PAGE TWO AITJniTORD MATTi Till BUN R, MIODFOPI). OIHCCOX, TPKSI)Y, NOVUM B1CU 10, 10ir t t 2 ... i r&tt m SM H T M JL LOCAL AND . ' PERSONAL "W'lso fllntuto inakcra In Kannas nrc connlduflnB tho preparation of a law that will compel each farmer In that state to keen at least 100 lions a year, proporly caring for thorn and maintaining the flock in profit-pro iluclng 'condition. Whether or not tho law will also regulate tho fluctuation of tho egg market tho proponents havo not yet nnnounccd. Hut tho idea suggests tho righteousness of such a'schomo in nlmost any slato Especially could tho orcharding of thin valloy afford lo keep a flock of poultry as Bcavongora In their tico plantations. It Is an oxcellcnt way to rcduco tho army of pests that al ways aro busy on tho surface. Thus tho orchardlsts could realize- two profits on tho flock. Christmas gifts can ho bought roaRonabln at Jlnznr glvqn by St Mark's Clulld I-'rldu nnd Saturday of this weok. 201 Iloxns of grapo fruit shipped to this point this week were found to bo iu fueled with Kcalu and other fruit iIIh- eiiKu that, caused tho Inspector (o do Htroy them at once. Thoy cumo from Florida. Aulo for hire. Phono .10 1. 20S Ilnuwluk AHendor, of Coos Hay, In In tho city today on, it busluoss er rand, -V, " J i Good dry wood $ 1 . r 0 per tier on ground. It, l Montgomery, CJ0 S, Illvnrsltlo. 221 11. G. ICndcrs, a prominent merch ant of Afdilnnd,dlil business In Med- ioru.icnia,v, f t , J. O. Gorlclng, tho best all around photographer in eouthorn Oregon. Always reliable Negatives tnado any where, tlmo or placo. Studio 228 Main Bt. Phono 320-.T. I). C. Kerr, of Hllvortnn, this nlnlo, visited Medtord today on a business arrand, Kverythlng useful and' reasonable at Ht. Mark'n Guild llnznur, next dour to May & Co., Nov. 1'Jtli and 20th. 201 l C. Dllliiril, of Portland, Is doing b'uHlnpfl'g ih' the valloy metropolis to- .jjAjUlo fpr hire- Phono HO I. 208 Albert I'mifliild, an educator of Marlon county, this stale, Is visiting with relatives and friends In this city and vicinity this week. PostaKO stanins 'nt ?e Voo'a. Mr. arid 'Mrs. O. Kwoot, nccoinpun led by MIhh Thurdlshiiin, all of Denver, Colo., aro registered nl thu Hotel Medford todity Mr, Sweet, who rnpresoutH u largo bonding hniiHo of cnpltollsts In Denver, ownB real ontato In this city, Ilusliiess U being Joined! with plnasuro In visit to this city and valley at this time, p tfSmoko u King Spitz cigar, fie. crhoytaarn honiu-madv. i !&lmnJy Hall relurnod last ovoulng fiom Cioscont City and Kuroka, Cal ifornia, where ho wont lato last week with officials of tho Klk Lumber com pany. The run In tho rain from Crescent City yestonlay to Medford was made iu twelve hours over very Hllppory loads, especially on the turns In tho higher niuuntnluH. The roads aro bolter from Croat-nut City to Kti reka. it apupars lo be accepted gen erally im n fact over theie, Mr. Hull nnn, that tho Kurekii linn will he ex tended to Croneent City without un iiwomry doluj. Don't forget t attend the Ilaiaar given by tho HI. Mark's Guild In tho Douol building lioM dour to the Ma) & Co.. l'lhtny and Sutuulw) of thin weok. Slot iTKn.fat turkey proposition for ThunksKivliig:ba Itm-oine a problem. Not many fat turhu aio to bo found Iu tho vullo). Weston CHiuorn Shop for first cIum Kodak finishing aiuMfuiluk Biipplliw. H. M. MoKwiii)', the fruit mutt, who ieii(MienU I'opo and Dennis, loft TuuMlRy with hit family for Um An (olo. They oxpttut to leturn In tho Hiring. PlAnt bulbs now and net better bloom. We unvo u stock of the