Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Itntn nml Wind, Saturday.
Max. (lit; Mln. .ID.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Onlly Tenth Tear.
NO. 218
Presence of Kaiser's Naval Attache
Objectionable, and State Depart
ment Holds Him Persona Non
GrataToo Meddlesome Aflainst
America, Trial Shows.
WASHINGTON', Dec. 3 Tho stato
department nnnounccd formally lato
today that It had asked for tho recall
of Captain )oy-Etl, and Captain Von
Papon, naval and military attaches
respectively of tho German ambassy
hero, bocniiBo of tho "objcctlonablo
activities In connection with military
and naval matters."
WASHINGTON', Dec. 3. Score
tnry Lansing is understood to have
informed Count Von Dornstorff, the
German ambassador, that Captain
Boy-Ed, naval attache to tho Ger
man embassy, lind rendered himself
jtcrsonn non gr..tu to tho United
Stales government as a result of hi
connection with tho conspirators of
tlie Hamburg-American line, who yes
terday wore found guilty in New
The subject was said to have been
tho subject of discussion at a cub
ine.t meeting today. Secretary Lan
sing, at tlio end of tho cabinet meet
ing, flatly refused to answer any
pie-lions on tho subject, and other
members of tho cabinet were equally
silent. The German embassy also
refusal to talk about it.
Tim stato department was believed
to bo of tho opinion that as Captain
Hoy-Ed had admitted It in connection
with tho financing ol'.thu operations
which the Now York jury gave a ver
dict as being illegal there was noth
ing olo to do but infonu the German
got eminent of its views.
Hy informing tho ambaasodor that
the attaclie is personn non grata the
I'uited Status Iuuvok it with tlie Ger
man government as to the manner, in
which Captain Hoy-I'll shall termin
ate his connection with tho embassy.
This is the usual diplomatic proced
ure in the case of an attache of an
embassy or a legation whom the
Vnited States finds objectionable.
Captain Boy-Ed's activities in tho
Tnited States since the war began
have been tho subject of close atten
tion by tho stato department and the
department of justice. Several times
it had been broadly hinted that the
American government might intimate
to Germany that tho operations of her
naval attache wero objectionable,
Willi the inevitable suggestion that his
connection with the embassy should
be (criniiiafcd.
Much time, .however, tho threatened
action camo to nothing. While the
stato department consistently refus
ed to discuss the unptaiu's case, the
German embassy intimated that it
had reason to believe he had done
nothing lor which lie should bo con
billed. Several weeks ngo Captain Boy
Ed and Prince Von of the
embassy staff went on a tour to the
Pacific coast, and it was reported
they were going to Mexico. Tho re
port that the naval attache was about
to be removed was again revived. It
was stated at that timo that he was
going to tho German embassy in
Mexico City, as that was about the
only foreign capital he could reach
because of the allied control of the
PAIUS, Doc. 3. A further re
treat of tho Montenegrins under Aus
trian pressure, tho retrograde move
ment Involving tho evacuation of
Plovljo Is racordod in an official
statomont from Montenegrin head
quarters mado public here today.
Belgians Buy Supplies
NEW YOKE, Dec 3. Alou Van de
Vyverc, IWgiun muiUier of finance,
who lauded in New York today from
the liner Adriatic from Liverool, said
lie bud come to the Tinted States to
look utter itui-chase made hero for
the Belgian government. He denied
reports lima Ignition that he might
JUiam' iyr u JuiU to Belgium.
t 4 ti H
HALTIMOUE, Mil., Dec. 3.
"" Ilnthcr than havo her six-
" months-old boy go through life
a helpless cripple, Mrs. William "
" Ilinton of this city today refits- ""
cd to )ennit the physicians at
Johns Hopkins hospital to ojt-
crnto in the hope of saving its "
" Tho child was frightfully "
"" burned last Tuesday and the
doctors today decided it would
bo necessary to amputate both
"" its legs and ono ami. ""
"" The infant was said to have ""
"" been mentally normal. ""
4- 4
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Organiza
tion of tho sonato may bo delayed
and n Joint session of congress Tues
day to listen to President Wilson's
nddrcBs may bo proventod unless scn
oto democrats agreo by next Monday
on cloture.
