Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 15, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Itnln Tonight and Tuesday.
Max. 10.5, MJn. 20.5.
iorty-flfth Year.
Dully Tenth Year.
If Troops Now in Serbia Attempt to
Fall Back Toward Salonlkl, Greeks
May Try to Seize Them Allies'
Reinforcements Arrive In increas
ing Stream Czar Visits Riga.
LONDON', Nov. 15. Diplomatic
representatives nt Athens of the en
tente allies itiiTiitcslioniibly mo great
ly alarmed nt hints that if the
Frunco-Hritish troop's in Serbia at
tempt to fal! back toward Saloniki the
Oreel; authorities imw sock to disarm
them. Intimations of this nature have
come from the premier ami minister
of fhnnco and tho assurances from
Greek official sources of warm
friendship and benevolent neutrality
Jo not curry complete oonvietion.
Oreek military critics express their
belief that when tho railroad from
Hclgradc to Sofia is in operation
without danger of attack, tho Austri
mis and Gennans will leave the Mac
edonian campaign to the Bulgarians.
They fail to explain, however, how
tho numerically inferior Unitarian
force is to make headway against tho
Scibiuns and their Frnneo-nritish al
lies. Allies Itelnforceincnts
Tho Unitarians nro ieportcd again
to have occupied- Tetovo, which, situ
ated 2." miles west of Uskup, forms
the tixlrcme point of'tho wedge driven
'between tho Serbian armies. This is
the bit of definite news from the
near mstenufront, but it is known the
French continue to hold tho crest
dominating the Kosturniu region in
the Striunitsa sector.
Alonustir, in" southwestern Serbia,
it i.howinir renewed iineusine-s on ac
count of the largo Bulgarian forces
which aro threatening Pcrtopo from
ill" Habunn pass region.
Troops of the cntonto allies arriving
in an unceasing stream at Saloniki,
tax the resources of the port and the
railroad tft tho utmost. This is ac
cepted as an indication of tho inten
tion to puMi military operations with
out legnrd to the equivocal diplo
matic position of Greece.
Vir Vl.slts War IYont
The visit to Itiga of Emperor Nich
olas is taken hero to mean that things
nt this end of the long Itiissiim battle
line me going very well for the cm
peror'h troops. There are advancing
to tho wci-t of Kcmmorn, a Iiioli fell
into their hands during tho recent
push. Pctrogrnd uiilitnry experts de
clare that the capture of Kcnimern
places the German lino from Lilian to
Milan in jeopardy, and 'ilso brings a
M'i'lioii of the Tukimi-Miluu railroad
within nrtillorv raugo. Tho Gennan
line are said to b onlv ten mik'? in
advanco of Milan, which citv the
Hussions will soon bu within tho range
of their artillery.
Along the Italian front the fighting
fot Goriziu dominates tho situation.
Tho Austrian, nro said to bo feeling
Miie anxiety for the fato of tho city,
the fall of which might be expected
to luive a decided effect on the Serb
ian campaign.
a Hpeech from tho throne at tho op
ening of the Turkuli parliament to
day Sultttin Mehmcd V wiid :
"'KvoiiU which have paaaod since
Dewojnbor 1, thank, to tho Almighty,
liave rouluod my wiahes mid hae
cot rwptinded to tho hope which 1 ex
pressed Uiat the ovonti might ns
gnre the happine of the whole Mo--ItMM
world and the OIUmomh otuiwrc.
"Fiert'o attack dircoiad b th
Ilritiab and French anav and i-n
fnrrcw again -t th DanknWW with
the intonii":i U n.uida 0wtaMtinul(
aiul the ti!'ir- f tli. -traits which
imr t" aiu! .i h.i i M hi. - the ltu
iau ktv U,-vu .mui$, u-ve btu
rvpnUed bv Ut rMUtuucr. -It -i
Tilice and tOtlJiu'Ua oi' ui unu auii
Foggy Morninq Permits Austrian Air
ships to Approach Close to City
Driven Off by Italian Aviators
Thirty Civilians, Mostly Women,
Slain by Bombs.
HOME, Nov. 1C Tho alrral d up
on Verona which resulted In tho
death of 30 civilians and tho wound
ing of 49 others has Intensified tho
blUoriieBS felt In Italy against Aus
tria. Tho Idea Nazlonulo demands
prompt reprisals, suggesting that all
Germans In Italy bo Interned in con
contratlon camps, that Austro-Gor
ninn property bo confiscated, and that
35,000 Austrian prisoners bo hold ns
MILAN, Nov. 1C. Travelers arriv
ing from Vorona, whoro an Austrian
air raid resulted in tho death of 30
persons and tho Injury of nioro than
double, that nuuiDcr, dcscrlbo tho rnld
In Interviews In tho Corrlcro Dolla
Sera as having been favored by a
foggy morning, which nllowed tho
hostllo aircraft to approach close to
tho city beforo they woro noticed.
