p fEDFORT) MAtft TRTBTJNTC, MEDFORD, ORKflON, WKPyiSSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 191 PAOT3FXY15 ASHLAND ID VICINITY Henri liicckuiiridgo, assistant soo lotniy of vr, accompanied by his wife mid a Hister, .Miss Murgitrot Drockcnridge, wore southbound pus Hcnccrrt curly in tho week on tho wny to Sun I'YnncUeo, where tho 'ocretiiry will attend a eonoutiou of nutionnl Kiuml officers. Tlie Sun Francisco exposition is not the only one Hint litis uiiil out in full; The Allmny "exposition" denied 8 cents, the receipts limhiK been $7"7."0 nnd epciulitiiros $778.88. iliiltiucu will be carried to profit nnd loss Kellednlch neM so:ion. Dave Kuigcnt, light, nnd power em ploye, is reported temporarily dis tillled by the stnto neeident commis sion in its Ashland elusilieution. ho lm iiir sustained n biiiicd hnnd. Mrs. J. I,. Sliced, who bus been vis iti.'iir her sou, Olnn, returns thin week to her home in Illinois. As fur tin St. I.ouis she will bo neootnpnnied by Mr. nnd Mis. Oliver Shipley, on their way to Indiana .ItU'ob Howard Leeds and .Miss Ma bel Maude Powell were married in Lo. Angeles, November 0. The bride (groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Leeds, fonnetly of Ash land, now' of Sun Diego. The bride is i Montana uirl. Young Leeds is em ployed by the General Kleclric Co. of Lou Angeles. He is a graduntc of Stanford itniveiidty nnd nt'terwards took ii post-graduate eourso ut the (lunornl Electric Works, Sohoneetiidy, N. Y. Their home will be in Los An gcles. The Commercial club will banquet at the Hotel Oregon, Thursday even ing, .November 11. This will be no lunch-counter affair, and although given under club auspices, oilioiiH in general nio invited. Outside talent, including Secretary Niblcy of Utah, Contractor Smith of springs develop ment work, C. K. Ontes of Med ford nnd others will ruinforco local speak ers on sundr, topics, especially Ntijrtir beets, while under the influence of lib era! libations of lithin, irrigation measures will also bo discussed, led by ('. 5f. Thniimu of Talent. The gathering will be tho first of a series to be gicn by the club. The week end witnessed over u score of house guusts entertnineU by the police at the Fourth street station, driven to hhelter by the recent cold simp. Fuel is supplied providing tho hoboes out it, but no food. Tho cus ton; of soliciting passengers on the depot platform tor n stray dime or nickel has also been placed under the ban by the police to the discomfiture of the I lamp element, Anent controversy over municipal indebtedness of varum Oiegon'toniis, Ilia obligations of Ashland in this re spect, per official statement, nhiotinl to t:031.0:i. Of this amount $378,500 is rejiiesented bv municipal bonds under v.uious classifications, including tlit .fl7.",000 auxiliary wa ter isMio, and $) 71,7(14,1)11 in Han croft assessment obligations for which the city Mauds sponsor. Against these liabilities there i" a credit of .f 18,087.71 cash on hand. The Ashland nchool district has !",. 