This was tho possibility which con
fronted democratic senators when
they resumed In caucus today discus
sion of tho proposal to limit debato.
Tho conferenco had beforo it today
a revised nmendment to tho rules
which would proventa senator from
speaking mora than nn hour on a
measura if tho scnata decided that
filibustering tactics were being re
sorted to.
VIENNA, Dec. U, ia Ioudnu, Dec.
II. The American ambassador, Fred
erick C. Ponfield, today repeated his
request to tho Austrian government
that it mako a reply to tho Ameri
can note iospectinr tho circumstances
in connection with tlie sinking of tho
steamship Ancona in the Mediterran
ean by an Austrian submarine, ns a
result of which several Americans
lost their lives.
LONDON, Dec. 3. "News thnt the
Kussiaus hate entered Hulgann has
aroused intense interest and there is
much speculation as to the next de
veloimiont," Neuter's oorrontiondent
at Saloniki telegraphs. "It is expcot
od this move will have a far-reaching
effect on the internal situation of
Hulgarin and will modify the whole
aspect of affairs in the Balkans."
Kt'GBNK, Dee 3 - I)r John A.
Srtaub, for twenty years doan of tho
University of Oregon, and connected
with that Institution for tho last 38
years, today announced his candidacy
for tho republican governorship at
the next election.
Dr. Straub said this announcement
was mado providing Governor James
Wlthycombe Is not a candldato for
re-olcctlon. Personal friendship be
tween the two men Is the reason for
Dr. Straub not opposing Governor
Tod Sloan Returns Home
NEW YOHK, Dec. 3. Tod Sloan,
the former American jocke, returned
from England under diMirtatiu d
ibty. He told newwiHiper uiou s ho
left the liner Adriatic that he hud
been sent out of England without a
tnal, but tvfii.ed t make an other
lotwiitat ou lu case,
Capture by Bulgrins of Macedonia
Capital Places French Troops In
Ccrna Valley on Defensive Situ
ation Shows Tension.
LONDON, Dee. 3. Occupation of
Monnstir by nn Austro-Gormnn force
at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon is
reported by Keillor's correspondent at
Tho correspondent, who says his
information wits reecived-in n tele
gram from Florinn, Greece, adds that
tho only flag hoisted when tlie city
was occupied wns tho Austrian. The
Bulgarians did jiot enter Monnstir,
remaining nt Keunli, south of the
city. It is. reported, however, that
they will march into Monastir today.
LONDON, Dec. 3. Circumstantial
nccounts of tho occupation of Monas
tir, in southwestern Serbia, by nn
Austro-Gormnn forcce nnd tho cutting
of telegraphic communication with
tho city are regarded hero ns amplo
ovldonco that tho Macedonian capital
has fallen, although tho official re
port to that effect has not reached
fTho effect of tho capture of Mon
nstir, tho last Serbian city of Import
ance to hold out, on tho position ot
tho Anglo-French forceH Is awaited
with tho greatest Interest, for the
penetration by tho Invaders of thlfl
part of Macedonia may threaten the
flank of tho allies In tho Vurdar nnd
Cornn valleys, whero they nro on
tho defensive No Important events
hnvo occurred thoro for some time,
but with Monastir in tho linnds ot
tholr opponent, tho allies may'soon
bo -engaged In nn important battlo.
In Montenegro tho Attstrlnns con
tinuo their advnnco. Elsowhoro In
tho northern Balkans no heavy fight
ing has been reported of lato.
Italy's adhoslon to tho agreement
not to conclude n separate pcaco was
welcomo news In England, but tho
falluro of Morelgn Minister Sonnlno
to glvo moro than a vnguo promlso
of military support to Sorbin caus
ed somo disappointment. Littlo
light has been thrown ns yet on tho
mystery of Italy's policy In not de
claring wnr on Germnny. In this con
nection it Is noted thnt other nations
faco n similarly dellcato situation. It
Is reported the Austrian flag, Instead
of tho Bulgarian, was hoisted over
Monnstir, presumably In an effort to
relievo Bulgaria of tho possibility of
offending Grccco.
