Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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-Ul'-., I
ra aitoet:
' ia
Mrs. J. I'crcy Wells gave a linen
nbowcr Saturday afternoon at her
homo In Jacksonville) In honor ot
Miss Ora Stout who Is soon to bo mar
ried to Ernest Nlcdcrmoyer. Tho
rooms wcro decorated with an abun
dance of yellow and white chrysan
themums of unusual beauty -which
had been gathered from the hostess'
own flower garden. Music and
games afforded much pleasuro and
nniusomont to all. In a progressive
liocdlo-thrcnding gamo Mlns Emma
Wondt won tho prize, a dainty sow
ing basket; adn Mrs. Gordon Stout
received tho booby prize, a dozen
needle.'; Ingeniously threaded upon a
spool of thread. An "Automobllo Ro
manco" was Interpreted by tho
"brldo-to-bo" who received a Kowplo
bride for her prlzo. Tho answering
of witty questions supplied by tho
hostess gavo to tho honor guest
liiauy timely hints and suggestions.
A tempting looking "brldo's cake"
was cut by tho prospective brldo and
rovcaled gifts of linen both useful
and beautiful. A delicious two
courso luncheon was served which
added a perfecting touch to a highly
enjoyable occasion. Thoso attending
were: Mlsocs Ora Stout, Anna Nlcd
crmoyer, Dorland Hoblnson, Marlon
Ilowon, Lulu Williams, Hmina Wondt,
Mary Hurst and Mcsdamcs Stout, Sr.,
Gordon Stout, Kd Wondt, Geno
Thompson, Howell lllncs. Watson
Caudlll, II. K. llanua and Nell 1).
For tho pleasure of Mrs. Walter
llarrlngton of Tacomn, Mrs. Arthur
Itazclrlgg entertained Thursday. Tho
houso was prettily decorated with
roses. The nftornoonjvns spent with
flowing and conversation, followed by
n two courso luncheon, covers being
laid for ton. Mrs. Cunningham as
aisled tho hostess.
Tho guests Included Mrs. Walter
Harrington, Mrs.Jonas Wold,' Mrs.
K, I Schmidt, Mrs. W. K. Qulslnbcr
ry, Mrs. John Wllkluson, Mrs. A. II,
Cunningham, Mrs. J. J. Iluchtor, Mrs.
Hoy Davis and Mrs. "O. O. Alleudor
for. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Whlttlesoy of
Color.ulo nro sendlng n fow days vis
iting at tho hoieot Mr..nudi(MrsrpI)
Tho regular meeting of tho Wom
an's Home Missionary Society of tho
Methodist Episcopal church was held
at the homo of Mrs. R. C. Mlncar, 10S
X. Ivy street, Friday afternoon. Re
ports wcro given by the secretary of
tho different departments, and plans
wcro discussed for Increasing tho
membership and enlarging tho work
oftho organization. A very interest
ing program was given with Mrs. K.
W. Ilralnard as leader, Mrs, N. J.
Wiley told "Whoro Our Money Goes,"
locating on a map tho different Indus
trial homes, hospitals, and mission
schools of tho society.
Mrs. Ilralnard gavo a resumo of tho
work dono during tho past year, mak
ing all feel that tho Home Mission
ary society was a wonderful organi
zation and that it is worthy of tho
most loyal support of every christian
Mrs. Martha Goro gavo a report ot
tho Union meeting held in Ashland
last month when six national women
workors wcro present.
Mrs. Manning gavo a reading en
titled "Not My Business."
Tho program was concluded by re
sponsive reading on "Social Forco of
Christian Missions."
During tho social hour tho hostess
served refreshments of Ico cream,
cakes am! coffee.
Thoso having tho meeting In
charge wcro much gratified in tho
Interest and attcudanco there being
thirty-five present and flvo new mem
bers enrolled,
Tho members of tho choir of tho
St. Marks Episcopal church entertain
ed their friends with an Informal
dancing party nt St. Mark's Hall Fri
day evening. Tho patrons and la
rtonesses wcro Mr. ond Mrs. I. L.
Hamilton and Mrs. It. C. Kcntncr.
Tho following Included thoso pres
ent, Mess Ilryan, Flora Welsh, Lois
Estes, Jeanctto Patterson, Margaret
Souttcr, Kathryn Sworn, Francos Ken
niiy, Gladys Peart, Vera Inyno, Dor
othy Hill, Mildred Wick, Leah Wal
thor, Mario Gates,. Laura, Gates, Mil
dred Heine, Gladys Wilson, Misses
Hamilton and P,abo Purdin; Robert
Strang, Wesloy Judy, Horace hrom
ccy, Carl Tcngwnld, Mr. Moore, Mr.