They flow as low aB tfiOO feet and
each throw from flvo to six bombs,
according to travelers' accounts, fly
ing off when thoy wero attacked by
Italian aeroplanes.
A bomb dropped In tho Piazza Erbo
claimed women ns Its victims at most
part, a group of thorn having taken
shelter under tho porticos of tho
chamber of commerce. This bomb
Is snld also to liavo killed a second
lloutonnnt of Infantry, tho only mom.
Icr of tho military forces said to havo
lost his Ilfo. Ono of tho host known
doctors In n leading hospital of tho
city was killed by another bomb. No
damago was dono to military build
ings or to railway property.
HOME, via I'arls, Nov. in. As
eoou as bo hoard of tho aerial raid
upon Vorona, I'opo Honcdlct directed
Cardinal Gasparrl, papal secretary of
rtatc, to telegraph Immediately to
Cardinal Ilaclllerl, orchblshop of Ve
rona, (tolling dotalls and Instructing
him to do everything posslblo to re
lievo tho sufferers.
PARIS, Nov. J.-. The liberal party
in Greece mav not participate in the
coming elections, although the mat
ter has not yet boon decided. Former
Premier Wnizelos, loader of the
paily, so indicated to a deputation
of merchants and manufacturers who
oaino to him urging him to pursue his
fctmgglo against the opjMising influ
ences in Giuck politics, a I lavas dis
patch from Athens dated yosturdny
Ili'plyir,i to the deputation, M. Veil
izelos said he thought it would be
preferable if the liberal party took no
part in the approaching elections, aa
even if it obtained a majority in tho
chamber it could not carry through
its program. Tho pnrty, however,
would decide definitely in a few days,
lie sud.
How French Charged
This plrtur shows (lu start of charge In th Imttlu U'twtvn Tab
shows nn offlrT and MU-ml men looking lo their right without stopping.
IjTk m
't .
t iint. W -
These wtmieii have lived nil their
mountain jmisncs. Their assistance Is
shells In luiskels on their lineks.
TUSKEGEE, Ala., Nov. LV-Ar.
rnngomciits are being completed today
for thi? funeral of Hooker T. N'u&hing
ton, who died hero .Msterday. Funeral
services will be held at tho institute
Wednesday morning, followed by in
terment ill the institute grounds. The
body will lie in stiite all day tomor
iow. Thousand of Alabamans, prom
inent educatois mid others from var
ious parts of the country nro expect
ed to attend the funeral.
Mewsages of condolence reached the
Wiifehir.gton homo hero today from
throughout thu country.
While it is officially announced
that tho question of a successor will
not be considered until after tho fu
neral, tho nanus of Emmett J. Scott,
confidentiil sccietiiry to Dr. Wash
ington, Warren Logan, treasurer, and
Dr. Auisworth, b.isiness manager of
tho institute, are being mentioned in
thai connection.
SALEM, Or., X., 1"..- Exclusive
of tho valuation of pubbu service
coipomtious, tlib total nidation for
iiisessm-nt purpones of taxable prop
erty in Ujogon was reduced $K),IO(i,
'J30 during the car, according to fig-
uroa made pubbu today by the stut)
tax oommiMhiou. Miiltimmali eounty'a
decrcaso was $10,115,300, Jackson
county ?1,0.H,070, and Lane county
i:il,IS0. Due to tho fact that tho
lands in tho Oicgnn & C.ilil'oniia laud
.'rant woro not included on the ta
roll la -t vt-ar, but are included this
year, Doug'u count v borfi an jii-
creasc of over :(.,000,000.
t&j&t jy$- vrvk
i ' fr
. i
' " T " T
. . JB. - - - - .. . i.'
lives In tho mountains niul aro cxpcits In ruiTjIng heavy weights on
of enormous value, as toll oitlluary tnuisxirt N usele.vs. They mrry tho
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.',. A pro
tect against the inI:ingof the'Italian
liner Aucoiia by a subniHriuo wa
handed to Secretary Lansing today
by tho Italian ambatisador, Count V.
Mil cell i Di Cellere.
Tho protect was in the form of a
denouncement oa'hd from Itome de
claims that, without warning or
without nbt'orvins; arv formnliticH ac
cninpniiviug the right of search, the
submarine opened fire upon "the un
armed passenger liner," recklcshly
shelling tho wireless apparatus, the
docks and lifeboats and killing and
wounding many passengers.
