MTOFOftT) MATT, TRXRUNE. MflDFORD, 077KCJOX, FRIDAY. XOVRinFT? S PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER IS GUEST OF HONOR ON PAFICIC COAST . 1 IS 10 I i PAGE 12, 1(11.1 -, POULTRY HOW ......-.r, JJW UM-UIHJIWillll " " "" '" " ''! 'Illll' Pll Pt,JWJJ-Wa-HCs-WM3 fir ' "" wmputmrnifm, 'if jyftj1 " Wl'ITil' I' I STIMULUS DEVaOPMEN fcw r m fttf! ' ft- ft t . H i hi M II ; Ife'-' cr i To tho Kdllors I linvo real! with Interest llio artl ftlw In tho Mall Tribune rclntivu to holding ti poultry allow fit Medford In JamifU-y. I tun glad to know tluro ' la growing Intercut In thin lino. A good poultry iltow will ho n ntnp In tho right direction In developing on Of Jncknon county's inoit Important IndtiHtrlos, and nothing; would Htlin ulnta that industry as would an ex hibition of pttro bred poultry, and a program of practical poultry Iiuh htindry In connection thorowlth. I can eo nothing whatever in tho way of a successful poultry show horo this wlntor. I havo soon Hucconsful poultry shows hold whoro conditions Woro most unfavornhlo as roin)inrpd with conditions horo In this vnlloy. And it ncoiiifl to 'mo that tho dovol opmont of poultry In tho Hokiio river vnlloy can bo flocurod nioro eanlly than nny of our many noitluclml In diiHtrlos. A hutiKry markot Is already waitlni; all tho orkb and stock wo can produce. With San Krnnctaco on tho notith nnd Alaska on tho north with Us vnst resources Just bpKlnnlnj; to attract tho settlers In Kreater tiiint- hnrs, tho demand for poultry products will Increaxo faster than tho supply. For poultry production, tho cheapest land Is as stiltahlo ns tho best, drouth is no detriment, no definite specified production In advanco In required as th mnrkot is ready for tho produc ts tlou of tho small flock of a dozen ' linns ns readily as tho combined flocks of many thousands, , t Ono of tho greatest benefits com- King from a poultry shqw H tho stlm- . Minting of tho breeding of hotter potil- ,.- try. Wo alroady havo soum well bred poultry In tho valley. In niak- Ing tho nwnrdii on poultry at tho .Inokson County I'olr for tho past threo years I havo found stock equal , to what J havo seen at ClilcnKo, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and such shows of tho east. Home of our Jackson ootinly birds havo won tho hluo al Seattle, 1'oitlnnd, Salem and tho host i shown of tho coast, and wo alremlv J havo .sufficient quollty horo In tho f vnlloy to havo a IiIkIi class show In ,. Medford tills wlntor. ( Hut tho well bred flocks urn the exception and an annunl poultry show will greatly Improve the HHrao Poultry quallly. I'uro brad poultry , command bettor prlcmi Ml tho pck- . ittg house, prodiic mora omm and' blggm- profits. Many oil me now snylim, "My hens won't lay now when eggs nro high priced." but you do not lioar this from th breeder of puro urtu stock who uuilerslknus tiie es sentlwl principles of pkk production. - With well Imirt slock and lutslltgttut eare, the uvoragtt annual ogg pro duction per lion should bo at least 160 Instead of 75 a It now Is. A good poultry show will liwlp In at taining this. As Is woll known, conditions in llio ItoKtte river valley nro most ox wllMiit ror profitable poultry pro duction, it far oxcella any section of the middle went with which l am familiar aa au Ideal climate for poul try. The writer siiecooded In ero