Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
nnln Tonight nnd Friday.
.Mux. liO; lln. 3B.
forty-fifth Your.
Dally Tenth Yrar.
NO. 200
Wide Turninn Move of Bufrjarians
Threatens Monastlr ami Prilepr,
and Evacuation Inevitable Ger
mans Fail to Make Gains of Con
sequence. LONDON, Nov. 18. Nows from
tlio HiUknns continues to bo a patch
work of unconfirmed rumors nnd con
tradictory assertions, without official
statements to establish clearly tlio
present status of affairs. Tlio Ser
bian armies, with Insufficient ammu
nition and Inferior numbers, havo
been attempting vainly to meot the
wide- turning movement of tho Ilul-
garlans, threatening I'rllcpo and Mon-
nstlr. Somo dispatches from Athens
report Prllopo already Is In Ilulgar
Inn hands. All ndmlt tho Serbian
position thcro Is untcnablo and that
evacuation of tho city Is Inevitable.
News that tho Bulgarian ndvanco
southward Is proceeding rapidly and
has reached a point within a few
hours of Monastlr is said to havo
caused consternation In that city,
where tho population Is fleeing to
Creek territory.
Muuostlr In Danger
Judging from tho slzo of tho Bul
garian forces rushing from Tetovo
southward and from tho Initial suc
cess of their turning niovcmont,
which. has changed ontlrely tho mili
tary situation In Southern Serbia,
Monastlr Is in distinct danger. Not
only has tho Bulgarian maneuver no
cenltatod abandonment by tho Ser
bians of their positions ut Uabuna
pass, but tho Serbian forces which
havo been holding this entlro region
are now in peril of being surround
ed and cut oft by tho Bulgarians ad
vancing southward from Krushovo.
Little Is known of tho Serbian sit
uation In tho north, except that de
termined roslstanco is still being of
fered by tho Serbians ngalnst both
(termiuis nnd Bulgarians, who havo
Hindu no frosh gains of consequonco,
Kiirro.vse for French
In Southwestern Sorbin successes
for tho French nnd British nro ro
portcd. Tho Bulgarians nro said to
havo been compelled to retreat on
tho Vnrdar front and to havo sus
tained a check nt tho hands of tho
British in tho Ilnbrovo section.
Both Kugtuud nnd Franco have
greoted with great onthuslasm tho
joint war conforcuco held In Paris.
It Is regarded as marking greater sol
idarity nnd moro concerted action
among tho nllicd armies. Although
no official information has been re
ceived concerning tho subjects dis
cussed at tho conference, it Is as
Hiimed tho principal matter under
consideration is tho Balkan situation.
IIKHLIX, by Wireless to Sayvlllo.
1 British fonos attempted a surprise
nttaclc yesterday on Corinan positions
along tho road botneou Messlncs, in
Belgium, six miles south of Ypros,
nnd Armontlorcs, to tho south of
Messlncs. This attack the war ofico
unnounccd toddy, failed
In tho Argonno tho French mado
preparations to cxplodo mines. This
action was anticipated by tho Ger
mans who evacuated tho trench mon
need y the mines.
Tho Austro-aerman forces In Ser
bla continue to press back their op-
lonents. The wa- dflco announced
today that tho town of Kursumlya
had boen occupied by German troops
after bob; abandoned by tho Serb
ians. Several hundred Serbians and a
number of cannon wrro captured by
the Germans.
GUAM) HAPIiis. Mi. Ii.. Nov. 18.
Alfred Iirt Wurhiirg, formerly
of tltig cit, w Leinjt detained iu Eng
land, apparently supK.-td of bring
n pv, HTcrdins to information which
jeaciud here loud),
Dr. Cecil Greil, Only American Sur
vivor, Directly Contradicts Aus
trian Report of Sinkinn of Vessel
by Submarine Bombardment Last
ed Forty-five Minutes.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 An nf
fidavit by Dr. Cecil Qreil, tho only
native American survivor of tho Ital
ian liner Ancona, directly contradicts
tho Austro-llungnrian Government's
official (itatement that the ship was
not shelled by tho attacking submn-
rino after sho stopped. The stnto de
partment today was notified of the
existenco of the affidavit by consular
Tho te.t of tlio message which was
sent by American Consul Mnton of
Algiers follews:
Contradicts Austrian Story
"Cecil droll, intelligent, impartial
witness, deposition not coiicIumvo as
to whether any effort was taado to
cscnpo by Anvotia. First intimation
danger when .sho was in dining sa
loon. Disturbance on deck, stoppage
followed shortly by shots .which
struck vessel. Testimony proves that
bombardment lasted forly-fivo min
utes nnd was continued after vessel
had stopiK'd, hilling- nnd wounding
mnn persons. Sho saw destruction
vessel by torpedo; saw red and while
fhg and six cnt.non on submarine.
