PT" . . -.' TOC- 'i r h 'tS 7r s f . i 'i nWt ' P2TOE SIX VOTERS R I MEDYNSKI LAN I BY 102 MAJORITY Al the sceinl election Tni-Milny in Avolctl by initiative by the sitportris of the Meilyimki plnn for bunding Hip -city fur .$1,020,000 lo rotund the pnv injf debt j the Miilynnlu plnn hum rc jcetcil bv n mnjnriiv of 102 in n total vote of M Every wurd in the city 1efciiteil the measure. A fair vote wim jKillcd for n special election, .about two-thirds of tho city'H vote belli',' cast. Tho voto by ward upon tho Me tlynski scheme, was ns follewH: Tint Wnrd Von 207 No ...... 2 2 D POULTRYMEN flflDFORD A&JL TRTBUNTC, fEDFORD, OREGON, "W A PLEA TH AT FAILED! I3DNKSDAY. XOVRMDKR 10, 1915 tntmrn mt mmmt PLAN ORGANIZATION FOR MUTUA L BENEFT f Tojnl voto , .Mnjortty 22. Second Wnrd You I .'. -....., No ....... ..... .438 .212 ..10 1 Total V9to , .'..'...., 607 ' Mnjorlty 02, llilrd Wnnl Von 190 ,No .' 227 .. Totnl voto ....!...... 447 Mnjorlty 1 8. A Tho ordlnnnro restricting tho coun rll In the granting of pnvlriK and pro viding nppclnl restrictions wos defeat ed by n majority of P2. Tho voto by wards First Ward Yen 208 No 222 Mnjorlty 1 1. Hccontl Wiuil Yen J li 2 4 0 Mnjorlty 50. Tlilnl Wntil Yes -. 208 No ... 230 Majority 22. Totnl mnjorlty 02. SlrcnuouH work wan done ul ho ji'ullh and'in p.'ltiii)i out the vote by Ihu blind nilvoentcs, but the opponents intule lltth effort. EA R E PEACE NOT WAR OAKliAxp,, N'ov. 10 .fi-jring thnt, the idognn "In time of pence pre jiare for war." bo abandoned for "In time of peace prepare for more pence," nnd tirinpr farmers to oppose the "preparednesh'' move, Olicr Wil tiou of I'eorie, 111. national master of the I'atronH of Husbandry, made a hpirited protest apiinst any plniiH for iiiinrincnt if hid opening address at the nutinmil convention lu'ie. Wilson also urged legislation for tho protection of nuruMilturnl prod, uuts urRiil that tho department of ng rk'iilture distribute free leeds to far mers aftei rieicntifiv tests, that rou Krehsmen be not pennitted to issue free heeds promiscuously nnd nlmi lilted rural credit reform's women Hill finite and prohibition, us three im. porlnnl plunk in the 'range plntfoim. He spoke at length on a plan for the building nf national highway and on limrketiiij: problems. THREE HUNDRED LOSE LIVES (Continue, from I'hko One), conn has not been used as a trans port duriux the present war, the agent btiid, 'ioj has tlie vessel carried nuv inuuitlouh. She uus i Imoiitc steam or uilli opera singer nnd niusieiaiis coining to this count i. v. Tittiv Ituft'o, the baritone, wns reported alumni Hie titwiiner, but this was disentitled by Ids brother in lueaso. In view nf the viiikuut of Hie An emia and the leportod activity of (Jennau and Austrian submarines in the Mcditerranoaii and adjacent wat ers, consjdernble iuteicst mhs e. )i Wised in inariue eirclex here IihIh.v conceiniiiK threu stcamei that willed J nun American ports nnd aic now liunrii'jr Italy. The Kuropn of It Voloce line nail ed Iroin N'i'vv Yoik on October .11 and ik duo at Naples todnv but Iiiih not liuuii reported os aniuntf. The I'u rop ettiried 11 W passengers, a laine portion of them brinh ivservists. Tie steamer rnscita, of the Lloyd. Italian line, hiiilid fuuii beie Novom bur 1 for (lanon with 1200 pissen gore, neaily nil of them Iichik Itiiliau uerHst The White Stm fctoanier Orotic which Hilled from Mostnn for 3f(i(litornuiuii norU ou Oelobor 110. ig due ul (librallnv twlav with lOiS jiariUdiujerfc. The Aneouu' ttgouU tkiHivht it al ijyibt ucrtuin