,$&'!' irXr iA ffpflWWf Wfl'TBB 1 it ft. ?' i,. i V lit.) By) . , 'K t . L" :i'.- PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TltLUUNE, MJSDJfOKD. OKKGOX, FRIDAY, NOVL'.MllKl? 12, 101") A - - TOCAL AND Jp PERSONAL Fred T, I.qwifl of Jtcilford IsVobIs torod at Uotol IlcnRon, l'ortlnuil. Kdd Ulnn linn roturnod from I'ort Innd Mrhoro ho markotcd several cars of Hro fltoek. Good dry wood J1.G0 per tier on ground. R. P. Montgomery, CIO 8. Rlvorsldo. 221 Pat Bwayno lias returned from Portland, whoro ho accompanlod a rar of beef cattlo. J. 0. Qerklng, t&o best all nround photographor In Routliarn Orcrcon. Always reliable Nosntlvea mado nny whero, tlmo or plnco. Studio 228 Mnln St. Phono 320-.T. ' The opening of tho now Dairy nlorc by tho Whlto Velvet Ico Cream com pany at 322 KiihI Main ntrcut will occur Saturday, Nov. 13. All uro Invited. ItefrofllimenU will bo Hcrvoil. Postaco stamps at Voo'n. Tho Cqllogo Wqiiioh'h oluli will nicqt with Mr. B. 11. Portor, 1010 South Oakdale, Saturday afternoon, nnd all iiiomhorn are iitroiI to attend. Smoko a KIiir Spitz cigar, Cp. Thoy aro homo-mado. " 0. N. ICriiinur, Southern Pacific agent at Anhlaud, wan a yInlWjr, In this cly yoKterday.. Tho alumni dauco will not cour tljlH, evening, an lain 1iciii puhliHhod, bjt, uHl ,bo given tomorrow evening, an panned. Tho affair will bo In the nature of a football hop, all Anhlnud unit Mudford HtudentH lmlug Igvltoil to attend. A lurge iitWuiiliumo l ox peolod. At tho ptibllq market Saturday, vnl In IJooth 3. v 13. A. Welch, of tho Mod ford gro cery, Is doing builnww In Aiihland to day. Wcnton Camora Shop for flrt class Kjpdak finishing nnd Kodak nuppllcs, My, Pat Mogo, wjfq of pur night -4911U1, loft today, for a, vmlt, at thu axpoultlon In S.ui Frunclflco, Ordor your ThnukHglvlug turltoy onrly as thoy aro Kcnrco. l'or n cholcii 9.io phono 1R3. J. C. Herring, Valloy Viqw Ranch. ,13. 1; Stuckmnn, or Kaglo Point, loft today for IiIh old homo In MIchN Kn., Plant liullm now and got bettor lilaonin. Wo have a stock of tho best Imported bulbtuund Invito you to In spect uumo. Our prlccH nro right. Myaclnths (all colorn) 10a oavh, 3 for 2So; Tulips, straight colors and mixed tpq.ln doz, lots; Narcissus, 3c to Oc cnclii.Qrocus, 20q doz.; Cyolumon, 2T.o oaqh;,Sncrod China LIIIoh, 10a oach; 3 for 2Gq; Kaster Llllos, 20a each; nindlolliiH, (iOc doz. Monarch Seed & ood Co. 317 K. Main Btrout. 204 W It. Scott, wlfo and daughtor, pasM)d south today on train No. 13. Mr. Scott Is loo prosldout and gon orul manager In rhargiv of oporatlons of tho Southern Pacific. During tho brief stop horo Mr. Srott ordered a quantity of Medford applou sunt to his homo In San Prauolsco, Your fountain pen liothors some tlinuH. Lot ub aloan and ndJusL It froo of ahnrgo. Mudford Hook storo. Dr. K. II. Krenuli, wlfo and daugh tor, loft today for an iixlniiilinl visit at tho big hIiow In Sun KrwiulHi-o, Insure your auto In tho Alllanoo unln t thoft, flr. C. V. Tougwald. J. C. Ilurch, tho oamont man of Quid Hill, loft today for Portland on bushings. Uuy Medford mndo candy at tho Shasta. J. V. Ileokwllh, munaKor of the Hoguo ltlvor Kriilt and Produuo 11 a soolntlon, nccoiiiiuiuliMl by Mrs. llocK wltit, lft today for a visit In Califor nia. Including In Iholr Itlnmnry the PsnsHia and probably tho San Diego positions UP looso lunf niHino books aro used by ovary man who npuroclutuH con vtilnnc. Thereto ra good Xinai gifts. MmltorU