Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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& S ?rsMft. mil. 11 I 1 &51
Tin first of n series of Chnmher
concerts to bo ;ivpii in tin Andrews
Medio in the Commercial College
Imiltlititr will enjoyed by a hirge iiudi
imi'o hist evening. The eoneeit was
under the diieetion of Mrs. (I, .M.
indrevs. The opening number wns
,i piano hoIo, very well rendeied, bv
Mm. CI. V. Coffin. The duet, "Keck
it Ages-,'' bnriloiie and contralto, by
Nolo l.indley and Mrs. Orwsley, was
a very good number, indeed, and was
n ueh appreciated. Mrs, (lay Chil
deiN' "Lullaby," from "Joeolyn," with
Mobn obligalo by Mr. Janes, eharmed
and delighted the audienee. Mrs.
( hildern possesses n verv soft so
piunn voice of fine (imlity. Nolo
l.indley h firs) appearance as a solo-i-t
met with an appreciative response,
lie bus a baritone voice of consider
able proinic, which wns well dis
played in l'lihenstein's "Thou Art
Lil.o Into a Flower."
The iolin number by Miss Alice'
iindersluis displayed to advantage
the ipialitics of a very linn touch and
(iood tone production. The two vio
lin numbers by .Mr. .limes and Mrs.
Pnley, the i'ir-l being Nhubert'tf
"Serenade" and the second an ar
rangement bv Nevins, were extreme
ly well rendered and greatly njoyed.
The proirrntu was followed by a
talk on "The Kvolulion of Music" by
K. M. Andrew-. Mr. 'Andiews tool;
bis audience in a most fascinating
and clenr-eiit di-eoiir-e I rum the lime
of the most elcmeutnrv niusnVthrniigh
the wide proyre-s of the art to the
present day. Mi- remiiilc weie illus
trated at the piano by .Airs. Ohild
ern. The evening eo-ed with a num
ber b. Mrs. K. M. Andrews, "La
Wiill.v.'' from the Italian. A- ii-unl,
Mr. Andrew-' vvmk wns mo-t fin-i-bed
and plea-ing.
The pupil- of the -tntlio all showed
marked progress in their work and
it is gratifying to know that ninth op
portunity for dou'lopinent- is funi-i-hed
to the talent of Medfoid. Thc-c
conceits will he siveii each mouth to
in-piic enthusiasm in the pupil- and
that the public may enjoy their work.
The Thii'ik-uiving hall to be -;iveii
b tin' Scenth eoinpanv on the 'J-'itb
.it tin- mouth promi-es to be one of
the -ocial event ot the euou. The
new dance tloor mid club room of the
nrmorv will be u-ed for the oeeaion,
the not-ie being I'liinished by Jluzel-ii'.'g'-
oich'-tra of live piece-. The
iiiMtutiou li-t not only includes the
jounyer eiowd by many of the iniir
iicd couple as well, it being the inten
tion ol the committee in chaise to -ee
thai a uncial good time is enjoyed by
nil. The following patrons ami put
rone e- will seic for the occasion.
Dr. and Mr-, Ii. 0 .Kiddell, Mr. and
Mr. II. X. Moe, .Air. and Mrs. II. X.
Latin, Mr. and Mr. II. A. Thierolf,
Mr. and Mrs. .lohu Perl, Mr. and
Mr. Ralph (1. Ilaidwell, Mr. and
Mr-, (icorgo M. Roberts.
A liiilhdav dinner was served a
the home id' Mrs. .1. W. Snyder oi
Tluni-day in honor ol her mother,
Mrs. W. II. 1'retlorick, who is visiting
hero finui Ohio. Among tho many
gifts leceived wa- a nice gold walch
presented from Jier lijishnnd and
ihildicii. Tho-e present were: Mr.
A. W. Joluwlon, Mrs. . 0. K'nips,
Mr. It. L. Rav, Mm. August
leiilx, Mm. !)... l'rcderiek, Mm. T.
1. Walter, Mm. William Howard,
Mi-s Lnuni Laurent, Mis. Marie
l'rcderiek, Mm. V. II. Fredei ial.S Mm.
