Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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JPA'GE four
Of flea Malt Trlbuna Jlultulnjf. 2B-27-24
North .Fir stfftOt; tettpUona 7G.
The Dcmocrntlc Times. The Mcdford
Mall.Trw Meuford Trbuim. The Houtli
ern OrcROnan, Thd Ashland Trbuno.
On yar. by mal .... ....5.0$
One month, by mall..-.. .. ....... .60
Pfr month, delivered by carrier In
MeJforil. Plioetilx, Jacksonville
nnd Control Point .... ... .60
R.itiirrtay only, by mall, per year. 2.00
weekly, per year.. ..................... 1.60
Mflelsl Paper of tho Clly of Meuford.
Official l'lipor of JuoUhou County.
Kntrred ns soconO-cias innttur nt
MetlfoTd, Oregon, under tho act of Alarcli
3, 1876,
Kworn Circulation for 1014, 2CS8.
Pull leased vvlro Associated I'rt-ss dls
. .;.
Subscribers falling to rccclro
papora promptly, phono CIrcu-
latloa Manager at 2G0-U.
i. .' jit i . 'Ar y-ivw
How enn I win u fortune In letters
(lltcrnturo)? - Lauiotto. (Stlart
breach of promlso nult mid fnkn 'cm )
John Speedy Rush 1ms been Kick
lim his way Into football fame Intoly
on tho I'llnccton tenm. (lie niiKlitn
bo n good ono.)
.Nowadays a wnnlhor forecaster
docs not dn'ro to prophesy high winds
for fear tho adinlnlHtratlon wilt think
he Is doing press agent work for .Mr.
Win. J. Ilrynn. Chicago Kxamlnor.
(What about tho Intent pamphlet on
"Hoots" Issued hy tho department of
Not Often, However
"Door your huHband over glvo you
"Oil, yes. Now nnd thou ho comns
homo sober."
The goldfish thinks nothing of n
trip around tho globe! Hostou
Whgn Darwin wroto about tho
"struggle for oxlstonro" yoara ago,
It's too hnd ho didn't hint) prosont
day pi Icon to mo on,
TodnyV Hcllriiu;cr
Hilly Sunday tolls n story or a
plouH woninn who eonfoMed to her
pastor that she had ylnldod to vanity,
looked In the glass ami thought her
helf pretty.
"(Jo In peace," Mid tho pastor,
"for to make a mistake In no win."
Stella' lUrgalu Counter
When dad think sou In "burning
the midnight nil" at college," lie's
oiten burning gasoline.
The Reply of i Guilty Conscience
. I Koppud at n on il n try hotel IhhI
.Monday and whe.ii I idelstorad I nuked
Die landlord If thero wore any water
In my main. "Yo. thoro wa." ho
replied, guiltily, "but I hud the dr.ilu
fined." II. II.
The Optimist jii ii, Kmnf
, , I've knockfd the spike orf hi
blflumln' 'oJinat Vs took tho top
orf my bloomln' ur -an' it's my
uttot iiet!--U)iidin Opinion
MR& 1IEL13N nASKINU orjledfofil has
"Iff 5iQilccr relic in a Kovvriinioilt runpoiHluv " Ore
gon Tonulorv," publisliccl ill l&iltofi(n!ninvthc "latest
inibrmatiofi of the Iftidson JJay Company and Jieut. JJ'e
niont's t&:S. T. 113. eN'ploratioij raaf, oj tlu- Ro?ky- inotm
taiiw. The Oregon territory ex'tenuV 1' the northern
California boundary, 12 degrees parallel to 54 degrees 40
minutes north, containing all that region west of the
Rocky mountains." The map shows the coast line from
Cape Mendocino to DixAn's entrance. A smaller map
shows the Columbia river from Fort Valla AValla to its
The map, printed before t he day of surveys in the west,
is primarily the work of exploration parties and Hudson
Ihiy trappers. Portland is not on the map, as it did not
then exist. Neither js Oregon City, Salem, Albany. Eu
gene or other now flourishing cities. Astoria and "Cham
pooing" alone are shown. Missions are shown at the mouth
of the "Klackamus,", lit St. Paul and on the Willamette.
