PAGE FOTTR NOVEMBKIT 20, mi." MTCDFORD MATT, TRTBTTNE, 5fFDFORT), OTJTWOX", SATTrRT)AY I I . (1 I )l ml E -' !. . fv. F. -fca kI -t -1 kr Em rt ftt s' iitM I' . ! f i m ' :L MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NnWHPAPBIl PUUMKHRM EVERY Al'THIlNOON EXCEPT HONDAY HY THE MEDrOKU 1'JMNTINQ CO. Offlco Moll Trlbllno nullillnc, 26-27-29 North Kir street; telepliono 76. The Democratic Tlmo, Tlio Meilford Malt. Tlia Meilfnrtl Trbuno, The South ern OrcRonan, Tlio Aolilnml Trbuno. sunncniPTiON hates no year, by mat ... E.OO Me month, by mull .10 I'er month, delivered by crrlr In Mcdfprd, 1 'linen I x, JnckKtinvltlo nna Central J'olnt . .CO flaturiHy only, by mall, jut yenr.... 2.00 Weekly, Jir year... .....,.. 1.S0 flolnl Pa Official pr of the City of MoilMnl. Paper or .inckson county. ltntared as HRCnnd-elumt mittler nt .Mulfurtl, Oregon, tintlrr tliu act of .March 3. 1873. Hworn Circulation for 13H, 2638. Pull leumxl wire Aknoclatetl Press ill-patnhHH. B 4 SitliRcrlljors falling to receive pnpora promptly, phono Clrcu- latlon Manager at 2G0-JI. t--f A BUSINESS CANDIDATE HONG KONG KOLUM Mk RAW r 1 ifi mrwftp immmw WS! Till'' sfandpat press tells us that the late elections in dieate that tlio (. 0. P. ean win (lie next national election with a business men's candidate on a business platform. , By this they mean the prospects for hirji tariff, ship subsidies and repeal of the income tax, abol ition of railroad regulation and corporate control, and the turning of the government over to the looters and grafters of Wall street, with the white house occupied by a policeman-president like Weeks or Fairbanks is very good. Let them continue to think so at least till after tho nomina tion is made. The American people are in a mood to welcome and enjoy such a contest. The nomination of a reactionary will make a clear-cut issue between the conservative and progressive forces of the nation. Let there be no half-way pandering to the mob by our republican brethren, but a fearless fight with the black flag nailed to the masthead. The American people are beginning to have courage enough to think, taught largely by our foreign-born citi zens. For ears the politicians of this land used the preju dices of the civil Avar to bludgeon the people into mental serfdom and submission. There wan no thought, no phil osophy in our polities. We were as far from inquiry and reason and as completely controlled by convention, custom and usage as the world was before the davs of the (I reek lepublic. We had no poll tics--only partisanship which sons inherited from their lathers, and in truth it was so approved and universal that it was a common subject of HOB SON SPEAKS THEATRE IAI PAGE I OPON PROHIBITION IIiui. Kkli'KK.u! 1'. llolixnn will upenk at (lie l'i-e niimluv nt .1 p. m. lie will hi' .! iiiiiiiiiii'il anil iiipU'iI by Dr. EiUwn I. Sle'irn ol Xeiv York. Tin1 ..ri' .innuur the inot not i'il luulrrH ol i lit nlili-"iilii(ill Infers in A'nitud. 