Hook Storo. No. 13 carried nblg load of pas stumors south this uuirnlug. Hulled lirun nnd tweon at DoVoo'a A good lwwr of ruin foil last nlfht, nddlitg Hiiother mitt) of mols l4l.ro In to qusjilily tho ftuuiiM'S so Ijatl' nml. Uoaiitiful lluo of ougniYtMl nnd II lumtnnttMl porwtusl Nnias Cardn. vtlih vuvolopos to ntsteh. Hm tko Huh t lh .Mudford PrlutiiiK Cw. AUiltuiH. Kuu., Iim Hlrduoid u now uitUboil of oolltlHc bud bills, throHgii ths biMtlxtMw boui of that HH(urtuiiHt city. Th bU art) iu( Ult Ht Wbllr HUrtluM HH4l S4W1 til IU IklgtiMt bidder. Th suMttwcor finds WH' IttUrstiMi tMikliti vaiNi Ih ttw Mils oflrMt. 1. Wu't roportiMi wbether or not s dttor msjr bid In hU ow n tiiUa sjtd sy th 4lffrwct btwii tbs sum htt usys sjid ik fMo of th obUa.ious. lx Vm dllvrs lb 0mmInh to you vwy ttoy tut Tie s ummiU. AJk IUaiwrMii, of Oaklftmt. wr fUury of Um Ctfril-0 Pom r contMiBy. Is siwndlBM s f dus la M4ford on oiiiia busiuMW i'tUta sd ttetr4y oJy, U bats fram M to fin. tor (S; ail i& la tii Ml, l ; IUi J 5 MMt dr, bMlftM-io. MHiM m ImU ff hW mt4 IUU0 0 . Il A. It. Icoman Is In the city today as agent for n now Invention In tho lino of thermos bottles hot-water kadooles. Paradoxical business. DldB aro requested on pasturing six head of government horses and stor ing ono government transportation equipment from now until tho be ginning of the surveying season In 191C. lllds must bo submitted on No vombcr IC, IDin. illnnk bids may bo secured from Fred W. Ilodolf, If. S. Surveyor, C I Hose av. 202 It. Ij. Darling, wlillo driving his truck loaded with beer toward (lold Hill yostorday afternoon, had occas ion to leave It for a few moments. While absent u qulutotlo of nearby laborers swiped a keg of tho foamy brew and rolled It away. This morn ing Mr. Darling had warrants issued from .lustlca TnloKs court for their arrest, charging petty larceny. Tho t unstable has gouo to get thorn, while tho trunkuian Is trying to retrieve the keg, dead or alive. Hot Tamales at tho Shastn. . A. H. Heanios left l'rlday for Port land, where ho will argun n demurrer In the case of Contractor .1. V. Swennoy vs. Jackson county. Something new. Personal, engrav ed Xiimh gieetlng cards. Sen the lino at Medford Printing Co. A. A, Moody has sold tho Medford Creamery to II. II. Clark, recently from Corvollls. Mr. Clark will as sumo tho direction of tho business at once. Ho Is recommended as a thor ough creamery man. See Davo Wood about that flro In nuranco policy. Offlco Mall Trlbuno Hldg. M. .1. Moiitolth, of Albany, Is doing business In Mudford. today. All hats at cost. Trimmings groat ly reduced. Home Millinery, 1101 W. !itli street. 201 W. W. ITsshcr and W, C. llaldwln, of Ashland, nro visitors In Medford today. Mr. llaldwln Is a recent nr rlval from California nnd hnn- como to niako his homo In Ashlaml. Chocolate creams, carnmols, chips, peanuts, otc, only 30c n lb. nt Do Voo's. M. Hoffman, of Snu Kranclsco, Is a business visitor In tho valloy me tropolis today. Auto tops, llgh:i, curtains, bucIi Ions, covqrs, nnd hoods, at Tent Fac tory. 100 N, Front. 