Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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flara Van Meter and Myrtle I. Clay
vlllo of Medford nro registered at
Hotel Benson, Portland.
All tho latest Rhcot music at 5c per
copy. Jiuilc not carried In stock
will bo ordered for you at Hale's
Piano Hourc.
Reynold Phelps of Yroka has been
visiting thin ralley for several days
on business. He will return tomor
row. ' When better insurance li cold
Holmes The Insurance Man will noil
The Political Srlonco class will
nnt at tho public library Wednes
day afternoon at 2:39, Instead of
Tuesday aftornoon.
Chooolato cream, caramels, chips,
peaniitfl, etc., only 30c a lb. at Do
h. H. Ossman, of Trail, who did
business In thin city during tho pant
few day, returned home sterday.
All the latoat shoot music at Be pnr
ropy. Mimic not carried In Mock
will he ordered for you at Hale's
IMano llnuso.
C. .1. ItohorlK returned to IiIk home
In tho Haglo I'olnt district yesterday,
after bualno vtolt to thin city and
Carpentering aritf shop work, all
kinds. C. K. Cedlfns, 1 N. Ilnrllett.
P. K. Copper ot Weed, California,
la n business visitor In thin city.
Pulton Hmlth, the young man of
Talent who waa cited before Justice
Taytor'a court on Saturday afternoon
on tho chnrgn of non-provision for n
child lioni to Mlsa Viola Jonen alx
niontliH ago and of which tho mother
saya he Ik tho father, waa held In
IioiiiIh of J250 for trial at the next
term of circuit court. Defendant gave
bonds and waa reloaded. The younK
woman'a story waa unshaken In tho
cross-examination. Hmlth offered no
I'rco, a 10c tin of King smoking
wllli each 2fus plpo at .Mudford C'lgnr
fitore. 117
.lamea II. Nice, of Dalian, thla
nlale, returneil yoMorday after a bus
iness mid social visit In thin city.
f All tho latent nheel iiiiihIc at fie per
ropy. Munlu not carrbil In Mock will
bo ordered for you at Halo's Vlano
II. I'. Morrln, arrompanled by Mm.
Morris, of llelolt, WlnronRln, enjoyed
a vlnlt of two or three dayn In thin
city and vicinity, departing yesterday.
Molted ham and nncon at DoVooV
l.con I.awler, who wiih driving an
aiitomobllo that wan run Into by ono
of tbo l.nhce delivery anion lant week,
Mated that ho wiih driving the car to
the garage and hail a headlight light
ed, when bin engine ntallod at the
curb. Tbo Hlatemeut that lie wan
driving without UteliU wan u mlntake.
llutto Pulls Wood Yard, Phono 48
or 223. Wood all klinln. 22!)
Itoberl K. Hmlth, neeretary Oregon
Tax Payern League, ban been Invltod
to address the taxpayers of .larknou
county. Aceordlugly arranKemeuta
have been made for Mr. Hmlth to up
ear Tuesday evening November 30
at tho Public Library Hall In Mod
ford. All are Invited.
Rinoke a King Spitz cigar, Go.
Thoy are hoino-iniuln.
The Aaaoolntiul Charities will bold
u public meeting In the public library
Mopday evening at 7 SO. All lulor
eHled In Mil work InUlod. The ob
ject of tho meeting In lo organise and
to elect officer for the year.
.Meet' our friend at Atwood'a to
Hall alley. Phono 131. tf
Hproguii Itelgel left Saturdny to
vlnlt the San Knuwlieo omiou.
Itedeem your Liggett H. My em cou
pons el Medford Clgitr Store. tl7
llobort llrovurd lwnt Wednesday
to vlnlt lliii exposition.
Ethel llarrymnro In Mollnu pc
turn The Page Wednesday and
Tliiirmluy. . a"la
Mra. Harry II. Hick and ton spent
rhiudny vialllng rotative In Medford,
leaving MoudR) to Join' her IiumImouI
In Han Prnnrlieo. Mr. Hick ban
been transferred from Seattle and
placed In charge of I lie central count
oftlco for tho movliiK iilcturo com
bine, with a doiun (ravelins meu un
der IjIjii. Hit lino In the mtnle world
llfttf beiHl rapt 1 1 since leaving Medfurd enrs a mo.