.1. W. Snyder. A very enjoyable
time was sjumt and nit left wishing
Mrs. Krediinok iflwiy return of the
The Philuthea. dns of the Metho
1-t Sundhy euhqol held their montlt
1' business nieeUng and social t th
J"iiie of Mrs. II. A. Crnwdav Wed
n -day eveninsr. The evening v.u
vs-nt with fancy work and Hiuie, af
ter which refreshment, were served.
The tollowiug weio pnwit: Mm. lb
T Lawtun, Mm. Spiejjel, Mm. Percy
A"m1. Mimiib Mv Pliiis. Je
Monl.iff, MMtie VrtHWin. Kaihenitfr
llll,iuuy, Mary Mordoff, Man1 Hefc
Annie ItiiteuiMii hhiI INe Fielder.
Mm. Lincoln Mefnniick witr
iiiim-d wiiU a hrwic tu i hr ham
n Ruk eourt WedaetttV oflrmou
ir the uWourc uf Mm. IVi Ui Mow
lol. Th jrufstn ww: Um. Iteviil
Rolmut. Mm. (oird. iir-. Waller
lkiwiir, j. (lean i'rMitr w&
-Mm. w. U. Un.,my.
Mr.. Airt in-'lr. A S. V.
' 'Imi,I, illiil Ihlllbltr .' bne
1 ' ( I loin Id.- , hi i. it . ii nil .il I
.'i i l ii I i l"l tin "' '
1 s n. e l
The Knoll Tic-t orchard home of
Mr ami Mm. W. J. Khner wa- the
-.line of a pretty wedding Wednes
day evening, Xowmber 1", when l.e
ter Kay and Mniy Kliaheth Thiuiias
were united in marriage bv Dr. .1. 1C.
Haillie of Phoenix, who read the -im-lIo,
hut impres-ive, ring -en ice. To
the music of Lohengrin's "Hridal
Chorus," played by Mr-. II. W.
Frame, the bridal party took their
places. The bride was preceded bv
Mies Mildred F.liner us luide-maid
jiud w'as given in marriage by her
father, Mr. Thomas. The groom wns
attended by Clayton Khner as he-t
man. Following the ceremony. Mrs.
J. M. Rader snag "I Love You Truly"
by Ilond, and later M. F. Sheets sang
"flypey Love Song," by Herbert. On
the screened pinch, inclosed with
canvas nud beautifully decorated with
laurel and Oregon grape, tables were
arranged to seat the entile company,
and a delicious wedding supper wns
served by the host and ho-te-s.
The bride is n graduate of the Hood
River high school, and her rare per
sonality has endeared here io a large
circle of friends during her two
yeai"' residence in Phoeniv. A beau
tiful gift to her from the groom's
mother was a hnilliere fashioned
from enr rings presented to the
mother bv her hii-band on their wed
ding day just foity-five years ago.
The groom came to this valley five
venrs ago from Xew York City, am
nil who know him wish him the abun
dant happiness mid prosperity he so
fllllv deserves.
, The invited guests were: Mr. and
Mm. Rover, Rader, A. Furrv am'
children, C. K. Furry, Ward, Hughes
and daughters, Nnms, Johnstone
Rnthe. Frame. Sheets and Ra Yost
from Med ford, Mr. and Mrs. Trow-
bridge and daughter and Mr. am
Mm. Crawford.
Mis" Klnora Saner entertained '
(ho luri-h hall Friday evening will
a linen -bower for Miss Fiona Saner.
The ball was prettily decorated ap
propriately for the occasion, flames
.mil dancing were enjiyed during the
evening, after which refreshments
were served. The following were
present: The Misses Margaret and
Catherine Kmir. Siuli" Whitman. Su
ie Mini lii-e Myer-, .Mary Phillips,
Florence Sebebel, Helen and Floieuco
Reddy, Fninia Peel. Kliztbctb Ro-s
riricii. Roli'e. Yii let Ca-kev and Mm.
Ilerbeit Lann-patb, M m. Xickioth,
Merkle, Yarce llo-wick. Art Spanner,
Roy McKcevci, Win. Miksche, Ficc
born Oarret-on and I.eath Xoc.
