Iff"- PA'OE FOUR i"IEDF0RD aCVTE TRIBLTKMRDFORD, OHKflOV, TUKST) VY. XOVKMTTK1? 10, 1915 J' ,.Sf v . m T I I f .'- w u tBf K w jn! irv f , f rfi L 1L- vm'. I iw ft -if I if i " I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE an iNnnriJNDKNT NKWsiAn:n PUDLIRIIKI) KVKIIY AKTHIINOON KXCUI'T SUNDAY 11Y. TIIK MEDI-'OIIU I'llINTINCj CO. Offico Mnll Tribune HulldltiK, 2E-27-29 North Kir street, telephone 75. The Dcmocrnllo Times, Tim Medford Malt, Tho Mcilfonl Tiliune, The Kouth crn Oregonon, Tlio Ashland Trhiine. BUBSCniPTIOJf BATES Ono year, by mat 5.00 One month, by mail 60 Per month, delivered by currier In Medford, I'll oo nix, Jacksonville ami Central J'oltit .KO flnturdiiy only, by mnll, per year.... 2.00 week, per year 1.10 ;fflclM Panr of the Clly of Medford. Offlelal Taper of- Jaaknofi Count)'. Kntered on sotuml-'-laas matter at Mcdfirrd, Oreuou, under the act of Mnruh 3, 187D. Hworn Clrcultlon for 1914. 2S88. l'nll luased wire Associated Press dis patches, f Subscribers falling to rccolvo pnpora promptly, phono CIrcu- Intlon Manncnr nt 2r.0-It. ? HONG KONG KOLUM . iHMnmw mm Which Ih correct-the hen Ih Hit ting or the hun Ih hoIIIiir'' .loiichlm. (Illnttcr to know whethgr lion In.xltiB or lyliiK when hIio cnckle ) Ami Until & Kuucott nrn In the In- muunca ImihIiichh nt Clinton, llln. (Whjtt'll you huvc, hot or cold?) . - f'siiM It Just posslbln Hint Copfd In , "shooting" Do Wolf Hopper, Lillian IlllHsoll mid Nut (lootlsv In lined ono uf tho modern (leminii machine guns? llm-coi! IlurroiighH- l know a niiin who looK'8 ho much like you thnt ono coujd hitrilly toll you upnrl. d.onilors You haven't hy mlnlnko pnld'hltn Unit fivo you owe im, hnvo j iituTMXllmtoii TnuiHcript. Jid AVojnlor If old lllll llrynn tins il li on id od military Imlr liruahoa? At till' I'llllHllll. 1)111 wild Mho must .huvo gifted hand To pny audi music awitot. Hut tlmn of courti), ho didn't know Klin iiluynd It with lir fuat. IMillndtflphlit l.otlior. Tiidii)'s llidlilnitoi'. Ctnii. von lllniloulMirK Ih ii html woiklnn Hnnvi'Hl. Onco, In linllclii. n niuch-iliiMirHl-ui pi'liii'idliiK (Milnrctl tho fluid itiiiraliiU'l liBHiliiuui'li'm. lie wni fnh (roiii llcrlhi tlrpanctl to tlio mill ti to. "I Imvo tho honor" hpgn tho visitor, . "I know you Imvo the honor- and I Imvo tho work!" upitnl the fluid liiurthnl, "what do you wunt " Siolhi'.s HorKiiln runiloi'. No, WODIOII uio not amplcloHH 011)11 turn. Mnuy of 'oil! will triiat h limn wltmi tho irnror won't. Cnrd of an ow weman: MltS. M. J. lMIIUl'OT. Kupl I'lowar Mlaalon Work, W 0. T. II. Cusli! .!n'i i 'lino? '.Mih.v wiae word nr poken In Jett." "Ami lolta ffHtllah unia nr apoli OH In (load oNruMl'" llihtoll Xoi Th ! ilnhy hnU for w tin uto of khaki rulor. t'llKO (JlHl'lt". CiiUiIh (To Mura lit trftnrh) Wky wr uu get Hug along ttte'lr Ih diciii ihta iftjitebf I'rlvato Murphy faith, o4UIh. (ho roof In tktr la au lv, hot in mm Hiilaltl to amlaa w pick, an' tkl walk in and hit lk grouHdl I'uaeu. ('4il lrrtr Ihirkn or XaUl. South AMM-lca. U a aubarttMi to thf Ainprl m Poultry Journal. ia ili Thl Tribune (And ma)! tUe ar MM avnro tiMt Joooa Uioodhlgh praetlroa mrdl tUd IH J AUwka t nrtv vM hff again aoon Bui I'UII MaajajMMai aoov In urd'- K I to HnViW WMIMN- to vhUh t ran tk 4Hft. mm ir rxxitm i. .' .i ii 1 1 . ' v i "ar JlLffJN SAA A NEW TIIK philosophers of today sire saying that (ho world ii'i'(ls a now religion. The deluge of blood that is drowning the millions of ftnropo. while the ir rulers saneti moniously appeal) to the Vlinighty as their partner in crime, calls to mind the crimson-stained pages of hi.storv, with hideous and horrible stories of tortures and slaughter in the name of (lod, the church and religion. We read of the poixoeution of the Christians in the time of Nero and .Julian the Apostate, with feelings of deepest hatred i'or the pagans. Hut the perusal of the pages of a later period prove to