'I lu -i ,iilt(,r- ni'" mm in a i,.itim i (i libitum iln. It ,- 1-1 I I Ic.lVlii' t(l ill ll(l till' lb t'l ' 1 1 III- lllllllll III Ml' Mi -Tofiiii mill ' nib' it pl-Ni-imt rli.imnti party, .etre-linienlH ! ilia i-netl utul n merr tiitu' t-nioveil by fill prociit iinlil iniiltii'.'lil. Mr. mill Air-. Mi'llrulc will make Mi"ir liotiie in tlu i'it A Inivo eif- Ic ot I'm m1 wili tlii'in much jrooil fill! It'll' 111 'I v 1. mil u 'otijf life in wliii-li in MEDFDRD IS SAII S Y proud boasting. That time is gone,, never to return. imi.n.S'- Yo When It talico your flwcotlirait duo hour to say gooilliy, Ikii dint tloo much ailleu about notli ing. .liiM Ills Way Hho pout lior litmbiiiul out to nliop; I In linil noiiin oruoki'in llHteil, Hut lin bioiiRlit prctzols luirlc, Poor Pop, llo always got things twlntpil, -Puck. Xiuiubtyi XmiKlity Wlnil "I notleo Mm liuvou't got your goa logs yt, MIbp?" "You woiililn't know It If It wasn't for tbla wliul." .look O'l.iiiitorn. You liot n butcher Iim a tough Job. YiwtonlAy it boy iinino Into my Mliop nuil At 111 bli tun wanted, anothor ox lull off tliu MHie nv. Chu you bunt HT inn. Mr. IC. M. IIaIrIio Ii prenlilout, mm erl niRHMr H,"l trAfflo iiiiiiianir of tlio Pnclflo niul iilnbo Xortborii rail wny. ToilayV lli'llihiRiir ITuIfml KtHtea gonator lHuno Stoph piimw) of WlMounln. was onmpalgnlnB MINI) yMMI Kill III 111 IIHtlVI) Hllllll, With lilm ti'MVfl olil Hill Ulto, n pal anil fallow rutaiilRiipr. "Kill ami I uaeil to auffer from alternate lnaomnla," anlil the amis lor ifwtmtly. '"That In, the one who Kill alep flrat kept the utlier nun awHlf., SIhIIii'n lluiilii Ciuuiloc Many po)tJe mm't apprerlata hruii ilhnl eliorrtoa ao much aa they do tho aplrlta In which (hoy aro nt. OMhl What If tho Austrian bombs had lauilwl mi fair Juliet 'a tomb? Tltlx OiikIiI Id Itmro it Smile "I've gat a raior at bome juat lllio the Now York aubwav," vourhaufoil the first vaudeville ilon. Htt so," askeil the hmuhi! clown, aeeotuHMMhittai aa usual. "ItH hollow around"' Mow llciiiilllul 'Hih Voting Mhii .Must Hutu MHiketl lu all UN IhullHHi'e! (Pnm laxton in . u.M.r.ii Thn gtooM wn atiinil lu u kowu of wlilt'riiit ovor ehlffon Nothing; 1,IIV SHtiKl'm to the O.mhI Olil TIiIiik. llol ( Pratt Alto tet. KH , Jouraal Jacnb hwlmt tys Ih ton Mon day wrUi a wj1i ahlrt bo intuitu 41 yeam aaja wlMHt Ih UvihI Ih Whu tiful oW wHierlaad. It uoat i ? 4 1 wm fttMaa uiaetear-oM WalWr Mtwat two aallormmi hoac hwit turt oil turtle and Mere Marvin lu ilMlh on a daawn Isb- ' v lo alitn't thy wakf atMa of the I1 " a ask ih) mm Juv Ml ,Mn! Il' (lie UHum I'ml Nmh IiiJ .Minij Vuiir IiIijhI HumhIIiiji. HHte irroin Hi' (iln V, Nw) WIi'Ip i iii iii a 1m "tflag haua D. A. ! '''' Ul,'l ami woil In ten iiiluuiea. Time was when to the American mind it was treason to inquire into the declarations of our business lords. It was declared that competition was the law of business any that there was "no sentiment in business." The populists were sneered and laughed out of court with "their pumpkin bank " The people have learned there is no sentiment in bus iness, unless the sentiment can be used to rob the people lor the benefit of privilege. Thev know now that the ever- hungry gang of plunderers that, affect to be the guardians of the' .nation's welfare would plunge their arms into the public treasury with forest leaves as security if they had '.lie power. Pity it is law regulation cannot be set aside and the opportunity opened to the ouickest road to tangible re sults. Look at New Maven, Missouri Pacific and U'ock Island. Think you not that those who plundered the pub lie by manipulating these railroads would hesitate to rob tlirt itiiitiu mi1 unit. I i'fiiiii'V 5f illf iifilllrl nor u.'il'il ilU'.'ll IIIV. III.MU1 .IM" .."' ' !'". .. . ... t. ........ w,- ....... .,. ,.,...,.. There is no sentiment in business v Of course not. There never was. Not even for babes and children. It drafts them from the cradle to the factory and condemns (hem to a life of hopeless and pitiless darkness. It shuts them up in foulsome tenements, bought less of their life or health, knowing the soil produces them abundantly. It closes its eyes to their rags and meets their appeals for more life with threats of starvation and plivate armies of hired assassins. This it does in time of peace. In time of war, hy cajolery or force it robs the school houses for bra vo hearts to press against the bayonets. We realize now there is no sentiment in business only sordid, selfish enslavement and murderous destruction of the many for the few. If the cruelty and sacrifices insured for the few a longer or nobler life in this world, or eternal life in an other, the many might be willing to endure and suffer through all time, but for their bonds and riches and stocks and houses Carlvle only can express the contempt the people must have. hv all means, let the business campaign be headed by . . a true business man. result will be decisivi party we suggest the follewing: "We demand lor every child the right, to work where and when the employer require. No interference with anything 1 lu wants to do." HPHMHHHMB I saaaaflsaaaaF saaaainaaBl BaaBBBBnBHjL4 ia7IBaa99 avHK If ttm IFiiIihiii, vluir !u 1 1 rri . wl lin or tiit. lit i i in. iii iliMm iii-h"l in nnli'iir utul lin I lid Jli is n man of eon u t .md lot Ins pl.u-c in the 1'iiitnl st.Uf- t'liiiate--. lip- I'll'"-!' ol In- t mil l"r nalioii-wiiU' piclliliitioil. lie Is II otllttlli'lt ileiU,"- iTiit, but hi hue with the men irt' parties who .ne nutiiii-t the lenli saloon. Almi-siiut free. Tluie siriiijcfitU -biiulil be there bv '1 ot tlio liile-i liciiii'iniier Hie iii Sii'iiluv, "Jl, at fl p. in V. 0. N'niilwiik, prnprieloi of the Mill1 'Mil KolliT Mills, is piotintr the pnpi...inl i In- "Kojiiie Spni," ibiiit illinium Mi'iifoiil hoii-ettit'es by pnbli mm; iln- iiiiiiui.s of over 100 of III' id, on niititliet' put;;? of (lii-i paper, who It.iM' 1 1 led the flour, me nou -ii i! who like it. In the null nun thiMe is now beiiltf piepaieil n'lot'ii r Ii t of name ol linlies ot 'Mi liu.i' o li'cr tbmi tlii)e nlremlv jmlil 'ii'', who ni-e ltwiniA. the Hour .mil nun lil" it. Thin list nill be cmh!i ' nl 1 lir. Abo it iie oiih linmlieiip whieh the Meiliinil KuIi.t MilU' proiliii'l- i ln boiin,. n lib i the fii'-t that thev live maili at ioin . but this hauilieap c ti'l tl to nuil iiii'liitli's onlv .i few ol the fitv n-people. The iiinjoiitv ol Meill ii'il pnile ale boosters, not onl Ior Mu'toiil li'i.lli-r Mills pioiluet-. bit t ii the Hoke etimieiv irnilnrl-. 'boiiip ininlc li'itt.T anil t" n Mliiii'j i '-( it- till' or uriuvii ni limn'. 1 the entire uiiiiniiii I poll keepinu nl home tin- I iloll.iis winch nutitlalU belong hen Hie sotnier will Iheir nin1 om mn. pcnt beetniie renl niul thu .al '".v will n-.-ain eoine into its otto HI ss - aaaw him m ' H. c "siU y-Ab-oi ? ?i s32Qs23: and now a Winner! iS A few months ajo wc said : "Light 'cm. They go good." Today thousands of smokers arc saying "We like 'em. They go GREAT 1 " You bet they're winners. Try them JifA2tjHyiiJjtactt Cr. &dHI&0 KyBl'L' "Za0"7, it rwx& hWMTX m ?&)?M I iS I .'iW V""' mi ifim Ciquratfe of J Quality We back the winner Vith a Coupon! smmtmmmrnxmMsm, lO Also yfcr Packed 20 for 10c . ,i ' mi- ..