The Parenl-'IVnche:' circle of the
Wn-bington school met Friday aft
ernoon. Mi-s Col fin's thin! graib
pupils 'jae a cln-s demonstration ol
sijiht leading and enr training in mu
sic, both in which they -bowed ex
ceptional ability and eurrful training.
Mm. Iloviu- wa- unanimously chosen
president of the eficle. The eircle.
feels foitunate in securing the leader
ship of so progressive a woman. The
circle is giateful to Mm. Ait kins for
her services as president pro tern.
Mrs. Xeff, who wa- delegate to the
state convention ol Paieiit-Teaeher
circles at Curvallis, nvn mi inter
esting and instinctive account of the
At its last meeting the Wednesday
Study club had-for its topic "The
Peoplo of South America." After n
compichoiisive, survey of current
events IiviMm. Alfoid, Miss Young
read a carefully prepared -wiper on
'The Xative Indiniis " A paper mi
"The While L'ace- and Languiiges"
bv Mm. Snedieor was both entertaia-
iiiv uinl instructive. This was fol
lowed by Mm. IIoIIh.' paper mi "The
Kduealiim and Religion of the Pen
pie," Uicb contained mnv facts ot
gieat inteifst.
About forty or Medfonl's
lovinir pcoplo have orgHiiiised a club
for the studv of oratorio and opera
under the mble direction of I'd An
drew- and mwt verv MoiiiIhv even
ing for lehenMaU at the Audi own
studio. The. will give mvciii pub
lie perfonnanc duriiig the season.
Clab ottleen are: Prenideut. Ilri"
t-rt AUrd; viee-puidt'Ht. Mr. Re
nctt; weretary and trewMiiw, Mi
Wunir. ...
A delightful reeita was given bv
the music pupils of St. Marv's acad
emy in the auditorium of the acad
emy last evening. The large assem
blage of parents ami friends who
lent the encouragement of their pies
enee at the recital to the efforts of
the young performers, wa a souiee
of pleasure to leacheis and pupils
Two beautiful choral numbem wmc
well leceived bv tho audience and the
piano numbers were agreeably inter
spersed with readings and a well-rendered
vocal solo.
An unusunl feature of the evening
va the sale of home-made ("indies
and luncheon which war. contributed
and served by the pupils after M.c
recital for the sake ot defray L'.g in
cidental expeii-es.
Olii-e Rebekah lodge, No. 28, inet
in regular session Tuesday evening.
The following officers weie elected:
Funny Whitman, X. Q.; Rerthn Lof
tus, V. fl.t Kffie Daily, R. S.; Jessie
Howard, V. S.; Lillie Hcmmcr, ti-ens-urcr.
At the cloo of the session nn
invitation from Mm. Atvvood was
given the member to visit the bo--ball
alley. The invitation was ac
cepted and a veiy pleasant hour
-pent trying their skill in ball loll
ing. As there were so many "ties"
it would be impossible to tell just who
was the winner
;w mmm&wmmtm&m
i-. .flMfcAns5.-. n
i ji.iH'noeo !!
Sin is a prominent Xew York suf
frage worker r.nd is seen in this pie
turn wearing the new suffrage bat.
This is the hat that will be worn in
tho monster suffrago parade to tnko
plaee in Xew York, October 12:1.
The High School Parent-Tcnobers'
circle met at the library last night.
In the abvuueif of Mm. Kirby Miller,
Mm. C. O. Powers presided. They
were dWoppointed in having a small
audience, but thou who did attend
were well repaid and manifested
much iiitcrc-t. Mis Yenltn Hamil
ton delighted the audience with n pi
ano solo. Profeeor Moote, in spcuk
mg ot the moral tatus of the high
school student. uid that much effoit
is being put forth to strengthen the
hiih school student, lie said that tho
pupil filtered high ehool at the mo-t
impre-sionitic age, therefore mak
ing it very necessary for them to
eouie into pPMonnl touch with the
teachcM, which bo said is the ease in
tlu school here. All prcsinit highly
eppreeiated Mr. Moore's talk. Dr.