Fort Uinpnua, near the mouth of that stream, is the only
fort shown south of Fort Vancouver.
The "Willamette and Umpmia rivcis are shown, as is the
"Too-too-tut-na or Klaniet" river, with a northern tribu
tary, the "Shaste." Smith's river is diovn as emptying
into llie sea at anout the present site ot Crescent City, and
the 'Klaniet" about where the Uogue empties. No Woguc
river is given, but the "Shaste" flows in its place, with
ihe "Nasty" river as its iiorthern branch
"Ml. Mclaughlin" is shown, somewhat north of its lo
cation, as one of the three main peaks of the Cascades,
Hood and .Jefferson the other two, from which it is evident
that the mountain was one of the early day landmarks,
named by Hudson Hay trappers after Dr. .John McLough
lin. factor of the companv, "father of Oregon," thirtv
vears before the .srpiaw-m'an Pitt, named the mountain af
ter himself.
This map should prove conclusively that Mt. Mclaugh
lin is the correct name of the sentinel of the Rogue, a name
familiar to till juoucers. recognized by legislative statute
in Oregon and by the national gcographw board. People
of southern Oregon should cense calling it by a false name,
that means not Inn
1 eHL3eKj7w ' "y vt tM Aj & j T ?jsi 41 tTBC ' TKKfC J tej w tPT5ji i T3
. - -
Over (he Shi hi mill ltoi-K iihiiiii
tnins, nero-s the flrenl Atnerienu des
ert, through Inuii iiiairies and ICiin
sun mud holes a mtffnise ear is
Kpeetliii" fiitni Sun r-Yuueien to
WiC'liiimtou. It i jinn- iiis-inK
throiili Ohio.
It is enrryiiitf Sum Uanl l'iclil.
elected envoy of the Woman Votfix'
I'onventimi, lTientlv held in
- - -r --' .- .--j
Kruhii'i, .Mid u tic-t itimi iixiviu;; eon
vieH to pn-s tm iiiuciiiliiieut to the
eonstitiitiun eiilnnicliNui;,' all woiiieu.
This petition hears ter u half mil
lion Mjrnntuies and will !)( deliveieil
to I'lesiilent WiNou. The ear is
owned mill has been driven nil the
way hy Maria A. !iiiilhei and eared
I for bv Inneliora Winils'teilt, both 01
I'lovidenee, If. I.
WASlIINfiTON, Nov. Jli.-I'iv-i
ilept Wil-on returned iroiii New York
enrh tiulnv ami iimnedietelv went to
the white hon-e and bejrnu woik on
Irs next itiimiiil ikMiss to eomtrens.
Mrs. Vennnn Onlt. his fianee-. re
mnined in New York to iurelinso
pail of her trniH-onii,
The priidnt hn Hie main out
lines of Iih inMie..s flniilied and ex
peeu to vt W in final hnpe for the
publio printer .totlfl.V. He took the
nddi-PH with hiin o New York anil
di-eusst'd it 'with L'oloiiul K. .M.
House, his jierHonal friend and pnlit
i(tplri'dvi'r. While ie Neu York tlie president i
ml?rstood to linve diseii-ced the
outlook tor penee in Kuro)e with
Colonel llouce, who went abroad sev
eral mouths auo to iuve-tii;ate the
situation for the president.
Jt.)lllrt.HS. 'Nov.t 2s.-Tl'o
Kreifeli ifyainhhip ilmarn lias Inch
sunk in tlie 1'(1: terra non n hv'g ,,,,.
marine. No word hns been reeer ni
of the twenty members of the euw,
and it. is thought they have pen-nd
Thero imno reeoHs of Ihe reei-nt
movements of the Omnr.i. She v.k
built ill IS"-' nl Im Seyue. Her ,.
toflttHUe wu -IJJo.
LON'DON, Nov,, 21), 1 ::ii) p. n.
Tile 'French sfonriislnp Aljjerie h.i,
been unk; Tvvent.v-ftino membeis .,
her erew nro missltt, Kislil wem
The llrilisli ntcnmsliip Tiinia h.n
been t"ik. I lor eiiv wp landed.
