tirerr- MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OINWOX, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1 lOlS PAGE SEVEN- Freckles and His Friends By Blosser -? ASHLAND AND VICINITY ' - ti a j 'I - . ' As Indicated ftHne tunc ago, lucre in tn Ik a change in the muiinpcmeiit i Hit' niiiiif theater. 0 T Herner of Portland in tin new les.sec. he hn nit' ifliMiii-iicil control or the C'ol iiiiihui til Jli.it. city. He tnl;c pos h'smoii November 'SI. Iii tin: meiin utic n ji"t introductory program is being urrnmrcil for Wednesday cen imr oi" uost week. Professor Vining is iibiut U roti:in tp New York (,'it to take tip Ins literary woik. Another local organization will in tall lull features, chiefly nlong nth lone linen. First Company, A. ('., liiis ffirrnr! nil nthletie club supple- nieiilary m itMt,tmiitnrV activities. Koumy conditions ami other appoint-in'i'- of the urmorv ulfunl ;in iileal Mthcrnii; place. The orgiiuiififiuu i-i it foiinal tine, with Captain Mulone, president: ITtil MuXnir, ice-prcsi-dent; .Jim Graham, f.ecietarv, 'mil Mill (Irnhh, treasurer. Some lively athletic ntnnts will vnrv the monot unv of tedious military tactics Hill Mhike will ft'i in joint capacity of referee-umpire. Civilians aro elig ible to membership uniler eertuin re strictions, principally rpanlinp u contingency as to military servitude m emergency. ('. H. Watson has returned from a month'?! visit in Klnirtatlt county with Ins daughter, IVFis. Lyle Kimball, and sin, Chan Watson, While nwnv he leuMted some historic swN. in southern Oregon and northern Cali fornia, notably Co plain Jack's "stronghold" and other leiiiiuden of the Modoc war period. K. T. Merrill retunicd from San Francisco Wednesday, leaving Air. Merrill to continue her journey to Los Angeles nml visit relatives there. Miss Mollic Hritt of Jacksonville was here Wednesday, having necom panied Miss Lydin McCall as far as Ashland on her wnv home from the San Francisco exposition. Mrs. S. M. Broadsword of Hon nnza, Or., who died iccently, win a sister of Mrs. John Wells and Mrs. ('. A. Smith of this city. The appearance here of Richmond 1'. Ilobsou in an nddrws at the Meth odist church Siuulnv evening ""ill 1 the signal for one of the biggest tem perance rallies ever held in thes. parts. Miss Klcnnor Hrown of Maiden flock. Wis., arrived early in the week for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davcuhill of Twin Oaks rar.ih, north of Ashland. The ladies nrff sisters. l-ollowing the rxntnple set by the Presbytcrinns, MethodistH have changed their weekly praver meeting sehediile from Thuixmv to Wednes day evening. In both instances the change was made to a unmodate choir practice in light clionil gyinnuN lics, ii mnjority of the sweet singers bnuug reserved Thuradny and Friday evening- "1 ordflr to court jovial ! ligations. C. W. Cottam, traveling salesman from Chicago, is revisiting familiar scenes hereabouts and 'testing thu ef ficacy of our mineral waters for minor ailments. The xb-itor is n txpicnl Hiito-lter and pronounces Mm equivalent of the word sheol in the ordinal tongues minus the litter "h." He has enlled upon the trade in this section inteiinitteiitly for over ipmr ter of a eentuiy. The Civic Improvement auxiliary meets ;it Ivy cottage on Vitn llcihts Saturday nttcrnoon at 'JtfO. Visitors are invited. A gueM from out of town will bo Mrs. I-M Andrew of M.'dford, who will sinK several nnin hers. Cn'ifoniui ivapers nnnouneo the marii-iR" at S-in Francisco Xoxem ber 1"). of Knlplt 1- Hut of Oakland, and MUs Dorothy D. I'arlow of flu