u PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OK Ml OX. FRIDAY, titM'l-MMil'I'l-IMM'ffH"' TOCAL AND PERSONAL Frank P. Owoiii Prnl 0. I,iiiiro and Col. J, P. Munriy of Med ford nro reg istered At Hotel llenson, 1'ortlnnd. Saturday, Special Aluminum sale, Crater Lake Hdw. Co. National prohibition rally at l'ngo, Sunday, Nov. 21, at 3 p. in. 208 Tho Parent-Teachers' elrelo ot the high bcIiooI will hold thoir annual meotlnn at tho public library Prlday ovenlnir, November 19, at 8 o'clock. Prof. Mooro nnil Dr. KoHIiih will speak on tho moral statim of tho high school student. Musical numhnrs will ho kIvoii by MImoh Vcnltsi Hamil ton and Hess Bryan. All tho tenchorn and patronn and friondn of tho flchoul are cordially Invited to attond. Special salo Saturday only nt tho Mlday, cream chocolate a Itfic lb, At tho public market Saturday, country Rntmago ami pork In booth 4. W. At. l'otrl. 207 An oldorly lady who roMlilim at Soda Springs at tho upper end of thn valley was among the callurB at the Commercial club yesterday, aim re lated to Secretary J.atta hnr oxpor louco at rulaluK miuar beetH fifteen years ago In her garden at tho home place. Sho fed them to the cowb. Tho latter wero eager for them and, nn a. result, of that rich, xuceulent feed, thoy gavo more and better milk, Tho family alio made syrup of the migar bcotn and regarded It an an ox colleut article. They used no flavor ing extract at all. Mapleluo wuhii'I .among tho huiiMihoI-1 dullcnch then, but It has bIiico been used to flavor ougar beet syrup and found to make It n palatablo article for geueral tahlo use. It Is Raid to bo richer than BUgar nyrup flavored with maplolno. Auto for hire, l'hono 301. 208 Oood dry wood $1.G0 per ttor on ground. It P. Montgomery, do 8. Wverslilo. 221 J. W. Opp, tho mining man, who rcflldcti on Went Klovcnth Btroet, thl city and who owns tho Opp mine, a mile and a half Koiitliwont of Jack sonville, Is doing biiRlnoBH In this city today, Mr. Opp In running ten utnmpH ot his 20-Rtamp mill on full 21 hour time and letting very gratifying re nulls from nn apparently InoxhuiiBtl bio Biipply of frco milling oro. I'iohU ct earn rhocolateH at the Mid way Saturday only, 2Cc lb. J. O. Oorlclng, tno best all nraund photogrnphor In Bouthorn Oregon. Always rollahlo. Ncgatlvoa mado any where tlnio or place. Studio 238 Main St. Phone 330-J. Wntor Superintendent Olon Ani plgor left for Kugcno thin morning on bUBlneHB and Incidentally to wit ness tho- football game tomorrow af ternoon. Wo will he- glad to wrap any pack ages for mailing free of charge. Mod ford Hook Store. Fresh roagtcd peanutr at Do Voo'n. Do Voo buys boor hottfia. Jack O'Noll, traveling paBdenger agent for tho Union l'nalflc Hysteni, Ih doing biifllnoBB In Medford today Drs,.A. It. and Louis' fledges, chi ropractic phyBlclonn, Stewart build ing, 23G PaBt Main St. Traveling I'uMUMgur Agent 11. P. Mailing ot tho NorthweHtorn, I In the ctty today on IiiibIdohh. ' Weston Gamcri Simp Tor first class Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies. nita plptM nt tint .Mhiay for only 15b. Try a King 8pltz cigar and on rourngo homo Industry. Mrs. I'M Andrews or thin city has accepted an Invitation from thu Ash laud Clvlo Improvement cliih'H aux iliary organization to ho prommt at tho Intter'H regular somlou Saturday nfturunon, nt which she will sing sev eral popular uumberH. Home mado taffv at Do Van's. Nlco home-made candle at St. Mark's (lulld Imxar Prlday and Sat urday of this weak. v Chief of I'olleo lllttvou will Iwivu on Sunday for Oooinu t'onkoy and Tom MoDonald, who lutvtt confowwl that they stole W. II. l,ydlrd' Pord auto and aro being held In Dim I.