Rollins of the M". K. church inade a
strong talk on how we should sup
port and appreciate our teachcM in
the work they are doing, and said
that the homo influence sometimes is
an obstacle, in the teacher's way when
it comes to character building. Ho
said tho home is tho starting point
nml we cannot heap all the responsi
bility on the teachers' shouldcM, but
co-operate with the teacher and thus
help these young people get the right
start in life. A shoit discussion fol
lowed, which closed the program.
raBT I
The fiMt f aerie f infonaal
.lan.f ! In- give" ,!'
vipiti a givw Tnrsdav wsaiaa
the Elk.' twi A law inwJir
M atlMMlttW 0",l tMBP,UI
.upper wn rrved bv w iwwmi"w
nt i he i4se f
The LadM.' Aid .! "1 Wi
it ui. .kurrh vtll h"ld an all-
iv ; at 2iav. m r
In W hrtd noewiiww
:i no! t.
i l.
Mr. and Mrs.' H. 0. Wortman re-i
Miraed Friday from a five weeks'
stay in Portland, where .Mr. Wortman
had gone for medical treatment. On
their way home they spent several
davs in Albany, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W, II. Jacks. Thursday after
noon Mrs. Rol.ii'd Snyder, nee Mar
gaieJ .lacks, enleitaincd in compli
ment to Mrs. Woilman and M"s.
Jack. About twenty ladies enjoyel
tho ho-pitalitv of the young mutton.
A delight I til bridge ten wns given
Tuesiluv afternoon b.v Mm. Lincoln
McConnnck for tho following ladies:
Mrs. K. P. Guthrie, Mm. Robert Rulil,
Mr. Stewart Patterson, Mm. Win.
Soov-Stnith. Miss Margaiot Hubbard,
Mrs'. W. L. !!ollovvuv and Mm. W. L.
Mrs. W. L. Holloway entertained at
dinner Sunday ovening nt her ranch
homo for the following guests; Mrs.
Cluules Connor, Miss Dorothy Con
nor, Alfred Cnipenter, Dunbar diss
nnd Mr. and Mm. fioorge It. Canien-
The regular monthly homeenming
of the Ladies' Aid of the First M. K.
church, to have been held on Wed
nesday, Xovembor '21, has been post
poned to Tuesday, Xov ember HO, on
account of Thanksgiving festivities.
Mr. nud Mm. fleorgo lb Cnrp"le.'
and Jack Merrill of fluid Hill have
engaged passage for Honolulu, where
they will spend tin winter. They will
sail from San Francisco December
Cauls, nud needlework- were enjoy
ed by. the Indie at the Klks' temple
Friday afternoon. Mm. Tho. Fu
son and Mrs. W. M. Wagner were
Dr. and Mm. Walter Stoke left
Snturdnv for their obi home in Illi
nois, where thoy will spend tho winter
visiting relatives and friends.
The ladies of tho Colony club met
at th'ir club loom nt the Hotel .Med
ford Friday nftonioou to new for the
Km! Cm oeinl.T.
Mi Mabel Kuril lit Mmdy for
l.o, Anuebjs, whtne she will itpeud the
wiutor wflth kr itr, Mr. Albert
Mm. Caiirb. M. KHftlih wo koat
mm to Uw Xullo Mridge elub at Br
homa km Sooth OakdaW Tiur4kr af-
Mr. aad Mra. K. M. JHeKraMjr Mi
fwmily ft Ti'tt for I ah An.
whaic Ikfv will siul the winter.
Ur. and all William P. MiaUv
Irft ToMiay tmf Ism Aium-W-. a here
lhv will aaah ihi fuluif Imnu.
Ml II. il r -!" ekl lei I uli
, ,, . V T . . I (ll I I !
Tho Aluninl footbnll hop which oc
curred Saturday evening, proved to
ho a huge micceas In every boiiho ot
the word. Tho affair was given In
tho now Seventh Co. armory, wliero
the RuestB had all tho privileges of
tho simcloiiH club rooms, In addition
to tho largo tlnuce floor. The beauti
ful patriotic decorations Installed for
tho governor's reception last month,
hail been retained for this occasion
and wero greatly ndmlied by Dioho
who vlowed them for tho first time,
A novel feature of tho evening, was
the addition of a banjo to tho orches
tra. This Instrument was playeil by
Mr Herbert Alfonl, It Is to bo a
regular featuro of tho muslo for tho
Alumni dnnroH In tno lilt are, thus as
suring tho proper tang to tho one
steps, rov-trot and other "pepfut"
Nearly ono hundred of tho younger
sot of Medford and Ashland combined
to mako this affair oao of tho most
pleasing Informal dances over given
In Medford.
