Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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k I At iff -1 V-
MEDFOltD MAflj TltllUlNR. MIODKOItl). OlIKOOX, RM'l'UDAY, yQVUimr.n 20. I PIS
. i-t-t-t-r-f-t-t-t--t
Mlw Corn Dnfiyii, formerly of tlila
vlolnlty, Ih critically ill at tho Good
Samaritan lionpltul in rortlnml, aftor
uudargolnp n fourth operation.
Auto for hiro. Phono 304. 208
Grorgo Horeneon, of (Iranti Pass,
vJbHimI Mwlionl Friday.
Good dry wood $1.60 por tier on
ground. It. V. Montgomery, C1D 8.
Riverside. 221
George 12. Sanders of GrnntH l'nss
mn loturnod from n visit to Suit T.nku
and Chicago,
J. O. Gorklng, ino best nil around
photographer in southern Oregon.
Always reliable Ncgatlvca mado any
where, tiino or place. Studio 22S
Main St. Phono 320-T.
Judgo F. M. Stewart and wife of
Kaglo Point loft Saturday for San
Diego to Bpond tho winter,
Ilnrry G. Wortntnn, of tho firm of
Warner, Wurlninn & (lorn, returned
home from Portland yosttirdny oven
lug, nftor a month In that city un
der special treatment for the recur
rence of trouble from nn old Injury.
Fortunately for him and hln, he es
rape,d an operation, licit li here and at
Portland. On arrival horo ho wont
directly to his homo at 912 South
Oakdale avenue, where ho Is advised
to remain In quiet during tho neces
sary period of recovery. He Is erporl
ed this morning as resting In ease,
troubled only by n deslro to get back
to business.
Try a King Spitz cigar and en
roiirago homo Industry,
A, T. Allen, a former traveling
commorrla! man who used to make
,Mo)dford one of tils Htopplng places,
Ih now a real ostnto man nt Alton,
Illinois, lie passed through M'1
fonl this morning on his way to Seat
tle, but pniiiilnes to visit a day or so
hore on his return.
Home made taffy at Do Voo'n.
Col. It. 0. Washburn, of Table
Itock, was re-nlectod president of tho
State llorttcultral society at tho an
nual meeting at CorvnlllH this week.
tihorolato creams, cnramols, chips,
peanuts, etc., only 30a a lb, nt Do
(Jlinn. K. I.oegus, of Macon, Geor
gia, now hore, this beliig one of sov
eral visits he has enjoyed to this val
ley during recent yours In ii general
tour of the northwest, obsorves that
ltoguo river valley In Just now In a
transition from the ploueor state of
things commercial and Industrial to
a period of real, poruiuiiPiit and sub
stnjitliil duvolopment. Tint spirit of
enthuslnnm over the advent of mm
merulal ontorprUoii In this valloy Is
a new thing, ho remarks, In this us
ually quiet and restful roglou. It
moans that n now spirit will guide tho
destinies of the people In tho farm
ing dlntrlaU of .laukson county hero
after. Auto for lilro. Phono 301. 208
Tlmso CnllfornlaiiM love to tarry In
Southern Orogon and particularly
In the Medford metroiiolls. C. J. Fry,
of Copper, California, whom the
newspapers luivo started toward home
several times during the punt week,
Is still bure, but be promises to leave
for the south tomorrow or Molality
or mime tlmo next week, HU)wny.
Poitago stamps nt v. Voo's,
punrllwtn F. V. Medyiwkl made
s lmrrled business trip to Ashland
yostoitU) exxiilug.
.Ilulle FhIIs Wood Yard. Pliou IS
or 5fl. Wood all kinds. USD
'l,ln Xlbluy. mTiXsn of the Ore-non-Utah
lleet Siiksp tuuiian. wont
to PortlHiul Inst ulKht. lie will re
turn to Mmlford MowUy.
