$ r" n L t oi M' rvl St u Hgf 4 rf H- r BR t PAGE TWO I III i" ! ! '' 1 A TOCAL AND JL PERSONAL 4- -.-----.--. . 1), A. Jnnsen lins roiio to visit tlio bit? fair ot San Francisco, and will alio visit some of tlio lnrgo cement brick fnctorlos there. Auto for hire. Phono 304. 208 13, CoiiBpr liun roturncd from nu extended visit at San Kranclsco. Good dry wood $1.G0 per tier on ground. It. P. Montgomery, CIO S. Itlvorsldo. 221 Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Darker enter tained a fovv of their frlonds at cards Tuesday evening. I J. O. Clerking, tno beat all around photographer In nouthorn Oregon. Always rollablo. Negatives mado any where tlmo or placo. Studio 228 Main 8t. Phono 320-.T. D. P. "Wilson, who received sorloitH Injuries wlillo visiting his sou ltny, Is In n critical condition. l(o has been moved to tlio homo of his sou, H. h. Wilson, of this city, with whom ho has mado his homo slnro coming to Mcdford soma ton years ago. Auto for hlro. Phone 301. 208 .1. A. Westorlund, ownor of Hotel Holland, Mcdford, Is registered nt Motel llciiBou, Portland. Postage stamps nt Voo's. Tlio Pacific International Livestock exposition will bo held In Portland nt (he Union Htoeltjards from De comber fijlo 11, It Is said on good authority tluit' IIioho expositions nt Portland oro tjjn finest hold any whore In tlio norUi'vvest. In fact, they aro seldom excelled nnywhoro In tlio country. Ah many orchardlstu aro going Into tlio stock busluoss In u small way, as a sldo-)lno, they ought to bo well represented nt tho Portland nxijosltton next mouth. Hniolio it King Hpltz cigar, Cc. Thny nro homo-mndo. .1. H. Ilobhlus, a prominent fruit distributor of the northwest, recently returned from Chicago, won tho np plo crop of the country this year In about R0 per cent short Weston Camera Shop fur first class Kodak finishing nnd Kodak atippllca. V iy.ll'Pvri ui si-nniis unuiiiKO uy wio strawberry weevil In this valley bus boon recorded, but that pest Ih piov- 1 in very destructive to strawberries In eritnln pnrts of Hnatorn Washing- " lot. ' Plant bulbs now nnd get hotter blooniH. Wo bavo n slock of tho best Imported JiitHiHj Mid Invito you to In spect same. Our prlreu aio rliiht. ll.wirlntlm (all colors) 10c eacli, .1 for 2Go; Tulips, straight colors and mixed 4 fie In do, lots; Narcissus, 3c to He , each; Crocus, 20o doz ; Cyclamen, 2Gc ,encli; Hacred China Miles, 10c each; ,!iA,r. ."& J3stor Miles, 0e eacht (Madlollas. fiOc doz. Monarch Bocd V' c'- 317 K. Main Street. 201 Tho apple tounago of the four nottliwoatern Mutes will bo about 7000 cars this oar. Last year tho shipments wore between 12,000 and 13,000 cats. Increased ago of bear ing treos Is said to bo one of tho prime causes of the shorliiKO. Orrh- aid pests, frost and droutli did tho out. Ovor-producllou should not bo foarod at this rate of Inrrouso and ot tho over-piodiictlou bugaboo Is accorded much prominence in certain newspapers of tho northwest The normal rnto of Inerwtso Is about 2S percent. Tho euuuli) can stand that rale for many year let. lusiiro jour auto In tlm Alliance nflnlnij thoft, flro. C. Y. Tongwald A fvf yrniW ago the Villon Meal t company ijf Portland Imported 00 per cent of lh lions It MlaUKbturml. I.hhI your 00 poirem of tho lion (t slnugli tuintl woio produced In l lie nurth. Hut, The fact Is that II ahqtlldn'l 'bo permitted to Import u box liny Mcdford mado candy at tho HIlHStH. IS U. Ooro of (ho firm of Warner. Wort man (ioio, this elty, took an (ilhor ear of hg lo Pordand Satur- day night. Ilollod nam and uaooii nt DnVoo's Point) Johnson, of ('rwvont City, Is In .Med fold mid vU-lnlt) In tho In (urost of the desired appropriation for IwproWHiont