that- than wore a num ber of p)crit-Hi on board the vowmI vvlien fehe wnB sunk. On the Aiumiw's.ltiil trip to Now rb !s wl iWiiy-flvo Anai1 The fonnation of the proposed jtoultry nHHoeiation in this district up iiirn to bo Catherine mo;iieiitiuu no, I lie matter ii discussed from a busi ness standpoint. The utilitarian idea pievnilK, but (hat doesn't iiichu that the followers of the fancy pens will not be interested. In fact, their in terest and assistance arc absolutely needed to round out tho real woik proposed h such nu orpiuirution. It is generally conceded by thoe who have knowledge of tho ikhiIIcv busi ness in tliii valley mid the facilities ior producing the choicest stock in tho world that Hitch an iiHsoeiatioti is positively needed nn an educatin' ritinnilant in Hie growth of an iiidus- try of much importance. As the poul try business n now developed IotC, the local demand exceeds the supply, both in mnrket poultry and in eggfl. Old Association I1illc) An association wan partially form ed in tliis city three yearn ago. but those who were then interested found that too nnieh of their time wnH hti1 ed to nurse it along to maturity with out sacrifice, so it wan permitted to' lapse into innocuous desuetude. A poultry show Was held, however, al the Jackson county fair two years) ago, at which much interest was ehc ited. Since then the association in' embryo has many times been discuss ed, but no notion has been tnkeu un til recently toward forming a new or ganization for the punwse of encouraging- tho tMHiltry industry by tench'- ing those who are in position to raise (Kiultry to renliro how easy it may be to obtain pleasurable profit from it. Ono objection urged by thoso who . are not able to produce their own. chicken feed is found, they say, in thn well-nigh prohibitive prices fori that commodity. That is a point On which tho proposed association can work with much benefit. The fact is . Hint very littlo chicken feed i raised i in the valley as chicken feed. The chiukeiiH, therefore, nre left to take the refuse of products raised for other purposes or to pay fancy prices , JKft. ym If mL " HT; 11. J 1 lilt"' ' f. FOR ; ('jUNIirWMAuAuHHCKWOOO Jliss Uoroll'v Nevvi II, prominent in Hp campaign of New York suff ragists, pfiinted the slogan, "Votes for Women," on her back, as shown in hr picture above, to no avail. Miss Newell, however, is aniens: thot-e who wiM not :;ivc up tin- fiylil lor the hallo in New Yoik. and she promises some trore onjjinal stunts to win it. PEACE TALK ANGERS OBREBON SEENNG PREMIER BRIAND CAROTHER'S SCALP fm- rnil lliflf iu liitnl-tilil.. Tim .mril :i f .1 c i i hi i cirarcin" iicace suggestions, h ty of tho feed on which poultry h hum . ,i ......i.. i..!.. i.- i. . i.. ..:... ' "NMint are these peace iikiiiii in nuusisi huh nun u 10 iu nuu the ipuility of the poultry produced, nnd it also very materially affects lheitiaHtyof the egg. "The associa tion can aid very extensively in en couraging the production of the riuht kind of feed in proper abundance arid thus overcome the excessive prices now paid for an indifferent nrtiele. TrausiMirtnlioii Troubles Another objection urged is found in the transportation problem, freight J'AIUR, Nov. 10. Aristide Hrinnd, elnnf of the new war ministry of France, teeeived the American news, paper coricpondenls today uiui in vited them to ask (iicslioiiH or make -cipicstH rel.itive to their woik. Asked 'inn iic.'ien soiri'fitiii)is. In. sniil- peace sngges- tious'f Thy mitate at the present stage ot the war. We can think