Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 11, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Freckles and His Friends
By Blosser
r i
JK i
V ii
gALEMwOrc, Nov, 11 --Plcatllng
losses In Dip operation of a number
of ItH subsidiary lines, and compel!
lion from motor trucks nnd Jitneys,
representatives of tho Southern Pa
dfac railroad company appeared be
fore tho stntc tax commission nnd
requested that Its tax valuation bo
reduced from 14 4,409,923 lo 3fi,
824,Cfii a decreaso of JS,li8u,22G.
Tho commission took tho matter un
der niHIsoiiiont. The railroad ropro
RcnatDos supplemented their oral ar
gument for u lower valuation with
n brlof propaied by JudKO William
M. Colvlg and James A. I.nthrop.
The nay In part:
A.k for Reduction
''Wo are somewhat disappointed to
Hen that no notice had apparently
beou taken of the fact that tho net
earnings of tho O. & E. nhow a de
preciation of 10 percent from tho
earnings of tho previous year, nnd
of the ('. II. II. fl 10., of 2." percent.
There was an absolute loss from
operation on the C, & 1'., P. II. and X.
and 1. H. & E amounting rospectlvc
ly to $201,000, $70,000 nnd $00,000.
These nre startling figures, and can
not help but be reflected In the vnluo
of thu properties, and warrant defi
nite reductions in ussessmonts, rather
than Increases.
"Generally It Is an accepted fact
that motor truck nnd Jitney service
Is rendorlnR railroad Investments
much lesH desirable, It not nctunlly
Jackson County Cited
"Tho era of pood and permanent
road building has Just begun In Oro
Ron. In Jackson county taxes from
our opornted railroad amount lo prac
tically ono-tonth of all tho tnxes col
lected In tho county this means that
we are palng one-tenth of the cost
of constructliiK tho paved highway
paralleling our tiacks from Central
Point to Ashland, nnd which will
lntor bo continued over the Slsklyous
to tho California line and froni Cen
tral Point northerly to tho Josoplrlno
county line. For conti Uniting our
one-tenth of this expenso Wo nro al
ready rewarded by tho necessity of
takliiR off our local servlco between
Crants Pass nnd Ashland, a falling
off In local freight shipments, and
thOvCortulnty of further losses of rev
enue as tho road pioRressos. The
same condition oxlsts In moro or loss
extent nil aloiiR other lines. Already
lallroads In Idaho and olsowhero
hnve been forced Into tho hands of
rorolveis by this new competition,
which no railroad with Its hlRh main
tenance, operatlnR and tax expenses
can oveicomo. The Panama canal,
as well as boat competition between
Portland and San Pranclsco, has a
direct bearing upon tho earnings of
thu S. P. Co."
Walter Re.uiolds lelt for Modiord,
where he will work on the new led
enil hiulilinyr.
Mr. and Mix. W.ildo Klinn or Ash
lsnd eto Hip guels nf Mr. and Mr.
(I II. t'niler Sntuiiln nml Suniln.
An I!li nnd Hnv JlowioluV me ns
.iiHtiuj Mr Minutli in unloading " "'
of lumhei.
Tin- Athl"lie elub expeols to elenn
nut n room nt the cannery next week.
The room will l w elubnmin.
The eit. Im iuit completi'il new
oement walk fWm the railroad oro-..-iur
in vlieto Knuno ei I Dull' earpon
tor hp ii-Pil to fctnml.
Theie ttiu a iiilnhiitiiim thank oT
filling; meeting IM wli t tin Meth
odic ehuieli. Mi. Heeil nildnMil
Hie ladies of that eliureli.
Mi l.uuo Ontiiinn nut Saturday
:nd SunilTiy visitm her mint, Mr.
I'attorxon, in AIi1hiiI.
II. K. KnhiiiMUi, II. II. Ooildunl, X.
O Vwei and W .1. Demi went to the
JuIuhmiii ha 'Willi SuiiiIhx.