(m AngoloH jail for extradition to this atate. NotwItliHtsiidinK (bulr con fotalon, however, the legal prorowi was obtains! for their return to this ootinty for proswutlon, the ntwtc, therefore, paylny tho coat ot the ex tradition. Thy will bo trll Ht tho February term of circuit court at Jacksonville. Qhnaolato oroatMS, caramels, chips, peanuts, etc., only 30c a lb, nt Do Voo's. Auk) fur litre. Phono SOI. 10$ It Is expuoted thttt tliH I'elirMttry term of elicult court In this count), as olsowhore lu the nut, will hav n heavy dncktft, It holme the first term after thn "dry statu" law goes Into effect. Luwyoia aru antlelpat Ing n busy sumIou. Iori)'t forget to oritur futh. Its frojth and fine at th Medford Plah and Poultry Co. Pontage utmnps nt rje Voo's, Thu officers and chairmen of cacti Parut-'lYHcner' tutorial lout aro i- queatod to uitt hI the puhlle library Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock for tho purtKwa of organUIng a council. Hut to Palls Wood Yard, Phono 4S or 228. Wood all kluda. !) Uoublo 3. & II gfaflu trailing stnmiM bIvbii oh all pm chaws Prlday and Saturday ut Water tOT Jr. aniL Mrs Qwlnu 8. Uutlar, of AshUyid, tarried iu Medford awhlU on tjmlr return houm from u bualUMs jrJp to Jacksonville today. fhen hotter insurance 1 sold Holnioj Thj HiatJranco Man will sell It- ' IlOglitlftil lujn of ourva4 mitl Il luminated, ll0rgtfna ."ms CnU. with nnvolonoa to match. S tha Uua at tho Mudford Printing Co ! Junies K. flrleve and wife, proprle'- tors of the Prospect hotel and store, uro in Medford en route to the San Francisco exposition. InHuro your auto In tho Alllanco ngnlnst theft, flrn. C. Y. Tengwnld. County Clerk Gcorgo Gardner hns roturnod rom Salem whero with As sessor (Irl'iVii he nttteuded the state hoard of nuuallzntlon meeting. I"or wntch worx tnat satlsflrB, Johnson tho Jowolor. 220 Delivery lu the city free. Out of town by parcel post. Medford Hook Store. Thu U. Ii. Ollkoy rnnch lu the IIHnolR valley has been sotd to Mr, HohortH, a recent arrival from Idaho, tho consideration being, It Is under Htood, $10,000. This ranch com prlseH 207 ncrcH and Ib situated be tween Hi'lma anil Deer creek, and Iiiih 100 acieH under cultivation, the greater part of the balance being cleared, Tho new owner proposes to conduct n dairy and alfalfa ranch, hut will add sugar beets as soon as shipping facilities re provided. Courier. Duy Medford mado candy nt tho Shasta. If you try them, you will eat moro pickled pigs feet, 10c a lb. at Pish Market. 207 ThlevcR entered n Hiuall house on tho premises of tho Trail Lumber company In tho southwestern part of the city laBt Tuesday and stole there from a number of saws and other tools for which tho local bIouIIir are now looking. No clue Is roported as to the Identity of tho thieves. Saturday, ir- one quart nlumluum (Hiuce pnns lfic, one to n customer, Crater Lake Hdw, Co. Probation Officer C. It. Ony 1b In Cold Hill today Investigating a re ported case ot destitution In thnt vi cinity. Something now. Personal, engrnv v Xiniis greeting enrds. Sco tho lino at Medford Printing Co. A. llrown of Snu Francisco Ih n Medford visitor today. See Dave Wood about that flro