Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln Tonight and Tomorrow
SIuv. 58, Mln, l, Pro. .30
forty-fifth Year.
Dnlly Tenth Year.
Conf Uctlnn Reports From Near East
Bulgarian Attacks Beaten Back
Monastir A(jaln In Danger
Greek Action Still a Matter of
SALOXIKi, Nov. 10. After heavy
fighting with tho reinforced Bulgar
ian troops in southern Sorbin, tho
French were compelled to retire nt
two points in the vicinity of Grnd
iseo, twnhc miles not tit of the Greek
A Bulgarian attack along tho
Coma river was repulsed with heavy
losses to tho nltnekers.
Uulgnt'w Ilea ten Buck
The buttle on tho Conm wan united
nloin- the left bank of the ricr. Tun
or thrco Uitlgitrinn divisions were en
gaged nnd n desperate nttempt was
inttilo to piereo tho French center.
The engagement was in progress with
Jurious intensity for thirty-six hours,
after which tho Bulgnrinns were
beaten buck ulong tliis entire front.
Tho bitutitinn in Macedonia is dc-
eloping rapidly. Large reinforce
ments have been brought in by the
Itulgitiinns, who are milking renewed
ef foils to foico Unburni puss. The
Serbians ro .still linldinir out there,
hut this movement threatens Perlcpc
Miul Monastir. .Many inliabitauts of
Monastir are picpnriug to depart.
Tlio member.s of tho diplomatic corps
have changed their plans mid intend
to proceed to Scutari, Albania, in
stead of to Monastir.
A Xew Of fetish e
I .OX HON', Xov. Ki. Tho exact
situation in rcuttal Macedonia is un
certain. Disnntehes from the near
f'i-t nre cdhfhctine; iffitl doubt as to
the time of events to which they re
fer injects an additional element of
imemtninly. It is elenr, however,
tint the Unitarians have been rein
forced and luivo begun n new offen
sive. The operations in rentrnl Mace
duiiia, iceoiding to Home nccoiints,
lresent u most powerful menace to
the armies of Serbia mid her allies,
which are oporating from Tetovo
through Perlepo to the southeastern
Seibian frontier. Telegrams receiv
ed almost simultnnenus from Oioeeo
111)1101.1)03 that Tetovo i in the hamU
of both the Sorbinim mid tho Bulgur
inns bid the preponderance of evi
deuce points to Uulgnriau occupation
of llii.s front.
Monastic Kwlnngcrori
The Ualgitrinns aro milking desper
ate efforts to fowo their wuv through
Kutehanik pass in the direction of
Pristinn. Thev nre nlso nttempting
to ndvnnee from Tetovo to Perleps
and Monastir, nnd bv forcing Dubinin
jm-s to roach Poilepo from the other
ido. Theso operations nie said to
huo placed Monnbtir ngaiu in dan
ger. It is nt prosont n problem whethor
the newly nuived Fieneh nnd Brit forces nre livfge, enough to meet
tin-. Uulgniiiin onslaught, which np
)iueiitlv has begun with e.xtr.tordin
aiv vigor.
What Gieceo will do in event the
nllied troop nre forced back over the
Greek border is till a matter of
speculation. A message from Gieceo
savs tho government will extend, to
the Serbians the same privileges as
those accorded to tho French and
DritUh in ease of their encroachment
.on Greek territory, but in view of
the fact that no definite announce -inent
has been irnde as 10 whut these
privileges will bo fuither than tho
original stiilmiunt of Piemier Skou-
(Contlnuod on page six)
BORDF.AFX. Frame. Xov. 1.
The French hner Rocliuuibcuii, wr-ich
oAught firo in w-tsne comI buuker
:iftr luuxiotr Xew Voik fur this port
November f. wko row i
inmn)m1 a etluijfuuthiug it, arrivMi
kr hut night aatl landed her .113
pssssagsrs ttai wunuag. Aftr Ik
woe umaMy gU4 to m
0 G V Dffl S
Statement Received Docs Not Contain
Sufficient Information
Instructed to Secure All
Data Receipt Awaited
Diplomatic Action Taken.
WASHINGTON, Xov. 10. The
American Koveriimcnt will nunit the
receipt of the Austrian government's
statement of fncts concerning tho
sinking of the Italian liner Aneonn
before considering whether any rights
cf Americans hnvo been violated.