uf the harbor nt that Min(. The people of I'rescoiit City bave unt ynl quite awakened flulu their tires m of belter dus. says Miio)uoy aUkouab Dtey.gaw show $ljig of rwllslHg th.it (hoy 'have niuoli to la to help that unijMt along Tli world at torn hasn't mui h Inter oat In dream. Hot Tantsls at tho SjlmiU, KlMr s(iU sm4 bMt4 ruluiiMl pic tures of CisUr like will tlitsx your mtoXM irl0 i' Xm V rp far mo mslltiMi tree. MMlfrd ItoAk mmmimm " frmmt, mn mi Sm irMtiiitt orto- to Out line ( )Ml(or4 PrtttlMl C. MsissIm suiMcrlptlMM Mat thru us gel Iht ver bt Mrflw. W t nil iorrMii4M tmr subw;rilM4r fur i lisngr. i ad4rt. el'. Md lord HimiU -nor, fo Hare vi.d Mnl tfesi Ilr In sursneo poll" OfUtf Ull Trittugo JJldjc- Y. T. ltMkttta v. '?? Utwtr Cen tral Point MMloa ha fc j(Jford V- Itor latunU) 1'roiti roata c8ut at i Voe'i D. McCall has raised the scoro to 238 at tho Dox Halt nllcjs and was presented with a box of cigars by the management. Miss l.llllam Thoui mado tho highest sroro by tho Indies and was presented with a fine box of chocolates. Chocolate crenms, caramels, chips, poanuts, etc., only 30c a lb, at Do Voo's. Dcss Dryan's first nppcaranco was well received nt tho Page jesterday. Miss Dryan has a very pleasing volco as well an chnrmlng personality. Slio will npepnr ngaln tonight. AUto tops, llglui-, curtains, such Ions, covers, and hoods, at Tent Fac tory, 10G N. Front. 203 How to kill and dross n turkey or gnose: Unng up by both foot on polo or Htout line: bleed back of tho ear or In mouth; dry pick while warm. For Watch ,worx mat satisfies, Johnson tlm Jowclor. 220 8. 0. Grorgo and fnmlly left Mon day for Freso, Cal., whore they will nuil(o tlielr future home. When better insurance Is sold Holmes Tho Insuranco Man will soil It. Mr. ad Mrs. Win. P. Mcnloy left Monday for I.os Angeles, where they will henceforth rosldc. Dutto Falls Wood Yard, Phono 4 8 or 223; wood nil kinds. 203 J. II, Minor and family have ar rived from Kphrlnm, Utah, Mr, Miner having recently purchased a ranch In tho Willow Hprlngs district, and will take chargo an soon as tho fam ily household goods arrive. Mr. Minor In from tho sugar beet country and says they moan prosporlty to any country Hint will produco them nnd that tho Itoguo river valley should get tho factory, by all menus. Drs. A. II. nnd Loulso Hedges, chi ropractic physicians, Stewart build ing, 23G Fnst Main St. Among tlio prominent Ashland fnns present nt tho football gnmo on tho Modfnrd gridiron Saturday after noon wero 13. .1, Knlser, postmaster, and (1 G. ICuhanks, cashier of tho Ashland Htaln bank. 110 ncres Dutto Cieek bottom, nil under Irrigation nt a cost of ten cents an Inch. Will grow nil grains, al falfa, clover, onions, celery, nugnr boets: one fourth mllo to depot. This Is a proposition that will Interest you If jou want something good nt almost tho cost of water. From tho owner to you. Dox 111, Knglo Point. W, W. Ilssber, of Ashland, certain ly did herola sorvlco In holding tho Medford boys to n tie game Saturday, William Waldorf V. Is ouo of tho enthusiastic Mthla City fans on every occasion and enJos It. Try on j of those big Ico cold 6 cent mllkshnkes at Do Voo's. Otto Jacobs, of ltosslu, Wash., Is In tho city oiiJIiiihIiichh. Mrs. Loach, Abdo-Support nnd llnrcley surgical corset, at 32C N. Dartlott. It It Kihiiltz, of Sehrlng, Ohio, Is visiting In tho clly and valley for u brief period, Inspecting local condi tions. Try n King Spltx clgnr nnd on coiirngo homo Industry, II. C. and i: C Stockwell. of I.os Augelos. Calif., aio Medfoid visitors on buslnesH and a tour of Inspection. Home mado taffy at Do Voo's Claude l.atighllu, of Hilt, Calif, is In tho clt. Iloutitlful line of engraved and Il luminated poionnl Xiiiiik Cards, with envelopes to mutch. Hco tho lino at tho Medford Printing Co. Tho following somewhat historic minion of n pnity of elderly ladles from Ctlgnr), Canada, aro reglsteied at tho Commoiolal club: Mis. Wil liam Toll Aslib), .Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Jackson and Mis. Gooiko Washington Marsh They had been vnjoliiK a visit at tho Panama expo sition nt Sail KrniuiiK'0 and tnirled 1)1 Medford, on their return, to ob. tain it hiid'H oe tew of our utile) from a rout ml location. The ex pressed their delight at the gieat bcuut of the valley and Its iiihiin evidences of substantial udvuiuo moot. Do Von bii)s boor bottles. Mrs. J. W. Kerr, of l'ariiiiitoii, Montana, Is a visitor In tint valley metropolis Dutteriiut bio.id at Do Voo's. Tliiidotu T Tur). uf Spukatyo, U a busiiioM visitor In tho vulo this w wok A 11 Sato ndu wife, uf Astoria thU state, are visitors Ih J!,ad(oi'd and virtully i his week. lie Vos delivers the Qmgnulati to you ever) dn fur 76c u mouth. Miss Msrie Osborne, the throe er old daughter of Leon T Osborne. who w MsIHuk in Medfartl for lime ifci wlntor. Is u a chlW actor with the Pathv rowpan Ih log Hesch. CsllforuW 8h Is hlMg fea tured as Hie vuuei slsr of fllm 4oui. Mrs riorooj Siioorer. rocoaily froM I ho OMl. Ju OIMMM4 4rM Mh lag potior ot t34 North Cootrsl tk fh Hooibern Poilfle hM granted a faro and a third late to Kugoae (or the U VA I' Orogwa fooilmll game In ttig'l rilt aexi Naiurda aad. as a rosiill waa of the O A (' ga4uoie ao Ih this valtei ili at-ii-od thai roslott Aiimm K D BHggs ml Ashhtlld, sii1ins to local bnslMOM to Mo4 f ' I u M13DKORD MATL TRIBUNE, MARGUERITE CLARK IN Tho wlnsomo little rtar of tho Fa moils Plajers Film rompnn), Mar gucrlto Clark, who within a pbenom enall) short time has sprung Into lutornutlonnl fiiino as a film favorite, Is a revelation In her latest screen Tho Southern Pacific examination car of division officials was hero this morning, examining tho local cmplo)cs a n to sight and hearing This Is dono tvvlco n vcar and Is In dli eel Hue wllh tho safely first plan of the Southern Pacific. The Washington suhool was to opeuod this morning, (ho easos of si'iirletliia reported last vveok being mild nnd easily overcome. O. C. Purkeyplle has returned from Itockawny beach unit will tnkn chargo of tho work in tho locnl S. P. office ns operator, during tho absence of 1C. F. Gliouuloy. The football gnmo on tho local gildlron on Saturday afternoon be tween tho Mcdford nnd tho Ashland teams was nit unusually evenly fought contest from start to finish, neither sldo being able to scoro. Tho tie game portends n snvago contest nt the next meeting of thoso war riors. A degree of piignailousness manifested Itself In ono or two In stances, but wits quickly "grappled" and suppressed. Two porforiuors, ouo on each team, were put off of tho grounds for their Untimely com hativeuoss. Otherwise the game was ono of the most clonal) -cut contCKtn ever held between valley teams. A big uogro litis been torrorllng some tiit tho rural school district In this vicinity by appearing during the time of Intermission and lectur ing to tho pupils on cannibalism. Ills coudiul Indicated Hint ho Is do meuted. Prosooiitlng Attorney 12. K. Kelly, on learning of his hohnvlor, hnd him nnested and tnkon to the pnaUlo nt Jacksonville, Coustiiblo Hammond effecting the tapturo ves icals). He was (barged with vh grauc) and will prohnhl) be given rlght-of-wnv on a speed sehediile out of tho count) Tho ovor seusltlvo mother of w dis obedient pupil In tho Central Point school took her boy nut of tho Insti tution last week because he was com manded b th