Knows nothing c.s to other Ameri
cans. Information Algiers nnd Iti
rerla considered to demonstrate con
clusively that thirteen vessels were
sunk from 3d to 7th November by
submarines going from Gibraltar to
ward Anconn,"
Waits 3101-0 Details
Secretary Lansing will tako no ac
tion, however, until information of n
moro definite character regarding the
more essential details is received.
Such information is cted by ca
ble from American consuls and pos
sibly frum tho French government,
which is understood to be taking dep
ositions. The state department considers
that Mrs. G roil's charge that tho sub
marine fired on the Aucona after the
ship stopped may be taken us eon
cliisiw oidonci'. Whether warning
was given still is nu oikjii question.
Secretary Lauding considers Hint the
evidence on that feature is inconclus
ive. It was pointed out today that
because Mrs. Groil was the only nn
tive American survivor of tho disas
ter, much weight would attach to he
Consul Mason will attempt to get
more affidavits from citizens of
other nationalities, preferably from
Flow Austrian Flag
Secretary Landing is of the opin
ion that the right of visit and search
enn be carried out by a submarine
without actually placing sailors upon
the deck of nn intercepted ship, and
is n incnsuio to prove tho national
tv of a vessel. The Gorman govern
ment since tho early days of the war
has demonstrated that a submarine
can detenuiuo tho nationality of a
vessel without actually placing mem
bers of its crew nboard.
Mrs. Groil's statement of the color
of tho ilng flown by tho submarine
was taken by officials of tho state
department as being corclusive ovi
denco that the submersible was fly
ing tho mnal lhig of Austria-Hungary.
SEATTLE, Nov. 18. The force of
men working in the wrecked Ilavons
dale mine of tl.o Northwestern Im
provement company, where twenty
two dead miner Are vet to ho taken
out, was doubled today.
Slow ptogross is being made iu re
uioiiiu? t!iH fallen rock and timbors.
Of tho (bitty-one men killed by a
dual Ut Tuesday, the bud
io of nine have bean recovered.
Clarence Parker, member of the
state induktrial commission, is iu Ha
vens Jalo looking after relief of the
families e: (he victims.
Busy Scene at Salonikl, Where Anglo
French Reinforcements Are Hourly
Dcbarklnrj Transatlantic Vessels
Used as Transports Great Fleet
of Warships Guard Port.
SAL0N1KI, Nov. 1 f correspond-
.cnoo of tlio Associated Press). The
very approach to Snloniki foreshad
ows the presence of wnr. Tho lone
reach of the Gulf of Snloniki reveals
a continuous procession of whips go
ing nnd coming, and froiji their stan
dards trail tho most unexpected Hags
Rumanian, Pelginn, Dutch, Hussinn,
Kgyptian nil engaged in sotno way
in victualling- the foreign troops con
centrated on the doorstep of tho IUil
knns. Huge transatlantic liners, French
and British, laden with soldiers, glido
toward lite harbor, whoso entrance is
guarded by a common tug metamor
phosed into a wnndtip by armor and
a gun or two. The warship at the
gate of Greece's second port flics the
French, not the Greek flag. Koch en
tering vessel 3 hailed, nnd while not
visited, is requested to givo an ac
count of itself before it is permit
led to pass tho gateway in tho steel
net whose presence ncross tho nar
rows is marked by a lino of floats.
Sccno Animated Ono
Within tho harbor whoso safely is
secured by this net against subma
rines, the scene is oven more animat
ed. Not since tho Inst Halkun war
havo so many whips gnthorcd beforo
Saloniki. Out in tho roadsteads lie
French and Ilrilihh warships, nnd ono
Italian man-of-wnr. To defend tho
interests of Otcece, a tiny Greek de
stroyer hugs tho shore, a pigmy
among giants of war.
If the harbor of Snloniki is a con
glomeration of strango flags and of
every clnss of ship, it is as nothing
iu comparison with the quays. No
Port Said nor Marseilles ever knew
so polyglot a 1 label or saw such n
kaleidoscope of costumes.
Hands of British Tommies push
their way down tho crowded streets.
