Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 23, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
llnln Coolcyj South Wlflda.
Mnv. .05, Mitt. 111.5, Pro. .08
Korty-flfth Tear.
Daily Tenth Year,
NO. 210
MMM IWWi M " I II I -l.-l.l ' --- -
Navn! Attache Accused of Rhllnn
Rourjli-Shotl Over Laws and Treat
ies of United States Expenditures
Admitted Upon Cahlc Orders From
Nl'W YORK, Nov. 2.1. Cnptnin K.
Hoy-lid, Gennun naval attache, was
tho lirttinjr hend umlor whom wni
cjictit .'7"0,000 in chartering nml
supplying ncutinl steamers with conl
ami urnvinions Tor Gennnn men-of-war
in tilt' AHnntic niul Pacific m
August, 1914, the government form
ally charged nml assorted thai it
wjh prepared to prove tho charge
in the opening today of the trial, on
charges of conspiracy, of Dr. Karl
Hitenz, mumming director of th
llamliiirg-American line, and tine" of
his subordinates.
Roger K Wood, nsistant Vailed
Stale district attorney, in charge of
tlic prosecution, in so declaring, as
sorted that the entire sum wan spent
under tho personal direction of Cap
tain Hoy-Kil'm-d that from $300,01)0
to $000,000 of the amount was spent
in San Francisco in chartering ves
sels and obtaining supplies for the
Herman war-daps Leipzig and per
haps Hi') Dresc'en.
Conspiracy Nation Wide
Thin, tho government charges-, was
part of a conspiracy that extended
from New York and Philadelphia and
New Oilcans and San Francisco, in
which iJonnnn money was spent by
tlic millions and which the defend
ants weio the leading character.
la the performance of this alleged
conspiracy, Mr. Wood said, tho de
fendants "'rode rough-hliod over tin;
laws and treaties of the United
Slates, as Jonlcmptuously as if thorn
laws and troatics had been mere
"hcrupti of paKT."
William Rand, counsel for tlic de
fence, admitted that Iho defendants
hml chartered and supplied twelve
slops which sailed away from Ameri
can potts for the relief of German
men of war. In so doing, Mr. Rand
asserted, tho defendant's, aetcil upon
orders received hy cable fiom Ger
Deny Conspiracy
''Wo concodj that certain ships
flailed from American ports to supply
certain German warships and admit
that the ships wore outfitted liv Dr.
Hiicnx and tits rflhcr defendants, but
deny that these operations constitute
conpiracier," Mr. Rand continued.
Tho first witness was Richard D.
Wrigley, a steamship broker of this
city, who testified that be chartered
on Atigut J. 1011, to the Hamburg
American line the American steamer.
Lorenzo and Jlemind. tlic fiixt two
vessels which sailed for the German
Atlimli" llect. John II. Gnus acted
for the line, Mr. Wriglcv said, in tho
transaction, giving indeiunit bond to
the owner for full value of the ves
sel., fy.')0,HOO and .?2f0,000, respect
iiolv. Wriglcv alo testified that tho
steamship I.oroiuo was chartered for
$l."i,000 a month, tho Herwind for
$12,500; thn Atinn, Xcpos and Mo-
(Continued on Page 5.)
NKW YORK'. N'ov. 2.1. -Explaining
her decision not to stand for. re-election
as president of tho National Wo
nun Suffrage nssooiution, Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw announced today that
bliu planned making vigorous cam
imipis in Iowa, South Dakota uad
West VirgiHi, whete himhnii Suff
rage Will bO Hltwl UK Mt till) HOXl lof-
"My dccikMi," ail Dr. Sbw,1
"com at the eloe of what seem to
m the bigget vrar of service which
the MMtwuial awMK-iatioH has aver en
jeyL 1 ftfl l!'i- is the rbsht uk
MU lot ax' t ' "''' 'he execu
tive ii of th National work to
sutneoua ! and l ngkt out o
he firuij; hue iuelf."
