paouc mvm Freckles and His Friends? By Blosser MEMTOUD MAIL TftUHfNlfl, MfeJDKOttD, OMWOy. FRIDAY. XOVKMIJKIf 12 l?)l.ri tsum Hi UNITY A citizens' meeting hold Sat urday evciincr, Xuvember 13, to hear repot ts from n eummittcu to which wns rd'crred tin matter ul'-nti oiptit libit ni'.j-tujmont of pa vim obllgn- tioiiH. Further problems olotig thi4 lino will also ho diseiwHcd ami moth od reec ni'jiended ior rolioC A special mi;utih! of the Ashland nc'ltool dittfot will 1)0 hold at tho city hall No, ember Vo, jit ' , h. The ehi'ik order of business will bo to ote nu'ii tft'v ' .Th itemized iud . got foots up .fl7,'.212.fi0, or .hie't toaohJ'is' PiiInriCM rotpiiio .f(i,0:i7."i0, . bonds to bo retired HJllll, ami irttpr-' est '? 15Q0. Fu.u, costs sfcJOOti tiiitV fntt; itors' jmiurlc $2'3.'0. A rod fnt boj.; weighing UOO .poitnj--., which linn been serving tur indoteM lnitmte .'oiiton?t in tho public pound since parly in tho month, will In' -toll at public saio Xo ember .'&, unlo soonor pnroh'ci Jjy tho olu'oC of po lico. ... Dr. P. M. Unmet has iclttrned from Myjlle crook, '.n nonplus coun ty, and Is at homo ut least, for th" wiutar ti tin; family residence, on North Main strccl. From here ho in direotimr a number of political sei"eds to Portland papers. II. (2. Knders & Sons have bought tho bankrupt stock' of tho Hiogel hardware more. The goods will re main where they are and tho new proprietor will conduct the bushiest t the old sdniid for the present at least, K.v-Coimly Judge Condon of Tilla mook arrived here recently to test the virtues of Ashland's mineral waters. The judge was a candidate for leg islativo honors on tho democratic ticket at the last genera! election, mid though unsuccessful, ran ahead ot! his ticket. Will Virgin, former resident and son of .Mrs. ). (I. Owen, recently emtio from Stockton, Cal., where he now lives, to attend tho funeral of bin niece, Miss Mildred Drake. Anticipating tho election of school directors by several months, vanou" women nro again clamoring for rep resentation on the board. It is re ported Unit the thimble and embroid ery auxiliary of the Federated Knit ting Noodle association has a candi date in the person of an ex-school teacher. At the last election the woman enudidate for director was overwhelmingly defeated. Odd Fellows and their wives met in goodly numbers nt lodge headquar ters on Thursday evening and par took of roust pig feast after tho rou tine business was over. The, porkoi was the donation of V. I,. Moore, re siding in the Hollovicw district, the residents of which arc-noted' for their hospitality. As "ido dishes the Indie provided pumpkin pic, ernnbem sauce and it Iter fillers. Piggy was n peilivrreed l'erksltire. tippitr,' the bourn in the oven at nearly -10 paunds. All who pat look of tho delicauy de clare that "pigs is pijrs." Robert Duulap, who maintains a city resilience as well as a typical suburban cabin in the wilds of tin! miiiine seel ion west of town, dis avows all intention of applying to the Cnniejrio hero foundation for either i) medal or cash prize on account o" haviii'i conio to the' rescue of a young hunter win. got lost in tho woods re cently, and whoso disappearance caused more anxiety and diligent search than has 'occurred hereabouts for many a day. Important events in Hie Elks' cal endar are the Thanksgiving hall No vember !!"; memorial exercises, )e comber : nKo hist, hut not least, the nu.stoumrv Christmas tree during' the holidavs, incident to which the hearth of mi JTiuy of little (oiks are undo glad Ihr.iuuh Ihe generosity of tho his fraternal organization. The tree event will be staged at lb" Vining. The high school will be the riioh of Ihe eitv union at an entertainment to be given at Moo hall Friday even in!.'