Hntish officers, canes in hand, sweep
the sidewalks from side to tide,
driving the countless itinerant vend
ors into tho street. French salute
Greeks, Greeks salute French. Hut
tho British salute only tho British
Cosmopolitan Sccno
Cosmopolitan as nro the inhabit
ants of Saloniki at any time, they arc
more so now than ever, increased ns
the population is bv refugees from
Serbia, Macedonia and Thrace.
Among the permanent inhabitants, to
julgo from the streets, Turks seem to
BoKides the Greeks, the .lows and
the Turks, tho quays of Snloniki me
picturesque also with bearded Lev
antines of nondescript nationality
that might have stepped from the
"Arnbiun Nights."
When night fulls the lights at the
mastheads and iu tho portholes of the
assembled thips spring out. At the
doeki a huyc French transport un
loads its cargo of human beings. The
shouts of the men nnd tho clank of
cranes como across th. water without
ceasi'ig throughout the night.
At midnight tho gates cloo. Tho
lights in the harbor go out ono by
one. Patrols of soldiers with bay
onets set French, Greek, British--march
up and down tho pitch black
side stnts in search of stragglers.
PARIS, Nov 1, Premier Asquith
nnd his nsitstarts in the British war
council, who havo been in conference
here with thoir French official col
leagues, left today on their return
trip to Loudon.
The departing Iti itih cabinet mom
bor were cheered by crowds of .mmi
siderahlc size a the train on which
they were passengers pulled out of
the station. Nothing has boon given
nut concerning the itroceediuys of the
council, but it u known that the con
fer ncc nulted in complete accord
bctwoon the reprosentntive! of the
Inn niitiniis nn rcrtnin dinlnnintic.
military an4 uaal questions.
'liMl "IDENT
(c10MI)UwoortJucvo rwiwo
Tho assuming of Miprcmo eomiimtul of nil tho llustlnn armies by the
own wis nmtktsl by a suinptnous military review of Cossack troops fntiu
tho Caucasus, in which tlio joung czJirotltch, fully m-iiitcrutcd from his
recent Illness, took part. This is one of tho first photographs showing tlio
little czarevitch nt his father's left.
Governor William Spry, with the
unanimous concurrence of tho state
board of pardons, telegraphed Pres
ident Wilson this afternoon that he
would not interfere with the cast of
Joseph HilUtroin, sentenced to be ex
ecuted tomorrow for the murder of
J. 0. Morrison. Tho governor tel
egram wns in answer to ono received
nt noon yesterday from the presi
dent, rcipioHtiug a reeoiibidurutiou ol
tho ense.
Arrangements for the execution ol
Millstrom havo been completed and
he will bo shot to death tomorrow.
Governor Spry said in his tele
gram to President Wilson, declining
to interfere further in the Ilillstrom
ense, that ho is satisfied tho prcsi
denlV request is IuimM on u mis 'on
ception of tho facts or Dial thcro is
some reason of tin international na
ture that tho president has not dis
closed, that a further postponement
nt this time would be an unwarranted
interference with the course of 'pis
lice, and Hint, mindful of tho obliga
tions of his oath of office, he cannot
and will not lend himself or hi of
ficn to such interfennoo.
Ilillstrom had not been advised of
Governor Spry's action at .'1:30 this
nftcnioon. A death watch ha Iimh
placed over him and will remain un
til he has been executed, which will
probably b cany in tho day.
SF.ATTLF., Nov. 18. William
Holt, aged M, hotel owner, real es
tate dealer and fruitjnowor, who died
of tuberculosis hist night, boqticHlhed
neaily all of hu 110,000 otttntc to
Miss Joe Susuki, a Jupnnoc woman
who had hoen mummer of a large
hotel hero iu which he owned a half
iutcrot. Miss Suauki gets Seattle
real estate, valuable fruit laud iu
Yakima county, cash and personal ef
toots. The will bequeath 70U0 to
S"nttle charities. Holt came to Scat
tic from Dni-r -jxlecn vonr ago.
LKAVFNWOIiTII. K'nn., Nov 18.
Frodoriok McGinn, a prisoner in
tho United States penitonUsrv here,
who wm hinf taken to Portland, Or.,
to stand trial for robbiuK the I'uiHd
Stutm iujmW, ox-aped from hi two
guant by jumping turoagh the win
dow of n niovinfc aseuiewi- train iiwar
Sand Point. J da ha, In tiitfht. nccunl
ing to a tilcgrtun reeeiu'd hue today.
