Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 22, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Haiti Tonight nnil Tuesday.
Mat. S3; Mln. HO.
Forty-fifth Yrnr.
Dnlly Tenth Year.
NO. 209
Battle a Decisive One Germans An-
nouncc Capture of 2600 Serbs
Little Activity on Either Front
Allies Begin Offensive on Dardan
elles Brihe Offered Rumania.
PAWS, Nov. 22. The report tlint
the Surbiiins have won tm iinportntit
victory over tho Ilul;nrintis near
Leskovatz ,on the Nish-Saloniki rail
road, twenty-five miles south of
Nish, is corroborated in a 'dispatch
received today fioin the Serbian min
ister at Athens.
Tho victory is regarded as a defi
nite one. tho message Rays, securing
that part of the line from further at
tack for some time.
2000 Serbs Cuptiired
UKRLIN, Nov. 22. Tho capture of
more than 2000 Sciliinns was nii
nouneed by tho Herman war office
today. Five cannon and four ma
chin guns were tnken in tlie field of
operations, while, in the Novipnzar
xirnoiinl fifty lnrge mortars and eight
cannon of nn old type wero found.
Little activity on either the Has.
Man front or thai in Franco and Bel
gium is reported by Genuan army
headquarters today.
Allies Strike at Turks
HOTTFRDAM, Nov. 22. The Col
ogne Gazette reports that a great of
fensive movement has been initiated
at tho Dardanelles by the allien.
Violent fighting in the vicinity of
Kcddul Buhr, on tho tip of Gallipoli
peninsula, is reported by tho war of
fice today. The statement follows;
"Artillery duels nre in progress on
the Dardanelles front. Violent fight
ing with bombs is taking place near
Seddul Ruhr."
VAItltf, Nov. 22. An official com-
muuieatiou issued by the Montcne
grin army headquarters was given out
hero today by the Montenegrin unit
Milalo as follews:
''Our Saiijiik anny was attacked
on November 20 along the entire
front, more energetically on the Drinn
it lid rivers. Kverywhere tho en
emy .was repulsed."
HrllHtt for Rumania
ROMK, Nov. 22. Germany and
Auhlria-Hungnry are understood to
bo unking Rumania to preserve her
neutrality and at tho same time of
fering certain concessions to her if
sho will intervene in the war on the
side of the central wwcrs, according
to information received heie today
liom relinblo sources.
PALKRMO. Nov. 22.- The erup
tion of Stminhi li volcano is assum
ing serinu propoitioif and the popu
lation of the inland is. ileeing to
les of safoly. The aides of tho
volcano are cracking and stroams of
lava are flowing Into the sea, raid
ing immense columns of smoke which
are visible at a distanco of forty
Stroinboli is the northernmost of
tliu l.ipari Uhuuls, in IhU Mediterran
ean sea, off the north coast of Sicily.
The volcano is irtuullv perpetually
actise, lumng been in this condition
for the greater part of 2000 years.
UOMK. Xnv -- -Italian troois
have wade nn Important advance on
Ike iMnio trout, osieially on the
aefgnu nortiiwett or tiorUia, accord
tog U aa of'ii lal laUiuat iMUOd to
4ay at ta aeadquartara of taa gen
eral Halt. Tae graaad gained waa
retained. It la cUIhmmI 1r aplte of
Miurou Auatilan counter attacks.
BERLIN, Nov. L2, by wlro
1cb3 to Sayvllle.---Forty for
tresses liavo been captured by
tho armies of tho Central pow
crs to dato, according to a
compilation mate by tho Ov
erseas News ngoncy. Flvo of
thocs fortresses wcro In Hcl
glum, twolvo wore In Franco,
fifteen wcro In Russia, nnd
eight wcro In Serbia.
$58,000 SEEN
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 22. In
vestigation made today nt Olympia
seems to confirm tho report that
$")8,000 has been htoln from the state
industrial fund by menus of forged
warrants which wcro cashed by sa
loonkeepers in Seattle, Taeoma mid
Olympia. No arrests liavo yet been
made. David Blake of Seattle, who
cashed .flKiOO of the warrants, says
they were drawn in regular form and
there was nothing on tho face of them
to indicate that anything was wrong.
Hlake says he cashed tho warrants as
an accommodation only and received
lio money except through drinks
which were bought. In each case a
man whom Blake has known by sight
for years came in with tho warrant
holder and vouched for him. Last
Janunry two warrants, aggregating
$2200 wero presented at the saloon
Hlake declined to cash them, but put
'.hem through his bank for collection.