W. II. Crojfpn of Seattle Ifl reslK
tered nt tho Nash ditrlni? n btilnr-j
visit to IIiIh city,
II .MimI (' Iteeu n Ciiinil Sight When
'I hey Were at IjinI All Sisiteil
ll-'rom the Coitlaad. O. Ileiald )
II wum a tlxlil aaUPVM to net all
(he Viitrn iMtldUendtsI aien in tho
front row to m tho "Pluk t'onwt"
at tt4P Warnw opera hnuavi tills
Von Knutr Wlint 1'lliis tlio Soldier
Nune (to wlMroaa) I mutt letup
tbta pkiea, Mum.
5IMrois Whrt KfH'l you like
ik 9kMt .
.'m Oh, yta', Mum. Hut '' m
'iCBtil tf MiWtar I eu't M Mm
uuM' tf 1" ih vmIui! -latSea
1IiiiIhi III JljIKjill.!
UeWilar Qu l Ptl lltalM U
Sjtrm rlofki . eat DtMk IMO
(Jbu houa i-i I -m
wrtiHt WmH'
EX-PR RRIDI3NT TAbvr is doing this country a real
service in calling attention to tho antiquated and
defective educational system of our public schools, lie
makes comparison with the system in vogue in other coun
tries, especially (lermnny.
Three years ajuo public attention was called to the dif
ference between our schools and those of Germany bv a
commission sent by the Herman government to investigate
tlie schools ol tlie untied States and discover some means
of improving their own. Hut the commission, after much
labor, found that our schools were far inferior to those of
Germany and other Kuropean countries, and that Ameri
can pupils were two or three years behind German pupils
of the same age.
The American public school system, which should be
ihe best, was condemned, and the report of the German
commission is by real educational leaders accepted as true.
American public schools have made but little advance
since i'vye education was established. Jt is true the school
expenditures are large and there has been great improve
ment in school buildings, but the system of imparting
knowledge is still the mechanieal grind that it was thirty
years ago when the chief part of schooling was the meni
nrhiug of the rules of grammar and arithmetic. Lt. is only
of recent years that the idea of the intellectual develop
ment of the child has been considered. Discipline and ap
plication to senseless books too long has been considered
the end of schooling.
The reasons are not. far to seek. This country has
lacked a professional class of teachers, with the result that
our children aro given over to young people who adopt
teaching as a temporary occupation. Often they are neu
rotics and hysterics, unsympathetic and wholly ignorant
of the sensitiveness of child nature.
Only in recent years has corporeal punishment been
abolished in the elementary schools as inhuman, but fully
as harmful, if not more so to small children, is the tyranny
of an irritable or bad-natured man or women who applies
to the conduct of a child the .same rules and judgment ap
plicable to an adult.
The pedagogical world up to recent times deemed our
system nearly perfect. It received its fust rude shock
when Mine. Montesorri of Italv gave to the world her sys
tem. She has been followed by Mrs. Stoner of Moston,
who has shown the weakness and stupidity of our school
In the eitv of Garv, hid., there has been a most radical
departure from the usual methods, ruder the superin
tendence of William A. Wirt has been fashioned a school
sstem from the ground upon the theory that school plans
should be made for children, not children for the school
According to the .Journal of Kducation, Mr. Wirt has
made one hchool plant do the work of two, causes children
to want to go to school every day in the year, reduces the
cost of school keeping and produces better educational re
sults than the standardized system elsewhere.
Kach school plant in Gary accommodates twice the or
dinary number of pupils, because two sets are alternating
! every hour between use of a classroom and use of a play
ground, shop or Harden. This schedule not only doubles
tho capacity of the plant to handle pupiU, bin the alterna
tion; ninUe school life as interesting as real life.
The school d ih eight houiv two for stamUiid com
mon lir.utcheM: two for i nn mini t mining, scieme, drawing.
liitiriii', UtlMwatoric, KhupK and studios; one lor auditorium
exercise a ltd iustnictlon; one for lunch and two fur play
ami idiysicul uniuluif, etc.
A writer in Hit .Yw h'epttiilic cut Ik it "ihe natural
vboo," m id HflVH Umi Imtide My. Wirt, Mure. MautNorri
wciiw ahuoMi a IkginiuT, M duHiiyly has he carried tlu
principles of self-instruction up through higher grades,
uccenth .Mr. irt has been called by New ork to ;i .
thorough experimental test of his "Gary system" with!
metropolitan schools. From this great results may fl,
nnd our public school system may be revolutionised.