Mr. II. W, Frame will giwt n
nhuwer next Frfdnv f"' M' Doth
Thomas who is lo ho married next
ifik. About fmty-fivo uuests me
The kehnnl hoard liultl n business
laceling nt the holiooj bouse Mond.ix
afternoon. Tho-e present were- t
V. Holdrolge, 0. A. Moris and Well
hern Iicesop.
Tli -.eliiiul lidiml of Amlcivoii preek
MlK at the sehooUiou' Mmtdiw ufter
ttuuu nt 'J nVloek.
Mrs. ittn. wni h mIhio visitor
Mis A' Kinarv of Tnlent b m
ftillff her Mstur, .Mtw KtweuH.
Tlw "IVrrn neltM eUs .tf tk
Xtthtxiikt Siwd Mlinal miH nt Mi
Cmlli Vuiteh'k lt Sutunlny. Aitr
Ujm buinM JtMtH(c liibl rvfrwih
tnU wei rvfL
Mr- W. 11. I'VMU) k km tw iU
$r tlw V wfjf. km it ueh Iwtttff
Mi mi.! VI t - II V Fr.nue an e-
1 I I' i (Ihi 1? I'iivM ootW4 ,- 7 A ) wuv PoN-t vou NO brush? wvft'l "lf -
.vifJi 'tt dc rS TSf
peeling n miests Mr. nnd Mrs. llenm
of (lien View, Wnsh.
Mri. .leftery went to Ashland one
ilny last week on business.
At (lie recent school meetint; the
inciulier-? deeiiled to i?io Thui-sday
nnd Fiiday f Tlinnksj;iinj; week us
Ifev. Swnniler, who is on his wnv
to Klnmiilh Falls, prenehed at the
Ciuistinit ehuieli Titesduy eenmjr.
M"oiiilay eeninir n aity eonsistinf;
of Olcnn Ten ill, Moiri Jones, Arnold
Coleman, C'eetl Afjer, hew is Iteeson,
Dolphin (Vlemui), lleleu Aduiusoii nnd
Mri. Ailnmson went In Aslilaud to see
Tin Tuesdnv Alteruoou Kludy elub
enlertnined their IiiixIiiuiiIh Tuesdny
evening, Xuvemher l(, nt the home of
Mr. nml .Mi's. J, I. Kobiuson. The
eveniiiir wus spent in relating stories
of pioneer iluys, after which refresh
ments were semd.
W. II. Xjhwaner rctmned Sunday
from Dorris, Cal., liore he has been
working since lnnt Aunl.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodiht
ehureh will meet Thursday afternoon
nl Mrs. VorpH'". All nii'iubers nre le
qiiestiil lo be iresent.
Mr. nnd .Airs O. II. Vcncr, fiom
Knjrle Point, weie aiicstrt of Mr. nnd
Mts. Hod Itohinsoii.
Mm, Liuis Drown isitcil the prim
ary grades Tuesday nlteinoon.i
(I. II. Seohe f I'lioenix wi(4 in
Talent on busiuen Tuesday,
Mr. nnd Min. Pehler of Kaule Point
were the jrupsttt of Mr. nnd .Mrs. 0.
A. Morso Sunilnv
Tho Dible students of the Christian
ehureh nro to have n luminous meet
ing Tuesday evenimr, nfter which ie
freshiueiflh will bo served.
The following hooks lime been re
ceived liy the school library; Antiii,
The I'roinised I.aud; Illnisdell, ltv
Mine; Drown, I.ouesouicst Doll, l,ittlo
Miss Phoebe On: DurRess, Moie
Groups, Mother Vnl WuidV Auunal,
Pnenils, Mother West Wind; Clinm
heilniu. How We Are Clothed, How
We Are Fed, How We Are Sheltered,
How We Travel; Dickinson, Clul
dieu's Cliiistinns Stories; George,
Cuba, Porto llieo; Hnwllionie, House
of Se en Gabion; Ininjj, Alliniuhrn;
I.ueia, Peter and Polly in Summer,
Peter nnd Poll in Winter Hall,
Panama Canal; Heihertson, Central
and South America; Kipling, Just So
Stories; Peahody, the Pipei ; Porter,
Piiekles, Girl of the Lumberlosl, Hnr-
ester, .Mo-liael O'llnllottin, Polly
Anna; Woolmnn, 'lejtile; White,
When MolU Wiih Six. Winslow, Our
Aieeiiemi Xeishbois.