Hpeolul ptluea on engraved oardn
fpr a few darn, either from old plato
or with now plate. Mudford Printing
Tyeoa Ileal! of (leall lana. Man a
Medfurd vlaltor Mumlay.
Qalo JU ford care, HOI down
iUid IIS a mouth. !
Tho Hard 'It him party lo b gjven
by the MedJurd Bike TueatUy evealHg
uroitittea lo be the tuoet "altraetlvo"
tneliiK otont f tko mmuwil It U to
rvprMMuUtlve of real hard tlww
Jji u period deecrlUvU by the peeelwlet
ub iimiI hard. o far buntneee Is
eUHlhy iiimI Herd thuee clothe will
bo worn, w"h oonntfoeiKw to tuetdi.
Miiilr U'tll e ftimlnuetl l a hard
tlino. uHUll And fveiyiklns ltl be
kvd Ututjf- " tM turn.
Ujt, A. It, nd lUfl IMkw, )!
roprWetie nhjrnlclaae. Stewart build
in. 23 Halt Mlu .
Trancl J Krlnk of Seattle, Wanh
lngton, l In tho city on bnilneas for
it few days.
i J. O. acrxing, ma ecu an aronaa
photographer In nouthcrn Oregon.
Alwayi reliable. Ncgatlre made any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main 8U Phono 220-J.
A large delegation of Medford
people left thli morning for a final
view of tho Panama exposition. A
numbor of them will remain and help
to oloio the big ahow on December
TJthol Harrymore In Motion Plc
tnrea The Page Wcdnenday and
Thurwlay. 215
W. K. Phlppi and family will leave
tomorrow for a vlelt to Han Prancla
co and the fair.
Good dry wood tl.60 per tier on
ground. H. V. Montgomery, G10 B.
Hlvornlde. 221
Oeo. It. Carpenter and wife will
leave tomorrow for an extended rlnlt
In Honolulu.
8eo the Medford Printing Co. for
engraved calling and btinlneaa cards
for Xrnan prenentn. Hpeclat prlcon
kor ten dayn.
Parmer who have begun (o feel
that tht precipitation of molnturc no
far dnrlng the month auggentn the
retnrn of normal condltlunn In thin
valley would hotter keep clone tab
on tho weather man. Tho rainfall
to date nlnce mld-nummer In 2.88
fnehee, an agnlnnt 3.7C Inchen an the
average for November alone In thin
valley. Wo have bad one good nhow
er, that on Thanknglvlng Day, when
It gave tin I. Oft Inchen; .Jacksonville
received 1.&0 nnd Talent .85 of an
Inch. Ho, It may bo neen clearly that
we are yet far behind tho average
rainfall, with little hope that we'll
ever catch up. Irrigation In the only
means of local salvation for the farm
era. H. & II. grcon trading ntampn with
every piirchann at Medford llloctrlc
Co. 217
II. A. Wells of Tacoma, Washing
ton, In In the valley on huslnOHH ant
may remain a week or no, with head-
quartern In thin city.
Insure your auto In the Alllnnre
agalnnt theft, fire. C. Y, Tengwald.
Judge C II. Watnon relumed to
Ashland thin afternoon, after a bun
Incus vlnlt In thin city nlnco I'rlday
Postngo stamps at V!e Voo'a.
Lorn Hmotter of Chewauran, tbla
slate, Ih a vlnltor In lliln city and will
remain for the winter.
Hpeclal prices on engraved cards,
new nnd from old platen, tor a few
dayn at llm Medford Printing Co.
Jnck Taylor, who divides bin time
between bin inlmuR property near
Cold Hill and thin city, In doing bim
InoHH In Medford today.
Do Voo delivers tho Orogonlnn to
you every day for 7fic n month.
Mr. nnd Mm. C. K. Murroy of Wal
la Walla, Washington, aro In thin
city today, looking about the valley
with a view to locating. They al
ready know a good deal about thin
wonderful valloy and have come to
stay, Mr. Murroy, an old time rail
road foreman and contractor, U n
friend and former associate of .lack
Taylor of this oily.
llutternut bread at Do Von's,
Itobert Nell, a prominent Ashland
cltUon, Is doing htmlnosn In the val
loy metropolis today.