Thoso facts probnbly will be sought
through Ambassador I'cnficld at Vi
enna. Tfio state department now has bo
foie it the Itiili.m government's com
munication uddrcH'd to neutral na
tions denouncing the sinking of the
Aneonn as "an unpurnllolcd atrou
ity." The stato department lodav cabled
Ambassador I'cnficld at Vienna to
request from the AiiKlro-lIungntiun
government complete details of the
pinking of the Italian steamer An
co'ia. Tho message was sent after the
department had received through the
Austro-llungiujan embassy here the
statement made by the Austrian min
istry of tnniinc, Seeretnrv Lnnsing
snid tho statement did not contain
sufficient information nnd that Am
bassador Penlield had been instruct
ed to secure nil nvnilablo details. The
request would seem to indicute that
tho stnto department ncccpts it ns
established that the siibmurino was
iVustrinn. There hate been intima
tions that it migiit have been a Ger
man bunt.
Secretary Landing's instructions to
Auibnssndor I'cnfiehl nro to inquire
nnd forwaid such detnils ns nn
nvnilablo. The ambassador also has
other detailed instructions w'lieh the
stato department did not make pub
lic. He will not make any tcpresoii
tatior.s, however.
Todav's action followed quickly the
prcsciitntion to the stato department
of tlm Austrian admiraltv statement
transmitted through the Aiistiinu em
bii'Sy hete.
DETROIT, Muh Xov. 10. The
most expensive Hockado in tho his
tory of the lower Grcnt Lakes waK
ended this foienoou when the United
States ship eauiil, connecting St.
Clair iier with Lake St. Clair, was
opened to traffio alter biing blocked
moio than twenty-four hour, and
100 big fieishteis enirying millions
of dollars' woith of eouunodities
weie enabled to pioceed on their
way. The blockade began early yes
teulay when thrco steamers went
aground at the lower end of the
down-bound canal, effectually block
ing tluit piissnge.
It was roughly estimated that tho
owners will lose more than $100,000
because of the blockade
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TliU is the last tmnoh of
I.',! M.!0
1SUBZm29mm&&'$ &
i 's viiJs'-nmTieiiK&'z-i
rrcsident Sii(ix DatlKiieuover lit center, leaning on cane. To the
rlulit Is Itejir Admiral W. II. Cnpciton, I. S. .Navy, ivnl ruler or republic.
.NYU, In tlio jiliiK hat, Is lloruo, mill lstoi of fiictmi urrali-s. Itcsldo liiui
stnnils Kile, inliilslef of Juvthc. rcft of Hie presblent Is lloi octal, uiiollier
minister, and the Utile fellow on tho coil Is the president's piltute sec
rctnry. The slrst wciu- shows the preisldent's guard of honor inarching
to the nnlucc, with tho president's st ntc eiHrliigo In the foivKrouuil tho
finest van Inge In I lull I. lUlow In Ihe corner lloruo Is talking wllh the
president, ruder the upprotcd met hods of "itauvfnl penettatlou" Haiti
is it t luilly an Anici lean dopeiideuey.
SALOXIKI. Xov. 10. King Peter
of Sorbin, despite his advanced age,
is fighting with his soldiers in tho
trcnchoH, chid in tho uniform of a pri
vate, according to M Jneowsehoff,
secretary of the ltussian legation in
Greece, who nnived hero toduv from
Miltoitn, wentern Seibin, Inning
como by way of Albnnia.
The aged king seeks donth, accord
ing to tho Hiissieii diplomat, faying:
"When 1 nm killed you enn ileo or
Old Serbia is lost, and now Seibin
is in n precarious condition, in the
opinion of the secretary, who iiMcrlcd
tho Scihiaiii nt Unbiinu pass could
not hold out much loneer, nnd that
tho only hope whs thbt tho Seibutn
force concent rated nt Mitrotitxa
would piove to bo stiong enough to
take the offensive and ndwiuce
through Tetovo towards .Monastir.
"The morale of tho Serbiuns is
splendid," ho continued. "Half-train
ed leeruits march to battle singing
iiko veterans. Famine and mixeiv
prevail. Thero is no bread nt Mitro
itza. The people are i educed to eat
mtr lunieots."
?r?C.-? "
Serbia mm
. J.. . -. i', i
- 1Bg3WgHtew'!rs
tho kuUer1 Ugloiu in tlio e4U-i. ompir
Lm JEi . . j c . Jh. f
, : . . Emmmmm
-- i J n.. . x.twaw&tn x2
I.OXDOX, N..v. in Tho Gink
goterument it reiiorled to have modi
fied its position ftomcuhnt in fits or of
tlio ciitento allies. The uorreiHtnd
ent at Athens of the K.xohnngo Telo
grnh oouipnuy s.'Vs it has decided
Hint in the evint of n relront of the
iillios to Greek soil, Serbian troops
will bo placed on tho same footing us
the Uiitish nnd French.
