Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tlio W. C. T. U. will meet In a
npccinl devotlonnl service nt (ho Ilnp
tlBt church Thursday afternoon nt 2
o'clock. The object of tills mcotlnK In
to offor special prayers for tho CItli
national congress which convenes Do
comber Cth. The ministers of tho city
and nil christian workers tiro invit
ed to nttond tills mooting.
Special snlo of Onyx cnnmolwnro,
dish pans, wntor buckets, lipped pans,
bail kettles, etc. Sitturdny only, cliolco
2fic. U. P. anil Ildw. Co. 217
0. T. Walters of King's Highway
linn returned from tho hospital wlicro
ho has boon undergoing treatment
for blood-poisoning In both hands,
lie is much improved and on tho way
to restored health.
All tho lntcst sheet music nt fie per
copy. Music not carried in stock
will ho ordered for you at Halo's
Tlano Houso.
Tom Cox nf Onklaud is renewing
acquaintances In tho valley.
When bettor insurance is sold
Holmes Tho Insuranco Man will soil
Mrs. T. Trod .Touos'loft Tuesday
lo visit tho Ban 1'raneisco fair.
Clidcnlato creams, carnmos, chips,
peanuts, etc., only 30c a lb. at Do
Water Superintendent Arnsplgor
announces that ncctsnry repair work
will bo dona an tho lino tomorrow
(Thursday) and renuosts that tho
wntcr bo used sparingly to avoid tho
necessity af shutting It off altogeth
er. It Is his purpose to umko tho
reservoir supply sufflco during tho
hours of tho repair work.
See tho display of Onyx onnniol
wnro In window M. !. & It. Co. Spec
ial salo Saturday only, cliolco Sfie.
Second Lieut. Ilnlbort S. Deuel ro
turncd yostordny evening from Ku
gone, whoro ho wan examined by four
officers comprehensively In all Infnn
try branches nf tho mllltnry service.
Tho exnmlnntlon covered all the hours
of tho afternoon nut! till Into In tho
evening. I.lout. Deuel Is n grnduato
of tho Culver mllltnry acmlemy, In
diana, which, noxt to West Point, Is
tho best mllltnry school In tho Unit
ed States. .Mr. Deuol held tho official
placo of sergeant mnjor nt tho Culver
All tho latest sheet music nt fie per
copy. Music not rnrrlod in stock
will bo ordorod for you nt Halo's
Plnno House. ,
The Seven Ih company. Const Ar
tillery, O. .V. 0., will hold Its regular
drill at Its new armory tonight. All
members nro required to bo present.
Adjutant O-uiioral Ceo. A. Whlto ami
Captain It. W. Collins, of Portlnnd,
will arrive this weuic on tholr regulnr
tour or Inspection and Instruction.
Tholr work here will include tho new
armory and the rlflo range.
Unrpoutorlug and shop work, all
kinds. C. K. Collin. 31 N. llnrtlett.
Two drunks paid tholr flue this
morning In tho police court.
Free, n 10c tin of Stag smoking
with each 2So pipe at Mudford Cigar
Store. in
Tho I'roabylorlun ladltw will hold
tholr bniar Friday and Saturday, De
cember t anil -I, oust of May Co.
More. I'nnoy Work, iprong, homo;. candy.
fjtudenlM become efficient stenog
rnijlior by prnetlco, practloo, practice.
A rebuilt typewriter for homo prac
tice will insikqa useful Xmiis gift
Medford Hook Btoto.
County (Vnumliuilonor I'rwnk II
Mitddau arrived ,vednoduy frnui Ke
nt tie.
All UjjJ lutoat ilimit music at no per
ropy. Mmlo not oiurled In stork will
bo ordorod for you nt Halo's Plami
Hoiuo. .