of nothing bn to drive to complete sue I'Cs by iirms liven to mention n peace by compromise or concession iB to be ur.tme to those who are giving their lives at the lront." At nnother time, when America was mentioned. M. Iliiaml ileclared: "The war Iris brought Americans much closer to us even than thev were . W. I PLANS FREE I, before. Fremihinen annieeialc decnlv charges being so Krcnt Hint too much .u,,. Hvinpnthv and good will of your of the profit is thus expended. That (countrymen." matter, (no. imiv lie linrriiil in imnmi ' ' i i - i adjustment by an association the bus. i inesH of which is to assist in milking1 the poultry industry pay in all its do. partmentH. ltcside, tliere is pros-' peel that we may some day in the' reasonably near future have moie di-1 reet trnnsportntion facihticH. to the coast mnrketh thiiii wo now enjuv. i m'Ivam.. .miv hi. ruiy mem- All of these embarrassments inav '"rr" ol "'" ii"isinu. vvorKers o, uu be reduced to tho minimum bv tho iWoild arrived in Spokane todax with niooer woik of an active mid ,..(. ,llie ennouiieeti inieniion oi paiiie.p.u datepoultiy nssoeiiitiun. There isl'" "f "leh" tight, everv u 1 eon..t iu mmihIu. inuinher ol the o pro m wit I on :. lion nowand no coiicIunivc ivason,'11 I,0,l',, '"",' '"' ,,,,,, '" al1 ,,u' whv it shouhl be postponed. Uv Hie !"P,n'',8 "' the street at a place other tune the iM.ultrv industry shall have"11"" "'" """ ,l,c l,"ll,,t' l,l,X1' ,,,, irrown to iti'oiuti-liiois (lint will nuiko ! itfiintct' it important, ninny of the present em barrassments will have disappeared. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Nov. 10. Oon crnl Alvnro Obrcgou chnrRes thnt Gcnrgo C, Caiothors, spcclnl agent ot tho American statu department, Ih "ilniiKcroiiB to tho tranquility of tho do facto uovorument In .Mexico," In a telegram aunt today to General Car rana. ,., The. mcHsaRo nskn Carrnnrnto tnUo up thu mntter wlthrttJio AVaalilnKton povernmont. C'arothnfa now Ih on tho Sonorn border. Formerly he rop lenented tlio state depnrtmont In ter ritory controlled by General Villa. 10 Due lined NKW YOItK, Nov. 10. CoiiRrvss nnd tho legislatures ot homo of thu western states will lo askod by tho Ilnllwny Development association, now In besslon bore, to enact InwH compelling land agents to obtain licenses. A resolution to tnko this net Inn to afford protection to homo seekers, wns adopted by tho associa tion at tho siiRgoHtton of Jolin F. 1'ov. liumlKintlon HKcnt of tho North, em Pacific railroad, who criticised as iiiiKcrupulnuH the motluMls of somu laud locators In Inducing fnrmers to settle in barren tracts In tho west. STEEL TONNAGE WS C REAS E, .NKW YOItK, Nov. 10 -The un filled tountiRo ot tho Viittcd States Steel corporation on October .11 to talled C.lliS, 152 tons, an Increase ot St 7. S3 1 tons over September. Tho tonnage Increase reported by the l'. 8. Steel corporation todny ex ceeded most forecasts and showed an Increase of almost 100 per cent com pared with the corresponding mouth ot last veor. Not since May of 1913 has tho stent corporation had so largo an amount ot unfilled busluoss on Its ' books. 