The denouncement has boon pre
sented to all neutrals. II. slated that
many passengers uwiuniing in tho sea
approached the fuibmarino in hope of
rnscne, but weio drneu off "with
jeers." 11 conclude ns follow.:
"The royal government rosards it
as n dutv to denounco solemnly to nil
nations the circumstances described
iIiono. Their sentiments of justice
and humanity will ouusc them without
doubt to judifo a it deserve, the con
duct of nti enemy which is obviously
contrary to the dictate of civiliza-lic-n
nod the rcco'.nuzed principles of
international l.'W."
GLENDALE, Dr., Nov. lS.-l'er-song
having letters to mail hero to
lay woro uiiablo to obtain (diuni a:
the poslofJ'ice. mlilici early yoder-
'da) having taken nil the stamps and
everything else lliey eouhl get their
linmU on. Tliey eseaed witli I'JK) in
I cash nail 'ftltl worth of slumps.
and Captured German Trench
. vf mis4
Wiivtf3r KX&mr mt7-s
lire anil Mi-mi 1 1 IhlU. In the ('liainpKiic.
PAltJS, Nov. 15. Infantry Tiring
litis been going on without inlet rup
tion in "The Labyrinth," ncoordinir to
iiniioiiucemeut this afternoon by the
French wnr office. Previous report
that thu losses of the Germans on No
vember 11 wore very high have been
The text of the communication fol
lows :
"In tho ArloiH district nt 'the
labyrinth,' the fighting between in
fantry forces, together with the
throwing of hand grenade, continued
without interruption last night. It
has been confirmed that the losses of
tho enemy during the action of No
vember 11 wero very heavy.
"In the oliniupuiiiiQ district thu
Germans have attacked with hand
grenndes the barriers erected in front
of pur listening posts nt llutto do Ta
bu re. They were ropuUed.
"In tho Woevre to the north of
Cirey the explo&ion of ono of our
milieu, tether with tho very sustain
ed flic ot our tieiieh guns, over
whelmed tlio enemy and demolished
hi dipping works."
WASHINGTON, Nov. l'. Ambus
sndor Thomas Nelson I'ngo at Home
rubles that Ins conference at tho Ital
ia r. foreign office thus far hae full
ed to develop the details of facts con
ceiniug the sinking of the KhIuui liner
The Italian row ininent, according
In Mr. I'.'g", i" having considerable
difficulty establishing j i-t what oc
curred when the es-,id went down.
Ono or two men luio Jut
'w ffioiLL ru mm t w-.ii - .ijul teK. m. tm3,'fmn.wj ,
Former Minister Says Kitchener Or
lylnatctl lll-Fatcd Expedition for
Relief of Antwerp While Admiral
Fisher Hampered Naval Operations
at Dardanelles.
LONDON, Nov. lo. Winston
Spencer Churchill, who resigned Inst
week as chancellor of the duchy ot
Lancaster, said in the house of com
mons today that the project for send
ing nn nrmy to the relief of Antwerp
origiuntod with Field Marshal Kitch
ener and the French government. Mr.
Churchill made this .statement in out
lining the reasons for his resignation
from the cabinet and explaining his
administration of tho admiralty, ol
which lie funnel iy wns first lord.
In October of Inst year a force ot
Hrilihb mnrincs was sent to Antwerp
to assist in the defcuso of the city
against the Germans. A short time
after tho arrival of tho expedition tho
city fell. Several thousand llritish
escaped across the border and wero
interned in Holland.
Defends Official Ads
Somo of tho severest criticism o
Mr. Churchill's administration of tho
admiralty was in connection with this
adventure. It wns nsserled the force
was inadequate nud was dispatched
when it was too late. Mr. Churchill
P'plicd it had been intended to scud
larger bodies of troops, but that sub
sequent developments made this im
possible. Ah it wns, he. said, the
(ionium ndvitnco was delayed.
In his spech Mr. Churchill declar
ed that if imy operations in the his
tory ot the world Vorc worth carrying
through with sustained fury nud utter
disregard of life, thu operations nt the
Dardanelles wero worth it.
"Wo aro pnssing through a bad time
wluoh probably will be woro before
it is better, but it will be better," Mr.
Churchill mid. "If wo endure tho
campaign of llllfl it should be decid
ed against Germany by her shortage
of men."
llaiuH'ic(l liy Fisher
Ilegnrding tho Dardanelles, Mr.