oteaeber to carry In umtidod by the teacher to cany In foi fighting, tho Utter sport being In violation of the ruled and regu lations of the district The mother was unwittingly the center of con siderable excitement over tho matter, until Prosecuting Attorney Kell) was Interested In the ease. He sent tho lad baolv to school this morning, with the objuration to tako life medlclno and obey the rules of tho school horoaftei. A perambulating (.ntertulmr, with a comet, a callope sua pipe ornsuj combination, a bass dm in anil n 'Ihk olette, with otliet " musks!' iurtru. ments, attracted some attention ou the streets thl morning by working all of the tioUes of the combination himself at one and the same time He Is a complete, If not a vei till clout, orthopia and works ovcttitne to eai n a few nickel Civil War Veteran TVIN How to Itelnnl the lulii initios or Obi ge "I am 7? eui of age. a ml for .V .veais have worked on the P. C. .x. St I. It It. AUo a Civil Whi voter au 1 suf feted from a gen oral ner vous breakduwu and I would have Much woak, ctlsi) spells I would have to go to bed for u dn at a time. When vUltiHR frianda In Bradford. Ohio, an old doctor rccommeuded that I try Viuol That very Uav I huuht a hut tie and wallowed to take It refiilart). It has done mo a world of good, built me up au I fall strouuer in every wa, and have gone hack to wurk again, aad 1 wast to rtxomiuond Vlnol U a ay old lonirade or aged porsM who aeoda strength foi ti ta a grand mod- gtH0." W II Homers, tilouuonrlllo. Dhkv. 70 reason Vlnol Is ao boooiloial M iteopff U hocause It ooglatM Um ver rlowenu needed lo rente doollnliit sireagili wlih roaowod rig or, vu in uiedblttal olmota f froaJi cod liver ull. iietnoaolo of Irog, ooof p04oo and a wUd toak ! 1a aafc ever aged ptrostt to gte4 lord lo " Vlnol an our of for to ro lra Ihotr wooet ir li lotto lo rrooto treasth Foi st Mettr4 I'h.M . mil l . . . . . . J,...- . m ; i$ tOBBIB?&J-5. .TjlkAH3rMlHPIPHIB MKOFORD. OR KAON. FEATURE FILM AT THE STAR TODY n nppearnuce In the five pnrt produc tion of Frances Hodgson Uurnctl's picturesque romance of old Spain, The Prott Sister of Joso," that will be shown at thcrStnr theatre Monday only, matinee and evening. Miss Mabel llurk loft for tho south on No. 13 this morning. With tho in In Dag out, a brisk wind bog nn to hustle tho sore and yellow lent that found lodgment In tho park nnd along tho shade-tree rows In tho residential section nt noon, tluiH reminding tho street cleaning department of tho city tjiat autumn brings Its quoin of misfor tune, along with Its tints nnd hues of beauty. W. II. I.ydlard Is on loutu homo with his stolen Ford and will arrive In time to ho prone nt nt the Initial piocccdliig-Movvard tho trial of tho self confessed thieves. Tho lociiuodgo of Odd Fellows will meet In regular session tonight, tin Interesting feature of tho meeting be ing the nomliiijllun of offlccia for tho ensuing term. Tho third degree will also bo conferred at thin meeting, which will ho further enlivened by the ptcsoncc of a delegation of mem bers f i oni the K.iglo Point lodge, re turning tho compliment of a visit of a number uf membera and their wives from this cltj .last Thursday evening, at which the latter wero royally en tertained. Jack Morgan nnd Mr, Kennedy, with Foster & Klelscr, sign pnlnteis of Poitlnud, me In Mcdfqrd for n week or so on business for tlielr firm. Itoguo llivri Kucnmpmont No. 30, I. O. O. P., will bo hold Wcdnosday night, nt whjili nominations for offi cers to servo during tho ensuing year will bo Hindu. Tho degroo captain, who wlH have a rehearsal of team work at that tlmo, desires tho nt tendanco of all tho niombers In the work of amplified