Gurue), Hob Deuel, Leon Speck, Earl
W. Stono of AVIllow Springs. They! Hubbard, Roland Hubbard, Griffith
nro on n tour of tho Pacific coast and Cowglll, Mr. Scantlln.
.. r.... !,... inrilnn.l n.,.i antJVHRlnnllt'l 'iniSOIIV HUM lllUIMi
4trt iifiwg I.. r tin..... ttaa '
tin hofnrn roturnlni; homo. Mrs
Whlttlesoy Is ono of tho national of-fcubject.
fleers of the P. E. 0 n woman's or
ganization. Subject,
Wo Fail
Mrs. F. W. Thorno entertained
with a birthday dinner for her daugh-l
tor, Miss Dorothy, Monday evening at
hor homo on King's Highway, The- Sub
guests Included Mr. and Mrs. II. Ff" Jfay
Autlo, tho Misses Mildred and Hazel
Antln. Mrs. C. Illutt and d.MIss Mou-j ni. for
rliui lllatt. . "lie.
. . tit 7:30
Mr, Sinter Johnson entcrtnlncd lasll
Wednesday evening at his rancljSunday
home, tho Antclopo Orchard, foi'
Mrs. Conrad of Chicago. Tho gucsth'orshlp
included Mrs. Conrad, Mr. and Mrs
Walter llowno, Mrs. Stewart Patter
son ami Mr. H. W. Dlngham.
Mrs. Taylor, of Chicago, will en
tertain at dinner this evening for tho
Mr. and Mrs. Walter nowno, Mrs.
Conrad, Mrs. W. L. Holloway, Mr.
TroiiBon, Alfred Carpenter, Dunbar
Cass and Conro Ficro,
Tuesday ovonlng Mrji. W. II. Taylor
gavo a dinner and bridge party at her
homo on King's Highway for Mr. and
Mra. Lincoln McCormack. Mr. and
Mrs, E. F. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs, R.
W.Ruhl nnd Mr. E. W. Carlton.
Mrs. A', F, Qulsonbcrry entertained
the Auction Dridgo Club at herhome
on South Kins street Wednesday aft
ernoon. Mrs. J. O'llrlen, Mra. Walter
Harrington of Seattle and Mrs, Roy
l)avs woo.gucbts of tho club,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Carpenter
qntertalnod a brldgo dinner at their
ninch homo. Tho Foothills Orchard,
Wednesday evening for Mr." I) uh bar
Tho ladled of tho Altar Society met
nt the Parish Hall Wednesday after
noon and how oil for thoir bazar which
will bo hold in Doeombor.
The Glrlh' Thurtduy Ilrtdgo olub
wa entortalRsd Thursday afternoon
by MtM Fern HutckUen at hor homo
o nSouth Orange fUreet.
Mr. aa4 Mm. r U. Merrick enter
Ulned the 5o Club at their heme
on Kat Mala trt Monday evening.
The Udits of the Colone club serv
ed a iNmhf.jn at tu du' buu
The nlumni of the Medford liijjh
school will jiivi nnothcr of their pop
ulur informal dunces thi cvenini; nt
tho Seventh eompanv clubrooms. All
Medford nnd AMiliuiil high school Hid
den!, ivs well uft the nlumni, liiive re
ociveil invihtioiis. TIil beautiful dec
orations placed in the Seventh com
pany rooms on the occnMon of the
reception to Governor Withycouilie
nnd military stuff have been left in
place for I ho nlumni dunce by upc
einl r"(tiest. The decorations hnto
been pronounced nw the best yel in
Mailed nt nnv public enlertuinment,
and .i frciu-nl desire has been ex
pressed to view them.
Tin' frirla of Miss J neks' ebtss nnd
boys of Mr. Walt's class of the
Presbyterian Sunday hcIioo enjoyed
u plensnnt eenitu? Fridny with a
pnrlv in the olmpel. The boyn enter
tniiied the jrirls nt thu boxbull alley.
Othe games were enjoyed Inter in tin
chapel, followed bv n delicious lunch.
Tito follnuiiic were present; Misses
Florence. Bnin, Frances Perry, Mnbel
Enrsley, Rebecca Hncr.n, Tlicliim
(Innnnwiiy, lhith Campbell. I.ueile
Withon, Myrtn Otterdnhl, Cnrolita
Jneks; Mehsrs. .John Whipple, Weir
McDonald. Koyco Slewin;, Mnurice
Mnboney, Kdrl York nnd W. It. Wntt.