By A. C Howlett
In my Inst I omitted to mention
that Mr. W. It Mcl.ood and son, one
of tho proHpoious business inon of
tho Mcl.ood sottlomout, was with us
on last l'rlda ulxht.
I unilorstand that n family by tho
name of Death has moved from
Klnmnth county Into this section and
me thlnklnR of bii)luj property heie.
Last .Saturday Mr, Nlbioy, Mr.
Ontes and Dr. I'nuo came out to meet
the citizens of this soctlou and talk
over the. sugar bout proposition.
Thoro was but a few mot them nt tho
Drown hull mid Mr. Nlbioy ruvc us a
talk on the HiibJot and then Mr,
Ontus talked somo and reforred those
who wlshid to ask questions to Mr.
Nlble), nnd thoro wore somo few ask
ed questions and he seemed to ans
wer thorn satisfactorily nnd then tho
contract" was distributed among
the farmers and the contents pretty
well threshed out and two sinned
uh. I. e. Frl Polouzo and Call Nnr
ruRau, and I, learned later that there
Is somo more who have conditionally
a growl to sign up There seems to
he oho difficulty In the way In this
loetlon, and I hut is a twin t all the W ct
sugar land tbst we have In thio
parts is covered with alfalfa, and a
number of the people are Mlssourlan
and want te be sbawed Tbey can
malts mure moiis by plowInK up the
alfalfa and ulastlBK it In sugar been,
than Mw makit by raising- alfalfa
and feetllHi the sparatl milk to the
oalVM and bona Th wm to think
that it i a litbaiable juttluii, at
least. And another Berlous ouostton
is the transportation of the beets to
tho factory, as nt five dollars n (on
they could not afford to haul them
far at that price. Now up on Little
Mutto crook thoro Is a lot of ftno
soil that will produce ntmont nnj
thliiR that Is put in tr,c Riound, hut
It Is too far to haul, especially over
such roads as there Is up there. How
would It do to build the factory, say
nt Hrownsboro Instead of at Medford?
Hut somo of our enterprising business
inon nro roIiir to canvnss this sec
tion nnd sen what can be done In tbnl
Hue nnd perhaps If we all whoop the
move up wo may make It ro anyhow.
That day In the afternoon while I
was around sooIuk whnt I could learn
about tho siiRar beet Industry I wits
also lookliiR after tho lutctests of
the Mall Tilbune, mid In thu course
of tho afternoon I inot Mr. D. H.
Orosso who Is living on the Iir dem
onstration farm nt the Acatu It, 11.
crossing mid he gave me his ub for
tho D. M. T., and soon after Mr. A.
D, Strong, mid ho paid four and n
half dollars on his sub to the I). M.
T., and then Fred Polouzo paid up
his sub to the I). M. T. nnd then Tim
rule DiiRnn renewed his sub to tho
W. M. T., so thnt was not no bad for
an afternoon's work,
James Culbertson of l.uke creek
brpught out a lot tr fine cabbage to
Mrs. Howlott Monda) to make a bar
rel of jMitorlHiuit.
Mr. Pox, the milk pout man, who
lives In the foot hills on Little llutte
creek was In town last Monday on his
way home. Do had been down be
low here fishing and said thnt ho had
n flno lot of trout.
Thomas Farlow and wife camo In
from, Medford Monday whom thoy
had motored to take tholr daughter,
.Miss Mjrtle, to high school.
Win. Orlshoni was In town Monday
negotiating with Von tier Hellen
Ilros. for a lot of pipe.