000 outstanding bonds. This entnc showing is favorable when eoinpnied ith vaiiotin other Oiegun towns Sinking fund requirements are rigidly adhered to in icducing the indebted ness. ' Iny Looslev and wife of Foil Klamath wore here early in the week Msitiug with relatives in the Neil fam ilies, preliminary to making an ex position trip to San Franciseo. The funeral of Miss Mildicd Diake with held Tuesday afternoon at tho icsidcnce of Dr. S. J. P.uson. Her death oeeuiicd suddenly in Portland on Sunday last. lutunnent was in Ashland ccmeter. She was an Ash laud girl, daughter of F. M. Drake, lormer well-known icrddcnt hcie, now of Woodbmn, and had been pursuing a tiaincd muse course in Portland. .Mrs. F.. Ci. Owen is the grandmother and Mrs. Hi. Parson an aunt of the deceased. Ite. M. C. Reed and wife left for San Finneiseo on Tuesday, and Mr. and Mr. Hanv Hosier havo also con cluded to i-it the exposition, leaving on Wednesday. Supeiiutcudent Hiiehnnan of the llelloiow xdiool. now oeoupio the Mikseh to null in that locality, liming acated the Madges proHiity, Mr. and Ms. W. K. Olcndeiiiiing have ictiinied lioin Siskiyou count, where thny were summoned bv the' mi tons illness of their-brother. John A. Qlendenning, chairman of the boaid of Mipervi-orn, who died at (iiecnueu last week, aged nearly "() enrx. The funoial was held at Foit Jones. Deceased leaves n wife and live children. Auto license shopping will be done eaily tin. cnsoii, ina-muoh as no tices icgardintr numbers tor 1010 hne already been n-n' Ii the se're t.irv of stain to every owner of lejriw tered huh hut throughout Oregon, ini'ludiuic -30(i mhos, ru.'ifl motor ic eles -HUH) chnii ft em, nnd 173 deal ers. Thin has been dune in anticipa tion of the liict thut present rogi I ration- do not oMiv until Decern hei 31, 1015, thus jjning owner, plenty of tio to eoniplv with require incuts. It remains to be seen Iww iiijinv local auto owner mil be dm- Freckles and His i ,' -AM0M V:N;r r i:A?b-- , V7MY, PONT W OH, SORE, WE -'"T fSEE.toUKE " W$&hrr n'' I WEBECOMk- SAY, MISS BROWN, KNOW WHERE" - BORROW IT ' C ' T LIVE IN Tlc ffl 77V 1 AW, I BET .!.- fMS BROWN, f W ILL YOU TELL WouR SUGAR ) cdomP ni D ' & ' CUBA.WOOLDNT rg, IrUBAh W0U ' ? ' W'U-AST US WU6W3 f?0MES FROM? UA ffiRlSwl yoUSLtM?) nnjll j2bl J KMOW ' ,) uepj j CUBA IS ? M J ) NEIGHBORS !j J$ j ' f j7 tf fit " -JgiTf - , h -- - '-'- ?'L. J-u- , t :rvfc.t ..,. ., ' . , 1 ing 'heir machines in 101 fi on IJUTi numbers and ranked as piocriislinat- ors. Mr. Mayfield passed through here Sunday on his wny to the .Meadows. Frank Hodgers and family of Hcagle hac moud to Gold Mill, whero they will niako their home for some time. E. I). Willutc is rebuilding their liou.su into n bungalow, which will im prove their placo very much. A surpriso play paity was given last Thursday night on Mr. and Mrrf. Dcford and family. There weie thirty-six people picsent and played a number of games. At midnight thny served sandwiches, enko and coffee. They all vent away reporting whnt a fine tiinu they had. Dill Morrison nnd wifo spent the past Sunday visiting Hurt Chapman and fa mil). A number of tin jitney unto run ners passed by Sntuidny night taking passengers to the lteagle dance. Tom Peirv of the Chnppaiell dis trict is having a new well dug. Will Abbott of Applcgnte is mak ing his folks a pleasant visit at Chap pa roll. ' A. farowoll surprise party was given la At Saturday night on Mr. nnd Mrs. Armstrong nnd family. With nil there were sixty-fic people who cnjo'l'd n line time. At midiiighl there was it good supper served. Mi'. Armstrong and family will leave for Cresuwoll, Willnnietlu Valley, whore they' will make their home. TIumo are inniiv friends that lire sorry to nee tho fam ily leave. The young folks will be surf mis-cd at tho social' gatherings. Among those who wetc Central Point usitors lust Thui,duy weie: Jasper Roducrs, the Hoagle merchant; Mrs. Pciey Chapmun, Viola Chapman and Ora Vincent and Opal Centers. Blanch Hodgoix is staving this week Willi her sister. Mrs Percy Chapman. The win has helped the