Tho patroiiB nnd pntronosses wero
as follews: Mr. and 5frs. A. J. Yanco,
.Mr. nud Mrs. M. L. Alford, mid Mis.
II. L. Wnlthor.
Tho following Is a partial list of
thoso who attended: .Misses Irono
Sullivan, Susan Deuel, Jean nudgo,
Dorothy Tliorne. i Rhthryn Sworn,
Hsther Warner, Clem Morton, Loah
Walthur, Huth Warner, Hnbo Coebran
Melon Could, Dorothy Payne, Clalro
Johnson, Cherry Starkey, Diiho Pur
dln. Miss Scantlln, Miss Davis, Flora
Welch, Lois Kstos, Jean Anderson,
Orblo N'ntvvlck, Marrot Ames, Mar
garet Modsoti. Mildred Antlo, Shirley
Kcunii, Mildred Melno, Loulso Wll
llainson, Corrlta llrown, Loralno
Cowgill nnd tho MUhcb Snydor.
Messrs. Juinos Yanco, Ceo. llen
Hftlmnn, Myron Powell, Karl Hubbard,
Crlfftth Cowgill, I.eland Noo. Her
bert Alford, Hob Douol, Horaco
llioniloy, Pierce, Milton .Sehuchard,
I'rnnk Hay, Frank l'nrrell, Cluuies
Hay, Francis Ilennett, Olon Simmons,
Curtnr llianilon, Hill Hovorldgo,
Harry Rosenborg, Dave Rosen
boig, Alan Hopkins, Corl Tuijgwnld,
Murvey Ling. Lyjo. Purdln, Hob
Strang, Horb Strang. Vergil Strang,
Theo. Flail, Ix)on Speck, Don Hun
yard, Charlos Cnrr, Tom Scantlln,
Hen Plymole, John Kndors, Lynn
Mowatt, Miles Hampton, Llnglo
Scantlln, Karl Tinny, Art Alldor, Ken
noth Hakor, Paul Scliulor, Mr. Moore,
Mr. Cunnoll, Mr. Hakor, Mr. Murray,
nnd Mr. Tucker.
Mr. and Mm. D. W. Luke enter
liiiucd the Xorwegian Whist club at
their Orchard Home nujeli Thur-dav
e oning.
J T. Sullivan and dmmhtor, Mis
Jreii, left Tuesday for San Flan
eisco, wheie the. will vWl tho o.M-
Attornev and Mm. (leoige Kobeil
Jiift Mondii) on a vi-it to San Fran
Tho Wonian's Class ot Political
Sclonco and Parliamentary law met
at tho public library Monday after
noon and elected the following offi effi
cers: President, Miss Mnrlan Tovvno,
of Talent; Vlco-Presldeiit, Mrs. Mary
L. Piatt; Secretary, Mrs. W. C. Deb
ley. Heforo tho election a very Interest
ing talk on city elections was given
by City Heconler Kliuer Fobs. Kot
owing his ndderss Mr. Foss answered
questions by the members with par
ticular referenco to tho coining city
election In January.
At tho next meeting tho subject
will bo State Institutions, Labor
Lawn and Curient Kvonts.
Mrs. W. II. Mcflowmi will entertain
the Auction Hridgo el ub at her home
mi Mistletoe street Wednesday aft
ernoon. Mm. Ralph lliirdwel'. enlertiiined
the Girls Thursday club at her home
on South Oakdale Thursday aftoi-
Mrs. L. K. Wakmnnn cntertnincd
the Friday Ilridgo club nt her home-
on Xorth Oakdale Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mm. K. lb Iliinley have re
turned home from a visit to the San
Francisco fair.
Miss Kthel Curry eiileitained a few
friends at her home Thursday evening.