The linnk got tho money, and Blake
turned il over to tho men who pre
sented tho warrants.
Six separate forgeries were neces
sary to make the warrants present
able. It was tho practice of tho
ftate industrial commission to ap
prove without question all claims
passed upon and approved by a claim
agent. Claims number about 1500 a
month. These aro investigated by
HAMMOND, Ore., Nov. 22 After
two nights of anxiety for tbo safety
or tills town of .100 Inhabitants,
which was threatened with destruc
tion by a storm that has raged along
tho coost, citizens wero relloved early
today to find tho wind abated and
tho sea calmer.
An castorly galo and high tldo
yesterday drovo Immcnso breakers
up to tho very foundations of tbo
buildings that lino the south sldo of
tho settlement's thoroughfare. Tho
town Is located on a narrow penin
sula bctwoeu tho mouth of tho Co
lumbia and tho sea, and for a tlma
It was feared that the breakers would
swept acioBR and curry everything
with It. Tho sea subsided, how
ever, before any serious damage hud
been dono. Several Iioubcs wcro un
dermined but nono collapsed. Dur
ing tho height of tho storm, wlro com
munication with tho outsldo world
was cut off.
A bulkhead, which heretofore has
protected tho town, was carried, out
some mouths ago.
LONDON, Nov. !2. Tbo Italian
liner Voxnoa of the Italian points for
New York reported by Sunday wlro
leea that she was faolag caused by a
submarine and afterward that she
had eluded tke undersea craft, In a
fog, la now safely out of the .Medi
terranean. Word was received here that she
paaeed through tke StralU of Gibral
tar toda ou ber weitward voyage.
Entente Alliance Aims to Compel
Greece to Repudiate Interference
With Passape of Troops Rumored
War Zone Around Greece Declared
Cuttinrj Off All Supplies.
SALONIKI, Nov. 22. It is minor-
ed here that the entente allies have
decided to carry tho commercial
blockade to the extent of establish
ing a war zone nronnd Greeco and
cutting off all supplies. Greeks ex
press the hope that no such drastic
action will be taken.
The Associated Press has learned,
however, that the French authorities
officially made tho strongest repre
sentations to the throne respecting
the necessity that Greece give assur
ances of more aetivo co-operation
with the allies.
Denys Cochin, French minister
without portfolio, who has been con
ferring with Greek officials, has gono
to the front.
A Peaceful Blockade
LONDON, Nov. 22. Tho rumors of
last week that the entente allies had
determined to compel Greeco to re
pudiate all hints that she might in
terfere with tho passngo of allied
troops across her territory have been
substantiated by tho inauguration of
a pacific blockade.
This measure is cxMclcd to elicit
an immediate declaration from the
Greek government clearly defining it
Some dLspntchcs from Athens go
so far as to say this already has
been attained as a result of Fail
Kitchener's confercuco with King
Constantino nnd that the enrlv re
ceived assurances of a satisfactory
nature. Tho Hrilish government,
however, has not yet intimated thnt
Greece has complied with the de
mnuds of the allies.
Uiwco in n Quandary
Greeco is 'described as prey of con
flicting minors fear of Gcnnnny,
whoso military successes have
brought tho llalkan war theater
nearer, and her natural sympathy for
the cause of the allies dictating op
posite paths out of ber present diffi
cult neutrality. Some Greek newspa
pers regard the blockade of Greeco
as n violation of international law.
Alliens Much Agltaicd
PARIS, Nov. 22, Tho declaration
of a commercial blockade of Grecen
by tho cntento powers has produced
a mnrked impression in Athens, par
ticularly as it was unexpected. At
Athens a dispatch to the Petit Jour
nal says tho newspaper organs of the
Greek government nceuse the allies,
especially Great Hritain, of seeking to
drag Greeco into tho war by harsh
measures. '
Greeco cannot permit transference
of tho theater of war into her own
territory newspapers claim. It is
suggested that tho measures taken by
tho allies mny result in withdrawal of
Greek troops from tho frontier or
even in partial demobilization,
The section of tho picas which sup
ports Former Premier Vcnizelos ac
cusoa the government of hnving
brought on bv want of fortnight a
conflict with the entente powers.