. "A Host. of Plymouth Town'' the class plav, will he gien at the gm a week from Friday, November 20th. Mrs. Sarah K. Martin died Wed nosdav al her home on the lloiile.ard. nt the advanced ag.- of S.S. She Uhivqs two on-. Jiiiihu and .John, to idents of this city, with whom slit lived loiiiiv venis. Funeral -orief Wore held on Thursday al Trriitv Hpiseopul church. Inteimeiil in .Moiintidn Viw ooinelory. On Wednesday ln-t eight incite- t sMow wn rciMiited in territon i.d fyeont to Siskiyou summit. The o.d. evidence of 'the beautiful" in tin suction of the valley was u lew flake Which Ml Tuesday oveiiiiiir. Wonl cmics from Prod W. Mill'T. It'iYik. Wis., that Js i mow cHsli fir of Dm I jstwmu Milium ''. of llw nltVi niKimfi.cti.nis .f tin Mwrvt.!" flouwti Ik "- tiniiur'v iintpne'ni of th I'biM ftiufeetionerv in this oitv. siiftwdiiitr Cltticucp Tnne. ilr. Alma T. Yi.iipg lm imnhal frtw Mr. rrh ' of Mn kjk, Wa-h.. i;l wr 'mi Ilit wt tUH eiit-kiH- of Ills cil. Mr. 8d Jdj. Vimibi; nlnnI.v in w-mhi tKd "ill sink two trt-lls on lb iirrnt ;. bffcitk- .tltrt iirain.vinv; it. '1'v w if .iiiii.iIU truui Mime Thwr purcbo wu luriuvrly Lnoun r :!- 111 :-.:l. . . X. :3rtrA- .: ' ns tho Hill Willis pin. The sale was negotiated hv Allen &, Plnpps. ItelutlvctC to tho number of 20 gatborcd at the. plensunl liomo ot Mr, and Mrs. Joe Under Inst Sunday for n reunion, nnd dinner. Mrs. C. Cnte nnd liusbnnd and family bctnt; hero from I.a Ornndo, Ore. Mrs. Under decided to lutvo tbo relntlves nil toRether Sunilny us Mr. and Mrs. Cnto return to La Orando beforo TltanskKlvlng. Those preKent were Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Cnto and three children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lottlo Colcer nnd llttlo son, Mr. nnd Mm. Lloyd Colver and two chll ilien. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Uosu nnd bnby, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnlver Furry, Mrs. Ml. Uoso, Mr. anil Mrs. A. S. Furry, Miss Junnlta Furry, Mr. Aubroy Fur ry, Mrs. Hollywood, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Under. s A most sumptuous din ner wns sorvod nttor which tbo nf teruoon was spent in games nnd mu sic. A most enjoyable day for all was reported. Mr. Jeffries of Talent wns deliver ing seed harloy In North Talent Wed nesday. S. S. Stephen was delivering n load of potatoes In Phoenix from his gar den ranch In North Talent Wednes day. Hutchison & Lumsdon of Mcdfonl were delivering groceries nnd grain by nuto truck to sovernl of their pn trons between Talent and Phoenix Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Carey of Talent wore In Medford AVednesdny on bus iness. Kmtnet Hceson and Fred Clineham mer drove two largo bands of beef cattle over from tho Applegate coun try Wednesday and will market ipilto a number soon. Wo arc enjoying thu luxury of hav Iiik our Dally Mall Tribune delivered from Medford by carrier to our door. It scorns good to got tho Mail Trlbuno tho saniu afternoon It Is published, and wo predict a much larger circu lation In this part of tho valley. Hoy Coffman of Tnlonl who Is In tho hospital nt Ashlnnd, Is reported out ot danger. Al Hell and family of Medford, but Into of Montague, Cal., canto to hln ; brother's homo In Talent this week for a short stay. Ho .recently receiv ed a fall from a lnddor which broko a couple of his rlhs and crippled him up. M. L. Alford of tho First National bank of Medford was In Talent Wed nesday afternoon on buslnoss. Carl Newbury had to give up his trip to tho S. F. exposition with his father .Monday, on account of Illness. Carl Is suffering with a very bnd cold on his lungs. Ho in nt thu homo of his mint, Mrs. Joo Under, of I'lipo nix. