council linn had two bents put under It so to as take tho strain off of It thus muklngj tho Gorman bark Ottawa, Interned ANOTHER TEUTON AIDE NADBED BY AUTHORITIES SAN FltANCISCO, Dec. 0. Ilaron Ooorgo WUholin von Drinckcn, who claimed Immunity from arrest as military attache of tho German consul-general here last night, surren dered early tonight to federal author It Ioh and wns charged with attempt lug to dcstioy coimiierco with tho allies. Ho wub released on ball bond of $10,000. The arrest of von Urlncken wns In connection with the alleged consplr-' ncy to block traffic nnd destroy ves- sola carrying food, clothing nnd am ' munition to the allies In tho Hiiro- pean war and associated him with I Charles C Crowley, n detective and j Low Is J Smith, Crowley's nllegod ac complice, lu the handling of Gorman funds for destruction purposes. The federal authorities also indi cated tho Intentlou of preening other neutrality cases by ordering sorvlco of a subpoena upon llobort Cnpelle, agent of the North German Lloyd Steamship company who was said by them to havo been secroted on board -v., frEL sa-k ivi: ;l' no' 1 x: Ml The Most Permanent of Christmas Gifts Announcement I am showing the largest and most com plete stock of Diamonds, Watches, Dia mond Mounted .Jewelry, (liven, (old and Platinum Drooches, Wedgewood and Cunico Drooche.s and Pendants, (old and Silver .Novelties, .SferliiigM'oi lej Sets I have ever shown. M Clock, and Silverware Stock is complete. For tnialitv and oiiantitv see Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler, 1212 Nasi Main Visitoi' Alwavs Weli'ome IKS - "3 "A- m the spnnn shorter, giently improving Its ape pa ranee and making it less tioubel to walk. Mlas Mabel ilNaiualey has gone to Mend, Or ego in to spend tho winter, the same plnae she lived Inst winter. She has gotio there for her health. Frank Nlohols and family have bo ordorod for you ut Halo's Piano moved to Soattlo, Washington House. Ueorgu Wuiuslqy has gono to Los Charles D. Stewart, of this olty, i Angeles to aponil tho winter with bin will leave tonight for Fort Hill, Ida- brother. io, where ho has become Interested jind will remain. ' Postage stumps nt vTe Voo'n. Do Voo buys beer bottinH The quietude ot tho Southern Pa- off Sausallto slnco the beglitnlug or tho war. Search tor C.ipollo wan be gun ten daH ago following tho lent! mony In the Hnmburg-Aiuerlcuu enso at New York that $750,000 was sent hore for disbursement upon tho or ders of Captain lloy-Kd, naval at tache ot tho tiermnu embassy. Fashion .Vote The Cedar Itaplds (Iowa) (lazotto describes the gown or a local hi Ide olect as procurable In llolllng Orcon, Cult Drown, I'd I tli ltoso,,. Brltle'H (Jniy, Woodrow Dolph and Wilson Tan. TOO IiATK TO crassn-T. I'Olt SALKForqiilck Bnfo,""$7f, lunch loom, eiiulpiuent, running now; Main St.; chonp rent llox i, .Mull Trlbiino. 1130 FOR TltADKbutslde property ror City propert), nlso a small business Address llox -18, Tribune office 235 WANTKD (ionoral houso work by oxporlonced girl. Address O. K., cnio Mull Trlbuno. 222 FOlt SALK Ouo man tops for Ford earn nt the Tent nnd Top Factory. 100 N. Front St. 243 When I left home Nov. ! from the appearance of tho signs of the times It Is about time for inn to announce two, weddings in liaglo Point, and they may huo siren d been aunouiic- rlfle depot these daa makes Ticket ed for all I Know for I have not seen Agent A. I'. Nmh feel like he Is hav- n copy of the Medford Mall Tribune lug his vacation. No more calls ror ror a bout a week as I have not had tickets to the Panama exposition. any ranll slnco lMt Monday and then J. O Oerklug (no beet all around aid not gtt the M. T., and 1 am almost photographer In southern Oregon. Inst without It. The last account I Always reliable. NegutlvoA mada any- had from tho sugar beet committee whoro, time or plnco. Studio 228 the prospects wore not veiy flatter Main St. Phone alfKl. lug for securing the plant, hut I hope Smoke King Spits and PnuteJn, two. that that Is not a failure. Wo havo best Bo cigars on market. tf had no much rain up lu these puita William llaruum and wife, who lrt that I have been confined the most via Portland tor the Panama expoel- of the time to tho house so hao not lion and ere diuitud at the mouth stirred around very