( I Ipio-p- Mt ol I ,1'eiii'iiils upon eit NE WEDDING BELLS mm... :..,..,.. n...., ...:ti i.,. ..i.,;,, 'i'l,,. in- inaur i it-it tt in in- iiiiii. tin As a platform for the business capita list (jr A RAILROAD GOVERNOR? OVIWNOK WIT1IYCO.MP.I0 has taken a remarkable stand in reference to the disposition of the 0. & ('. ranlroad land grant. The federal supreme court recently held that the rail road had an equity of $'.!..") an acre in the hind, in accord ince with its original agreement and thai was all. Dis position was left to congress, whieh must act by Decem ber 1. The governor proposes that the land be appraised and sold at its actual value, half of the surplus Prom the sale over $'2.')l) an acre to be given the state school fund and half lo go to the railroad. In other words, the governor proposes to ainend the terms of the original grant so that the railroad may profit and the state lose. The laud grant is valued at from $."l),000.000 to $(!0. 000,1)00. Deducting the railroad's share of -fU.oO an acre, over 10,000,1)00 would be left. The jfoveruor would present the railroad this $120,000, 000 that should belong to the state. Twenty millions would develop the state with perma nent highways ami irrigation systems. The railroad ha-s forfeited all equity in it-why give it f Does (loveriior Withvcoiuhe represent the people of Oreirou or the Southern Pacific If the people, why does he use his executive influence against them for the rail Deafness Cannot Ho Cured bjr kvl tHtlViliMw M 0r i M'ual r4uk Ik i tltcrwMil l' MONEY V l.i.ntr Orafi.. -ml lll I. ! i'MI'i'H ,1 n-mnll.. IS Ii- M allr.l I.) Ik luSaMnl j . ,& ... I lb. llll Uufcui 'I Hi. !.(. hi. o ! Tafer tMn Ikl ( ! !" l tun k...- II.Vbttl'1 ' ' IWS-fr.A l-..lU a V i l. l'.rfl. IK I . MMH .! iMiniii i'. .Mi-nritie, a loeai in ness man, nin! Mi. K-iv ('. llueev, ecntly u leaeher nt ( (b lilalio, were iniirrieil at Hie Ties leriiin par-oiuiije jesieruav u i-n -noon, Kt-v. V Shielils ol'fieiatiffu. A fow intimaie hienils wen- present. In the ei'iiiii- a intt ol loilv i'ive fnciids ol tho happ p.ut' nut at the result-net i .l.u-l, llenistu-it, on the (Vulval J'ou.t n-eil. in.1 .i' the Storage Batteries Like Tires liiteri'Mln;; Coniii Ison Mmle by l.o eal llattei-y i:pi-U flnyillflFinWUiHHiDnCflir it O flMPCD nnJkltcATspoUnuitieepitrm. ' irluUCllpit k'laniU ami KUtS QUICKLY Oiu-uiii! mi in i-v t ry 7il "Ofraiurr V S rMKirt Wo rffui- i-'iiiiv t lm ttnlt f j 1- B (t must illo I'iMir t-iinil at luill iirl. . .( imici' U y-'t ainnll Or. & Mi s. Dr. CIIAMLEY & CO. gooK'SJiT'nla Strictly Ril'iblo, Crtatstt Ct.icar IptcUIItt living" J34D 1 438E Valencia St., Sn franclsco. Cal. KINOLY M--I' THIS ! ".1411 CANCCn hfaf?Urn2u3Uv!!ZMovk col "A nlornno buttery enimnt run nit iine-bnlf a rlmrKe," mk the Kleelrlr Sboi. lnrnl repriiKenlittlxe of the Wll lanl StornKti lluttery eomimiiv, "or with Infmfflolniit mipi'ly t illntllleil water to Uoeji the electrolyte iii to the proper lovol, without fterlotiH In Jurv. TJiIb uetfl Jiiit lllte the abuse of ii the hy riiuiiliiR on 00 pniuuls of nlr prenHiire when It hIiouIiI liae su pniindii. The owner iloee not renP-'e that nnxhlng lit wiimik until after the tlmvuie In ilouti nuil bin tire is rim rut, htiil ruluml. ' Unit ei iim, like tliea, bei-'ln to wrr out ii sunn mi tlioy are nuule. uHit'i er iineil or not, beeniue the b.itlci I a eheinit'ul nppniHtiiH nml I netinu li i.oliiR on to come oti nt nt all time in the name way tbnt ru' ' her heioini-H brlltel anil lone I1 1 life I 'In iieid 1-Hneii proper atti-ntion, greuilt -I oui the Hervhe o tb i ir iMMi. mul ineHux nionev In hi I poiKii Klectrii Shop. lli S I'm tiai M- i 'til, Oie il. THE PAGE .MtMironl's I.eailiiiK Million i'lclmt" 'riitjalii'. Oalp M i ne 2 a in l'venlnK T p m Prliei- . itineo l-iOc lc i-10-l.