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hoborts of North Tnlont have been going back and forth to Ashlnnd overy day the past week to bo with Hoy Coffmnn at tho liobpltul nt that plnco. They hope to be able to bring him homo In a fow days. RUMANIA IS HOPE OF ALLIES IN BALKANS LONDON, Nov. 12. -Tho Tlnios Ilnllinn correspondent telegraphing from Hiu barest, expresses tho opln- ol men and women who really never know what it is to enjoy sound, vibrat ing health who would Ik. surprised to suddenly gain that exhilarating vitality that robuH health brings. Literally thousands withput any par ticular sicklies live in "g0ner.1l de bility", as the doctor call it have hcatbuhes, are tiivd and indifferent. To all Mich people wo nay with unmis tnkabkt earneMncks "Take Scott's limuUion after meals for one month and allow its rare oil-food to enrich ami utt Hvwt yeur blood, quicken your circulu t ion, stimulate nutritii. and akl nature tottevckifl that real rr.1 biowlrd hietltl ioshu activity, mjovtuoiU, sncerM.'' Sjtt'i KuiuKiou 1- out a drug. h" til tw Mat fnut-toiiir- r .- fruiu aiwsiul Oaa UaHc in-'. klp " 1 uvtt aUwwac, Wwuiikia.;. J-;J Sll""" " ' -, 4--'1' '."T STS ': $$&- ;;;'" '; .' -I ;"':;;' rhi''4'- EDEN PRECINCT ': . $ i::i::-:.::: ;::i::':;i::::1.:::-:H::h:!'' i iMli: !ii:! -.: . !:::!:li:H!ilii:ii::;):y::i::;.-:: !:i!::::::! ::: Y.:. i:i:::iiS:i.:!sJ:ii:i:t::!;:5:iis:-:- m--:r . ' :,-ifr::-:. &: " w wr- ;N f i:::::!i S-- ' Sti.. .ax. I ;":' .x' .!'!.:: mZSA. V ' ' l.yVir M ' . :- : : V V' :i :::i:: ':' H !:: ':. : '...:.... 'i : jT. :::: Ion that It Itussla could send Into the Serbian cainpalnn a force of 200, 000 men while tho French and Htit tlsh troopH are Vending on tho Aegean coast, tho hesitation which prevails In certain quarters in Humnnla would bo dissipated and both Humanla nnd flreeco would throw 'In their lots with tho entente allies. "In this event," says tho correspon dent, "Humanla could fall on Ilul garla In the renr with 200,000 men nnd simultaneously nttnek tho Ger man front with 400,000 men. Hu mnnla. feels Hufo In tho Carpathian passes, which Mia regard as Intpreg nnblo." The scene of action In such a caso would probably bo eastern Ilulgnrln or Thrnce, whero Field Marshal Von Dor Uoltz'n army is assembled but lacks munltlomi." Tho dlstnnco of tbo ontento allies' naval base from the scene ot hostil ities' In Sorbin nnd tho necessity of guarding tho long lino of communtcn tlonsln a difficult country nnd In tho fnct of a hostile population Is regard ed by tho correspondent as rendering n northward march from Snlonlkl In ndvlsnblo. Tho concentration of for ces fnrther enst Is held by tho corre spondent to bo Impossible, owing to military conditions. SALTS IS FINE FOR J Flush the Kidneys at once when Back hurts or Bladder bothers Meat forms uric acid. No man or wouian who eats meat regu larly can iimko a mistake by dualling tho kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms urlo acid which clogs the kidney porca