ii? IT Hi PXGEFOra MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKI'KNUHNT NKWSPAPnn FUULlb'HKK EVEHT AKTHHNOOJf KXCBPT Pl'NDAY 11Y T1IK WEDIOltU I'lllNTINO CO. Office Mall Tribune BulMlng, 25-27-29 North Fir utrcct; telephone 76. The Demorrmlc Tim"!. Ths Mrdford Mall. The Medford Trbun. The Houth ern Oregonan, Tlie AKhland Trhuna. HUnSCBIPTION BATES One yenr. liy mul... . . .. 5.00 une month, by mall .. DO Per month, delivered by carrier In .Medford. Phoenix, Jacksonville and Central Point .. .CO Saturday only, by mall, per year. 2.00 Weekly, pr year 1 10 'flolal Paper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of Jarkeott County, Bntered an exoond-rlaei, matter ot Medford. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1878. Sworn Circulation for 1311, S(88. Pull leaied wire Aaioclatea Press Uls atheo. Bubscrlbora falling to rccclro papers promptly, phono CJrcu- latlon Manager at 2G0-IL -f wrnmw m Joe Mlay plcoplo who leixvo c)i lurch in middle of ulcrmon nlliisnui vo vvnlkeo In sleep. Ktilil hrotliora nro ndvorllBlnK for ti lout imlr of troiisors In Stuvoni l'olnt, Mich. In Saw Voi If, IViluips "In IiIh Iiouho iiinrlKnKCtl?" "Yo, up to tho ntito." " Home Things Scorn (.liieer, Don't Thoy I am employed no a truck driver. In August my off liny homo Kot nick nml tho bow called In two homo doc. tors. !ntt weok I Not nick and the lions "dookod mo." How about It? II. II. At tho (Jim's Murrlo UN ItoiKiiislhll Ity KiiiU Drill Hoigmint What In tho dotico In tho imittor. .Mnlloyl Whore nro j our ulllltH fiolim? Mnlloy ainiro, I iluiino, nor! Thoy loft 'oro nil right I Pawing Show. e lloiiBohold I Ills It Is host to lump nil family Jam In the pantry. Mnr unrot. Todnj's ItellrltiKcr K. W. Ay or, the fnaioua advertising nsont, ut n dinner In "nllHdolphla told this one: ''lllgpi wng n roofor and wn nt work on n buHdlng one day vvhon he lot out a yull. " 'WMint U tho iiiHltor, IHg?' uik rid tho foroiunn. " 'I've i tin a nail In my foot,' yolltsl IK1W. " 'Why don't you pull It out!' tint, vcrod tho furoniau. " 'What! In iy noon hourT yollotl HONG KONG KOLUM tMMM pn V $Siwll 1. J f If . S' JT 1IVS 'i"f JM - JBBBBiWWL niRW." Stella's llurgtiln Counter When u dog ahowa hti teeth mid ivuK hut tail you don't know whleh end to uellevo. .Mivnyri Keep Your Kjiv. Ojieti When Von C'ixss tho Strtmt Yoslerday one of our cltUeni wh Icnouksil down by an auto nt Bt. nuil nv. Patrolman onmo to the rescue, ""run you give WO r description at th matt whose oar htruck you?" Mkl tb officer, "fiuro." Nia las Injured aUUen, "bn ;-W9 Jnfj t tmr mL unil glovet." r .JLVUiUJTUHi mm i-mmmt mwmm " "-- J - -- - am mU I AMdlim Imiorpiunn 1 frtleUr wMn up MU ot BoldfUh a'f h pan tfiir m- iorn;'. In onior to tve mm ejwn- Jnglianco no fUliw ir iwm bimo foldod overy moriilHg. Tlit'ivV Alwi IIiijh Harbor Will you h thing jen our faco whon I hae fiiilsliiMl Customer I don't know, but I Jiope qu'J1 ni Jout lave no mc THE SWINEHERD REPLYING to tho elmrijo Hint the millionaire timber men who now own the Portland Telegram, naturally desiring to secure something besides monthly deficits f roiii their newspaper investment, were responsible for the Tele gram's campaign to secure preferential rates for Portland lumber mill3 that would effectually throttle the lumber industry of interior Oregon, the Telegram says: The Whcelro have not a dollar's worth of interest In any lumber mill In Portland. Thy hnve lumber Interests In Lane, Jackson and