PAGEITVB -."i, j. i i-..i Freckles and His Friends By Blosser IL.0014 HERE VOUMG MAJS. YOU'VE GOT TWENTY-TWO GUINEA I f :-::;:,, AQE YOU VEU. THAT CERTAIN VES I AM PA BUT ALL I GOT j WU2 ALL I I OP THAT? , JWI6S, NOW WMV "5 HAD IN YU' j IT THAT , FIRST PLACE' 4 v fr.i MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTCDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1015 ASHLAND AND VICINITY jM ,& MERE! If v M, . : now is twenty - , rJ ' ' iTVW ax, JA'Jy . TwO-BPAUVl - ' 1"SS33 H Pl A' WxV'-" Former Superintendent of Schools Collins, of Aleilford, wns In town ear ly In the week ns tho representative of the Occidental Insurance company nlong n range of policies embracing hoalth and accident risks. Dr. Geo. O. Jnrvis, left on Monday during tho reduced rato season, on a flying business trip to San Fran cisco. Harry Slcgel, passenger conductor on tho Ashlaud-Hoscburg run, lias taken a lay-off, beginning Nov. 30, and will ploy tho vocation of agricul turist during the winter months on his ranch 20 miles west of the Doug las county capital. This vacation Is a welcome ono after 17 years con tinuous duty In tho railway service. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore return ed on Monday from DorUclcy, Cal., having been summoned Micro by tho death of Frank's father, M. D. Moore, whose funeral was held In that city, In the vicinity of which n number of relatives reside. Tho remains of tho deceased were cremated. Moore, tho elder, formerly resided at Vermilion, South Dakota, and hud visited his son here earlier In tho season. Albert Johnson, the horticultural wizard, not having scon Iito way dear to "visit the exposition, has indulged In the purchnso of an expensive pho nograph by way of recompense. Tho machine is an Edison disc of the lat est modol, tho cost of which was $200. In tho languago of tho real estate dealer, Hoso Hros. "engineered tho deal." Members of a local fraternal or ganization controlled by women aro In tho throes of an uproar over tho blackballing of several candidates for admission whose private character is above reproach. One of tho rejected rrcoutly visited San Francisco whero sho consultnd an oracle as to tho Identity of tho party who cast tho rejected ballot. Tho report has It that tho modlumistlc Identification wns so comploto thatmadamo return ed homo from tho exposition city and without wnltlng for tho slow process of tho law gavo her detractor n rare blessing by word of mouth In lan guago that is not confined to un known tongues. Visitors from Little Shasta valley over In Siskiyou county aro remind ing local residents that In view of tho beet sugar proposition failing in Jackson county, recourse may bo had to northern California territory. C. li. Watson has been mentioned as a possible delegate to be named by tho local commercial club ua rep resenting that organization at tho Oregon Irrigation congress, to bo held In Portland, Dec. 2S-30. Other Im portant matters will bo brought up before the club at Its regular meet ing, Monday evening, Dec. C. Of those who were charmed by tho speeches of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, , nt EIIih' temple, Monday night, It was a matter of comment and a result to be expected that n heavy pcrccntago of those prcsont were Scotch, either native sons and daughters or direct descendants of such. In tho reception feature which followed tho addresses It goes without saying that "tho land o' ca,kes" was lauded to the skies. As an Instance of the impetus which tho springs development has given to investments here, it Is only necessary to stato that Father Mas ters, a Catholic priest of Sunta Cruz. Cal., holds stock In tho Ashland Min eral Springs