UKRLIN, Nov. 22, by wireless to
Suyvlllc. Tho llulgarlun tlnance
minister. Mr. Toncherr. who has beeu
arranging an advance to Uulgarla by
a German bank syndicate, is quoted
by tho I.okal Anzclger us saying that
Uulgarla Intends to retain territory
captured from Serbia.
M. Tonchoff will go rrom hero to
Holglum. Tho bank advanco later
will bo converted Into a Gorman gov
ernment loan.
LONDON, Nv. 22. Two more
mhII MriUwh htvauiahip, the Holluin
hir- and MerHBr. hne been sunk,
but the. vruH ueiv u-d.
1 ' 'Vs. wH
Above hi tbo sk)cr.'iMrs fronting Itattery pink in Ncir Voile is tbo
alleged lair of tbo huge Immh plot conspiracy. Arrows xliit to (I) Aus
trian consulate with I'n.trd States custom offlco In lmckgi-oimd ami '-)
to Ilrltlsli consulate. llelov ut tho loft Is Chief I'lymi of th itvrt scrlce;
in tho center is tho former Aiistilau Consul (,'oilcai', who cpo.uv (he it I
lcKcd syp syMciu of tho Teutons and at rlt;ht. Is Alexander ou Nubcr,
Austrian consul general rluugcd with hclug the leader of tho nllcjcil na-tlou-uldo
syp system .tod IhiiiiIi con splrncy.
There is idill a bbnrtase in the re
quired acreage for the beet smrar
factory. Some that has been condi
tionally offcied is being examined to
day by Soil Expert Storoy. The
committee i.s continuing its efforts to
securo this acreage and expects to
secure it before the first.
Alexander Nibley leaves today for
San Francisco to meet his father, C.
W. Nibley of Stilt Lake City, who will
return with bun, exnmiuo the situa
tion, nnd if conditions are satisfac
tory, determine the location of the
A few more subscribers nro neccs
s iry to complete the 420,000 com
pnuv being formed bv business men
to engage in the operation of raising
beets. Among tho new signers for
VJ00 worth of stock i Kodcriok Mae
Icay of tho Maeleav Invesliueiit Co.,
owneis of the Hume canneryit tho
mouth of the river.
11 is probable that tho company
will lease land in tho Slinsta valley,
is some loi-il land owners will neither
si(-n nor lease save nt such exorbitant
figures 'is to ui'ike it -in unprofitable
proposition, '
I'AUIS, Nov. ".-Official
announcement made to-
day of the capture by French
and Hrltlah torces of yio city
or Tlliatl, In the dorman roi :
ony or Kumeran, Woatern AN
rloa, an tho result of a aur-
prhe uttack.
1JKULI.V, Nov. -.'2 (bv wirtlo
Kay ill). "Dp dMrile rv
itMJHe by the Kerbm, any th
OvvrMMt Ke - n.'' !! i'd.n. "A i-tro-Ouwan
aaul buivBrias trui ar
preMin)r f rar) l"r an fiitrauer into
the t'utiivua K"---Me plum.
PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 22.
Wlillo tho pollco or Victoria, H. C
bollevo thnt n man answerlm: tho dc-
unrliillftti rt flu. tdtnl futfulnpv ttlflt
doror was seen there yesterday nnr" , '
.... Milli
ard ntiorip'iiiR to a;ireuonu niuij
tho pollco of Portland wero combing
this city today on a theory that ho
Is in hiding here. A photograph or
llartholomew which ha overlooked in
tho room wheor tho murder occurred,
has been sent to Victoria.
Tho identity of tho Wcllm known
as John Llnnd, whoso body was
round floating In tho Wlllnmetto river
I'riday night Is still In doubt. Word
cimuo from Ilostnn last night that tho
coal found ou tho murdered man U
holloved to liavo hoiii stolon from
John Llnr.d of KvorK, Mass., and
that tho man had assumed tho name
of tho owuor of tho coat.
Tho Identity of George Ilnrtholo
iiu.w wiih ortubllshod practically bo
;nnd a doubt on luiormatloii rccolv
cd from the pollci or Albany, Oro.
tkvnral weens ago Rartholomow and
I lad vlsltod Albany, end while thoro
be former called at '.ho Albany State
'Hiik to soo II. N. Donley, whom ho
hrd known In Aberdeen, H. D. liar
tholomow had lived with his mother
there boforo ho married Charlos
llupkluc Mini mo. '80 io Minneapolis
llarl'ioi.imow ga. tho iinmo of
HopMns whu bo rented a vohlulo at
a llvu.-y i.lublo bore tf huul Linnd'H
body to tho river. Tho men who
helio.l aim carry tho, trunk contain
ing the oily baa not yet boon found.