boat Imported bulbs nud invite (mi to In npoct Mime. Our pi Ice are right. Il3i0lii(hs (nil colors) 10c each, 3 for 2 Bo; Tulip, straight colors and mixed IIq In do, lots; Narcissus, 3c to Oo unch; Croons, 30c dos ; CVIumen, 15c otioh; Saonwl China Miles, 10c each; t for XSe; Hunter 1,111m, 20c eneh; Olnillolliu, 50c dot. Monarch Semi A ood Co SIT K MalnStrset 0 On, WoiImwIh) afternoon Nov 17. Ml !:JQ p ih. th dopartmout lunpw tor or the W. It t. will Uiwt with the rorM here Ml the Ited Men's IihII. to luapeet tit work dons uoro. All coips ladle nr requested to ktt prtaHt. lHWr your auto In the AIIUjihc Agtttut theft. flr. C. Y. TtjifiwnloY w II tad K. K Gore r rwU terwi at tlt Imporlal at Portland. Uuy Mtforrf Hiatls emty at the tUioaU W w Hatts. Mrs iitK, and Mtaa N. Uiu of OtdM. Itak. arrived (his ui' '1'iiiir ta visit with th fam ily of " A rtrcuaon, tba la ui a lice n u Koiucthiu pf rnnal. aiajpr ' ed Ninas !("$ earia. la j lluo at Medf .J rtiaoag fX Prof, K. C. Hclincr, In charge of tho Southern Oregon branch station of tho Oregon agricultural college, located at Talent, and Louis G. Gent ncr, county pathologist, left Monday evening to nttcne tlio Horticultural convention nnd fruit exhibit nl Cor' vallls, which opened Tuesday and will conlinuo for llireo days. P. P. Close Iuih purchased tho Weston Place, opposite tho Mny Co., and will contlnuo the busluesi undor tho iiamo of "Tho Poppery," and will furnish tho public with fresh popcorn, nuts, candles, etc. llo will nlso cater to the sorlats nud f I rouble parties. Lunches will also bo nerved In connection. 203 .7. Gnrdon, a local business ninn who has been In the Puget sound country with hcadquartcra at Seattle, for two months, reunited Tuusday. Polled ham and nacon at DoVooV W, W. Johnson, n business mnn of linker, Oregon, is in thu city nnd vicinity on n tour of Inspection, Hot Tnmalcn nt tho Hlmstn. J. D. llowiirth, of Detroit, Mich igan, Is a business visitor in the val loy. See Davo Wood nbout that flro In- mranco policy. Office Mall Tribune Oldg. Allle Woodworth, a fornior school boy of this city, and woll .known among the younger set In the vnl ley. hut who now is engaged Iu bus iness In Ilolse, Idaho, is visiting with friends and i datives in this city and vicinity on his annual vacation. Young Mr. Woodwortli Is. the proper type of optimist. Ho snys that times Iu Ilolso nnd throughout that cntlro region, as well ns In this valley, aro unt as '"hard" as tho all too num erous pessimist would lend ono to be lieve. He bases his opinion of tho situation hero pu what ho has discov ered thiough association with the right kind of people. "Tho Poppery" got that? 201 Nice crisp popcorn nnd hot pen- nutH at "Tho Poppery." 201 Fred Hnnscn, of Portland, Is do ing business In this city for n few days. Fresh roasted peanuts at Do Voo's, P. L. Mace, a rolallvo of the well known mnvlo manager and director iu Los Angeles, Is in tho city on busi ness. Ilring ihoso old int.gazlucs nnd pe riodicals to tho .Mail' Trlbuno for binding. gj ' Thus. M. Mahor, formerly n fanner In tho Ashland district, Is n visitor with old-tline business associates In this vicinity. His homo Is now near Harbin, Indiana. Chocolate creams, caramels, chips, peanuts, etc., only 30c n lb. nt Do Voo's. ' Tho Grlzillcs are going lo open the Thanksgiving holidays with nno of the prettiest affairs of the senium, Iu the Natntorluni. They have spared no pains In order 'to mtiku the even ing, November 10, n memorable ono; having engaged the "International SpliiHter Tro," composed of roador, soloist nud pianist. The committee endonvor to mnke Its portion of tho decorative scheme the best. Tho sea son's greenest foliage will bo har monized with the Grizzlies' colors, to produce a choery aspect. The trio will mil be the only feature of tho evening for the Huzelilgg orchestra has been secured to furnish music for nu Informal dame, to follow tho concert. The Grizzlies nud their In vited friends will attend. llutto Falls Wood Yard, Phone IS or 2211. Wood all kinds. 