Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A, Edgar Mann, of Eurokn, Califor
nia, tarrlod In Hertford a low hours
today on his way to Portland. "Tlia
pconlo pf Eureka," Bald Mr. Mann,
"aro very much interested In tho pro
posed highway from Iloguo river vnl
loy to our city. It will provo to bo
n tiptop proposition for both termini
of tho lino. It will rIvo ub a now and
shorter lino of travel out of our sec
tion this way and It ought to provo
n groat ndvanlngo to tho pooplo of
this valluy In tholr effort to roaoh
tho coast and San Francisco by a
moro direct lino. Thoro will bo no
lack of enthusiasm over tho project
when tho wprk of oslnbllBhlng the
highway shall begin."
National prohibition rally at Page,
Sunday, Nov. 21, nt 3 p. m. 208
13. J. Ncdd, manager of tho Union
Mont company'H business In this city,
left this morning for Northurn Cal
ifornia points on his regular soiul
niontlil) visit to the trade of that sec
tion. Auto for hlro. Phono .10 1. 208
.Mr. and Mih. .loo lloonmn of (iolil
IIIH spent Thursday In Medfoid.
Oood dry wood Jl.fiO jior tlor on
ground, 'it, P. Montgomery, C19 S.
lllvcrsldq. ' 221
A. P. Corjiull of (Irants I'um has
spent tli v wtok on mmIiium in Alcil-
. O. Gerklng, tho best all nround
plioWgrnnlior In southern Oregon.
Alwnys rollnblo. Negatives mado nny-
wherc, Utno or plnco. Studio 228
Mnln St. Phono 320-.T.
A. C. Alloji' has returned from u
trip to Klmnnth Knlln.
Aut9 for hire. Phono I SO I. 208
Mrs. A. W. Stono, of Medford, Is
npvndlug a fow days with Mr. and
Mrs, C. I Nutting anil Mr. and Mrs.
Don Onlvort. Grant Pass Courier.
Postago stamps nt v: Voo's.
Thoro Is a vacancy In the office of
liostmnster of Climax canned by res
ignation nnil a new postmaster Is
Smoko h King Spitz cigar, fir.
They aro homo-mndo.
IS. II. llaiiloy and wife Imvo return
cd'ftom the Han Krnnclaco oxposl
tlon, Wostpn Cnmera Shop Tor first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Immro your auto In tho Alliance
ngoliist theft, fire. C. V. Tongwnld.
W. llumphreys, n buslnosfl man of
Whitney, Minn., Is a Medford visitor
today. . . . .
Iluy Medford mado candy nt tho
.1. V. McMeekon, of (Itillco, Is In
tho oily on a (maliiotm errand this
Komotlilnic now. Personal, nngrav
nil Xintis grueling cards. Soo tho
lino at Medforil Printing Co.
P. II. Nav. of Hilt. California, Is
doing limine In tho Southern Ore
gon metropolis today.
See Davo Wood About that firs In
surance policy. Office Mull Trlbuna
1C. Hart, or Ashland, Is nodding
good-naturedly nt his Mdford friend
today but he Insists that his report
ed pinna into thtt billows of matri
mony In Northern California recently
Is the tomtit of mistaken ldtutlt.
Polled ham nitit uaeon at DoVoo'a
Mis Alms Wren n. of Pr!iirltt,
This itstc.' nrrlvml In Medford jctttrr
iluy, nftftr a Visit of a iv dnys at Asli
Uml, and may ctincltitlH to luntulii
j HoUTnmnUv) nt tho Shasta.
i W- liri'Mlw, of AHmnr. thhraUle.
Is lit tbo city and vicinity today on a
httaluesa errs ltd.
Kieah mitatori pttaniilt at l)u Voo's.
W. It. Mcl.Mid of the t'pper
Itugue, Is doing Uuslnexa In the rlt
Hoihb mado taffy nt Ho Voo's.
llriit Hamilton and Hilly Auder-
auu, of It urn, uro In Medford today
ou a "shoiiplng tour."
Chowiutln creams, oraniels, chips,
poAiiiits, etc.. only SOo a lb. nt Do
J IC. Trumbull, of Portland, is do
I UK business lu Ike alley mrtiopolU
Ooii't turgt to order fl.-lt !i,
fronh aud fln at the Mviliord lib
;iiu4 Poultry Oo.