Try a King RplU cigar and en
roiirage homo Industry,
.1. P. Pavslo of Portland In In the
city today on a huilueea errand.
110 ncrcs llutto Creek bottom, nil
under Irrigation nt a cost of ten routs
an Inch. Will grow nil grains, al
falfa, clover, onions, celery, sugar
beets; ono fourth mile to depot. This
Is a proportion that will Interest you
If you wnut something good at almost
the cost of water. Prom tbo owner
to you. Ilox II I, Kuglo Point.
HlNflul price on engraved cards
wllb or without plate, for a few
dayn at the .Medford Piloting Co.
Phone UK) for Hall Taxi Co. Coun
try service only. Iteasonablo rates;
targe comfoi table care.
Kdltnr J. M. Potter, of the Mou
tUKU MoennugHr. Is shaking huiiiIm
wib frleodn and lormer neighbor
In this city today.
Wiwtou Camera Htiup for first class
Kodak finishing and Kudnk tmpplles
Judge Ton Velel and Mherlff Shi
nier are In Hold Hill todn uu oHl-
Ullll bllMillOMI,
Mr. Leach, Audo-Hupttort and
Harrier surgical coreet, at SfG N
(let some of tluie llluiuluHttNl. em
boed and eiignutal Chrtliim oard
for onr Christmas reelings. A flue
line In sbowu by lb Modfoid Print
in Co.
HoiHMblug how. I'orsAHal, eiigrav
ml Xhims greetlgg tard. leo the
Una at Medford Printing C.
Joe Kelly. ha locetitl) scqulrtwl a
(arm In the KUwaih Kails coHir.
through a trade In wblcb he disposed
of a lirlck hulldlRg u Mata trel.
thl lt. relumed from Klamalk
PIU eeierde eveglgg.
Ilegutiful llge of oagraved tod It
luiulnaled oeraogal Xma Cards, wiih
eaveloii to match, log the Um gl
tbe Medford Prlgtlug Co
llar note, of Albgg). this atme.
I doing buaiaes In (fee valloy thl
reek. He te a Urr Javeey hog
1 'o Sip bwr bottled ,
Hasler (J Pomeroy, of Pasadena,
California, Is tortrlng tbe Ilagtie river
valler this week with a view to nt-'
termlning whether or sot the tint In
ripe for Investment here. He sas
this valley Is mur-li tatkel about in
some parts of California.
See Dave Wood about that fire In
turanco policy. Office Mall Tribune
Bldg. ,
Penn Ootdemith of Davf.rij.oi',
Washington, Is doing buslneM In the
Kagle Point district toda. He hat
concluded to probing hi stay In thli
valley another weok.
Home made taffy at De Voe's
Howard 0. Smith of Tain pa, Hor
Ida, Is a visitor In Medford and other
poln in he valley this week
Kresh roasted panute at Do Voe's.
For watrh worx trat satisfies,
iobnon the Jewolcr. 220
NKW YOKK, Nov 29. -A man de
scribing himself an Samuel White,
27, an Inventor, was arrested horc
today by police and secret service
agentn charged with having written
intuiting loiters to Mrs. Kdlth II. (lalt,
President Wilson's fiancee, anil her
inothor, Mm. Dolling.
White, according to the pollco, ad
mitted having written to Mrs. (lalt
and Mrs. Dolling concerning a patent
egg onrrler, to be uxod In the malls,
and two now musical Instrument!). I
Tho prisoner said, tho police added,
that bo wrote the first lotter for a
Hamiiel Osborne of Chrcago, who had
Invented one of tho musical Instru
White told the polite that he met
Mrs. (lalt and her mother hero in
Wlilto was arraigned later In tbr
day and soul to Ilellevuu hospital for
flvo dayn observation. Tbe (inn
plaint In the affidavit against Wbll'
waa given as Mrs. Norman (lalt, but
a detective made (bo charge whin
White appeared In court. ,
LONDON, Nov. I'll- "The Hul.