the unwilling mind that the Chris tian sects in their wavs against each other murdered their tens of thousands where the unchristian Uoinans slew their thousands. We close our eyes in horror at the picture of the hu man torches burning upon the cross to light the games in Cjicsar's garden. I Jut for met hods of torture the refined cruelties of that age were improved a hundred fold by the ingenuity that distinguished the Spanish iniiiisition and the peisecution for witchcraft in (lermany, England and the New Kngland states in colonial days. When we reflect that our religion has been in the keeping of those who, as late as the eighteenth century, burned women and children as witches and justified their acts bv the Word of Cod, little wonder it is that their de scendanls and subjects find honor and glory in an orgy of death and destruction. Apologists will fell us flint il is not the presenf-dny religion thnt is nt fault, but the failure to follow if. A re ligion must be judged ns other huninn institutions bv its effect upon the people who embrace if. and adopt il. A religion, however pure .some of ils precepts, or beau 1 i Pill some of ifs ideals, that does not elevate and ennoble its ndherents, is wanting in results. For centuries the world was ruled by tyrants who carried the axe. or fagot in one hand and the divine law in the other, and woe lo him who to them said nay. IJruno, .Jean of A re and Huss are hut shining examples of millions who paid with their lives tribute fo their conscience, while the exemplars and precursors of religion claimed henv en'.s reward for their extermination of Coil's enemies. The students of history are forcibly impressed with Ihe ovr-porvading evidence flint the cruelties of religion hnvo ever found their strength in the wealthy and luxury loving elapses. They never had their source in mud-wattles or cabins of the poor. Often file voluptuous fell prey fo the religious persecutions of his own class as a means of disposing of a rival, but the victims o'f the self-appointed agents of divine law were almost wholly among the de fenseless, the poor or their infellectu.'il defenders, who pre ferred denfh to life amid such surroundings. The reason is not beyond comprehension. All relig ions, pagan, Christian or heathen, judged bv the highest moral standards of any age, that can claim the respect of reason, had for their basis the hnrmony of mankind. At the basis of each of their, are the economic questions that have beset mankind. "The love of money is the root of all evil" i not nu idle aphorism. Paul understood the problems of rich and poor in his day, as well as we in ur.s. lie knew, as we know, that the love of money not only corrupts the soul of the lover, but it guides the hand that oppresses the lowly, robs the poor and starves ihe children. Thus spoke Zoroaster and Confucius. Christ attacked the money-lovers of His day in the temple, and lie who was looked upon ns a harm less doctrinaire up to thnt tune soon Ineod the nioh, urged on, doubtless, bv the unseen hnud of Hie classes, and for his temerity in attacking the leges of (hose dn.Vs who had usurped (lod s house as tin place fo ply their trade, lie soon paid lorloit of His life on the cross on Calvary. Socrates drank the fatal hemlock under sentence of dentil because of impious altitude towards some of the many gods thnt reigned nt Athens. Ibif he, too, in his teachings liad dared attack the sacred rights of property. Our record of those times, as is tho history of all times, is (lit view of the tyrant, the usurper, mid uoor of the op pressed, and doubtless if we knew the whole story of the persecution of the grent philosopher we would lonrn that the accusation of profanity against him, like thnt against iJ'esus. was simply a menus of compelling an ignorant an oppressed popiunct to slay arouse the people to seine ol their own wrongs and a cor. sciousness