A Suggestion
Chit ken It roth
Autumn Salad or Shrlnip Salad
Houet Pork, Aupla Banco
Roiiit Oliloktw wltk Cranlferry Sauea
MaAsMl I'olatuoa (Jjui11 ,'rv)
0j8hin1 f'artig. -
j rrai- r jjk
m -
Expectant Mothers
Relieved of Pain
A niot valuable iirlp to women during til
Intrrutiiiic ixrlml Ii a siilcmllil cttvrnal rem
olr called "Motlier1 Krleiid." It l upptleil
ortr tlie miuelr of tlio tomiirli, (entl)
rulibnl In, nnii at once pcnctralr to rcllevr
all strain on iierrfu, mnl', Hc.imrnU and all
pnrU ItiTolrnl. It lunkm tlie niuirlej no
pliant that tlicy cipamt naturull). Ami it
Die uimo tlmo tliry nrc Inrliorutnl liy tlie
alucnco of liaronilnir palpi vu npt to ilMrru
the mind. Oct a Imtlfe of any ilrusglit.
Write to nrodllclil Ureulatar Co., 103 tJimar
IIUIreAtlauU, GaH for n faM-limtiiiK lok
Dr. Jones
'!? r
ilJBi I
jABgHpBr . i
NSv r
vrLi J
$Si u
204 Main st Cor. Central Av
Kxtnu-lini,' ami Filling Now
a Fact.
Special Low Rates for An
other week:
Milk I
$10 GOLD CROWNS $5.00
$15 PLATES . $9.00
$2 FILLINGS . . $1.00
$2 CLEANING . . . $1.00
"I wish to state that I Had
spvithI teeth extiuetetl at l) .
Jones' offiec Mid I e.i'i .t
that I felt uliKollltf'lv M"l;tlli.
Tin nlatit I lintl made weie a
Castillian Grrill iv;,'.; .'. .': "W.-
I'ltKK :.
SudI (ioiii I in 7 ::0 p in at
As Hocb Nearly Kverytlilnp Rlso Made or Produced
In the Hogue Hlver Vnlloy
That "KOOUK Sl'HAY" Klour has quality In vouch
ed for ly a great number ot IioiisowIvcb In Med
ford. indifference to n Mcdford-mado nroduct Is tho
greatest olmtaclo In the way of nnsureil succens
for the Medford Holler Mills. Too ninny peoplo
do not consider their Individual consumption of
a hoiiio-tniulo product n of any Importance. It
is a proven fact that a great many of those peo.
Ho who shout loudest for a pay roll and a Med
ford manufactured product arc tho very ones
who do leaRt to mako theso things possible too
liiiieh Indifference.
rtolow la printed tho iinmeB of over 100 Medford
boutcwlvcfl who are uselng "HOQUK SIMtAV"
Klour, and thoy nro well pleased with It. An
othor list of now names will bo printed later.
Angle, Mrs. Win.
Anderson, Mrs. A. J.
AiidniH, Mrs. I). It.
llaldwln. Mrs. C. It.
Drown Mrs. Arthur
Ilrandonburg, Mrs. Jan.
Ilurgess, Mrs. II. C.
nrnlnard, Mra. IS. W.
Hates, Mrs. .las.
Iluckmaster, Mra. J, K.
Ilennntt. Mrs. S. L.
Ilnrkdull. Mrs. .1. W.
ltrovvn, Mrs. W. I.
Hrndbury, Mrs. N. II.
Campbell, Mrs. W. N.
ChlldorH, Mrs. 8.
Crows. Mrs. W. K.
Cornltlus, Mrs. O. M.
Campbell, Mrs. K. N.
Cathcart. Mrs. I,. 1,.
Corless, Mrs. H. It.
Carder. Mrs. K. W.
Chapmnn, Mrs. C. A.
Caldwell. Mrs. Thos.
Caskey, Mrs. .loo
Coss, Mm. II. M.
Carkln, Mrs. .1. II.
(Money, Mrs. W. K.
Catupbell, Mrs. .Inincs
('aider, Mrs. Klehard
Dodge, Mrs. W. P.
Dallcy, Mrs. 1. II.
Dressier, Mrs. .1. W.
Kails, Mrs. J. T.
l'.dvvards, Mrs. M. T.
12ho, Mrs. Jos.
IMeliler. Mrs. M. R.
Fonts. Mrs. 13. J.