Insurance- policy. Office Hall Trlbuno Hide. W. . Mftndoi nml Phil Flood of Portland are doing busluesH In tho Bouthorn Oregon metropolis today. Hot Tamnles nt thn BhaBta. Mr. i.nd Mrs. !;. W. Cross of Los AnKolos aro visitors In Medford toda, (1 (,. Camp, of Midland, .Michigan, Is loot. lug about our city and vicinity tod.u. a much Interested newcomer Hnllod ham and nacnn at DoVoo's Smoke n King Spitz cigar, Cc. They aro homo-made, A number of local football fans left this morning for Kugcno on the K 20 train. A considerable number, lu ad dltlon to thno named Inst evening, will go tonlKht with the party con ducted by A. H. lloHonhnum. Mrs. Florence Sponror, recently from the oast, has opened dross mak ing purlers at 3t! North Central. 208 Friends and neighbors of a needy family lu the vicinity of Cold Hill are apeualliig to charitable people of this ctty to help them by the contri bution of clothes such as shoes, stock lugs, underwear, and other nppnrel suitable for children from t to 12 ttir old. Such assistance will he lirHtotully received by Charles Ca, who resides at 17 Newtown stieet, himI who will sen that thu faitiU) lu question rocelves the doth prompt ly. llargalu In Nines Delia at St. Mark's (lulld Uusar Friday and Sat- ut'iluv nf thtfl un.ilr Ham A ad arson left a sushi- hoet at the Cumiuarolnl olub today that weigh sixteen pounds, 1) Voe delivers the Orogonlan to Mm ever day for 75e a month. Peter Jacolmuu. while pruning In an orchard near Talent this morning, fell fioiu a ladder and brokw two rllia. Try oud ot tuuao big loo cold 6 cent milkshakes at Do Veo'a. Mrs it ckurs. whii has botMi U Itlng frleutW iu this ltj fur it mouth, will Uav for Latkhw tomorrow. stopping for a day lu Ashland Six members of the Medford hlghi t!eo. Ingram of Pctaluma, u poiil-l school football team, desiring to see tr man of much experience, Is looking the Oregon-Aggies game at Kugene Saturday, and without the necessary wherewithal for railroad fare, decid ed to beat their way north Their street clothes were sent forward by morn lucky ncqualntnnroa its haggnge and the hoys garbed In old clothes, liourdod the blind baggage on train IU Thursday evening, other members of tho teum l)oln down to see them off. How far they got before ejection Is still u mutter or doubt, hut they hope to reach Kugene by Saturday noon. Mrs, Loach, Ahdo-Support and Harcley Htirglcnl corset, at 320 N. Ilartlett. Hear Hobson at lle Page, Sunday, Nov. 21, nt 3 p. in. SOS Hprague Helgei, .tack Merrill and Karl Tiiluy were among those leaving Friday f or Tflugene. Ilutterniit bread at Do Voo'r. Senator Von der Hellon of Wellon left Filduy for the Kugene game. Olympla and SoalRhlpt Oysters at Medford Fish and Poultry Co. A. P. llapp. route agent Tor Wells Fnrgo & Co., did business In Medford yosterdny, returning to Oakland, this state, today. Ho visited Jacksonville while on his regular out of business. Tho volume of business done by Wells Fnrgo & Co., In this city, continues to Increase, notwithstanding the pes. nlmlst's proneness to talk about hard times. Liggett & Myers premium depot nt tho Medford Cigar Store. 211 L. 11. Davis of Portland Is doing business In this city today. Mngarlne sulisailptlons nt the Med ford Cigar store. Lowest rales. 211 Special low priced on all pipes ut the Medford Cigar Store. 