Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 17, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Sf a
Showers Thursday; cooler.
Mnv. I8..".; Mln. 13.
forty-fifth Tear.
Dally Tenth Yrar.
Monastlr in Perilous Position Bul
garians Take Pcrlcpe, Threatening
Flank of Franco-British Forces
'Fate of Bahuna Pass Uncertain
Conflicting Reports.
LONDON, Nov. 17. Tho futo of
tho Serbian army may bo only a
matter of hours. Monastlr, In south
west Sorbin, Is reported to be In audi
a perilous position that tho consular
officials linvo dopnrtcd from tho city.
From tho various conflicting reports
which havo reached tho public tho
following apparently may bo deduced
as facts:
Tho Bulgarians havo taken Kruso
,vo, and uro six miles west of Pcr
lopo. Thus tho southorn Serbian ar
my nnd Its Franco-Urltlslt allies aro
confronted with tho Imminent peril
of nn outflanking movement.
Tetovo is in tho hands of tho Dul
gnrlans. Threatened nt Ilnhiina
Tho futo of tho Serbians holding
Habuna puss 'Is more- obscure Ouo
ropoit says that tho pass .has been
forced. It scorns certain that tho de
fenders nro at least threatened so se
riously that their position soon mny
bo untenable
With Krusovo and Unbuna In tho
hands of tho lnvndors tho fato of
l'erlopo would bo scaled and tho road
to Monastlr opened.
Whllo tho military situation bo
. tonics darker from tho standpoint of
tho ontento allies, tho diplomatic
phaso of tbolr Near Kastorn venturo
Is somewhat moro favorablo. Grccco
Is giving sojno Indications that alio
is Hcoklng n solution of tho problem
which would bo presented If tin en
tonto troops should tako ruftigo In
Grecian territory.
Tlirontonlng fiivcco
It Is clear1 that tho entente powers
nro bringing considerable prossuro to
boar on Greoco, not loast of which
is Kngland'd dctontlon In homo ports
of n fleet of CJrook merchantmen.
Greek shipping Is making enormous
pi of Its out of tho war, nnd oven
temporary check of Its activities
'would mean a great loss,
Along tho eastern front Intcrost
conters on tho attempted re-crossing
of tho Styr, whoro the Austrlans nnd
Germans claim nn Important success.
1'ctrogrod roports moroly admit Aus-
tro-Germau occupation of tho village
or I'odguclo, about fivo mllos fiom
tho river, and n slight adyanco east
of that place. It Is asserted the nd
vantago gained by tho Teutonic forcos
in this region Is duo to tho arrival
of rolnforromonts from other sections
of tho eastern front, and heavy nr
tlllory brought up by rallrond. From
tho conflicting roports it may bo scon
that tho cast bank of the Styr Is hold
by tho HiiRHlnns, whllo tho buttle for
the crossings Is still undecided.
deports from tho western front In
dicate that tho military activities
tbero aro limited to rathor general ar
tiller) exchanges.
PAWS, Nov. 17. -The tirM meet
ing of tho joint Anglo-French wut
council wn hold hero tlu afternoon.
Tue taking part wore Premier As
(iutli, A. J. Ilall'nur, tirst lord ol the
admiralty; J)nid LIod Gourde, miii
j.ter of munitions and Sir F.dwnid
(irep, eertarv of foreign affair of
the Ilritih cabinet, whila the Krone!)
jtarticiptoiU wwa Prowler HriaHil,
(Jeueml Galliaoi, nini'Ur of war;
Admiral !-, winUttr of warm.
and GetwnU Joffra, tho Frek eo-uundrr-iiwhwf.