cit. Hart' up' - giwn as '22 mid the bride's 17. Th estate of Mrs. F.liznbelh Stone, deceased, late of Yrcku, has been awarded withoiil icei-ve to a nephew, Jay Ashlev. of Yuba Citv. The prop erty amounts to 10,1100. The dc ceilent was well known here. Mrs. Slerv Ih.wmna: Mnnni.x- wns visiting iriends heie cariv in Mr week, inaJdeut to a hip to Orange. Cl., to meet her parents. Her homo il. nmt- n siiwmci.'ii Hridac. M. C She in well lemembeied by the xnunger MH-inl set of previous years. The Johnson family have been hiv ing n reunion heic this week. Thev were (ill oriKJnally fiom Ohio. IJ. II. dohnsoii is the one living near A-h-land, occupying a ranch in the vicin ity of the Xorninl. Claude Johnon enmo up fiom Dansmuir to jjicet hU brother, John H. and llcv. Wallace W. John-ou, who still reside in tlm Ruqkeye itt'ito at Btdlofontamc, and aie oiit, wet on tour of the coast. John H. Johiwon is aeeonnKinied by biK uifo. On Wwhio-dav lcre was fi fmnilv jfHlherinir and duiHwr h the h.ue f Walt Wtcr. N'orth Main Btnwt, Wi is winlrt i" Jutin-oii. the tCHt LeW J""' union of native wtw H4l taMgfcl'T of iM Ohio. m B Mi. Huiri. CJiUrtU- cft for Sji 1-hnneUr.i Wwlnly. acuwiMtdH il by ! lnhtin-. Muriun liiwh wm; j4 tit in tlx ,M0 iUi' taSr m. . . Sir. 6w lr"k lwlwor of Klutaaih l'U tff h lmr- a llli I'M 60NMA fiET I . TUE0e VOO AOF ( 1, I 'M' A DIMES" WOQTU J VOUMfrMn EVERM,ND ' V , myy, P SINGE uk PA V BELGSSPob I - ALLRKHX-WERE-S .i-TT AKAK TMEMU5K.t)SW,M ', S . , fVU T CAgRY'' fa A T PA PER 'EM.' Vl AU EAT 'EMM 3 THAT AINT a gN. , yr Pj r wsMi a m jMt a m m rae TyzU&h J i9swm mm ji ysML miutji-Jm&L wa a. ; r l i i rlJ IMIIIIIKJI' b. -!. S,rCf BA m tag X. I KWL "S (' V, IT ' cuts, Mr. ami Mm. F. A. Hrown, af ter a -ummer's residence in (he Klam ath section, where her husband is em-, ployed at "ivil enyincerinj,' on various projects. Mrs. Clara Ilhodes Knle of Hin der, ('km., is vi-miitf tier motlier, Mrs. A. I. Irwin, Mis. Xnitcy Jane I)ais, wife of Allen Davis, died on Tuesday, aj;cd Sit years. She was a native of Ten nessee. Fiiucral was held on Wed nesday and burial wns at Mountain View cemetery. The Apollo club, musical attrae tiou :u the Ashhiud Orthodox Minis terial I'nion lveeiun course, will ap ioar at the .Methodist church Tues day cveiiinsr, Xo ember 'S. Ilohlers of season tickets should remember Mint they are reserved for the entire pries of entertainments, not for one cnly. Tho openitifi address of the Sehofhnasters' club, which is to meet at Jacksonville on Saturday of this week, will be delivered by (I. A. Hris coe, superintendent of the Ashland schools. , Miss 1 Intel Fowell, high school stu dent, has leecivod u letter from the American Penman of Xew York City, hishlj compliment in-; her for profic iency in penmanship ami soliciting samples oC the same in aider that they may be. reproduced in that pub lication as examples of ideal chirop- raphy. The communication enmo Hirouuli IiikIi school channels. Jlis Hnrel is the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Sumlliy nVulIjtf nu yen- intercst Thad Powell. 