211 II. L. Prnthor of DCs Moines, In., lu shaking hnnds with former lowans todny, whllo ont a tour of the const, liavmp enjoyed n week nt tho San Francisco fair. Mr. Prathcr is much lmprcfsed with tho possibilities of this vnlloy, Judged by what has al ready been accomplished, and will he glad to find opportunity to come again In the slimmer time nnd enjoy a sight-seeing trip among tho nat ural wonders of Southern Oregon, You enn now got fresh pickled plgR feet for 10c n pound nt the Pish Market. 207 Payno Albright of Wlnnomuccn, I Nevndti, Is visiting In Medford and vicinity this week among relatives nnd friends. "Gots-Ii" for Corns. SURE as Sunrise ! Any Corn, With "QeU-It" on It, loan Absolute "Gonorl" Tea, It'H tho simplest thlnir In the world to get rid of u corn, -whon you uno "CIMh It,' I ho world's greatest enrn-riililcr It. ally, It's nlmoit a plciisuru to ha coma Just to boo ' . W) &WM "tfir "Mi-U" 1'uU Yuur lVet In Ciotrr. tbcm como off with "Oc.It." It luit luui in tlio corn from tlio truo lUu. fSJiiy, nml then nmkro It como 'Vlum oir." fi Iinurs end coral lor U . It nmUi'H ttio ue ot titio, coru- qui Ins Uiiutascs. trrttuttmr Mitwd. Lnivc. BoHsorn. unit nuora r lly Iih it rdktiiotw. Ciul rid nf tUotrt coiiii ui'li-' u, B'n'lr, iiulnlcsHly.- tui.t i miiv it, "uciij It." for w. r a mid Imalou , too. U'i the Dili orutury way. "Clcts-tt" la soul l nit dru 'Klsts, Kr a ! ttt. v nt dUt'U Uy U. , lMwren'n,v o ,t'Mi;m;o. CTTT? Warner, Wortman Sl Gore for - -sX, (-1 'Utl "" 3 HI Wlti ff sytv ABPW TOO WANTJtD uth Tt nassii'V. Irrtaiitvd To imrchsiw raMca. prttfr local ion iu district north and iwat o( Mmlfttnl; dac must 1 Irrigated or nndur itropos ed axtvHiiuH of Irrigation ditch: prir must tw raiHaido; gtr prlttt and l4t taritts, sian stantioM, towMhty aaMl rawgu Ih KHilyltig. AdirM P. U. ltox T, Mwlfont. ohhihii. ::ta ; lCAV.dS. " V"-r .Ifi'v 1 t'L S "rSJ" Leavo your order oarly for your Tlmnksgiving Turkey. Slmultlcr Pt)i'k, 11. 10c Snlnin rfionk, ll. 18c h'miiid Kh'iik, lb. 17c Chufl; StPttlv, Hi. 15c Kerf WiMi(, Hi. 15c and 14c Hwf Bull, Ik . 10c nnd 18c W10NK70I over Itoguo river valle this week with a view to finding a sultnble lo cation hero nt figures which he can afford to pay. Ho will probably ar range for the removal of his pens of utility poultry -to this valley some time in February, should ho con cludo to make the change this year. Vuletlne Moeld of SaeramHnto tar ried a day or fio In Mcdfoid and vi cinity on his way to North Vnklmn, Washington, nnd what he saw here In the way of business opportunity may cause him to ehatiKe his mind about locating In tho Central Wash ington town. 110 acres lltitto Creek bottom, all under Irrigation at n cost of ten cents an Inch. Will grow all grains, al falfa, clover, onions, celery, sugar hects; one fourth mile to depot. This Is a proposition that will Interest you If you want something good at almost tho cost of water. 'Prom tho owner to yoti. Ilox 111. Kagle Point. Andrew llendoraon, who Is Inter ested lu the dairy business nt Tilla mook, this state, has been touring tho valley for a week. Investigating conditions hern In that line of bus iness. Ho will go to Khnsta vnlley, California, tonight. ' Order your turkey early for Thanksgiving. II. K. Pierce, Medford Hook Store. 211 NOVliiMT.HK 10. lOia -rr-z r" ' i. -.... .n s iii a rtrtrn niiMAiiti nnrn oninurn HO! ITIMO ,U AL VAAAMM k viirau uiLKN .w r r in i imLLLumsrmuLu CABINET CRISIS ON WEST FRONT GOLD MEDAL FOR i. : -- ' ' , lllDimiB OP CIPTIdM FORD TO ASK WILSON FOR PEACE CONFERENCE ' 'l)KTR()IT,'Xin'.'