I MEDFORD TrATL TRIBUNE, MEUTCmT), OREOON, WEDNESDAY, VOYFmER 21. 1015 PSOEMYU 7 hr AaMiv ' ! ' " 'mwi' PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM DEFECTIVE ES TAFT IIOCIIKSTRR, X. Y., Nov. 21. Tho conversion of tho Tnitocl States bureau of education into a national university for school tenchd v'n ndvooutcd todav liv former President William Howard Tnft in an addicm before the Xew Voik State Teachers' association. "Sir. Tnl't criticised tho iioont ' tern of education in the I'nilcd States ni being in many instances inefficient and superficial nnd siiggcttcd that tho federal government might, through n svstcm of inspection and eriticisni, aid the .states in bringing about n higher standard, both in re .peet to' teuehoiw and methods. As a proof of tin defects of tlir presont svMoiu, Mr. Taft refetred to the icport of tho Carnegie founda tion for the advancement, of reach ing, which showed tint the local Hchool KUM'rintcudcnts of some Mutes cannot spell or write good Knglish. Mr Taft declared that "there is a most inipoilnnt waste of valuable hu man time in the years of the life of the boy and the girl between (! and 3 1 yiars. "In the (lerumii schools and in the KnglNh .sr'honl.s,"..ho saii', "the amount that hoys between l and 1 1 are lequiiod to commit mny well com mand our admiration and wonder, be cause it is so out of proportion to the amount that we rcnuiio of our chil dren. The flrrutnu youth at 15 U as well piepared to enter a college course as our bovs of 18 and ID. lie has made up thice jenis by hinder work, longer hour- end fewer aca tioiis," E IS HERE Surprisingly attractive nnd embrac ing .many now features tho latest model llrlsroo car has arrived, Is on display nt IS North Holly by A. W. Wnll.or, tho I'ocnl agent anil la great ly admired by all who hnvo seen It. Prospective owners may obtain tho new Ilrlscoo In elthor four or eight cylinder types, tho frnmo and body being standard, but tho motors Intor chnngoablo. Outwardly, there Is no dlfforonco In either, the motors i eating on the name motor bed. Kurthonnoio, an ownor amy purchase a four, drive It for HO days, nnd If ho chooses, nt u small additional expense, be mny have his Tour motor lifted out nnd nu eight substituted. "Through this arrangement," ex plains Mr. Wnlkor, locnl ngent, "the grentest manufacturing economy has been brought about as it requires on ly ono chassis to tnlco either the four or eight-cylinder standard nnd tho arrangement for Interchanging tho motors Is so slmplo thnt thero Is llt 'tle labor attached to It. It repre sents an unusual advantage, as It Is In tho lino of least resistance to the iiutomobllo purchaser of today. "The borsopowcr of either the four or eight Is 3S. Ignition Is by timer distributor syhtem, assuring perfectly nynehronUed Ignition nt nil spoeds. The clutch Is of tho cono typo, lined -vItli leather. There nro threo for ward speeds nnd a reverse, of select ive typo nnd center control. Motor nnd transmission nro suspended In the frame as separate unlU. "The rear nIo Is full floating, with Ilvo nxles, tho weight of the car .being carried by largo 100 percent thrust annular bearings. Knsy rid ing Is furnished by long soml-elllptic alloy steel springs In front nnd can flllver In rear. Tho car has a wheel- base of 114 Inches