Tillamook counties. If Tho Telegram wore to ho used to further their private In- leronts It would hare fought to maintain tho rates that discriminate against Portland In favor of the valley mills, for It Is there their private interests He. Hut, on the contrary, Tho Telegram has fought and contended for nn equality of rates between Portland and tho valley points, on the ground that It wns tho fair and square thing to do, no matter who was helped or harmed by it. The Telegram is mistaken. The "Wheelers have no lum ber interests in the couniics enumerated. Thoy have im mouse timber interests, howevor, timber land bought ohoap and held for speculation. They neither sell nor operate, but hold for unearned increment. Even the ex tension of the Pacific & Eastern to their Jackson countv holdings did not result in operation. They are private preserves for the benefit of future generations. "While it is true that the Wheelers are not operating in Portland, they are at MeC'ormiok, Washington, and hence would secure the benefit of any rate reduction secured by Portland for their lumber shipments to Cali fornia. they do not profit by the Telegram's campaign they certainly ought to call it off, for its efforts, if suc cessful, will seriously depreciate their Oregon holdings. The Telegram has a peculiarly distorted vision of the "fair and square thing to do," when it would build up Portland's lumber industry at the expense of the develop ment of its own trade territory. "Willi tho advantage of terminal and water rates, with a freight differential in Portland's favor to the. cast, with water rates to every point on the coast ,the Telegram would also have a differ ential in Port lad's favor to California over the mills of the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River valleys thus closing the only territory left to themand effectually blighting tho development of the lumber industry -outside of Portland. .So unfair and unreasonable are tho Telegram's conten tions that no other newspaper in Portland supports them and none of the commercial organizations indorse tho paper's attitude. Whether or not tho Telegram's owners profit by tho paper's efforts, the Telegram has proven itself champion of special interests as against public interests, palliator of private greed and swineherd REMARKABLE TRACT IN JACKSON COUNTY HAS EXHIBITS AT MANY GREAT FAIRS II. M. !om) Produce mill Kxpcrlmcnts In I'rults, Vegetables nuil Grays-. .e.i, Cettlnu IlrMiltn on Tract 'Mint XelgblxirM llcclm-iil l'miillnblna (Hy Addison Ilcnuctt in the l'ortliinil Suiiilny Oregoninu.) Wlien it mum iinimiiiieetl ut the Muuurncturei-H' nuil Laud Products Show, leeently held nt tlio nniiorv, that Jackson ouuntv liml tukuu tlio giinul jitiro for tlio licit exhibit of ngrieulturni product, but few know 1 1 in t tho evliihit was reully tho piod uet of ono farm nml tho handiwork of ono mail. Hut hiicIi w.ir (lie enso. Kurllier, it ouitlit to be no id that tlio exhibit attracted more tliiiu ordinary attention from the fuel that oC re cent jimm wo hnvo tend volumes about tlio fruits applet, pear, peneho of .Inckmm eounlv, lint iuhvIiI.v little Hbout her general farm products. In this nrlieh I nut loine to for- ilt, hi ni'Hr km I on n, that .laoUon unmitv over ltrodiu'cd hhv fruit of any sort, Hint luni inv ntteution solely to the matter in hand the general agricultural product of thnt t'imunis county. In doing this I am not go iug to belittle the uouderfiil