HFLLl'NO, Italy, Nov. 18. An
Austrian aeroplane threw five bombs
on the city nt 8 o'clock this morn
ing, hut only ono of them exploded.
Thrco persona were slightly injured.
No material damage was done.
Tho report of the aerial raid on
Belhino apparently clears up the
Koine dispatch sent out last night by
tho Stofani News agency, which said
an Austrian aeroplane appealed
"over tho city" nt 8 o'clock nnd
dropped live bombs.
Tho nnmo of (he place bombarded
vn not given nnd it was inferred the
dispatch might refer to Home
Belhino s on the Piuc, fifty-one
miles north of Venice.
I'AHIS, Nov. lfi. Important biic
cousch both for tho French anil Brit
ish forces In Serbia nro reported by
tho AthoiiN correspondent of tho Ha
van iiKcnoy. According to thin In for
matloii, which tho correspondent says
U official, tho Bulgarians havo lout
tho town of KuHturluo to tho French
and havo been dofoatod by tho British
on tlio Valondavo-ltabrovo front.
Tho corrospoudont, whoso dispatch
was filed yooterday, addu that accord
ing to tho latont news rocolved by
AtlioiiK nswapnporn, tho French won
a striking victory ovor tho Bulgarians
on tho Tlthlrkowo-Schovo KrusHCvl
tva front. Tho battlo was waged for
two days. Tho French wore groatly
outnumbered, hut used thoir 3-Inch
guns with groat offoct. Tlio Bulgar
ians are said to havo siutalnod uuch
hoavy Iohhoh that they gavo up tho
fight nnd retired northward to tho
rlKht bank of tho Vnrdar river.
PVIIIS, Nov. 18.- There has
Molent cannonading in the loiet of
Gitnchy, iu the Artoix di(rict, ac
'oidintf to the announcement given
out I y th Pi each war office thi af
ternoon. Tha text of lb ntuteinent follew:
"In the Artoi dint rift them Imu
been a viultut cHnii.niadiiiK iu the
frct of Giveiichy. W )imv ii rough t
ubout a eujicfMli'utiou of thu fire of
our hunch ffiin uuuiiut the Gnnau
puftitiouM at Herbvcourt, in tho al
ley of th Kuwait, and w Ikivh boui
Imrded veiv vi(orouly the Gsnimn
tien.die-, nt Autreclien, on the uoith
buuL ut (he ir or Ane.
Refuses to Permit Use of Name In
Nebraska Primaries Declines the
Nomination Mailc by Petition
Consent Not Necessary for Candi
date In Nebraska, Says Secretary.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Associ
ate Justice Hughes of I ho supremo
court today notified tho secretary of
state of Nehraskn he would not bo a
candidate at tho coming presidential
nriinury election, nnd requested that
his nnmo not bo placed upon tho bal
lot. The formal declination of Justice
Hughes to which he took oath before
a notary and which was telegraphed
lo tho secretary of state at Lincoln,
was as follews:
Declines Nomination
"A petition having been filed with
you on November Kl, 1015, request
iug that my name he placed upon tho
official primary ballot of the repub
lican party for tho primary election
to ho hold in Nebraska on April IB,
l'J.I(t, ns candidate for tho office of
president of tho United States, I
hereby notify you that I dcclino tho
nomination mado by this petition or
similar petitions and request that my
nnmo shall not bo placed upon the
ballot for such primary election."
LINCOLN, Nob., Nov. 18.- -Tho
placing of the name of ssociato Jus.
lico Hughes on tho ballot at the com
ing presidential primurico as a can
didate for the nomination of presi
dent will rest with tho decision of
Secretary of Slato Peel.
fii Bun Hint Anyway
Secretary Peel in a message to
Justice Hughes' secretary today stal
ed that "this department reserves the
right to make such ruling, iu tho
judgment of the soorolnry of state,
as appears to bo within his province,
but Iho ponmnul u'lsho of Justice
HiujIioh will receive most careful con
sideration.'' Tho Nebraska law proxides Hint
tho names of candidates shall appear
on tho ballots upon tho filing of his
name in a petition signed by twenty
five supporters, 'iho acceptance of
tho candidate is not necessary-v A
petition for Justice Hughes has been
Secretary Peel's decision will bo
mado in a few days.
LONDON, Nov. 18 -Ilaron Ulbblod
dale, said In the houso of lords today
In addresnlng a quostlon to tho Mar-qtils-
of Lansdowno, that ho under
stood Lieutenant General Charlos C.