nnd the wheels carry 32 by 3 Ms tiros. "The bodies of tho various passon- per models nro n special Hrlscoo Btream-Ifno design of steel and wood with concealed. hlngos and pockotn In tho doors. The car la electrically lighted nnd started and enrrios a full equipment." AUSTRALIA TO RAISE 50,000 MORE RECRUITS it MKI.noniXi:, Awtrnlw. Xm. 2. The government bH dcidtd t" mi-e Mt.OIH) mint mn. incroawng tb-' AiiHtralisu war coulingiiit to .100, 100. KI'IK'IAL XOTH'K TO .MHIll'Oltl) POLKS '( wlih to anuouNet) wo arv ox clMlvo Mod ford anuU for the nlle iHlxtMr ef buekthorn bark, glyeorln, .. knows Adlr-l-ka. Thte iw isly. iHi MiMMMfully for ppdl-l-tlt. U tk nMt THOKOl'OH Uwl i l.tawwr wo evr joU. HUM -eifwl lt OXK ipXIOVKf!. r. lievea hIwi AY Aifc i tM.i.itUn. aour or u niomai k Adler l-ka neM jut"- i- " lo ll' n,l '" INST NT .. n - .'.ri-n - I Jl HabVfta, irusst 'Adv DECLAR TRAIL OE RUIN LEFI . t 3Hs 1 cfciv At th'o top Is the Moses ranch, nenr Grcnt llend, Kns., nfter the big wind pnbsed by. Kvcry building was rnzed except two concrete silos. One thous and sheep were killed on this ranch; tho bodies of many of them nro shown In tlie photograph. The middle pic ture shows the debris of tho Moses flour mill, one or the four big flour mills nt (Ircnt llend. Hutchinson, nnother flour mill, nlso was In tho path of tho storm nnd there wns con. slderable damago there. The bottom picture In the Knst Slilo nchool at (Jrent llend, a concrete and stool structure, showing graphically tho devastation wrought here by tho ter rific forco of tho wind. CONTRACTS LEI EOR l'HILAl)Pl.lm., Xuv. 21.- Con tracts for the building of four more stemrHiiiw valued at .fll.OOn.OOO have been placed with Delnwaie- river ship building companies, it wns learned to d.iy. Two of tlv ships aie for the Mexican l'cti oleum company. The others are eollieix for the Constwi-c Transportation company uiid the l'ocahontas Navigation company. Willi ihexo awards, contractu arc now held by .uuds on the Delnwaie river for eiglitv-two ship valued at approximately ."i8,000,000. .More than 20,000 men are engaged in shipbuihlii g along the Delaware river. KOMK, Nov. 21. Further ad vances for the Italian Ioicch in their attack on Onriin ate announced by the unrotlu'i in tonight' "talrnicnt. The ci c-t of the ( nlwirio height wwt of (lorim mc iisiehed and niaiutuiii- itl, it Jk dechired, and the positions,! recently won noithwest of OMnua were strengthened. NOITO LEAO ALL BRI1ISH I LONDON, iNov. i i. Premier As qutth told the house of commons to day It had not been considered ad visable to place nil tho land force on tho western front under one com munder. The pituulcr'H statement wns In reply to a question by Sir Geo. Scott ltobertson. ASK COUNCIL TO ACT (Continued from page ono) W. W. llobiiihon, I. 1. I'atbenit, ('. ('. Van Seovoe, l I.. Jacobs, I. W. Thomas, (). ('. How, Mary K. Klli son, Mn, M. ('. Murrey, Willnrd (. Jones, I,. K. Williams, Adam Kmig, C II. Murrey, t'hris (lottlicb, dm Xeubur.v, X fi. Tinker, X. D. Well, Dr. J. I.. Dill. S. M. Cornitius. ('. ('. Kelt, W. II. Hall. .1. II. Meek, M. J. niankenhhip,, K. II. Tediick, Fre.l Tedriek, Mrs. V. K. Higelow, .1. I). Fleming, fl. W- Twliick. Jens Jensen, H. HuikhnpiU. A. S. Wishing, II. X. Moo, II. A. lliuiscoin, P. PhiprM, 11. F. Mender. Wm. S. Crouoll, ,Mi.. A. Kellehor, T. H DmiieU, Jonas Vold, J. H. AndreH. Hen fJarnett, John A. Smith. F. L. Wcn.lt. f. K. Oiites, I,. 