1'reui'or Skonlotnln oiiginallv pro
poned to pormit the French and Urit
ish to roach the sea without interfer
ence from tho Greeks, hut to disarm
Serbians who dossed tho bolder. The
ohsnge is dm'-, the correspondent
sas, to formidable olijactions mined
by tho 1'Ycnch ii,initr nt Athens.
Ihwover, it still remains for Greece
to define Iter position oleurly. Des
ignation of a neutral zone bus been
LONDON, Nov. 16. "It Is unfit
ting," said Admiral Lord FUhor, for
mer first sea lord of tho admlialty,
In tho Iiouho of lords this uftoriioon,
"to muko porsonnl o.xplanntlou iif
foetlng nutlonnl Interests whon tho
country Is In tho miilHt of a groat
., lLii
.'. K
jmimr --srxi, " s-... - J' v?. ., ws.
,-., rwm r . ssi i , sv a z- t -., . r- ti-. x r.2. . 'jrx
mmiMrm ... $sim,
teaMPr: s 'v.-,? sr 'JKSt, KsmL,
- - M.'
- 5."
n "5
LOTB 'V .n . &itZ .? SV.'flir JV VB Ti'
fniL,in?m,-' i f. & ' i vjtj -...tjjju'.:. imi '
vmSKOSXY tZS tM$&lZ&?tZl&' ".T.ifatisiK
iti.- tj. if- ;jr. irar- ' m k. .:.b i
-m? svis-jrn "4?ik4&te? M'mxLi '
J:t: rmsmyiiWJS&iJ. mtmLMF-j2& m
lb "frlbw.t mm1" of Ihv iHMt
MuvxMlte doHWIn,
v v-nanHMnannn "HmW!Wk
jjftr n
LOXDOX, Xov. 1(1 "A patriotic
meeting," orgnnii-cd by tho Worn fin's
Seeml nrd Political Union, ovor
which Mrs. Kmiiieline Pankhuml was
to pi ebide on Thursday in Itoyul Al
bert hnll, mid which was to doimiud
Ipynl nnd vigoious eouduct of (ho
war, lias been (nnecllcd by the hall
'uunageuiont. Premature announce
ment by Mrs, P.iukhtirst, disclosing
tho real purpon of the meeting to
which the application of the word
"jmt riotie" ws held to be distinctly
u inivi'emennor, caused the ouiieolln
tion. In bar uniioiiiicuincut, which
t()k tho fonu of n letter, Mrs. Punk
hurst said:
''Tho botrnvnl of Serbia but no mo
ns a final, tragus proof (hat noithor
Ihe honor nor the interests of tho na
tion are s'tfo in the present hands,
and that in inirtienlur tho prime min
ister and Sir Ldwnrd Grey uru unfit
f ( r Hie irieat nnd lsiwrnxiblo posi
tions they hold. In order to give ex
presMon to the picMiiling iudiguntiou
a ere it merlin i t.i lie held"
.mi jt .tiini
I II""
yr "-'
" "
- v--. , . : . JKwm
mmk ;' r? -M ,
umUr ton lltMhrnlttfrg 0ml tlr a
Alleged Conspirator Will Not Talk
When He Finds Minimum Sentence
Is Twelve Years' Imprisonment In
stead of Two Years Changes
Plea to Not Guilty.
XKW YOKIC, Xov. 10. When tho
ease of the five men indicted hero in
the alleged Germnn bomb conspiracy
was called in tho federal district
court today, domurrers were entered
in bohnlf of two defendants, Hubert
Fnv nnd Walter Seholz. The de
murrers allege Hint the indictment
against theso men is insufficient nnd
does not stnto an off en so under the
laws of tho United States, in t lint the
munitions uacIs on which bombs
were to hnvo been placed, 'according
to the charge, would hnvo been blown
up on the high sons.
Counsel for Hobert Kietule, Max
Ureitung nnd Fugolbert Uronkhorst,
the others umlr imlmtment, did not
enter demurrer, but stood on their
plus of net guilty.
Fay was taken before Attorney
ICuov nguin today, presumably to
continue the statement ho began yes
terduy. A few minutes Inter, how
ever, he was returned to the Tombs.
It was then announced that Fay
would not moke a eoutession, or any
further statement.
When Fnv ugreeil to ninke a state
ment for tho government attorneys
and plead guilty to tho indictment the
prisoner thought ho would escape
with n sentence of one or, nt most,
two yenrs. Mr. Knox informed Fav,
however, that a plea of guilty would
curry with it a sentence of twelvo
vcurx Mr. Knox said that so far us
the government is concerned it will
not dis-ciiHs the mutter fuither with
twelve federal reserve bunks eurned
$1'2 1,'jr.t during October, whllu their
current oxiioiihob during that porlod
wor 1131,017, according to a Hluto
munt Issuod today by tho federal ro
sorvo board. Tho oarnlngs wcro about
2000 gioater than any previous
month hUowu mid tho expoiiHoa woro
greater than thoso In September nnd
August, hut loss than thoso In July.