County Judge K. L. Ton Vollo and
(ieorae PutiiMHi loft Woduomlny after
noon to visit tho exposition nt San
This Is tho last day on which ex
poKlllon low rnro tickets will bo sold
by the local Southern 1'nclflr snout
MIm Catherine l)unl. or thU rltv,
necoiuimnle! b Miss Ccne llorlou,
will lonvo this nftwiiUMin for l.o n
goloH. Miss llorton bus boon Wait
ing with friends hurt for gome
iiioutha. liar home Is In l. Angel-
Hullo Falls Wood Yard, I'nono R
or 228. Wood all kinds. tl
Ooniiulanlon W. Con I.uover of
Central Point, U a buoiiiMs Msltor in
Mwlfora this afternoon.
Meat your frltntU at Atwnod't Httx
Hall alUr. I'houo IS I. if
Tbo. W'IImh. a bHultitvM nisu of
JUh lso. California, is a Modlord
visitor today.
All brnmt and China goods one
fuurtu regular prtr. V hihmI rtu
for cautiHwreUI aiiuliintdut. ItMlfortl
' IJopk Store.
(5. MUh. Of Now York, ta Oolag bus
iilOM in this rlty itHtt tho vnltor thU
llatlwl ham nil HMD at UsVao''
F. W MuahMMlt. a buslnMs an of
Portland. Is In UltoU t4a m bua-
flood dry waul 11.10 pt tlr n
ground. It. F. Montgomery, 618 S
Riverside. !
Thcodoro Merrill, of Yutnn, Arizo
na, Is a valley visitor this week. Mr.
Merrill formerly lived In this vnlley
and has Interests here yet. Ho ex
presses optimistic opinion concern
ing tbo Immcdlalo future of tho
Iloguo river valley.
Ethel llarrymorc in moving picture
at tho Pngo theater tonight,
(Kdltor J. M. Potter, of tbo Mon
tnguo Messenger, accompanied by
Mrs. Potter, loft Inst ovenlng on their
return homo, nfter a brief visit with
friends and former neighbors in this
Ilcdcom your Llggott & Myers cou
pons nt Medford Cigar Store. 1 17
Kltuo Throckmorton, of Applognte,
Is In tho city on business.
Sco tho Medford Printing Co, for
engrnved calling and business cards
for Xmns proscnts. Special prices
for ton dnys.
I,. 1). Phillips, of Ashland, came
down lo Medford yostordny evening
for n brief business visit.
Mrs. Loach, Abdo-Support and
Harcloy surgical corset, at 32C N.
(1, Mollo, of Grants Pass, is a bus
iness visitor In tho valley metropo
lis today.
Special prices on engraved cards
for h few days, either from old pinto
or with now pinto. Medford Printing
T. h. Colvlg, of Ashland, Is doing
business In Medford today, having
eoinn down tho valley last ovenlng.
Kthol llnrrymnrc In moving plcturo
nt tho Pngo theater tonight.
J, J, Conway, a business man of
Portlund, Is n Medford visitor thin
Something now. Personal, engrav
ed Xmns greeting cards. Sco tho
lino nt Medford Printing Co.
(Irnnt Jefferson, of Itcd llluff, Cal
ifornia, Is a valley visitor this week,
having como down tho valley this
morning to look over tho situation
In this vicinity. llo is a sawmill mnn
mid expects developments In thnt lino
of business In this valley within the
noxt fow weeks. Ho says ho has
reason to bollovo that parties will
nrrlvo from Chicago this week with
good news relative to that matter.
OoIoh soils Ford cars, $200 down
and fan n month. 239
HenJ, 13. Wilson, of Illoomlngtnn,
Illinois, who tins been visiting Itoguo
river valley and neighbor districts
during tho pnst six weeks, will ro
turn homo this week with excellent
reports concerning whnt ho has found
In this county In tho wny of substan
tia! resources and rich promise for
those who will como hero anil em
ploy modern methods of develop
Smoke King Spitz and Pautola, two
best fie clgarH on market. tf
Kuny I lousier, of Astoria, this stain,
arrived this morning In search of
suiishlno. Tho hoavlest fog of tho
season enveloped him on his arrival.
"It looks Just like tho one 1 left nt
tho mouth of the big river," snld Mr.
Mossier. "Hut if It doesn't happen
often, 1 will remnlii awhile and look
about this much heralded valley,"
ho added.
Do Voo buys beer bottles.