inn ore williiliawinu Immh finin h
Tuiki-li frontier am1 ric (liimtclnn
them to other I'miit- in .intifimiioi
of nil iittlirk rioui the idc ol llil
maiiiu, or by w.iv ol the llluck cn,''
nh.vh ii Keuler diHHitei lioiti Salon
iki, "while Mime 1 1 the (Icmi'iii I'liicc
in Hoiliiiin me inocccdniu in the up
port Of lllf I'l'HtMIIO I- ." .Illl-t II
inif e liv. It ii - sum nr - 1 i . "
LONDON, Nov. ill. yuecti Vie
tin in u" Sweden armed i n CtiMn
liMiteu I rem Sweden tndiiv and inn
iM'i'dod iiiiiuedinlelv on her wu to
OellM.lliy, n di-e(i li ti I In- .. inge
Telegiaplt roinpuiiN Ikiui CuiMuhn
gen -tali'.
NT.W YOIJK. . -', Tin- y.i
bor lepiill of llio Cbiingii, SjilwiUjkee
Si. Paul milu wa lnril lil.i.
gio levetiue howiug nil ineiea-''
of !' I''ill, wiih a iliTivii'-e ol
&LliV!,:ilS i:i nM.iitiii i M'iiM', ie
Mill in;: Ill .ill uu li. I -i III net UK oll'f
of tr'il.lllHl.
. iMfffp .rl: ' TAlf: hWm
niiMid, he big tuiiial I 'a it ImlliUo,
that kerted u n iihmM-1 lor Nt V
igu of the new flo note mid the)
"butlalo luekil." dead. lUaek Die
otuitil a MifiVriug trooi mu uM'Wr
ahie oVee.r. ami ftjr M
heofatr of the mi, :!..-- .
Iuni elix illei
I I,, bull ,. i w. 'I. .1 .
duio AKKtditu run iw nLi
Mlg,MiiaslirillOTfiwliMgaarg ' i"jppMM I
7EAtH.R, wont you Kiss us . M Po-ict:i Mi n
KV 'iOIt
tlla Weill U
her class at p
couldn't resls-h'-r
A a re
It Ma-
c i.j .: In
r rhi.,A 3 w". J-Bt
be temi'talion to klsn
ilt she (auscd hc ar
rest of almost the entire class after
a ' kls raid' in wnien aae wa com-
elled to seek refuge In anotiic
Who wouldn't," demanded Itay-
mond Malone. one of tho alleged
rlngUiadora, when he faced Justice
Collins In children's court.
Miss Weill, who Is 22 and utiiall. I "olll.
tfcachen a clans of backward ' boys, i Ono dav, he said, the otdcr boys
Man of them are so overgrown that surrounded her, nnd aftor she oscap
the tower nl me ' cd she decided to call In the police.
Mary Plckford, tho Idolized star,
adds another striking characteriza
tion to In r notable repertoire of
screen nccso lu the five-part adap
tion of the great drama of optimism,
"The Dawn of Tomorrow," the world
famous utoiy of a young girl's unfal
tering faith and triumphant ultimate
reward, which will be shown at the
Star theatre Mpnday only, matinee
uitl eveuitiK, on tho Paramount pro
Tho delb-alo touches with which
tbe tioled woman playwrtght.adorned
a beautiful idea, the toudortioM with
which she xuggoated something half
phllosoph.v. half theology, and two
third Inteuio lira nut, If such a frac
tional divlhlon Is possible. Tho story,
founded on a love and trust that
know no fear, comes close to you and
warms our heart. II tells a pathetic
story, behind which Is a shadow of
spiritual I'urpoae, and Its Influence
caiiHot bo other than uplifting and
odIMng Uott or all. It iovoiUb the
Inimitable Mgry Pick ford In u charac
ter tho vi i v essence of which I worn
si it I iHtbiHiy, a iioblllty even litlensl
fled been ii e tho character is clothed
lu rags.
Try on nt those big leo cold f cent
mllkaliakf, at Do Voe's.