203 Stephen Whnyle, of I.akevlow, this stato, Is a visitor today In tho Ilpguo river metropolis, en roulo to Tacoma, Washington, When hotter insurance la sold Holmes Tho Insurance Mnn will soli It. Uncle Tom Collins Is authority for the statement that a "Pessimist Club" hns been farmed In this city nnd will hold dally sessions until Its purpose shall have been accomplished. One of tho exactions emphasized In the oath of membership Is that ench member shall, 011 pain of expulsion and permanent oxllo, report that ho has faithfully performed his duties ouob day Including tho assassination of at loast ono optimist until tho lat ter clan shnll have become extinct. Othorwlse, tho promised business re vival In this city, Indeed, In tho en tiro valloy will materialize vlgoiously during tho winter months, bursting into thu full glory of prosperity early In tho spring. So far, since organi sation, a quorum has novur assom bled.. Drs. A. It. and I.oulso Hodges, chi ropractic physicians, Stewart build ing, 235 Kast Main Bt. Tho big sain of trim mod anil uu trlmmed hats will continue all this wuuk. Valium you can't duplicate. Thu May Co. 202 W. 11. Sherman, of (i runts Pnss, Is making his headquarters In this oily while ho collects and collates data roiu'tfruliiK tht resources, of Southern OrBOU throughout all of that district tthliii will ooutrlhutH freight busi ness for shlpiusnt from Croscunt City, us soon us a wUroud shall havo been completed from this valloy to tho har bor nt thst point. Mr. Sherman hns mi Imiuousoly ruoiiiTtfiil country to draw from ami will doubtless bo able to submit an attractive report. 110 acres llutto Creek bottom, nil under Irrigation at a cost of twu cents an Inch, Will grow all grains, al falfa, oloviir, onions, eelery, sugar beets; ono fourth mile to depot. This la a uroiwritloii that n 111 Interest wm If you wuuit something good nt almost the cost of water. I'som tho owner to you. Box III, Knglo Point Try on. of those big lco cold 6 cent milkshakes at Do Voo's. The last nrrti'tlflo before lbs final crtmumHe between the locsl footluill wmI. and Mm Ashland team Is in proffttaa mh U ba.ll ground this af trnMn The titi-el 1hs dm coafl deal at UMing alU to HMko the visl lora kusw lt Ui'm- Ihhih In m. fight aatwajr, wnU a llr rfcuiro U ntcr tbe bsU at nil Mumm In lbs llthta tiHacn. A ls' HtiMudaiMw to prm lswd at (hi. gain tomorrow uliirnoon on tbe lutitl ground. If thu watlur he fair. 9bM reiialriHg NHaraaitMd at III Hhh's. Sl AUTOS Sold on MoutUly liutlalltiuMit IMhii. POWKU, AUTO CO. Abner Lnwronce, of Tlllnniook, who hns been In tho valley some daa on business Intent, declares that, If he had his bunch of cows In this val ley, with 'enough fced for them dur ing the winter mouths, he'd bo mlghtj glad of It. He can't under stand why anybody would care to lnavo such a valley and climate as wo htive unloss tho constabulary had something definite to do with It Uldon'n shoo repair shop moved across street from old stand, 201 (icy. Allen, of Tulo Lake, is In tho valley liud vicinity for 11 few days on business, Mrs. Leach, Abuo-Support nnd 'turcloy surgical corset, at 32C X flnrtlott. Ctflof of Pollco Hltlsbn hns been tho recipient of so itinhy complaints nlmllt the annoyance and loss, In soma cases, b nsldents of the city who have chickens, in pormlttelng the lat-. tor to run at large, that ho today announced that no further notices would bo given chicken owners to comply with tho ordinance forbid ding that practice. On the next com plaint lie will ait officially In the en forcement of "the city law. Try n King Spit, cigar and en courago homo Industry. Lucy C, Floienco S. and Mary It. Nlver, of llrockaway, Peuu., aro In the city today, Interesting themselves In obtaining Information about ltogue