I life. I
ifi u
Above, Mrs. .Anna Ilollingcr;
low, Dr. II. ,1. Ilnischloii.
SAN FHANCISCO, Nov. 23. Dele
gates who woro hero nttondlng tho
33d annual convention ot tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor woro todny
scattering to their homes, following
tho closing ot tho convention last
Tho final session of tho labor del
egates wan a stormy one, featured by
a bitter verbal contest between Pres
ident Samuel Gompors and John Fltz
Patrick, president of tho Illinois Fed
eration, arising from a dobato over
a resolution, favored by Fitzpatrlck,
that tho fedoratlou go on record as
Indorsing legislative methods In se
curing u universal eight hour law.
Aftor a battle that for four hours
shook tho convention hall, tho dele
gates rofiiHCd by a voto of 8480 to
G39C to Indorse loglslatlvo methods,
favoring Instead tho use of economic
pressure only to obtain shorter hours.
Tho voto was a victory for Presi
dent Gompors, who In an Impassioned
speech had doclarcd that tho social
ist party was behind the attempt to
forco tho federation to Indorso tho
proposed eight hour day legislation.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Henry
Ford called on Prosldent WIlBon to
day In support of tho movement for
a neutral conferonco to attempt to
end tho Uuropean war and establish
a permajiont poaco. Ho told tho
president ho considered Christmas
the best time for such a movement
but declined to say how tho presl
dent had recojved his suggpstlon.
"I am willing to glvo all tho money
I'vo got and to go anywhere It my
doing so will aid this movement,"
said Mr. Ford as ho camo from tho
white house, '
'Prosldent Wilson has kept tho
United Stutou out of tho war and I
have learned that his course Is bolng
approved by pooplo generally
throughout the country."
PKTROGRAD. X.v. 2V-K.-vcI.
wet of the tvi mer icjrion, in Yol
hynia. whet the Kiisuiiis have re
cently reported mmhi vtr their
Teutonic ndverMrHw. u bailor pro
pared for the Kibi!itv of au ad
vance of tlic buttle line went ward, -oordin?
to rtfmH- irotn the city
The Gorman aliiiniitntio i de
clared to have put -iifoneJ labor
rule into effect duriag the ml
mouth, preMim: th work of uoa
tni. tiug jtron. fortifuntion.
Notable Progress Claimed by Berlin
Southeast of Prlstina Serbs
Claim Victory Northeast of Same
Place Greeks Determined to Main
tain Neutrality.
BERLIN, Nov. 23 (hy wireless tj
Sayvillo.) Notnblo progress for tho
Germans in the region southeast of
Pristinn, in Serbia, with the capture
f 8000 Serbians, 44 canon and 22
machino gum was announced by Ger
man nnny headquarters todav. The
Teutonic, troops havo taken lo00 ad
ditional Serbians prisoner and cap
tured bix cannon.
Kerbs Claim Victory
PARIS. Nov. 2b, 5 p. m. A de
feat of Bulgarians bv the Serbians in
a battle in central Serbia js announc
ed ir. an official communication given
out at the Serbian legation hero to
day. Five Bulgarian cannon were
The communication, which gives
partial confirmation of recent reports
that the Serbians had assumed the
offensive and defeated thu Bulgar
ians, follews:
"Buttles oc cm red recently on tlu
old frontier. The inoit
importnnt encounters were fought to
the wi'.sl of Velika Plana and Mount
Zetotovatz. Wc inflicted a defeat on
tho enemy at tho latter point, cap
turing five mountain cannon."
Velika Plana is twenty-five miles
west ot Nish'and thirtv-fivo miles
north of Lcskovats, in tlic region of
which mi jmpoilunt .Serbian victory
has been reported unofficially.