I ii-i
takeu '
rler l
ol lu t
IimiiIi'iI in. In a I rut k and
.a aoulli'ii ou the Ha t
I. A tll btilk-t H" tiretl
toad, htil II Hut trued utt
ie gfwor-like .hull. The un-
HHltl Itr hit
i Wk iHamniid
'httdmn. with
u- . jlVt ftii nl lit mriit
v ,. ..I i , . li
'VS --sB
nnd unnroTrn rnn iiPOIMn llm
' The were always salng, 'teacher
won't ou k!ss mo?' " testified Miss
The InM time I wrote lr the M..:i
Triliune I topped wh-n I bad roso-h-id
Portland with the imiliiMuiidini;
that I wua to till iimeltiing of whut
I mw after I renehnl Salem. The
lirat thing: thnt imitienlnily nttiuetctl
my iilteuliiin aft-jr lenehing the cap
ital of our t."'. and Jeiiving the S. 1.
dupot. te: we all know that that U
no', up lu .let"', wn-. the lieiuitiful
t!eel- and liuihlingi', and these build
ings 'it h'iil lenr.v of them of a mod
ern nppcai'iiiiee mill the urrolludings
iiininued with the utmost tuMe, for
while I'oilliind enii IhihM of her
flower giuileiH and arliMie work, Sa
lem 1'iia Nome of tho must beaiitilul
exhibits to ho foon unvwhere, and
the liiiililingx. nnd epaeiull the him
inei block-, relleel credit on the en
teipne of the eitiavns. Mill it it
exported that the tnt euoitol nil'
be ntlrnelive. Takiny the Oregon
Kleetrie enr at 1:1", we traveled
lliioojrb i- Tine a funning eniiutrv hi
any one eoulil niMi to c, nnd one
Ihi'ig (hat purlii-iilnrlx iittia"ted my
iilteiition wa tin univeial neiitue
ot .the farm- thai led iue to conclude
that the owner wer sjenorully per
soiiri if intelligence nnd eiiteipri-.",
ami one Ibitiir that led etc to think the
famier wcie geiierallv "full-heiuled"
waa that they wenrlv nll.iipMurid to
be enviieed in thv daiiv buine- lo'.i
iire.ili-r or le- ttent, and 1 noticed
u one of the fix al eouutrv laiperx
thi'l it mm elaimed that mi -ome ot'
the I linn- they are renlixiug i high
u fiilll a vear nil tin acre ol ground.
Thi i, of eotiic. eeuiitmg in the e
H'ii" of laboi, etc.. but the farmer
Iiiinc learned the value ol liaiti man
iiiv a- a fertiliser, and thev do u"
mid use it nil, thus pultinu back -into
She lund all and more than thev took
off. And then thev mm to keep
Moek c rough 'to tut the nmM of the
hay, urn in ami u gnml Kirt ot tb"
M-jetiible thev lliln1 on I lie l'.irm
Near the little illnge win',. Iim im
writing there aro two larm- uheie
thev keep lare henli of KoUtein
eiiw-. Keif the milk In Ibi- I'liillaud
peupje ami thiw make big mono.v. I
a I mi iiuliei'U n I nale ub ng tbe road
Unit, nutwilliManiliiig the fact that
Oregwu ami Wa-liinu'lou Imth went
"dry," thai lhar weiv '-eferal hop
tiehU to be eeu aionu the route. An
other thing that I noticed wu that
the fanner in miiiv place are tinn
ing their iiltetilinN lo the cultivation
of coin and are nxim; the loins tliu
eeuriiig a fine Mibulilute for green
'imhI lor their cow.
On r in !iim.' Portland, annuij the
tir-i thing dil wa lo my m re--i'i'h
to Ike headiiu'oilei'f. nt tin
Aiiti-SuliMW le.iuue, wbeiS" I met e -ci
al if 'iiy idd time InvmU. Spiiuliim
the niht with one al Ml' fiittlici--in-l;iw,
i he next mniinf 1 ent ilimi
lo the White Temdi and heard Attur
ney (lenenil Ocorge M. Iliitun i
plgip the new prokiltitjHn Uw of
Orggxui in a U"lh n about Ail, heu: . m
whi(l'. h exid.iiuinl Ibi- dlltelent
Mt'Htn Md gNkHttVll MllHMU
turn lieu ring nn lhc l.iw and it- eu
firceeieaU lie wo t'ulloweil bv l)n
tnot Attemor W. II. Kvnn of l'i rt
lainl. ugl ketwtHMi the iwu otttuiux -alim-l
everv nlae of the law wa
hroughl omI. Amonv "tlui one-turn-n
-'.e.l wa, ei.uld em it on mlx-i t .i
tauily of the father, nmtaer, tw.i
.iu of 25-37 year uf at. ami .i
dauvhtxr f .M yer- ,t Cc, and .11
bUig OjsaW th sNloe root, unlet tin--lil.gag-Mwi.