(lfj..-1l,.iry Ford, niitomohile 'niAituMi'tiirei. uuntiunei-il tiiiln.v that he will go to Viihiuglou uioii to di'iis villi President WiNoti the plnn tn hnvi- the I nited States ,'oin :i coiiteioiii'c of neutral nations for the imrpn' of lintigiiif. nlioiit pence in Kurope With Medford trade is Medford made. HO.AIC, N'nv. 111. A nuehnteit (Hi linteli t the (liorniile D'ltalin inv: "On ni't'omit nl' ilis-en'.ions which are IiolOiimIdk tn nrie in the liln-ntl put ty of Ku-uiiiiiii nnd the unyielding opjHwition of Take JoncHeu. former minister of the Jnteiior, nnd M. Mlip esi'o, fourier minister nf win', I'refriicr lifitinno IniM dctmed it neetwnrv t Hiinlmon before Kliif Ferdinniiil cor Inin "cimtoih, ili put leu nnd otliers ninoiiK the nin.t impoitnnt persoimli tios of the party. To llit-M' ivr'-oii' emifidentinl "tnlementH iMneehiim: Hie Uiimutiiun policy nre Imijii given. "The (iu"-tii)ii of UuiiMinian neu trality seems uhout to enter it decis ive phnie. The rnptditv with wliieli events nre moving iu Serluu is hast -ciniijr a decision in this regurtl, pnr ticulnrly ns both Ittissui nnd Austria lire eoiKcnlrnlinj,' tioops iienr the northern boumhuv of Uiiinaitiu." NEGROES LOSE CASE WASHINGTON', N'ov. 19, -The dis trict Btipremn court toduy dismissed uii action brought by I,. M. Johnson of Loiilslann, and other negroes against the government to recover more than $00,0011,000 which they alleged was duo to their ancestors as slaves for involuntary servitude lu connection with federal handling of cotton during tho civil war. Tho action was brought against Secretary McAddo. PARIS, Nov. 10. There has been spirited fighting In Alsace, accom panied, by throw :ng or band gronados, according to the announcement given out this afternoon by the French war office. Fight German aviators flying over r.OSTON. Nov. 1'.'. tti'liaui Dwi'i Howe's ot Ni u i'i' tdi' mm iiw.inlcd the tri'M iiieihi! l- ll'e Nil tiomil ln-titnle i.f Art- nnd Letters, i'nr distinguished wmk in I he writ ill" wns i ........m.. .....r.. ,.Mrciin,t hi. I'mncli .if Heliiin. All, llowells wns imr airmen. Five of them wero driven present, hut n letter from Iiiih wp uwny, biit the others succeeded In , rend by Itiple.v llitelieoeK. s,..reini throwing down severnl bombs. Three persons were wounded. Tho text of the communication fol fel fol eows: "In Alsace on tho plateau of Uff holz and ut Hnrtmiinn'H-Welllcrkoif there has been steady spirited ar tillery fighting. "Fight Cormnn aviators endeavor ed yesterday to fly over Lunevllle. "French airmen went up In pursuit and five of the Germuns wero dofluct ed from their objective. The remain ing three threw down n number of bombs on the town. Theso missiles wounded three persons. Tho mnterlnl damage inflicted was unimportant " of the institute eires-dnj: Ilia appro- einlion. A ineil.il is annually uwuril (.'. for d'slinirtiisrh'd service to art- in letter, iillhoiHtli it i" ripiiliUd llm; the iveipient need not nctvn.tril.v he ii member of the oivinizatioii. New members elected hy the insti lute were ninouneed (is foMowv I'lmrlcs It. Miller, llilui R'nd, Hours 0-honi Tnlor. Robert I. Ait ken, .limies Km I Frnsci. Merlriim t? floodliiic. Ureck Trcwhriiltxe nil L" Now Yoik Finest Krotyer, St. Louis; Aitie Oldhii", Kii-ttiii. 