Scientific management may take the place of the prcs
cut aimless control which looks upon our -school system as
ji changeless institution.
HKItNr SH.lxerland.. Nov. 2y.'-
The exceutivo committee of III inter-
nalional organization for durable
peace will m.eet at r.eine shortly to
make up ii program for the eotnpess
which the Anieiiean me.mhi'iN Miaucst
should be held in April, ll in stii'
here that the American delevnlion will
include )r Diuiil Stair Joidau,
chancellor of Stanford universitv ;
Professor Wiytam Mull aud.l'iofcsHor
Hattcn. ContrihndoiiH toward Ihe
expense of the contire-s received
thus far from American -oiiices
amount to about '1000.
LONDON. Nov. -.. An onliic tc
a I'ispalch lo the Kxchaitye Tele
graph company from Copenhase'i, ,v
doiten Gorman newspapers have been
Mispomled loj" discusiiit! Ill'' 4ool
In liis ncwbpnpcr, Die Ziikiinll,
Maximilnu Harden i quoted as sa.v
ins: "We mii-l eonfpsH that ihe Ger
man peonl for the moment uie siit'
feriiiK urei'i aul."
Iteuiai halite Sialeinenl of a Woman
Who Win Nothing lint Skin
ami Hones
Laugh nnd xrow fat In a homely
kiivIiik, but MrH. KtUnbeth I,. Morris
of Ilammond, I.a., tulln of a more re
llablo method. She Rays:
"I cannot say enough In prnlxo of
Vlnol, for It nnved my life. I win
weak, nervous, run-down, could not
sleep, was unfit for work and was
nothing but skin and bones. Thrco
doctor had all failod to help me. One
day I saw Vlnol ndvertlsed, took cour
KP and bought a bottle, and it soon
made mo feel bettor. I continued Its
use nnd such a change! I have ro
Knlnud my strongtli, flesh and health,
am perfectly well, and tho doctor was
surprised to see such a change In mo
in such a short time" KlUalietli Mor
ris, Hammond, I.a.
The reason Vlnol pioved such a
wonderful strength creator In Mrs.
Morris' cao wan became of the pep
tonic of Iron, Iwef peptone and tho
extractive of fieuli cod livers, with
out oil, combined In a pure native
' Innlr vtlno ulitMi maL-itd Vlnnl n tnnul
uouderiiil tonic For sale nt Medford
Phiirnwt VH.
Ituulcr.s a iv
l.c.'iriiiug the
It's (he little kitliiev Ills
'J'he luinc weak or aching back
The unnoilcoil urinary disorders
That inut load to dropsy and
Itrlght'a dUouaj).
When the kidneys are weak,
Help Hi e m with Dean's Klduoy
A rotnedi MimclMlly for weak kid-
Doan's liavo been ustnl In klduay
troukliw for 10 onrs.
Undersell hy ,10,000 people on-'
dorsad by cltUens of this locality,
Frank Kaauuntor. bailiff County
Court. ApiiiKute ltiwd. Jacksonville,!
Or., -For yours I worked as a
uilaer'anrt It csuod kliliw and blsd
dor trouble Th ualu flrt nilacked
Hie hi the kinall of luy hark, enpecialh
whew i t:" up iu tho mornluK 1
also bad irouttta llh tlm kldue se
cretion, nodus kldue pills soon re
wtorutl the .-iMilanl "
l'rlcw ., at all dealers lon t
aliupl .ok tor a Uiiinet rtuinh net
Ioan s Kl'ne litl Uu- kuine tliut
Mr K4Hl ainr tu,i Kn.ifi Mii'iuru
Co . I'ro KuiMlo. 1
Medfodd'N Leading Motion I'lctuie
, Theatre.