iwu nuart- t
VOU SAI.K Team oggoa aid har-
Me4'orit I'nrn k lid Co
By A. C. nowlctt
wln-k -r twent-loiir uiiarf- "f
lxwr for eaeh munlier of the familv
Vhfwii'H Altrhev Hrown tunieil to
iu .!.. ,.,.. r the MiinHie ctnrt t
define what irtn-titnted n family, ami
then t.dd n thnt under the ileei-ions
,f the higher oimrt- that the father,
.r in ca-e it we- a familv where the
Tii.ther w- the head of the hoite
LuliJ. w.t the reeoenwed "head r lhc
familv. and that onlv the allowance
rt,r one )nTHn eouW be obtainwl in
that liii'iilv. Tliere were s-ovonil
ot'icr oufstiofK akeil ami an-wercd.
nt ii while 1 urn in thi- -object I will
..M that Attorney General Hrown and
District Attorney Kvan have prejwr
cd ,i lo.Mnan"- primer on the Oreuor
i rv law and ! being -ent out by the
Aii Saloon league of the tnle that
seems to an-wer lmot ererv (Hie
lion on the subject that can lit
thonzht of.
Delore I eloe thl- letter 1 muM
in-, iunce to (Mimetlnnif nliout the
weather. It w rainiu-r on Monday.
V,.w.ii.lii.r l.'i. wheii I left home, nnd
it biis been rninln? almoit all Hie time
ever Miioe. anil the wind i "n rodi
thai it M-ein! as Ihoneh 1 would
freeze. And the wind blew mi bard
Monday, the 2'.d. that it Mopped the
electric ear traffic moM all dav irom
n:l."j a. m. to A-'2'.l p. m., bill the peo
ple up here don't eem to notice Un
wind or min any more than n duek
would. I undoMnnd (hit (Tuesihivl
norninp Hint yt'Minlnv there wa o
half nn huh f water I ell in thid
mini'lc. P miicIx ruins -oiiii' up here,
but we ore living in hope; of.lmviiip
,i little better weather for Thanks-
piimf day.
Foirview, Or., Nov. Z.
( Contlnuca irom pngo ouo)
the po-ition Unit the action ol Hie
Cunadiar. government meant Hi t
Canada wa- to hae dilfieullv in li'l
inp foreign reeiuirementf, thi men
ing a fallimr off in United State- e
After -attjrimj n little fintlier l'i
market tlghleHcd again on the uu
thnt hh enlarged demand demand on
ilonieMi" !loek- of wheal mkht be
nltif.iitelv Hiinvi !iV 1 -. Word .
rceeieil that op.rt -ale for -hip
merit by wjiv of the fluH' of Mexico
bad been made toduv .imouutiiig to
.('ll.llllll liu-hel-.
No confirmation wn ohtainahle
here that the -eir.ure of ('nniniiaii
wheat, wis hinsely for Italy'- benefit.
A-eilioii- Hint moie than 1'J,
OUU.tKIII worth of wheat hud been
bought in Chicago for Itnly were -c'ul
jinbebl. ! menu the whole United
State.-, iiileml of Chieago.
Wo wish to thank our friends nnd
neighbors for their kindness nnd sym
pathy during our recent borcavoment
at the doath of our beloved husband
and father, and also for tho many
beautiful floral offerings.
MltS. E. K. MINER,
MU. J. E. M1NEK.