The many frlonds of Miss Frances
Death, daughter of one of our merch
ants, will bo plensed to learn that
she arrived safe In Chicago on tho
3d Inst.
fipenkhiR about tho Heath family
I see thnt Mr. Heath has occupied
tho old moat market building to stori
his flour, breakfast food, etc.
Tho moving tho rnmps of the It. It.
ditch car laborers brings business
to the hotels In our town as last Sun
day nhout ten Mrs. Howlott received
word that thero would bo twenty of
the men hoie for dinner and Tuesday
about :t p. in she had word that thero
would bo 17 moro here to spotul two
or three days, nnd this Wednesday
p. in I hoard there would be another
gang tomorrow. Thus they come nnd
go all the time.
Messrs. Mejors nnU Mann who nro
handling the big truck had quite a
loss from their machine Tuesday
night coming from Hrownsboro In tho
dark, so when thoy went out to tho
garage to take tho machine out, lo
they had lost the (rank so they had
to resort to the novel jiiun to u long
rope and wrap It mound the outside
of one of the hind wheels throe times
and thnu had flo of the men pull
and Jork on one end of the rope, the
wheel already being raised from tho
giound so that It would turn with a
kick and start tho engine, lly re
tracing their stops they found tho lost
crank hack abntu two urlles.
John Allen of Derby was nut Sun
day and came out attain on Tuesday.
Ho has been biijlug up n lot of onttlo
of dlffeient ones of his neighbors.
I understand that A D llnilnton
will nioo on to the 1M Wolfer placo
and that Win Pom, who has bought
the Hailotou plarr will move out to
that plare
Pern FosUr vd Mrvr H'nith of
the Delengtr Oj (o- n'tv, were In
Get a Can
From Your
or Grocery Dealer
town Tuesday, and so was N'lck
Young, Tlnuuln Dugnn, Mike Sldley
and Mrs. Thomas CltiRcndo.
I sec that our It It agent Is ship
ping quite u lot of poultry ngnln this
There will he an entertainment nt
tho Dnglo Point hall on Wednesday
nlRht, November 17, under tho uus
plcon of the llos' and Dtrls Indus
trial club. The program will consist
of humorous readings, catchy songs
mid music nnd will bo
given entirely by outside talent.
Miss Derthit Calkins and Miss (lone
Creekpaiim of Ashland, two members
of tho party", won considerable fame
for their readings nnd solos In the
entertainments which thoy gnvo In
tho MirlotiH towns mid cities of south
ern Oregon last year and the violin
ist who Is to accompany them thin
jcar comes equnlly well lecnmtueud
ed. A small admission will bo
charged and n portion of tho pioceods
will he for tho benefit of tho school
athletic club,
About one hundred nnd fifty per
sons attended tho second paront
teachers' meeting on the first Man
day In November After tho busi
ness session icfrcshtucntH were solv
ed. The next meeting to be held
tho first Monday evening In Decem
ber. Thu subject for that ditto to
be "A Cammunlt) Chilstnuts." Mrs.
Cleorgo Von dei Hellen, vice presi
dent of the association, will have
Kenneth Hook loft last week for
his home In Qakland, California. He
had been In school hern since the be
ginning of the tot in and will be very
much mUaed as he was active In
student body work, hnlng served as
president of the school Industrial
club and editor of the school paper.
Kenneth had been staying with his
sister, Mrs. Whitman, of this place.
Three new pupils wero enrolled
this wcok.
Tho new traveling library, from
Salem arrived Tuesday. A list of the
books will be published later.
The school board has Just put up
about fifty feet of now green board
and hao also installed several now
drinking fountains.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., HUth and Fir fits
IUbii' Ilnur Ci-o)OKilive Fruit
growers' n-opinlinn f-. W. II. Slew
ett, action ut law for elitim mid de
livery of personnl piopeitv.
Ada M. .IimImoiki h. . .1. Plupps,
defmilt, motion, older.