Natatorlum to tho ex tent of $20,000, he being the heaviest Investor In that enterprise. Still thoy return to Southern Ore gon nfter migrating all over the east and central west. Dr. Krnost A. Woods formerly of Roguo Illvor, and who a few wcoks ago packed up his effects and roturuud to the prafilo region, lias ronio back to Jackson county, and will settle in Ashland as a specialist, lie found no lure In the climate of either Minnesota or Michigan. H. A. Northrup, of Portland, rep resentative pf the Oregonlan, Is mak ing pne of his periodic canvassing trips Into this territory. A bunoh of lively Southern Pacific sub-officials put In an appearance hero early In tho weok on their way to the fair at San Francisco. Tho personnel included Gus Morris, train master; Chailey Martin, assistant su ' perlntondent; W. A Newell, Inspec tor; nnd II. A. Walters, chief clork to Supt. Campbell. Pete Kelly, the Southern Pacific sleuth, traced tho party as far as Ashland off of tho Portland division. Fifty rogular soldiers from tho Pre sidio, San Francisco, occupied a spo clal coach northbound Monday morn lug. Most of them had been dlscharg od from the service by limitation, but annouucod an Intention of re-onllst-Ing upon arrival at Seattle and other military posts. Avorill liurrlmau. oldst son of the Into K. 11 Harrlnian, and who Is a director of purehaao and supplies of ' the Southern Pacific system nasund through here oarli la the week bound fur Portland II ami his party oc cupied the office car 'Anion." Mrs I L Ashcraft who suffered from a fainting spell on the streets last Suudav. Is rtMovoring from a ion dltltiu vktiiili fur Iho time Iwliitf threatened alarming conseijuouce Mrs. J. L. Harncr has returned from the exposition, where she also visited her daughter Klslo who is n student lu the School of Design at San Francisco. Hoy Vaughn attended the Thanks giving school entertainment and dance nt Persist. ' Miss Margery Krsklno spent the Thanksgiving holdnys at home. Mrs. Karl Uirlch went to the valley Saturday. Frank Dltsworth returned Tuesday from San Francisco. J. II. Krsklno returned from Mcdford tho samu day. Mesdames Lower and Sholl nnd Harold Lower motored to Mcdford ono day last woel: and returned tho next day. .Miss Margaret Mansfield spoilt the Thanksgiving holidays at home. Tho Flounco Hock school gavo a Thnnksglvjng entertainment Wednes day afternoon. All details oven to tho decorations, programs, and hand colored cards of Invitation wcro curo fuliy planned and carried out. Tho young performers did their part well and tho visitors were much pleased. After tho program there was a bon fire built lu tho yard and marsh mallows toasted. Tho rain nnd snow dampened the candy, but not tho spir its of tho toasters. Lucius Clncald went down down on tho mall hack both Saturday and Monday. Perhaps just joyrldes as roads aro conducive to joy now. On account of tho heavy rain of Thanksgiving day tho entertainment at tho Peyton school was postponed until Saturday, December 4th, when it will be held rain or shine. Again everyone Is most cordially Invited, flasket dinner, program at 1:30, games, good time. Miss lla Lytic visited several days tho first of tho week at Mr. Vaughns, Grandma Gordon fell recently and hurt her arm which gives her much pain and Inconvenience. There wns a spoiling and clphorlng match at Laurclhurst school Iioubo Friday ovonlng after prayer meeting. Dee Ulanrhard was champion speller. Pearl Peyton won nt ciphering. CENTRAL POINI I. W. Merntt made his usual bus iness trip to fluid Hill Tiii'wlav. Dr. and Mrs, S. A. Mulkey ie turned Monday evening from Hoiu hiirg wheie they spent Thanksgiving nnd the week end with Hew Diggins nnd wife. How Diggins