of their own power. i In ancient times men ruled mighty empires, separated by thousands of miles and months oj travel, ami people! apoalcing many diuereni tongues, the ease with wiu t hev held the nations and . . . . . . . eonooivnhlo until we consider st it inn was the secret ol their trols the millions of the car A hie rulers nne toiuid it of n people than to change. of the Caesars, and such was vlter tho murder of several Christ lamtv ns n state religion. Melore that dav it wnP the religion of the pour, but on that day it became the religion of the rich and jMwerful. The priests of the pagan temples became the priests of tho Christian Cod, and then 'M'gnn the dost ruction and porNersioi. of the teachings o lie who xaid: "Sell all thou hast and give to the poor.' From a religion of ineivy it oiiiiic to ho a ivligion of eruelu aim opprrMXiou, occanse u nniuoivifnl poilo, the foundation ot whr govoriiuien was the economic or actual ciiKlavomeiu of i lie mass of tin people tor the U-nefil ot ihe Ciider the early Chritftiun roiitmuni-in tvn spivnd ittg. It threatened the pluiix i-m-v of that .lye with ox tinuuirfhmout, hut the iiutter nt roved that danger uiui made the teachings of .Icmiu thij rvJi rftA of frAmMte liiMUy ciass, uuii iiriMii ri'iiKioii RELIGION claimants of vested privi ineir own deliverer, who nugii races in bondage w almost in . . r. . . . the priest. Ucligious supeH control, as siirelv as it con or the followers of Islam. easier to loiiow the religion Such was the poliev of niosu the policy of Constantino ot his lanulv he adopter was anopted nv a cruel am aiisitHiiux . tmko of Citntantmc ld - litviun ami nm I mini tin a means oi siioirciuig III ! ARMLEGS MAN ELECTED JUDGE: vKFy v JanLVnBHH HgagagagagaHgadgaw l "t 1 v&' A?W lliold .'Moylnii li'li'phoiiliic, imil tv CI.RVHI.A.VI). 0., Nov. I.'. Dnvld Moyliin, jiiNt I'li'cii'd JuiIko In thin city, Ih nrmloaa. It wwh Ih'Iiik nrin Ion thnt Kiimc him Hinhltlon. -Ilu Htitrtod iih rnllromlcr, and one night foil off n KlrliiK of box Cftr.s iiiulnr tho whoola. which took off ono nrin. llo rocuponiti'd, roturnnd to nillronilliiK'iiud allpptMl on nu Icy triiok unilor tho w bonis, which took off tho otbnr nrin. Then MoylHii, nuod X", docldnd to Hliidy luw. llo hud IiIh hooka rlKK'd up w ho could Htuin the Iohvok with IiIh lon- masses who wore the victims of control by custom and superstition. It was easier to control by threatening the displeasure of Cod than by killing, thojigh killing has al ways been a favored method of inspiring respect for the displeasure. And the earth has no darker record than when the diViue law and the civil law was dispensed by the same aitthoritv. 4 With such heredity the Christian religion may well be pardoned for the holocaust of the greatest Christian peo ples. Perhaps the teachings of Christ have not been fairly tried, and tljey never will be until they are divorced from greed and selfishness, until they are written in the laws of the land. The experiment of one law for religious life and an other for civil life should have its memorial built of the millions of skulls thai could be collected from the victims of that svstcut thnt have bathed a continent in their blood. Men love'to talk of n religion of love. How can it ovist in a laud where the government is one of hate and re venge How can men be just in an atmosphere of injus tice How can men who are fiercely contending and striving and battling and envying and hating six days in the week, have anv love remaining for the seventh day.' The sham, the hypocrisy of it ! If we are to have a new religion it must be digested of that which makes men irreligious of that which makes men oppress their lollow-nieu- -that gives men any power over other men other than the power that springs from goodness and moral wisdom. And where it was written by some monk who in the enrly da.vs, to servo bis patrons all too well, those werds: "lieiider therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto Cod the thii;gs that are Cods," we must write, "render unto Cod in all things." 