1'nltod States Stool was the most active feature of tlm stock mar ket today, rising well above Its rocont low level, despite further declines In other Industrials and war shares. AUSTRIA SENDS SECOND j NOTE TO UNCLE SAM, WASHINGTON Nov to The twxl of the sueoud Austro-lluugartan not I ooncwrnlin ox)orttton of war muni-1 tlons frow the Failed Stattui te the j ullltM wss mud public (QNlght b) the staidwartlMWl. It was relvi ' hfoT5i 4Mys n s4 cabUtl suwiaar-1 im ali4x kuive btsfN iwMtalMNt Every Woman Should Know Thoro nro throo ontiroly dif foront kind3 of baking powder, nnmely: (1) Cronm of tnrtnr, dorivod from grnpos ; (2) Altira, n mlnornl' nold; nnd (3) Fhosphnto of Lime. (1) Baking Powdora mndo of 'Cronm of Tnrtnr ndd to tho food tho snmo honlthful qualities that exist in tho ripo grnpo3 from which Cronm of Tnrtnr i3 dorivod. (2) Unking Powdorn mndo of Alum ndd to tho food somo form of Alum or Aluminum, n honvy motal, wholly foroign to any natural nrticlo of food. (3) Phosphnto of Lime is mado from rook or by burning bonoa which by chomical notion nro chnngod into n whito, powderod acid. It is usod in bnking powdori only bocnuso it is a chenpor substituto. A Cteam of Tartar powder nct'er contains Alum or Phosphate. Every housokeopor should road tho namos of tho ingredients printod on the label and know what sho is using. ROYAL BAKING POIVDER CO. M York J COLONEL SARGENT RESIGNS F ROM .CITY COUNCIL Colonel H. II. Sargent Wednesday formally tendered his rcslKuatlon na a member of tho city council from tho j second ward on account of removing to Jacksonville. He was elected in Inn. ...' I ft 1 'I nllll lllo tl.rill nVtllmM .I.U.UlllJ, IU..J, .ll.i. .1... ... ... w... next January. Much rcgrot Is ox- pressed by members of tho council and citizens on account of tho col onel's departure na ho hns been a faithful and conscientious official, Tho reglsnntlon rends as follews: To tho Honorable Muyor and City Council, Mcdford, Oregon. Gentlemen: In view of tho fact that 1 havo bought a homo In Jacksonville and will move there nt once, 1 havo the honor to resign my offlco nu councllmnn of the second ward of tho city to tnko effect tomorrow, Novem ber ltth, 1015. Very respectfully, II. II. SAItGKNT. Mcdford, Nov. 10, 1915. 111.001) Till; SKAT OK DINKASK An eminent authority on nervous diseases has announced that tho blood Is the scat of all dlsenso. How Important, therefore, thnt It bo kept In n pure, healthy condition. For this ptirposo our local druggists, tho Mcdford Pharmacy, guaranteo Vlnol becauso It Is a combination of tho three most successful tonics known, Iron In Its most soluble form, the nicdiclnnl extractives of fresh cod livers, without oil, and tho nourish ing properties of beef peptone. Can you Imagine anything butter? The Biggest Sale MEDFORD HAS EVER KNOWN Starts t WillH. Tomorrow Wilson's Underwear - 10c Black and Tan Sox 5c A lot of Furniture at Next to Nothing BRING YOUR BASKET AND THE CASH We sell at prices you can af ford to pay the cash and carry home the goods Best Creamery Butter, per pound, 30c Jackson County Supply Co. 33 North Grape St. THIS PICTURE SHOWS WHAT WE MEAN BY STYLE You can't point out just where the style is in a well-cut overcoat any more than you can draw a diagram of a man's good character. If it's there, it's there, and you know it. This picture shows what we mean by style; what you want when you're looking for style. Did you ever see a better-looking overcoat? We believe not. We show VARSITY SIX HUNDRED and other stylish coats and raincoats Overcoats made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx at $18 and up Other Overcoats $12 and up Tlusi' ruinous makers set renl style into their clothes bv know ing how. They have the kind of men who know how to roally de sign, ti) carry nut the tailoring and workmanship, to get tho insults. Always in Earnest. ife .v t The limi.c of Hurt, s-luiffufi & !hiw elothoi. i ri I 1 I" 'jfc mJAtld. V