fniits. Tlio o.Nhihit mentioned containod nearly 1000 items. Can you realize that nml that eirv gram and every straw, every vegetable nml every blailo of griiHM (now liny) wan grovrn ou one farm It i pretty hind to see how nueli s eolle. tiou could be Isketi from one place. Oilier DUplujs I'rom Same l'anu Kill, iiivonc I (ell you Unit at the time (hot exhibit wns ou display hero there were (ho others (Himll a ytHul gut ho red tioui the same farm, under the ihreetion of the same niSKter Hund, ou iliily h( otsor showc, one at the I'mihhiu exmlntiivii at San IVancueo snd the other at the giat utNe smjw at S'HiUia. Ami, by the say, the- e.vkiliit dieplaytHl here in now Mmr rasUHed in the land show st St. l'snl, sent there bv the Groat Xorihvru railway ofl'ieiais. Kow, let me go a step fuither and say at the 1'annma exhibition the dis play has won the grand prise over Jk whole euuntiv, but in adtlitiou wea tibs guld, two silver ami one koaaw s4al for some of the inth vi&mtl siiieles in the disjssv. Also Ut it be wentioneU that like exhib its froga the saie I'srtn. put together by tli sawe nan, took the sweep sink prises at the great C'hieag land shuw in 1011, at the HI. lotus espoMttoA in 11110, nt Ut Xew Or leans espoMitioa in 1011 and has taken first at all three of the Port land land shews. Xeigiiboi rint niiiuu) X U. 1 -' I'm fernered these ' . i i . !- ii - hhv Kot ly ihine mentioneil, but many, manv ullii i He bun a hstfol of ninl.il uihI li.i'.'i -till hi Id- Mn Auil .ili i i i li ' i ni . In." ' f.i.ii : 1 i - i . i. j i i BLTCDFORD MXTJJ TRIBUNE, lor tlierorllaiul hog. For instance, in tho Portland Land mIiow the exhibit xeored 88' i poinU tho nenrest to it being 7V )ioinln. Tho other ranged aluiig in the (!0s nml 70s. Pivo years ago hint spring Mr. Lowo went into .Inekson eonnty and Hindu a study of tho laud und the climate. He did not do this in a hit-nuil-mias fashion, but lcimtroly, thor oughly, enrefully. He wanted n locu tion to put into operation coituin the ories of improving eertnin ngrieul turnl nuil horticultural productn. He finally purchased (100 neres of sec-nud-benuh laud about hulf-wav be tween Ashland and Medford, near AHhland, After ho had paid his money and got his title to tho land, the Miller onsunlly warned Mr. Lowo that he oould not ninko n living on it. You vee, eertnin idenH then predominated down there as to which was fmit land and whiolt xvnsn't mid this wnen't, neeordinif to the wixeaere. .lut to jump right Ntraight to tho outcome, that sanin COO acres of "worthless ' land produced cro sufficient to imy tho luirelinse price ami nil fanning oxiiole, inteicfct and taxi's nml n fair living for tho owner ou tho third crop thereafter. lxH'ilmcnth ,ro Practical It is a fnmrins fsnn now, mid Mr. Lowe U aiiroly tlio Hiirbnul; of Ore gon, Ho in a breeder of plants ami vine, of fruits and vegetables. So i ltui-hank; but Mr. liwe is aim a Miulent of soils and elimatio (Hindi lions, ami n a teacher, rather as an illintrator, he is of as much practical nlue to tho people of Oregon as llnr Iwuk i to the pooplo of his btate. Tor instance: Mr. lowe xvss told (hut In heneli land was unfitted for nut. Why? Tho sml was good, the climate was ginul ami the moisture wad sufficient. Why was it not good fruit lnuiU "To high, too frosty," said his neighbors, lmt Mr. Iowe knew a whole lot about air currents, and he made itiagrawc of the current over the Unas am) oi the high ipot he planted fruit trese