When better insurnuan is sold
JlojiUis "The liiBurnuoo Mnn will sell
LohIs G. (lMiiLiutr, euunt) imihul
ustt put temjioru. will leturn 8uu
dy fiuiH Coryallls, wbeio ho wont
to aitoud tti nortleullui-Hl convfii
tifta and irwll sbovt.
ItMHtlfHl Him wf tngrvd and II
liiHilnstM) personal Nuias Cards, with
ouvelopea to match. 80 the lino nt
tt MwMord 1'rintliiR Co
A Italu iwian to (all rrl this uiorn
illjt In a 1'Uurl way, as If It were
a itMial thing in i his cuunlo. Tht
WiitJor furvcaitt liilernm us tbut It
wlli nin tuulKiil ami UumU). If It
huHitl Attl an Inch mre during this
(toiled of auowar. ilu (.miiem will
Main (o lawk ehwful
W wJll n glt) to wrap at uack
MHW for gtetllMl frsy of cburg. Med
fot (took Stora.
Cnrbj KMtlao of KWlln. (alitor
nU. b I kt e business oonawt -i4
tltt wlttim dvopu,ni. a
aoraa thai Hie promlM f a um!
sHar (attory and a general Irriga
tive aysisin fur lots valley ar at
IrvettWJt earuvst atlgetlou In
oUmhp MMtla ( Hit eoitBU?. among
tiat b4ag Konkvrn ('li(ornia
Fraak r ated pttanuta at Da Vh'i.
tiaw. Malll Tom of l'boatx waa
h Mdrrd vialtvr tkaturda
ViiHtMid'a Mpilur (iiMW. a IhmuH
ml ulatarusl Uouk lor ton kidaVaa
ytfilftwi I'aok Aunt
K lis- 'f Norton. Kausaa, is t
li.o Ht) i" UarialM uimsair witH
IM BlUIfdh'f ic ts valley.
For tvflV or '"" aatiafta.
Some comment hns been caused by
tho award of tho Phoenix school di
rectors to Morris Ilros. of Portland
of tho $4000 bond Issue recently au
thorized nt par at fi l percent Inter
est. It. II. Whitehead hid par for n
5 percent bond and was notified on
Wednesday by .1. F. Wormian, ono of
tho directors, that his offer had been
accepted. Upon receiving the bonds,
Mr. Whitehead was Informed that
slnco Mr. Wortmnn's departure, tho
board had sold the bonds to Morrlw
Do Voe buys beer bottles.
Tho Mlssos Kntherlno and Agnes
Cooney, of St. James, Mlunosotn, on
Joyed n visit with the family of F.
G. Hyatt of this city while onrottto
to San Francisco to sou tho Panama
Kxrluslvo use of tho alloys to prl
vatc parties, clubs and .organizations
at the llox Hall alloys. Phono l.'M.
Mrs. Nellie M. Tunnlsoii Joined her
husband here In a visit of two or
three days with friends. Mr. Tunlson
Is n member of tho firm of Tunlson
& Clll, Corvnllls.
Drs. A. It. and Louise Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stewart build
ing, 235 Fast Main St.
X. A. Thompson, a prosperous val
loy orchardlst, Is doing business In
tho city todny.
Kngrnved calling cards, wedding
Invitations and announcements, bus
iness cards. Proper styles and shapes.
Medford Hook Store.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knight and G.
I,. Trolrblor and daughter I.aurn loft
for San Francisco today to visit tho
Panama exposition. Thoy will bo ab
sent a week.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Mrs. F. M. (lerdos, wife of tho chief
clerk at Schleffelln's, left todny for
n two months' visit with her parents
In San Francisco. Mrs, Cordon goes
In lime to get a good vlow of tho
great exposition.
Insuro your auto In tho Alllnnce
against theft, fire. C. Y. Tcngwnld.