UuufjtK lu Illinois the world cliain jilOH laying tifii l.ady Bbowyim with an ogg record of 3M In Hie iar. but It took tho statu of Oregon a ar later with Us more stimulating ell iiHite and superior conditions for poultry brooding to outdo I.Hily Show j oh with tho hen Ihut produced moro tfcau aoo oggs in tho year. With such oxeellont natural (Hin di do im for Kiiiltry and with au es abllhcd market for our groalost wsllii production, I sincerely hope the present Interest In poultry will y km! 1 1. crvititlllsH into a permanent poultry oraantsntlou In Jscksou coun ty, and a successful poultry show In J4dionl IIiIk winter. You can count on tin' writer to do ull in his power (a iniiKc it u surcesH. I lin M ituiKi: i ' - ho winter m-omiii in society llfo i in mil .swing nml tho Pacific const tho moral of nationally prominent, folk, Is showing evidence of (his fact. Montnlvo, tli palatial homo of Seimtor .Tames Duval I'lielaii, near San Just', (nl nwung ulilo Its jKirtalf Oct. UJt, tho honored guests, William T. .McAdoo and Mr. .McAdoo, rliiiriniug (laughter of I 'resident Woodrtnv WIInoii. Tho luncheon was M-rveil on tho veranda, after which the guests wiindertMl nhout tho beautiful gmumN or eiijnycsl (ho nit treasures of tho mansion. Tho picture iow.n left to right: .Mrs. W. J I. fjunar (wife of Judge liiitimi') and Mrs McAdoo (wife of Secretary .McAdoo.) FIND PELLAGRA CAUSE, AND CURE FOR DISEASE WA8IIINOTON, Nov. 12. Discov ery of tho cause and euro for polloBra A-au announced formally the public health service nouncoment follows tti- rocent publi cation of a report by Surgeon Joseph (Soldbnrgor, on a year of experiment:! In co-operntlou with southern stalo ! health officials domonatratlng tho correctness of tho tjioory that n otio slded diet lacking lu prololds would cause (ho dliienso and Hint a woll bal anced diet would euro It. "Tho spread of this dread malady which hus heon Increasing lu tho United States at a terrific rate during tho last few yoars may now bo check ed and eventually eradicated" aaya tho service statement. "It is estim ated that TTi.OOO cure of the disease will havo occurred la tho United States lu 1015, and of this number at least 7500 will have died before the end of tho year. In many sections only tuberculosis and pneumonia ex ceed as n cause of death." The final dletnry tests were, made at the farm of the MlasUslppI peni tentiary where half it dnsen eonvlfta were given pellagra by feeding them for five months on bountiful meals consisting chiefly of cereals and sweats and lack Inn In meats, milk, I .ggs. beans nnd pens. Tho victims ' ICCV nor health thrniiKh a mended diet SAND FORTRESS HALTS ADVANCE OF TEUTONS 1IKUM.V, Nov. 11! Tho difficulties of tho army besieging Dvlnsk because today by i of tho nature of the fortross which is Tho an- built of sand are pictured by Captain von Kuoschuetzky, correspondent of the Vosslseho Zollintg. "Had It heon of rock," ho says, "exports declare It would havo been knocked to pieces long ngo but an artillery bombardment Ih of little nvnll ngiiliiRt a sand fortress. It was enptmed fifteen times hetweon Sep tember 15 and October 2G nnd still Is not In tho (icrmnna' possession. It has been reduced lu slzo one-half without affecting tho strength of tho remainder. "Kvery rod of land Is covered with permanent trenches roofed securely nstalnst