Munro, commandor of tho Ilrltlsh ox
pedltlon ut tho DardunolloH, had re
ported In favor of tho withdrawal of
tho Drlthih army at tho Dardanelles,
Tho Marquis of Lansdowno an
nounced tho govornmout asked Hurl
Kitchener to visit tho oastoru Medi
terranean, because, In its opinion tho
report of i)lr Charlos Monro nnd tho
ovldonco aecompunjIuB it did not
seem sufficient to emiblo the gov
ernment to como to u conclusion upon
tho gre't: qtifstlons of policy Involv
ed, DOl'GLAS, Ariz, Nov, 18. Gon
oral Obregon was reported oarly to
day to have uncountorod n Villa force
of unknown strength south of San
I'oilro, whllo conducting a western
(lank movement on Canaiioii, Sonora,
with uu lufantry forco and a few Hold
General Callo's column of Infantry
and heavy nrtlllory was said to bo
nouth of Villa Vordo.
A coosorelilp on nowa of troop
movements of Obregon's .troops,
Coroner's Jury Composed of Six
Wrll-Known Chicago Physicians to
Hear Evidence Analnst Surgeon
Who Refused Operation to Savo
Life of Defective Babe.
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Mrs. Anna
nollingcr, mother of tho defective in
fant which was permitted, to tlio ycH
tenlay, wns told today of tho death.
Sho mado no comment except to
repent that denial of tho siraplo op
oration which would havo saved tho
baby's lifo was host for all cou
cornnd. A jury of six of the bcst:known
physiuinuB nnd surgeons of Chicago
wilt bo chosen to hoar testimony at
an inquest ovor tho baby's death,
Coroner Hoffman announced. Ho
expected to empanel tho jury at once
and before night select a ditto for
the inquest.
HnMdton'N Statement
In n signed statement Dr. Hasclton
guvo his case:
"I say again that it is our duty to
defend ourselves and the future gen
eration against tho mentally defoctivo
wo allow to grow and suffer anionic
us, nnd add to our burden nnd our
problem. All conscience says it U
our duty.
"Fanners select tho best stock for
reproduction; tho best seed, without
runt or other disease, for sowing.
"Poor humans rely only upon
chance, nnd .defectives nro ns wcl
enmo as tiny to enlarge families.
Think of it!
"And only the mother will look af
ter the idiot di'ibl. If tho mother is
take, the father nitil brothers and
sistero will not enro for it. It is
pitched into an institution forthwith
and there tho burden of the poor
unfortunate is weighted down even
Crlino to Henl Defectives
"Institutions nro nn abomination.
To herd tho insiino or the lesser dc
fecthos like cattle, us is dune, is a
crime nnd n sin. And to make mat
ters worse, this unfortiinato class has
no attraction that is going to draw
the kecpor, the guard, tho nurse or
whoever tukos care of it, to greater
kiudlinofis. Those who tako care of
tho iiiKnno, many of them, grow un
feeling, unkind and inhuman.
"Yesterday I was nsked to allow
that child to live, knowing what I
know. I fool toward some of my
critics ns I would toward ono who
would willingly allow a hydrophobic
dog to run in u flook of sheep and do
us impulse, directed, hccatiso this ono
hhrank from hurting or crossing tho
"If children of homo of mv critics
were killed or injured by a defoctivo
they would tee u gootl reason for
checking the supply of tho latter in
Iho world. It is only when an argu
ment is brought straight homo, into
the very ooro of tho homo, that rea
son is bom. Too frequently it is
true, unfortunately.
Many Tales .IMtlublo
"I havo talked to too many moth
er! of defectives to say otherwise. I
havo talked to too many mothers of
defective) to ho bwayed in my judg
ment on this prosont ou&o. Jfany of
tho tales arc pitiable.
"Ono woman I know has u son who
is quite sub-normal. He is an excel
lent swimmor and delights iu tho ex
oroitio. Once I said to her: 'Hut sup
pobo fomo liuio he would drown V nnd
the mothor, with pitiful promptness,
" 'Wouldn't that bo a bIo,in5'.
"Tho mother, I Knew, did not prny
or avk for tho boy's, drowning. Hut
at least sho did not hope ngninst it.
(Continued on pago six)
Hogiuning of tho flight of tho
Luitod States army aoiopluuo squad
ron from Fort Sill, Okhi., to Sun An
tonio was delayed todav bv hiuh
wind- Fort Sill reported a fortv.
mile- gale there, and -..aid it was pot-
stole tho machines might not attempt
to fly today at aJh