Herbert J. Horrliui, stenographer,
has opened nn offlco In Room 29,
Jackson County Hank building. Ho
Iiiih ono of the new Monotype ma
chines for taking dictations Hint Is
absolutely accurate. Phono 275 and
.Mr. Ilerrlait will call. '
Iltiy Medford mado candy at tho
Paul Opdyku of Trail Is In the city
today attending to dlvoru and sun
dry business errands. '
Mrs. Olive Norwood and family
arrived from Itnton, Now Moxlco,
yesterday evening,
Something now. Porsonnl, nngrnv
ml Xmiis greeting curds. Soo tho
Hue at Medford Printing Co.
M. J. Houseman of Ashland did
luminous In Medford today.
A special engagement of Iloss
Ilrytn for tomorrow night only at
the Page.
('. 11. Watson, who has been at
tending to business matters In this
city for the past half week, roturued
to Ashland today.
See Dave Wood about that Mm In
suranco policy. Office it all Trlbuno
I,, hi. Whittle of St. Paul, Minn.,
bus been doing business the greater
part of the past week In this city and
Jacksonville, will leave lomoriow for
KlHUialh Full.
Hot Tamnles nt the Bbnsts.
At Wayles of Alt. Vernon, Washing
ton, who arrived in Medford several
da sgo on a chsiimI visit, has con
cluded to send for Mrs. Wayles and
remain all winter In this valloy.
Hollod bam ami imcon at DoVno's
T. K. Annell of Spnknuo tarried a
few hours between trains In this (It).
He attended the National Apple hIiou
In tipokuiio a da befoie ho loft ami
bo hus delighted with tho ltoguo
liver alley oslillilt of pour, peuehos
hhiI apple. It was the attraction of
the show with u umjorlt) of those
who were Interested In the splendid
vollecllon of fruits.
Smoke a King Spitz cigar, Be.
Thoy so tinmo'iiiude.
Chiirle) Vu or Antelope did bus.
lies bilefl) In the rlt tidu aud
returned to bis home In the hills near
that community router. Oharle Is
one of the old-time successful (imp
pore In the Ml. I.uughllu district and
luslaU tkat aw jot find profit lu lilt
Ira pa.
A apeclal engagement of lush
ftrau for tomorrow night ou! ut
tue Pag.
Tad ItoaaanU Geo. Atwell returned
to Grants Pas tod. after a Uti
of n wetk la this vialHity, hhvohk Mr
Ata ell's foiuier friend wgd nelgb
burs. Mr. Plorruct tnnrar. nwently
(runt tge eaat. baa apeAMi drMa wak
ing varlors at SJ Nerlh Qtwtral.
Mr. Htrtllo Kagllsli. Uo has bMn
enJoiug a proiratad visit with a
stater at PbMU Mi friend in this
cli. a ill laave lantorrua for her
home lu Kuaauurg
Da Voe dailvara the Qraf niaa to
you evr day fur Tir a month.
M. I' Ua'hM. uf tPorlland. prfi
deal ut Hie Mclr Inteeliueni cum
pani, ouTk of the Weddelturn ru
r at the atoutli uf ih Hague river,
i smwdiug a few da vUitins lu
Medford and eapldtulua fishing con
Union ui i lie iiioiiih ii the nifr -
ill v -ii ih. I ..i: ! in in i .- hiIjv
Slater Johnson and Conro Flero
are visiting In Portland.
Try onrf of those big lco cold 5 cent
milkshakes at Do Voo's.
A. II. Meiiwoll, of Sacramento, Cal
ifornia, Is a valley visitor, with heail
qunrtors at Mdford. "" Ih Interest
ed In stock and poultry lu the Sacra
mento valley, but may conclude to
transfer his Inlrrosls to this vulley.
Mrs. I, each, Abdo-Support and
Harcluy surgical corset, nt 320 N.
Mrs. Alia .Ininos, of Tnconui, Wn.,
Is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .Initios Tolinnn," nonr Drowns
boro this week.