Tlmo Tabic
Leave Medford dally except San
day for Ashiand, Talent and Phoenix
nt Sa. ni. 11:50 a. m., 1:13, 3:30 and
5:15 p. m. (Saturday at 11:15 p.
m.) Sunday leavo at U:0n and 11:00
a. ni 1:00, 5:00 and 9:3c p. m.
Leavo Ashland dally except Sunday
at 9:00 a. in., 12; 50, 3:30. 4:30 and
C: 15 p. m. (also Saturday only at
12 midnight) nnd Sunday at 10:00 n.
tn 12 noon. 4:00. 6 and lO-IO v. m.
Hot Tamalea at tho Shasta.
Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneyi
if Bladder bothers yon Drink
lots of water,
Hating meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in ome form or
other, say a well-known authority, Ixt
cuuee the uric acid in meat excite tho
kidneys, they boconio morworkedj get
sluggish ; cleg uji and caiue all sorts ol
distress, particularly backache and mis
ery In the kidney regions rheumatic twin
ges, eoro headsohes, acid btomach, cm
otijwxtion, torpid liver, alcoplcwnras,
bladder nnd urinary irritation.
Tbe moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
Imtlier you, get about four ounce of
Jad Salt from any good pharmacy;
take a Ubleipoontul in a glass ot water
Moro breakfast for a few days and your
kidney will then act fine. This famous
salts is mode from tho acid ot grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and ha Iron used tor generations to
uusb clogged kidneys and stimulate, them
to tvorraaTartiwtyi also to ncutralue the
aeid in the urine so it no longer irri
UtAi, thus ending bladder disorder.
I Jad Salts cannot injure anyone t
i makes a delightful effervescent lithki-
I water drink which million ot men a ad
women take now and then to kwp the
kidney and urinary organ eUaa, thuc
avoiding mriouj kidney dieae.
When BMUr Moving Piotures Are
Will Show Them
Wf Chgnqe Evfry Day
llcst for Mer nod Homi'N,
Jlrcotli, Ibul CohK Sour
del a 10-cont box.
Sick headache,' bllfo'usnoas. coatod
tongue, head and nose clogged hp
with a cold alway trace this to tor
pid llvor; dolayed, fermontlng food
In the bowels or solir, gassy stomnch.
PoUonous matter clogged In the In
testines, Instead of being cast out of
the system Is re-absorbed Into tho
blood. When this poison ronchoa tbo
dollcate brain llssuo It causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, slck
onlnir bcndnclie.
Casc'arcts Immediately clennso mo
stomach, romovo the .sour, undlgost
ixl food and foul gasoe, take the ox-
ress bile from tbo llvor and carry out
all the constlpntod wnsto matter ana
poisons In the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will suroly
straighten you out by morning. Thoy
work whllo you slee-ii- a 10-cont box
froili your druggist menus your bend
clear, stomnch sweet and your llvor
nd bowels regular for months. -Adv.
cx.imlnntlon of the och la neccF.ary
before ordirlng, otberwiso
they'll be 1 armful,
At our service
Eyesight Specialist
Medford. ... Oregon
It Is Not Too
Early to Plan
Christmas Gifts
Whnt n foellng of
Katlsfnctlon when you
hnvo listed your Christ
mas gifts and uvuldod
tho uncertainties and
hurry of Inst miuuto
Our stock now in nil doimrtmonta
1 leploto with gift auggoitloiis.
We ak you, who have uuvur demit
here, who perhap have nover buou
In our atoro, to pay us a vlelt.
You will be welcome and inailo to
feel at home.
are the proper thing for all oconslons.
Platinum and (ireen (Jolil llrooche
.ire the latest things lu jewolry.
See our line of High lirado II
Karat Krementz & t'o. Uiooiboa and
Martin J. Reddy
:i E. Main
Visitor Alwiu Weliome
Ladies' Furs
Misses' Furs
at IteuMiuuble Pi Ice
Nothing NUer for lUirisimaa presoaia
F. W. Bartlett
ills I jiM Msih si
sb ir M tr a!V
IMOIOISK--' tjj V ' IH
ssssssssV Ao BsM 111 1 0 aV lssssssssH
stslsVJl oUi .l ksslslH
Novelties in Gold anil ,
ill Silver J,
) It Is Not Too U
er a '