farmer-) around here, as neatly all of them can plow. Mr. Defoid and Otto Ticsham were down along the liver Inst Thursday. George Lawrence huulul a heavy load of wood to town Tuesday R. F. Dean and familx were hhop pins iu Medford S.iturdav. Fitch Snydi-r ol Gold Hill isited friends in this district Saturday and Sunday. Miss Helen Parker enioved a visit with her parents sevtinl day-, lat week. Mn.. Frank McKec transacted bus iness in Medfoid Sntuidny. Mr. and Mi. W. A. Thompson were dinner gue-ts of Dr. and Mis. Me Crncken of Ross Lane Siindny. Mr. T. M. Jones of Coming, Cab, is visiting her M-4crs, Mrs. J, P. Hoaglnud and Miss Mildix-d Elliott, at the home of the former. Mr. and Mrs. William MoMulliu of Fugenc spnt sex oral days with Ml. Fied St'iiube. MUs .Milieent King lelt Wednesday for her home in Illinois utter a vor, pleasant summer with hcrii-ter, Mr. R. W. Elden. Mr. W. D. C'hirko and daughter, Doris, returned from' Portland Sun divv after n iit with friend; and rclutiveii. Mr. and Mrs. .loliu Sity enjoyed Sciuhiy dinner with Will Parker mid famil". Mis.. Kent tier of Medford " and Fletcher Fish of Puoenix kpent the week end with the Missus Hamilton. A erv iihsising cnteitainment was held Ht the Agute sehoolhoiioe Sahir day e'cniusr. The Asate and Willow Spunas (Ir.inges participated in the piograie. Tin ieMil served h the Inibes of the Agote Gram whs am ple and much enjoyed. The lidlowui" progfiain .is iwudewsL The WiIIjw Spring-, (iianae will en tertain the nieirlxTs miK a )iHiiit and rrofmw Suturduv eenu.. Mi-s. O. S. Welehoi onUrt.iir.cd t'i iiieinbei ol the P.trot l'.imi-' club at her bu"Sl"W s.iturdav alt ANT10GH ITEMS Friends omooti. sue. was assisted oy .Mrs. ,i. P Hoagland. There Mere interesting discussions and delectable refresh ments were served. Mrs. H. MeClintic and two childien, Florence and Holland, lelt for Albic (incnpic, N. M., where they will reidi! iu the future. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Tlieo. Fish and dnughtcr, Mrs. W. A. Thompson, entertained at dinner n nunihrr of guests nt the home of Mi's. Theodniu Fish in Phoenix, jointly celebrating their birthdays. After re freshments duueing prevailed until a lute hour. Mr nnd Mrs. Fred Wilson moved to their new homo in Illinois valley Tues day. Tils. Kennedy necomimnied them and will return iu a few weeks for his family. Violin solo, Albert Korgey; vocal solo, jfiss Rose Jones; paper, "How to Reduce the High Cost of Living by Raising poultry and Other Stock on tho Farm," Mrs. R. W. Eldcn; vocal solo, Herbert Clnike; reading, Mrs. W. A. Cowley; piano solo, Miss Klhel Denn; vocal solo, R. W. Elden; rend ing W A.. Cow ley ; vocal solo, Miss F. MoNasscr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sterns nnd James and Earl PeVtoii motored to .Medford on Monday and relumed the same even ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mooney mid sou eam-i up on tho mull ituge Tuesday. Mrs. Cobleigh and friend, Miss Pot lee, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Daw son. Mr. and Mi. Vinson were tiNc visiting the Dawsons the lirst of the week. Frank and Hazel Uitsworth went I to the valley Tursdnv and returned Kmltiy. Gun DithWorth came home the lirst of the week from valley points. Mrs. Lewis enmo up homo on the unto stage Thursday. Mrs. Hioomfield went to Medford Tliursdny. Her small son was with her. Mr. Jlroonitield nNo went to town the last of the week and re lumed Sunday. Mrh. Cobleigh and Miss Potter went home Satin day. Frank Hits worth took them to thi station. Aunt Susy