I MM ' .1 61- IT r f- ft " o lii. 5r; . Mfc lr .44 S$ Mi 41 ! w- f NT1 I. ii PAGEFOTJR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDUl'KNDKNT NKWHi'AI'ISR I'UULIKIinU KVI3IIY AKTHIINOON EXCKIT HUNIJAY 1JV Till MKUKOUO I'lUNTlNCJ CO. Officii Mnll Trlbuni Hitlldttitr. 25-27-23 North Kir ntroot; (clrplionc 76. The Democratic Time, Tlio Mndfonl Moll, Tlio AtcuTonl Tlliunu, Tim Houlli ern Orcgonan, Tlio Anlilnnd Trhuni;. BUnHCRIPTION KATHfl Ono ypnr, Uv mnl $5.00 Ono month, by mull CO I'rr month, ilRllvornd by rnrrlor In MriHord, Phoenix, Jitcknonvlllo nml Central Point Bo Pntunlny only, by mull, nrr year 2.111) Weekly, per your 1.B0 -friclnl Paper of tlio City of Mfclford. Official Paper of .Jncltnon County. ICntcrcd ns socoml-clntu rnnttnr nt Medford, Oregon, under tho net of Mnroh 8, 1870, Sworn Circulation for 1814, SA88. Full leaned wlro Asnoclatcd patent-it. I'ress din- m BubHcrlbors falling to tcccIto papers promptly, phono Clrcu- latlon Manager at 2G0-R. HONG KONG KOLUM mm mnmoN mm How enn I hocomo n member of n Kood penco Eocloty? Ilnroltl. (Wlily not Jloln iillmoiiy club ) m Tho IHtl Wjin OiiIcIiiammI Tlio Dovll Hat by tho Inho of flro on n pllo of sulphur Uckb; his heml wiiH bowod upon hla brcnHt, IiIh tail boUvcou bin lei. A look of hIiiiiiio wns on IiIh faco; tho npnrkii tlrlpputl from bin oyen; ho hail Kent lib. rcHti;. nnllon to tlio tbrone up In tho hKIoh. "I'm down unil out," tho Devil until; bo mild It with ii oh; "there '" tiro tithurs Hint outcliiRH mo nnd I wm to dull my Job. Dull Ihu'I In It with (bo bind tutt 1 1 oh iiIoiik tho Ithluo. I'm n lin-ljmtii and a plhor. nnd, tberoforo, 1 renlKii. Ono uiniiin- nltlon maker with IiIh bloody Hhot and Hholl, known inoio nbout damnation than all tlio ImpH of boll. "Olvo my Job to Knhior William or to tho ltuwlau cznr, or KIiik CeorKO or J. I, .Moritnii or miiiio huoIi inwn of war. I bnto to lonvo tho old liomo, tho Hpot 1 lovo ho well; but I reel that I'm not up to ditto In tho art of riinnlnj; boll." ' And tho Devil gpat a quart of hUiiuii nt a brlumtona bumblobeo nml mil t- tnrod that ho kiiiuwoiI bu'd i;o and bunt up youiiK .loliu D, r MlHtt Klta llonn of IIOHton Ih vIhII li)K rrlinuU In Cnllforuln, acmirdlui; to iho Snntn llurbwra society column. Ob, "by do on nobody love a rat, Walled a rodent, through IiIh team, Ami while ho wept, tbo muiIIIuk eat Crabbed bold ot both IiIh nam! A book iiKont nukud my undo (from a Kmuhiih farm) whether ho would buy an encyclopedia. "No." wild tho old Kent, "I'm too old to loam to rldo ono of them UiIiikh." Artie. Hni)' .Man Ih Vicious tin TIimiiKskU. tti Day I'lttHflnld. Mann, Nov. 30.--A man ban been nontmtcod In u local police WiUU huro ehnnjod with IiiiIuk flh ed two ehlekouH ft om a nelHliborV J'aViI. tJottoi & OuMou null ncedloa and $wul; niiiclilun Hiulpmont In Clil tjiiub." TlioiiKbtrul .Man "V 11 1 1 1 . went on the man fiom l'mlinik, "I illil inther well out tit Unit raload nrcJilojil One tlioimaud for m)sof nud two Uiousund for the wtfo." "Wav hIio butt too?" nuked tbo ua tlvo. "Woll, she wouldn't lt! been, Hill It I hnipi't the prtwenco uf mind to KJye hw u ood wut pvor tbo bend wlion the chi' Juniid tho track!" Sine The) lle Yontotday I wm Jtlmom rou dovu li4' n par l turtia nairHy te 'lift UW(iur wluui l bud lowvortMl my baiauco. "llav iMltMtrlHUii no rlslU "I nH?' 1 tuelaliutMl "8ur." bo repHiH!. "fujjortU riiht S(jjU'j' uukuIi1 (''," Too bad wboirt liHttlwud fun t iiiahH tbo tiiln lir.t anil tk U- m ik aMfc II u II M -W.?r- KiIaT aaaM 1 1 'ip i ' Vy " ' jWHMBi It