Hojh) Is Itevlvlng
LONDON, Nov. 2.1. The latest
uows from the Balkans has revived
hope in England that Mouastir mnv
hold out long enough to enable the
French and British forces to affect a
junction with the Serbians. The
Rome mid London legations of Serbia
havo received reports of a great Ser
bian victory northeast of I'rixlinn,
hut (iR thcio aihices give neither de
tails nor date, thcro arc doubts as to
their importance.
It is now believed allied forces
which may tuke refuge on Greek ter
ritory nro hardly likely to he sub
jected to attack from the rear. Tho
most significant indication as to the
present attitude of Greece is con
tained in remarks made bv M. Rlial
lis, Greek minister of justice, who is
quoted in a press dispatch as having
complained bitterly of methods
adopted by the entente nllie. He ar
gued that their tardiness in bringing
effectivo support for the Seibiuns
made Greek participation impossible.
Capital Shifted Again
Tho seat of tho-Scrbian govern
ment hns again been -hifted, on this
occnsioH to PrUrcud, while the diplo
matic corps Iuu moved to Petcb,
A message from Constantinople by
way of Germany reports tlpi resump
tion of n violent offensive bv the al
lios at tho Dardanelles. No confir
mation of this icport has been re
ceived. Except for the Russian announce
ment of a repulec of the Ounnnns in
front of Riga, nothing of importance
has reaohed the public from the eas
tern line. Uriti-di aitillerv is bunv on
the western front, wheie the onl
other nctivitv of late has been min
ing and aerial operation.
Ritmniiia again figure, in news of
the diplomatic situation. It in re
ported that the? central powers aro
about to make a formal request to
Bucharest government to maintain its
neutrality, hut are offering certain
concesnions if that nation will inter
vene iu the war on their ide.
CINCINNATI. ()., Ni.. 2 '. Hi-Imp
David II. Moote ot the Mdhodint
KpiKOKil church i iu a serious con
dition hero, Buffering from what ap
pear to lie a stroke of (taralyaia.
He wAs stricken on a train today
)uet at he roturned from a trip to the
1'acifio co4t.
British Foreign Offlco Denies Block
ade Against Greece Established
Deduction Is That iGrcck Govern
ment Has Yielded to Demands Sub
mitted by Kltcltcnor for Allies.
' 8AL0NIKL Nov, 2.1 Tho rcslgua
Hon of Premier Skoulouois of Greece,
according to reports' In circulation
hero, In momentarily nxpected on ac
count of tho differ mccs
Qrccco and Great Drl aln.
LONDON, Nov. 23. Tho foreign
offlco states no Greek ships oro being
seized or held up In tho ports ot tho
United Kingdom and that no block
ado ot Greek ports has been Institut
ed or Is In forco.
No amplification of tho foreign of
flco statement Is obtainablo in offi
cial' quarters. Tho universal deduc
tion Is that tho Greok government
has satisfied tho British demands
submitted by Karl Kitchener, secre
tary for war, who wns In Athens lust
week and has furnished guriintccs ot
tho safety ot tho Anglo-French expe
ditionary forces. ,;
It Is thought that tho announce
ments from Athens concerning a com
mercial blockado of Grccco was pro
mature, In that they presented tho
provisional Intentions of tho entento
allies as accomplished facts.
Recent dispatches from tho Near
ICast havo stated tlint tho llrltUh
government had . Inaugurated a
"peaceful blockado" of Grccco.
Tho purpose, It was said, was to
Indtico Grccco to guarantee immunity
to Serbian, French and British troops
which might bo forced Into Greek
territory from hostile action by tho
MARSHF1KLD, Or., Nov. 23. -A
small boat is reixirted to lifesavers
as being in distress on Coos Bay
bar. Her iJcntitv has not been es
tablished. The lilcsuving crew left
for tho .scene.
Tremendous sens aro breaking on
tho bur mid unless tho vessel hap
pens to be in n sheltered spot, small
hopo is cutertaii.ed Intro for tho res
cue uf thoc on hoard.
On account of the distance of tho
bar from who communication, it mnv
be some time bcfoie details are re
ceived hero.