offlcleuc). Geo. Tohsorlh, contractor mid builder, who Is doing a deal of work in his line fu Sams valle, was a visitor anion; irlond? nnd relatives In this city over s'uudnv. Among tho structures now under wn in Sams vallc, under Mr. Tehsorth's super- vision, Is a lnrgo barn for ouo of the extensive fiirmeiH of tlmt district Many Kinds of Rheumatism One Sure Mode of Treatment Authorities Say Don't Use Liniments. Treat It Through the Blood. You Can't Rub It Out! Whether your trouble is Sciatica, Lumbago or tho dreaded Articular lUieuniatism, tho ntiswer is the suuie. You mint treat it through the blood That Is the only way to rid tho eys tern of uric acid, purify tho blood ami revitalise the nerves. If tlio blood is treed from Impurities, llheiiin.itlsm must go. This lu short Is the exact knowledge gained by the resenrcli lab nrataries of, tho S. S. S. Co., iu Atlan ta. There tohts have been made for fifty years. They know what Ilheu mutism Is Tlier know that S. S. S.. Ilia remarkable blood tonic, rklch TRY THIS v o On Your Pocketbook I li.tvt' hituuht stiiut' (iiuul, l)r L-'ir WoikJcMU front First growth timber. It's All jj'ot to bo s:nul TujS- iin-h l'Utlt, hoetUM it is two-i'oot wood. hi orilei' to iivmv tins wood rapidly I am toin to wll i, JUoi). Qrinai'ilv it would m11 tor 2.2.") wv tier. I run uoinij ti sill it l'tr $2 per Tier llt'lni rtnl in tinr winiiUhi'd. KiMiioinhtM', vou nn Jm tii wim.-I iuil tn I 'J liw it atd w.i' mpuh'V, FRANK H. RAY WOOD DKALER Siitinfactlon Guraiuitotd Rixth uid Kii st. IMIONK -12 MONDAY, NOYKMBHtt Ifi. Fred IJurgor, of Phoenix, was n business visitor in this city this merit ing. nrlng thoso old magazines nnd pe riodicals to tho Mall Tribute for binding. Itud) Scholtz, cnpliiln and stnr player on tjio Santa Clara team, played a btilllnnt game Saturday when Santn Clara and Stanford met lu their annual championship contest at San Francisco, which Stanford won. Itud) wob lcplaced In tho sec ond hair of tho game, after having his ankle b.idl wrenched. Ho nlno Js one of tho mainstays on tho Santa Clnra baseball team. At a uuRiiiess mpotlng jesterday afternoon, the Lutheran congrcgntlon called llev. F C. Vlcik'e, of San Jose. Cal, as Its pastor. Ho Is loportcd to be nn able man, and will conduct the services In both tho English and German languages. Ilppresontattvo Godcn of the Ford factory who lins been In this city sev eral days hobnobbing with C. TJ. Gates, the jnan who put Ford In Medford finds tills u peculiarly In teresting business metropolis nnd inn) continue to prolong his visit. Frank Clarke, of Delia City, North Dakota Is In tho city for tho wlntor and hns already enjoyed tho happi ness of slinking hands with a number of farmer Dnkotan neighbors. L. cloment, of Puynllup, Washing ton, is in tho valley metropolis on business. i D. L. Yet man, of D.tvonporj, Wash ington, In devoting a week or so to Investigating conditions In tho Itoguo river valley and tuny concludo. to re main for tho white. Mrs. Doublcdny, n business woman of Dutto Falls, Is in the city today. MARRIED Goorgc Alfred Gnlbralth and Grace H. Hanscom wore united In marriage by Itov. W. P. ShlcldB, pastor of tho Presbjlorlan church, at tho Presby terian manse, 12 M., Monday, Nov. 1 nth. Thoso young people nro from Talent, this county, and expect to make their homo there. Thoy nro highly esteemed In tho community whero I hoy live, and begin life with tho brightest hopes for success nnd happiness. Their many ft lends ex tend to them congratulations, nnd best wishes for their united life. DED roWI.KY At Spokane, November M, M. JL Cum lev, njicil 7b', one ol tile pioneers of the Spokane e iiintrv, Ion j prominent in liu-incs, tiiil