Higiiibntham is sick at precnt writing. Her son, John, and his wife haul been there tho past week but went home Monday. licit Higinbothnm and family will stay with Aunt Susy and Undo Hen for u time now. Mr. Edmonson's daughter, Miss Gladys Holmes, is also sick and has been for several weeks. Mis, Lizzie Nichols prcpatcd sup per nt Mr. Vaughn"', Satiudnv night lor tho Misnc Porter, Erskine and Ditsworlh, niul Uriah and Hoy Vnughiiu nnd Hobnit Ditsworth. Later the vniing people attended the dance at the power hint given by JannV Embrv Mh nnd Mis .John Wulkei of Trail brought a load of Irosh pork to tho power plant nnd Pi aspect Suiidin and lutiirncd home Monday. Mr. McKcc has siicccedid in run ning tho automobile on his mail route up to this time, but thinks ho will huve to tiy ill i ing tho hack gain now. Curl HiuhnnKon went to the al ley again last week to have sonic den tal work done. Jim Embiy went down the powet lino Monday on a trip of inspection. Ho intei'ds to go on to Mcdiord. Moosrs. Nelson Nye and Joe Plupps nuule a ti.p to ( cntrat Point lasL week. Hoiinco Rook is numbered nmon'j the snow c.tp-, at present. GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW 2 for 25c COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT stHHKHtasBSstfstfaHBIHH cmcTT rtABJODY a co. inc. - CQURTHOUSENEWS Reportc-d by Jackson County AU trct Co., Blxth tnd Ftr Bu. Circuit Sndio Roinmie vs. Clevclnnd Rom mic, tcturit of sutiuiiotis. E. J. Stewart vs. W. T. Dozicr, suit to foreobjso chattel mortgage. J. C Hv & T Association vs. J. C. Rhodes ol til., demurrer of JneLson county. Frank P. Hrosius vs. Southern Pa cific Co., motion. C. M. Thomas et al. vs. Southern Pacific Co., answer of defendant. Probata Guardianship of Curtis W. Thomas, Until report. Estnto of George K. Wait, inven tory" nnd Appraisement. KtJtnto of V. L. Chapped, petition tor final settlement nnd linal ac count. Estate of and guardianship of Nn, oini Scott ct ill, order, final report. Itcnl I.tnto TiiuiNfcrs Gruee V. Huefly ct ir to A. I). Knight, land in see. 'Jl-38-1W. ... ... f3,000 W. H. Johnsgn ct ux to Grace V. Huefly; land in sec 'Jl-38-4W. 800 Ida Fryear el vie to W. II. Frvear, land in bite. U-3,"i-av HI W L Edmondsoii et u. to An drew II. Qhaitraw, laud iu see. 28.,'U-IE 1,000 T. C I.affertv el ux to II. L. While, lots iu block ''J. Eu reka Add.. Ashland 1 W. S. Weston et ux to Leavitt E. Camfield, lots iu Fruitdale Add., Medford - 10 Sarah N. Strang et vir to Alma T. Young, land in twp. 30-1 E- . 1.0"0 Catherine McKec ct ux to Alma T. Young, land in twp. 30 1E. 100 Xotlco of Assessment Callfornlu-Oiegiin l'swer Company. Location of principal place of bind uebs: Sun Francisco, California. 1 I CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Tako a t-lau of Salts i f your Back harts or Bladder bothers you Drink more water. If you must havo your meat ev ry day, at It, but Hindi your Mdneyn with nails occasionally, nays a noted authority who tells us that meat forms urlo acid which almost pnralja-a tho kiilncya In their ef forts to cxp! it from tho hlood. They Wouio -luiah and weaken, then you uffer with a dull misery In tho kidney region, tharp pains in the back or sick headache, dirrineu, your stomach aouri, tongue It coaled nnd when tho weathor la had you havo rlicumntio twinge. Tho urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, tho channels often get soro und irritated, obliging ou to seek relief two or thrvo time during tlio night. To ncutrnliM theao Irritating acids, to cleanse tlio kidneys and flush olf