-c TONIGHT I Oil VVjioiUllt 1 I ll! jiu.trantK ! ,lO the oiislnul A i . modern drama reaturlnic It K l UTI X. A 1.A N n A LK, the famou- i title turns .Minn Martin 1b tho Pent chu ! unlet on the utane. Itskv, the Inventor ntrai liiea ot on pne-reei Th conn l of ,i lm Fo Charles Chaplin at the Star Theatre SUNDAY T." Ii g'lO l.i lnilMUkll"ii in U ' i'-' ul uj Mk nalwri l ii hvu.hI "s.4ltjk uwr ni I- MrW'l l'r. n i '" ir wl .-I lihtlM isl W tfll alt ih l IkWRItf l",J iS tnt !! 4 t 4laitt ml.1. ' la wMklM Iwl I.-H II IBI W WWf.WV lumlrwl IMIar I I ) i Uirki tkwl 'u'i 111 ! M tavcil ht letliMu ii r iu vottr work Wttrlies lout I'loiit lueil Jl ofl.h'iiMoi. owt MiaiT Malu jJprtu $l ue vaat Orlaaiug .lor aud up HUmon.. Settiuu All ktntia uf Jimi-Ii) rtului( 8pclt cut oh flMKiiftl agate lurnatoa in wtlrliM. I HI nve xdH immey an II wrk, Uver thing gukvrantff.l iat- 6 factory- t'ik cIImI tor al le md any plao In tlM city. novel ami i the inliiirlngl ( laujrtu. I reman's Choice j l-act Selig j Ml and Vittoria Kurde OM.Y llaa in On. 1 I'llH . i I i-el. uiiject H' t ii In l'oHilar JioiiK". John A. Peri UNDERTAKER tkiir Aimwmt tH S. IkilN'hlCI'r Ittuuen M. 17 iiil IT-J imIuUuc tM'rilc Ommr' ' His Trysting Place and i Ut uil reel it Love Pangs K l W T .' LAfF IK T MISS ol is St'NIMY SHOW We aUn tthokt u wn4rful KiHMler pia. rh.- itiMNidw." MnktHii t IttvU Ih All COMIMQ TTRSliAV-A Bit 4 lire. i. nU. The I lout 1 iioii rftid i aatlltMt ' Onld "I'LL STUDAND GETjKEADY AND MAYBE MY CHANCE WILL COME" Abraham Imu-olu was ready wl.mi Tl TS chanee came. YOlr, ;.iunj.j m.ui and mine; woman, .should jj;el ready for VOrit i-riance which is sure to come, (let ready h' at tending l)a School or Xiht School jil the Medford Commercial College "The School of P.est Kesults" THE UNIVERSAL CAR More than half the motor cars you see are Ford ears. Count them. The .'acts are plain because the Kord car has a record for efficient perform ance which speaks for itself. In city and country, through winter anil summer everywhere it has through sen ice become "the universal car." K:is lo di ive and care for, and econ omical in operation and maintenance. l?ui'about -T'l.i'O; Touring Car s-l-IO; Town Car i?(5IO, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at C.iE. GATES' 9 President Wilson I v has designated Thursday, November 25, 1915, as Thanksgiving Day "Round-trip tickets will be on sale at reduced rales on November 21 and 2o between all Southern Pacific stations in Oregon. Return limit Mondav, Xovem-bei- 29th. Also between Oregon and California points. Here is an Opportunity Jo vkU your Mends fop a week end. fn ronst tur key and pumkiu pie awuits you. GO! luforuialion to rntea, etc , c j be obulnwl from nearwt anent SOUTHERN PACIFIC .Inli'ii M. St. (..iwrHl I'Henu.-r B,-Hl. PoUlaiitl. Oimmoii. Vi i 1 V f i "W i- J riiKsev f i.i Tfc-V o I'W i?. Main M. DIA.MO.VO. 1'kviie -..l.l I r rla T. t.k. iuii t li: 1 -a i f a " i u,'i)-a i:i K .' I.