ws pastor of the Christian church hero re cently. Miss Edith Creed ik at homo on a short vuention visitins her mother. Mis Creed is teaching a term of school near Ilutto Falls. Mr. Lnmpmnu of (Jolil Hill was transacting huiinoss in our city Sal lii'daw Mr. nnd Mi's, .1. II. Downing, who loft Central Point this full to try the climate of southern California and Now Mexico for their health, lot timed homo Monday morning. Their many friend will logrot to li-arn that the change of climate did not proxe bat iftfaotory. Mi. (Joorgo Ilonsolgravo letiinied Sunday niternoon from Applognto, where she has been visiting her daugliter, Mrs. Warren Moo, for n lew days. How John Still made a luinoni trip to Medfoul Monday. Mr. and .b. Hamard of Ashland were niUn; their sistor, Mrs. Clnrn Houk, nnd their brother-in-law, Hob ert Ahowoith. hero Satuiday. J. H. Stoen of Tolo wa a huoi-lip-, visitor m our wty Tuoidn,. The Centnil Point Athletic 4uh have ituido urraitfiefnMith for m smo ker to bo jetton Wedneduy evening at the opom houo st 8 o'lltM-U. The bi hw iuviIm! nil the buiiit men, the build hoy miuI quilc n hmib hor uf outkidorx. The pmnruMi will (JllUt of MtltM'tttMli. bt tho iMtOd, imikio bv tho mlo 4iiurtrt. Iioxiiik HUllllll'-, Uli-tlllU liJ . t 1 1 -, I H' eating cuuto-t, alH't htok a buutpiet was served and eigtirs riven to nil those who attend. l'nul ONson left Tuesday morning for Snn Francisco to visit Hie ex position. Mr. nnd Mrs. F,. E. Lester of Tabic Itouk left for Filer, Idaho, Tuesday morning. " E. . Lane niul mother left for their former home in Uoston, Mass., Monday morning to spend the winter, storming en route nt the Snn r'rnn ei.sco exposition. Jnme.s C'omutt nnd Georjro Pnnkcy left for Snn Francisco Mondny morn ing to attend the fair. Victor Ilurscll nml Willinm I.ewLs, Sr., returned from n business trip to l'nrthuul Tuesdnv morning. Ilnrr- Carlton left Tuesday even ing with n onload of hogs for Port land. Mrs. P. IJ. Holmes nnd little diiimh ter, MihH Doris, of Willow Springs, were trading: among our merchants the first of the week. Watt Heche, wife und daughter, of Agate, stopped here Tuesday morn ing to have some repairs done on their cnr. How Gillette, who has boon visitinir his niece, Mrs. Clyde Applcgnto, left (for Cniiyoiivillo Tucsdny morning. Mrs. II. V. reart nnd daughter, Miss lln, left Saturday evening for Chico, Cal., to spend the winter. Mr. Williito nnd son of Sam's vnl ley were in town the first of the week. ( C. Sanderson lias moved his family up to his ranch in tho Willow Springs district, where they will re side during the winter. A I ford Qillettu nnd wife have mov ed into Kobcrt Ashwortli's house to tuko onrn of him nnd see that he 'has nil the comforts nccosKiry to hiw illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Glass and fam ily aro visiting friends in northern California. Professor Narragen of Eagle Point was visiting and looking after his business Interests in Autloch this week. Mr. and Mm. Win. Uingham worn trading and visiting In Central Point Friday. Tho entertainment at Chapparal school Wednesday night was a good ono nnd all the pupils Interested lu the program and it was a credit to their teacher, and was enjoyed by the parents and visitors who attend ed. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet of Meaglo wcro trading in Central Point Satuiday. A Thanksgiving dinner was given to rolntlvcs and friends at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Snydor. Those pres ent woro ,Mr. and Mrs. Kills Clark, Mr. and Mrs, Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chapman nnd family, Hubo Moore, Mr. Knighton. Sylvester Kennedy Is clearing land and Improving his homestead farm at Ileagle. Theo Glass hauled l load of grain to town Mondny. A number of the boys are trapping skunks and selling the pelts to Kail Caho, tho Deaglo pelt man. T Mr. .mil Mi- V V Juoohs ot Noith Taloot -pent siindii with Mis .1 cobs' siMer, Mr-,. Willmni 1'iin. of Fern valley. Mr. and Mr-. C. Caiov spout Thaiikv-iiiriif with Mr and Mi- C I' flood of Axhluud. Mr. nnd Ml. W S. Stnmlifle wore tripling in Modtoid hint Saturday. TIipm' fiom N'oith IMon visiting Modtord Saturday weie: .Mr and Mr. W. E. Aiuleivori, Mr. and Mr. II. II. IWiyoi. Mi. nnd Mm. II. F Mui-ne, Hny Vot. Kxorwtt VmilLo, Mrs. O cier. Mr. aHd .Mr- II K Muro Hoi oil, Wi., arrived 'islrwdiv of lnt wtwk for M-'l 'i Mr. mtd Mis II. II. Hujrrr f I'utu V ""v. ilrs Mar b iihui uf Mr, r r. Thov w"M w .lu. n thr tuilev ditiiiig tlicll -I. H lll'll .ui'l Ihnrir wb.i weiil fri 'mf ..I II - , I I I H I nL to Mcdford Satuiday were: Mr. and Mrs. . C McClniit and daugh ter Doiothy, Miss Molly Towne, Tate Edward", Air. limine, Mr. Ltovrmnn, (Inner Wolters, Junnitit Furry. From Tnlent W. Sowash, Al lloll, Mr. and Mrs. WeIN, Dr. Hart, V. II. Oatmnn, Jay 'I'orrill, How J. T. An derson nnd wifo. Mrs. William llruin, Mrs. No ih Chandler, Mr. niul Mrs. C. Carey. Through an oversight I omitted to mal;o mention in my last itcum of the most enjoyable afternoon spent by the members of tho Ladies' Aid of Phoenix and n few invited guests at the pleasant homo of Mrs. O. ('. Me Clain last Thur-dny. Mrs. McClaiu oortninly is an accomplished hostess nnd her onkos, fic diffenrnt wuie tieM, hnve been the subject of praise for excellence sineo the gnthoiing.. Work on the big dnm across Dcor creek is uumpletcd and the intake for the hig crmnl that is to irrigate sev eral thousand acres of land between Talent nnd Mcdford is moic tlmu half oomple'ed, giving nssiir.uioe of uhun dnnt yields in this already favoicd portion of the valley. Many land huyeiK nve visiting thee paits nnd trying to buy tracts, cither whole or divided. Grover Cook and family wcro shop plug In Medroril Saturday. Tho J. AV. Blilon family called at tho homo of W. K. Parker Sunday afternoon. Col. Minis returned this week from tho San Francisco exposition and re ports a very Jolly trip. A. F. Wntkltiti entertained Jackson ville guests for tho week end. A telephone has been installed lu tho Hower and Lowermnu home. William McKeu left Sunday morn ing for tho San Francisco exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Hull and son, Harry, of Grants Pass, enjoyed Thanksgiv ing dinner with Frank Thompklns und wife. Mr. and .Mrs. II. 11. Alverson of Grants Pass canio to Willow SprlngB to spend Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. W. II. Parker. .Mrs, John II. English of Medfoid was dinner hostess to I), W. Stono und wifo Sunday. Tho guests of W. A. Thompson this week woro Mr und Mrs. Thco. Fish, Mr, nnd Mrs. Ilurdolto Dodge, Misses Hamilton and Mr, Fletcher Fish. Mr. and Mrs John Slsty wore din ner guests of I). W, Stono Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and daughter of Central Point woro tho Invited guostH of W D. Clnrko and family Thanksgiving day. Tho Patent-Teachers' club will SALTS IF BACKACHY Drink lots of wator and stop eating meat for a while if your Bladder troubles you. When you wako up with Imrknclm and dull niiery in the kidney icgton it gen erally moans you have liccn eating too much meat, says a veil-known authority. Meat forms urio neid which overworks the kidney In their cflort to filler it from the blood nad they beoorno sort of pnrnlyfisl and loggy. When your kidneys got sluggUli and clog jou muit relieve tliem, like you relievo your bowelsi re moving oil tho body's urinous wU, eta you have backache, sick headache, diry Hlli; jour itouiMh soum, tongue is coated, And when the wiather is bad vou have rheumatic twinges. 