Except for Russian reports of min
or successes on tho Dvlna In tho
north, nnd on tho Styr In Gallcln, no
news has been received from tho
Russian front. Artillery nnd min
ing operations occupy tho fighters
along tho western battlo lino.
Fog and Incessant rain aro delay
ing operations ou tho Austro-Itallau
front. Reports from tho Dardanelles
Indlcato thnt the combatants aro en
gagod almost continuously In minor
engagements which do not seem to
havo any marked' effect on their res
pective positions.
ST. LOl'IS, Dec. 3. Arguments in
the government's suit to separate the
Central Pacific from tho Southern
Pacific railroad were resumed before
three federal circuit judges here to
day with tho expectation that thov
would bo finished before night. Mr,
Dunne, who began the clot-mg address
for the railroada yc-terday, conclud
ed tt today.
NEW YOKE, Dec 'I. Captain
Bv-Ed, German iiuwtl attache, de
dined today to comment on tho press
reports lrm Wahington that Sec
retary of State Lansing had inform
ed the German uuuVissador that he
had booomo porsonn non grata to
the United States government be
causo ot his connection with the
Hainburg-AiuerKae line, cvfisiu"Tt
Dl 0
Drawn by Itolx-rt Minor
steamer Irocpiois and the tug Daunt
less woro ordered today to go to the
assistance of the Uill.liW Minno-
sotn, which wan 700 iiu'Ica south of
hero at midnight.
Tho Minnesota sent word Wednes
day by wireless that she was- putting
back hero because of disabled ma
chinery. Jt wuh learned also thnt
there woh trouble with the crew.
Tho Minnosotu loft Seattle Novem
ber M with n cargo of foodstuffs- for
Loudon, where it was said tho vessel
would bo Hold. Sho uu the largest
freighter flying the Amorienii ilag.
Her boilers woro in poor tihnpo when
she sailed and fears woro cNprcssed
that they would develop troublesome
leaks. Sho carried enough oonl for
ft voyage to London without stops.
Humors of dissatisfaction among
tho crow wero prevalent in shipping
circles immediately after the Minne
sota sailed.
SAN .JOKE, Cal., Dec. :i. San
Jose's electric tower at tho intersec
tion of Santa Clara and Market
streets, 'J 07 feet high, colhisied to
day during tho houict ruiiiHtoim in
years and blocked tho street with
tangled iron and otoetric oableri that
emitted long elect rio sparlM from
many short oirouiU, Tho heavy mill
had cleared tho streets of people do
that no one was injured.
WASHINGTON', Dec. a.-Moo-
mont of moro Curranza troop.
throuh American territory render
further attack upon Amoriaan border
towns improbable, in the opinion ot
Major (leueml Euuston. About mill)
Cnrranza troops reached Douglu.
Ariz., yesterday and 100 inoio are
due thoro today.
3000 Bulgrin Rifles Taken
PARIS, Dee. 3. Two thoitsMiid
Bulgarian ntles were i'ouud m it
trench taken Wednedit.y by French
troops, according to h Haviw dis
patch from Ssloniki. The oo(;resHiH
dont says the Bulgarian have cross
ed the Cerna at Novwct and occupied
C'analij southeast ot 3Ifiuabtirt
on the liattlcfiiiut In I'liinco
LOS AKOELES, Dec. 3. A decis
ion by tlie court today gave tho pros
cent ion tho right to read only such
portions of letters or other docu
mentary ovidonco as it desired in the
trial of Matthew A. Schmidt, an al
leged accomplice of tho MoN'amara
dynnmitc conspirators on trial for
the murder of Charles iragorty, ouo
of tho twenty men killed in the Times
bomb explosion hero five years ago.
llui iirst letters introduced in evi
dence dated back to J DO.') and con-
corned a general strike planned
agninst the American Bridge Building
This ruling reduced by ten duys or
two weeks tho timo which will bo re
quired to get beforo the jurv the mass
of documents in the trial of Schmidt.