5 lnW!tjIIB wnB i,,.,!. jirs. iders Knul Peil left for San Irancisco Ww ,(-, ,(.m, l)r HnBV of , rarly in the w(cr, uceoiupaiiicl by . , ,,,0linix irt.KlVtrinu church and .ncwuii .Mrwiit 0 tue local r. r. ticket offices, who win pei-sonauy conduct Kmil over the e.position leaiitime .enas the exposition LToipjus. In til-1 me Moody peddles (u-Kets and ultinl' to rescrvntiou- at the passenger de pot. Fnd Wallers is back on the job 11s telctfrip'ucr at tho depot at least for the winter, having noted ns S. P. iijfcnt nt .Siskiyou tho past summer. Hill Lewis made a hurried trip to the Hub city on Saturday. Tony Olsen has been dniiifc" his fall butchering this week. Mssis. Xorri, llixinhothum and McDougnll of the Oold Kidc mine sK'iit Satunlay and Sunday in Med foiil. Can- Henderson of Garden Howe. sM'iit Friday in Mcdford on business. Oold Hill business visitor thin week were: Toney Olsen, Jama Law- renee, Hill Lewis, Mr. Mnson, David Hrown. Mike Foley and the Misses Kntio and Miiic Foley. The Misses Marvel and Ada lliifin biitlitun of Mcdford motoied to Klines Creek and ieinity 0110 day last week. Kdgnr and William Foster com menced school nt Hit Dardanelles on Monday. Weather prophet's foiecst- Con tinned niiu. A number from hoie attended the football jpiim, Medfoi I Hih s. Ash laud HikIi, in Mcdford 011 Sntuidny. James Iiwrenco is doinj; up his fall plowing this week. J. T. Jlnh.'iUon spent ope day re centlv in Ashlaid. Mi-s. Iloff of Oold Hill wa u re cent Kane- Creek 1s1t01. BUTTE FALLS BUBBLES A Mimiie lurlv ..is rncn Mini dav at the home ot Mr and Mrs. 0. W. Parker m honor ..1' Miss Hildrcd Hervtord. Mi- Hen-lord lelt Tues ihy with Lr t!iMBilunther, Mrs. K. Parker, for her Ikmiic ii: SmiiIh CrM. Cl. lr Tunjsate left Tutbiy Ivr Jtwihatwiide. Mr immI Mi .Ow.ruf Hrker are in the vnlltjy on buius Miik wmk. a It. MurrU will tuk lu plntt.- in Uh Unk Mtttd ilr. Uriir " Dr. I lull in town Tu.-Uy. FJnvr itvofs i- -it4iuiK frwuiU uui rotntne in JttrkMWviHr. Drlwin Clu-ptlt ami lrlvr puik-l KANES CREEK mma txatfemnisfz? rst h- -!si sw m, s'v5? ua 4gh2 j . GMBa -dS up thoir belonjrinns and went trap piny for the winter. The old dance hnH belonninr to Mrs. it. Clcveneer burned down Tues day nijjht. Mr. and Iis. II. I). Mills enter tninid a It w of their friends at cards Tuesday evening. The Talent Orehnrd company ship ped a enrload of Xewtowus to Liv erpool Saturday. Mrs. (J. At Mnnnin-j i speudinp n few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hrnjtnn of Central Point. Hoy. J. F. Anderson left for the northern part of'the state, where he cApeets to hold revival mectuis. Henry Pace has returned from n week's stay at Jacksonville, where he hns been 'working. The Indies' Aid of the Methodist church will meet on Tuesday, Xo- vember U.'l.-at the church, instead of Thursday, as the hitter is Thanksgiv ing day. Mr. mid Mrs. C. M. Thomas were Med ford visitors Friday. The. reclamation service is survey ing in this part of the county. The Tuesday Study club met nt the home of Mrs. F. L. HolderidK'o on Tuesdny. Then' was it union yoiinj; people's meeting in the M. K. church n,J0Ml forty.j-lvl. ynmt! ,M.opi nl. ,1,,i1i u,.,. u.,,.,1 ,-,.. ...Pl. Inii.r i.j,,,, ,niL. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Adanisoii were Mislford visitors Sntttrduy. Miss Marion Tow nc of Phoenix 111L dronscd the Coinmiinitv club Wednes day in, the club mom nt the city hall. 0, W. Aj;er and little danliler, Miss Orphn, left Friday evening for Portland, where they expect to at tend Mr. Acer's father and mother's golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. J. L. Weiss of Mcdford spent Friday and Saturday visiting friends in Talent. Mrs. U. W. Agcr of Central Point wns the guest ol Mrs. (I. W. Ager Sunday. The ruin that fell over tho valley has started the plowing in this part of the valley. The Talent On haul company look thirty-six hou to Mcdford Sntuidny. The school library has received a shipment of hooks from the slate library. Tho Talent hotel, nenr the depot, has been reopened. The Misses Xi er of Pennsylvania