shrapnel and shell fragments mid connected with socallud fox holes small shelters where the garrisons are secure against the heavlost sholls. RxplodliiK projectiles are smothered In tho sand trenches skilfully laid out so they are mutually outflanking. An uppurotttly successful success of ten means the dentructiou of the as Knllnnts by the flanking fire of ma ehln Kuns. One eompuny thus lost .11 dead on Ortober US." gfill ! IIIHMIIIHI IIIIBfr" a"'-,' , MiiingTfr . nnff. i tmnrTWWriHl'ff" ---"""""wt'M' - r'Tf-i'irT-BSfT i n I nwvwf Q Always fry with Cottolene Whatever you fry with Cottolene is delicious and digestible. The true flavor of chicken, j finri nntfirnfiR. or anv other fried foods is enhanced. I --"- x,, . , j , 9 r.nrt-nlfinfi hns dono much to do awav with tho old oreiudico anrainsfc fried foods. As it does 1 1 The World Famous fitly were pardoned by the gover- ;8.R AbJiVSbYAIMI and are now being restored to P L'tillY J I flH I EXPERT TELLS FACTS ABOUT NEW HERBAL SKIN BALM The many Miflfi.r d. ni L Tit torture lhi i lull, im in iti Mill lis kUi! In kieiw that iifK hiii. I it inJ I rout Nuluie 1 livrlit, tint cll .H.tle mid ln-am hfjling n 1 hiii iluil hat Uxii )iieii by Kicarc (r I Ih iflirl i( lit many ilhc4iiriict moir. Mr. W. J. uriiM, lio U dvios MW W . iul nrk with the Aim-m an Ucdkitu Com I y ul Allruiuwn ami vihuin you l lib I lily adilir.t in ii ! llit dim, wiiu. I "1 B" l'u til U'tN.MA to itluan Mc Kliliy. SI J Turner hi., vf Ihlt city, and Mr. MvKul'y liaa jul u'liie In ia ith Iho lulluw- t.3 .l.laltl.'i.ll '1 u 4 ...!. I.. I Mik.ll r. ral. sll iwrr uiy aunt ami lumia. i nv irtcu (orrti cmnlirt, tmt ihmk niiiird to l4V auv rlfnt er IhucIiI mt. 1 IrlcJ on box oi 1)'KMA tlv. Aftr am.l iii iLftflv flur a wivk I mta lrc4 lu tut llut my Lin i all ilrauil ui imirily, H V-1B 'timm m;3 ; HAim er . -?r. . & ttJ-yV..I iat. i.- and 1 lirattuy liuiouc auj tvutincuii tkn .!., Wliy ullrr Hum imliiiitiy nuiillont er inc firr ul Ivi'imu, r lunuiae Kurt, er wiMi likliri, v lint llii vkonilrilul urw dirrtry vill al tim ktui all a irTriiuif tint lngitt In lit 41 dl t.U- W r air lltr only ilma1! b t ti tt In from win. hi H'l.XMA, I Ik ( Im-ImI lulm, i,u lie muuil, AW li luday. WIST sum: I'll iliMVt'i ieseissswHssajawsaaMeiMSwaiewyfciaaBit AN ARIA i.--1.. .. ii' . .. 1 1 U' i-nr i 'i i 'i l i ' i" i -- " . .. im USIUtl VmIit !'lr 'ii l Im- 'i '"i f;f "I I lit lil-ilt'i' 1MAN(), wlu'li i ill' Ivt i,h A I'oiut ti:..irtl. "il l' . PALMERS PIANO PLACE IT Nih ( 'Ull il Am., !.; i l.i I' ,.'!' Chesterfield' Fee Positively $2.00 after this week. Low (ce this week only. Simply ImfUea deit-rlitlon and auiam'ii the entire eivlliiod world, nnd nlaees hliuaalf beyond tho possibility of roniiH'tltloiis. Itenioves evil In fluenees, reunites the soimrnted, brlnuM iibont your every wish Imme diately, reveals your llfo from infan cy to old ne. Hntlsfaetlon (;uiunn teed. S I. IKK ItKADl.NU, 1. (Ives datos, faets, flKuros, tells you of livniK or dead; YOUIl SKt'ltKT i'KOt Hl.ics, (he eaiibe and remedy: ii Ull, eerylhliiK; Klves InfiillUile .i.'-i.