"Duililr l.onglogs," tho farce com
edy that has delighted hundreds of
thoiisftiidH of theater goers through
out the continent and exceeded tbo
win Id's record In a run of flvo weeks
nt San KranoUco, will appear at tho
Vlnlng theater In Ashland on Decem
ber 1 1, the only stop the big compnnv
will mnke between Sail Francisco and
Portland. Mall orders for seats will
be promptly oared for at tho Vlnlng
Medford people who desire to ntteud
may thus have their seats reserved
Drs. A, It. and l.oulso (ledges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stownrt build
ing, 23C Knst Main St.
Son Dave Wood nnit thst flra In
nirancA policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
Mrs James I'lemlnx relumed Tut-
du.v evening finm The Dalles and
Portland, where she has been visiting
friends and re-lathe the past month
llesutlful line of engraved and Il
luminated personal Xmns Cards, with
envelopes t match. See tho lino nt
the Medford Printing Co
J. O. Uerklng. tno best nil around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always rollnblo. Negntlvea made nny
whore, tlmo or placo. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-.1.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies
II !' Ilentstreot. one of tho pros
porous furniHrs and oichwnlUts of
the valloy, In the elty toda on bus
lues. Home made taffv at Do Voo's
I'hoH leo for Hall Taxi Co. Coun
try srvlea enlv. Kaannablo rntos;
large comfortable oars.
(lus tSlrelgkt. of iSvracust), New
York Is in the eltv toda for a visit
of a iuouiIi. 4urltti wkleh time he
will thoroughl) hkiuIuo etiudltlons
In the Itngur river Mlloy for eastern
Try m of tbo! ulg Ice cold 5 cunt
milkshake at I)n Voo's.
Itogno Klvr Kur4tupment. I O O.
F. lll mn loniabt and confar the
Palrtarehal dagro oa a rlaas of ton
Pootago stRHis st Y,t Vee'.
Itontoo V. Wells, of Xorth Yakluu.
Washlmton. loft today, aftor a visit
of a nook at various points in the vsl-
Hulleruut brvaJ at Do Yoos.
Hlhcrt White, of Portlnnd, Inter
ested In creameries In sovoral parts
of tho state, Is a valley visitor this
A "Pacific Cedar Chest" for Xmns.
An ideal gift,
James Afrontwell, of Corvnllls, a
former prune grower In thnt section
of tho stale, Is In tho valloy this
week, looking over tho prune situa
tion as to ncroagc, yield and quality.
S. & II. green trndlng stamps with
every purchase at Medford Electric
Co. 217
T. W. Morrcll, of Applegate, Is do
ing business in this elty today. He
will go to Weed, California, tomor
row and return for sovoral days visit
on business in tills vicinity.
lnsuro your nuto in the ASllnnco
against thoft. fire. C, Y. Tcngwald.
Mrs. Harriot J. Moore, of Lake
view, this state, Is visiting with tho
family of Orley Union of this cty.
Special prices on engraved cardr,,
new and from old plntes. tor a fow
dnys nt tho Medford Printing Co.
Thos. Purcell, of St. .loo, Missouri,
Is u vnlley visitor this week, with
headquarters at Medford.
Do Voo dol Ivors tho Orogonlan to
you every day for 75c n month.
Alex Nlblej returned Tuosday from
Grants Pnss and spent the day In con
ference with the local beet sugar com
mittee and Pnt Welch of tho Koguo
Itlver Canal Co. It Is expected that
an announcement will be made nt
once regarding tho company's plans,
so that land under option can bo
planted to beets In tlmo for tho com
ing season or released for other pur
poses. For watch worn mat oatlsfles,
Johniioii the Jeweler. 220
ATIIKNS, Nov. II (etirie-.'ioinleiiee
of Hie Asoeiiileil I' -We lie
liove is heller for (licece lo
mnke Mire of keepine; wlmt wlie hn
gol tliuii to rihk whnt hIu hits ju-t
won in i wo niomiy, costly wilt", in
the hope of gelling- moie."