22! Mrs. Kiln II. Storm left TucMlny for Grand Saline, Texas, for nn ex tended visit. Auto tops, light)), curtains, such- Ions, covers, and hoods, at Tent Fao- lor. tOti N. Front. 203 II W. Morils and M. A. Kunj have taken chargo of the Castllllau gill! in thu Gnruetl-Corey building, on (rape stieet, and will open the same Wednesday, November 17, at noon. For watch worn unit satisfies, Johnson the Jeweler. 280 The Wednesday Sliulv club will meet at the library Wednesday af ternoon nt 2 HO. When better insurnnc Is sold Holmes Tho Insuruuco Man will soil It. The all-star baseball teams, the Americans and the Nationals, will pass through Medford on .No. 13 Fri day inumlng. The train carries two Hpeclnl sleeper for the athletes National prohibition rally at Paae, Hiindav. Nov t, at 3 p. m SOS IC. C (tuitdls, accompanied by Mrs. Gaddis, returned Moudny Ironi tho Panama oMioiltlou at San Francisco. They decline that tho big show Is eu Jolile every moment one Is in It. J V Wuiluinn and Mr Wortman leave mIiimuIsn for San Frnnolscu to allfinl the bU fnir and otuorvvla t'ltJOV 4 VHtiitlUU. Ilutte Falls Wood Yard, Phone AS or 223; wooil all ki4. 2Q3 If a sufflWBt MumW of UekoU ar sold from lata point to Uugaua to witness tho kig gam twtwswi the O. A C and Ofogoa Iwaw oh Satur day, a spoclal aksoKor will out en train 51 rriday niakt Tkla will ea aulo iheni to ovoid Um anoostlty of BtU up at 4 o'clock ! tie ttoro Mrs Kloroaso lipjeor. roroatly rMBf IkOlksm'Uj-OfiWi 4roaa mak taf Mr! tt lit Kftrlk CtsUftl IT'S THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER, AND JUST L 00K. SHE'S CARRYING A CANE! VXnUrVOOO atVICCBWCICO iJilSf ..Mc.x. .McAiIini, formerly Kloniuir WINon, im sho nepnreil In Wnslilng ton, caii.vliig an ebony enno Inlaid with silver. Now; rutrjiiig i cano lb nil tliiMiige In Wiishlngtoii. tf) ' v Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Minim V. Davis, a tun pound baby boy Inst Saturday a. in. .Mother and uhlhl doing nicely. Drs. A. It. nnd Louiso Hodges, chi ropractic physicians, Stownrt build ing, 235 Fast Mnlu St. 1)r. Conger ami family who foiiuer ly owned a ranch In Ibis county and I who lived In Me.lfor.i for .niMtiniA but who have since been Iu Klamath Falls, have roturud and leased Mrs. I,. P. Ulack's homo on West Main street Mrs. Illack will go to Port- J Innd shortly to ho with her son. Luna ford, who has a position there. 110 acres Unite Creek bottom, all under Irrigation nt n tost of ten cents an Inch. Will grow nil groins, al falfa, clover, onions, celery, augur hoots; one fourth mile to depot. Tit la Is n pioposltlon that will interval you If you want tomethlug good at nlwoat tho cost of water. From the owner to you, Ilox III, ICiibIo Point. Mr. nud Mis. it. 1. W I Iron of I'on tral Point, left Monday for nn ex tended visit to the i'p(tr:t! i jud southern Callfornlu. Hear llnbsou at thu Page, Suudav, Nov. 21, at 3 p. m. 2s Coin ei ts to the poultry show tde Hie being made every day and looks like a good olilUtllou may be sinned. It will stfi-vo lu yiold ninth Information