IMTOFORr) MATT; TTITTUTNFi, MEPKORT), ORECJ'0T, EKTDAY, DECEMP-ER In IS tote threw e. V CIVIL WAR HERO DEAD: DISABLED BUI FOUGHT ON T). C. nose, commander of Chester 'A. Arthur Post, No. -17, Grand Army of the Republic, of Medford, wns born Aprlt 26, 1841, taenr Stutgnrt, Gcrmnny, and died nt his home, 113 CotttiRe St., Medford, from cancer nt G o'clock p. m. Dec. 2, 1015, aged 7 J years, 7 months and C days, pims Inp away as peacefully and quietly us If simply going to sleop. At the nRo of 12 years Mr. Iloso with his father and family emigrated from Stutgart to tho United States mid settled In Newport, Ky. Karly In 1SC1 ho wns among tho flrBt to respond to his country's call and enlisted In the 4th Ky., volun teer Infantry for .1 months service. After being honorably discharged out of that service ho re-enllsted Dec. Jfi. 1SC1, ns a prlvnto In Co. K, 71st roglinont Ohio volunteer Infantry at Cincinnati, Ohio, for threo years, which regiment was shortly aftcr wnrd sent to I'aducah, Kentucky, to join Sherman's army and from there up tho Tenncsso river to Pittsburg Landing, engaging In Hint battle dur ing which Mr, Itoso wns shot through tho right leg Just below tho knee, and ns a result ho was sent homo on furlough. While recovering from his wound ho begnn learning tho cigar markers' trade. He wns later order ed to report at Camp Chase near Co. lutnhus, Ohio, for examination, and tho officers In charge recommended his dtschargo on account of his wound, nnd on Dec. 26th, t8fi2, ho wns discharged at Columbus, Ohio, by reason of surgeon's certificate of disability. Returning to Newport, Ky., ho proceeded to complete learn ing his trndo as a cigar-maker until October 7th, lSfii, ho re-onllBtcd In Co. r, lOfith regiment New York volunteer Infantry to servo one year, lint tho examining surgeon rejected him. Ho persisted In his efforts nnd wns finally accepted and mustered Into tho V. S. service nnd with his leglmont ho wont to tho front at Pet ersburg at which point ho hnd the peak of his cap shot off. From, Pet ersburg ho went down through Rich mond, Vn., nnd on to Appomnttox. nnd wns present at tho surrender of ireo, and nfterwnrd took part in tho parade and rovlow at Washington, 1). C, nnd received nu honorable dis charge at Ogdensburg, N. V., on July n. lSGfi, returning to his homo in Newport, Ky. From thero he later vTnt to Lnurenceburg, Ind., Kansas City, Mo., and to filluworth Co., Knn m, whom bo followed farming for 12 years. In the fall of 1S82 he sold out thero and moved to Portland, Or egon, nnd resumed cigar making nnd bought a good farm near there which he sold in a few months to good ad vantage and In 1RS.1 ho changed his residence from Portland to Corvallls, where for nearly 35 years ho was en gaged In n cigar factory of his own nnd also operated n ranch nenr by. Disposing of theso Interests In 1911 ho enmo to Medford In tho fnll of 1913. In September, 1S05, Mr. Rose mar lled Miss Rnurettn M. Horry, who died nt Corvallls, Sept. 2, 18U4, leav ing five children, o'lfvor, I.ottlo K., (icorge C, Kdwln and Daisy A. Two years later Mr. Roso married Mrs. (leorgla Perry Stevons, of Corvnllls, a HUtor of his first wlfo. Mr. Rose was loved and highly honored by nil who know him for his high nnd lofty Ideas of right and lion oity of purpose In every walk of llfo. llo was u life long and honored mem ber or the Knights of Pythias and pf tho Grand Army of tho Republic, having served n term ns commander of Kllsworth Port, No. 19. G. A. R., at Corvalll. and ono term ns com v mundor of Choster A. Arthur Post, No. 4 7. G. A. R. of Medford and died in office. Tho G. A. R. will hold their ritual igtlo iervloes over tho remains at Perl's mortuary chapel at 3 o'clock p. in. Frlduy, Dec. 3, and with tho K. P. committee will escort tho ro mains to tho S. P. depot in time to go to Corvallls on tho 8:20 train Sat unlay. Tho remains will be accom panied by tho soirnwful and faithful wlfo who has nursod nnd cared for his every want for tho pnst two years or more, nnd his dnughtor, Mrs. Lot tie Kngllsh of Portland, who has heron at hor father's bodsldo for tho past two months. In addition to tho Jlvo children mentioned Mr. Rose leaves to mourn his passing away, ono brothor, A. W. Roso of Lents, Oregon, one slitor, Mrs. Mary Hllde teraml of Newport, Ky. POULTRY SHOW MEETS V L