Mrs. H. J. Conrov entertained with
a prettily appointed I o'clock lunch
cop Tucsdiiv afternoon nt her home
on Mcdford lleishts, followed by
carJf. lto'iCK. and ferns were nrtis
ticnlly used In the fable decorations.
The i;uets included: M. . Walter
StokeK, Mrs. J. Dunlap, Mrs. Win
Dunlnp, Mis, II. G. Kndcrs of Ash
land, Mrs. Charles Hrown. Mrs. Wel
doii Riddle. Mrs. Kdjrnr Hnter and
Mn. Sclb Hullis.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Springer en
Jertiliiu'd informally Monday evening
for llie pleasure of George IVnhe and
Herbert Clark of Valley City, X. P.,
former schoolmntis of Mrs. Spritzer,
The oveninir was spent with cards anil
music ol'lor wliieb light icfresliipcnts
were setved. The truests were:, Mrs.
Ivor Pnlev.'tlie Mioses Iouo Flyim.
Loraine Illiton, K. C. Korris nnd Mr.
laid Mrs. Carl Glasgow.
J Mr. and Mrs. Karl Scliiilaudor en
tcrtnlncd at dinner nl their ranch
honie ,oi tl Jacksbnvillc-Centnil
Point road Sunday evening in. honor
Of George Pcnko. formerly of Valley
Cjy, K. I)., who is the guest of
friends in the valley en route to the
fair. T'ic guests included Mr. and
Mis. E. V. Campbell and family, Mr.
nnd Mis. W. X. Campbell and family,
MV. and Mrs. Donald Springer nnd
fipectiug the polo line. Ho re
The fir-.f liionthlv dancing and
card pnrly oT tho'Mediortl Lodge, U.
P. 0. E., will bo given Tuesdnv even-
lifl.t f..ll nf mmiv ni Priw,n.i.lnir, Xovomber lti. llniilrigg'h fiv-
,!.. piece orolicbtlu will funiUIi music for
T. 1). lUmulicit -tarled bis Uc dancing m tho lodge room, rind
wagon Momlav. lie intends ti10"0 i9WaZ l" P.'" uU , ,'
the uhole valley buving ))0ultA'ntrtaincd in the ladies par or and
and twain fi ilhefauneisailclub room Tins is ONpeeled to be
ing market prices. I1' t l best boithewaniiiiig parties
I.:,vrcnM Wnde of Central Rve by Uiejoihc;
preaches nt the srhnolhnuso
Sundav cM-niug at 7::i0 oVlor A reception was giveu Mr. nnd Mrs.
0. T. WiNon nt Sams VnlKKoy L. Howard, who have recently
Sunday with lriends in this eo returned from their wedding trip to
ity. ' the lair. Games and dancing were
.Miss Ethel Garrison of M'lad, utter which rcfreMmicnth of wko
isited Saturday and Sundnyund coffco wcic sen-cd. Mr. mid
Miss Clara Collins at this plncfMr. Howard were Ibu recipients of
Mr. Persons is arranging to many pretty and useful gifts. All de
lurge number of turkeys to Snup.irted nt a late hour. wWiiug tln'iu
eisco for the Thanl;siing tra huppy and prosperous life.
John Cameron and dnughto
.nlAl I .. . . . . . .
"" ' geline, vimteii jnemiK in uii
Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard L. Wilson of
Rancho El Ntdo, are at tho Hotel
Medford for a fow das, leaving tho
first ot tho week for a lengthy trip,
taking In tho Sou Francisco fair, and
Berkeley, where their son Robert Is
a student nt tho University of Califor
nia, and later they will go to Ixs An
geles and Pasadena, boforo return
ing to tho valley.
The Cdlege Women's club is meet
ing this ititoruoon with Mrs K. II
Porter. 1010 South Oakdnlc. Mrs.
Campbell nnd Miss 'Centner will dis
cuss the li' us and woiko of MoKim
and Piiiruhiirn, nnd landscape garlen
ing in general will be treated bv Miss
Ferguson. Following the program, re
freshment will be served by the so-
em j commuii-c.
Mr. anl Mi. Chailea Delcu enter
taiiifd nt dinner Thurnduv eicning for
the following suesU: Mr. and Miw.
Ray Moran, a -k Mornn, Mr. Stoner,
Klorvmu and Hobm It eddy.
Mn Robert Ituhl entertained Tues
day afternoon with a delightful In
formal luncheon for a number or
For tho pleasure of Mn. Sou d dor
and Mrs. Tuylor of Chloago. Mr. W.
L. Holloway untorUlnod with a din
ner Sunday evening.