Tho trip of Prssaisr Aquith and
bi iudlcauc to Pan aitiwIuM thi
inauitunitK'n of the mac-ting t tb
IIunI war ..nncil of which the pit
mir pk' ii i' huuM of eominun
on N'uvoiii' ' '
The fa- i ' i'1' ""Mitfr i- .!
f'oiiiMiurl bv naval nnd mihtHrv ad-i-t.
i an iudi'.(liou ihut idir '-
i a r II "! thr !'!- ' I1'" t"'
Carp Credited by Bucharest Newspa
per That Balkan Nation Will Take
Up Arms for Teutons In December
Nation Is Preparing for War by
Seizing Materials Needed.
BUCHARKST, Nov. 1'J, via Lon
don. Nov. 17, :t :'J 0 n. m. (delayed in
transmission). Former Premier
Cnrp is credited by tho newspaper
Adeverul with the statement that Hit
mania will tako up nnns on tho sido
of Germany in December. The pro
diction Is niiiile by M". Carp that nH
soon ns established communications
make it possible, Germany will innko
new offers In Iltunnnia in tlie fonn of
an ultimatum requiring u reply within
forty-eight hours.
i i
MILAN, Nov. 17. A dispatch from
Ilitc'lurest to the Comoro Pel In Sera
snys that the official journal thorn
has published a decree nutluiiizing
tho minister of war to requisition im
mcdiiitolv all things ami mnterinls
necessary to the nutionnl defense, the
articles enumerated comprising met
als, wealing apparel, medicines, cloth,
ma(,!iine for military supply factor
ies craft ot all kinds for river traf
fic, railwnv material and combust
ib'w. Trm'.osmcn nro required to de
clare what Ihey pnscss of these
things and also of other prime ne
cessities. Tliis is l.iken, says the newspaper,
ns an indication that Hii'ii'.iuia sees
the impossibility of maintaining her
neutrality iiiiHi lower.
SHATTLi:, Nov. 17. Thicc bod
ies were reeoNcicd tins morning from
the Northwestern Improvement com
pany's mine ut llnvousdnlo, whore
thirty-one men were killed yoMerday
by n dust explosion. Twonly-fie
(lend bodies arc still in tho mine and
three men taken out unconscious last
night have been roviwd.
Tho bullion teeovercd today were
on a thud level, near the nimn slope.
Tho debris has been cleared away
sufficiently to admit tho rescuers
into nil tho workings of the mine, nnd
it is expected that all the bodies will
bo recta orod this afternoon.
Timber and tho top and sides of
tho gangways aro down in nn iucx
trinablc mass. Inasmuch as tho air
has been pronounced good, the work
of iceou'iing the bodies will be puis
ccutcd over tho fallen debris, only
necessary timbering of a temporal'
character being done.
Some of the miners, nnd those
about the surface when tho explos
ion occurred, dcclnio there were two
distinct explosion. This might
mean that gas was fii-t fired anil
the dust explosion, of greater conse
quence, lesiiltcd fiom the lirt Hash
of flame.
NKW YORK, Nov, 17 -iCongCB-tion
of feright In and around New
York contlnuos to bo so groat as to
cause shippers and transportation
companies serious concern. It It at
tribute! mainly to tho ruth ot food
stuffs and war munitions for ship
in ok t to the belligerent nations. It
was stated today that one railroad
has upwards of seven thousand load
ed ears bleoked between Pittsburg
a ad this city and that several Jinn
dred freight cars with locomotive
parts aad railway equipment for Rus
sia are laeludad In the blockade.
Tho preoidNt of one of the large
oaalarn railroads declared that hun
dreds of freight cars with shipments
for Russia were sent from Pittsburgh
to Seattle, an unusual course. Other
shipments were sent to Montreal la
n l-i iv rt''ij New otk.
Story That Submarine Fired on Ves
sel After It Stopped or That Boats
Were Sunk Pronounced False
Greatest Panic Prevailed Upon tho
Doomed Ship.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. n offi
cial communication from Auntrin
Hungary, forwarded to Secretary
Lansing today by American Ambas
sador Pcnflcld, denlcH categorically
that any shots wero fired ot tho Ital
ian liner Ancona after sho enmo to a
stop, or that tho Austrian submarine
which torpedoed her shelled her life
boats, as has bcon charged.