OF ASHLAND MAN WHO AND IN EN HEARINGS SWEEP WESTCOAST; ' 1SC0NDUCT10F GALE ON OCEAN! GOTHAM OFFICER "Whits Wyandots are my choice for a fancy pen," snld F. 11. Sankeyj yesterday, during a visit to this city in compnny with Manager llergner of the Vlnlng theater, Ashland, In J which theater Mr. Sankoy Is opera tor. "I nm In hearty sympathy with the people of Medford and other points In tho valley In their effort to organ ize n poultry show to bo held In your city In Jnnunry or February," con tincd Mr. Sankey. "Rogue river valley Is far behind In that respect. It Is proportionately behind, there fore, In poultry production. A poul try show hero this wlntor will go far townrd stimulating the chicken bus iness In this ideal poultry region. Although I have gone out of the poul try business, largely from lack of time, I linvo my business engagement so arranged now that I can dovoto ample tlmo to It. Hence, I hnvo been thinking seriously of getting back Into the pleasure of handling a pen or two. My choice Is still Whllo Wyandots; and I will do all In my power to interest otheis In your pro posed poultry show. I know Its vnluo to those who have not yet learned how valuable a flock of good chickens may be made by proper care and pro gressive breeding, It will bo of es pecial vulue to tho farmers whoso wives or daughters and son would like to make a little pin money on tho sldo and have been rending up n bit on poultry. The show will give them practical lessons that could not boo, dpullcntcd In months of hard study of poultry literature; although tho latter Is of great advantngo nt nil times. You mny count on mo to encourage nnd patronize tho poul try show," Mr. Sankoy resided In Medford for five or six years, during which tlmo he was connected with tho Pngo nnd the Ish theaters. Ho nnd Mrs. San key havo many friends hero who nro glad to team of their succcbs In their new location. CLEVELAND TEAM LBE WL D n.KVKLAND, O., Doc. II. -It wits announced lotlny that the Cleveland Anrerienn lengiie club would bo tfoltl unless 1'ivsiduiit linn JoIiiimui of the American lenpio can convince its ownor, Chnrlos W. Soiners, nnd the bankers committee in cliurgc of hi niTnirx, that it will be to his iutoroM to retain tho pre-.-idency. President Johnson is expected here next week to discuss the Munition, Ueorjje W. Steele, head of Hie bunk ers' committee, said todnv. RB MNSTERS GREECE SAX FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. A high southeasterly Ru' onmc down the const Inst night while ran tell over most of the interior valleys nnd the northern half of the Californin const. Tho Weather - burenn predicted n heavy storm over nil tho North Pa cific nnd tho spread of the rain belt into southern California. The wind today was blowing down the const forty-seven miles nn hour. The Standard Oil barge Xo. 1, ly ing1 nt nnelior nt Richmond, wns swamped by the heavy sens coming through the Golden Onto nnd sank. An unidentified two-mnsted xlcnm schooner henlinjr down the const lost her decklond n half mile south of Point Reyes, thirty-three miles north of here. Storm wnmings sent out to nil vessels were continued today when the giile grew in violence. M ESOTA PRIEST IS HELD ANE A1.IUXY, X. V., Dec. 3. Governor Whitman today opened the hearing nt which K. K. MoCull, chairman of the first district public service commis sion, answers charges of misconduct in office, neglect of duty nnd inef-J fieiency preferred by the Thompson legislative investigating committee. The investigating cornmittco charges ,thnt McCnll owns slinrcn of stock in the King County Klcctrio Light & Power company nnd that this mnkes him ineligible to net ns n public scr vico commissioner. Mr. McCnll asserts that he litis mnde n "free gift" of the slock to his wife. It wns reported that ns soon ns Mr. McCnll rend his brief and faced liis licensers ho would tender his resignation. TRFT DN AS STAGE ROBBER CHKYKXNK, Wyo., Dec. 3 Tes timony designed to prove the govern ment's contention Hint Kdward II. Trafton, on trial on n charge of high way robberey In United Stntcs district court wns In or nenr Yollowstono park Just before nnd after the holdup of twenty-thrco stages, loaded with tourists, was Introduced by the prosecution nt the opening of the second dny of the trial today. Witnesses yesterday testified that