lnt. PREPAREDNESS BKFORIO adopting a. lingo preparedness program it would bu well to nndorsiaiid just what tlio nation is lo propare Tor for upon our fuluro eourso, depends the degree of )i,(,pni,c,tliioss necessary. v If tho United Stales is going to become a world power, in the sense that tho European nations are that is, striv ing to seize and rule i available parts of tho irlobo, hut ting-in to the affairs of all other nations and supplanting the ideals of right with might, then a huge military prop aganda is essential. Rut such a course is incompatible with a democracy especially such a republic as the United States. Standing armies and gigantic navies are tile weapons ot empires not democracies. A democracy is fearfully handicapped in its conduct of war when compared with a strongly cen tralized autocracy. It is true the nation broke into world politics when the Philippines were retained, instead of being turned over to a native government. This act violated every tradition of the republic and placed the United States in the same class with tho globe-gobbling rulei-s of Europe. But we have all along professed the intention of surrendering tho Philippines to the natives as soon as they wore "capable" of self-government. IJut the plutocracy responsible for their retention will always oppose their evacuation, as they offer rich opportunity for private exploitation at Uncle Sam's expense. Jf it is merely necessary to provide adequate protec tion against invasion, a very .moderate amount of prepar ation on account of isolation is necessary. Without ques tion the close of the European war will find a program of partial, if not complete, disarmament, adopted. Exhausted Europe will be in no condition to maintain huge arma ments. There will be amide time to prepare for the future when the degree of preparedness necessary is dotormind, both by outlining the future policy of the' nation and by the future course of the present belligerents after tho war. E OF EMI TOKIO, .lapau, Dec. 2 Tho nreal cnt military upcetnclo of pence times In tho blHtory of Japnn nim wilnctiB cd lit Tokln totlay. Klfty thoiisund Holdlurn, Infantry, cavalry and nrtll loty, ok'ctcil from nil pnrtH of tlio empire, woro reviewed by Kmporor Yonbllilto In Lolobrntloit of blri roro. nation. Ten aeiopluueH and nuvernl dlrlKlhleH ropreNOiited tho aerial In niirli of the tjorvlco. nuroro i no pnrniio tlio emperor i oilo tbroiiKb the rnukH, lie wan nc companled by the military attuulum of the vailoiiH eiuliunnloH, lncliiillnr Colonel Jumeti A. Iioiih, the Auyrlcni( nttneho. Tho review of troopH wttn wltnowinil by the diplomatic rorpi, Includliii; tho American ambaitHador, (Iooiho W. Uuthrlee, all tho memberB of IiIh staff and tliolr wlvim, ami by Hear Admi ral Albort 0. Wlntorhnltur, romiunnd- er of tho AHlntlc fleet or tho United Stntoa and oflfcem or the erulsor Sar- atiiHii. 0. A. C. NO MATCH FOR SYRACUSE; LOSE 28 TO 0 I'OUTIjANI), Dee. 1. Willi the aid of a bewllderliiK assortment of plan. tho SyrnciiKO university football team cnmliod tbo ilofcnuo of tbo OreKou AKrlcultuial coIIok hero today When tho timokt- of battle finally elearml, tbo vcoro wtood 2K to 0. Tho oHHtem iiKKroKiitloii Rot tho Jump on tbo hkkIoij tbo moment tbo latter kicked off, and itcoted two touchdown before tho uoMo.ru play ers Rot their hands on the ball at all. With tbo ovceptlou of the Rnmo with WaMliliiKton State coIIoko, tbo AkkIoh defeat today mih tbo worst they liavo suffered tbU Koatoii. rorrect oNoeutlou or uumoroiiH complicated playn wan what nave the