to the beginner In (be poultry buslnuM ami to stimulate In tel et In tho poultry pens geneiully The Parent-Touchers' circle of the high school will hold their aunual meeting at the public llbiary Friday evittitng, Noveuilier 1. at o'clocU Prof. Mooio and Dr. Holltns will speak on tho moral status of the high school student Minde! unmix -will be given by .Misses Veulta K.iiull ton mid Uess lliau All the tern hci . ambpatroiif and friends of tb m ii..i aro. cordially Invited to attend Try oiu of tlioe big leu cold 6 cent mllltJhakes at Do Voe'a. The woniHn'a cWim of iilit 1 1 sulenre and narltniHentary U m at the public library noun nud elected the follow Ii.k a cerst President. Miss Marlon Ti.u- of Tnleat. vice-president. Mik . IMutt; secretary Un W C u Hefure ike elevlion a very line . - h talk on city elections was ! City Kecorder Klmer Kosa. ' '. ,.s ing kis atldroas Mr. Koaa ann i .ueettoa by the went bora witli i HcHlnr reference to the coming no eleettoa In Januaiy At Hu .i- meeting the suhjeci will ho State In -.titutlon. Labor Laws lad Csrr-ni Kveau TOO UVl'lt IO Clo.ViBU'V. KOl RK.VT Tmi room horn. Hal-, nmltvliiNl or uartlv frtb4. fur j MW J. K. WMI, INHNH J-1. to ! ,1 -rs..r3sr- Tho flrsl monthly dancing and oiiid jiuiiv of, the Medford lodgo U, P.1 O. IC., wlinfio glveu this evening. llnsnlrlgg'H flvu piece nrchostra will furnish music for tho dancing in tho lodge room, nnd tliono wishing to play cards will bo entertained In tho ladles' parlor nud club room. This Is peeled ' ' 'f " Wttiuilnjt parties over glvou by tho lodge. lioautlful lino of ougrnved nud Il luminated personal Ninas Cards, w 1th envelopes to inaloh. Seo the lino at tho Medford Printing Co Iknton Itlggs, of St. Paul, Minn., is vltltlng iu Medford and vicinity on his return from San Francisco, where he enjoyed thu Panama exposi tion during n slay of llireo weeks and yet he tmy he didn't see more Uiau Itulf or it, although ho worked hard. Mrs. Leach, Abdo-Hupport nnd Itaxeley surgical cornet, at 32U N. Uaitlett. Col. J. F. Mundy dud paily left for Hull Lake last night on a business trip. .Looking Forward I to BSoiherhood I firl"ii r I "othR cTfrrhcre r rrcom- i NMMiibn ' Vli'i erf Prlrnd, wnodnful heir i l nil ei-r f it I iflllKM. It U gnUf - ull '' I mti-clo, mlc tlwiu ftrm unr ftlMi.l In ii-couiuuiUle expaiulon witb- ' out tli i.Mi ,1 tr.iln and tum. This nlto orrriiir i Him, It Uai a moit rrmnrvifttlr' hHilliius lnfli,.ii nrat U iln-Uiwd one at Us grrli-t a l e lie fur thf nioilirr lo-Vr. Fhiit I fn . . t I -tie of utlir rYifnJ" UkIiv rit(r t 'Tb I wi tr In Urd- swl i IV, tnJ I nnr II ., At. Uni.i, i i u lumlaonio Nwk Hut you iii . .it Mai'i'-I trre v ilu t i t, it, i. i tin ti ll, ft i . ir.iiotl ui (li i(l ii-ji km ftnilt m ran 1 It. Let nu- r- u ri' t 1' .I'l'al rKP DR.. RICKERT Kj-.tlCllt SppoUllat H4t9t4, Orcgen RnvBaaalaaSaBalaliaaaaaH Tho first iiatloiial corn show will be held nt St. Paul, Minnesota, from Decembor t to 31 nnd promises to bo an nttrnctlve exhibit. A few of tho Jackson county boys who mndo rec ords this year '.t corn production ought to send specimens of their suc comou to this big show. Try a King Spitz cigar nnd cn .cotiran'o homo industry. County Clerk Gardner and County. Assessor Grlove left for Salem Monn dny on business, official and other 'Wise. ,' ' ' Home mndo taffy at De Voe's. Frank Frazler, of New York and, LMcdford, leaves tomorrow for New York on nn extended business trip. ' ! Do Voo buys bcur bottles. . Tho Mesdamos Taylor will leave for San Francisco tomorrow' to enjoy a