'I lie urine is cloudy, full of sediment, eliannels often get sore, watr scalds and J on are obliged to seek relief two or thrtx) Mine during the night. KItlier consult a good, reliable physi cian at onco or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jud Salts, take a taMespoonful in a glass of water More brrkfat for n few days and your kidney will tlieu act flna. Ilii-t famous enlU U ninile from tho acid of graa and Ihikui jiiiee, combined with llthu, and l&4 U-ea iMsi for generations to oIbhu and tliHiulnUi lu(uUh kuJne, alto to iwutraltwi aoids ia tke urlwi so it no longer irritate, thus widing bladder ww L si. Jad Salt is a life saver for regular mm! eatrrs. It is InvKprouve, oaniMit ihjurv ki I Hmk'i a 'I -liit'itfiil, il'T tMsiit iithiu-water drink meet at the home of Miss Hazel Tay lor December 4th, at 2:30 p. m. sharp. All members aro urged to bo present on time ns plans for tho Xmns celebration will be discussed. Tho Willow Springs Industrial club of the school entertained the par cuts nnd friends Friday afternoon, Tho pupils gavo tho ontlro program without any help or supervision of tho tenchcrs and tho program was very much of a success. The children cer tainly need cicdlt for their endeav or. At tho dinner party given nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. KIden Thnnksglvlng, covercs were laid for tho following guests: 3, W. Kitten and family, Julius HtrkuoU nnd fam ily, Misses Kosu Jones and Anna Thornim of Alllwaukce. At tho meeting of the Grnngn Sat urday evening It wns decided to havo an anniversary banquet tho first of January. Grango No. 477 has been organized four years. Uosldes giving Mr. and Mrs, Nichols tho obligation of the Grange, road committees woro nppolnlod. A social hour was enjoy ed after which cup en ken and coffuo were nerved by tho ladles. Notice of Assessment Oillfornln-Orogon Power Company. Location of principal place of busi ness: Snn Francisco, California. Nolcc Ih hereby given, that at a meeting of tho directors held on Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 11)15, mi as Rcnsment (No. a) of Ono Dollar por oh aro was levied upon tho capital stock of tho corporation, payable. Im mediately to tho Secretary, at tho office of tho corporation, No. ltll Leldesdorff Street, San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assess mont shall remain unpaid on Wed nesday, December 15th, 19 If!, will bo delinquent nnd advertised for sale nt public auction, and, unless pay ment Is mndo before, will bo sold on Wednesday. January II! lb, llllti, at the hour of 11' M., to pay tho delin quent nibOKHinent, together with tho costs of advertising mid expenses of sale. Dated October 20th, 1'Jiri. alkx J. itosiioitouan. Secretary of Callfornlu-Oietfon Power Company, Offlce: No. 131 Leldesdorff Streot, San Francisco, California. FOU IlKNT IitlUSICH FOIt HKNT Modorn furnished house keeping rooms, close in; gns and wood stoves. 'J.1I Knst Oth. 238 FOU HKNT Well furnished modorn bungalow, i'ii South Laurel. FOIt RKNT Col. Sargent's placo on Oakdale avenue. Inquire of II. I). Nye orjloy n. Peebles. 225 FOK HUNT MIHUKMiANKOUH FOIt itHNT All leases having "ox" plred on brick store looms, Nos, 131, 20!), 211, 213 West Main St., Mcdford, tho undersigned wishes to lensu said storo rooms, present tenants given first rofusal. Hecuio locations noar new postnfflce. Juo. F. Whlto. 210 FOU HAM! MISC17l4fiVlfKOUR I-'OIt ALrSinali eight porcont -mortgagns on tanches near Agatn nnd Kaglo Point. Address Ilox fi21 Medford. Ore. FOIt SALK Diossed hogs, rorn fed; baled alfalfa and grain hny; beard', less barley seed. Phono 201-K3. 