Itutta falls Wood Yard. Phone is
or m. Wood all kiwis. :,-)
II. Q. Wortinan, of the firm of
Warner. Wurtinau & Gore, .f t (
t'Uy. whs able to hwve the sanii.u . ( j
lu Pdrtlaud eatly this wwl. .ml n
now visitliiK friends lu ,Iihii
will return to IM cltv tits Utter i it'
of (his week Ills mn filen.l.- in y,
will Im glad to leain tttal lie u n
, Idly toeoring and will mum i
Hbltt to lesuntu liuhtnewi
pUUble' S A II. green ii.iIm.
stamps glteu on ull purrlisM I n.i.i
and Saturday at Wsteis :.
i . - . ' i i i. ii
too bATirii) russirv.
w7 nt is h lioiUbuTg 1 1 u ..Ti 1 1 ' t C, .
old for' aftitrnoanji to ti.k. . i.hi .-.
of two-yonr Qll oJlJlU. Aj'i' -in
S. mvomlflo. so..
POrt SAIJI .V goQ'l matorojcl ian
be seen at Motorcycle shop. Sp-u
building. -,,x
C, J. Krje, after n business visit
to Medford and other business points
In tho vnllcy, rolurnod homo last
evening. Ho Is not wholly ploasod
at having to go so far mound to reach
Copper, California, but Is hopeful
that tho shorter roulo wjll bo estab
lished soon.
All of tho newest cuts, shapes and
tinted edges In writing papets. A
fow of what wo carry Hi our window
this wool:. Mddfonl Hook Store.
Miss Ioretta Powers, of New
Havon, Connecticut, Is vUltlng with
frlonds In this city for a fow days
on her way home, after an absence
lu tho west of a year. FrbiltHiorq
sho will rotuin by way of Ssu Fran
cisco, nt which point she will stop n
fow days to onjoy tho big show.
Moving plcttues of the Pendleton
Hound-tip, the great cIrssIc of tho
western sports, whs presented nt the
Page thea,lsr' Inst night to a large
ntldlence. Tim picture aro unusually
ooil. nml worth while.
Judge C. II. Watson, of Ashland,
who has been enjovlng two or three
weeks' sojourn lu the Klamath coun
try. Is a business fsltor in Medford
When bettor insurnncn Is sold
Holtnos Tho Inanrnnco Man will soil
Ashbiiry Towald, of Tneomn, Is vis
iting In this city mid vicinity, mid
may remain for soino time. He Is
greatly ploHsod with our valley and
especially with Modfonl as n prom
ising business center.
Do Voo buys beer bottles.
.fohn Almnrl, of Port Townsond,
Wash., is In the city on it visit with
friends and relatives here and In Tal
ent. Mrs. Plorento Spencer, recently
from the oast, hits opnnod dross mak
ing pallors at 2.'t(! North Central'.
Mr. mid Mrs. K. It. Train, of Den
ver, Colo., are visiting In tho Rogue
river valley metropolis font fow dajs
while en loitto fiom a visit at Vic
toria, II. C,
Nutting pictures and Klser pictures
represent tho very best lu Intuit col
ored photographs. Medford Hook
C. 1 1. Thode, of Dundiim, Saskatch
ewan, Is a Medford visitor this week.
.1. T. Itlchardson, Tether of Mun
agsr Sam lllchardson or the Model
Clothing Co., will enjoy a turkey j
dinner In his sou's home next Thurs-
((iay. before leaving pit his return to
his homo lu Northern Missouri. Mr
Illchardgoii will go fiom Item to tho
San Pldgo npost((nn and from tbero
to 0imnl, near f.os Angeles, to visit
with n sister nt that plai'o durltig'tho
winter. This la Mr. Richardson's
fourth winter visit to the lloguo river
vnlley, with the cllmuto of which he
Is r ready pleased.
Try n King Spit cigar and en
courage homo Industry.
The Ashlaud-Modroid foollmll
game on tile former's gridiron on
Thaiikaglvluji itav promises to uttni.t
u big crowd. ICach team promUes a
duflulta seers In Its faor and each Is
equally eonddont.
Drs. A. R. nml l.oitUo Hedgos, chi
ropractic physicians, Stewart build
ing, 2B Past Main St.
Thomns Sosntlln, ,1r . was fined 110
In .ludge (lay's court this morning for
speeding lu his auto Young Mr
Hcaiitllu chained i i.e the flrnt Wctlm
or the reieni di letmiiiatlou on the
pail or Hie pel te d. put to -top
reiklenK drlMiu on tln .-ueitt tf
A It, Miller, or (irants Pass, who
Is In Moil ford today In tho Interests
of the construction department of
Twohy Pros, work ou the drains
Pass-Crescent City railroad, speaks
verv opllinlsllcnlly or tho prospect or
getting the bnel sugar factory at that
point. "Put wo are not .stickling
about that point," he said. "Oilr pur
pose Is lo get the far mors In tho no
tion of Inking ndvnutage or this splen
did opportunity to nisko moro money,
to make It mors surely, to escape the
middleman nml to get nil there Is In
tholr wprk of cultivating their soli.