WASIIINirKiN, N... 21. -orrinul
iiMitcher. to t''e ktulu deHtrtjbttiit
and the CarrHiua ajjencv heie todMy
nrree that (J.-iiituI Ydlu lunt in tho
battle at Alainiln. hmmni, note 1Iimi
'JWW men, siMi-ial piiet-, of artillery,
uuinv -.iii.iH nr.'i. .i l.ue 'pntutity of
tiiiiiuiitiitioii nil tun i,uiwn tntiua.
iii. tin i tli"lmiii iii iMtiupur-
- mi l, lieiii'iiil llligtMM.
A u.iHUu- mmt) traj. di-iWd
to Obreyoo lat Might i rejwrted
uri'iLeJ at Jcl It'v.
Whole Machinery of United States
Government to Be Employed in
Runninn Down Conspiracies for
Factory Explosions and Strikes
Hamuurfl Liner Officials on Trial.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Tho
whole machinery of tho United States
government will bo employed to run
down nnd punish thoso responsible
for factory explosions, Intimidation
or labor and other nets of violence
against American Industries. This Is
mado clear In nn announcement by
Attornoy Gonornl Gregory who calls
upon state authorities to uso equal
vigor In dealing with lawlessness be
yond tho reach of federal statutes.
Indictments lYonilscd
NI3W YORIC, Nov. 22. All tho
evidence, gathered by agents of tho
United States government hero bear
ing on plots to prevent war muni
tions from reaching tho entente al
lies will bo submitted to tho fodernl
grand Jury probably thin week. It
Is understood thnt a blanket Indict
ment will bo Issued against all tho
porsons involved.
Tho evidence. Involves scores of
porsons operating, It Is charged, as
nn organization, tho direction of
which wan In tho hands of a fow mon.
It is nssortod that directors of tho
alleged conspiracies controlled a Gor
man fund or $40,000,000.
Liner Officials on Trial
The opening session today or tho
trial ot Karl Iluciiz, managing direc
tor or tho Amerlcnn-IIamhiirg lino
nnd three other officials ot tho lino
under Indictment ou charges of con
spiracy to dofraud tho government
wiih dovoted to solcctlug a Jury.
Tho govornmont alleges that tho
defendants secured falno clcuranco
papers for steamers sailing rrom Now
York with supplies for Gorman sea
raiders In tho Atlantic during tho
early part ot tho war. Thetrlal is tho
first ono In connection with tho var
ious conspiracy charges mado against
Gorman and Austrlun agents in this
IjWJ.'IV"" sioinrimn
llfMl !
elgn birth or parentage, or had sym
pathy with ono sldo or tho other in
tho Kuropean war.
KASTON. Mil., Nov. 22. Graco
Marshall, tho young woman whoso
father and stop-mother nro charged
with having Imprisoned her In their
home near Hi. Mlchuols for nearly 12
years, spoke today for tho first tlmo
since her llhoratlon lust Friday, She
asked for an upplo sho saw on tho
table of her aunt's room wlioro alio
Is tindor the caro of a physician,
Mlsa Marshall wag linprlionod, it
Is alleged, aftor attempting to olopu
at tho ngo of wlxtoon, with n man of
whom hor fathor dUapproved. Itul
atlvou thought hor dead. Marshall
said ho constdorod the girl crazy nnd
that as ho could not afford to solid
her to an Institution ho thought the
only thing to do was to lock hor up
in her room. When released sho
weighed but 57 pounds.
Murahull is anld to huvo admitted
that the woman' atopiuoludr was the
only ponton who hud keen her during
the laxt three years.
The Children's Aid socloty through
wbono Instrumentality Mlu Marshall
was llberatod, expected to lay tho
cuae before the state' attornoy toduy.
LONDON'. Xo. -'2 -With u print-
Vtl MlilKV lol Its lllslaltlllt h!m4
mmuU that War Sccrrlarv UitilwHer
Hud naigiiil the (Jluita, wtueli nnat
ly wan auHade4, rUMl iMibliea
tiii todav. It witbdmn it "re
(reliable'' alatiimrulai
43 F
Orcrjon Secures 115 Horticultural
Awards at Exposition and Jackson
County Leads State Hood River
Second With 20. Many Gold, Sil
ver and Bronze Medals Secured.