Dally Mnllneo 2 p. in. Kvonlng 7 p. m.
l'rlces: Matinee GOOc. Kve. 5-10- 15c
Neal of the Navy
A neat for both mind and eo Is
this clever story fontnrlnu i.ilUnn
Ixirraine and William I'om tlclnh ,h
The Spider
Kmhiuio aet Diania with John l.o
ro iu nnd It'itlt Stonehouse
Between Two Fires
lcrr I u t i omed
M itKUi rite Com lot in
The Rogue Syndicate
COMING W-ancMl.i
label ll.irrMiioic.
and TharsdiO,
Admit One Page Tbeativ
fioivl Onl Tonight and Tomoirow
Novemii'-r .''' or :io
Auto Contest NearingHEnd
Contostnnts Siandingi, i. to Siindaj, Nov istb.
Charles Plpgras sio, Clara Johnson r.2(i; l.eltov Ingram .irn,
Vermn Kennedy :I2.",; Jacob Stliwall SDft, William Ipown 1115.
Philip II. l.ounsbetTV 1 ! .' ; J. Aitken l'.io, Virginia llennett 17"..
Alettrn 175; Itudolph Singler 1 15. Hosell Sllllmiin 12T; J.etha Hub
bind 12.1; .Neve Samuels 12.1; Lester llennett 1 f 5 : Orvlllo Sharp
11.1; Hubert Coster 11.1, Lillian Ahem 10.1: Howard (iault 10.1.
Florence Mullln 100; Clarence Wllllnms 100; Pat Lovelaco 100;
Dorrls Utimsey 100; Harry Slngler 100; Louora Kuunody 100.
Wrlto your name In full on Vote Ticket and In the rlghtplnco
If wo cannot rend your name jou lose the vote. Wrlto very plain.
Work hard If you want to be the winner of the little Automo
bile. Somebody Is bound to win. AH cannot lose.
Sec the Manager about selling Contestants admission books. If
ou can sell A big npmber of these jou will stand a hotter chnnco to
win than tlm Hoy or Girl who doesn't work hard.
Tho Little Auto will bo given to somo Hoy or Girl Chr.istmns
Night nt s :.'!() sharp. If you want to win you muat ban llttlo hustler
you cannot oxpect to bo the winner If ,ou don't work for lt.
Take advantage of the Mntfnees on which day wo Will give loo
votea with each admission tlckot sold.. ..
We will glvo loo votea with a .'c or a 10c tlckat purchased on
tho days at tho Matinee performance onl as follews:
Wednesdny, December 1st, Friday, Dec. Ilril, Sunday, Dccomhcr
Mb and Monday, December 7th.
Hemcmber those Matinees nnd como to all of them nnd get 100
votes with each ticket. If ou can not come havo your friends nsk
for thorn as the) hu their tickets on those days moutloncd.
At any other time wo glvo .1 votes with a Ac ticket and 10 votes
with a inr ticket.
WOHK HAHI) Is the onlv and sure way to win.
" The 'Horn a of
San francisco
PwellSt atOfaneit
Orcp r :an llcsd-
cpuitrrs while in
bn I iaiu.10
moderate rates
John A. Perl
Ltd; Annual
ih s. MAiiii.irrr
I'ltHiirs M. 17 and 47J
AssbaUn lrlM tcoar
'Mtct me at
the Maia"
ItuNHIHtf JudlW i.iiirr in t Ty
I. HUH. irv ujl .KITH
...... .... ... 1 .,
lrulitj IIMt i " Pjflp'!!
iru, , ,,i iurif
i'i l lni
TmHSht TWrnmYzf
I KKi c,,ildren 1
H l?w7 BrtlHJ?? cml M
IH One D.-iv Only J
I jjk The (Jiiecn of the Screen, W
SO In a Fivc-1'art Paramtaiut PI
, A Dawn of a Tomorrow i
I 31 -j'i'iulid pi. tore whieh U ImhuuI to EB
m t.iiiisee eryoue. Coiue curly, -riiin or M
M sjtdr, Ait avoid Uc crowd. H
'3 ('niiiiv Tiii'day F.dith St ore v, Xu J
j '.i.ip'i -i Ii. I Kiib.jeet. "Ulanil of li- ..-. Ifc
fl . in 1. ill "ii,".t oiid-r. .'flKvU
.H . v '
lyMgarj rWLl?!ii 1 1 1 1 Mill in 11 'i gpl
1 Msi'm 1 mmm m m futrmumsm