Mrs. Frodorlck Hflpkliii untertaln
m1 with an Informal bridge partr
WwlnMHlay afternoon
" U
Mra Ham L Irln returned hotue
Sundav from a wcrL s vl-'t to San
M"iss Frances Ash rnteitniiied
Tuesday evening at III" home of her
sister, Mrs. Charles Lcbo, on Wit
Jnekson street, with an mtoniial
dinner party. The guests present
were: The Mise Moin Welsh. Loin
Estes, G. F. Moore. .1. M. Gvmmcll,
Alan Hojikins and Mr. and Mrs. hr-
ne-t M'elvcc.
The Amomn class of the Ilnptist
vhurch held their regular luonthb
llililc study and bur-mess meeting at
the borne of Mrs. E. ,1. Stuart Wed
ncsday evening. Plans were mnde foi
the coming year nnd reports from
the different officers were made.
A surprise party was gicn at the
home of . G. Knips, the occasion
being in honor of Mr. Knips birth.
day. About fifty weic present, nnd
ufter pluviug games until n late hour
all leturncd home, -wishing Mrs. Kni'ia
tuuny happy retunis of thu day.
Mis M.xers uud Miss D.o, ueom.
panied Ly Mi Die's aunt, Mr-. F.
A. MiJrann of Oroiil'e, Wu.h., left
Wednsdiiy for n viwit to tho Panama
uje position.
Mr. und Mr. W. K. Lord ot Ku-Hi-nc
aro guokls at tho home of Mr.
Lord', sister, Mi. Hosiner, of South
Kin Mreut, on lOHte to Sun Fnuw
Th bwllm. of the Cobtiir M met
at thoir oluL rtnttos in thu Medford
liotl Prida to w for the ltwl Cn
Mr Walter Harrlncton of Tacoma,
WakhinEton, who has been vliltinc
her iliter, Mr E F Schmidt re
turned hoine toduj
Two' Buds' in Society of Capital
Tho Misses SuMMino (left) nnd Ellxabeth (right) ni'o the dnughtcrs of
Cataln ami Mrs. Volney ()., V. S. X., nnit nits niuotig tho pumihicnl
debutantes In Wnslilngton Mciety this winter. Cnirtnln Clinso is a member
of the stuff of Adnilnil William S. Reason o ftho buiitiu of operations of
tlio navy lexutiiuiit.
Tho Political Science and Parlia
mentary Law class will meet Monday
afternoon In tho largo hall of the
public library.
After a buslncsa session which will
begin nt 2:30 -whon n constitution
nnd by-laws will bo adopted and of
ficers elected, Mr. Elmer T. Koss will
address tho class on the ballot.
As tho women of the class aro
studying politics with tho view of
making tho most intelligent use of
thoir votes, It was tnought well to
begin with tho subjects nearest at
hand, and glvo tho city election which
occurs In January as much careful
study and thorough consideration as
tho tlmo will permit.
This class is what Its nnmo Implies,
simply a study cUbb, which has no
affiliation with any other club. Thero
nro no dues, and all ot tho women of
Medford who nro Interested in this
lino of study nro cordially Invited to
'join tho class and to attend Its meet
Mn. L. A. Saluda enteiluined the
Xullo lliidgo eluli atber ranch home
near Cent ml Poiiit:Tliuisday after
noon. ?
Miss Helen Dnhl left Wednesday
for Sun Finiieinco, wheio she will
visit the exposition.
Mrs. P. J. Neff gavo a very Inter
esting and comprehensive report ot
tho stnto convention of tho Parent-
Teacher circles, -which met at Cor
vallls In October to tho Roosevelt
nnd High school circles on Thursday
afternoon. She succeeded in no small
degree, in arousing In thoso present
enthusiasm for tho work and earnest
deslro to have tho convention In Med
ford next October. Such a gathering
would glvo Medford ngreat spiritual,
moral and educational uplift.
Mrs. 15. 1U Seoley was present nnd
added a fow thoughts from tho con
vention. A duplicate copy of Mrs. Xeft's ro
port will bo circulated nmong tho
members and discussion will occur
Mrs. Van Sroyoc sang In her usual
happy mnnnor, "When I Leavo tho
World nohlnd."
Tho circles nro looking forward to
tho organization of a central council.
Tho Doiird of Directors ot tho
Drama Leaguo Center mot nt tho
Library Monday afternoon nnd per
fected arrangements to sccuro an
largo an iiudlcnco as possible for
Forbes Robertson. A great deal of
enthusiasm and Interest is being
shown by tho members in tho work
for tho coming year.