Churchill declared that tho admiral on
the spot said they could not be taken
with u rush, but that the foilificu
tiniiH might be uduccd gradually by
bombardment. Admiial Sir John
Fisher, then first sea loid, was op
posed to a reduction of Great Hril
m in's naval Ftrciiglh in homo waters,
but never criticised the method of ut
tack on tho Dardanelles.
Mr. Churchill declared ho did not
rcecio clear guidanco from Admiral
Fisher before the expedition wiih de
cided upon or tho sebsrcpieiit firm
support whereto he was entitled.
NICE. France, Nor IV -Captain
Itafaeli of the steamer France, which
wts sunk by u submarino in (he Med
iterraiicsu on November 7, is author
ity for thu statement that while the
crow was getting into tho small boats
the submarine approached to within
100 feet of tho France and when all
the tailors were sufelv off tho ship
grouped th" biuhn tic'ethcr with the
sWamcr as a background, after which
me iittr picture wer Liken,
livvn struck hj Itullcts, u Iho photo
NO. 203
George Burkltt, Assistant Postmaster
Removed for Crittclslnrj President,
Ordered Reinstated When President
Hears of Incident Burleson Also
WASHINGTON", Nov. 15.--Prcsi.
dcyt Wilson today in&tniclcd Post
master General Lturlcson to rcinstata
George Rurkitt, icmovcd as assistant
postmaster at Wuiuctka, 111., becauso
ho criticised the president for his en
gagement to bo married. Tho presi
dent qualified I113 instruction by tell
ing the postmaster general that Bur
kitt should be restored to his position
if there were no other charges against
Announcement of this action was
made today by Secretary Tumulty nf-
ter n brief conference with President
Wilson. It wns said unofficially that
Iho president entirely disapproved of
discharging Durkitt for making tho
remarks accredited to him.
Demerits Denied
III published correspondence be
tween Hurkitt nnd Postmaster KIocp
fcr of Winuctkn, it was stated that
Hurkitt had been given demerits for
other things than tho remarks about
tho president's engagement. That
Hurkitt denied. Tho president-did not
go into that feature in his instrmj
tious to Postmaster General llurlcson,
but made it clear that Hurkitt should
not bo discharged for merely express
ing thu vioiV that a man should not
become engaged within a year after
tho death of Ids wife.
It was stated at tho white. iousc
that Postmnsler Gcnornl Hurlcson
had no knowledgo of tho case beforo
it was oallod to his attention by pub
lication in the newspapers. Tho dis
charge of Hurkitt wus approvcd'by
Assistant Postmaster General llopcr,
after an exchaiigo of letters with
Annojeil by Publicity
Hurkitt pretested he had not had
an opportunity to reply to the charges
aa rcipiircd by civil service laws. Mr.
! toper informed Iiini that the law had
been complied with by a letter sent
to Hurkitt by tho po9tmnslcr notify
ing him of the dischnrgo for fallowing
disrespect to the president.
Whilo while houso officials wero
nnnoyed by tho publicity given to tho
case, it was expected that Postmaster
Gunonil lliiilesou would net iiumedi
alcly on tho president's decision.
Tho posloffiee department issued a
statemont anym" Hurkitt was ohurg-
id with n aeries of offenses which had
been accumulating for months.
Investigating Cast)
It was announced that Hurkitt's
oatu wus being further investigated
mid that uieanwhilc ho stands bus
pundiHl. When the poiloffice dupartmcul's
stutemeiit unjiug Hurkitt still wus un
der suspension uud that tho other
charge-si wero being invostiguted,
rca bed tho whilo houso, it was stated
that orders were on their way to
Postmaster General Hurloson to vo-in-tale
Mm man, and it was made
plain thi't he was to be restored at
once to hi- place, regurdloss of other
dements asuinst him.
WASHINGTON. .v. i:. Wjnter
weather with -now Hurries prevailed
today uud will continue tonight nud
Tuwduy uloiig the Grout Lakus. High
temperature had turned into freezing
wvuther in Oklahoma, wobturn Texas
and mnlhwHiei!i ArltHUsns. I'uirund
eobl weHthor is piomisod for Tuesday
ent of the MUwiwiippi rivor.
I" ' i HI
MFItMX, Nov. 15 (by wiredosd jo
iwillo. "ItepurU from Sofia my
that littrl KiUdittttu-'ii iuiktiim Iiok
hmuIm no iuiprcMwioii, uiuue it is im
uoMibl for the Hrituh to obtain any
Wpoftdat HtlvHHlHMiM at the Dar
iImwIIds ur in Macedonia." yays (ho
Ovum News ufsiivy. "Oonoial
tttiitit)n it that Kitchener was ttiit to
Ihr Onwt a a wspefuat on account
of lite ljritisb tailllfp.''