are in charge. The Talent meat market has chanced hnilds recently. Mi. Dais has sold out to W. II. Withrow. Ho Patch wns burned ipiilc bad ly last week. He was teechiuu: Lester Stevens to run his em- mid he ran into thu ditch, springing the icnr n.xle ipntc badly. While they wen- trvim; to straighten it, using n blow torch to In-at it, tho blow toieh bleu up mid the remilt wns that both wow burned quite badly. Miss Alto Scott has taken charge of the. algebra class while Mr. Ager is in Portland. fleorRc Gnlbrailh mid Miss Oiacc 1 Inn-corn were united in marriage Monday by Hhv. W. F. Shields or M'dfoid. They letuinod to Talenr the same -ln and will lie in Hugh Xonnnn's house in the northern pan of town. A jionnil paitv was given them by some of thoir lneuds, John Hrmer haft Ihhii out of (own for n ft iv ilaxs. J. K. Silva. who bus been working in W.ilungton tho wst biiinnmr. re turned to Ilia home 011 Wnguer creek last Saturdav morning. ESPEE DODGES WORD ON O.-C. LAND GRANT SALICM. Oro. Nov. 19 Without reaching agreement on any (dan ta Hubrolt to eauaVei for the fcuUlsiuent of t Orsaoii-CftlUornlu land grant qtfentteu and with n' ' tor un othar MilNg nMfltioi 1, " rnn rNN ut r&prHnuUvw i ! gMikorn Paell uomprnty and a committee of the Settuiltr land TALENT TALK urnnt conference adjourned this af ternoon after a three houra discus Eton that at times boenmo heated. Tho railroad company was repro Rontcd by Attorney Hnlph Moody and Tu Kxpert McAllister. Tho Btnto was rejiresented by Governor Wlthy combe, Secretary of State Olcott, Stato Treasurer Kay, S. M. Garland of Lebanon, Ii. R. llcan of Riikciio and W. I. Vnwtor of Mcdford. C. R. Spenco of Orefion City Who was ap pointed a member of tho committee did not nppenr. Palluro to nnren wno caused by dif ference In Intci pretatlon of tho reso lution passed Just before adjourn ment of tlm general 'conference I" September which provided for tho conferonco today to evolve a plan "whereby the ro-opcrutlon of tho Southorn Pacific can be secured In opeuint; tbo OreRon-Callfornla nrant lands to early settlement without fur ther HtlBatlon." Reportod by Jackson County Ab tract Co., BUth and Fir Bts. Circuit Spaulding Manufacturing Co. s. J. F. Hopkins, return of summons, A. K. Dixon vs. Oold Hill com pany, action for money. flnrnett-Coioy llnrdware Co. vs. 0. Lnidley, cost bill. l'IX)lSll " Kstnte of Fdwnrd A. King, js-tition for Order to assign contract. ICstnte of (leoige F. Aleriimau, in ventory nnd appiaisemHiit, petition to sell personal propeily, order to sell sjrsoualpi-opcrt v. lUiil INlato Tninsfeis Vera Kershaw to James L. Kershaw, laud in seen. 10, II mid !), twp II7-IF $ 1 C. C. Hush it ux- to Agues C. FraJiks, lots in block tt He ully Add.. .Mcdford .... I, OIK) Xationnl Surety Co. to (I. II. Hichmoud ct ux, lot in block 1, Cottage Home Add., Mcd ford ... .-- .- 1 Xational Surety Co. to 0. II. Kichmond ct ex, undivided hnlf of land in two. Mli-UW . 1 Charles F. Tilton ct u.x to City of Ashland, right of way ncrose- land in sec. M-IKI-II-I. I W. P. Mcaley et ux to Porter J. Xeff, land in Humphrey AndrcHS Add., Mcdford.. . I RKKOI.UTIO.VS Of condolenro on tho death ot George F. Morrlman. WURRKAS, On tho fith day of No vember, 19 in, In obedience to the will of the groat and supremo Ruler of tho universe, all that wuk Immortal of our late mid lamented neighbor, (icorgo ! Merrlman, was siinimonod to Its eternal renting place; uud, whereas, his many virtues and ster ling worth and thu long and Intimate relations held with htm In the faith ful dUcharge of his duties makns It