Tho text of tho communication
front tho Vienna foreign offlco ns
glvon out by tho stuto department
Su)s Annum Fled
"Submarine fired warning shots
ncross bow of steamer, whoroupon
latter flod nt full speed. Sho thus
carried out instructions officially giv
en all Italian steamers nt beginning
of war to attempt escape upon being
held up by submarines or to ram, ac
cording U tho position of tho latter.
"ICscapIng steamer pursued and
fired upon by submarine, but did not
stop until receiving several hits. For
ty fivo minutes gl,vcn passengers nnd
crow to leavo ship on which greatest
panic reigned. Only a portion of
boats lowered which wero occupied
by monibcrs of ship's crow who pulled
hurriedly nway. Great portion of
boats which would ahpnrcntly hnvo
sufficed for rescuo all hands, wore
not occupied.
IUiiinn Anronns Crew
"After about Hfty minutes submit
rlno submerged on account rapidly
approaching vessel, torpedoed Ancona
which did not sink until further lapso
of forty fivo minutes. If many pas
sengers lost lives, blame rests entire
ly with crow, because Instead of stop
ping upon warning shot, fled nnd
rompolled suhmnrlno to flro nnd ho
causo crow ondonvorcd to savo only
themselves nnd not passongors, for
which tbero was niuplo tlmo mid
"Story that submarine fired upon
loaded boats and peopln In water Is
malicious fabrication, for reason am
munition was too valuable for sub
marine It for no other reason. No
other shot fired after vossol stopped."
smooth out difficulties In tho wny of
party success In New Jersoy was tho
object ot n conferonco at tho whlto
houso today between President Wil
son and democratic leaders ot that
stnto, including among others Gov
ernor Floldor.
Govornor Floldor hns announced
that ho would not bo a candldnto for
tho United States senate His decis
ion, he said, was Irrevocable.
Other partlcpants In tho conferonco
Included Stato Chairman Grosscup
and Thomas H. Hlrch, United States
mlnlstor to Portugal, who Is in this
country on a vacation.
PARIS, Nov. 17 Investigation by
tho Italian govornmont bus disclosed
that the submarine which torpedoed
tho stoamor Kirenzo was a German,
says tho Rome correspondent of tho
Journal. Passengers and erow of tho
steamer, all of whom wore savod,
are said to agtoe that the sailors
aboard tho submarine wore German
uniforms and also that the German
colors were hoisted first although
the Austrian flag was substituted
If the Flrense an Julian steamer,
was sunk by a Derma subnurlNe, It
might he regarded by Italy M an act
of war. There has as et boon no
declaration of hostilities bet eon
Hal and Omul)
&fWhW A
.ggggHf HrTW'
sIssssssssssV Wi
Bi VtssssssisB
HKf 'Xjdpggggggggggggggggggm
A -7 ' JiggggHgHgggggggBil '
. TtS- JiLBggggggHHwggflggggl
Samuel i'opH'r?, piosldenl of Amerlcaii l'olcratloii of
clemency for .Munlcm lllllstroni.
LONDON, Nov. 17. Tho Ilrltlsh
hospital ship Anglla. was sunk by a
mlno In tho Kngllsh cliannel today,
Throo hundred men wero saved out
ot a totnl ot 385.
A statoment Issued by tho official
press bureau gavo tho news ot tho
disaster. It said that of tho i:i offi
cers and 372 men on board tho An
glla, 300 had bcon savca.
Tho Anglla was a merchantman
which was taken over by tho Ilrltlsh
admiralty after tho war began and re
fitted as n hospital ship. Sho was
commissioned in August of last your.
Thoro aro four Ilrltlsh steamships
named Anglla, Tho onn conortod
into a hospital ship probably Is tho
former London anil Northwostorn
Hallway company steamer of 1SC2
tons gross. Sho was 21)0 foot long
and was built in 1910 at Dunharton.