Real Kstnto 'I'liinsfers
II. A. Pnee et u o Kminie
Clmxl, lot 7, Suniiyenwl Or
cliards r MU
Cnt'ii'nne Hawkitw tn Kinmit M.
Dunlop, land in blk. I, HUki
xoii Heiuhts A.M.. Metirurd l-'.'HHI
Osear II Homier to Ivlln V..
('line, land 11) see. "O-IH-IF, Id
Holly Xiekell et ir to Invest -oin'
DuihluiK Co., I11111I in see
:iit-.i" :iw. 10
P.111I S. Tuiiiv to llmiiilloii Pul
ton, land ii twp. IHl.lW. Id
I'n-d W. Week el nl In W. I).
Steuihnuu, land in Ulk. !U,
W. P. Caitwriiclit to Adahnde
1 H ( aitwimht, laud in I .a 11
1 11 Hi 1 1 1 t a'1'1., Mi'dfuid 1
I 'emu 1 Hum- to W. I) Ste.i.l
, I.hmI 111 blk. I'i, Phot -
1 it 1
Newest and Best in
rmbodits eory convenience mid
re 'ort found In a modern hotel,
lot and cold water, steam heat and
Mn 'ion In evory room l.argo
hri rful lobby with open flro, Well
l.lghU-il Haiujilo ItoouiN. Rates
minlf-rate Auto-bus to all trains.
Medford trade etiiiwUlly oolltltad.
F, W. STREETS, Prop.
tX)H 11KN1 rUKRlatlKtl HOOMH
FOR RDNTFttrnlshod rooms nnt'.
also houso keeping rooms, clone in,
.101 South Central,
FOR TlDNT Very pleasant furnish
ed toom with private family; close
In; cheap. Inquire evenings, 2110
X. Central. 201
FOR RDNTTodorn furnisiicd
housekeeping rooms, cheap; closo
In. 23-1 Dnst 0th. 208
FOR RUNT--Ten room house, un
furnished or pmtly furnished; fur
nace. Mis. J. H. Watt, Phono
3S1-.II. 20U
FOR RDNT Modern fi-room bunga
low' Phone .'I4U-.1, or Inquire nt
010 !l Oakdale. 101
FOR RKNT Furnished moilern
house. W. H. Dverhard, 1013 W.
0th street.
FOR HBNT Well furnished niodorn
bungalow. 422 South Laurel.
FOR RDNT Col. S.irgent'H plnco on
Oukdnle avenue. Inquire of H. 1).
N)e or Ro II. Peebles. 22&
FOR RKNT Houso. Tel eSn-JJOli
FOR RKNT- -II acres, jmrUy Tn beor
lug orchard; holme and tools; !'.-&
miles fiom clt) llinlts, Phono
nsno. 261
FO iT ft KNT iT; o"upres 7i" "ml I es
from (.'old Hill, 20 ncres lu culti
vation, balance timber, closn to
good lango. For terms, etc., np
ply to U. W. Dow, tlold Dill, or Oeo.
M. llonnuy, Medford. 202
FOR LDASK Rich river bottom
land. FJiiq for gattlonitiR, corn
nnd potatoes, It., euro Mall Tri
FOIt's.ClJ:--!' ""triTde. cheapTtwo
lots Central Point, block 70. Lot
tlo Pelle, Trail, Oiegon. 100
FOR SALE Farm lnnd, fruit land,
timber land, land from $5.00 por
aciu upwards on long time. Oold
Ray Realty Co.
FOR SALE Restaurant, cheap ft
tuken nt once. Address S. C, emu
Mall Tribune.
"FOR HAIi: -Fl'ist' of "March" R. L
Red cockeiels at city leservolr. J.
Peterflon, 204
FOR BALETluy a fancy dressed
milk fed capon for your Sunday
dinner, G pounds up, 2i'o per lb.