ili-torn tbo udrautiiKO on tho offen lo, On tbo dofemilio their lino tossed back liiterforenco nml downed tho runner witb clock work regular ity. lu tbo lnut iiinrter. bowovor, lion ore wnro nlmott even Tho Oregon I on in luiroly tiolvud SiracunoV plaja nml made Reed kuIiih on forward ihhoh IntornpoiKod with lino pluiiKOs. Wlilto and Schlaclitor. S)raciiho'a Klaut KiiardH, ami tho entire backfleld plnud u stolbir k.iiiio. l"or tho Ak kIoh, Abraham at rlKht halfback wad hLs tenm'H mnliiMtav. Officials OoorBO Varnell, Spo. knuo, Wimh., roferoo; lMowdou Stott, .Multpomab Amateur Athletic club, 1'nrtl.ind, umpire; Orover Krnncls, Multnomah ma I cur Athlotta club, Portland, Iiumdwiii; Slantoy, llor lt)kH, conob, Lincoln Ulyh. l'ortland, hoad timoktio)ior. noorRO Dewey, Portland, nnd Wtllluui llorr, Syra en. N. Y wniUtwuu lo llnotuitui. 8er by tmnrtera: rcuM .11 0 It 0SS AgfliM ..0 0 0 0 0 guhtitul, 8yrwu uulverltv BntwH fui WtlkluMtii. Oresou Ak Hlt. TbfMIIMOU for Hnoth. Hrookw tar 0k. UrllM tor 1in, l.oce for TtiomiMoii. i'iuiii for VM.n TIi,iiiiiimii for Mi-r I lot u-i t,.i MGHTY PA D JAPAN RM AD MEDFOTCD MAIL TgtBUNTC, GERMAN PLUNGER OFF GIBRALTAR HIT BY MISTAKE , NMVI'OKT NBWS, Vn., Dee. 'J. Cnptniu (llnsf.cn of the Mulish xienmur Iuxerl.ip, uluch went into ilr.vthiclt lieie Tor umli lepaiiH totlny, fta.VH he hclievew lie neetdcnlitllv ram med u submerged submarine while paHHinj; out of tho Strait of Gibral tar on November (I. Tho luvurkip, from Valencia to Nrorfo)k in ImltiiHt lo load coal, uiih nlioiit one Iioui-'m run from CJilti altar when there wits u tfiuut itliocl;. The sliip'n olficeij, mnv oil rio to the sur 4'uue of tlio water, mid Huh, wit Ii the fdul that ii Ioiik diaxoiinl ilcnt was lnmlc in the bottom of the luverkip, lead Caplnin Glut-en to believe he struck a Milimnnnu. Set era! holen were torn in the lu VOrkipV bnlltiNt tiutk. and but lor ex tremely calm wenlhcr Captain Glu. en hclicM'x hi ship would have sunk imnieiliatclv. The Menuier returned to Gibiallar, white tcinpornr tcpair ttcic made, italianTITry IA DRIVE HO.MI.. Dec 1 What i- bclicicd to have been an intimation th.it uu Italian expedition soon will be sent to Albania tins giuui b, Koieigu .Min ister Seiiniuo in his atldtcss before parliament when he said that a- soon is Mis-.iblt the Italian flag "wouhl wine from the opposite coa-t ot tin) Atlnutic to help the Seibi.ni- " M M11SON. In , Dei .' N'o coach will bo fcolected tor the lulversltj or WImcoiimIii football team until tbo January mct'tlux ot the regents, It wiih announced toilu.i. Student sen- tluieut fniors Glliuoro Doblo, rnUor - sit) of Washington, as a aucccMor to Coach William Juiiuau, whose res ignation wits announced Inst night ThomiMon, Sni)tb for litook, Hub bard llofor, llorer for I.ocoy. Scorou, first quarter, Wilkinson oiio touchdown, llatler ono touch down, Wilkinson ,two goal kicks; second quarter, none; third quarter, Wllkliisou ono touchdown, .Meohan ono touchdown, Wllklion two goal kicks; fourth quarter, none. Final soie. Syracuse ?$. rlos 0 Time ot qumtfit. f fteoii mlnuteg en. h CHICHESTER S PILLS W-yr.