front apples to figs- and on that very land the tirst I rust this year occurred Xovcui ber 10, which ws just suftieieat to hkwken (lightlx the lowato xines. You wukt not think ueenune 1 brought the fnut tree in thnt 1 am Infttnc to fruil. Neither must vou think thai Mr. Lowe does not like the fruit buoineM. nor that he doe not intend to iair r'nut. In his exhibit are large quanlitir of froits of manx vnrietie. Hut with him fruit i to he an tniIi'iit mul rt th head snd li 1 ul liia tulllIlL "LLi tlOUk. Coin I 'iii en Siiccos In lixtkiiiif at lux nolo 1 lu.i! m m tl.li,' n Hi i n ISili I j I.t h ' . , ,!..... ..I Uu v , 1 , t. 11 MEDFORD, OREGON, LOOKS LIKE WHIFF OF FOAMY , "His j . 3 -v H'vzl'L I p Notice tin eliiiini ltli which Mini'. .lla Itiplcy of tho Fashion Alt League of America gains tho liu.it lo vfforl in the dancing frock pictured lieit. Tlio goun is "liullt" of dellciito blue tullo iiiado owr green tulle, anil these nro hut oci,-1ivim's for u foiindntioii of lavender silver cloth tltli n silver lnco "drop" lit tlio bottom. Tho closo flttlnjj IkuIIco Is Hindi) of ilclily embroider.! ii-ex hllk, caught oer tho .shoulder., with Mi anils of Irriilescj'nt IhwIs. product". Pirat i-. tho Oicgon Dont corn. Thin i now n fixed tyM nml is :i wonderful sueecss. Ij is used lurgoly in Jneksiiii county and much of it is being hipped to other sec tions of the strtte. The next is hi Kttssian bald bar ley. This iii a wonderful grain nml the t.xpe, is l'i.xed lrom five yeurly cropping. Another is Connllin wheai, a cerertl which ho thinks is an imiirovoraeiit ovia- nil other drv land whent. -1 CoufQixo rtn xvitll benim, peas and other, products of garden and field, but will montion only hi hush bonus slrtnglos beans. These lienr curly, ami until killed bv the froi.t I failed lo mention thnt Mr. Lowe makes nil of hN entries in the show under the name of tho tract Valley View Orchards. He is not, I beliexe, tho nolo oHiur, but ie the absolute manager. On this tract are 100 acres of penrs, 10 acre-; of upriuots, 10 acies of eheriios and six neres ot npplos. Aiidn from Hoi, he lias an cxpoii mental tmet f 10 acres planted to fmit trees of v.niou vnrielies which lie is cxpcinieniiius on in ennjunctinn with the Oic i.n Agricultui.il college cnkm(s for thi- pnrprtse of wt mixing the diieiiKes ot trees and fniits. Soil Needs ai-o 1'oluttil Out "The du ! coming, is irt-nr nt hniid, when all mehariliits will utihe the ground between the trees for growing eh ci nuil lumin? it into milk and poik; the day of clean cul tivation i i:it, Yo'.i cannot take fruit off your laud jear after year iudcfiuitelx viii'iiut putting something back in the soil. Juch n couuo IMMf failure '' Sq said Mr. Lowe. Which brings us lo the daily 1iim uesa, the bet inonoy-mnking buines the laiidowiiii- of Oregon can lyigago hi. A to Ja. i ton countv, thete are (10.000 acres ,.!' land as good the Valley 'iew 1 arin. 1 wonder what soil of a eoiintx Jackson would be if it had nu averng of one cow to everv acre' What are tlioy sowing 1 in Jack son? Well, b'.'s loik at the situa tion is given bv Ml Lewe: Daily Cow.s lucixxislug "Tln-re have been shipped into Jackon iKiiniv this X'ear more ban 1A00 dnuv rows. 1 think we now have ten in the couutv where we had one fixe xear agit. Fixe xear ago we had lu bet . h MO and 500 acres of com; tin M.ir we had 6000 ai-ie. and the xicld v ill avrrnfe full 4i. bushels to the aru." Thia it a leinarkahlo statenxetit when it U nun niliered thnt the aver age xieUI of Hie country runs about 'JA bushel. Tin year for the first time on revor.' u went 'IS buhU. "rive yriir-. j g we bippd into Jackson countv icn eariosiU of hogs; this -ear hiipe1 oiti mure than 200 cniliMiiU Wtttnn i'u la t tixe xear lb . ili- ! ! .i' i and i lover h.iv i. .