If the defense desires its rcprosen
tutives may read tho letters or docu
inenls in full, but tho jury will hear
only oxcorpls deemed lu-scntial by tho
stato to provo the oxistenco of an
o.xtonsivo dynamite conspiracy and
Schmidt's alleged connection there
LOS AN'OELES, Cal., Dec. Ih
Charlo Hoffack, a hotel steward in
Pasadena, scut to Cheyenne, Wyo.,
today a photograph which is expect
ed to provo that Edward Trafton,
now ou trial there, either was or was
not llio bandit who hold up ft mini
Iter of stage coh olios and robbed many
tourists in Yellowstouo park two
year ago. One of the tourists held
up by thu haudit photographed the
man. He guo a copy to Hoffack,
who rcccitcd rcnuont from tlie
W wining authorities to send it oil for
no 111 till' tnal.
PAH IS, J)er 3 Tho prolongod
ollenro ot the Grook parliament ro
spoetlng the domniids of tho entente
allies, ban again aroused tho sus
picion of 'the Pronoh press. One
newspaper goes so far as to asuort
that Ureoeo has concluded or Is about
to conclude a treaty with Bulgaria
by the terms of which Monastir and
the Vardar valley In Serbia are "ced
ed" to (Jrooco In roturn for aid
aRalnt the Anglo-French oxpedltlou-
ur; forces,
Kaiser Bill's San Francisco Tool
Wrote Letter Rcqucstinq "Dried
Fruit" Be Sent on Allies' Munitions
Ships Investigate Letter-Writing
Which Crowley Does Not Deny.
preliminary examination ot Charles
C. Crowley charged with alleged
complicity In tiro and bomb plots to
destroy vessels bearing supplies to
tho allies was postponed today until
December 3.
Two dnys beforo that dato tho fed
eral grand Jury, federal officials said,
probably will havo completed Its pre
liminary Investigation ot tho enso.
If indictments nro returned tho bear
ing will not tako placo on that dato.
Meantime it wns said thnt poot-
oftlco Inspectors wero Investigating
tho statomont that Crowley wroto n
letter to Madame llnkhmotof f, wlfo ot
tho Husfllnn ambassador, asking bor
co-operation In shipping boxes ot
"dried fruit" on vessels carrying mu
nitions to tho allies.
Crowley has not denied writing
the lettor which was given publicity
lit the enBt yesterday.
Federal agents also woro checking
up facts given them yestordny by
Lowls J. Smith, Crowley's nllogod
agent and accomplice, in an effort
to corrobornto a roport that Crowley
was mot by n Omnia official in touch
with tho Oermnn embassy nt Codnr
hurst, N. Y.
POHTLAND, Or., Dec. .1. - The li
cense of Captain August Lofstcdt,
master of the North Pacific Steam
ship company's steamer Santa Clara,
which was wrecked with the loss of
a number of lives at tho mouth of
Coos Bay on November 'J, has been
revoked, according to an announce
incut made public hero today. His li
coiiho would have expired ou Janu
ary 1(1, lilltl, and at that time ho
will be given opportunity to apply to
tho federal iusnectors of hulls and
boilers horo for a new license.
Captain Lofstatll admitted to the
inspectors at a hearing held hero sev
eral days ago that tho wreck was
caused by failure of the steam steer
ing gear to work and inability to
substitute hnnd-stenring gear. Bion
li. Whitney and Harry C. Lord, fed
eral inspectors stationed at Seattle,
rendered judgment in the case.
LOS ANOELES, Cal , Dec. I). II.
A. Fitpatnolc, graduate imiuager of
Occidental college, receucd ft mes
sage from Duiismuir today stating
that llio slide which blocked tho rail
road at that point would prevent tho
Syracuse university team from moot
ing its football engagement hero to
morrow with tho Occidental sipiad.
The telegram wu- lrom E. IL Brooks
of Syracuse.
francFpasses bill
PAIUS, Doc :t. Tho government'-
bill providing for tho fixing of price
ou the uccciiticK ot lite was parsed
hy the chamber of deputies today
with only ono dienting ote. The
bill now goes to the senate.