Hear Hobson nt tho Page, Sunday,
Nov. 21, at .1 p. in. 208
Henry Patterson, of Alturas, Cal
ifornia Is visiting with relatives and
friends In tho vicinity of .Medford.
Hutternut bread at Do Voo's.
John K, Trovers, of ChohnUls, Wn.,
ts here to look over the valloy de
velopment with a view to changing
his residence to n country of belter
climate. He thinks he has found it.
Liggett & Myors premium depot nt
tho Medford Clgnr Store. 211
Hornco P. Kngler, of Paetle,
Idaho, loft for home last night.'nftor
a visit of a month In this city and
Magazine subscriptions at tho Med
ford Clgnr store. Lowest rates, 211
Miss A. Wells and .Mrs. Hnrrlctlo
Hlount, both of Independence, this
state, will roturn tomoriow to tholr
homos, after a visit with relatives lu
this vicinity.
Special low prices on all pipes at
tho Medford Cigar Store. 211"
An organ recital will be given ut
tho Page Sunday evening by Frank
IP Anderson, tho now organist, nt
7 o'clock to last 1G minutes prior to
the raising of the curtain at 7:15,
consisting of selections from Lucia,
the Narcissus and Mndamo Uut(orfly.
110 acres llutto Crook bottom, nil
under Irrigation at n cost of ten cents
nn Inch. Will grow all grains, al
falfa, clovor, onions, celery, sugar
beets; ono fourth mile to depot. This
Is a proposition that will Interest you
If you want something good nt almost
tho cost of water. From tho owner
to you. Pox 111, Kaglo Point.
'Nlorlimr. Culu., Aihneate.)
('hecl,M lor .Mi:i.lllHi wen- litril
uleil umniij; (be fnnnorw Iribulurv In
the Sterling Migur lueturv .Moinhiv
The choc!. wore mailed on Saturday.
About (Kill humor, 1'roni llotu to
Julosliurg. will Miilieiimle in thi hiir
melon u iiiiU'iuiU, while a large
nuimier ot other will benefit imli
leetl.v. This lurgo amount (.r inonov rep
resent piiyinent for tlie Oetober
heels lor tlio Sleilinv ipetory, and
ruprex'titk only t poitiou the fiirmer-i
ill Hum iliitriet will iweive IIiih sen
Mir.. The tutu! ninnunt Hint will h.'
paid will niuoiinl to about u million
Neiirlv lli.0()0 wa paid out by
the local l.ii'tnrs ln-i month for Sop
temlior ilelixonen. and tliele will be
nnotliei' pnvmei.t u little Inter wiiicii
wil' Irintr Hie total up to the milium
? nmvir itnm ikda
(!t n in. ill' i'( I'lni'mrg
llrat Tee. er m the (irriesii fulk
call it.'iliiiuliiirger llriiHt 'I life," st any
pharuKvcv. Tnke h tsl'liyHK)ii(ul ot ttie
tfii, Hit u cup ef Uullug wntrr umii
it. pour through a movo mid drink a
ttHtoup full at nu tlmo during tho
tliu or bolnre retiring. It Ih the m t
t'lftHitixe ws to hronk n eeld mul cure
grlli, n it iiprn tho por of thi km.
rrlieMiig coemption. AImi Iimki-ms tlm
UuvoIh. time driving a cold f'om tln
Tr it the next lime jeu nulTer from
a eelil "( tin i!"' " ' uiexpiiitne
mid entirely xr.vtnble, therefore safe
wiul liiiriol.
Mr fivde who occupied the pulpit or
thet church In 1SS1 and Is still liv
ing. Mr. lloxlo road the "Life ot
Rev. Robert Funis," who occupied tho
pulpit of tho church ut PJioonlx for n
number or yoars. ' -
Mr. Fisher paid up Inlerostlng
tribute to tho irtomdry of W. F. Towno
nud L A. Rose.