river valley) and Its products. Home mado taffy nt Do Voe's. Tho city council met in special ses sion yesterday to canvass tho votes cast In tho municipal bond election on Tuesday, No errors were found In tho returns. Do Voo buys benr bottles. Tho budget committee of tho city council, being unable to meet this af ternoon will assemblo tonight to con sider tho budget ostlmntes proparcd by City Recorder Foss. Butternut bread at Do Voo's. Taylor Smith came over from the Applegnto this morning early on n business errand, finally having to go to Talent to transact It, Tho Croinwoll School of Memory Training announces thu meeting of their first class to bo held tonight at 7f30 In St. Mark's Hall. Those tntorosted aro Invited. 201 mmjL- Mi MmSmmwSsBL. iiiiH MMmjmmmmmm ' Hon, Rli Inn iiil I. Huhvin Who will speak nt tin Page, Sunday, Nov 21rt, at .1 p ,11 Tbli Is a nat ional j rohlbltlon rally and will prob ably be tho largest meeting ever hold In .Medford 011 a, national Issue. Hob son Is of military and political fame, and speaks In tho Interest or human It). Admission free Lung Racking Cough The force engaged In the resurvey cf the state line between Oregon nnd California has been compelled to abandon its work In the Illue Lodge district Snow thrco feet deeji wns encountered by tho workmen nnd progress could not be ailvantngcous ' ly made ' 1 Ilutte Falls Wood Yard, Phono 48 sr 223; wood all kinds. 203 Prof F. C. Rolmer, of the branch nriiorltiwull clnllnn nt Tntnnt. .inil C 0 Cciitnir, III charge of1 the county , pathologist's office In this city, will go to Corvnllls next veok to attend j the state horticultural convention which will open on tho 10th and con tinue thrco days. A horticultural show will bo given In connection with , tho convention. 1 Ucss Ilryan In popular songs Page I Sundny and Monday. Fresh roasted peanuts at Do Voo's. I 1 John Train, of Wenntchoo, Wash., t Is In the valley visiting with Mr. and .Mrs. Wntklns. near Phoenix. Tho lat-1 tor Is Mr. Train's sister. 1 For watch worn mat satisfies, Johnson the Jeweler. 220 Light showers nro a possibility to morrow, but not probable, according to the barometer this afternoon. Double S. & H. Oreen stamps given on pictures und picture framing Fri day and Saturday at Waters. 201 Our half price pale on all millinery nnd millinery trimmings still con tinues. If you wnnt the very newest and nlftlost shapes, high In fashion's fnvor, attend this sale. The May Co. 202 Get Rid of Scrofula flow? Take S.S.S. Fifty jYeara' tse Prove S.. S. S. yill Relieve Stubborn Cases You have notjeed the llttlo fester ng pimples on the face and body iwclllng of the glands soreness In ho legs nnd arm muscles. These are .ho symptoms of Scrofula. You nay havo eomo of theso flyinp oms, possibly tho taint of Scrofula nfcctlou. Dut In cither case, It Is a Jangcrous condition. Your blood Is Infected, Impure, and you can never hope to gain perfect licnlth until the Impurities nro washed from 'tho sys tem. If you feel badly nil tho time, you must cravo health. If you want to feci renewed, spirits!, tho glow of perfect health, bright eyes, clear skin, tho knowledge that you nro well, you can do ro. Cleanse your blood by taking S. Sj S. For fifty years It has been the Btnndard blood purifier. It rcllavcs tho troublo by renourlshlug the blood, renewing Its strength, and stimulating thu flow bo that the blood regains Its lost vltnllly, I nnd throws