-. .1 i .ii. i Inn. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER L5r Aioitiat H K IV.MU1.KTT Phone M 17 sml I7-J3 rlmbslsscs) h'rnloe Oorojurl TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TULLE, BUT REALLY A BUSTLE fourfold We hnve sold and shipped this scnaou 11000 hend of beef cattle to the Sau Prancico market." Thus went on M'. Love. Mul he wont furthei. Lislm ''We have only fniily got taited in tho right direc tion, hnve just fniily got our feet ou firm ground. .I.ickou is one of the best suction in the world. Thuie in room there for ten times the people wo have, not only room, but oppor tunitii's. "We ought lo hnvo tho pientest dairy and meat center iii tho United States. Climatically nnd from the koil viewpoint, wo huvo any other section skmiitM to n linisb. I be lieve it, I know it, and I nm nlways proud to walk up to a hotel regiitc oud place mv rome on its page n from .I110I.-.011 county, Oregon." ocMobawcaovvaoi&jxi Don't Merely "Stop" a Cough Stop the Thlnjr that Cati.f It nml I Up CoiiKb XtIU Slop llarK iwaoaiwi V .. A eougli U roallv one of our bet irienilc. It vviirns 11 that there In in uiiiuuiiitlon or olmtructloii In a danger nm plnco. 'therefore, when xou cct a ImiI cough don t iirnotiil to dow xourtwlf with a lot of ilrugii that merely ntnii" the cough tcniporarilv lv ih-Hileiilng tlio throat nerves. Tient the ciuise -heiil tlio inlUuncil niPiiilirmicii. Here in a ioint. inaile remeily tluit m't ruslit at tlieeuune mill Ulll ihtiL 11 11 filiktr I not 1.1 jitnli mtlt. more quickly than .ou tfr thought mw Put 2t4 ounces of Pinet (SO cent worth) in n pint Ikittlo and till the bottle Ulfll lilnitl f ritilllurMl uiiuiieunriiii 'I'l.t . " ! ss lS"iW niKl nj(l'a J II in jriviH xim a full iiiut of the most il(isjnt mm I'liivwvr nniKii ri'inix you ever uhm, nt a cunt of oulv fit reiitn. N'o bother to iri'iuirv. run iiirii'iniiiH witii rnwx. 11 IIOills llin ItllltlltiMil ItiA.i.lirrt nna m gently ami 1 romntlv tlist xmi wniiiler I1.11. I, .lit..., I. A l.i l.i. ...... .. .! !...... ...... iv m--n ... .1.11 ,.-r-iin H lirv, IIUUTIH or tight rough nnd stop the foruiiitlon of iililegni lu the throat and bronchial tubea, tliiiu ending the iHTiinlcnt Ihom coiil'Ii. PillOV la n litltlilv nAmwitlral..! .am. -'- - .l." ...p..-.. .win. ii. ,.i ..-.. 11(111 iMVIIIIll flf Xt.rtlllV lllllA ttinni -il. I.. imiiiiicol. iiih! s famuli the world over for IU lienling cfTett on the membrane. To nvfliil illappolntment. nsk vour ilrnjielst for "iti ouneei of Pinex." nml ""ii t Hieepi nnvtiiim? cIm-. A guarBiitee .11 lllMnlllll, A.ll lafmtlinn ni innnui. .n.ii..,- Iv rvfuiHlisl. goon with thU prepurutiou The Pinex Co., It. ayno, Ind. THE PAGE Mcdford's l-codlng Motion l'lctutc Theativ. Osll.v M.ittnee 2 p in, Kvenlng 7 p m. Price. MutlncoB-lOc. Kvo. 5-lO-15c TONIGHT Neal of the Navy To Parts featuriug Lillian Lor raine and Wtltuui I oinilfUh Jr. Msrsuerite Courtot la WhenAppearancesDeceive MM Flic Agony of Fear an tiuprvMtxe 3 art drama Off for a Boat Ride l'u.idultirt,ii Faii touiCil), 1 ixtiv. 1 i j 1 p . -. n ihe! "v "t o w . - . ' 1 23. ton NEW HIGH RECORDS WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.1. X.