Order at Marsh tt Dennett's Friday
for Saturday delivery. 200
Phono 5Q7-R2,
FOR SALK Sttidolmkor 1012 auto
mobile, first class condition. Tiav
eled about 14,000 miles. Price
1300.00. Ilox O, Mall Tribune.
FOR SALE Cheap, two Option) In
etihntnrs. Madden Ranch, Central
Point. Phono r.00-j:i. 200
FOR SALK Sepal ator. ns good as
new. Phono .10 1. 203
FOR SALE Haled grain hay, $12
per ton. Phono &71-II-I. 203
TO SAM-T'wflf take orilers "for
ThauksRlviiiK turkeH Saturdaj,
Nov. 13, at llooth 3, Medford Mar
ket. Dullverod at J our houso alive,
dioasod or drawn. T, F. Smith.
FOR SALE -Drain h,i and wheat.
Phone G31-J2
llecaugo my stoeK in trado is to
have optioned at the lowest ciib
price tho host buy In this county.
I hnvo fcctu on too ground look
ing out for you for the past fire
years. Nearly everyday I have In
vestigated some "good thing," I have
eliminated everything except those
deals whloh I am convinced will 10
iuro me satisfied customers.
Iu a few hours time I can give you
tho benefit of this research- It Is my
business to show you over the county
and Introduce you to the possibilities
aud opportunities here. S Mod
ford first and
lOH Wrt Main Htxuitt
FoiYVUOn'o ' Oliver' Xo7 5 typp
wilter, uenr! new, cheap. Ran
kin F.stes, 28 North Front St. 301
FOR SALK Ford touring car. Phon
70-R. 200
FOR SADlRoallied RhoiuT Island
Red rocket els for breeding, bred
by double Spokane winner last
show. Urnest Webb, Central
Point. 102
FOR SALf: Ovrrland louring ear;
snap for quick sate. Phono 7, 1.lnn
1-1, Central Point. 202
FOR SALE Stock heel.t and carrots
0.00 per ton. F. L. Caton, Cen
trnl Point, R. F. D N. 2, Phono
n o v t nno
FOR SALK Rrardloss nnd hoardod
barley. Phono 30, I)r, Clancy.
FOR SALK -Angora goats. Kd
White, Climax, Ote. 212
kinds of property fur salo or ex
change. Oold liny Realty Co,
JOR SALE Pole mountain busgy,
good as new. Palmer Investuient
Co., Modoc Orchard.
FOR SALE Ford touring car. Iu
qulie at Nash Hdtol.
FOR SALE Stamp mill, mining cars
mid track rail, pumps, hoists, air
compressor, ulr drills, mining m-a
chluery, tools and supplies, Iron
and hydraulic pipe all sizes, at halt
price. Address M, care Tribune
FOII HAI.n v 1 .teritnv row. K.
E. oro or L. II Warner Sr., Phone
700-R. 201
FOR SALE 'Team good wot I; mares
$7S; 33 iiIlo shoals, I&0.00. HI
Alldcr, Ross Lane, 202
FOR SALE 15 horses, 12 heavy
work inaro. Inquire Vinson's
Darn, N. Riverside- Avo, 210
WANTED First class cook
. ,
Call mornings.
WANTCD Widow wRlTamairolill.
dren, wishes position as house
keeper or cook In small mining
camp, or to take charge of room
ing house, or an) other work which
will enable her to keep her chil
dren with her. Mrs. D, II. Mar
shall, 400 S. Decatur St., St. John's,
Oie. 200
WANTED Work by day. hotr or Job
by mnti with team; ulso wo huvo
alfalfa, giain, liny and straw nnd
wood for sale, Leo Young, Phono
7F4. 221
a- .--.. -j - . .--.i. -5J.-1
WANTKIV - t1ltilii.1i.-tVKOUH
WANTED Too "sacks" wliVatTAd
dress II. G. L'nderu & Sous, Ash
land. 200
WANTED Music pupils. Frank An
derson, new organist, Page theater,
teacher of piano, Phono 900-M. 102
WANTED HaveTparty to rent strict
ly modern bungalow, well located,
either furnished or unfurnished.