Letters of i egret wore rond from
many nietuM.s wuo wero unablo to bo
An event of more thnn ordinary ,
local Iiittroft. eieclall to church
people, wns the homc-conilng'' ser
vice hold nt PhooVJIx' lait Sunday j
In tlie'-tilcest Prosbyieiinil' church
uiUfico'jiii Hie valley." Invitations
wore soul to all tuuniiiors, now scat
tered uhout the various communities
of tjip, vatic) and n fovy olsewbero,
.and they ruine from ,011 directions,
somq from Ashland nniV. others from
Medford,' and othqr, do.wn valloy
The regular morning servlco wns
conducted by Rov. Dr. .Dnllllo. At
noon Uio nicmbors worn entertained
at dluuor given by local members.
Memorial services .wore held lu tho
afternoon, an excellent choir render.
Ing rjood music.
Mrs. H. W Franio rend "Tho
Chronologj of tho Church," giving a
hiief IiIhIoi'v of tho local church and
its development and read u list of
(he naiues of tho first sixteen mem
bers, among whom are Mrs. Mattls
of Ashland and Mrs. Van Dyku pf
Medford, both of whom wero present.
'I lie old church was erected lu
Mrs, Win. Clyde, wife of ono of
tho early mlnlstera of the church,
rond inlerostlng extracts from the
illuty of Father Williams, tho first
Presbyterian minister In Rogue river
valley. It gave Interesting scraps ot
history concerning the social nud re
ligious development In Southern Ore
gon, Misc ..Mm Ian Towno delivered tho
ino'iiorlal addresH on "Tho 1'aiiy
Founders." It was n scholarly and
instinctive treatment of the subject
.tin! much enjoyed by those who wero
fortunate enough to hear It.
Frank Van IKkc paid n tribute to
If 1'ioss, IVvoilsli, Sick, Dillons, Give
Fruit liuxutltc at
Every mother realizes, after giving
! her children "California Syrup of
Figs," that this Is tholr Ideal laxa
tive, because they, love Its pleasant
taste and It thoroughly cleanses tho
tender little stomach, liver and bow
els without griping.
Whon cross, Irritable, feverish or
breath Is bad, stomach sour, look at
the tongue, mother! If coated, give a
toaspoouful of this harmless "fruit
laxative," and lu a fuw lioours all
the foul, constipated waste, sour bile
and undigested food passes out of
tho bowels, and you have a well, play
ful child again. When Its llttlo sys
tem Is full of cold, throat sore, has
stomach-ncho, diarrhoea, Indigestion,
colic, reinombor, a good "Insldo
cleansing" should always be the first
treatment given.
Millions of mothers keop "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs" linndy; thoy
know n tenspoonful todny saves a
sick child tomorrow. Ask your drug
gist for n C0-cont bottle of "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs," which has direc
tions for babies, children ot all n,gos
and grown-ups printed on (ho bottlo.
Hewnro of counterfeits sold bore, so
don't bo fooled. Got the genuine,
made by "California Fig Svrup Com
pany." - Adv.
Beginning Monday, Nov. 22
Buy a Pound of
Medford Creamery Butter
A Ticket with Each Pound
fc V A V A A A A h A r A W A V A A V A A A A A A V A A T V A(f
"T l"Y Sav.igc Tirxs from our employed
o j distributor and net factory prices. j
o J yiUL. j,,. miildlcman's prolit in
o Savage Tires it is taken off the price and
o milled to quality. Von can not get more
mileage, nor greater satisfaction than is
o given by Savage Tires, so why pay higher
o Pr'c?
Our distributor iias a fresh stock of tires
and tubes direct from our factory. You
will lind him a good man to know.
Ask for Tire Booh
nsv rra if aut fzjm bfss pi jveb jk-kx nun
is SnwnSaL sMJLm w
i San Diego, California
o o
There have been more calls for GOLD
SEAL BUTTER during the last
two weeks than ever
Ask your grocer
Rub l'aiu and Stiffness away with
n small bottle of old honest
St. Jacobs Oil
When jour Wk n r ami lanio
or luiuUiipi. h'ltiim ur rluintuni Iiuh
jou tilliil ii, ln't t-ntlor' (let u
XA mil liuttlr uf old. In.n.t "St.