-vr high records in the fore gn tnul" of Mip United Stutes conlinac to pile up tho jrrofttest favorable trade balance the country baa ever known, nccord mj; to figure made public today by Hi" drttMirtinont of commerce. During tho twelve rnonlhs eliding with October, the foreign trade ex cceild f'j.OnO.OflU.OOO. Imports wenj 1,0IH,7-18,013, and expoiH .f.l.llS. (' 14,0DI5, ns coinpiirc'l with imports if j1,S80,4M,5O1 ami exports of .2,- 10,847,829 during tho 6nmo twelve nontlw iirsvioiti. Pxports of October established 11 new high record, rising to .? 3.1 1,0:18, "i7s, xvhicH was v?3U,001,750 more t'u'Ji tho frmor record made in Sep ember. October impoits vvcro $148, ."i?n.il20. jfr.rV9- jam S.v. t'i'...j4t FOREIGN TRADE T KS.fca. tTi 1 I " "i gf :mJE4V'. - 1 mmm&sik ?.Ht -.'. Xr JJjffi&F&F' V3R i?3?l WsSlit? J' - '.V5K5 v.':j,ni,-fl The home that has a TURKEY Thanksgiviiin will have WE ALSO HAVE THE CHOICEST AND BEST BEEF PURK RAISINS NUTS MUTTON CRANBERRIES APPLES SWEET POTATOES PICKLES LEMONS CELERY MINCE MEAT ORANGES DATES RANANAS GRAPE FRUIT FIGS LETTUCE CURRANTS Otl.er VEGETABLES Every thing in Groceries. In fact, everything for the Thanksgiving table that can he found in market FLOUR FROM $1.35 to $1.60 PER SACK, ALL GUARANTEED. We specially rcconimcntl Medford "Rogue Spray Flour." Warner, Wortman 6 Gore THE BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMANRY fiivcs a bomi-monthly (lance Thursday ovening, XovcidIht 'J.'), at .Moose Hall. Tickets, including chicken KU)pei', $1.00 a couple. .Music hy .Miss (Mark and I'rol'csMn' Howell. WiyE.THESlaJ ASHOWTOBE LHANKFUUeOR Children 10 cents More- yood news u v t' pi'-tmv-loving public. We are oNlnl'iMnq; today "The House of a Thousand Candles" lr your ajroval. M'his is the first suljeet of our In test Ivookcd sor ice. known as the JUti'-j V-L-S-Ii in other words, Vitii(naaih, I.ubin, Sdig and JJs sanay. Thew atv nlitMfltiteiy the b8t iiietures made aud releoated by thte four manufacturers, and cvorv-, oue is a giiaraiiteetl attraction. We will in the future show one of the Big A feat ure every Tiwsdav of each week. The adiuikwinn will be lOe'for ehildivn and 1't- tor adullM. Mhey'ro woilh U. SKKTIIISTODAV When ImHi r -i im. . ;nv lu.iilc Ae will show them. MARY PICKFORH MONDAY VERDICT OF DOCTORS ON NEW HERBAL SKIN BALM TVECfA turn rl.m diitifte In a wajr un V.non before to inoilcrn Kln. Simiilr tmoolli It over the ilWeainl places. Wairh Ihe iMrvclow atl ion of lhi great herl al h-afer. D'l.XMA, rn-Je lrom naturc'i herbs, liat just been itlveii by icience for the iclltl of Hie many ili.hcailrnr.l kin su'ferer DT.NMA iop pain anJ ilibins instantly. Tt reseuti bH'y and limbs fiom the torluret of akin duro.' Il is nilnre's ay. , , , We are the only druggist in this .town from wlmm llT.XMA, the iireat, herbat b.lin, tau be miukJ. Ak Ui lixlay. WIST SUM: IMIAKMACY" lA'l'liUUltllAN AUTO CiUt CO. Tlmo Tnblc Leave Medford daily except Bun day for ABhiand, Talent and Phoenix at 8 a. m. ll.r.o n. in., 1:15, 3:30 ami 5:15 p. 111. (Saturday at 11:15 p. m.) Sunday lonvo at !l:00 and 11:00 a. m., 1:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. m. Lcavo Ashland dally oxcopt Sunday at 9:00 a. in., 12:50, 2:30. 4:30 and G:15 p. m. (also Saturday only at 12 midnight) and Sunday at 10:00 a. m.. 12 noon. 4:00, C and 1030 0. m. mimm ' , " Wf 5W . V - :5S or CHICKEN from . this store much to lie Thankful for. Adults 15 cents Ml vv BA W 1 tv