much, but while of the Columbia ou ui count of u io- Ha In Portland I visited ono of our calcitrant condition f the h-, final-j old boerdeix Janiea Itlogcr, now a ly succeeded In read teg the big resident of the 1. (). O. F. homo, and show at Kan Francisco uud have re- round him wall, hourly nnd happy, tin nod to their home here. The borne It situated out lu the so il rs. A. R. and Louise HedgeM, olil. builts of tin clt) and Is a flue homo ropracno puywetana. iiowart uiiuil ror the ngi d and Infirm. I was lug, 235 Fast Main St. taken thron :u the entire hiiililiiiK Unite Falls Wood Yard, Phone 18 uud found u e rooms to be large and or IIS. Wood all kinds. ISO noullv itmined and Hie (xeiipanls ll V. Coffin will return this after- seemed to e pirfedlN lontented nou from u business -Jslt to Grants i."- - , , i "Z t.,., ., ... .. . . the NewIDeerc HIGH LIFT SULKY PLOW Mlas llattle Kendelette. the Milli ner, ! confined to her home with alight Illness this week. ! Phone 100 for Hall Taxi Co. Couo-' trv service only. Roaaouable rates: largo com fort side cars J. W Hill. suirlntondent of the Wells Fargo company, aceoinpanled by Mrs. Hill, stopped over a few hours Ih Medford oterda on their return from Ban Francisco, whither they had gone to see the exposition. (lood. dry wood J1.B0 per tier n grouud. It. V. Montgomery, 111 B. Itiverelde. Ilf, K. W. Anderson, of the Blue Ledge district, la a Medford visitor today. Hem made IhMv si Ue Vos'b Handmade Xins gifts at reason able urines. Mra W T. Yorg. lie Uural att :i" LOST Two weeks ago, ninlo Alrdale, 1) months old, well marked with tan, light biown ocs, collar; answers to nanto of Kitchner; re ward ror Information or return to Hollowny Oi chard, 'phone 010 112 2J 1 a ? flOlUM- UU m3HtgmL i are dt yr arzm. ' toT-V -!nnS5s.. i -'mrA 4C- r-iVfr,.r,-, AltontllM. G. A. n. Our Comrade I. A. Waits died st ! uclude tnsl his misstou to i Hart hoeplul at T o'cloek th tallfornis tow,, u one of more Haturday nlglil. the Ua All com- lJi i OASM'!' tllUH R11V Wftlkillir IhW, will plow deeper Koiia flal.Weg shs) Kurfuk mwm. wrtots v .u-nd tk fuaersl nt U ,M,M " w Mn l,luW .vu ' I" K,(1 With ami 1H1S0 js'etotk at. Tuesday, IspMsber ht&m'V IX. i4rtla MclksMugk Sf this elty Is Ilk. Itfwwi --- ew- ttyttmi t t rv -rV-. vlgUgMMhlrktatlists.!e4srv j T4TTRR A R D RPHQ JUST A FEW OF OUR PRICES Crystal VV'f He Soip, per doz. 45c A B Naptha Sonp, per doz. . 45c Star Naptha Washlnii Powtlcr, 25c size 19c Citrus Washinn Powder, 25c size . 20c Bulk Coconnbt, ,er lu. 20c Bulk Crackers, per Hi. . 9c 50c Black Tea, per Hi.. . . 37c Soft Shell Walnuts, 2 His. . . . 35c Cornmcal, per sack . .. .. 30c Yz l!i. Hcrsy's Cocoa . . 17c , lb. Hcrsy's Cocoa . . . .29c Vi Ih. Hersy's Baklno. Chocolate 19c Royal Baklnp. Powder, per Ih 43c K. C. Baklno Powder, 25c size . . ' . . . . 20c Best Creamery Butter, per lb. .. . 30c NO CREDIT NO DELIVERY NO HIGH RENT JACKSON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. "CUT PRICE GROCERS" 33 ST. GltAPU ST. After January nr SX S wf s o ran Write ntoncc for our new free cntaloy in which nre plainly listed and priced the best und beat known quality brands or liquors. You will find tins method of buying by mini from-wholcaaler-to-con- tumer most economical and satisfactory. All aiders will be filled in exact conformity with tho new law. How this law effects you in its opplica- iiuii Bti mini umciKiy in ouf catalog. va guarantee our Reed and a prompt service. Wo cannot ttcneitue niter January lt, therefore will be unable to communicate with you unlets you taylSH Get your name on i I fef'fi fjmm jPmVI'I- mm our maiiitt last now1 KSi w Writo for our price on OLD TAYLOR, yellow label, bottlod in bona. Tou will bo aurprited. JULIUS LEVIN COMPANY iSffiffifflLgSffiE Lutcil Whalritl Liquor Dcalu Vtt b( O.i. ago ISRWSSI Ranch Bargain 1 can arrniiKo n t ratio for lT.'iH acres of alfalfa and grain land in Tulare county, California, for Koipio River property. This land is high-class stuff and is under irrigation or can he irrigated cheaply. This can he traded in one block or can he divided into three parts, of 1M2, 1(50 and fi.")l acres, respectively. Address L. H. HOUSTON '1 17 Jay Salrcet, Aluclford mi SMMtry tkla sasiu ., I 4k yT ." r J. . .m. Ar Mf JL. vr lF , rf-ii HtwHO" y