-e on all affairs of llfo; l.OVK, l itrilTSllll', MAItltlAr.U, business ) i ions, transactions of every ua f ll uii are worried, ueridexed er ii' timilile. rail tuday. Winn Do IVe $1.11(1 1 . II your tiawie, toll your tiae. i"i iiirtiiMitlott, and what condition iiimiuess Is in sad how to nro- t. ti'll ou all about your wife. i ' i ( w n't heart or lover and how ' v u tlit let of anyu you desire ii yon oi any mov, journey, hm- .' tu. in. I'uaitlttB or ciang of any " l vvhieb may b bfor you and in ,i.t to oHuiH iho boat rvsults i :' 'hi naejly h0 t trust and !i 10 shun. I ii :i miii whom and .. . l on lit Many ..' at all. nnd .. i tiH-ir uantu, Ml, u 'I'Mlou and .ii-vi-ituin In aliort. I i. ., evry- iIiiiik wiu iul! i to find out. ind that, too ii ik vou a gif-tlon or, wu i. 4 king wont. ' mim im: tmk wwua tXI.V ' Ihtriul'tt Mt thA Snlm UiuHiiiiy ' W'hatever you fry with Cottolene is delicious and digestible. The true flavor of chicken, fish, potatoes, or any other fried foods is enhanced. Cottolene has dono much to do away with tho old prejudice against fried foods. As it does not soak into the food, it performs fully the real function of a frying agentit cooks the food and adds not only to its flavor but to its wholecomencso. H JHiLv r$ vc For more than n quarter of n century Cottolene has held In own place, in a clons by itself. There is no substitute for it. Always remember to use one-third less Cottolene than you would. of butter or lurd. Sinco Ccttolrnc doca not nbsorb tarttcr. or (V.lo, it may lo uocil over and ov.r cgain for fryitiR. Heat it R'.awly. Cottolcno is packed in pails of vnriqit.-. aisea for your con venience. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy cf our roal coel: boo!:, " HOME I1TILP3." I "Cottolene makes good cooking better 39 is itCTrrqatnwnjHiyaaiiB'wantcjiaiBj'PUcw'qiaxgiuaa B.VAiijir'aA-rjTgpTrawa'.!'J'yr",Tt'ptt" n.TtgaCTCTar7iMjtioTrTnwcauaaaaayiTrrrrat'T3ryricAgJi ),-. - trnr-";- vsira3iiwJ ee: f - Pork and Youe Bear - v eal Meat at Public Market SATURDAY Stalls Hand 12 BOB CROWDER Conic early and avoid the rush A TIP- TO PEOPLE WHO PY CASH: Don't help pav tl.c 'ov fclltiw's hill. TO PEOPLE WHO TAKE THEIR GOODS HOME: Don't help pav to havo lite otiif- fellow's .iroods delivered. WE SELL FOR SPOT CASH ONLY AND DON'T DELIVER Best Creamery Butter, per lb 30c A. & H. Soda, per pkg 6c 2 lbs. Coffeo for .' 35c Ripo Tomatoes, por lb lc Other prices in comparison. Jackson County Supply Co. TllKClT-PlNCKdK'OCKIfS. :WM)!mi(Slil'NKTl?lWT I'M WITH YQU, MEDFORD HIGH! Asidand"-Medfoi AT MEDFORD The Big Football Came Saturday, Nov. 13 Jackson Street Field. Game 3 p. m. Admission, before Saturday 35c, Saturday 5Qc, Tickets on sale at Swing's Gun Store, The Shasta, Me Bride' and The Alco The Last Game til Medford This Year California and the world must hny GOOD-BYE! I tlu Panama-Pacific Exposition for this ureal fittr tmiHt rloso its yatOH on Saturday, December 4th Thr Ii bMt a short time Ion. if ou iulw ma Iav Ui1 oxwnltlon. yuit will lot.e a wuiwlwfwl ui IMjltynUy to nturfj' tb aaanra lu sclM. art, mannfnotKrgB or rarmlnic being tuadu at the ira out time. Low round trlti fare oh ttM SHASTA LIMITED iih liberal ktopuvirs. Write lor our illiMtr.iOti ixuivlct Uuldu NotM." It la an luvaluable gmUt uook. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Joaa it. Scott. tinral lawiuaei Ago( l'rtlauil. (tiKun Xov. 15 Onm .a i Waahinjjton Ajle l)y. ll.iiike. ru Main alrt. Hours :i I-, to s e . in Daiix and gun a.i. aIi. .. , g .''"I "I"1 -' ' g'- "- --- ML. 1 HMfi'i'.. -"' " - WW 1 nmupwii WMJ HtmM0IB0 nHwi i ii 'I "., -iWltyi1yjm ' ". r ' y