At tho tlmo sho was commission
ed, tho Anglla wns In chnrgoot Com
mander Oscnr V. I)e Satgo, retired.
KIOTO, Nov. 17. Tim people ot
tho empire mo fcastimc and rojoioinif
over the coronation to mi extent
hitherto unknown in tho hitory of
tlnptn. The street of Kioto last
night were filled with patndors. Tim
scenes resembled those witnessed
luring the cniimalx at Now Orlemm,
I'nris and Nice, except that they had
an Oiienlal bcttiui?.
Foreigners worn stiudc with tho
friendly spjnt displayed by thv
crowds. In spile of the Kiety titer"
wcio no signs of public intoxication
and no dinonlcrfe.
fount Okttmii. the hjjoiI premier, i
siifforinj: under the stmiu of tho 'out'
program, but pluekily continues to
take his pint.
Tlia officer, of Hie United Stale
cruiser Saratoga, who wore nut pres
ent nt the third coronation funat hold
tonight, W"ie entertained bv the
ma.or or Kobe at a Japanese dinner.
IMTThpl lid, ... 17. A''inU of
the I'lench 'tovcnuin'iit Uute luti
trying for fvil dnys to Aw an
onU-r hors for 9,0O0,(U)0 lumd fin
d, but U was said by sterl men
today that tin v hvr uu4 with little
UCeS Old'. I'm -l'l' WM MUllt.
wl, US til" V ! be l'i.i'.-d U.
Frsuei'. bnt ip i i .i ' nfi win. i -tevtr
ii. nil' ill t - i Mil .
not rare to fxpenment.
Morv fore".'li ifrlilx ht now in tllf
PltUbuitf di-tii' l ti.ll.L' ' bi'v -!
prjd i i tiijii .11 .' pn 1 1" ' i
NOVRMHER 17, 1015
l.alMir, iishcd
LONDON. Nov. 17. Tho Greek
government appears to bo adopting a
loss uncompromising attitude, says
tho Athens correspondent ot Heutors
Tologrnm company. It Is hollovcd to
bo seeking a satisfactory solution ot
the question ns to Its attitude toward
allied troops.
Tho correspondent says King Con
stantino has oxprossod a denim to seo
Karl Kltchonor, tho Ilrltlsh secretary
for wnr, who Is now In tho Near
Hast, nnd discuss tho situation with
him from a military standpoint.
Tho Unitarians nro still carrying
on tho movemont Intondod to turn
the Serbian positions nt Kahuna pass
mid roach l'erlopo. If tho movement
succeeds tho Serbians will bo forced
to abandon Habuna, but tho oper
ation Is considered hazardous for tho
HulgarlatiH, In consequonco ot tho
lack of practlcablo roads.
Allied troops aro leaving Salonlkl
dally for the Serbian front
WASHINGTON, Nov 17-Cnr-rann
forces m northern Mexico to
ila,N war dispatcher hhow, linvo
their e.nnp.ii'-'ii rninst the it-tionting
Villa cnliiii m in full uwmg. Villa
himself iva i'eKiitcd near Mnda
lena. Geiioral t'anliuns with -0(10
troo! Iiiih loft Nhoo to begin the en
gagement with Villa mid (leueral Oh
loiron llie Curinna commander-in-chief,
is expert nl to It ic toi'av with
' thon-apii iciulori-eineiits,
I.ONUON', Nov. 17- Official nn
nouiKomout wus mudo that I'rotulor
Asqulth, Korelun Becrotary Grey. Ilu
vld I.lojd-CieorKe, minister of muni
tions, mid A. J. Uttlfour, first lord
of th admiralty, hsvu arrlvsd Ju
I'wrU for consultation with ths
I'reiKh government.