tho body's urinous waste get four oiinc-ea of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; tako a tahlespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a tow days and your kidneys will then act flue. Hi Is famous anils Is raado from tho acid of grape and lemon juice, combined with I lithia, and has been used for. generations to flush and stimulate- sluggish kidneys, I also to ncutralire the acids in urine, so it no longer irritate, mus enuin Madder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive s cannot in- Iure, and makes a delightful effervescent lthia-water drink. HOTEL OXFORD Newest and Best in GRANTS PASS, ORE. Embodies every convenience and comfort found In a modern hotel, (lot and cold water, steam boat and telephono Iu evory room. Largo heerful lobby with opon fire, Well Lighted Knniplo Hooiux. Raton moderate. Auto-bus to all trains, Medford trado especially solicltod, F. W. STREETS, Prop. Nolcu la hereby given, that nt a mecUrig of tho directors hold on Wcdncsdny, Oct. aotb. 1915, an nrf Bossnicnt (so. a) of Ono Dollar per tdiaro wan levied upon tho capital Block of tho corporation, payablo Im mediately to tho Secretary, nt tho otflco of tho corporation, No, 131 Lolilcadorft Street, Son Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this ushcrs mont ahnll romnln unpaid on Wcd ticftday, Decomhor 15th, 1015, will bo delinquent nnd advertised for saw nt public auction, nnd, unless pay ment Ih niailo lioforo, will bo sold on Wcdncsdny. Jnnunry 12lh, 19 10. at th(i hour or 12 M., to pay tho dolln quont nHKciiHiucnt, together IUi tho costs of ndvortlHlng and cxpeunes of sale. Dated October 20th, 1D1G. AM2X j. nosnoiiouoH. Bccrotnry of California-Oregon Power Compnny. Office: No. 131 Loldesdorff Street, Sua Francisco, California. KOU UK.M FUKOKStlKt) IIOOSIH FO lfu KNT Fiirntsbcsl rooms o n C also liouso lieoplnc rooms, cIobo In. 004 South Contra!. FOH HUNT Very pleasant furnish ad room with private family: cIoro in; cheap. Inqillra evenings, 2.16 N, Contrnl. 201 fou i:i;nt nonnKicERPiNa HOOMrt FOH HENTMod"crn fiirnisiiod hotiHckiiopIng rooms, cheap; closo In. 23 4 East 0th, 20S l.'OK KENT nODBKS FO H H E NTNicei y fu r iiTHhod 7l vo roomed bungalow, all conveniences, clone. 417 J st., cor. So. Onkdaln nnd 11th Sts. 199 FOR RENT Ten room house, un furnlHhcd or partly riirnlHhed; fur nace. Mis, J. E. Watt, Phono 381-J1. 203 FOR RENT Modern G-rooin buiiKa low. Phono 31'J.J, ur Inquire, nt C10 S. Oakdnle. 101 FORHENT Nicely furnished bun unlow. Phono 929-W. 199 FOR RENT Furnished modern house. W, II. Everhard, 1013 W. 9th street. FOH RENT Woll furnished modorn bungalow. 422 South Laurel. FOR RENT MINUKMWINICOUS FOR RENT 14 acres, partly In bear ing orchard; houso nudtools; 1 Vt miles from city limits, Phono DSn-L. 20 1 FOH RENT 1C0 acres 7',i miles from Gold Hill, 20 acres In culti vation, balance limber, cIobo to good range. For terms, etc., np ply to C. W. Dow, Gold Mill, or Geo. M, Ilonncy. Medford. 202 FmiLEAsl?---Rlch rfvorbottom land. Finn for nurdonlni;, corn and potatoes. H caro Mail Tri bune FOR SALE RBAIj KSTATM FOH SALE Or tiade, cheap, two lots Central Point, block 70. Lot tie Pellc, Trail, Oregon. 100 FOR SALE Fnrm land, fruit land, tlmbor land, land from $5.00 por aero upwards on long time. Gold Ray Realty Co, FOR BALK MISCITlifjAJtKOOB FOiThALB l" v. Ill tnko orilorsfor Tlianksglvlm: turkoja Saturday, Nov. 13, at llooth 3, Medford Mar ket. Dellvured at your house alive, drcHscd or dinwn. T, F. Smith. 