French, Mrs. K. H.
Carnett, Mrs. Hen
dates, Mrs. C. 13.
(Joro, Mrs. W. II.
Onrnett, Mrs. II. C.
netehell, Mrs. Dolroy
Howard, Mrs. II. I).
Ilalloy, Mrs. AV. Ij.
llazelton, Mrs. F. II.
Hotel Medford
llellbronuer, Mrs. Carl
Hamlin, Mrs.,W. II.
Hamilton, Mrs. I. I,.
Momstrcct, Mrs. J. A.
Hole, Mrs. (Cafeteria)
Hubbard, Mrs. A. C.
Hasklus, Mrs. I,, 11,
Hubbard. Fort
Howell. Mrs. T. A.
Johnson, Mrs. C. C.
JoHchke, Mrs. Carl
Johnson, Mrs. (Cafo)
Keeiie, Mrs. J. M.
Kelly, Mrs. 13. H.
Kent, Mrs. Jan.
Kiinzman, Mrs. Geo. ,
l.avvton, Mrs. I). T.
l.indley, Mrs. (1. F.
l.aldley, Mrs. O. W.
I.awton, J. W.
Lntta, Mrs. II. A.
McCabe, Mrs. II. It.
Merrlmnu. Mrs. T.
Maddo, Mrs. 13. H.
McMann, Mrs. W. T.
Mescrvo, Mrs. I.. .1.
TsMcholB. Mrs. (1. W.
Narregan, Mrs. N. I.
Xoe, Mrs. C. T.
Olson, Mrs. J. 13.
l'latt, Mrs. H. F.
Piitnam, Mrs. M. M.
Putney. Mrs. F. M.
Palm, Mrs. C. W.
Poffonbury, Mrs. I.
Perry, Mrs. J. A.
Parker, Mrs. ,1. J.
Itochon, Mrs. .1. II.
Ulce. Mrs. Vt. O.
IluliI, Mrs. It. W.
.Stewart, Mrs. II. I.
Strang, Mrs. Chas.
Smith, Mrs. J. C.
Hullor. Mrs. Claud
Stovetis. Mrs. .1. M.
Smith, Mrs. W. F.
Snider. Mrs. J. W.
Stewart. Mrs. 13. J.
Smith, Mrs. S. S.
Sheets, Mrs. M. F.
Shas'ta Itestaurant
Trowbridge, Mrs. II. J.
Toft, Mrs. 11. A.
Thomas, Mrs. O. W.
Trowbridge, Mrs. 13. 0.
Tucker, Mrs. I,. II.
Taylor, Mrs. C. W.
Vroman, Mrs. A. U.
Wagner, Mrs. M. W.
Welser. Mrs. Win.
Wosterlund, Mrs. J. A.
Weston, Mrs. (1.
Wheeler, Mrs. S. A.
Woods, Mrs. J. C.
Wnrner, .Mrs. 13. X.
Williams, Mrs. A. II.
Walt, Mrs. F. W.
Whotnel. .Mrs. J. A.
Young. Mrs. C. F.
York, Mrs. W. T.
You who nro not using tho Flour perhaps
snnifi of our friends' names are In the list. If so,
won't you call them up and got their opinion first
Medford Roller Mills
II. O. XOIIDWICK, Proprietor
iaii 1 1 mi
Mint (,'oiliam (Viiiiiany aio tho lJin,'
t niakeisj of solid llvei'vvatt of imal
Ity In llu world.
Hesldofl posttossliiK Intrinsic value,
Corham Silver U noted for brautj
and liullvldiiallty of design, and Is
ni copied as an authorltntlvo expres
sion or tho Silversmith's Art In Its
highest development.
I'aeli Piece of d'otliani KIciIIhk SIN
vervvai for your protection, Ikmu-h
Hits, illHtliigulslilii; Initio nuirk,
of exquisite boauty, nro Included In
the ofiorlins by leading Jewelers ev
erywhere. The assortment Is so great that
every prtfoionce may Ik suited lu
pattern ami at prions to meet the
retiutioiuunU of every purse.
Martin J. Reddy
The Jeweler
.'ii Runt Matu
, fc'
t II' '
i l ;nS J-ir st.