One of the princes of (irocee won
speaking to the An'iiitoil J'ioxh
eorrexpomleut, explaining tiie altitude
of Hie royul fuiuilv of Hrecce, which
linn been mi much ciitioiM'd both here
iind nhroud.
'This in no time," lie continued,
"for n mere fox lo bo greedy. There
me loo many lioux niul ligeiv on llie
prowl for prey Uioho iIu.vh."
"Ff the royni lnlo of (lie Iioiimc of
Sehloswig- - Ilolsteiu Snuileriiuig -(lluekuhurg
(to give it it full title)
is tit Hluke in (I recce at Hmh mouiciit,
iik innn.v nre lendv to it f firm, llie fnet
would never nppeur from the de-
ineiinor of iIioko niont eoiiceiucd. II'
it i just eoneeivuhle, iim Iiiis been de-
elaretl, Hint the event of the nel
few month niuv lenve CoiHluutino I
king of the Helenes, willioiit u
throne, the king himclf eem to lie
the liiht pcr-oii in (?icece In upoet
tiny ftieli possible ewntntility."
ELLA F. I Irten.U of .Mrs.
Kiln Flagg Yoiiiik. hiiierlnt"ihleut of
Chicago's public schools tonight inle
brated her complotton or flit tears
horvlui In school work with m golden
Julillee dinner at which Mrs. Young
was the guest of honor. Fifteen bun
dled guest tn official, educational,
dull ami clue life were Invited and
mn tributes to the life and woik of
Mrs Young were given.
STl HKXVIU.K, O.. Dec I. The
nude bod) of a woman wrapped in a
blanket was found in a cornfield here
todav h tantiiuiiiils. t'ountx uu
thnnlies bclit'Xe the woman was mm
deivd. There is no clue a. In In i
(llliA(it), ii,,-. . Mi ,1., m
duitw, who hai. been pieventnl bv
siuldeu illnohH I'roiu ioinitiuT ihf lout
HVAi-e i'M'(lilion, mix repotted itt
UUjt IhtK utttuiiooii II
ItHx nut bevu divided whether an op
era t ion i ne'
TAK KnTp liiiii horso. Uu7 uc
taut. Unw oaa have miho In
Itaylag exetmiHrs. .s3U U. vlh -IT
FUR ALK -OWHl putao. will' lake
lrt eh. haUnca la live stoi k 1'
O Bo. t;:i, rboo :.3i l.. :'- i
"OK AI.sr3o77lat9roU Ouroi
Jaraay hro4 aow. an boar, fh
gtlla. rrtadv for aarvlca; nlM nu
llaga All Color sioik will
sold i-hcMp II iai(wn (Vn
(isl I'oiai ;':i
Jllhel lluri'Miiore, tori iine-t iiinnn.r.
Aineriea'H dltcd dunniUe tar, Willi
be been on the screen nt the 1'ugc to
night mid tomorrow in "The Final
.Judgment," a live-p'uit hnto-lritimi
by Oeoige Sciiihoroiigh, uutlior of
"The Lure," irodticcil In IJolfe I'lio-
loplaVH, Inc.
"The Final .luilgnu nt" ntturiN
SAN FKM Sf(), Dee. I. The
Hill liner jMiiuic-ota. Iioiiiul for l,ou
ilou with lii'ifiii. on her fniewell vuy
uge tiudur Aniciiciiii regitrv, ii put
ting lineU to, Son Fntneist'p Ih'ciiii(i
of disabled, nun hiucr.v, iiecordiug to
ji wirelcsn nu-ii"e received here to
day. Kho lett Scuttle. WhnIi.. No
veinher M, nith leaking boiler, uinl
now ix off flic wist const of liwer
Cnlifornin. j!
She will rTiuch hero probithlv Stin-
nay or .Mommy, ine ,Muiiieotn k
ill., i.. ......-,( r....:..i.i,... H. .:... t... t. ......
nil' UUKir'l' Jll'lUIIIUl lltlllK I'll' ,llllt'l
. ... ,,,r i , ,
icon IIiil'. When she iuisiil iliiu'n
,. v , , . t? ,.i v- i i
the const lnfm Scuttle, November 111,
i.. ..:.. 1...1! . i. ..ii
( uptuiii (larliek eul a wnelesR ni
' .... ..... . ...