SAN FltANCISCO, Nov. 23.
Jackson county is the banner county
of Oregon, the banner horticultural
Btnto of the Union, according to
awards mado by tho Panaum-Pncifio
exposition. Oregon secured 113
prizes ranging from mcdnls of honor,
through gold, silver, bronze nnd hon
orablo mention. Of these 115 prizes,
Jackson county captured -13. Second
in rank enmo Hood lciver with 20
There wero 20 mcdnls . of Jionor
awarded, of which Hood Hiver took
JO and Jackson county tho same
number. Wasco countv look two, the
Willamette valley 3 and Klnmath 1.
This gives Oregon victories in al
most nil fields which it is pushing,
drains and grnsscs and agriculture
generally brought home many Hpocinl
nwitrds curlier in tho season. Gen
eral exhibits have been prizewinners
in every competition.
The fruit awards wcro ns follows;
Gold Medal Awards
Thonins A. Avery, Hood Itivcr,
.Jonathan apples; Ilerkeley orchards,
Medford, Yellow Newtown tipples;
Ilerkeley orchards, Medford, llniinua
apples ; C. It. Floyd, Medford, Cornice
pears; J. I). Carter. Hood River,
Baldwin apples; A. C. Ficro, Central
Point, Siiitzcnbcrg apples; W. K.
Hartley, Myrtle Point, Clravenste'tu
apples; Hollywood orchards, Med
ford, Comiec pears; Janes Bros.,
Medfoid, Flbcrtii peaches: A. John
son, Ashland, JJing cherries; A. John
son, Ashland, strawberries; Thomas
King, Hood River, Harllelt pears; W.
K. King, Hood River. Boso pears; II.
IL Leavill, Ashland, Anjou pears; O.
A. McCriim, Mosier, Wasco uoiiuty,
Rose pears; Midvalo orchards, Med
ian!, Winter Nclis pears; (his Miller,
Hood River. Ooinieo pears; Modoc
orchaids, Medford, P. Barry pears;
J. It. Nuiiamaker, Hood River, Bing
cherries; J. II. Nunnninkcr, Hood
River, Republican ohorrics; C. A. Pe
ters, Ashland, Cuthhort rnspberrics;
W. K. Philips, Medford, Bing cher
ries; If. S. Reed, Hood Itivcr, Delic
ious apples; 0. M. and O, G. Stack
land, Cove, Union county, Lambert
cheriies; It. I). Teter, Salem, Cham
pion prunes; F. L. Ton Vclle, Med
ford. Winter Nelis pears; F. L. Ton
Vclle, Medford, lloo pears; J. S.
Vilas, Medford, Bartlctt peure.
Kilter Medal Award.
I). M. Lowe, Ashland, Kurly Wheel
er peaches; Marion county, Bing cher
ries; W. N. Moies, Kngeiie, Norther-i
Spy npples; Dr. 11. Dlatchford, Scap
jioose, Leeoute pears; K. W. Carlton,
Medford, Wiutor Nclis pears; A. II.
Carson fc Son, Grants Pass, collec
tive exhibit of grapes; C. W. Coble,
Newbridge, Baker county, Northwes
tern apples; I). M. Field, Salem, Ital
ian prunes; J. J. Floek, The Dalles,
Flnmo T-ikiiy grapos; Holly orchards,
Medford, lioso pears; A. Johnson,
Ashland, Kruinniel peaches; J. K.
Lants, Cove, Union county, Lambert
II1-011.0 .Medal Awards
Biar Creek ondiards, MJedford, Co
miec pears; A. Johnson, Ashland,
Boao pmirs; S, N. Kimball, Salem,
Bing cheriies: II. II. Lvnvilt, Abhland,
curranla; J. K. Love, Cove, Napoluou
cherrios; Stevens fs Brown, Meilfaril,
Boso pears; Tin Dalles Fruit Grow,
eis.' iibsocintion, The Dalles, Italiau
lloiiorablo .Mention
fieoi-e Ani-trong, Corvallis. Grav.
(Continued on page three)
LONDON, Nov 22 - Sinking of tt
Turkish transport which was carry
ing 600 Koldiera a roue tho Sea of
Marmora la reported In a message
from Zurich, forwarded from Amster
dam by Uie Central Now a, Tho mes
ug(i nays tao transport struck v.
mlno and nearly all on board wero