VlBll 10 1110 Ulg HIIOW. I ' ! Ijullerniit bread at, Do Voo's. L, A. Morgan left Tuesday for Ml- not, North Dakota, to remain per- jmancutly to look nftcr his Interests ilhore. j , Do Voe delivers tho' Oregonlan to I The roadbed work on the extension of the Southern Orcgo uTrnctlou com- finny has renclied Laurel street. "Work fprogrcsses vigorously. ! L. K. Haak of Faglo Point was h JMedford visitor Tuesday. you every day for 7Cc n month. ( A. R. Kennies rctuined Tucsilny jtroni Portland. The demurrer tiled lby tho county iu tho case brought by '.!'. M. Sweeuoy for Siskiyou highway iwork, will bo argued' Thanksgiving week. Upon it dcpjids whether ,thb case wilt he tried Iu Portland or Medfonj. ' . II,. II. Tronson of -Hugta Point hns 'received n.check for $Jl 13 as net re turns on his first car of Spltzcubcrgs shipped otat. The best grado brought $2,i0 n box nud the entire car grossed ;$ F. Perry, of St. Louis, Is a Med ford visitor. A. S. Penhody of Portland Is visit ing Medford. OBREGON IN FIELD TO ATTACK VILLA NOGALKS. Nov. If,. General Al vuio Obregon, Iu charge of the Cur rniun campaign ugnlint Villa lu So nora. has taken personal command of troops preparing to attack Cnnanon, according to reports reaching heie. Villa and the Yaipil chief I'rbalejo, according to the same icpoits, hnvu Coinblned for mint tack with 11,000 men on Hermoslllo, which is defend ed by 8000 Cnriiiuza ttoops under Guueral Manuel Dlckuez. Villa, It lu stated, has looted every store iu Cnniiuea and Magdalenu, tak ing everything of value. DOUGLAS. Ariz., Nov. 10. It was officially announced at the headquar ters of Genoral ('alios lu Agua I'rleta today that Genoral Obregon had or deied the advance against General Villa to begin tonight. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lol applli'iitloii. llifr rminoi rmli lh ilWiord orluii uf Hit' fir llirru la imlr wi w7 lociitf ,l.afan. in. I that l by roinllliill.n I rrmrtllM. Ihfn riUl y n InHiiuril ntUliD 'f tli" oiuwim I iilus u( llic 1'iuUrhUn TiiIm.. Wlin IliU tul l lnflmil jrod lint nimblliiir Miuml er Inuwrfrrl hrlng. anil wb l( 1. rnllrilr rlc',l IwIumi U lhi riull, H'J utile., tlic URaiunutlon ru N nkm uil ftl tills tuln rplir,l l If ihtbuI roixlllloB. lir nc will I- iImiH';.-.! limN, iiiw m out "I tm ttxf cuil by I'altrrb. Khlrb la iintblnf: but an IndariMsl rDtlllnn it Uif rnxxi ninfarr We nlll sl On Iliiui1nl IMIara fnr an.T ! of lfni ru.r,l br ralatrb) that he Hirl br llair Caiarrb I'utr. roa fut ilntl '"'' '"',' r J I III.NIV ft CO.. T.IK I). S.l br prtiBilala. 7 Taka Hall a I'lully I'llla (T ivnittalluu. All Tailored Greatest o the S ST t a ' NOT ENOUGH I'll TO ENABLE PLOWING BY THE FARMERS Less than an Inch of rain has (all en slnco tho showers begnn this fall, the precipitation ycstcidny and last night, ui; lo u o'clock this morning, bcliu; .39 or sin Inch. It fell grnd ually, however, and the' thirsty soil got tho benefit of nil of. it. It was just the kind of rain that made the farmer nnd orchnrdist glad, although there wasn't enough of it. Tho Illusion that a stifflcent rain fall has colne 'to make It easy plow ing in the fluids of the, valley should bo dispelled. While thc.tnolsturo ex tends probably six Inches below the surface In most soils In the valley, they are not yet sufficiently soaked with it to loosen the hard places enough to muko It easy plowing. Of course, if the farmer Intends merely to nkin the surface with his plow, ho rubs his hands with glee over what moisture ho has received to date. Hut the real farmer who knows that it Is necessary to go down n foot to do simple Justice Is not vet satis fied to begin' his winter plowing, "The afco of nnture," however, hns been washed a llttio, after a long po- 'rld of neglect. Tho rain so fnr Jinn brightened tho foothills with a suggestion of green, showing that tho rnnge hns been favorably nffected. Tho orchnrds havo been washed clean of dust and cobwebs nnd, nltT-'Iier, the prcciptntlon to dnto has done much good In freshening tho growth of green thlngn In the rural districts. 