-v 1 I f UllUliMi 1111SU. X uu i ii. a nt .ia nwiAV i . i '.a in it -U v I l vik.r Uaririur V llUV.IM. IIKtMt '.l.i ALBAN WISCONSIN CA RESIN H ll "Mil. i SB mi DRiCubiS iuiiiHHiKt ! l r MEttFORD, ORFION". THE CROWN PRINCE Tliis intcrc-lm;,' photograph iimtk' nt tlio (U'ntinii lio:t1unrliiM m the Arjroiino foicM, shown l'rinco Henri of I'm-ia, the KuimtV In-other, nml mi iitlimrul in the German mm, rcntliii'' one of the :ei(irtx tit' the action lilting the Gemini! line, while the crown prince, linpp nt the ineetiii'r with hin unele, hits hml nn nt'l'eclioiiiite linnd on the htiuhkr of the oliler num. INQNASTIR STILL FREE; BULGRINS 1AUIS, Dec. L'. TolcKrapbliiK from Athena under date or December 1 tho correspondent of tbo 1 lavas Nowk iigcncy a: "Tho HtilgnrhtitH hnvo not yet occu pied Alonnstlr. Tho Sorblan army has evneunted th'o city, IcuvliiR only n fow officers nud n small detachment of tropps to prenprto order. It Is sup posed tbo UiilKailaiiH aro awaiting for relnforcouientH before entering tlio city. "The Kerblnn commandant at .Mon nRtlr poHted uotlccH tbroiiRhout tbo town ndvlHltiR nil InhabltantH who feared tbo treatment they might re ceive at tho liaiidH ot tho llulgars to leave tbo place, and that Serbian troopB would bo engaged in protect ing their flight towards tho Creek frontier, Serbian lefugces who con tinue to arrive at tho Crcok border nro nattering frightfully from cold, tho weather registering ten degrees Fahrenheit aboie zero. ' TrcHh lluVgarlnn forces are con centrating toward tlio l-'rciult front. TACO.MA, Wtish., Dec. '. Follow ing the supremo couit dcci-iou ciui- firining u imlgmout aguiu-t the lioaui of education for damages sii-tnincd by a pijpil on u ladder on the pla gloiiuds, the -ehool boa id here lm oidcrcd the nuioval ot .ill outide ladders nnd iliules on the pl.u grouuds, mnl liotuontal b.u- nml lad- tlclK III lilt ll.'-ofUU'llt. TOKIO. I i.e. 'J. F.mpit'ss s.iil.iku of .lapau g.ie biitli to a box at 7:l'i o'eloek lilt evening. This i the I'oinlli sou l)otn to tho emperor ami cniptiv of Japan. The other ehildiea nro lliioliito, .Micbiii oinixn, the noun prince, born in 11)01; Vasiibiio, AtsiiiiomiMi, born in IIHI'J, nml Xobuhito, Tciuuoiniyn, born in liur. Honor Ex-Prcsldent Hayes WASIIINdfOX. Dei I'rcsident Wie-on toilav told Colonel WVhb C. llaji's, sou or fouiior 1 'resident lli.v.t. li, u.utltl I,, i ittikkimt ,r iiiik. L;,,, - , , ,.,..',. , ' t,L.. 'v-t IMl 'llH UU"U 'i It lH,1 - monument at 1'tvmont, O., nest spnnj; Btit "t OblA i or r Tt.t. Ia (VMintr, . 1'iiul J. i hfr umVm ttih Oa I 1 i tnyr tvirllwr f tbe Ciui et V J tmtj S I'th, .1. he ltln In Die I'ltr at TMil. I'ptwlr .! Kill htf.'itl'i tml tkt U1 Atoi tM Pr tb mm f eni: iifximt:fr rvriu.it ruh nut rr"fr . t ut CiUfih lkl NlMt ts cutf4 lij On um v( Illl' i aurtb Cuf. rnaxK rucvur. flirAro l.i k-r.H' nte an.1 ivWrliwI mr fifwtrt, UU 1.1U titr 't Is -uiUr A ! . ltC fcl. A. M. I.LCAMS. SMtrj fublli' lltll't Cltlrrh rr l taken lutrrxUr i"t M ilim'ih u .11 ik II.. I iJ kvutvu. ur far wf lu. . -iru an. fa lr0eaUl., tre. I' J illt.vtV ft .0. Totnkt, O. s.'H r i i vu.i.i. t Tat Hall lautUjr l'.lU ( 4ttaitvattaA. JOHN A. PERL UNDEETAKER I .ml J slsUill US S. UUtTI TIT l-lmiiis, M it ami ITsPj tubiiaiu ytioc t .iivii i NEAR VICTORY ItUIUlWU I nil CM I vmsm ! is sent Greece nil ni AnnniiMnn' m rLH MUUNUO EMPRESS PAN HA BABY BO T1T(TRST)AV. T)ETOmKR AND HIS UNCLE MEET S .PAY NKW YORK, Dec. '. - Since lii ur rival bote Tuclhty, llaioii Sliiliiti'tinit lias boon the honored guent nt tin n'- inot eonliipioun round of icccplion, liiuelicoiiB and (liuiiciv. The 'mi on will .he tho xuest of haukerh nt n luncheon tliis ul'ternoon, nml tonight tho ,1111)1111 fociolv will give u dimiot for him nt which Ambiifehttilor ''himla will ho proM'iit. Some of tlu moL ditinsii;licd men in tlie city paid it tribute t" the )npauc.