Following tho very successful so
cial event promoted by tho Seventh
company lit their now armory on tho
occasion ot tho reception nnd ball In
honor of Governor Withycombo and
Maff, and will bo another ovont ot
ntltl greater promlenco tioclally when
a military ball will bo given Thanks
giving to which novcrnl hundred In
vitations will bo Issued, A full or
chestra has been ongagcU for tho oc
casion and It Is expected tw even excel
the success of tho former event given
by tho nttlllory company1.
Tho Seventh Company aro arrang
ing to hold monthly balls during tho
winter, tho Thnnksglvlng ball being
tho first ot tho series.
Tho beautiful hall of tbo company
lends Itself to artistic decoration ef
fects that tends to niako tho gather
ings more than ordinarily pleasant,
which together with tho social and
club rooms so costly arranged, prom
ises to mnko an Invitation to tho Sev
enth Company partios somothing to
bo coveted.
Tho Pnronl-Teacbora' clrclo of tho
Lincoln school hold their monthly
meeting nt tho school building Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs, E. It. Seoloy gavo
n ropnrt from tho Mothers' Congrctti
and Parent Teachers convention re
cently hold at Corvatlls, which vnn
very Interesting and well received ap
well n8 tbo othor numbors on tho
Tho Lincoln school Parcni-Tenclicr
clrclo Join with tho other circles,
clubs and organizations of'tho city in
extending an invitation to tho Moth
ers Congress and Pnrcnt-Toobhor con
vention to moot In Medford next Oc
tober. As this convontlon will bring nt
least 150 delegates from all over tho
United States It Is hoped that when
tho oxccutlvo commltteo of tho con
gross moots In Portland In December
tliey will drcldo to hold tho tioxt con
vention In tills city.
Mrs. v. A. Folger nnd daughter,
Miss .lev Folger, left Sunday for a
viait to Portland.
Mr. mid Mrs. J. D. Simiott left Fri
day for San Fruncfcro for n' visit to
tbo exposition.
Dr. nnd Mrs. E. H. French and son
left Friday for a visit to tbo exposition.
The WorldJFamous
Sale Extraordinary
Having Purchased the Diamond Stock of
Jewelry, Silverware,
Cut Glass, Etc.
Will ln l'lnccd on Salu
at No. 30 North Central Ave.
Next door i" postoffice, :ti prices iliai will inlcreHl
you. Anticipate your 'riianksgivin and fTiristmas
wants and buy while the selection is good. "Watch
show window for bartrains.
J. Y. Dl.OIOXD, Mgr.
Plant YourGrain With a
Van Brunt Grain Drill
It takes less seed and raises
more grain to the acre
Every seed is planted at the same depth
and it all comes up even
Coine in and see them
Fee Positively $2.00 after this Week.
Low fee this week only.
Simply baffles dCHcrlptlon and
aninzen tho ontlro civilized world, and
places himself beyond tho possibility
of competitions. Removes evil In
fluences, reunites tho separated,
brings nboul your overy wish Imme
diately, reveals your llfo from Infan
cy to old iiro. Satisfaction guaran
teed. $2 LIFE HEADING, 11.
Gives dates, facts, figures, tells you
of HvJiib or dead; YOUIt dKCniJT
TUOU11LK9, tho causo nnd romqdy;
In fact, everything; glvea Infallible
ndvlco on all affnlrB of llfo; LOVK,
peculations, transactions ot every na
ture If you aro worried, perplexed
or In trouldo, call today,
Wlwt I IX. I'or fl.OO
I call yoiir name, tell your aro,
your occupation, and what condition
your business is In nnd how to pro
mote It, tell you all about your- wife,
husband, nwectheart or 16vcr and how
to win tho lovo of anyono you doslro,
I tell you ot any move, Journey, spec
ulation, position or changa ot any
kind which may bo boforo you and
bow to act to obtain tho best results.
I toll you exactly who to trust and
who to shun. I tell yoti whom and
when you will marry, If at atl, and
glvo thoir nnmo, ago, occupation and
disposition. In short, I tell you every
thing you called to find out, and that,
too without asking you a question or
you speaking a word.
Parlors at tho Palm Rooming
IIouso, 130 West Main strcot. Hours
9 a. m. to M:30 p. ni. Dally and Sun-
J day. Adv.
Is preferred to any other kind, be
cause it is produced by tho. most ef
ficient and up-to-date methods nnd
machinery known to the creamery in
Insist on your grocer sending you
GOLD SIOAL Butter. It will pleaso
you. Thero is nothing better mado.
The Jackson County Creamery
Medford, Oregon
i iB'l " 1
u iiaruo-
nlars I'ortl.inil Watchmaking, Kr
' graving ami Optical Sdioijl 218 Cow.
. , . Muoimealtli Uldx . Cth uud Anky,
uwrflauk Hid. .orlialui ort-uoo.