NHge of I'aii'UeJI lo thv kIc of Sail
rruueiscii, wliieh nul
U'l'l... ,. , . .l . , I'
l Hi' llieill .mmiimtii siflllllsiii
,,; ,. . , , . ,, , '
.Minnesota, tho finest ship thai ewr
i , ., .
sitiled the s4i( in now tMissiin. iohii
'. . ,, , .. . . ..
II ,UIH Ul'lllllljlll l'll., Ullllllll I III' II
foreign country, ncer ugain lo returti
with Old lllory flouting tnuii her
It was ti'porictl nt the lime that the
essel would In1 sold alter sl di
cllillgeil bi'i curgo nf 1 11,1101) toils of
foodsiutt-. She It'll Seattle with a
siipph ot . mil .ul lieu nt to cans her
thlollli I" London.
NASll'XliTON Icc 1 Nctrlv ,
tlti iieiiiiii of the enlisted noli of the
I'nlleU Hi.ues ure dtteus of the1
Culled St, 1 1 os. A statement Issued I
today b) Sneretarv lnleU shows the
. ... ... ...
perceutskc as 9. Is. and that .1.1' 7
percent un I'lllpluon. The remainder !
aio non realdont uliotts, resident ,
aliens, Porto llleaiis, iianioans and j
ChaHionos, with less thun one per
cent of each. I
Freib ro.ii.ted p. Mints at He Voe's.
Ero'i' l
Gun Met.ii Call.
Blind Eyelets
All Sizes
SMt'jISL sv'
wMrT i
Mi-s Ilnnvmore itnlinumleil oppor
t' '"" "' i1ihiV t her won
derfiil dr.iniiilic gift. The storv of
the plinto-driimn is yinle and giip
ping ittid was made it miihterpiece of
seieen nroduetions uudei1 the diroc
tion of IMtvin Cnrewe, Hie wizard of
(lie Holl'e htudioH. .Miss llnrrymoie
is Mipporled li a superb cast of rec
ogni.('dfdiige uml screen nrtisfs.
Follow iii); an address by Itoherl K.
Smith, secrclur.v of tlio DougliiH
l'oiiiit Tu.m,(t' leugue, nt tlio lih-
rury hall lust uighl, on (lie .subject of
"raves and How to Control Them,"
I. A. Westerlutul was named lo se
lect n committee of fifteen, of which
lie will bo chuinuuii, to consider the
nuiller of tho orgnnizntion.of a Tnv
jmyers' leugue for this enmity. ' It is
desiied to have (lie leugue Joimed in
time to consider the coiiutv budget
mioii to he issued.
The speaker Mcfliircil thnt the two
great dangers to the work uml el fie
ienev of !iixni,vois' loniies were,
fiixt, their undertaking to do the
I work of - ulilie uffieiuls, and, scs'ond.
Pi....:...- i.. .....I ...... I. ..I i
i. . i . i I .i
i trying lo reduce ni's below the ien
I " ..
"I'liitlile cost ol efticient business,
,,,.,. . , .. , . .
. 'be leumie slioiild not trv lo inn
c ,. ,..,. . . .... .
Iltsrties tir ollieiuls. sitid the siienker.
"hut, tin outfit mi nints coumiittees,
l.....ii u.-..ii.. ,...! ,.i.,: I..
I J-"'""!! l'lt'llllM sini, ri'llllflltllin, ur-
' I .1 , . ..
teniiiiie whether or not Ho nre luir,
.. i .. . . ..
Utud, it tiiitair, the exact causes tor
, , ., .. .. . , .. ,
i that eoinlitiiiii. ton wil 1 itnl bat
i your count. ami citv ol'liciaU will be
only loo glad to oo-opcrntc with the
ta.iaeis m tbir. mutter."
Climate i'mim ;
Medicine Effective
tiuntilt'la fiuin iuliruuluniK often
think Hint in.'iii. in,, will not li.'ly
Ilium. I iJi uir. retiului liuoits ..u.l
pidll foi ,t, hi i,kI,imiik Iii'mIUi,
Ul moiw m often hi i ,n ,Vluu
liuvw l.i-fii ti luallli li
l.ikliiiui A ! t.-i .i 1 1 . I..ul thin
vVflilmi, III.