4 .y-S-J4'$'44"i"i-. I OPEN NOSTRILS! END I A COLD OR CATARRH . fj How To Get Kcilcf When Heal K and Nose are fjtuffed Up. t Count flftj I Vnir cold li t-ad or .li-t'i din!i"!- '" i. - i ' ,) si nop Iril will on, the air jmwijm' of your head will clear and von can b'e-itlic freely. No more Miiiflling, ImwLhh, 'ijceiis dlKdiargo, dryness or liendncliei mi htriiggllng fur hrcnth at night. (jet n minll liottlo of Kly's ('renin llnhii from jour druggUt and apply a little of till frngrniit antipptii: rreim in your nostril.., ,lt penetrate through every sir pamaga of the hind, ,"( him.' and henlliig llio gwollrii oe Inl1nui) mucous inruibrnni, giving jou liiHtnut relief. Head cbls ami cuttirrh yloM llkq ninglc. Don't ttay atuffwlun nud niUcrahlc. lltjllnfi Is, B(irj. .' , AUTOS Sold on Monthly Installment Plan. POWELL AUTO CO. ANNOUNCEMENT On W'cidnosdaj, Noveiubor 17, nt noon, The Castillian Grill will upon under now- iiiuiiuKoiuoiit. Moielinnla lunch will he solved from it till 2, and short ordeiH nt nil liouw, Our aim vvlh no to iiinKu HiIh Oiu best popular prleed rentaur.iiit In thu eit and jour jmtron aso Is cordlnllj Invited. 1'iuhh KiiRtern Oyatois. ' ,C '"y"i - , 0itlt itml TnmalcH ' 1 1 ! ! ' , 1 ' ' M Cattea Garnctt-Corey Buildingon Grapo Street Millinery eason Ilinidreds o) Hats to ( from. Our com plete stock of Trimmed Hats and Put rimmed Shapes at exact l. one half price, and when we say one-half price t mean one-half oft om regular low price. Suits and Coats Much Reduced MOTHER! DON'l HE CHANGES IF CHILD'S TONGUE 15 COATED Jf cVosV, .I'evcilvli, Sick, HllloiiN, lieiiu Little Liver nnd UovvcN. A laxative today saves n sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not tnko tho tlnu! fron play to empty tholr bowels, which become clogged up with waste, llvor gets sluggish, stomach sour, Look at tho tongue, mother! It coated, or your child Is listless, crobH, feyerlsh, breath bod, restless, doosn't cat heartily, full or cold, or has soro throat or any other children's nll mont, glvo a tenspoontul or "Califor nia Syrup or Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out or the bowels, and you have a well, play nil child again. A thqrough "Insldo cleansing" Is ortlmcs all that Is nec essary. It should ho the first treat ment given In any sickness. Ilewnre of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for n no-cent bot tle of "California Syrup or Figs." which bus full directions for babies, children. of.Ul ages, and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully nnd see that It fa mndo by the "California Fig Syrup Com pany." dv. The IDEAL XMAS GIFT Is sonifthiii useful and or nanieiital. A CEDAR CHEST IS SUCH, or most nnvthhifr in Hie fnriiitnru line a Uodcei', I'edeslal, Smoking Set, etc. Oni' special foe this Christ mas is one S.."() Pacific Ce dar Chest foe .$7.00. Come in and let nsshoW yon one line. "Descriptive circulars for out of town people free for the asking. PACIFIC FURNITURE & FIXTURE FACTORY Why Do the Crowds Go to the ' STAR Theatre? Q 1 I '