off tlio poison. Even, long.standlug cases respond. But! you must uso S. S. S. Tuko It for nil blood Infections. Get It nt your druggist's today. ' If you need special advice, write the S. S. S. Co., Atlanta, Qn. Vlelds to E THICK, GLOSSY HI F Sate Yoni' Hair! Douhlo its Reality in it I'V'W Moinonth Try This! If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and Is radiant with life; has an Incomparable soft ness nnd Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderluo. Just ono application doubloa the beauty of your hair, besides It Imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot havo nice, heavy, healthy hair If you have dan druff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life, and If not overcome It producuH 11 fuverlshuoMM and itching of thu scalp; tho hair routs furnish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out rust, If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded dry, scraggy or too oily, gut a afi-ient bottlu of Kuowi tou's Danderluo at any drug storo or tollut counter; apply u little ns directed and ten mittutoH after jou will say this was the best lines! meat you over iiiiulo. Wo slucerel.v hellee, re.udle - of ever thing elsu advertised, that It jou desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it- no dandruff no itch ing scalp and no more fulling hair Mm must use Knowiton's Daudeiiiie. If oventually wh not now? SPKCI L AT THE DAIRY DAISY Out (VmI Remedy, Liver Vlnol ami Iron :;:m:2m: JONES "NEW WAY" Of Doing Business Is Becoming Popular with the "Combine" r f t f t A Z i To tho puoplut of Medford wo make tills offer Come to our store nnd buy it bottle of Vlnol, If It does not euro your chronic cough or hnng-on cold, we will glvo your money back. Read this convincing letter: "For seven years I had .1 lung racking cough which made sleep im possible, nnd caused great distress. I also had asthma. I was obliged ! to sit up nil night for weeks at a time.- 1 spent a great deal of monoy In search of relief, but failed until 1 used Vlnol, but It has acted like a charm. I can lie down nnd sleep all night without coughing, nnd ono night's rest such ns I now onjoy Is priceless. Slnco I have taken Vlnol I havo had no cough or symptoms of .'istlimn, and It Is a geuuluo pleasure to testify to tho excellenco of Vlnol." W. II. Mc.Murtrle, Station Agent, M. & O. Ry. Co., Wllllsvillo, III. Don't forgot tho abovo "monoy back" offer, we mean It. For salo by Medford Pharmacy. But- Jones thinks the people of Medford and vicinity are too INTELLIGENT to NOT see the SCHEME--They will not. allow the blinds to be pulled over their eyes that way. STICK to JONES give HIM credit for the way things are turning (J lbs. Best Rolled Oafs 25c IJest ("Yen m C'lit'csp 20 0 bars Crystal White Soap 25c Best Bulk Crackers in town, II). ...10p 3 pkgs. Soda 25 c Canned Milk CABP.Adti CAliHAdli 1 pk. Wheal .Flakes with premium 28c y y y y y y y y y y NEW BARREL SOUR KRAUT, PER QUART 10c 1 LARGE PKG, OAT FLAKES (WITH PREMIUM) 2Sc 300 LBS. MORE OF THAT GOOD 20c, AND 25c COFFEE Phone your order early Saturday. Come up to the store and see the inside. Something doing. Free Delivery. mrganis t y i y y y y V JONES' CASH GROCERY "THE WIZARD HUSTLERS" I CIIJI52m55I5 y y y t Much New Merchandise Coming In Daily J to HeeD the otock JLLver Changing TuiMMiTni . . m im i a lU 'jjfrfJ BUTTER Ncii lioine will gie iloiilile-imillug slump-. ui the