Titev have net been doing that in
Southern Oregon. Tho groat bulk
of our rosources arc yet undeveloped
that Is, scientifically. That class
or work Is only beginning. It will
bring with It the advanced Idon or
diversified farming tnd when tho
farmers get properly Into Hint lino
of business, Inducing the establish
ment of lifdustrlnl mid commercial
enterprises mid taking care of their
home market, their rortunos are
lor watch worx tnnt satisfies,
.Johnson tho Jeweler. 320
Miss Surah Morris, or Sclo, this
state, who has boon visiting with Mrs.
Penn, resident on tho Kilst Side, and
other old time friends In this city,
among them K. I,, Daloy, of the War
ner, Wortmnn & (lore store, loft today
for a brier visit with rrlcnds In (Irants
Pass, rrom which plnce sho will go
to Springfield for a brlof stay with
former nolgiibors boforo returning
H you try llinm, you will eat moro
pickled plgti foot, 10c n lb, at Klsh
Market. ' 207
HI. S. Young, supremo chancellor or
tho world or tho KnlghtH or Pythias
Will meet the local knlghtB at IC. of
P. hall Saturday e.vonlng. The chnn
cellor and party nrrho Saturiluy
morning nt 10:15 o'clock, mid will be
shown about the city during tho day.
All Knights In Southorn Oregon aro
Invited to attend. Mrs. Young will
be entertained by Pythian sisters.
Mrs, Leach, Abilo-Support and
Uorcloy surgical corset, at 32C N.
Ilartlott. '
Mtoor J. 11., or Cold Hill,
accompanied by .Mrs. mid Miss Ileo
mhn, Is mi official visitor In this city
yesterday and today. Mm. lldemnn
nnd daughter arc enjoying it brief
visit with friends, whllo Mayor IJce
mmi Is ''getting n lino on" tuning
tuntters, his flitlc city now' being In
the throes or u paving rover. That
the streets of Cold I II II mny bp paved
with gold is no Joke. RestdontH pick
up gold In the streets of that thrifty
business center most any old day and
some "pooplo down there claim, that
they coiild make a rortuiie, if'tho'y
had time, by working the gold ore
that Colonol Ray has thrown away.
Tho rock In that town ,mtd vicinity
Is noted for Its gold bearing qtlullty
nnd we may expect to road of many
wonderful nuggets picked out of the
crushed material with which the
streets will soon be boulevardcd.
Hear Holisott nt tho Page, Sunday,
Nov.21, nt .1 p in. 208
.1. T. Little will leave this afternoon
for Dixon, Illinois, accompanying the
remains of his brother for Interment i
at that place.
Butternut brend at Do Voo's.
Among those who have alicady
signified their willingness lo go to
Eugene toiuoriow evening to witness
the football battle there Saturday l)e
tweon the O.. A. C. and tho Oregon
loams are: Seeley Hall, Dr. Secley,
Mrs. Ulnck, .Messrs. Adams, Strang,
Vilas. Ilnrdwell. Hill, Porter, Mitch
ell, Senator Von der llellen, Plckcl, '
Tu my, Norrls and Rolgel. Agont A. I
S. RoKenbnum will porsminlly conduct i
tho party.
Olympla mid Senlt.hlpt Oyatorrt at
Medford Pish and Poultry Co. i
Mrs. A. P. Notli. of this city, will
go to Crnnts Pass tomorrow on n
social vfslt with friends lu that clt.
Haggagemnster Stlno Is evperlene-,
Ing difficulty these dnys In tho se
lection of a new name for adoption as
a New Year gift lie says that tho
prohibition vote of this stato in tho i
recant election made It Illegal for
him to handle his present nnmo In a
retail way after .January 1, 1910.
The nil star baseball teams, tho
merlcmis mid the Nationals, will
The Truth About Coffee
"L have used (lie highcsl
priccd col fees, paying lori.v
to forty-five cents a pound,
and always thought I was
gelling a superior quality,
but when necessity cuinpcll
ed me to find a cheaper qual
ity L found it a discouraging
task until J tried Uerinan
Aineriean and how we use it
all the time and like it better
than any wo have ever
So writes one of our Os
wego, Ore., customers. Ne
cessity .compelled her to find
a cheaper coffee by chance
she tried Cl-A and she liked
il better than the higher
priced coffees.
The truth of the iliatier is
tluil (l-A is better than most
of the higher priced coffees
on the market because we
give you the benefit of low
green coffee costs. Lang ev
Co. were the only roasters on
the Pacific coast who shared
the saving with the con
sumer when the coffee mar
ket dropped and this price
will be maintained until a
rising market forces it up.
Ve want you to try Cl-A.