Captain Dunson of the Capo Argo
lighthouse reports that last night and
early today the wind blew the hard
est he has over seen on the boast. A
torrential downpour of rail accom
panied the wind Within the last
twenty-four hours 2.09 inches of rain
hns fallen.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Proal-
dent Wilson laid before tho cabinet
today a practically completed draft
of the adclroMH ho will read to oon
gross ou December 7.
The prosldent has decided to touch
on the question of raising rovonuea
for national dofonio, but probably
only in very broad terms. Botno of
tho cabinet wanted htm to dovoto
tho entlro addroas to tho national do
fonno, but as road at today's cabinet
mooting It doali with other legisla
tion. The president favors cutting appro
priations as mueh as poslblo for
public buildings and . harbors Improvements,
iLaB j BBBnUaBUaHiaflH V HaaaLv VibbM
Tills photograph was tahen n f o w years ago, when tho former IoM
of the admiralty was pre.sen at tho (criiinii army nuuiciivcrs ut tlio invi
tation of the war lord. 1'liurchlll hits gone to tho western float to Join ills
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. Secre
tary Daniels announced todny ho I191I
taken tho first stop with n view to
building Iu governmout navy yards
battleships numbers 43 and 41, pri
vate bids for which exceeded tho lim
itation of cost fixed by congress.
Ho hns Indicated that tho Norfolk
yard and posslblo tho Pugot Sound
yard nt Bromorton, Wash., will bo
considered when contracts for tho
battleships aro awarded, Neither
yard Is now equipped for battleship
All prlvato bids exceeded $8,000,
000 whllo tho limit fixed by congrons
bi 17,800,000 for tho costs ot hulls
and machinery, Navy yard ostlmatos
from tho Philadelphia, Now York and
Maro Island navy yards woro bolow
tho $7,000,000 mark, with tho ex
ception ot tho Mnro Island flguroe,
which Included tho estliuatod cost of
equipping tho yard for work.
All tho prlvato blddorn gavo tho
Increasing cost of structural steel
and Inability to obtain curly delivery
from tho steel companies as factors
in determining their bids.
PAHIS, Nil. 23.- T'io FreiKU . roort lh u'toruoo.t
'On November 22, in Delictum, two
licrmun aoroi-lanos woin toin.ieiud
l our air (raft to 0 mil to earth.
In tho roilo.i of Hliolmi two aviators
I ursued bv vt. flow away.
"In tho CLsmpagno dUttUt and on
tha borders ot tho A.'koihio tburo
iihvc) bon f'v aerial cna:ai('iiiciita
at a losu'.i cf which tha Grm4n
aviators wero oompollod to oowe
down suddon y wlthlu thlr own
linos. A fourth was disabled and
fell. Tho fifth cams down In tlamva."
IIUItLIK, Nov. 13. An ieril bat
tie in which a Preneh Ut piano waa
dusked to tao ground, hi reported hy
Gorman arisr amdquarters la today's
official statement dealing with oper
ations on the western front,
t ..... Av vvvvkvvv'.vvvVANS I
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Nov. 23. Gonor
al Alvaro Obrogou, Cnrranza com
jiiander In ebluf Iu northern Mexico,
was oxpectod today to take tho Hold
In a Hiipromo ondoavor to drlvo Villa
nut of Sonora stato. Tho only news
given out Inst night iu tho form ot
official bulletins clalmod victories for
Villa forcos.
From Cananoa emtio roports that
tho wholo of tho Cnrranza forco was
In motion westward along tho Del
Blo-Nogalos branch of tho Southern
Pacific. Thouo sumo reports said
tho do facto government forcos hud
mot with slight opposition.
BL PASO, Texas, Nov. 23 -Col
onel Darlo SI I vn, military socrotary
of (ionornl Francisco Villa renounced
furthor revolutionary activity In Mex
ico today.