so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the wasto and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous ness, constipation, dluiness, slecplossnewi, bladder disorders oomo from sluggish kid neys. Tho moment you feel a dull acho In the kidneys or your buck hurts, or If tho urine is cloudy, offensive, full ot sedi ment, Irregular of passage or attended by a sensatloa ot scalding, get about four ounces of Jud Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glu.s of water beforo breakfast for u fow days and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous salts is inado from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, com blnod with lithis. sud has been used for generations to Hush clogged kidneys nnd stimulato them to activity, also to lieu tralietho ucids in urine so It no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jud Salts Is Inexpensive and can not injuro; mokes u delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all reg ular meat caters should take now and then to keep tho kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ney complications. FOU HUNT IIOUSKKKIJPINO JtOOMH FOU ilKNT Modern lurnTshcd housekeeping rooms, cheap; closo In. 234 Kast 9tb. 20S FOH HKNT nWHKH FOH HUNT Ten room house, un furnlMnid or partly furnished: fur nnoo. Mrs. J. K. Watt, Phono 3S1-JI. 203 FOH HKNT .Modern C-room bunga low. Phone :i 19-.!, or Inquire nt njo S. Onkdulo. 101 FOR HKNT Furnished" "modern house. W. Jl. Kvorhard, 1013 W. 9th street. FOR HKNT Well furnished modern bungalow. 42 i South Laurel. FOR HUNT Col. Sargent's place on Oakdale avenue. Inquire of II. II. Nye or Hoy H. Peebles. 23S FOR HKNT House. Tel 5ST,- i. 25 HOTEL OXFORD Newest and Best in GRANTS PASS, ORE. Kmbodtes every convenience and comfort found In a modern hotel. Hot ami cold water, steam heat and telephone In everv room, largo -heorful lobby will. o. i fire, Well I.IkIiIimI Samplo Itoouu. Piles moderate. Auto-bus to all train... Medford trade speluHy solicited. F. W. STREETS, Prop. ::.,N- S ' 't ', .-:. ia. A1 m - -ti,i-JXt. : Srvr-v :- -;.. $..?&? akn iai: . " . . ...... rr ti i . . - i-.. l i - i- , wwav. ij. , : -3 . .:. - w I : !. :;,!iilii!:!li:i;i !?;;' ."""!: ji::::::i:i: i SAGE TH IN LIFELESS, GRAY HI n Look young!' Common, garden Sage and Sulphur darkens so naturally nobody can tell Grandmother kept her hair beautifully d&rkeiicd, glewy uisl abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever lior huJr fell out or took on that dull, faded or strenkod oppNirnnce, tills lmpla mixture was tinplitd with won derful effect. Uy asking at any drug store for "Wjcth'a Sago and Hulphur Hair Itcmcdy," you will get a largo bottle of this old-timo reel, ready to use, for about 60 cents, 'fids situplo mixture can bo depended upon to ro.loro natural color ami beauty to the hair ami is splendid for dandrulf, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody usos Wye t It's Sagu and Sul phur, Uocauso It darkens so naturally und mealy that nobody can toll it has been applied It's so wuty to use, too. Von simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand nt n timo. Hy morning tho grnv hair dlsappcnrsj alter another appli cation or two, It is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abun dant. FOIt IIK.W- FUltauiUmi nOOMH FOH HRNT Furnished rooms am! also house hooping rooms, closo In. 304 South Central. FOH HKNT Very pleasant furnish ed room with private, family; closo In; cheap. Inquire evenings, 2U0 N. Control. 