-c fimiucicr ltit-t night ill n dinner in hi honor i.t the Lotti ohm. loliu I), Itoekefeller, .lr in it eom )limeutur.v speech, dccribcil llatoii Slnbusuwu u u liigh-niinded, pitl't olio man, devoted to tlio licit inter ests of his country. Whorl II. .Gury, eliairmait of tlio t'uited Slnles S(cel corporation, said tliitt Auiorie.t de- ires tlio fiiemlship of .lapaji if (or no other reuon than it pilemi'iirv iiduutnuc. ATIIKNS, Nov. :t0, via rurl, Due. .' IlcprPHcnlutlu'H of Aunlrln unil CeniiHiix bate Informed tlio Greek Kovernnipitt. according to tho Neon Abl that ir tho demamlH or tho ipind ruplo entwine are granted tho central omplroH . 111 . enMC to connlder Greek Maccdonlu ms friemlb territory. " CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To (let Quick Holier from Ucad-Colds. It's Splendid: In one minute jour rl.ggr.I nostril will oon, the ir iu-.ig.'H of jour head will clear and jou can breathe freely No more hawking, simllbag, blowing, bc.idiiolie, drjiiMM. No struggling fur breath t night i your cold or catarrh will be gone. Cft a small liottle of Klv's Cream Halm from jour druggist now. Apply a bttle .if this .frilgnuit. ntiMitk', liMhng cream in jour nostril. It na ctrntc through oiery mr puuvige of tlm bend, oootlifi tlio inllanie.) or swollen nnieoin membratio ami nlicf come in etantiy. Ifs'ju't fine Don't stiv stnffe.1 up with a cold or mii.tj' catairh Uclicf ionics so quickly. SSM l&JtSSsiSSsErf'J fJUST LOOK ' 'v and voq will find tbo troiuU at tbo Star Theater lc. iiuc that Is where tbo bet pi. tun arc biiown for i moiu'.i . TODAY em: hay oxi.v HAZEL DAWN in a flit) part Paramount "CLARRISSA" , dee I'uruuiounls and tho Uit first Tho lend ..tlion. follow lll, -,.H I ,,, ,v )uo 1. .ill H GOTHAM HONOR SHIBUSAWA TE i TniTHrMin timrAT 5. 101") SiPINGlILL YANKEE SHiPS WASIIINOTOM, Dec. 2. Draft of an administration shlpplm? bill to tnko tbo plncc of the tnunmiro which failed of passago nt the Inst sosslon or congreia, 1b In tho ltantU or tho house merchnnt mnrlno contmlttco to dnj. It whs proparcd nttor conror enco between Socrotnrlos McAdoo nnd Itcdrleld nnd would hnvo congrocH ap propriate J.'iO. 000,000 for merchnnt ships that could bo mod na navnl auxiliaries. Tbo bill, too, would cronto a fod crnl board with Jurisdiction over deep wator traffic, almllnr to tbnt exor cised by tho Intor-stntc commerce commission over tho railroads. Tho bill will not bo Introduced In congress until President Wilson has given his approval after Ita revision by administration leadora In and out of congress. I'or Those Wlio Want to Stick Around A While, TtiN iMnco Will So Doubt Fill tbo Mill (From Onry, Intl., Post) A now olectric sign calls your nt tentlon to tho Oxnard hotel. TIiIh hotel Is absolutely modem ami up to di'te, having Just received a nlco coat ing or tar on tho roof. Schiffimann's New Cor llioiulilal Asthma, Whoopin Tho .Mcdford I'hiirniacy Is willing to lose tho profit which would bo mado on a bottle of Scblffmau'H New Concontrntod Kxpuctoraut, and aii tiouncoH that thpy will Kelt a rogular ."0c bottle of this reniedy for Hue, (hair price) to persons presenting the coupon below, but only for tho rirst bottle to each pcrxou. Although a romady tor llroiichlnl Affections and Coughs or Colds might not have yet been required so far thin season, It Is more than likely that some mombor of the family will need somo before It Is over, nnd It will pay to tnko advantage of this opportunity now nnd buy a bottle at half price, Instead or putting off until later nnd paying foil pi Ice., Wbllu losing mouitv, thoy hnvo do. elded to pli'o Iho public tin opportu nity of .trying this., most excellent, successful, noiv