LOMMJN, Nov IT xirordiuK to
raporls from lii rinsn sourctis, for
warded from Tua llaaue by tb ('
1 1 at vws, 11,000 Arabs bava Juiswd
ith tha Uritiaa arssy in Meaoiki
tauila II This army Is sabl to liava
uiiiwai bed Mil bill a fw liilli-s of
President for Scconil Time Requests
Governor Spry of Utah to Recon
sider Case of I. W. W. Leader Sen
tenced to Be Shot Friday for Dou
ble Murder Governor Surprised.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Presi
dent Wilson todny urged Govornor
Spry of Utah, to reconsider tho case
ot Joseph lllllstroni, a Swedish citi
zen, sentenced to death next Friday
for murder.
Tho presldont sent to Governor
Spry tho followliiK tolegrnm:
"With unaffected hesitation, but
with n very earnest conviction ot tho
importance of tho enso, I again ven
turo to tirRo upon your oxcolloncy tho
Justice mid advisability ot a thor
ough ro-conslderatlon of tho caso ot
Joseph lllllstroni."
No Now Kvldenco
lllllstroni Is an I. W. "W. worker, In
whoso hohnlf President "Wilson ap
pealed to Governor Spry nt tho io
quest of tho Swedish minister sov
eral wccho ago on tho ground that
Hlllstrop had not had n fair trial.
Tho prisoner was given a rosplto but
eventually wan resentenced. A fow
days ago Mrs. J. S. Cram and Eliza
beth Gurloy Klynn of Now York ngnlu
urged tho president to nBk Governor
Spry to intorvono. Tho American
Federation ot Itbor In convention nt
Snn Francisco also asked clemency for
(loxenior Kiirpi'l'HHl
SAhT LAKE CITY, Nov. 17.
President Wilson's request for re
consideration of tho onso of Joseph
llilUtroni was received by Governor
Spry nt noon. Tho governor bad not
indicated thojialiiro of his answor nt
' o'oiocK', but it is e.xpeoled tho ans
wer will c forwarded befoo the
lose of the Jay. There is eonM-lcr-able
local speculation nw to wlint, if
any, additional eWdcneo in the ease
has been laid beforu tho president.
The govomor nnd tlio boiinl of par
dons have hail no new evidence since
tho ease wns find hoard by the bonrd.
Pierce, Crilehlov mid llatretlo, n
linn of Salt Lake nllome.VH who
wore retained lcccntlv bv W. A. V
Kliiiigron, the Swedish minister, to
investigate tho t'iio havo examined
the rocord-i and forwaided their ro
nort to Mr Kkinjjrai, but declinu to
indicate it - itatiiro or lo diM-iin it
in any iiiamier.
CLINTON, lown, Nov 17.- Flro,
which threatened tho outlro business
district horn todny caused n loss es
timated at 1 1 12,000, entirely destroy
ing tho buildings nnd stocks of tho
Clinton Grocery company, tho T. M,
Gobble company, nnd Schull-IIiiUhl-sou
company, candy manufacturers.
Instirnuco coois about 80 per cent
ot tho loss,
HH1STOL, S. O, Nov. 17 As tho
rosult ot tho fnlluro of tho First Na
tional bank of Drlstol, tho Farmors'
Stnto bank of Hutlor, was closed yos
torday by Deputy Stato Dank ISxhiii
Iner C. J. Lnndon of Watortown.
Torgus Strandnoss Is prosldsnt and
Toil Strandiiess, his son, oashlsr of
the defunct coiicorn. The former was
president of tho llrtstol bunk, ,
I'AHIS, Nov IT llrllaln
lias requnstod tho Hpunli novem
mcut to keep a Ntrkt wstrh sIoiik Its
eoaat Hue, ami ti'Ully that of ilo
rco, to uravvnt violations of nsu
trallty by asrtuaa agents, who ao
I ellevwl to ba supplying suttmarluea
a lib fuel and food at night, says the
luminals Madrid ivrraspondent,
NO. 205
Oriinnizntion of Business Men Form
Inrj to Entjaoc In Beet Culture on
Largo Scale Over $10,000 Sub
scribed First Day Colonel Ray
Offers Land and Finance Renters.