201 FOit ItKNX MlbCKLI.ANlCOUH FOH HKNT 1 1 acres, nartly Iti benr- I Ing orchard; house amltools; 1 Vi . miles from city limits. Phono r..s ;.-.!. 2oi FOH HKNT-Kill acres 7 A miles from Cold Hill, 20 acres In culti vation, bnlanro timber, closo to good range. For terms, etc., ap ply to C. W. Dow, Hold Hill, or Hco. M. llonney, Medford. 202 FOR LKASK Rich river" bottom land. Fine for gardening, corn and potatoes, It., caro Mall Trl buno. FOU SALK ItRAli KSTATB FOUSaIjE FarinlandTiniRTond", timber lnnd, land from C00 per ucro upwards on long time. Gold Hay Realty Co. FOU SALIC Ml.SCITliliA.MCOUH FOR SALK .MamimitTV?r"onxor,ir koys for brooding; now Is Ihe time to solect your stock for spring; giant birds of a hnrdy strain. Or tier now. J. C. Honing, Vnlloy Vlow Itnnrli, FOH SALKHostnurnut, cheap It taken at once. Address S. C, caro Mall Trlbuno. FOU SALK First "ofAJarcl7' it. T Ued cockerels at city reservoir. J. Peterson. 204 FOU SALK Corn Pno"non97-H2. 2201 FOR SALK-tudobnkor iy 12 auto mobile, first class condition. Trav oled about 14,000 mllim. Price 300.00. Uox O, Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALK Separator, as good us new. Phouo 304. 203 FOHS ALU -ilniedgraiiT hny, ""fl"? per ton. Phono 57 l-H-4. 203 FOR SALK -llraln hay and whont, Phone Biii.,12. WHY? IT IH VOl'lt ml.VKSS TO KICK MK Because my tloct in trade Is to havo optioned at tho lowest cash price tho best buy In tblu county. I have been on tnu ground look ing out for you tor tho past fire years. Nearly everyday I have In vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated everything oxcept tboso duals which 1 am convinced will se miro me satisfied customers, In a fow hours time I can slvo you tho benoflt of this research. It Is my business to show you over the county and Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. Boo Med ford first and J. G. BARNES ln Wil MjUji Mtrwtf nn? 'i'lijiiiiii-ljiiiil:' ':':i::!f!!i'!;ll!:::!j!:l!:i :!:;iirJ-,i:T::;::ijj'j: FOH 8ALK Dnffodlll bulbs, booth 21, Public Market, or Phone L'2-W. 2 or. FOR SALK Nearly new Oliver ty no writer, price $20. Some choice dia monds nt your own price. Call at 200 W. Main, Medford, Ore. 1 FOH 8ALH One Oliver No. r. type writer, nearly new, cheap, linn kin Kstes, 28 North Front St. 201 FO i t SALK ieaTl'i idTl'l!od eI Man d Hod cockorolH for breeding, bred by double Spokane -winner Inst show. Krttpst Webb, Control Point. 102 FOR SALK Overland touring enr; snap for quick Halo. Phono 7, Lino 14, Central Point. 202 FOH SALK Slock beets and currots COO per ton. F. L. Cuton, Con trol Point, U. F. 1), No. 2, Phono S'Jx'l, 222 FOH SALK HenrdlosH and bearded barley. Phone 30, Dr. Cluucy. FOH SALK Angora. gonTsi Kd White, Cllmnx, Ore. 212 URAL ESTATE FOR SALE All kinds of property for snla or ex change. Gold Hay Realty Co. FOR SALK Polo mountain buggy, good oh now. Palmer Investment Co., Modoc Orchard, FOR SALK Ford touring car. quint nLNash Hotel. ln- FOU SALK Stump mill, mining enra nnd track rail, pumps, hoists, air compressor, nlr drills, mining ru-tv chtnory, tools and supplies, Iron and hydraulic pipe all sizes, ttt halt price. Address M, caro Trlbuno. rojt MAr.n--iarKmCK. FPU SALK (nioircolC'a'carB.T'cnif 7-wcelts, or trndo for hay, 1'boilo BS-I'-X. 203 FO T 8 A L K -No . I "j e rsoy co w7 K. K. ore or L. II. Warner Sr., Phone 1OO-U 201 FOU SALK -Team good work maros .J.r.; 33 nice shouts, r.0.00, U. Allder, Uohh Lane. 202 FOH SALK -If, horsoH, 12 heavy work mares. Inquire Vinson'! Hum, N. Itlvorsldo Ave. 21G WAATKD fttTU.V TION8 WANTKD Work by day. hour or Job by man with toam; also wo have alfalfa, grain, hay nnd straw and wood for italo. Leo Young, Phono 7-F4. 