4 'For no man can servo two musters." 'like a giant at pIh In hla Rieat out- WRITES WITH PEN IN TEETH tiling; ii siiupli of his iw-aluc. guo. After four yonrs he wok admit- J tod lo the bnr. The examiner offer-, ed nn o rn I teal. No ho would take' It like anybody Ih would, lie wrote, tho oxniiilnntton anawre with bin pen ' in bla mouth. j l-'or Miven your he baa been a law. yor. 111k tolepbono la arranged an ho can tub a weight off the ttana-uiltlei- with lila tenth, and Union at u locelver fHHteued to tho wnll. lie wiir photogrnphed telephoning for 1 1) at paper, and a mil it writ Inn. lie niitoKi-upbeil tho pli-turea with hla pen In hia teeth. o'doara. I do not roniPUioer whH first 1 award laughter yet 1 l.uo tht I loved It that day and thereafter. Why, I havo nvr heard It but wmieu here within the pixlea of pleasantry plead to begin. They tun at a prlaonor pent H in) brewfrt, till the) looeu hU bond and he luuglt with the rest. Take n u spear, tuke my gear, take my i,itle in Spuu but, n. Kite me leave jn-t to l.uitih nine aniitn' Save The Baby eUse the reliable 41 HORLICKS ORIGINAL Malted Milk Upbuilds every part of th bojy rhuiently. - KnUorsed by thousands of Physicians, Mothers and Nurses the world uver for more than a quarter of a centur. Convenient, no cooling nor additional milk required. Simply Uisde in water. Agiets when other f his often fail. Sample fret, HORUCK'S, Racine, Wit. S-No Substitute ls"JustasGood" ai, HORUCK'S, tho Original Joiin A. Perl , UNDERTAKER I-ady Aisiant IH S. imtTI.ICTT I'Imimis M. 17 anil 17-JH , wbjUnc fe'ertlr Gorontr a-oaaJB4afl tM ' HOLLAND DENIES ANY INTENTION OF PEACE CONFERENCE - i MiMo Vi i. Ih. Tn.it tlii 111 ( i iiwriiiuciit lm no pM-t'i'l ii" ti'lli mi ul iiiodis'linsr lr pt'iua- 1 on , Uti oi'iK't'ini'iit iMiiitnliir-il in a uowrn-l ' iM iri.l to an iiitoni'i ii'poit ot tin' ti'ini' IiuiiiIhm' I'liilioil.vimr jji'iii'nil lilln'lioiH mi tliclimlsH, -m- n Ki-u- r ih-piitfli from Th Jluviii'. Tin- stoCoriitiiont di'i-liiri it-i'li tulK .-oaitisfliit ol' Ihi' fnct Unit tli lin inntioii of tin1 wnr wiitilit In liini'lii'iii' to Hiitliind, but u-a-crt - thin i nut sufficient ronton for liu'itin t ion ili-hf for pi-ncv, tlii' "oxrniini'iit i..in, will not In ppitiuttoil to li'inl t liri'inatiiii' xtrpi wlni'li would prr-ju-lii liolli tin (iiiintn - io-ition mill p.iriiii- .tin s WASIIIXOTOX, Nov. 111. l'lei ilenl Wilson plans to work nil tin -week on hi- ines-ue to eonmi-- .mil epo-t to linve it liui-heil lieloie Tlianksuivinjr iln. lie dii us-nl some foil ores oi it toditv with the i-.ili.ni-t. N'-Ui' mil ilefeno will lie the principal tibii'il Ire tied in thn nie'-siif!o. which nl-n i cmi.'cIci' to Ink" up lecoinnieii iliit "im- lor rni-ine uililitioii.il reveiiiie. 'oii-cr.'li'iii iiciiiiie which f'lil- cil of pa- -H.C nt l lie !ns o-jou of couples .-lint t'i l'liil.iiiiiic bill will he litiloi-i'il (i-".i'H. SOME DON'TS I'm' Slomai-li uuil I, her Suffeivi-i. Don't tnke medicine for ur Htom ach nilmentH liinrnliiK. noon and nlKht UK IIHllllll) HUCll nicillclucH only kIvo teuiporarv relief and Hlmply illgeflt the fond that happuiiH to be In the Mniiiiich. - Don't penult n surgical oporntlou. There Ih always gorloiiH danger in op eratlom and In many oiisor of stoiu aeh, liver and lutiwtinnl nllninnts tho knife cuii bo avoided If tho right lemeily Ih taken In time. Dop't ao around with a foul Hiuell Ing breath cniiHciI by u disordered Mtomach and liver, to the dlHCouifort of tluiKu .Mm eonit) In contact with. If oii aie n. Htoinacb sufferer, don't think ton eunnot be helped : probably worse caaea than voura have been lier inanently reatored by Mnyr'a Womlcr r 11 1 Itemed)-, Mont Stomach ailments are inaliilv caused by