oinlently befitting that wo record our appreciation of him, therefore be It HRSOLVRI), by Mcdford Camp No. 90 Woodmen of tho World, that thu sudden removal of such a life rrom our midst leaves n vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the members and friends of this organization, and will prove a sorbins Ioms to the community and the pub lic. HKSOLVKD. Thui wo tenderly con dolo with the family of our deceahed neighbor In thoir hour of trial and j HOTEL OXFORD Novest and Best in GRANTS PASS, ORE Kmbodloa every convenience nnd eomfort found In a modem hotel Hot and cold water, steam heat and telephone In dvcty room, largo Jhearful lobby will, open fire, Well Lighted Sample Room, Rates moderate. Auto-i.u to all trains. Mtwlfonl trade eMpocUlly solicited. F. W. STREETS, Prop. COURTHOUSENEWS affliction and devoutly commend them to tho kccpltiK of Htm who looks with pitying eye upon tho wid owed and fatberless. HRSOLVRI), That :n our natural sorrow for tho loss of a faithful and beloved ' Woodman, wo find conso lation in tho heller that It In well with 111 ni fur whom wo mourn. HRSOLVRI). That a copy of theso icsolutloiiH bo spread upon tho min utes of this camp, a copy printed In tho local paper and a copy forwnrded to the bereaved family. W. If. MRRKRH, W. II. JACKSON, R. II. ilMCJKRL, Committee. INTKItt'ltllA.N AtJTO CAIt CO. Tlino Tllc Lcaio Mcdford dally except Bun- day for Astiiund, Talent and Phoenix at 8 a. in., 1:15. 3.30 and D:1C and 10:15 p. m. (Saturday at 11: 15 p. m.) Sunday loavo at 8:00 and 11:00 a. in., 1:00, 5:00 and 9:.lo p. ra. Loavo Ashland dally excopt Sunday nt 9:00 a. in., 12:50, 2:30, 4:30 and 7:00 p. m. and Sunday nt 10:00 a. m.. 13 noon. 4:00. 6 and 10'tlO d. m. Drlug tlioso old nu.enzluc3 and pe riodicals to tho Mail Trlbuno for binding. " XOTK'K KOIt KRWKIt IUIH Notice Is hereby given that tho city rouncll will recolvo Healed Litis for tho construction of a six Inch lateral sower on Kdwurdn street from tho east lino ot lot 3, block 1, Wlldwood Addition to Riverside Avenue, at tho next regular meeting December 7th, HUG. The plans and HpucltlcatloiiH governing tho construction of this sewer aro on file nt tho city record er's office. All bids must bo accom panied b. a certified check for 5 tier rent of tho bid nnd must ho filed with the undersigned at the city hall not luler Minn five P. M , Tiiosdny, December 7th, 1915. Dated this 17th day of November, 1915, at .Mcdford, Orogon. RLMKR T. FOSS, Recorder of tho City of Medford. FOlt KKN1 HOtTHKKH ROOMS lCl'INQ FOR HKNT Modern furnlshod housekeeping looms, cheap; close In. 23 1 Rast 9th. 208 FOR IlKNT IlOCHliS F(Tff HKNT 7-rooin hoiibe on West .Main. Phono 5S5-J. 212 FOR HUNT Ten room house, un furnished or partly furnished; fur nace. Mrs. J. K, Watt, phono 381-J-l. 209 FOR HKNT Furnished modern house. W. II. Rverhard, 1013 W. 9th street. FOR HKNT Well furnished modern bungalow. 42J South Laurel. FOR HKNT Col. Sargent's place on Onkdulo avenuo. Inquire of II. II. Nye orjloy 11. Peebles. 225 I'-OR UK.Vl' KVll.linrinii ItOOMh l'OHRI-INI'-FimMsheTl room nt 322 South Contrul. -os FOR RUNT .MIhi;KI,I.ANROU.S FOR HKNT 1 1 acres, partly In buar ing oiihard; house and tools; 1 Vfc miles fiom city limits, I'houe 685-J. 212 FoTt LKASR Rich river bottom land. Flnu for gardontng, corn and potatoes, H., onro Mull Tri bune. FOR BALI' UKAh 1WTATM FOR SALB i;n7inia"nd,"f"rulMand" timber land, land from SG.00 per aero upwardB on long tluio. Gold Hay Realty Co. NEW TODAY I have ono of the finest outlaying stock ranches In tho county. Four hundred