123 FOIt SALi: Good second hand Thor electric washing machine. Phono 570-11, or call 246 S. Hlvursldo. NEW TODAY A fluo leveled, Irrigated alfalfa ranch near tqwn lu t'matilla county, with house, barn, and bearing orch ard, neatly all is either In alfalfa or roudy for seeding. Water abundnnt, and all paid up. Will take u small highly Improved placo us first pay ment, balance could run. Placo pric ed inrv low nt 1100.00 an ncrn. A fine 14-atro placo very clone- to jieuiuni lor rem, cuoap, C. D. HOON Itoom 10, Jkikfton County I tank lllritf. LHAItV WATCHMAKING1 Take the right step now; pleasant, profitable work not overdone; fow inniitliH learning, positions guaran teed; write for reforoncea and partic ulars Portland Watchmaking, Kn graving and Optloal Behonl 21 R Com. montvoHltli MblK . i:ili and Aiikeny, rorllnlivti OrCOl. FOR 8AMG--anitCin,liANKOUS FOIt SALK .Have cockerels bred by last year's Spokane winner, $2,00 and up. Kmcst Webb, Central Point. 222 FOU SALK Corn, Thono Cn7-H2. 217 FOIt SALK 1 storm buggy, cheap; 1 bicycle, man's; l cow; baled wheat hay In any quantity. Mrs. D. M. McNnsscr, Central Point, Oregon, Phono 143x2, 110 FOR SALK Forty-fold seed wheat at ranch ono and ono half miles couth of Phoonlx, 1 per bushel. Address A, L. IOomlB, 1103 W. 10th St. Medford, Phono G31. 217 FOR SALK Stock beets and carrots 0,00 per ton. F. L. Caton, Cen tral Point, R. F. D. No. 2, Phono 20X3. 222 FOR SALK Grain hay nnd geese. Phone 591-J2. . FOR SALK Canned fruit, fruit Jars, child's cart "and other articles. Ap ply 211 Washington St. FOK BAMW-MrwaTOCX F6?rsAuii"b7ssT"lcXvy work mnres. Inqulro Vinson's Darn, N. Rlversldo Avo. 21G WANTKn SITUATIONS WANTKII Yanne mnrrloil ninn do siren work on fruit ranch; exper ienced lu all kinds of grufllng and orchard work. Phono 10U-Y. 219 WANTKD Offlco w'orlt by exper ienced woman book-keeper. 204 S. Central. 218 WANTKD Work by day, hour or Job by man with team; also wo bavo alfalfa, grain, hny and straw nnd wood for sale. Leo Young, Phono 7-F4. 221 WANTKD MinuTn.i-nNrfOUH WA"NTKb"MoToriiui?s low, very close lu or three furnish ed housekeeping rooms downstairs. Address Dpx O, Mall Tribune. 217 WA NTK DTo purcliaio Irrigated ranch; profer location In district north and oast of Mcdford; place must bo Irrigated or under propos ed extension of Irrigation ditch; prlco must bo reasonable; give prlco and best terms, also section, township and range lu replying. Address P. O. Ilox 207, Mcdford. Oregon. 233 1'OU KXCIIANGi; FOIt KXCHANGR 80 aero tract dear of mortgage, $1200, for small house with garden ground; 2 Si) acre tract $4200 for small acreage with Improvements, 2 small first mortgages on acreage, well secur ed, discount for cash; $5000 resi dence nnd cash for ranch. Clark Realty Co., 200 Phlpps Illdg. FORTRADK Havo horse to trndo, Will trade (or cow, hogs or feod. Kmcst Webb. Central Point. 222 FOR KXCHANGK I am In a pout tlon to nrrango for trades for Cal ifornla property, either city or county, In exchange, for Roguu rlvor property. Address for pros- cnt. L. II. Houston, Talent, Phonu 3-F12. 232 . -iTTt i -1 -3-s. i-3- jam t . ,-; , .,;.