1.. Wakemnn, F. II. KHimui. M. ('. Murrey, llean IIhit. V. A. XUn, Mi. i.w llakw. Mi. J H. Hellin ger, Mritta H William, ilclfurd f'on crete Censtruetiftti Co.. W. T. Qui enberry, If. J. Ilinalurgr. W. C. Kief, W. A. Mttffwt. IU1 LiwUiwrK, ( . P Krib. Hiram Mfwl-r, T. L rdrnll, 0. T. Uyu-h. J. II. P..llv. Urn. J. A. Drainer Ml. IlvtfH I.. I '"-" Dbk A. M. Halladov. A. Itrnrd. Harrv O. Kr.-H-kuiaw. K. TckUmm. I Ma ml M. Hrodk-v. I'. Mr. Xi.ru Kliv. II K. HmflNK-tlN , OiinlUr. ('. Coffw-c. Cl.a. W. llMnMW.M I (From h Oileun a(c I ' Wf reret lo luur that anolber brollm i III MMr Th. illioro' ttif M.pilirktei. Ok-' lon'ii.il Ji.nt u "Ht f lothi - ii ' bin r eej.li. Uv a luti.i. ..it. ii ! i , to enal.lr the mlilui m leav lit ha m,it ii t oil Ii- i .. "-r i n n.. s,r r f. . i - i ! . . .e . i I t to' L' tout, i.'.'ii msas iSVMj'Sdi&VV asSSgfS FRENCH BY I AT ii4?- '! - -.vi2tS -rfit ?ffe SiWKSfefe h t$2Z3w- AV, ht ORNADO mSSaK ! LJ.flier, - RHHSHGarc M.btmt mMMMMMSM mte$ ink I Eat l&itXJfSZ&Fir wrSSd3 w. .. i.rv " Twnv li -V" mjBo!yt&v5X' ,iJxk c - - fir,'U M. 10 RAISE WAR FUNDS I'AItIS, Nov. 2 1. Tho screens In ov-r moving picture thonlur In Franco tomorrow will present n ser- lea of official films concerning tho new war loan to which subscriptions open on thnt day It will tko ten plcturoa, proparod by nntnldu artists to announce oaoh important fact concerning thp. loan. Tho final dosign will show a nermaid soldier crushed under tho weight of n French gold piece, while- a rooster the roal tialllc cock reaches out his heal; from the has relief of tho coin and bcems to say to tho exhaust ed fighter: " 'Twos scarcoly worth while to commit fo many crlmos to como to this." PKTIlOnitAD. Nov 1 1. Tho mlll tnry authorities hero hnvo published an account of an nddtfltw by Field Marshal Von Illndnnliiirg to troops which nrrlvo.l at Lilian fiom aer many a month ago. Tho fluid mar shal Is thus queted: "I know none among you adoptod a military career. I know each of you left n family. Therefore I shall not demand reckless attacks from you but I hope on will beat off tho at tacks the llusslnns make " WORDS FROM HOME Statements That Mny He Investigated Testimony of Meilfonl f'ltlens When n Med ford citizen conies to the front, telling his friends and neighbors or bis cxportoneo, you can rely on his alncorlty. Tho statouionU of people residing In fur away plaeos do not command your eonfidento. Home ondoraoRiont Is the kind that tweks Donn's Kidney Plllc. Such to tlmou)' is couvlurluK- Invodtigatlon prorot It true. lllow is a taumunt of a Me.tfor.1 rwddent. No itrorifor Kroof of merit can Im had. P. W. Orny. ST W. lUlm it.. .. ... . . " -My BiiUHqw ueW te WolHOr V8r l'- ' " n inranw wn inu the strain m taring an my iot Ml ,iuuib. tiHMlmM during tko ttay's worn, my nam paiaeu me ao oreau- full and h night I could barrfhr laud ftr I gull work. I eotfMMU i -I houi, Ktdn. v I'HU r-r nat l'.' I ifi-.L.t .in. I tiled lit (a a sdi.i tun. I'' ' ' !.. r- Dm'i aimplv aak for a kldn-) rftiuvdy- i Iwan'a Klln- pill- ih Name thai v' ' I' "I !" I ti Lu I EAT BEND KANSAS A. ' .wf !.:. -1 U. 