acres nearly air of It Is ag ricultural land, and half ot It Irri gated, Pine Improvements, well out Hi the free outrange. About J5000 worth of personul property goos with It. Price $:, 000, uud a great buy ut that prloo. Fine little plaeo elose to pavomont In Grunts Paa, nix a ores, somo ut falfa, and sonio fruit. Would trade clear for Medford property. C. D. HOON Hooui 10, Jmktou County Hank llld. Wold ON UERE.TMIS lSr4'T ENOUGH MONEV T WILL XOU go sb: FOIl BALlt--allSCKliliA.VKOUS FOH SALR Studobaker 1014, used 18 months; perfect condition; sulf starter; electric lights; everything. p. o. liox r.os, rtiono coi-j. soy FOR SALR A good motorcycle; can bo seen at Motorcycle shop, Sparta building. SOS FOH SALR Stamp mill, mining cars nnd track rail, pumps, hoists, nlr compressor, nlr drills, mining m-a chlncry, tools and supplies, iron and hydraulic pipe all sizes, nt hnlf price. Address M, caro Tribune. URAL RSTATR FOH SALR All kinds of property for tnlo or ex change. Gold Hay Ilealty Co. KOK SALR Polo mountnln buggy, good as new. Palmer Investment Co., .Modoc Orchard. FOH SALR Angora White, CMmax, Ore. goats. Rd 512 FOH SALR I wagon, 1 buggy nnd harness, 1 work horse, 1 driving mare, 1 Jersey cow, cheap, It taken at once. Intpilro at 207 W. Main street, or Phono 88S-H. S07 FOH BALK Nearly new Oliver type writer, price S20, Home cholco dia monds nt jour own price. Call nt 20C W. Main, Mcdford, Ore. 1 FOH BALK Grain hay Phono 5D1-J2. and wheat. t FOH SALR Stock boots nnd carrots 0.00 per ton. F. L. Caton, Ccn trnl Point, R. F. D. No. 2, Phono 2!)x3i 222 FOlF "s A LR - Cholco Tlianksgivlng tin keys, S to 20 pounds, delivered dressed. Phone Kill, Central Point. 207 FOR SALR Llttlo Club need wheat rallied on now luud yielding 40 bushels per acre. Jus. Campbell, Phono 311-R. 210 FOH .SALIC Overland. 1914 model, electric lights mid starter, In first class condition at a bargain, Uox 333, Mall Tribune. 207 FOR HALR nnardless and bearded barley. Phone 3R, Dr. Clancy. FOR HAIihiiirtsraJCK FOUB.I.K--M"iT'cirik good cows for lack of feed, llox L., Mall Tribune. 2l)S FOH SALF U horses, 12 heavy work mares, lnipilro Vinson's Hum, N. RlversldiiAvo. 2l(i 1IRLP WANTRII AOKNTS WANTRD A girl for general house work. Apply llox M, care Mall Trl buno, WAXTKn-!srrt.tTiONH WANTKD lly joung married man, work of any kind; good hand with team. 2t& tit St. Ashhiud. 20K WANTRD Position as housekeopor, inferences. Address llox A. A Mall Tribune. 207 VvTNTKDWorR by dayjiour or Job by man with team; also wo have alfulfu, grain, liny and straw and wood for sulo. Loo Young, Phono 7-F4. 221 FOR R.VCIlANGi: FOll'TcXd I AN(1 R TluiriniTposI tlou to arrange for trades fur Cal ifornia property, either city or county, In axohaugo for Roguo river property. Address for pros cut, L. II. Houston, Talent, Phono 3-F18. 232 TO KXCHANGK . 40, CO or 90 nciixi for business or city property. (I. Allder, Medford, Oie. 209 FbltlTxCANUKCood t-t Tniprov ed laud in inlddlo west for country, city or business hero, G. AHder, Medford. 207 WHY? IT IB YOUR HUMlNRSb TO BI315 MK Because my ulocx in irudo Is to have optioned at tho lowest caih prlco the host buy In this county. I have beon on tno ground look ing out for you for the past fire years. Noarly everyday I havs In vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated everything except those deals which I am convinced will se curo inn satisfied customer. In a fow hours time I can giro you the boneflt of this research. It Is my business to show you over tho couuty and Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. Seo