-r -f -r -f r"r
NEW YORK, Nov. 17. Tell
" mnnncr beet mie;nr camiinipn ""
"" to lutvo mcQtiiijjbnnkers nnd get ""
" fliem to iiki'co to loan each per- ""
son iiluntinp; beets the nmount of
labor iiill, secured bv Jien on "
" crop, then call meetine; lnnd- ""
" owners wlio have not signed up ""
nnd prcscnl bnnkcrs' proposi- ""
"" tiou. Tin? will undoubtedly ""
givo moro than rcipiircd ncrcngo. ""
" I will inuko nbove proposition to
tenants on my land suitable for
" rovinu; beets. Your county ""
" needs payroll. If you let this ""
" oppoitunity slip by the land- ""
" owners nro tlie ones to blnmo. ""
The nliove messngo from Colonel
Frank II. liny was received todny.
Colonel liny bus offered to s,ijjn up
nil land bo owns suitable for bccLtnil
lure, 110 acres of which linn been
neecplcd, and nprcod to finnnco tho
growing for renters.
It will not be ncccssnry for the lo
cal biuii'H to finnnco tho beet grw
ei-s, ns President Niblcy of the Oro-Koii-Utiih
Sugnr company lias sot
usidii ? 100,000 for this purpose,
which will bo tivtiilablb us needed
(filling Iho hcason.
lluwinoss men of Jfcdfonl, to show
their faitli in tho venture, aro rnisinp;
n .i'JO.OOO fund to fonn u eomjjany
to ciijriij'c in boot enlliite. Ovcr.hnlf.
of this aniount has nlrcndy been sub
soribed, nnd every publio-spiriteil.git-izon
is requested to participate. The
imporlnnco of scouring tho entor
priuo is universally ndmitted by ov
eryono "xcopt thu fanner.
W. II. flore lias jotunicd from
Poi Hand ami reports thut the ugnr
factory bus urouscd keen interest in
tlie metropolis, particularly at tho
stoohyards, whore it is predicted that
stock raising will bo greatly stimu
lated in this section by tho fuutory.
Hankers mid busiuosa men ho talked
with from Idaho told him that sugar
beets had created prosperity thoro
mid stimulated till lines of business.
Ilo is more than over convinced that
no effort should bo overlooked lo bo
curo tho factory.
This is the hibl week of the cam
paign, mid unless moro nutvugu is so
uurcd than i now '.iguing up, thu
project will bo lost lo southern Ore
ROME, iu Pa-is, Nov. Ill (delay
ed in IriitismiHaion). Italy, accord
ing to n s'utomciit obtained from n
reliable source, will in tho ond join
the nntonlo allien at Salomki. Tho
supposed iudiseiotinus concerning mi
Ituliun expedition to Albania, it U
1'iiidj nr purpomly being allowed to
circulate in ordr to divert atlontion
from Ittils's teal object. Propnm
tinus ara ui pioxreaa to send troops
to fealomki uud it is aid now thut
tho Italian gtmsrnl staff is only watt.
imr fr nn oppmtuue moment to do
taeli tho neeoasarv force, Tjtogg
troopa, it i undoratood, will lieeoniu
available now that the Itnliniis'ntu
ubtainisl control of tho plateau doin (lotivin, and ns th result of
Hit- ndvance tliVoiiiih tho Curso roiou
mid thniuwd conditions due to tho
winter can.paign
IJUKWKW Nov. 17.-Tlioodtr
M'lietila!t.v, Lie famous teacher of
the piano ix i'i'KiI at tho ago of 85.
LeM-lieM.'kx ni.ido hi debut ill -cuna
tu IV I "