n catnrrhal condition .Mar's Wonderful renieily not oulv removes the catni-rhul iuiicuh, "but nl Ih.h the chronic Inflammation and asaisti in reuilerluK tho entire ali mentary and IntoHtinn! tract anti septic, and thin It the sorot of Its marvelous success. Don't suffer constant pain and asonv and allow your Rtoniaih all inents to physically iinderinlno your hoalth. No mutter how devero onr ease may be or how Iijiik you have suffered ono doso of Mnyr'a Won derful Itoniedy Hboulil convince you that you can bo restored to hoalth again. Mar's Wonderful Uoniedy has boon taken and is highly inc oiunieniled by Members of Congroes, .lustlce of the Supreme Court, Kdu cntors, l.awors, Merchants, llankors, Doctors, DriigglHlfl, Nurses, Manufac tuiew. PrloHts, MlnlHters. Farmers and people in all walks of life. Send for 1'ItUH valuabol booklet on Stomach Ailments lo Ceo. II. Mayr. 1.1 l-lMi Whiting St, Chicago. Ul. Majr's Wonderful Iteinedy Ih Fold bj leading druggists oven where with the poitie understanding that your mono will be lefunded without ques tion or quiiii-le If ONK bottle falls to i;it mil aii.-olutt sutisf.ution d THE PAGE .Meilfonl's Lending Motion l'liiiiie Tlientie. Dail Matinee ' .111 Kvcnlns 7 p m t 'i 1 . M.i'Inee ". iO, y.c ju-i , TONIGHT 'The Apaches of Paris " 4 .irt Kalf 111 ' 1 ..' in. Vi'.kIh-x, int 1 oil mi nl . ' i-j- II. in 1 h on an I Mi Swiitii u0ucerinff Cupid" V l(i -ltn.it Inn 1 miii-dt "The Shadow of Fear" l-act Vitagraph T"MKlnVV THE IMtNDLirrON ROUN'D-Ur Chesterfield Clairvoyant i,ov IKK i,ij this wi:i:ic Wlmt I Do l-'oc .$1.0(1 I call your naino, tell vour age, your occupation, a n d w Ii a t condition our IniHlncsH is In and how to pro mote It, tell you nil nhoiit jour wlfo, husband sweet heart or lover mid how to win tho love of nnyono you deslro. I tell you ot any inovo, Journey, apoculHtlon, position or change of any kind which mny bo before you and how to act to obtain tho host results. I tell you exactly, who to trust and who to shun. I toll you whom nntl wheu ou will ninrry, If at nil, and give their naino, ago, occupation and dis position. In short, I tell you every thing you called to find out, and that, too, without asking you a question or ou speaking it word. Pallors at tho Palm Hoomlng House. Lit) West Main St., hours 0 n. 111. to S:::0 11. 111. Dall and Suiulny. Adv. For the Thanksgiving Table Sale N'ou Ooluu On nt N'o. ill! .Voilli (ViiO-ul The selection ot Thanksgiving sil ver and sllveiwaie Ih wisdom, for then Miti 010 assured of ItH Individ uality and distinction, oh well iih de pendable quality, which will ever be 11 source of siitlHfactlon. On Inc Sets, Sbclflelil Plate, Chop DMios, Meat Plultei-s, Tea mid Cor fee Son-lei's fontpnits, Vegetable Dishes, ('iisseiiilci, llivml Trays, (nivy Hunts, .MiimoiiiiiI-c I'.iillK, lite. We want ou to hoc our tllsplay ot the vonderf11I l.ibby Cut CiUihh. Wo aie exclusive agents In Mudford. FRED L. HEATH J. W. DIAMOND, Mcr. Turkeys Wanted 1 want 10,000 lbs., or prime, f.m v stock, dry picked turkeys, bends, feet and wing feathers left on, ontrnlls left In, mid empty crops, If possible, for which I will pay 1 ft to 20c lb. dollvcred at Thelaa wnroliouse, be between lith and "th, north end. ITe lb. for live birds, these to be deliv ered lieforo Friday. 1 p. in. Drossed birds received up to Saturday noon. 1 also want n fow fat Toulouse goose, dry' picked, anuie as turkevs Will pay the highest market price for thoiu. Let me kTiow by Thursday how many ou can deliver, and when, so 1 can legulate my shipments. Phono 7-F.", or address C. C. PAUL Itoute 1, Medford GET THE HABIT OF DRINKING DAISY Buttermilk Tl.i i.i '- 1 - 1 , 'tlix diiuk. I r -H il.iHii ..! 1 hi ,' ii , i vnii ' drink in. "i '1 1 1 in ,1,111 1 1 1 naUy Butter the Best. QSc Per Rril Why Pay More? I'lli IM a.-J K.Vsf M in White Velvet Ice Cream Co Jafli T'la IR v. VoiB Pj a""MiaBJayaBaMaWBa ..-