Dennett Investment Co,
WANTED Large knitting mlli" In
vitcs correspondence from women
desirous of earning monoy, part or
full tlmo. Good pay. Experience
unnecessary. International Mills,
Inc., Norrlstown, Pa, 200
1W iT. JK -t -X - --. - V3BL.Z. - -
TO TRADE Good cow for heavy
work horse. II. I.unt, Talent, It.
R. No. 1. . 200
-3 V In. wagon. Phono
LOST Aiitomobllo cning for
car, on Crater Iiko road. Up
turn to Mull Tribune und recetvo
rewurd. 205
I hnvo one of the nnest outlaying
stock isnches In tho rounty. Four
hundred acres nearly nil of it Is ag
ricultural laud, and half of It Irri
gated Fine Improvements, woll out
In the free outrange. About 15000
worth of personal proporty goes with
It Price S,0U0, and a grout buy at
that prloo.
Flno llttlo placo eloio to pavemont
In Orants Pass, six acres, somo al
falfa, und some fruit. Would trade
ulnar for Medford property.
Room 10, Jatkhoii County Rank DIdg.
Auto Supplies
am operating tho largest, oldest
nnd best equipped 'plnnt lit tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 2G North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Ore.
GEO? CHERRY Attorney 7 and
....Notary, Room 9, Jackson County
Dank Ilulldlug, Medford, Oro.
Attorneys-at'Iaw, Rooms 8 and
9, Medfoid National Dank bldg.
A, I. RBAMES, LAWYER (Iitrnelt
Coroy bldg,
Q. M. ROllERTS Lawyer.
Alcuford National Bank Building.
Oarnett-Corey Ilidg., ute 310
Medford, Oro. Phono 8G0,
Collections nnd Reports
colleqted some uccouuts A years
old. Wo know how to get the
money. Tho Duuock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Han
kins' Rldg 21C E. Main st.
Engineer mid Contractor
FRED N. CUMM1NCJS Snglnoor and
contractor, 401 M. F. & H. Dldg.
Surveyi,, estimates, irrigation
dtulnago, orchard nnd land Itn
proxotupitt. (Inrbnge
UARDAOE Get your promises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
oil the city garbage wagons for
good sen ice.
Phono 274-L. h
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Music
401, Oarnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al
ton Halght. pluno; Mrs. Florence
Halllday Halght, 0Ic0. Phono
Plijflclnns and Surgeon-
MAIN'S CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg, phono 10.16-L. Residence
2G South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD-Osteopathies
Phyulcinq, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phono 00 t-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat, Ees scion-,
tlflcally tested and glassos sup
plied. Oculist aud Aurlst for S. P,
R. It. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phono 507,
DR. It. W, CLANCY Physician nnd
Burgeon Phones, offlco 30, real
denco 724-J. Oftlco hours, 10 to
12. 2 to G.
Physicians and surgeons. Office
309-310-311, M. F. & II. bldg.
Phones, residence 814-J2, office
cian and surgeon. Headaches and
block, opposite Nush liotol. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE, M. I). Eye, Ear.
Now und Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly fitted glasses. Cross oyes
straightened. Office 228 E Main
St., phono 303. Consultation free,
:r .tt.t . . q
I'lintcrt nnd Publishers
best equipped printing offlco la
touthorn Oregon; book binding,
looso leaf lodRors, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices, 27 North
Fir st.
Public Stenographer-
M. T EDWARDS, Steogrnpher
and MuRlgraphlug, Rooms 409-410
Garnott-Corey building. Office
phono 709-J, resldcnco phone
103-R. '
s ---
Office 42 North Front st Phone
315. Prices right. Service guar
anteed. ,
Take tho right step new: pleasaat,
profitable work not overdone; few
months learning; positions guaran
teed; write for references and partic
ulars Portland Watchmaking, En
graving und Optical School. 218 Com
monwealth Dldg , Gtu aud Aukey,
Portland, Oresou. 1