Chicago Market Firm
CHICAGO, Dee. 3. Broad sutiv
jty and much higher prices in tho
whoitt market today remitted from
roports of largo sales to foreigner
and from hiarliur ouuUtious at Liv
erpool. After opoiung a trifle higher
tho market reacted, nnd after n small
slump again roho to aboe eter
tiiia tjg;c, . .
0 D
Trcvclyan to Lose Lordship O'Con
nor Scores His Speech- Pcaco
Advocates Dwindle Adversity Has
Not Shaken Purpose of Allies to
Crush Militarism.
LONDON, Nov. 23 (correspondence
of tho Associated Press). Specula
tion about tho possibility of poaeo
l.l . . r, r. .i I 1
ituni RceniB to oomo irom owuzcnnnu,
ttome, Madrid or Amotion, nlwuyu
vnguo nnd usually negative, strikes
mvuudibly response chord in London.
Tho moro tho .fortunes of war ap
pear to turn npninst llio allies tho
less tho British seem inclined to lis
ten with pntlenco to any stijrscsHon
that pcaco can como through other
means than militury achievement.
When Chnrlcs Trovolynn in tho
Iiouko of commons last week ventur
ed to express tho view thnt'thoro is
nothing disgraceful or humiliating in
obtaining hy negotiation rather than
by fighting tho aims "for which wo
aro fighting," nnd urged tho govern
ment to inform tho house if nny pro
posals of pcaco emtio cithor from
neutrals or belligerents, ho wns hut
repenting opinions which led his dis
tinguished and scholarly father to
withdraw from tho cabinet with Lord
Morloy nnd John Hums wheu war
wiib declared.
Moreover, his statement that term
ination of tho war by negotiation
would give a greater guaranteo of
permanent pcaco, because less hatred
would bo engendered, served to em
phasize tho spirit of tho houso and
thu icoplo nt large. Bonar Law said
it was useless folly to pretend to be
lievo that Germany would give up
Belgium, Poland nnd Alsace ho
might havo ndded Sorbin unlit film
wns beaten. T. P. O'Counor suid
that such it speech would bo forbid
den in tho French chamber, the Rus
sian dtimn or the Qennnn rcichstmr,
and tho discussion closed with tho
announcement of n third member that
Mr. Trovolyau's constituents In York
shire had already selected another
liberal for his scat its they could nut
tolerate his opinions.
All observers ngrco that tho penco
advocates in Croat Britain have dwin
dled in numbers. Tho labor clement
that nt ouo timo wns inclined to bo
lukewarm in tho support of tho war
is now credited with being among its
most outspoken adherents, labor lead
ers having thrown themselves eagerly
into backing Lord Derby in his re
cruiting cnmpnigii.
It is admitted ou every hand thnt
tho fortunes of war do not nt iresent
favor tho allies. Tho Dardanelles
campaign, particularly the landing at
Suhi Bay, is n tremendous disap
pointment', the mlvauoo at Loos has
boon followed by tho gonuial belief
that, ns at Nmive Chapcllo; n brilliant
opportunity to make tho most of a
promising opening was lost; tho ur
inal lois of tho Serbian teiritory nml
the precarious position of tho urmy
that lauded at Saloniki aro not tin
derentimated. The attltudo of Grccco
and Iliimania, tho disagreements in
the eabitiet and other disturbing fac
tors are all weighed in tho balanco
nml contribute to a general appre
hension Hint things nro not going well,
us Mr. Churchill expressed it in his
apology. Still tho British nro not dis
mayed ami tho universal belief is that
any chnnoollory which "sounded"
Downing street ou the possibility of
peace would find no welcome. That
"men, munitions nnd money" will win
the war is tho common conviction
that no ndvcmitv has shaken.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 3. Tho Car
lisle team will not bo n contender in
future iiitorenllogiato football games
as ft result of n decision by Secre
tary Lane today, after u conferenco
with Commissioner Sells of the In
dian service and Superintendent
Lipps of tho Carlisle Indian school.
Secretary Lane held that in tho
fut tiro football must bo subordinated
to the educational features of tho