200 FOR HALE-GrAlii hay und wheat WHY? -T g youit HUHINKHS TO ft KB MR Because my ston. rn trado Is to have, optioned at tho lowest cash prlco tho best buy In this county. I have been on too ground look ing out for you for the past five years. Nearly everyday I hato In vestigated somo "good thins." I hare eliminated everything except those deals which I nra convinced will se e.uro me satisfied customers. In a fow hours time I can give you the benefit of this research. It is my business to show you over the county and Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. Bee Med ford first and J. C. BARNES llM Vot Uatu titaMt FOH SAijE-y-anmntiiiiAXKOUS FOU SALE Cheap, two Cyphers In cubators. Madden Ilanch, Central Point. Phono BO0-J3. 200 FOH SALE Separator, na good as now. Pltoae 304. 203 FOH SALE Ono Oliver No. C type writer, nearly now, chenp, Hnn kln Eatos, 2S North Front St. 201 FOH SALE -Baled grain liny, $12 per ton. Phono G71-H-4. 2Q3 FOH SALE Ford touring car. Phone 79-H. 200 FOH HALE Hcnl Ited Hhodo Island Red cockerels for brooding, bred by double Hpokano winner Inst sliow. Ernest Webb, Central Point. 102 .. ,., , ... .- .... ... I. FOH SALE Ovorjnnd touring car; snap for quick sale. Pliono ?, Lin 14, Central Point. 302 FOH BALI Stock. beets nnd carrots COO per ton. F. L. Cnton. Cen tral Tolnt, R. F. D. No. 2, Phono 29x3. 222 FOR SALE IlcardloHS nnd bearded barloy. Phono .10, Dr. Clancy. FOH SALE Angora, goata. Ed Whlto, Climax, Ore. 213 HEAL ESTATE FOH 8ALE AJI kinds of property for salo or ox chanco, Uold Hny Realty Co. FOR SALE Polo mountain buggy, good as now. Palmer Investment Co,, Modoc Orchard. FOH SALEFord touring car. In qulio nt Nash Hotel. ' FOH SALE Stamp mill, mlnloff cars and trade rail, pumps, hoists, atr compressor, air drills, mining ni-a chlnory, tools and nupplles, Iron and hydraulic pipe nil sizes, nt halt prlco. Address M, caro Trlbuno. i-i FOU HALrliiri51TOCX FOR SALE Teajn good work mnres ITS; 33 nlcu shoals, $50.00. a. Allder, Hoss Lane. 202 FOH SALE Stable. -Pair of mules. Nash 199 FOH SALE 15 horses. 12 heavy work mnres, Inquire Vinson's Burn, N, Hlvursldu Avo. 210 HELP WANTEH FEMALE WANTEi)FirsTdaVBCok Call mornings. 200 WANTED A cnpnblo woman donioii strator for ono week, Paul's Elec tric Storo. 190 WANTED A mlddlo-nrjod womnu for Iioiiho work; faro paid ono wny to Wcod, Calif. Address Box 471. .Medford. Oro. 199 WANTKt SITUATIONS wXNI-Worit by d u yhoTi r"or"job by man with team; albo wo havo alfalfa, grain, hay and straw and wood for sale. Loo Young, Phono 7-F4. 221 WANTED MIlUT-MjlIVtiOUr) WAED DIO "sad?s" wlVeat? Xd dress II. U. Eudcru ec Sons, Ash lund. 200 WANTED Music pupllsT F7anl7 An dorson, new orgunist, Pngo theater, tenchor of piano. Phono 900-M, 102 WANTED Havo party to rent strict ly modorn hungntow, woll located, either furnished or unfurnished, Bonnctt Investment Co. WANTED Largnknlttlng nilll "in vites correspondenco from women desirous of earning money, part or full tlmo. Good pay. Kxporluuce unnecessary. Iutoruatlonal Mills, Inc., Norrlstown, Pa, 200 FOB KMniAi-iua TO TRADE Good cow for heavy work horse. II. Luut. Talent, R. H. No 1. 