'SST'flBS vi2 ' $ -. ,k , '! X lJKr5 &? :m ft SPWS ,w? mgmmmm Afc TiL.'MiMjiVT' iMfi&S'HF'SaflR OJB"" IM ! i laaaaaaaaM m :lftaB Hrv t IS? . ..iSS. ,vi 3Klr VTfrna . ' j vr HWuwlUi'''xM ".. ., ctSh" V I1..U' W p . .V3SP W, 1 Z:' ,ij?, - OBREGON LEAVES 10 l)OrOI.A"S.-Aif' N'liT1!" 'JJ.-Oen-eral Obri'goii left ' for Xaeo, an nouncing that he would proceed to 'SailIn frnz, on the Del Itio Nogales j,n,m., e tiIP Southein I'aoifie rail- road, nnd lcitd the luhnuco of bis forces upon Xognh-ft. Tcli-jiiijilijc i-ummiiiiiintion with riiiuiniK, itcnr Xiicnkitii. wns cut lnt iiilit, it wa- otltcially repotted. BRITISH AFTER LARGE HOLDERS OF SECURITIES I.OXDOX, Xo. 21.-The chancel lor of the exchequer, Reginald Me-' Kenna, gave in the house of commons today the first official confirmation of icports that the government had begun negotiations will) large hold oi of Am. rienn securities tor the purposo of ociinng control of tho holdings. The neaotintions, Mr. Me ICenun said, wore eonndential lor the present. Deafness Cannot Be Cured Iit lril llilli.u' I lie futmot rrirb tbt ilhnwil 4irili .if lli r Ttirro It oulr " KB; la rur ili-ifix-., tuil lint I. Iijr riKiiMiml'.u al rruirllr. lirafnrM l .ku.nl lf n IndnisH .- tul 1 1 Ib of Itio miir-iu. Ilnlnir of lbf Ku.lmhUil TBI. Mifli IliU IiiIm U tiiltamrd )uu liir iuwUIiik sviihiI ir luitrfrt ln-tlnu, nut ubia ll I. mlltfli tliiknl lariirM ! lit run 1 1 mi.l UhlrM llir luflllulHiilluti ran br Ink! ii i.ut tui ll.lt luU rmtiuMl i.i It. nnrniat hkIIou. Im r iMrf wilt t ilmlnijcil furtvrr; tilu ru. imii u( t ii" (! Iiy i alar.il, wliMi l iiulliInK l.ul u lHm-l rouilllk.ii r IH ihsms irf .. W will ! Oik lluulrrl Iwllar. f..r njr cum i.f Un(um InolmI i.r I'ularrlil thai raniwt U' .url lijr lltll'a lalnrih l"f. hruil tvt lrl Ian, lrr. - J (III MV ft CO.. TmI.-i, O. SnlJ tr lruzlli. T"i" TfcVc Hall I'auii'f I' 111 Ut conllatlurM YOUR DINNER THANKSGIVING From .'. till 0 p in. Prlre 7".e Menu fonaomma Soup Shrimp Salad or Fruit Salad Colory Ollvtta Itoaat Young Turkay with Droaalng Cranborry Sauce Itoaat Utile Pig Mmfcad Pulatoea IJrown Cravy Crmiuad Cauliflower Plum Padding Pumpkig PJo UUk rffM Tow ShhIhI .Miikln Mia dark. VlollnUrt. ti. H. Hew ell. pURtoi. vill furnlKb kttnair. A limit d numWr ot r-.iaU Will b playd Castillian Grill V-Ji 81Si&M j&iM "V T-nV kISss "si 8 ' -rr tv mkim 'v-di FRENCH CLASS OF 1917 CALLED OUi PARIS, Nov. 24. After homing Qenernl Gnlllonl, minister of war, to. day, the army commlttco of tho cham ber of deputies decided upon a call to the colors on December 15 of tho young cousci Ipts of tho class of 1917. They will bo sent lo garrisons, then trained nnd Incorporated lu various regiments and services. Tho class of 1917 comiirrjos a con tingent of -100,000 young men who lu nenco timet, would begin military ser lec In 1917. Tho members or this contingent nro IS and lU'yenrs of nge. The calling of this contingent was foreenst In a memorandum by AL Mlllernnd, then minister of wnr, In September, noting that tho 1010 con tingent had completed Its trnlnlng nnd thnt It appeared to bo necossnry to anticipate the time of calling tho 1917 contingent so thnt Its services might bo nvnllnblo if the need arose, In the spring of 1010, the minimum time of training being five mouths. Today's llcllilnger. Ono of the ninnngers of tho Hnrvoy restaurnuta along tho Hnntn To