221 WANTKD 'mhiTiia.A.Vr-.OL'H WANTKD One or two gooil work horses; price must bo reasonable. Inquire, at Peubro Orchard, half mile west Voorhies Station. 202 WANTKD Piano for storage; best of earo; io children. Phono 77fi-V. 201" WANTKD mTibIc pupils. Frank An derson, now organist, Page theater, teacher of piano, Phone 900-M. 102 WANTKD Have party to rent strict- ly modem bungalow, well located, either furnished or unfurnished. Dennett Investment Co. WANTKD Largo knitting mill In- vltea correspondence from women desirous of earning monoy, part or full tlmo, (Juod pay, Kxporlonce unnecessary. International Mills, Inc., Norrlstown, Pa. 200 fok KAuna.xm FOR TRADK f, Vi III. wagon. Phono 77S-J, 201 I.OMl LOST Small l?oldf7aoniity pin"; mnltost erons with black enameled center, P. O. A. and dutu tl-8-1 2 on back. Leave at Tribune office. 20 1 LOST Autoinobllo crnng for car, on Crater Lake rond, He turu to Mail 'irlbitue ami receive reward. 20 .1 NEW TODAY 1 have otto of the finest outlaying stock ranches In tho county. Four hundred acres nearly all of It la ag ricultural land, and half ot It Irri gated. Pine improvements, well out In the tree outraugu. About &00O worth of personal property goon with It. Prlro m.OUO, and a great buy ut that price. Flue little place close to pavement In (lrunur Pa, six screw, some al falfa, and soiiih fruit. Would trade clear for Medford prouorty. C. D. BOON Room 1U, Jutksou County Ibuik llldjc, " Auto Supplies LAHKR AUTO SPRINO CO. We am operating tho largest, oldctd nnd best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteontb SL, Portland, Ore. Attorneys OKO. CHKURY Attorney., and ....Notary, Room !), Jackson County ...Hank Uulldlng, Medford, Ore. PORTKR J. NKFF, WM. P. MBALKT Attorncys-at-Law, Hoomn 8 nud 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. K. RKAMKS, LAWYKR Garnctt Corey bldg. Q. M. ROllKRTS Lawyer. iuoutoru National Dank Building, -" -rxm-uAi- .'iim,,",,,-.-Deutlsts Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. Ci C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Coroy Dldg., ulto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono, SCO. Collections nnd Ile-torts COLLKCTIONS AND UK POUTS We collected aoiiio accounts, 14 years old, Wo know how to got tho money. Tbo Uuttock Mercantile Agijncy. Inc., Rooimt l, 2, 3, Hna- klns' IJIdg., aitl K. Main bL ICnglueer nud Contractor I-MtKn" NTCUMM 1 NtS SiigrnMiMind contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Dldg Burvoya,, estimates, Irrigation drnlnngo, orchard and lnnd Im provement. fihrbnge OAHUAOK Out your promisor clotiued up for the summer. Call on tho city garbngo wagons for good service. Phono 274-L. Y. Allen. Instruction la ."Music F. HAIOHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Onrnett-Coroy bldg. Fred Al ton Knight, piano; Mm, Florence Hnlllday, voice. Phono 72. PIiyslcliuiH ami Surgeons DR. F. O. CAULOW, DU. F.VA MAINS CAULOW - Oatoopnthlc physicians, 410-417 (laructt-Corey bldg., phono 1030-L. Itcsldence 20 South Laurel at. 1H. W. W. HOWARD OAtoopiitliic physlclan, 303 Oarnott-Corey building. Phone 90t-M, DR. J. J. KMMKNH -Physlclun nud Htiraoon. Practlco limited to oyo, enr, nose and throat. Kyes scien tifically tested nnd glansos sup plied. Oculist nnd Atirlst for 8. P. It. It. Co. Officers M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phono BC7. I)H. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phonos, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. 1)11. S. A. LOCKWOOD DU. MYUTLK S. I.OOKWOOD Physicians nnd surgeons. Offlc 309-310-311, M. F. & II, bldg Phonos, resldouco 314-J2. office S14. DU, MAIITIN C. HAUHKR Phyab clan and surgeon, Headaches and block, opposite Nash hotel. Ilotirf 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. O. HKINK. M. I). Bye, Kr Noso nud Throat. Headaches and nervous couditlouH relieved by properly fitted rIiimob. Cross eyef straightened. Offlco 228 K. Mali st., phono 303. Consultation free Printers tun! PuhllMicr MKDFORD PRINTINO CO,, has the boat equlppod printing offlco Id coutheru Oregon; book binding loose leaf ledgers, billing systems eto. Portland prices. 27 Nortt Iflr ut Public .Stt-nogruiiliei' M. T. KDWAHD8, Steographei nnd Multlgruphlng, Rooms 409-410 Oarnett-Corey biilldlug. Offlot , phono 709-J, rusldouee phon 103-U. Tisiuxtei KAD8 THAN8FKII & 8T0UA0K CO ' Office 4 3 North Front it. I'bon 315. prlro right. Sorvlee guar antood. - - , - -r. - . -3 LHAHN WA'riHMAKINd Tflkt. tbn rlulir hIhu tiovv- litluituint profitable work not ovenlonej fow months learning: positions ituaran taAil: write lor rtiturituaatt mill rinrlln. uUirif. Piirlteiid WalobniAklug. ln graving ami optical stimui. sis Cum uionwenltk Illtlsc . Qth ami Aultuuv Portland, Oregon. lliliSISIiPilSIIllllll I . !W;::;l!SllfIli 'AWM' UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICI 112 South Riverside Phono 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor Oregon's Largest and Finest Stock of Liquors Must bo Sold Regardless of Cost Wo must absolutely dispose ot our largo Btock of Fine Whiskeys, Peers, Wines, Olns and Cordials before January 1, 1910. Wo will do It It low prices nud qunlity goods havo anything to do with It. Look nt tliU big Sacrifice price on 1'lno old "Lyndnlo" Uittlcd In ImiiiiI Whlsltey. 4 full quarts ot famous Lyndaln bottled (to A ff in bond whiskey s)XsUU sm410.75 C full quarts d?T TC on,y tyo.Jo llprcKs preimld to nny Kilnt fu tho Nortltwest. Wrlto for our free catalog on all kinds ot liquors, nt less than wholesale. Tills la tho greatest sacrlflco ot flno old liquors In tho Northwest. National Wine Company Portland, Oregon WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP EQ8 East Mnin Street MotUord Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers m Southern Oregon Negatives Mude any timo or place by appointment Phono 147-.T We'll do thu rei T) WTRRTON Prow SAN FRANCISCO Corner Crsry and Joses Sts. HOTEL KENSINGTON "An ktttl f Rtlra(.t" (ViUrully Itxukst wltliiu tlii-atM and liiltiir ill.trlcts. 110 tiiiiiir outalilti room with tuth. JleumKully (umUhvd, On direct mr Una to tlm KXCO.StTtON- TKS M1NVTK8 ItlUK. ihncn itory sttx'l and concrvto buIMiuj. RATtS: T To 12.50 arfjy Yrom Kirrror IV pots tuVs "t'N'IV hlti nth" ut our eniwishv or nur (liur tr.vt cur gmu'i iliu ilinir. WtltofornookH. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel Manx San Francisco 'pQwdilSt.atOfimlt Oicponians Head quarter while in San Francisco moderate rates It111111in1iJhtllt.1l X Minauii , - - . (l i:i ir iimnr .11 ewry -s room. .Sptvuil illicit- tioti given fob'thiM Inuvliiig miMX.r till, A In mrw dlHill;f riMm, J u, in A) I V - v j 1 "Meet mo at mumuiu. rticr v. Kcltey crWi'j.- --XKIt'4S2ai- we.'-42"03r " J 1 -1, 1 J