.lrti-otw Oil" Nt n drug t4ir-. pMir m
lit tie m jour taint Dd rub it ruht
la to i ln pa m or i'ii. um! bjr tko ttW
jou count (tv. llui toroneM mimI Ikum
mm i yrnir.
Umi'l Uy .ripjiW TbU MiUiM;.
(Miirtratiiit; 'l nl t lw UMd oMtjr
omo. It Uki-4 On- clir nl culu rlht
out ( iMttk ( mil U mtwrry.
It i hmjH'I. iitutl hrnilM
Sinl .Im-iiii t '' irn iKi' akin.
Notl.injt 'I-" 4t lunihko. rmlun
iul lui ! W uiir u irowptl) '
STAR Theatre
Tl ll
llOltr o t lluiu-.lllll I ,!' I I
1 V
Hi 'Ar 111 ltdt.L . 1
i tsy i
3 WAUL tfi TvE.jUrVf rt
I' WMfviW beat
!, incaAVAWL juke, u. j!" m
i San DieSo, Cnlifornia JJ ,PMi 1 1 1
I pan a
11 i
.. . mm I
iii mm fme?i sm-meK9-txrLifK:.v.rtfmmr:
v-a jmm. b vf Effyn-iT- jms TtxrLt'kt
m i..iiT m tag wEffl
1 iv -Lea m 'BK scJi BT 1 8
W9t mm (4 I . iT 191 I rV K itCiH "Hatl tSTli 'wjpiBrs r?l Ct
vni ts i i i jk ini wair-ttam. '' wB-t'iMy,viu vr i tV fio fSM V)BRuS!SlAEtXjMwWtCfilMljtJlL'
H IfraC H
fiTl NoilmiK nUer ur inorv nprorliitf fdjB
fc.T '"' 1 u.tuUlvlng thnn h bUU ot ISKB
'ffirl in.ix I'crtuuie. Wtt hv U bet IB
Am in irimriM th TkMkailviUK tM
"Nil ''" um' ikqutblMj ilM. Ty rt )M
if ' IU,,,N iu,r MVlMbMWlly trotii; ill
tmj n.i ..onouilral tu ua. VA
MI Medford Pharmacy vBl
JW , .. TO.
I wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ask for list of satisfied
customers. THEY will
tell you why
Jackson County Creamery
ihii"JBIjHiiih'Titiiii um fri iittiiii rrrnrini ii
iAl K - y 1 tV 1 r. S
Um as me nuts out
til! rambling along
u-.-l MA, , ,..,.3
( This advertising expres-
Ji sion undoubtedly dates back to
yjj the beginning of barter and srle,
and as a talking point is hard to
The only trouble about its use is
that some people are impetuous and
want to see the saving quick.
So far as tires are concerned, and if it
is the Immediate dollar right in hand that is
wanted, yeu can best Diamond Squocjco
Tread Tires for a quick saving at the start.
BUT if it if the big- saving that com-";
from accumulated mileage i'uat'nmost inviting,
ve can truly avc you money on Dirmcu
Squei ".o Tread Tiros.
Su.-cr 'o
I? 20
20. C J
34 t A,
37 xS
Jt- f
$20 35
'fAsassKxvaneM3atiVmw-jx.K vca-R-ianuKKwawrrj
. in
(nziw3ak2AaRiMSA-' a
m4mim - - -TJ-7Tr -"- "imw t m--itwutKnmj naiB I i
.um..ovVn. ii HnuiwumwAv,i. f ' - tj 'Stu9uvjrnacxs&mmizasxis&z:
Are Sole Agents for the
W haudle wUy th Diamond beoamo it's far tho bet
tar for the pries buy them and cut out tire trouble.