romCdy.nl no great er price than 'thoy would have to pay for almost any ordfnnry couglt rem edy, ami aro positively cortalu tbnt (t will bo found tbo best medicine ever used for Coughs. Colds, Jlron chlal Autumn, HronchltlH, Whooping Cough, Croup and HoartionoH. . Uoaltloa having a cbnnro or sucur lug tbo very beat remody noiall'lc, nt PROMISES tvi:tv i'ivk ci:xt cori'o.v xo. i This coupon nnd 2 So Is good for one (only) 50c bottle ot Srhlff maiin's Now Concontrntod Kxpoctornnt nt Tho .Medford l'barnincy If your name and ad dices is rilled in. Name . Address The Page TONIGHT-LastTimc-TONIGHT CLOSES THE ENGAGEMENT OF ETHEL BAR R Y MORE IN THE FINAL JUDGMENT A great artist, in a great play, produced by a great director and a supporting cast which includes the distinguished H. Cooper Clifle,vho played "Nobody" in "Everywoman," combine to consti tute vital strength and supreme art in 'THE' FINAL JUDGMENT" PRICES 15 AND 25 CENTS UiiatlMH MQUil fel.fH 1." The Dollars You take rare of now mil tal.o caro cf ou later on. ibr tmr m II con.o wbrn jou wttl uccd them no ques tion a'lont iit.,t If o t h.tii no ban t.? in'ttic, come to thu strong local bank. I OVEn2 2VARS UNDER ONf MANAGEMENT AK PROTECTION AMERICAN LIVES I TOI'OI.ODA.MI'O, Siiiulmi, Dec. 1 (by radio lo San Fniuciseo, Dee. ), Atli'iinto protection ul once lor American lives and property in Sinn Ion wn tlcimuitlctl toiltty from (kn. oral .Munoz, Hie Ciirrnnzu coinimiii der, by Ailitiirnl Cameron AleRae Wilislow, coiiiinandiiijr the Pacific fleet, who nrrived liere today on his flagship, tlio United Sltilc cruiser San Diego. General Muiiiiz gaw as Hiirauces that utieli protection woulil be ,nf forded. Admiral Win-low, liiw stufr nnd of ficura of an o.xpoditiomiry force lirought on tlio San Diogo, visited oLs .Moehis immediately, to inspect thu town twice raided recently by Muyo Indians nnd Villa soldiers. They found American homes nnd properly looted nml destroyed, nnl confirmed previous reports of tho k struclion of property, the fonfiscn tiou of Klflll mules, harness, wagons, nnd eipiipiueiit belonging lo (he I'n'u- ed Sugar companies ami of various (leptedalioiiH, It was confirmed tiNn thai Carranzn soldiers, reluining lo I the place after I lie raids, had partiei I pilled in looting, according to tho I best reports. Bronchial Remedy g Cough, llionclillls nml Coughs half price, you nlfeo got as much an would cost you $2.00 to ft). 00 for tho name quantity of ordinary, old-fnuli-loued, toady mado kinds, because u L' -ounce bottlo ninkos a wbdlo pint (12S teaspoonsrul) when mixed at home with simply a pint or granulat ed Hiigar and ono tialf pint or water, as directed. It Is altogether differ ent fiom any other medicine. It pos itively contains no chloroform, opium, morphine or any other uarrotlc, uh do most cough medicines. It Is most pleasant to tako and absolutely tbo host and safest for children. Absolutely no risk, to run In buy ing this remedy, ns If It does not gho porfect satisfaction ami even mot o If It is not foitnd tbo best rem edy evor tisod for tiny of tbo abovo complaints, go back and tbo abovo druggist will refund your li.'c Just tbo sitiiio ns with Schlffmunn'K fam ous Astbiumlor. Can an) thing bo fnlrer? You will bo tho solo Jutlgo nud your money Is not wanted If you aro not satisfied. Hotter buy n bottlo at onco, wbllo fresh lit memory, oth erwise you might forgot it, The cost could also bo reduced by Inducing n neighbor or some frloud to bu half tho quantity. MEDFORD'S LEADING Motion Picture Theater - a WEST COAS vm .