Only ono bank, St. Louis, fulled to
nhow an oxcoss oruarnlnffs ovor ox
pousos. i
KL PASO, Tex., Xov. 10. A dis
patch dated )estoidny, announcing
the "(limitary closing of tho Uanco
Xueionalo de Mexico nt Mexico City
whs received in blinking circles hete
Ai.dres G. Gnreia, Mexican consul
heie, stated Hint he iiml been inform
ed that the do fauto Hovoinmout hud
ordeicd tho hank to pioteet its imper
euricuey issued duiinc tho llitertu
reifime, wim tnu icipiircd login ru
uejlgtf ahnut Into (hw heart yf tho
NO. 204
G. 0. P. IN 1 91 G
On Issue of "Atlcquato Prepared
ness" Roosevelt Will Support Any
Republican for President Save
Root, Taft and Friends Wants
Quarter Million Additional Men.
XKW YORK, Nov. 10. On nn is
sue of ndequnto Thco
doro KoosovcU would supirart any ro
ptiblicnn who was not nn active par
ticipant in tho theft of his nomina
tion four yenrs ago. On theso
grounds Hoot, Taft and their friends
aro burred.
I mako this statement on tho very
best authority.
Cummings would bo eligiblo for
Itoosovolt's support. Durlon is nl
most loo recent a convert to prepar
edness to satisfy tlio colonel.
Doriih might got the KoosovcU sup
port in spite of tho fact that tho con
servationists nro entirely dissutisfied
with his conservation record. Uornh,
it is assumed, would stand for u.
sliong preparedness program.
I'rlco of Support
As the price of his support, Roos
evelt would insist on u short platform
making adequate preparedness tho
leading issue. This might bo supple
mented by a declaration in favor of
u tariff of tho kind which would
"puss prosperity around." Hut tho
whole platform would bo briof, not
bo over a thousand words long, and
would have to stress preparedness oh
tho ono big issue.
Roosevelt's willingness to back n
republican candidate is promised on
the idea that tho Wilson program is
iitadequnte. Spreading thaiiavnr in
crease over it long "period of timo is
unsatisfactory to him, and tho colo
nel has no patience with tho pluu lo
raise u continental army of volun
teers, who, lie says, would not ol
miteer in sufficient numbors nnd who
would not ho ndequntoly trained.
Ho insists that tho regular unity
bo strengthened to u point where it
could ho relied upon to cheek an at
tempted invasion nnd hold the in
vader until tho partly trained volun
teers could bo brought into action.
Wnnt-s iiT.0,000 Men in Army
For this purpose- RooHcvelt recom
mends nn additional quarter of a bil
lion men to tho regular tinny with a
proportionate numbor of officers. N
Whutover program the republicans
adopt, Roosevelt will not support
Root. This is tiuthoritnti.c nnd
Tall; of supporting n republican
candidate does nyt moan that tho
progressive havo abandoned their
party or their plans to havo a can
didate. On the contrary, tho ehanco
Hint the lopublicauw wjll come to tho
Rnosexelt term, nre rcgutdcd by tho
lending progressives us almost nil.
Stnudisittcrs Firm
Up to date tho stsudpnt crowd in
control of tho republican party ma
ohineiy nnd uumpnign funds havo not
seriously considered men like Cum
mins ami Uornh. Thtrir only serious
consideration hud been given such
men as Weeks, Hut ton nnd Grandpa
Root. Therefore, tho progressive
IHtrly a -id its program uru still tho
serious consideration.
Tho stuiinehost progressive in tho
field nt tho prcsont moment is Geo.
V. Perkins, elmiruuiu of tho purty's
executive eomiuitteo. Perkins is a
daily rallying cry to tho party, IIu
is speaking, writing, traveling and
toiling mviiy ut the jmrty organin
liuu n flurevlv urn if the party wont
one day oh) nnd wore on the vorgo of
n stupendous success. William Alien
White a . Hint as a staving pro
(rrchsite Pci kins iuuk( the bov uu
tin bin nm. ilc I. look like ,i tnl'lor.
UlUKTOL, S. I).. Not. 16WT.
d's (r)M-(l)U-, llldlCMte thai tllOi
sb iri.i in tlu in intuitu ut tho FJrisi
N iiioiml Jlai.k ot Hn-tol will mtieh
lU0.llllll 'l. Uuuk Wa plm ml in
i lie li.i ijs .,i a bunk examiner yw
trid'V t u-imi T.irBui Strundiio,
wli.. Ir It hrr twu Wiektt Kfo, hJ UOt