--t IOBI LOST $10 reward lor return of black lynx muff; blnclt satin lining, missing from ladles room S. P. de pot, uftcrnoon or evening Friday, Nov. 6, 191 S. Ilox 14, Mall Tri bune. rsT smi"jus FOUND FOUND At Seventh Co. Armory Nov 2G, ladies scarf and umbrella. Inqulro A, J, Vance, Home Tele phone Co U .,J,.T h iJUU .. ,.!' I ' . A I WHY? IT IH YOUR IIUH1NKHJ, TO HKK MK Because my stocn. la trudo Is to have optioned at tho lowest cash price tho best buy In this county. I have boon on tuo ground look ing out for you for the past fire years. Nearly everyday I havo In vestigated some "good tblug." I have eliminated everything except those deals which I am convinced will se cure ma satisfied customers. In a few hour time I can give you the benefit of this research. It Is iny business to shovt you over the county aud Introduce you to the possibilities and opportonltlea here. Bee Med ford first and J. C. BARNES 1UJ Wiwl Malu tUrvt 1JUSINKS9 DIRKOTORY Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are oporntlng tho largest, oldost and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uao our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee 26 North Fittoonth St, Portland, Ore. Attorneys OKO. W. CHERRY Attorney., and .Notary, Room 9, Jackson County Hank Hulldlng, entrance N. Cen tral, Mcdford, Ore. rORTER J. NEFK, WM. P. MUALET Attornoys-at-Lnw, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank btdg. A. H. REAMKS, LAWYER Garuett- Corey bide. Q. M. ROBERTS Lawyer. Medford Notional Rank Building. Dentist Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gftrnctt-Coroy Dldg., ulto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono SCO. Collections nml Report COLLECTIONS AND REPORT8 We collected some nccounta. 14 yonrs old. Wo know how to got the money. Tho Duitock Mercantile Agency. Inc.. Rooms 1, 2, 3, Ilns klns'Oldg., 210 E. Main st. Knglnccr nml Contractor FRED N, CUMMINOS Snglneer and contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Illdg. Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation drniuago, orchard and land Im provement. Oarlmgo OAROAGE Get your promisee clonncd up for tho summer. Call on tho city gnrbago wagons for good service. Phouo 274-L. h V. Allen. Instruction In Music HAIGHT MUSIC 8TUDIO Room 401, Garnett-Corey bldg. Fred Al ton Ilalglit, plnno; Mrs. Florence Hnllldny Halght, voice. Phone 72. Physicians und Surgeons DTTTT'TirijARLOw) DRT EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 1030-L. Itesldonco 26 South Lnurol st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostcopathlo physician, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phono 130. DR. J. J, KMMENS Physlclau and surgeon. Prnctlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Kyos scien tifically tosted and glusscs sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F, & II. Co. bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono 667. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician nnd surgeon Phones, offlco 36, rest donco 724-J, Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to D. DR. 8. A. LOCICWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD P'jyslclans and Burgeons. Office 309-310-311. M. F. & II. bldg. Phonos, residence 814-J2, office 814, DR. MARTIN O. HARDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office, Palm block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J, T. 0. HEINE, M. D. Eye, Ear. Novo and Throat. Headaches and nervous conditions relieved by properly fitted glasses. Cross eyes straightened Offlco 238 E. Mali) St., phono 303. Consultation free, ir.r-T-g:i- Prlntcrs nml Publisher .Nt MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. - ,Tf .-iTn-.r a. i ;rr.,iu.,:.-j...u ;,.., ' ,.a Public Nteiiogrnplier M. T. EDWARDS, Stcographer and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-410 Garnett-Corey building. Office phono 709-J, roMdenco phone 163-R. HBRHKRT J. I1KRRIAN- Stenogra pher, room 2U. Jackson County Hank Illdg. Dictation taken any placo any tlmn by the only Steno type operator In Southern Ore. Of fice phono r,lu. Rec 27C-J. Transfers kads Transfer & storage co. Office 42 North Front at. Phoas 3K. prlnos tight. Servlni guar ItWt. . .