ix-iiliig (li., s.ii iti, o. m, Tbf pui'Hi it. iimiiHl io li trKeut from i. in l.. I .!' Our kiutk Mill lonsUt at KKKliH IMitlM, 1-MKMlUf OK VAM UIU KIMM. Mil. I UK AM. UtTTKH MILK. R'tt (KKAM VAKV l liOOtW. DAIHV HI TTKK, SUNK HKrrklH. iir .r rull. White Velvet Ice Cream Co. t t y y y ? y y y y y y y t y y y- y y y y y t y f y y y y y y V i y y f y y y y y y y y V NEW SILK BLOUSES, NEW SILK DRESSES, N,EW COMBINATION DRESSES, NEW CHILDREN'S SERGE DRESSES", NEW CHILDREN'S MIDDY DRESSES, NEW JACK TAR MIDDIES, NEW SKIRTS, NEW CHARACTER DOLLS, NEW HANDKERCHIEFS-IN FACT, MANY NEW THINGS TO SHOW YOU, AND ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO. SHOW YOU, WHETHER BUYING OR LOOKING. ran W ffrfh mm HANDSOME NEW BLOUSES Two new .shipments of Silk Blouses have ('ome in this week. New plaid and Georgette crepe combinations, new plain and stripe crepe de chine, new-Tub Silk, all specially priced, Jjvl.45, S4.9S, S5. 15 and ?6.1)5. NEW JACK TAR FLANNEL MIDDIES The .I.H-k Ta' Middies are always satisfactory; these come in red ami navv flannel and navv blue serge, specialh priced at . . '. $2.75 and $3.o.O NEW SERGE DRESSES FOR GIRLS flack Tar Serge Dresses means best quality, best making always, a new style; these come hi. Middy Dresses in all serge or in serge skirt and white middy combination; also a few new numbers in Serge Di'i'v-s s, Check Dresses and Galatea Dresses, priced at JjU.OS, $2.-i!, $2.75, $5.00 and S6.50. tyCose of iipcite tyfaci' o'.uxito Synthetic Sik io?v of Luile is something new: it is not cotton, made to look like silk. It is the final results of man's efforts to duplicate silk, and wonderfully well they have done; you will like the silk and also the verv deep elastic ribbed top on all hose of Luxite, in two weights, black and white, pair 50p ALL MILLINERY AT IMMENSE REDUCTIONS One lot of Trimmed Hats, values to $!i.f0 $2.9S One lot of Trimmed Hats, values to $8.50 $3.9S One lot of Trimmed Hats, values to $1(100 $5.9S '200 Cut rimmed Shapes, val ues to $...")(), special.. S1.9S "E& ... i mi v - 13 EVERY COAT AND TAILORED SUIT IN STOCK AT A VERY SPECIAL PRIOE BEACOM BLANKET BATH ROBES $2.98 $3.9S $5.45 il.ti ime patterns and si l.s in genuine Hcacon Hi.tiiket Until-1 tubus, very sm- iall priced . $2.9$ SWEATERS SPECIAL At $1.79, $3.49 and $4.98 Children's Worsted Sweaters, in cardinal, gray, green and combina tions, Uradley make. jf-LVJO value, at SI .79 ... ' ....'.... :.. M.-- il")c Ladies' Cashmere Hose 19 I2.")c Ladies' Fleeced Hose at ISc 7fc Ladies' Ctishniere THE NEW CHARAC TER DOLLS ARE HERE I lose nt .IQs . at si .79 :.,":. v: r ',(.v One lot of Sweaters in '-, """"S wns, wile rough-neck and '-neck. :,t ".; Sp real values to .f.").7."i, spe- "?l,ju l u,u,l Suits, salt euil at ;.-19 These come in the new Dutch and Indian, Cow- aud Cowgirl stvies. really something new in the doll world, and von oq will by delighted to have -").7." mIiuks nt 7"i.ilu(p at S3.0S S5.45 luice oi nut- cntii'ii tiwl.- of Sweators, real values sjUSO tt $10.0(. specuil at ; J,',,-'& sJinething new for tin at . -n r.jn i i . ..ju .-siiK niHt mi l limn Suits at S2.9S '-"Udroii.. ...9S to $7.50 i&no New Mund Uags t IAS Otlw?r I iDlld 29 Ui $2.25. SPECIAL SALE OF RATN OOATS r ,M; SPECIAL SALE OS UMBRELLAS ''?& i y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t t f ? T y y y y y y y y y V t V t y f y y y y i KKKKKK igjfft A-J -- in -Hi-1 liniiami. hWHwiii rtwfeuM