Med ford first and J. C. BARNES IW Wl Mla Wrtitt OW.DON't MINOTMAT. BE LESS PER T COUNT ! Ill'SlNKSS 1HHKCTOHV Auto .Supplies LAIIKR AUTO SPRING CO. Wo are operating the largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use- our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 20 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Ore. Attorney GRO. W. CHKRRY Attorney., and ..Notary, Room 9, Jackson County ..Hank Ilulldlng, Medford, Ore, PORTRR J. NRKP, WM. P. MRALRY Attornoys-nt-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, -Medford National. Dank bldg. A. R. RKAMRS, LAWYRH Garnott Corey bldg. O. M. ROHRRTB Lawyor. Mcdford National Uank Building. -TV."-1 , i-ir-s.. ,. :, '. .in Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN 8C0Y00 DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Qaructt-Corey Uldg., ulto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono SBC. Collections nntl Itvportn COLLKCTION8 AND RRPORT8 We collected souio accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the money. Tbo Uunoclt Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, lias kins' Uldg., 2 If. R, Malust. Engineer mid Contractor FHKDCUlNSSnRincor und contractor, 401 M. F. & If. Uldg. Surveys,, estlmatoa, Irrigation dralnngo, orchard and land im provement. ' -"' ' ' -- . -g f Onrbage IdARIIAGL' Got your premlaos cleaned up for tho Hummer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service Phono 274-L. F. Y. Allen. Instruction In Mu.slo HaTgDT .MUsic STUDIO Room 101, Garuett-Corey bldg. Fml Al ton Halght, piano; Mrs. Florence Hnlllday Halght, volco, Phone 72. Physicians anil Surgeons DR. F. G. CAHLOW, DR. RVA MAINS CAR1X)W Osteopathia physicians, 41C-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phono 1030-L. Hcsldcnco 20 South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. KMMRNS Physician mid surgeon, Practice limited to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Ryes scien tifically tostod nnd glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. H. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono GG7. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician nnd surgeon Phones, office 3C, resi dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to C. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD ' DR. MYRTLK 8. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Offlc 309-310-311, M. P. & II. bldg. Phones, rosldonco 814-J2, office 814. Oil. MARTIN C. HARHKR Physi cian mid surgeon. Offleo Palm block, opposite Nush hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T, U. IIRINR, M. D. Rye, Rnr. Nose nnd Throat. Ileadachos and nervous conditions relieved by properly fitted glasses. Cross eyos straightened. Office 22S R. Main St., phono 303, Consultation free. Printer nml Publishers M r?DFol t b" PHI NTINO CO.', lias the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Public Stenographer m! T''Kn 1 WARDS. Bteographor and Multlgraphlng, Rooms 409-410 (Jurnntt-Corey building. Office phone 7 09-J, resldenco phono K13-R. Transfer RADSJ TRANSFUR & 8TORAOK CO. Olflce 43 North Front st. Phono 3 IS. Priced right. Service guar anteed. I.iail.N WATaiMAKIXn Take tbo right step now-; pleasant, profitable work nut overdone; fevr months learning; petitions guaran teed; write for reforoucea und partic ulars Portland WHlohmaklng, Rn graving ajul Qptlflal School. 218 Cora, muuwealtb Uldg.. Otu and Aukuny, Portlaud, Orouoa, . . f ': I L - - , .,. i-,, j-t r C). k K. V -J' SSS voy f ff. i I I i n l rjii i? ss im ?W m BBS FV wa i i 1 w 1 OH JJ I li