Trafton wns tho lone bandit who rob bed tho travelers. MINOR OPERATIONS NW E N RON T PURLIN, Dec. 3. by wireless. Various minor operations along tho western front nro recorded In today's official statement by nrmy headquar ters. No Infantry operations of mo ment nro chronicled. Near Lombnertzyde, "northeast of NIcuport, in llelglum, hostllo French outposts were surprised by a German detachment and several prisoners wero tnkon. Wcstcnde, on tho llolglnn coast, was shelled by two British monitors, but without effect, according to the official announcement. ATHBNS. Dec. 3 - Membeis of the Serbian chamber of deputies nnd tho minister of war has arrived at Sa loulkl whllo the minister of flnnuce Is nt Fiorina, (Irooco, fifteen miles southeast of Monastlr. Other Sor blnn governmental offices now at IC1 Hassan nnd Koritzn will be removed to Avlona, Albania. Fat Plums Ready WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. PoMmus fer General Ilurlenon conferred with President Wilson today over tip poinlments of Dostmuntcrs nt New York nnd Hrooklyn. The term of K. M. Morgan, postmnMer nt New York, expires December 'M, and W',. K. Kelly, postmaster of Brooklyn, ie signed to become county eleik. Hep resentnlivo Kitzgeruld has recom mended I'. J. Cleurv for the Brook lyn otfice, but it is said nt the pot- oince ucpurtineiit .Mr. riugenuii win be linked to recommend someone cUo, Carnentler Decorated PARIS, Dee. 3. Sergeant Georges Curpeutier, champion heuwweight pugilist of KuroH, iiow attached to the Freiieh minium eorp, has been decorated with (lie military cro for brilliant and daring iceonnaixsanees in an aeroplane, GERMANS N WINONA. Minn., , Dec. 3. Rev. Father L. M. Leaches this morning i wns sentenced to the hospital for tho I Insane nt St. Peter by Judge Granger i In district court for Ills assault upon ' Utshop P. R. Hoffron of tho diocese I of Winona on August 27 Inst. The' Jury"s verdict acquitted Father Les ches of tho charge on the ground that ho was insano and declarer' that he had homicidal tendencies. British Steamer Stink LONDON, Dec. 3. Tho British steamship Langton Hall has been Mink. Part of the crew lias reached land. r 'I'nnc's Cold compound" Relieves Worst Cold or the Grippe in Few Hours Xo Quinine I'setl BTIH PRO BKHL1X, Doc. 3 (bv wiielo-s to Suyville). "In spite of the Get man denial of reports circulated by u British news agency that u- British neroplnnn had sunk n German sub marine, the newfl agency now gives detnils of the alleged comlint," says the Ovcixens News agency. Field Marshal Sir John French in nn official repot t given out to the press bureau in London, November 'J!l, snid : "In the nfternonii of Sunduv a British aeroplane destroyed a Ger man submarine off Middlekerke. It wns seen to break in halves." Nashville Receipts Increase XFAV YOHK. Dee. 3. The Louis ville & Nnsltvillo railroad's statement issued today shows nu increase in operating revenue of $-177,183, which ,is iuurenscd to $0111,318 in net ns n result oL n lcduetioti ot $1311,131 in expenses. Tako 'Tape's Cold Compound" ev ery two hours until you havo taken three doses, then till grippe misery goes nnd our cold will bo broken. It promptly opens your clogged-up nostrils nnd the air passages of the head; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves the headache, dull neess, foverlshness, soro thront, sneezing, soreness nnd stiffness, 'Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow ing and snuffling. F.nso your throb bing head nothing else In tho world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents nt any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Adv. Dr. Jones DENTIST tt M A Best for Liver mid lloucls, for Bil iousness, Sour Stomach nnd Constipation I Got n 10-cent box now. Fnrrod Tongue, Had Colds, Indi gestion, Sallow Skin, nnd Miserable Headaches como from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become (Hied with undi gested food, which sours nnd fer monts like garbage In a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold mis ory Indlgostlon, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everoythlug that is horrible and nau seating. A Cascuret tonight will glvn your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work whllo you sleep a 10 cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good fori months. Millions of men and women take a Cnscaret now and then to keep! their stomach, liver and bowels reg-j ulated, and never know a mUerablol moment. Don't forget tho children ' their little Insldes need a good,; gentle cleansing, too -Adv. ''!!.. Vl -.