road, employed a poor but ambitious col lege boy an waiter recently. Ills first order was passed to the kitchen Rnmothlng Ilko this "Hah, rnh, roast beef, rah, for two. Mashed potatoes. Corn, ftlpplty flop. We're on top, tomntuoH. Hullabaloo leo cream, nlss, boom, A-u-lt-h, deml tassol" THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound. Unlonvllle, Mo. "I suirercd from n female troublo nnd I got so weak thnt I could hardly walk across tho floor with out holding on to something. I had nervous spells nnd my fingers would cramp and my faco would draw, und I could not Bpcak, nor sloop to do any good, had no uppotitc.iuul everyone thought I wotild not live. Soma ono advised me to take Lydia K. Pinkbnm's Vegetablo Compound. I had taken so much medicine nnd my doctor Bald ho could do mo no good no I told my husband ho might cot mo u bottle nnd I would try it. l)y the tltno I hud taken it I felt better. I continued iU use, und now I am well and btrong. MI huvo always rocommended your mcdlclno ever since I wns so wonder fully benefitted by it and I bojxi this letter will bo tho means of saving soino other joor woman from Buffering. " Mrs. Mautiia Skavky, Ilox 1M4, Unlonvllle, Missouri. Tho makers of Lydia E. Pinklmm's Vegetublo Compound hnvo tliousnnds of such letters as that abovo they toll the truth, else they could not hnvo been obtained for lovo or money. This med icine Is no stranger It hua stood tho tust for years. If there aro any complications you do not understand write to Lydia I'. Plnkbam .Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will deepened, rend and ammercd by a irouiuii autl held lu strict coulldcucc. an Hirtihi "! mi;.,.W pass i3t J' A H EXTRADI CHICAGO, Xo. 24. Thos Kelly, millionaire contractor, accused of do frnuding the provincial government iti connection with the erection of new parliament buildings al Winnipeg, Man. wna ordered extradited to Can ada today by Federal Judge Lanudis Ho n f finned tho'decision of extrn lition given by United Stnte Com missioner Mason ami denied Kelly's petition for a writ of hnbeos corpus. Sinco tho hearing before the ocm missioncr, Kelly has been in the eotinly jail at Wauketrnn, 111. Ho was tcl'iniAil there, bis attorneys saying that they would appeal the decis'on to the United States supreme court "A Nation of Dyspeptics" American people aro called. This condition Is duo to our habit of hurried eating, and so many different foods at tho name meal. In advanced II To tho system cannot adapt Itself to tho strain, nnd stomach troubles result. To strengthen nnd build up tho digestive organs our local drug gists, tho Medford Phurmncy, have a lellablo, constitutional remedy known ns Vlnol. It vitalizes nnd ourlchen tho blood, promotes n healthy appe tite, and creates strength for tho weakened, overtnxed norvea of tho Htomnch. Adv. 1XTKUUIUIAN AUTO CAIt CO. Tlmo ThWc Leavo Medford dally except Sun day for Ashinnd, Tnlont and Phoenix at 8 n. m. 11:S0 a. in., l:ir., 3:30 nnd 0:1 Ti p. in. (Snturday nt 11:15 p. m.) Suudny leave at 9:00 and 11:00 a. m., 1:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. m, I.cnvo Ashland dally except Sunday nt 9:00 a. in., 12:C0, 2:30, 4:30 and 0:15 p. m. (nlso Saturday only at 12 midnight) nnd Sunday nt 10:00 a. in.. 13 noon. 4:00. G and 10310 o. m. SPECIAL AT THE DAISY FOR THANKSGIVING DAISY BUTTER G5e PER ROLL Cranberry Shcriicrt. Ice Cream Turkeys. Maple Nut Strawberry nnd Vanilla Ice Cream. Wliliplnt and Coffee Cream, Order now. We give Orecn Trading Stump. White Velvet lee Cream Co. PHONK 181. 