liunueinl circle, founder of lln Timlei Na tional hunk n m! ninny otliei euter- pUiex. lie leaves two ilttughteiH, .Aire. .1. F. Iledilv ol Mctllnr.l and Min. .In.. Smvtlie of Spol niie, both oi whom were with liim hi Ins Imiil illness, lie was well known in Medfonl, whole he has oeensinuiillv visited. Iliyli mass vvll he held .it the Catholic chinch nt S o'clock Tuo-tlnv morning ii'id the Altar -oeielv U leqiieMotl to attend. A N Dili: W At his homo at Lu Porte, Indiana, Saturday, Nov, 13, W. L. Andrew, who Is well known in j Medfoid, a brotlier-Ai-law of T. V.. I Hillings of Medford. Mrs. Andrews they originated, will relievo you of Itheiimatism. Tnko S. S. S. today The eonipleto recovery of thousands of sufferers by the uso of S. S. S. Is positive proof that you can be re lieved. S. S. S. Is n Wood tonic' a purlfler that restores the blood, revitalizes It, cleanses It, makes It pure ns It was before It became poisoned with Impurities. S. S. S. gives It strength to drive' out these Impurities the uric add an organic poison and with it the Itheiimatism. Get S. S. S. at your druggist's. If you need special advice, write to S. S. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga. iii'h UnlliK. You can nil 1015 Is the moilier of tho Into Dr. H. D. Morrison of Medford. ' r ' ' LIT7Li: Charles Henry Llltlo, o,gcd CC ieais, an orcliardlst, died nt his hofno In tho Orchard Home dis trict Monday morning Nov. If. of heart fnlluic Ho was a native of Uncle Sam .knows a ' p'ood ihin O Perfeclion Oil Heaier Tents in the Model Camp, U. S.f Marine Corps, P. P. I. E., San Fran cisco, 1915. are equipped with Per fection' Oil Heaters. Smokeless and odorless. Dealers everywhere. For ial reivth me Pt'arl Oil Standard Oi! Company AAAAAAAAAAA gggggVgvgfiigVnggnOH gnVgVnUUnl Z ggggB gggggT gga L UNUSUAL SILVER For Wedding and Thanksgiving Gifts Thi' caroful t;irt seeker will find 1 teddy's depart ment of Table Silver rieh in wedding a.nd Thank.sgiv injgil't .suggestions that sire new and distinctive. In addition to the usual silus pieces, wcvjre now showing many especially interesting new ideas for afternoon teas splendid wedding gifts, -including sandwich trays and tongs, cracker trays, sliced lemon dishes and fork, enstallied fruit dishes, teapots and stands, tea balls, domino sugar trays and tongs, con fection st a lids and nianv other exclusive new designs shown only by MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler 2Vd HAST MAIN The Bie Game o! the Year EUGENE Saturday, Nov. 20 U. of 0. The football Mine ibn. ear between I of O and O A O. will bo bitteil) contested. Otogon won from tho strong u. of S Cul. tonm 84 to il while the OreRon 'Annies defoatud tho Mich igan AKRlo !1 to 0 These two loams isnl; with the host in tho United states Tlv wtauiup of this ksiiis at KiiKono on Nov. 30th" by either touni more than a championship It will bo worth )our while to soe It. Trick plays, foi ward passes, will koep the hpnetators teuse Horn the start of the game to the final blow of tho whistle. Low Round Trip Fares will be on mIo at all tfouintm Hit If stations norlb of AaUlnud Nov !!. Itwtunung limit of .Nov. 22, Hi:,. Furlhr Informatloii ... to tlikeu. ttr . from loel f;eHU. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Jean M Scott t.rnnal Htfngr gut. Portland. Oregon. Dixon, Illinois, nnd Has broil n resi dent of .JacUqu louiity for.sjx.ywirs. Ho was n titicUcIn1id leaves two brothers nncLu sister, .losoph V. Llt tle.jWjip lived with him, V. W. Llttlo of Allnnonpolls, and Mrs. ilohn.Il. Cnr pofitoTt of Mcdford. Kunernnotlco will appear latci. A .rrr '"TJN .1 . f iwit;K5Wn R sL mmtjL MaJASM J3 icMorni MpJ''i I at vs. 0. A. C.