Stlva was discovered hero yostor-
dy and arrested by tho provost
guard aftor an all night search. Au
thorities said he had entered tho
t'nlted States at Nogalos, Ariz., with,
out having reuouueca rovotutlonary
activity in Mexico. Hllva made tho
declaration hero and was released.
CAPi: TOWN, luiun ot South Af
rica, Nil. -' : "It 1- tin- clear duly
of tbn I'liinii In iiiukf the terntiifjr
throughout the milium Atri'ii im
Molnblc ii.'iii-t 1 niU'l!iil4l
eil in i!k hIi-ii 1. 1 a ' l'l tier
in iii." 1 i (iriMial J. ('. Sn uta,
ctiuoi'.iiid. 1 nt 1.1' 1 iM'ditH'ii uttainat
Uerwaji Kmk AIimmi, ih a speech de
livered m Cup- Town m eonuwtiou
Mith the rvcrui':u; camjwiigu,
With All Sections Canvassed, a Short
age Still Exists of Over 500 Acres
Farmers Delay Signinn Up and
Delay Lllckly to Provo Expensive
No Factory Unless Acreage Signed.
Unless farmers nnt lnndowncrs
wnka up and sign tho required COO
acres still shy, tho hoot sugar fac
tory will go nglmimering. Approxi
mately JC00 ncjes have been signed
bv tho Medfore: and Gnfnts Pass dis
tricts, including that leased by tha
Medford business men's organization,
hut this docs not come up to require
ments. A number of. fanners who had
been considering tho matter of sign
ing ncrcngo appear to be inclined to
wait, now that the -loOO acreage is
signed up, mid it is that typo of hesi
tancy that 'may yet defeat tho com
mittee's purposo to secure tho factory
this enr.
Tho Oregon-Utah company has
been remarkably patient with tho far
mers of this valley in this second at
tempt to secure tho ncrcago that will
justify its establishing n factory in
this territory. If the shortsighted
ness of tho fanners defeats its pur
pose on this occasion, it will prove to
lie a loss from which tho valley may
not soon recover.
The committee continues lo main
lain its hcadfltinrtcrs at the Commer
cial club to close up suvoral dcnls for
contracts thnt appear to bo reason
ably certain: hut mwrnVrn of thnt
body, having worked faithfully for
two or three weeks, havo grown
weary of pleading with tho farmers
to see tho great advantage to them
of tho proposed sugar mill,, with
which will come a local cash mnrkct
for all of the sugar beets they can
CHICAGO, Nov. 23. -Tho tablo
knlfo which Mrs. Kllznbolh Hochsbor
ger finally persuaded surgeons alio
had swallowed whllo In a delcrlum
duo to Illness eight months ago, was
taken from her stomach today by an
operation at tho West SIdo hospital.
Tho knlfo was corroded and saw
edged from tho action ot tho stomach
ncldo and physicians said that nature
had made horolo efforts to digest
tho Implement. Tho woman rallied
woll from tho operation.
When sho first told of having swal
lowed tho knlfo physicians Bald her
story was a figment ot tho imagina
tion, but yostorday sho prevailed up
on thorn to uso tho X-rays and tho
resulting photographs vindicated,
hor. 1
Scvornl dozon doctors and medical
students wntcbod today's oporatlou.
ALUANY N. Y, Nov. 23. Tho
Judgmont convicting Hans Schmidt ot
the murder of Anna Aumullor was
upheld by tho court ot appeals to
day. Schmidt, who was performing the
office ot a priest at St, Joseph's
churoh In Now York city was arrest
ed Soptombor 18, 1015, and confess
ed to tho police that ha had klllod
Miss Aumullor, whoso dUmombered
body had beon found in tho North
Tho first trial resulted In n die
af rcomaut, but u second trial onded
It) a oonvlotlon. Later Schmidt rep it
dialed his confession nnd tho cuso
was aarrlod to tho court ot appeals
Qti tho ground that Miss Aumullcr's
diMtth was tho result of aa illegal
ac y