".rii(li'in-Hi 'IhriMiKli xiiir In.
Blriiiiiviilnlil I Iiimc l.rni mini
Iriim u iri liinluri- urnr. on llrcriii
hrr 14. Itdil, I iam tnkpii lid Tj.
Iiluilil I'lii'iiiiiuiiki. ttlorli tli.(liiril
lulu TiiIiiti uIonI. il in IMI urir
IimiiiiII. In 1',-hriinr), I.I.K. I urul
In t'"nrt VVurili, Ipinn, jiiol IhIit tu
I hiioii (11), ultirHilu. Vlli-r Im:hk
Ihrr lo wk nt) ii; ilvUlii In
Inrmvil me Ihul my ene nit liovr
le. Iliree eeks later I rrlnruril
liDine, tielKhlHK Hta iiiiuiiiU, tin- iluc
Inr lB IliHT Biles me mi ua-oirniire
if renrliliia there oil t e. (In Jul)
II. IIHKl. I hrKiiu Inl.liiK l.' kinmi'M
itiiHilrrful remeil) for t.iinii 'l'rulile.
n i iim sikiii nun teo mm emt
'" " k',l,, mImimi m uniin
rliMHlnr. I Vhhrelnlr-ll
i vinamiti viitmit wkiiii.
I. kmun Mtoi ili. im itt.tMi
elfl. ii, imiN in l,i,,. ,, , ,, , .ilinh .nut
ni'veie i". ii. 't .in,l liinu jITi, lnn
Hint ue IiihIiIiiiu llie Mil iii ion
tmtiM n,, h. ii inful . i h 1 1, i fofiioitr
ilritKM ...r,t ii,i Hill ki n ul, w Sin ill
ue. fl. irNuInt al. f.' Hultl by
I -. n ii 1 1 u- itruirsl t vVrite f,. hnuk
li I of nciivrrii',
1 cVni'ii I h,itiir). I'lillHilelHhln.
Prief 1 nml 5 a boMle
Come inlook 'Em Over
Our $3.50 Shoes for Men will stand
your closest inspection as to their solid
ity and workmanship. As to their fitting
quality leave that to us. We have sold
shoes for over twenty-five years; we do
know how to fit shoes.
Sizes 5! to 10, Button or Lace
t tho
tilKIl llf
1'AIMS, Dec. 1. Diplomatic cir
cles tit Home believe, siiys the cor
respondent of llic'ilounml. Unit the
visit of litnperor William to Vienna
was niMU (.(jieeoitiiile, ifi posilile. di
vergent views of (furmiiny and Aiih
trin, and obtain u pledge of territor
ial snerifiees from Iluiignry in the
hope of assuring- the noutriilit.v of
Alexiindcr Mnrgliiloniuii uml I'. V.
Carp, lender of the Uiininnian con
sen alive, nre reported to huve ns
silled tlio Dnke of Mecklenburg
Sihwerin when he was in lliichnrest
that the benevolent nentralit- of Hit
muiiiu could be coiinled upon bv the
Teutonio nllies if (lennnnv could in
duce Austria to eedo Tniiislvuiun
and part of Hiikowiua lo Kumuuiu.
M. Cnrp is snid to have promised aNo
to bung about changes in the Ru
manian cabinet.
Negotiations, between lleilin uml
Vieiiun, (lie .loiirnul nis. wen1 fruit
less, owing (o (he dctci mined imposi
tion of Iluiignry, and it is nsserted
the (lenuuii ruler is emleuvoiing to
induce Kiuperor Frnncis Joseph to
consent to (ho sueril'ieo of Trims) I
vauia iioii the iiuilerstuiiding that
(leniiiiny will reluni to Auslriu two
provinces of Silesiu annexeil in 181H1.