23:i EAST MAIN I SKlFi1 I'l'fWkaaaVir rswir IJmT XM r B" stiL. i 3ELI We Thank You Vov your patronage during the past year anil hope you will greatly onjo this day of Thanksgiving and have many things to ho thankful for. We have endeavored to please all our customers in rho past and will guarantee, first-class work and satisfaction lo old patrons, as well as now ones, in the future. Vo have modern machinery, export work man, use first-class materials and aro pains taking with all work. Medford Sash & Door Co. i If it's mado of How to Flglit Tuberculosis In pnper rr-.il lnt it lir for ll.r tlrxnr Cti.ii.tr Mnllr.ll Surlily nml c.il.tlilirtl In imrl In ll.r l.tin'M lllr "Mr.llriO I'n.Krri.." Ilr. .1. V. Cnrhnrf, of San nttinln, 'IVxna. I. plirnlrti... l.t. lin ttrtttlril imirli !tn" In ll.r luil- of tlllirrrllloul", Rttltt. 's;nrr Him- nnll. ronitlllttr llirrr-rmirlhn lit nil thr nilllrrnl mill-ilniitf- of tlir l.iimnn IiimIj-. tt.rr uninf lir n.iiiltr.l In Ihr fnoila or niiiilcmrnlril In n.lnrrnl prrpnrtt lloin, ur nnl.irnl Rlnrinltnii rnanrn .till. tultrrrt.lnalK unrhr-krit. Ihr lilrN.rr..il anil t.nt'hrrkrtl prrn.l of lulirrinloaN nn.l ullirr iirrvrnlnlilr itUrnirtt In tl.tr Inrcclr to Ihr ill mlrlflril tllmr lncklnitl ronilKlonii til ntu'l'luilri tl.rtxiRhtiul Ihr rlTlltard n.irltl." Tims from nnother nuthorltnttvo uicOii'nl nourre comci JustUlcntlan for tlir Hie "f tlmo in the treatment of luhoieuloilH. ... Since thin Ii orir of the Ingredi ents "f KiUinairn All'rrntlve, much of thr gurrr-m nttcli.llnir the wlile Ktirrnil iifti- of thlR remedy tlouhtlcan In ilur tn tho cnmhlxntlon of this Knit In urh i. way nn to render It rnell) nnslmllnlilr. It cnuaP!. no atomnh ttlKtiirhniirr, ami nlln' It rotmilim tirlthrr op'ntcK. nurcutlra nor liaMt-formlnir ilruii. It Is eufe to tr Penman's AHrrntlvn tins rtTrcted rinmrkai'le rrsult In numerous -nspx of pulmonary tulieruuloals rcoiisiimptlnt.) nnd allied chronic nf fertlons of tho thront nml lironchlnl luiHxnKt'K. tn innnv Instnncrs such rmulltlons, nppi.rentl)'. have yielded cmnpleirlv to It In Pimt yrrnr druRRlnt Is out of It, n.W htm l ordrr. or sand direct to u a lU'kmnn I.Nlitirnliiry, I'liltnilrtyliln Prnto $1 and $2 a bottle. aaaaaaT 9P PrjJ DIAMONDS for tho Kngagement Hlng, an a Gift, or an Investment are required to bo A-l Quality. Tho Diamonds wo show aro pure stonos, finely cut and artistically set to tho bent ndvnntage see thorn! Diamond Setting, Agnto MiMintlog and Kngratliig IKmo Iiy Kvpert.s. Martin J. Reddy Till: JKWEl.Klt Visitors Always WVIruino ' The IDEAL XMAS GIFT Ts something useful ntid oiw ....... I.. I A 1Tn AT) UUIIIi'lllill. u u u n UHUST IS SXJUii, or most anvthintr in the l'urnHurd 'l!.. .. O....I " 1J...1.., ll iiur it Jiiifui'L, l cuirciuij Smoking Set, ete. Our specinl for this Christ mas is our ir8.no Pacific Co dar Chest for $7.00. Como in anil lot us show you our line. Peseriptive circulars for out of town peoplo frco for tho asking. PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY wood, we make it." m hf' w feu