200 FOR TRADE--3 4 ill." wTigonTPhoua 778-.I. 301 NEW TODAY I have ono of tho finest outlaying stock ranches In tho county. Four hundred acres nearly all of It Is ag ricultural laud, and half of It Irri gated, Kino Improvements, well out In the froe outrange About $5000 worth of personal property goes with It. Prlco '22,000, and a great buy at thut price. Fine llttlo placo close, to pavement In Grants pass, hI.x acres, some al falfa, and some fruit. Would trade oloar for Medford proporty. C. D. HOON Room 1(1, Jmkhon County Ibuik Itldtf. By Blosser HUSIXT.SS DIRECTORY Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant la tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Kiftocnth St., Portland, Ore, Attonic) GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney., nnd ....Notary, Room 9, Jackson County ....Hank Uulldlng, Medford, Oro. PORTER J. NEFF, WJL P. MEALBT Attorneyn-at-Law, Rooms S and 9, Medford National Hank bids. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER aarnett Corcy bldgj O. M. ROBERTS Lawyer. Medford National Dank Building. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. C. VAN 8COYOO Dentists Garnott-Coroy Bldg., tilto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono SCO. Collections mid Reports COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collected como accounts 1 yenra old. Wo know haw to get the money. Tho lluuoclc Mercantile Agency, Inc.k Rooms 1, 3, 3, Has klns'IUdK., 210 E. Main st. ICiiKtnccr and Contractor FRED N. CUMMINCIS Snglnccr and contractor, 401 M. F. & II. Bids. Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation drainage orchard and lnud Im provement. Gur lingo GARBAGE Got your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbnga wngous for good service Phono 274-L. F. Y. Allon. Instruction In Music HAIGIIT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, GarneU-Corey bldg. Fred Al ton Halght, piano; Mrs. Florence IlulUduy Halght, volco. Phone 72. Pbyslclnus nnd Surgeons iiR?"i' '" a. " c ah lo wl un. bva MAINS CAHLOW Ostcopatbto physicians, 410-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phone 103C-L. Rosldonce 20 South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathlo physician, 303 Gnrnctt-Coroy building. Phono 90 t-M. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, oar, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glusses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co. Offlcos M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Pliono 567. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician nnd surgeon Phones, offlco 36, rosl denco 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. 8. A LOCICWOOD DR MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 300-310-311, M. F. & H. bldfcT. Phonos, rosldonce S14-J3, office 814, DR. MARTIN C, BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Headaches and block, opposito Nash hotel. Houra 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono U0-J, T. G. HEINE, M. D. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Headaches and uorvous conditions rolloyed by properly fitted glasses. Cross eyes) straightened. Offlco 238 E. Mala st.phouo 303. Consultation froo. Vi Intel a"d Publisher? MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office. In southern Oregon; book binding:, lonso loaf lodgers', billing systems, etc, Portland prices, 27 North. Fir st. Public Stenoitriiptier feN-S-t---'tawiS--k--ta---l----a--a-iki---tli M. T. EDWARDS, Bteographor and Multlgraphluc, Rooms 403-110 Gnmett-Coroy building, Office phono 709-J, restdenco phone 103-H. Tranofors EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front st. Phone 313. Prices right. Servlco guar anteed. afc. LEAHN WATCHMAKING Take the right step now; pleasant, profitable work not overdone; few months learning: positions guaran teed; wrlto for references and partic ulars. Portland Watchmaking, Er KravliiK nnd Optical School SIR Com mn'nuoaltb Bldg., 0th and AultOHr, I'oruunu, urucou, m