It may not suit, you we
cannot please everyone a
single can will tell the story,
and the saving is quite, worth
tSteel Cut Coffee
Vawter Is utteiullrig the rall-jpass through Medford ou tho 10M5 ,
road, land grant conreronco at Salem train tomorrow morning. i
New Herbal Balm
for Skin
Disease !
So many nltrcr.! curr for ulcin llraie are now on the mrWt that rare li nrcmury.
vie tell an me will known tkin, but wo ui My inn, mat ntn we acm
to line I) LAMA, tlie new herbal halm, we are aJil-niR ou
rmrdiei. hut us Kill nv tills, that htn we arivinc vnn
halm, we Are Ailll-ltn? otl rich! We have fnuntl until-
ins that bculnt to rtiual thti lei inula, made exdiiklvrly from Nnltire'a healing herb rure
niter cure and horn reports all cum necm to be permanent. The best part li, it Elves
imtant relief from the moit Intcnte MifTcrin.
Ihe I.akcvltw iJilnnatoricn ol l hicartn nave jutt eivrti iij the rxclmlve tight to irt
nmc town, ve like llils Iirc.vise li t.AMA n i
D'l'XMA in our home
incrnli thruUEli uivlnt; aatttlaclion to lln nilTcrerr
tjlulieJ, cuc aud scl yeur muncy back.
Sotuu lu ruakc us man
I uma In tiHlav ami net n box on our uuarjiitce that If It iloeiu't tuullie ami
---,1--. ., - ... -. - -- -.
roit ou noinuitf. il you are not mnrougnir
rou you ami bruin heallnit at oner. It will
wi:st huh: imiakmacv
zz " :-
SBShi 30c
W 3 lbs
Tho "Royal Club" Hou?o
I.M'rwhcre nun (ompl.un ahout
work; even Imijn nii(ljitls in sihonlor
huHttu-M linil work tedious ami hk
suuui, but it isn't th wutklulfiiu mtu It
nh tluirown laik o( ihj steal strmtli
that in.ikis it Itattl.
Uuh blood, Mr mtu lungs .mil Iteiltlt
til dtttiii in.ikc wik pU'asitr.tblc
ill buMitcss, in stlnil or ittt Iioum'
virk. .uui if iluse who .tie easily tiretl
who are not hk. but weak ami nor
voiikwtmld just take Siott's Vmul
iitm for one month ami 'let its june
coiuent rated food ric.ite pilar blood
to imls.ile llirouj;!! itry aitery and
vein let it build a Mm u'uv of ltealtli
tikMie and w oti vigorous strt-ntlt
votiwi'tild nnd Vitki t- andwoii'd
lt5ik for more ln-it op biott.
icon MW VI i in. li. N J tf 14
, t s f
u : 1 - T" - 1 &
Table Linens
Qunlity First Hero
72-Ui. 1 1
worth $
evv All-l.iueii n.'iniiusk.
,7.", ret till juice
New Fall Cloakings
Our assortment of these materials has been
strengthened for this sale; prices, too, have
been lowered. Many short ends to close out
below cost; reL'iilar$-.00 values,
12000 yards Staple Apron (Jinjrhani,
worth np to he yard, for only-..
yo at....
Ksiiii Uettvy j-rade All-Linen Imnia
nlar price $li), special
sk. ret;-
Apron Gingham
.. 5c
Outing Night Gowns
Outing Flannel
Heavy Out in,"; Flannel, always sold
at l'JUc, at this sale only
Heavy White Outinjr Xiy;ht Clowns foi
dies, sixes up to -0 special for this
sale onlv
98c i
I'.xtrn spe-i;d value in All-Linen Napkins at
from $1.39, $1.G9, $1.89, S2.19 ui to $4.00 per
mr iair h
HI, .JBPf Tw xViYB i
-... . , j,
.ii r
I ' i in .
' Mi ll(i -.lii' I
Turkish Towels
Com fort crs, made foi
1.'J., now
old weather,
In our Millinery Depart men! we offer
llijfl1 Class Hats, also newest Irini
niiiitjs, at discount of
50 ?
ll-civy 'I'uikish Towels, full size
n jfuLnr 'JHc tirade, special price.
W.ool Blankets
Wool lUyukets at a bijf saving.
Pictorial Patterns
Mctori:l Pattens always in stock the
las full chart-and cutting
Art Embroidery
only pattern tha
in iiii-Ii ()bl -lea'-n iMiihroi'terv lancti, verv
'oft no siin or dcv-in. extra
'jood value, ptt-itl price
Devonshire Cloth
lv'vonshiif ('kith, all patterns,
onlv ..
ICjo.sljtlit Sju'clnllM
.fi .nf mr
fW'wp' & msmd
Crepe de Chine Waists !
Now 'niv tli fkint' WmiMi. white, Of) F( &
I'l.ok ami flf-h t'olois. . .. J?iWDJ t
: y