- )KSEVr I trv 7 r M GOOD TEETH t SAVE DOCTORS BILLS Jul 204 Main st., Cor. Central Av Painless Extracting and Filling Xow a lack Special Low Rates for An other Week: $10 GOLD CROWNS... $5.00 $15 PLATES $9.00 $2 FILLINGS $1.00 $2 CLEANING $1.00 "T wish to state that I had several teeth extracted at Dr. Jones' office and I can say that I felt absolutely no pain. The plates 1 had made were a perfect fit and entirely sat-isfaetorv.M-.Mrs.W.C. Kin von. 'MO S 1'ir st. NERVOUS BRE akdewnjj: o Tells I low X ----J 5"C"'5''5'5"M''5"522r"55''X"2 DuPont Buys Factory NKW YOHK, Dee. 3. Announce ment was made today tlmt for a eon deration of between 15,000,000 ami ST000,000 the Dul'ont tie Nwiiohm Powder company of Wilmington, Del., lias taken otrr the Arlington earn jmny of Arlington, N. J., manufacturer- nf p i.i ii , .i lid.. nl iiiiii t Tin Arlin-f' " r-'i-N ' " i'",v - '""0 men. Stmiifoiil, Conn., Vur-o Tell She Found Health Stnmfoid, Conn - I am a nurse and suffered from n nervous bieak down. I had no appetite and could not sleep nt night, nnd nothing scorn ed to help mo. Ily chanro I heard of VInol, and after taking the first bottle I noticed an Improvement, und four buttles mnde mo well and strong. It gave me a hearty appetite, so I can sloop woundly night or day, I consider Vinol a wonderful tonic", Hdlth K. Forbes. Stamford, Conn. The roason VInol Is so successful In overcoming such conditions Is be-' cause It Is a constitutional romedy and gone to the soat of tho trouble It Is the greatest strength creator we know due to the extractive mwlirl- nal elements of fresh cod llers witb-i out oil, combined with peptonato of Iron and hoof peptone, all dissolved in a pure medicinal wine. We have aeon no ntaav wondorful recoveries like this right here in Med-, ford eauaod by VIhuI. that wo feolj perfectly safe lu aftertax tu return , mune in ever h fa- wl.f-rc inol ' fails to beucfit l'oj -..n a' M If. 1 I'Laro, ic -Alv. 1 K H ! t f r ? ? T t t V r v r r ! Let JONES Help Cut Living Expenses New customers are coming every day. They begin to realize that it's time to look around and give up the old idea of trading at ono place forevor. Creamery nutter, roll G5 A Xo. 1 knglish Walnuts 20? Xew Almonds, soft shell 20 liest Cream Choeso 20$ Peanut nutter 20 Lemons, do. 25 Xew barrel dinger Snaps, lb... Kty 10e Xew Crop Dried Punches, lb 7 Ihilk Closs Starch, lb 7 (i bai-s Crystal White Soaj) 25 .") gal. Kerosene 05 nagley's Pumpkins, can 10 A fine lot of Strictly Fresh Eggs and Ranch Butter. Our 25c Bulk Coffee equals any 35c in other stores. Our 20c or 2 for 35c is their regular 25c sellor. Daisy and Applegate Butter, G5c roll. Nobody appreciates your business liko "JONES" does PHONE 235 225 W. MAIN 1 1 V V v t X V V T t T Y V Y Y 3 1 t? When you're in Portland visit the fine big plant of the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company. Sec them make "7:irl:ld:ItUSSNOWFLAKE SODAS your ucnicr inc NEW FAMILY PACKAGE Frcli, crisp delicious Snowflnkc Soda, packed In a sanitary anil useful tin box. Only GO cents. Every tlenltr Iiai them or can f.ct Ihctu quickly f re tt from our ovrn PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. l'OKTLANO, OKKCON 5yfciilJtwu W UJJimfMil I !!! ! W CASH TALKS Start the month right by paying cash where you can get the most, for your money. 1-lh. can Roval Unking Powder 43 2w can IC. C. Jinking Powder 20 1 ' -lb. can Jlersy's Cocoa 17 1-lb. can .Ilersy's Cocoa 29 Vu-lb. llci-sy's Baking Chocolate 19i 10c can Pepper 7 15c can Pepper 10 123c can Pepper 18 50c Hulk Tea, per lb 37 Theso are only a few. Everything cut. NO CEE.DIT NO DELIVERY NO HIGH RENT Jackson County Supply Go. "Cut-Price Grocers" 33 N. GKAPE ST. WE have several good bargains in used Fords,Studebakers Chalmers, and others. Snaps for quick sale. C. E. GATES i i JfWbMzIiyWm light p A Wld, Yffl4 &W3k 9 J PAUL'S ELECTRIC STORE f THE LIFE WORTH WHILE Is the Life Devoted to Service Medford Commercial College Traill Youn People for Efficient Service in Commercial Life 1) . ,i' 11 i , ,;i Ni nhtiiapo Street