IfOMK, Dec. 1. "The renl' obect
of F.inporor WHinnis visit to Vienna
wiih to put n stop to efforts Auslriu
i milking, by menus of negotiations
through .Mudtid with the Vatican, to
oblnin a separate iwiteo with llie
quiidriiple entente," snys the Tiibunn.
Vienna uml Merlin disagree on the
question of peace. Iterlin desires to
treat sepnrntelv with each of llie nl
lies, so us to bleak up the timdruple
cnlente and then to crush Hnulnnd,
lull Vienna dcsiics a real uml bis(uiK
pent i' to end Hi- t ' .i whi-h rap
kII. is bceomitig too great lor Austria
lo bear.
Hook binding of nny kind nt tho
Mall Trlbuno office
HI 10 MY 5HA0E
Don't stay C"yl Here's a simple
recipe that anybody can apply
with a hair brush.
Tho ue of Fao nnd Sulphur for. to
storfni; faded, tray luir to its natural
color dates hock to (rrandniollior's time,
fiho ysed it to keep her hair beautifully
dork, n'owiy and nbundant. Wlicnuwr
bcr linlr fell out or took on that dull,
faded or Htretiked npiiearancc, this elm
pin mixture was applied with wonderful
Hut brewing nt homo is rnumy and
out-of-date. Xovvadays, by asking at
sny drug store for ti BO cent bottlo of
"Wycth's Snpi and Sulphur IUlr Itsra.
cdy," you will fjft this fnmotis old
rccipo which can tie depended upon to
rcstoro natural color nnd lieauty to tlw
h.ilr nnd is splendid for d.indrufT, dry,
fevorlsh, itchy mlp nnd falling linlr,
A well-known downtown driiKedt snys
it d.irkens tho hair so naturally and
evenly that notary can tell it has Uvn
npplleil. You simply diunpr-n a. sponpo
or halt brush with it and draw this
throiiph your lialr. taking one strand at
a time. Ily inorninf tlio (rray hair cits
np.irit. and nfter another np'l!catim or
two, it lioeoines beautifully dark, glossy,
toft and abundant.
Sold on lonthly
Installment Plan.
When Better Movinci Pictures. Are
Will Show Them
We Chnnne Every Pity.
lllllll'o Sloio
Built Our Business
'llTtl Pose of I'apo'.s Cold Coliipouiul
Heilcves'All the (JiliK .MNctj
' Contains Xu Quinine.
Uon't slay stuffed-lip!
Quit blowlng'nnd shjiffllng! A doso
of "I'npe's Cold Compniind" taken
every two hours until throe doses aio
taken will end grippe misery and
brenk up u Bovore cold olthor In tho
bond, chost. body or limbs.
It promptly opens cloKod-up nos
trils nnd air passngos; slops nasty
dlschargo or noso running; relieves
sick headache, dullness, fevorlshncss,
sore throat, sneezing, soreness and
'Tape's Cold Compound" is tho
quickest, surest relief known nnd
costs only 2.i cents nt drug stores. It
nets without assistance, tastes nlco.
and. causes no Inconvenience. Don't
accept a substitute. Adv.
Dr. Jones
sS. c.r
Gin '
204 Main St., Cor. Central Av
IOxli'Jicf hii nnd Fill in; Xow
a Fnvt.
Special Low Rates for An
other Week:
$10 GOLD CROWNS. $5,00
$15 PLATES $9.00
$2 FILLINGS $1.00
$2 CLEANING $1.00
"I"visli io state llial, I liml
several "teeth extracted at J)r.
.Jones' office and 1 cau say
that T felt alisolntely no pain.
rriic )lates J had made were a
perfect fit and entirelv sat-ifa.etorv."-Irs.W.(r.
yon, !() S Fir st.
Ladies' Furs
Misses' Furs
nt KeitMiiiuble 1'ilres
Niithlntt Nlior fur Chrlaluiaa iireiouta
F. W. Bartlett
ttl.S Kut Mn I ii St.
E08 East Main Street
v m
If w
Tlio Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southe.rn Oregon
Negative Mado any time on
plnuc by appointment
Phono 147-.T
Wo '11 do the rust
K. D. WESTON. Prop.
Hot Tain old at the Shant.v