111.: (1. uilicl llr.iilford, l'llerv Sed-i wiel. mid Rail' Ad tins ( Mini of llo-'im TALIANSSTILLHGHTING 10 CAPTURE HO.MK, Nov, IS Continuation of thn despcrnto and long continued struggle for f'orltzla Is recounted 'i mi official statement Issued today nt the headquarters ot thu Italian general staff. liaBAlKk. xa mMJSi HARLAN, VA In. CORTLEY, V,i In. ARROW 7vS(ci COLLARS 1 lf ctfli Clr.lt, fuMr L Ci lie. Hikm J t'v- THANKSGIVING SALEf olDresseSy Tailored Suits, Coats, Millinery, Skirts, Shirt Waists and ; Furs., Many things to be thankful for, especially thankful that you f can buy such up-to-date merchandise at such big reductions just -77"": when you need it. t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y y . - ! O - Y 1 Thanksgiving Sale of Evening Dresses ami et not ai Xow Kvoniiitf Drosses that liavo only boon in fh'o shop throo wooks, in ohit't'ons, nets, oliilTon oombinations, voiw spooial prioosS 12.85, Jj13.05, $14.95 and $19.85. Street and Afternoon Dresses At Thanksgiving Salo Prices IMany hamlspino now models to chooso from. Xono of those have boon hero over throe weeks, in taffeta and velvet combinations, niossalino and velvet com binations, serge and plaid or Roman stripe combina tions, serge and niossalino combination or charmouse and (leorgetto combinations, all very spoeially priced at ?i:-!.!)5. 91G.95, ?19.S5 and $22.S5." New Blouses Millinery Sale ONE - HALF PRICE Your unrestricted choice of onr entire line of Trimmed ami XJntriminod Hats, niittiy beautiful Pat tern Jinks, ns well as hats from onr own workroom to choose from. S".;)r Hats now $7.f)0 Hats now .() Hats now $1").00 Hats now .. . L9S Flit rimmed Shtipes H'JJ.flS I'nt rimmed Shapes $5.00 lTnt rimmed Shapes .S2.98 ,p.75 Ji.75 $7.50 S?l.i!) $1.99 $2.50 Tailored Suits and Coats At Thanksgiving Sale Prices Every Tailored Suit and Coat in stock verv much 111- derpriced. One lull rack ot Coats SS.95 Those aro not all this season's conrs, but excellent styles and colors and much belter than von bin in a regular way; some of theso an- full satin lined throughout and Stylocral't garments, real values to 15.00, stile $8.95 Hy far the greatest line of Blouses wo hao ever shown. The very latest tho market affords iu (oor gotto and laffetn combinations, crepe io eliinoi and tub silks; a pleasure to show you such a line of waists and so reasonably priced, at $2.9S, $:J.9S, $4.J5. $5.45, $5.9S and $7-15. r-r J? r -z GOTHAM GOLD zTlOSe Of JjMXltG stripe hose 9fako'lnxita Syntactic Sik uy (?(thain Hold I lose'of r.uito are nuui spun silk, have n Stripe Hose, these v,,,-,.,,.,, ,,a,U, riM .op, . bla-k and lllXt white .... Others spcciallv priced at $11.95. S12.S5, $1G.S5 $1M.G5 S27. 15. .Alorc New Tailored Suits added to the line; theso came to us as samples, which enables us to put them --bu, $-l.(5 ami b2i.15. THE NEW CHARACTER DOLLS You must see this now line of Hutch Dolls. Indian Dolls with thoir pappooses. Princess Seattle is much admired, also cowboy and cowgirl dolls, habv dolls, etc.: a jjivat aggregation of new dolls, 29c, 59c nn to $7.50. l DRESS SKIRTS At Thnnksgivinir prices. ISverv salo The Daylight Store 50c white and colors..$l $6.95 and $8.95. JACK TAR MIDDIES in sorgo and flannel, skirt in stock bears a (JuIs'.Middv Di-osses special ticket, priced in (bthitoi nnd sr.mm at 2.98, $3.98,85.98, at $1.98, $2.49, $2798 and $5.00. Jr7&?t .unesargs gjrU Complete Stock Dent Gloves t V ? V T t V r T t t f ? V t t T f T T T T t V T t f v t V V f T t i 9mwKwKcmww, V T V W W w&rr- T